@Portland Trail Blazers

Blazers Working Out Tidjane Salaun, Zach Edey, and Others This Week! | Blazers Uprise Live

Blazers Working Out Tidjane Salaun, Zach Edey, and Others This Week! | Blazers Uprise Live

for e e e what’s going on everybody welcome back into Blazer supress live if you missed part one we talked about Drew holiday Dan Hurley and the so taking control in the NBA Finals you can go find that stream it lagged out so this is part number two and in this section this part of the stream we’re going to talk about the Blazers upcoming workout touch a little bit upon a mock draft if my internet allows me to which once again I can’t freaking stand Xfinity it freaking sucks whole new router whole new modem whole new everything still lag out and it drives me crazy so at some point I guess I have to um get fiber I guess is really my only option left at this point but to put a bow on the Drew talk that we were having when we lagged out last time Eric um in hindsight it does look a little bit worse but as I said it just depends on what the Blazers get back for brogon it depends on what happens with Robert Williams mhm anyway any other thoughts on that conversation before we move on well I just want to say the trade I proposed with the first round pick and or the 25th pick and uh EV forier we would be about 15 million under the luxury tax right now not having to worry about that could possibly use the full mle all that kind of stuff right now so would have completely changed our initial run into the offseason yep yep man I’m looking forward to this offseason uh draft coming up the Blazers have a massive three Onre workout scheduled between some big name prospects tomorrow there will be a workout featuring Ron Holland t Salon Ryan Dunn Zack Edy EES Missy and kesan George six bigname players six guys that could go in the first round you got some upside there with kesan George and tjon Salon you got centers in Edie and Missy and then you got defensive Wings in Holland and Ryan Dunn this is going to be a phenomenal workout Eric your thoughts dude I want to see this workout so bad like in person that would be awesome um I just think it’s really cool to have Salon go up against uh a guy like Ryan Dunn That’s um just a defensive specialist uh it’ll be I’m I’m going to be fascinated to hear how he does in that situation um and uh if Dunn can do anything offensively as well um and then Missy versus Ed that’s that’s intriguing as well um I feel like this is just like a power workout man yeah yeah um I think Salon I don’t know how good he’s gonna look if he’s being guarded by Ryan Dunn um he Holland’s a good Defender too holl’s a good Defender too like Salon is going to look better in like a five on five setting being able to to like cut and running transition right now if he’s required to create in like a three on three setting which you’re required to create a little bit more um that’s where I’m a little worried about how he looks right now but of course the he’s a more long-term play one of the youngest prospects in this draft just like Ron Holland is so what if he surprised and looks good in that scenario I would be very surprised um I mean expectations are not high for him for me in that sort of setting which is completely fine I think it’ll look good just in terms of being big and being able to move well um but it’s it’s tough especially if you’re going on a three on three setting you got Edy at The Rim I don’t know this might be the highest level basketball he’s played because you got some really good prospects in this workout I don’t know exactly how they’re going to run this workout I don’t know exactly what they’re going to look for from tjon Salon I don’t know if they’re going to run different guys through different drills um they probably should because you got some different types of players here although are all front Court players the closest thing to a guard is Kean George he’s big enough to play the three um so it’s going to be a super fascinating workout and their workout workouts have been interesting so there’s a not so secret private workout that they had with Donovan Kling and that’s been talked about um that’s not the only private workout that they’ve had it’s just the one that got leaked so I wouldn’t make too much of a fuss about the names that you don’t see tied to a Blazers workout because there’s a chance that they have worked out with them and it’s just not public uh the Blazers are working out anyone and everyone it sounds like which is good now are they done doing workouts for guys that could go with that 34th and 48th overall picks possibly I would be disappointed if that was the case and there are some guys like Orion Dunn I think might fall to 34 but also the Blazers might be working them out for 14 and that’s the tough part with that range of the draft is you have a lot of guys that like their ceiling might be 14 and their floor might be 34 Ryan dun I hope the Blazers do not take him with 14 a guy like Jaylen Tyson I do hope the Blazers would consider him with 14 but he on a law mock drafts is late first some lock drafts even have him early second so that might be a guy to look at with a 34th pick which I’ll be begging for him if he’s on the clock there at 34 but it sounds like the Blazers are doing their due diligence with both these picks working out as as many players as they can for both these picks hopefully they work out a couple more second round guys because being able to hit on a second round pick is always great I mean just ask the Denver Nuggets so anyway Eric any any more thoughts on this workout or anything I said I just I think it’s kind of crazy that all these guys are coming at the same time I like it yeah the only thing I wish is that there was a couple of guards here