@Boston Celtics

Joe Mazzulla FIRING BACK at Jason Kidd?! The Celtics are MORE than their ‘HUGE’ stars | Get Up

Joe Mazzulla FIRING BACK at Jason Kidd?! The Celtics are MORE than their ‘HUGE’ stars | Get Up

doic three-pointer over poring is puts it in Luca doic with 23 now in the first half desp special play from Luka donic they’re down by three nice pass holiday layup is good a brilliant game from Drew holiday oh pitcher at the buzzer white has to hoist up a three-pointer and it’s good holiday at three bang Washington Drive blocked by white oh what a block from Derek white a smothering defense here in the fourth quarter in the Celtics going to take a two nothing lead in the [Applause] finals it’s been so balanced for the Celtics they have five players averaging 15 points a game through the first two games of these finals last team to do that the legendary 87 Lakers who beat the Celtics and six that year that team had magic Kareem James Worthy Byron Scott and Michael Cooper and then Joe missou last night after the game was talking about this balanced attack I’m really tired of hearing about one guy or this guy or that guy and everybody trying to make it out to be um anything other than Celtic basketball and uh everybody that play stepped on that court tonight made winning plays on both ends of the floor it’s the most important thing and then to answer your question Jason makes greatness look easy he does it in a lot of different ways he does it on defense he does it on rebounding does it on passing does it on screening um he’s a tremendous player and honored to coach him and he has the ability to affect the game in different ways we’re a different team but uh it takes everybody to do it that should answer everyone’s question you go Joe I love every word of that that should answer everybody’s question who is he Wendy who is he talking to yeah sure us dopes in the media can make a lot about the Jason Tatum thing who is he actually talking to there well he’s talking to a lot of different people and he’s talking about a lot of different situations over the last few years but directly I think he’s taken a shot back at Jason kid because um on Saturday Jason kid in an active gamesmanship that was try pretty transparent uh referred to Jaylen Brown not once but twice as the Celtics best player I think in an effort to create a little bit of a diversion the Celtics didn’t take the bait and clearly in this game as Drew holiday and Chris epsp porzingis were dominant and they got great performances from Derek white and others uh very clearly that’s not the way they play they’ve moved well past that there may have been a time where that was a real conversation and that was potentially a real sticky Point those days are long gone this is an awesome team they’ve been an awesome team for months now and they’re two wins away from winning the championship as an awesome team big perk how about that Dynamic you’ve been on teams with huge Stars the three guys together in Boston the young guys together in Oklahoma City how about that Dynamic for these guys where they are right now oh it’s a special thing and look we’ve been giving a lot of praise to Jason kid throughout these playoffs and rightfully so but Joe Missoula has been coaching his ass off and has been winning that battle on the sideline as well but we have the right to ask about Jason Tatum because we’ve seen this behavior from him before especially in the finals now look granted he has the right pieces around him but in this series right now he’s 12 from he’s 12 for 38 from the field but I will say Joe Missoula The Cutting that he’s probably emphasized in the film room it’s showed right they’re not just hanging on the three-point line they’re doing other things and again Joe moula is doing what he do best right sticking up his players but he’s also putting them in position to be successful his rotations have been on point I think it’s a brilliant idea the way he’s been staggering Al Horford and Kristof Ping’s minutes everything that he’s been doing has been great but I will say this Jay kid if he was playing the game he wasn’t lying though Jaylen Brown has been their best player in this postseason and he’s been the best player in these NBA finals for the Boston Celtics yeah unless Drew holiday has been the best player which frankly you can make that argument if you want to look legs I don’t I’ve lost track of whether this matters or not at this point uh anymore I mean Tatum’s going to get his contract this summer regardless of whether he’s the MVP of this series or not will they need I guess you were talking earlier legs about the the Mavericks playing for their season on Wednesday night and that’s what they’re doing will the Celtics need Tatum to carry them at some point to win this series not necessarily if Dallas doesn’t play better offensively no they won’t and you know I look at Jason Tatum this way I think we don’t sometimes talk enough about some of the other things that he does do to impact the game with his defense and his rebounding and and look we just talked about Drew holiday having a 25 and 10 game in the finals on that level shooting in for an individual game Jason tatums had three times in the last five years in the entire postseason where he averaged 25 and 10 to rebound the ball the way that he does as a small forward and what that does to impact your defense because cleaning up the defensive glass is a huge part of Team defense he’s been Sensational in this series in doing that his defense is always top-notch in terms of his effort he has not shot the ball well he didn’t shoot the ball well in 2022 in the finals either the difference is with this particular team it may not matter as much because of the different number of guys they have on a given night that can play well offensively if Dallas doesn’t start making some threes out of their role players to take pressure off Luke and Kyrie and if Kyrie Irving does not raise his level uh to what we expect from a guy that good offensively then it won’t matter what Jason Tatum shoots in this series all right so so just finally Allan just put a ribbon on this for me like you’re a talk show host I’m a talk show host this Jason Tatum thing I want to play a new game it’s called is this a thing or is it not a thing is the Jason Tatum thing a thing or not it’s only a thing where we put him now among the best players in the league that’s where it’s a thing because maybe this is is a great team but I don’t know if he’s somebody you put top five in the league if he’s relying on team play more than I’ll have a game where we win a championship because of my performance fair enough so I still don’t know if it’s a thing or not a thing it’s a thing no it’s a thing in the NBA one way or another so that’s with their story last night we saw Chris Taps porzingis hobbling around a little bit yesterday which frankly is something we’ve seen a lot of Wendy you were there you were talking to everyone after the game what do we know yeah so he’s going to go for an MRI today to get that leg checked it looked to me like it was his left leg uh there was a sense uh within the Celtics last night that this wasn’t a serious injury porzingis himself said that he would not miss game three no matter what he even said the sort of cryptic I would die out there I would just say historically he’s been dealing with a right calf injury a right leg injury sometimes you see the other other side because of overuse or over burden sometimes get affected so we’ll see about that he was not good after this play and so much to the point where the Celtics were you giving up the lead and Joe Missoula had to call timeout to take him out of the game because he was struggling so much so if Dallas is looking for something to pay attention to it could maybe be a little bit of a turn in the series not so much as even if porzingis can play or not but how effective can he be if now he’s dealing with the left leg injury as well all right so we’re going to use like the OG anobi has become the line now right like the Mendoza Line in baseball like is he above or below where OJ anobi was when they played him in game seven perk if if if if porzingis can’t be very effective does that change the entire NBA Finals hell yeah it does look I said before the series he’s the most important player to the Boston Celtics hanging the banner and if you look at game one we saw what he did 20 points in the first half I believe no 18 in the first half 20 you know for the game and then last night when it seemed like you know Luca was ready to take the life out of the crowd all of a sudden Joe missula come in with Christoper zingas and he made timely baskets and got defensive stops in his size and lit started to bother the Dallas Mavs and all of a sudden the Celtics went on the run his impact has been tremendous I know Drew holiday has been balling I know Jaylen Brown been doing his thing but christop porzingis and what he’s brought to the table he has been the unsung hero and he’s the most important piece to the puzzle of the Celtics hanging Banner number 18 if he’s not healthy and cannot give him the minutes give the Celtics the minutes that they’ve been given then all of a sudden this series can change all right we’ve got a lot more to get to on this series [Music]