too so we can run pick and roll because West davens says what if what if uh Ed dominates uh he should dominate this workout like he’s I mean just in a one-on-one setting I mean I think he’s probably going to be better at this point than Missy now I that doesn’t mean I think he’s going to be a better NBA player long term but right now uh he’s he was National player of the year right so yeah um like he should he should be the best best player on the court in this situation um especially since there’s no there’s not going to be a point guard or anything running um pick and rolls against him and stuff like I said I was worried about so yeah he should look really good in this in my opinion yeah 100% draft is 16 days away can’t believe it day one is 16 days away we I need to get fiber in 16 days I guess um so El what Allen says maybe they thought or maybe they brought in dun as with the real intention of seeing the other guys against the top Defender they can get in the workout very POS I absolutely think like if I’m the Blazers and you like salon and Holland uh I would love to see them work out against Ryan Dunn so I if that was their strategy I think that’s that’s actually quite smart um but that doesn’t mean they still can’t get a good look at done either that might not be the only reason but I really do think that uh they wanted to have um those guys go against especially ton Salon uh someone who you know there’s you can watch all the film you can go to a game or whatever you just don’t have the same body of work as you do with um these college guys so um yeah I think they do want to see him go against a couple of really top-notch Defenders yep 100% that’s a smart play bring in some guys that can play different sides of the floor bring in y Missy an NBA legitimate NBA Center prospect that should go in the first round to play against Zach uh I’m sure they’re going to try and get a feel for how good Zach’s foot speed is uh because that’s the number one thing for him at the next level can he defend the pick and roll at all can he move in space at all defensively or is he just going to be a Turn Style we haven’t really seen him guard out in space before because in college there’s no defensive 3 seconds you’re allowed to just kind of sit in the key and defensively that’s pretty much what he did so looking forward to seeing interviews from this workout as well we can talk about them on the next live stream on Thursday you GNA say something yeah so this is the second person that’s mentioned this in chat different person um always compete says greetings everyone if Atlanta wanted to trade the number one pick for scoot straight up would you do it no someone else asked that earlier and so we should do that and then draft McCain that has to be a joke we just draft McCain I think no we could I don’t think it’s seven we could dve 14 yeah yeah I don’t I don’t I what are we doing here where are we going with this what are we talking about um no I don’t trade scoop for number one no like scoot coming coming into the league was a better Prospect than anybody in the draft is coming into the league so yeah scoot struggled but a lot of rookies struggle scoot still has as much upside in my opinion as anybody in this draft so and I think he has just as likely of a chance of reaching it as anybody in this draft so no I I would take scoot number one in this draft even after that rookie season I really like SAR a lot yeah SAR has some I really like ay SAR SAR has some question marks too where if I mean scoot has some question marks SAR has some question marks like SAR might struggle man like defensively I think he’ll be able to make an impact but offensively if he’s if that shot doesn’t translate if that shot’s not good enough and some of his finishing around the rim wasn’t so like didn’t look so good and then the ball handling just isn’t something that he can actually do at the NBA level then he might look pretty freaking bad offensively as a rookie right and I wouldn’t be surprised to see that at all I’m still high on sorry he’s still the number one Prospect in this class in my opinion but he has some question marks as well and I think scoot you know had question marks going in and just showcased why he had those question marks he had some areas that were serious weaknesses for him that caused him to have a rookie year where he had some really really bad moments and he has to get better at them every Prospect in this draft is like that unless it’s maybe just a role player that’s like a high FL or lower ceiling than scoot so I still take scoot number one I would I would feel a lot better about the Blazers moving forward if we made that trade I don’t know that just kind of solves a lot of the which guard do we choose what do we how do we balance the roster all those kind of things I mean I I don’t think you draft somebody number one to balance the roster though no I know but I’m just saying like our I believe in SAR and he plays a different position other than guard so it automatically balances out the roster yeah I don’t really care about that I don’t really care about that I want the best player with the most upside because Blazers still don’t have their star they need to find their star I think scoot is more likely to become a star than SAR because scoot has like when you look at stars what can they do they can create for themselves and others and that’s my question mark was s like is he going to be able to consistently create for himself off the dribble in the half court from the perimeter if not he’s probably not a star he might be a really really good two-way role player bam out bio yeah bam can bam can pass though bam can I think SAR can pass though yeah it’s tough to sit here and say like okay he’s going to be a for sure a top three room protector and an elite passer at the position yeah like but it’s possible don’t get me wrong it’s possible but I mean than not many players past years that have been a sure thing yeah yeah but I mean that’s entirely my point is like if that’s possible scoot becoming a freaking stud is possible too um so but but there’s also a possibility that scoot’s just not good and there’s a possibility that sar’s just not good I know I’m just saying like all these are possible these are possib so so yes 100% I agree in that scenario I’m going to lean towards the creation yeah so I’m GNA lean towards the creation um I know I understand the position things like yes the roster does look better but ultimately the Blazers are going to need a star level Creator and I think that might be scoop what if we drafted okay what if we got SAR connect and Jaylen Tyson at 17 and 14 I mean why don’t we just get the guys why don’t we get the guys at seven and 14 and keep scoot because then we have we have an awesome rotation if we draft all if we drafted connect and Tyson we have an even bigger cluster than we already have I mean I don’t really like connect plus Tyson I would like one of the two I like both of their games but I even if you did that trade I don’t really know how I feel about both of them yeah like yeah SAR might make sense to balance the roster if you just draft two Wings on top of having a bunch of guards and wings already it’s just you got to build your team around what you prioritize which should be your top picks so if you’re going to draft guys after that then if anything you fit those guys to your top picks not your top pick to who you’re drafting later so I I don’t know I’m keeping scoot I’m riding with scoop man I’m ride or die with scoop yeah I mean obviously the Blazers are going too as well yeah yeah I just feel like if we trade scoop for number one sar’s going to be like like Nick Claxton with a better free throw and that’s a bad comparison to Claxton is short too who who’s like the lower end comp for SAR I don’t know nor is not well there really isn’t there I don’t know I can’t think of a lower end comp for him um Mo bomba but I mean he’s already shown like way more ability to to put the ball on the floor that like a lot of those centers like we hope they would do it but yeah I mean there’s there’s been a few guys that have like draon Bender was supposed to be able to put the ball on the floor thawn maker was supposed to be able to put the ball on the floor now they they were not good defensively they were not as good of prospects they were weren’t as good athletically either but we’ve seen a number of guys that are big that can like put the ball on the floor at lower levels and then just can’t in the NBA like they’re not strong enough or they’re not quick enough or they’re not you know XYZ whatever so I’m not I’m not 100% sold now this is coming from AAR fan this is coming from AAR fan I just think he has question marks and sco has question marks sco’s gonna answer him next year I’m looking forward to it yeah anyway um let’s do quick quick little mock draft let’s just talk about each pick so this is it’s not going to be like a normal mock we’re just going to talk about each pick in the lottery and some of the rumors some of the prospects that could be taken with said pick okay so number one Eric there’s a lot of Zachary ree Buzz there right now there’s also there’s also a little bit of Donovan kingan the is that Quin cider wants clinging yeah and he wants his go bear a lot of Atlanta’s fan base has started to come around to the idea that kingan would be okay at one but then I’ve also seen a lot of mock drafts with Intel that have ret going one now is it 50/50 that SAR Go’s number one or is it Greater that chance that he doesn’t go number one like where are we at with this I mean I would like to think I guess in terms of just Atlanta’s sake uh that they’re not dumb but uh I mean Tori I mean if they don’t pick him I mean could he fall to three maybe and would we have a chance to get him I think it’s I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility I think I think Washington would go SAR over kingan so you have to have kingan go one and then Washington has to decide ret over SAR but Washington desperately needs big man depth yeah so I don’t think they decide R over SAR so I just don’t see a world in which SAR Falls to three like how would the top two go in that case I’ve heard they really like Clan and re Washington I mean I mean who like I ain’t going to roll it out uh I would love I would love for the Blazers trade up from seven to three to get sarf he’s there like attach Jeremy Grant to seven and let’s cook you know let’s let’s figure it out but it’s just it’s a ve it’s a long shot it’s a very very big long shot yeah but I think there is a small tiny possibility if he doesn’t go one obviously if he goes one we have no chance to get him yeah the only player out of those three that I think might not get taken top three is kingan kingan is the wild card right now at the top of the draft mhm because SAR and R I think are both at this point all but guaranteed to go top three the thing is if those two go top two and then kingan’s on the board at three then where where does Houston go cuz they have sangon SAR I think could play next to sangon kingan I don’t think it’s good to play him next to sangun defensively it’d be a disaster what if cronin’s hoping that sardo’s won so Clingan Falls to three I mean he could be holding a million different things that I don’t agree with um yeah who knows but kingan is the one guy that could fall beyond that and it’s just funny because if he doesn’t go top two then Houston at three could pass on him and then San Antonio’s at four could pass on him for sure and then