On Get Up, Brian Windhorst, Kendrick Perkins, Tim Legler and Alan Hahn join Mike Greenberg to address Joe Mazzulla’s comments on Jayson Tatum, the Boston Celtics’ “complete” roster and how the series could pan out with the Celtics up 2-0.

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  1. If Luka can’t defend at an average level for the rest of the series it doesn’t matter if Tatum shoots well or not. Luka’s defense has been unacceptably bad and no one is talking about it. Luka has been playing all time bad defense. He’s a turnstile. The Celtics attack him every possession and get a paint touch on every possession because of it. Luka alone is putting his team in rotations they can’t keep up with and it’s letting to 18 wide open 3’s a game for the Celtics.

  2. Perk needs to understand thst games are not played to please him or his foolish thinking, He is NOT a coach, he doesn't know the game plan or the REASON the celtics play great players according to the Team's Needs ! Just watch and give commentary of what is being displayed on the court. Later let the players telll us why they do what they do and don't expect to get all the details of a game plan !

  3. 5:56 So you can only be a top player if you score a lot of points and don't sacrifice those points for the betterment of the team, got it 😂

  4. look how they spend so much time talking about Tatum than how impressive celtics have been in these last 2 games

  5. Coaches just gotta let people play and find their niche. I’d get tired of answering the same bs as well. Everyone goes through slumps.

  6. 0:001:43 he’s talking to you dumb @$$e$ at ESPN. You waged a psychological war against Americans(in particular African American players) to prop up international players. If Jason Tatum was from Canada y’all would be propping him up like SGA.

    ESPN(NBA stakeholders/etc) apparently have waged a psychological warfare campaign increasingly against African American players by a significant share/portion of the National coverage (ESPN/NBA/stakeholders/etc) is not appreciated. We understand that the NBA and the powers that be want to expand a larger share/portion of a global market because what makes dollars makes sense in our capitalism BUT to attempt to tear down African American led teams/players(i.e. Jason Tatum, etc) in an attempt to promote/impact/prop-up the success of international/(American players of a particular hue) players is a step too far to undermine confidence through psychological warfare means against African American players to build up international players success to build up international business and potential revenue streams and recruitment, etc bla blah bla… like if Jason Tatum and Jalen Brown would’ve said they were from Canada(SGA)/Europe/Africa(to a lesser degree) thn the NBA and international media would’ve attempted to give them positive backing instead of blatantly transparent psychological warfare tactics such as but not limited to: divide and conquer

    NBA/ESPN has been paid off or has transparent agenda to influence big media influences to take part in the degradation of the top echelons of nba players/etc that are primarily tend to be African American. It’s becoming increasingly apparent how much the NBA, media and the influences/powers that want a larger international/White-American market … because in part – what makes dollars , makes “cents” (pun intended)✅

    Thanks Shaq for calling out the insidious behavior of nba, national media aspirations, and the trickle down effect it has down to the influencers/etc

    Never against expanding the market to increase positivity/recruitment/etc for international/white-American players/etc but it’s not necessary to do so by tearing down African American players through cheap psychological warfare that has been more than excessive to say the least.

    But the history of coverage like this when it comes to African Americans has not been that far removed. To bring back this gimmick is sad time in history. Most of us are not fans of Mavs(Kyrie) or Celtics(Jason Tatum/etc) , but the way the national coverage has been targeting players of a certain color to prop up players with a more marketable skin color, nationality, demographics, etc … we all are increasingly about to be galvanized to support two teams that most don’t like, to counter the snakes at such as but not limited to ESPN/etc.. I wish there were a way for both Kyries player led Mavs and Jason’s/Browns led Celtics to all win – for both player led teams to win/tie just to stick it to these insidious snakes @ ESPN/etc

    Perk (amd people like Paul Pierce) are just paid in full puppets/dummies for the snakes … they say jump Peek says how high. No loyalty to his country and countrymen/women… ESPN puts a target on American players in an attempt to i.e. divide and conquer, it’ll only be a matter of time before the people catch on and rise up to support those being impacted/targeted unjustly by psychological warfare against them due to players being African American and having that market exhausted to squeeze any more value from/out-of that demographic. ESPN/etc doesn’t have to tear down one nationality/race to build-up/prop-up other nationalities/races. We can all win.

    We are STRONGER TOGETHER ✊🏾not divided

  7. ESPN has yet to call out Luka’s lack of defense and Luka not being a team player on defense. Luka (and Kyrie) are liabilities on defense in the totality of the games/series.. Luka has to be one of the worst defensive teammates to have, instead of him putting any effort on defense he just yells at his teammates to cover for his lack of effort… yall don’t cover that for the Mavs … y’all still just taking pot shots (psychological warfare) at Jason Tatum and Kyrie.. while propping up Lukas defense like he’s some great teammate defender lmfao ESPN I has no shame. What makes dollars makes “cents”, but it don’t always make ethical/sound/logical “sense”.

    Selfish gaudy stat hunters – points, double-double and triple double stats for the “all about me” players like James Harden (Westbrook) and Luka(a larger version of James Harden) are more marketable duh but ESPN acts like they only have the competency to cover the most simpleton stats and nothing else. Like why doesn’t t players like Luka’s impact not match their production since becoming “superstar” status. How does Lukas impact vs production since coming into the league compare to other acclaimed “superstars” of the past.

    Media doesn’t value team players and team play because it’s not as marketable for simpletons so they bash the team players that have the mentality of how can one be beneficial to their team instead of the selfish “how can I look the best for myself and only myself” mentalities that the media is propping up and promoting .. which isn’t an issue but there’s no need to tear down top echelon players who happen to be all around high IW team players for team game-wins

  8. Tatum.. Top notch D? Did you notice that Dallas switched up to try to get Tatum on defense every single possession? He playing playing good but he’s not his normal self.

  9. Come on Perk. Yes his impact has been tremendous. If you watch the C's like Joe said it's a team sport and you can't stop everyone. With or without KP.


  11. Tatum doesn't care about what y'all saying. He wants to win a championship 🏆☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️

  12. Imma say this… Tim Duncan was part of a system team (Spurs) he won 2007 Finals MVP averaged 18pts 11Reb 3Ast and was the best player/1 for the Spurs… So why cant Tatum Average 17pts, 10Reb, 8Ast and win Finals MVP and be the best player for the Celtics? Todays Media and fanbase just expects everyone to be Michael Jordan when they touch the court and they expect teams to win purely of their Star players scoring stats…

  13. Joe Mazuzulla inherited a championship team. Hoenstly he isn't doing much. Once Embiid went down, it was a lock Boston was making the Finals. He hoenstly isn't doing nearly as much as other coaches needed to do in these playoffs

  14. KP is a great asset, but the C’s got so much to rein burst for his absences… sit him until next season if he’s super fragile…

  15. ESPN now testing out the 'can we start beef between JB and JRue' lines.

    How did this network end up here? Without a moment to talk sports deeper than this kind of drama, or about national issues at all? The random people I talk to in comment sections are better able to articulate 'who the best player on team X' is than anyone on any of ESPN's shows, bc this is a terrible format for this discussion.

    Celebrate more, scream at each other less.

  16. Mozzzerla don’t even be coaching let’s be real can’t believe he getting a ring juss by being there

  17. JT will not win FMVP but it don't matter. The media will still put him up front because he's a good guy, smiles. JB doesn't smile always mean mugging, serious face, not friendly but he will lead his team to another ring

  18. that is shameful to say Tatum is not a great player because he is a team player and refuses to make it about himself.

    I wish I could say I'm surprised, but ESPN has no shame as we all know.

  19. So sick of Perkins. Why did he leave Boston and become their biggest hater, the biggest goal post mover of all…

  20. How about these headlines? BOSTON'S JAYS CO-NBA-FINALS-MVP'S!?!?


    Even still, that's 🍀🍀 down w/ just 🍀🍀to go for the GREEN MACHINE & THEIR BANNER EIGHTEEN!!!!

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