Detroit’s at five they have durren so they could pass on him and then Charlotte’s at six like if Castle’s there I think Castle’s a perfect fit for Charlotte I think they could pass on kingan as well and that puts kingan in our laps which apparently we are the floor for him yeah so kingan is the wild card here and then I think the other wild card is Houston at three like they have players at every position mhm and they are the first team that I think could trade down or out of the draft looking to be more competitive right now so will they trade that pick or if they don’t who are they taking could they take Rob Dillingham I’ve seen a ton of Reed Shepard link to them but are they actually going to go Reed Shepard I don’t think it makes sense to put kingan next to next to sangun and it’s funny because I haven’t seen much Castle to Houston but I don’t think that’s terrible either the shooting is a bit rough but at least you get somebody in there another guy that can play some defense so what do you think happens with this third overall pick I think they might trade it but if they didn’t trade it uh I assuming like Rish and SAR go one two um maybe you can make the case you know shenon has a Tor torn ACL or whatever um maybe you could bring him back slower but uh yeah I think I don’t know I think Reed Shepard makes a lot of sense for them yeah it’s like kind of a com guard that can shoot um something that’s a need for them for San Antonio Dillingham Castle I mean Castle there would be I like Castle’s fit on a lot of teams I just really like Castle but defensively castle with wemi yeah you got point of attack and rim protector like that that’s scary um I have a feeling they go castle if he’s there and Reet isn’t I have a feeling it’s either going to be ret or castle at four for San Antonio but I’m not sure um maybe Dillingham but I feel like they would just wait on Dillingham in that case because you can take castle and Dillingham if you’re San Antonio yeah you could follow the eight I guess um I mean there’s some risk there doing that but yeah but I mean if if anything is going to make up for dillingham’s defense it’s Castle and Wy and Dillingham can play off the ball ASO yeah I mean well just Wy he makes up for a ton but um I wonder how Castle would react to that I mean here here’s the thing like a lot of teams don’t even necessarily have like def facto point guards anymore a lot of guys have a guy that’s list as a point guard but doesn’t bring up the ball half the time yeah somebody else will bring up the ball and then initiate the offense and then they’ll run the offense and it’s like who’s the point guard I don’t know so wherever Castle goes he’s probably going to bring up the ball sometimes and initiate sometimes and he’s probably going to have teammates that bring up the ball sometimes and initiate sometimes whether he’s the point guard or not and then in the half court no matter what his position is he’s going to get some plays where he’s supposed to create or he ends up with the ball in his hands and I think there’s situations where he could be the point guard and have less responsibility as a Creator in the half court compared to other situations where maybe he’s not the point guard but would have a little bit more responsibility so that’s the thing with the more positionist NBA I don’t think it really matters I don’t think it really matters I don’t think it does either but it seems to matter to Castle yeah I I think it’ll be fine I mean if you’re a team like San Antonio you just get him in there and you just yeah you make it work like he’s too good not to not to make it work in my opinion if you’re San Antonio um shout out to Carter dick M for 19 month says it’s clinging the first center in the class you would take for the Blazers other than chamchi Eric Eric has clinging at 17 but still my first son right there well SAR well other than SAR yeah yeah yeah realistically I mean we’re not getting SAR so yeah I claim him to be the first center I would take yeah other than chamchi yeah well he said other than Chi yeah I just wanted to reiterate that I’m taking kingan um before Chi before Missy before where he’s my number two Center behind SAR but I have him like nine I think the top pick Buzz is a little ridiculous um the fifth pick is going to be interesting Eric because I think that if kingan somehow doesn’t get drafted top four right where if nobody trades out and kingan doesn’t go top two I feel like he’s not going three or four and might fall to five that is the trade-up destination for Memphis if they want kingan because that is the trade down destination for Detroit because I’ve started to see a lot of people pegging Dalton connect to the Detroit Pistons at five mhm which I think makes some sense they trade down a n and we take him at seven I mean yeah if they’re not completely sold on him but are leaning him they could trade down to nine and just take you know whoever’s there balis might be there that’s the other guy that’s been linked to Detroit at five um bis’s agent is like has I think it’s like the son of somebody that works in Detroit’s front office I don’t know there’s like some sort of connection it may be a little different than that yeah but they have a new president of basketball operations I don’t think he’s going to care about that kind of stuff well there’s also a report that said that he wasn’t impressed with Ignite prospects so who knows Detroit at five another wild card but I could see them being the trade-up destination for Memphis to get kingan if kingan doesn’t go one or two um otherwise buis makes sense did you happen to see the trade for you involving number five that a Detroit Athletic writer put in a colum yeah I don’t really want to talk about it it’s a bad trade yeah basically it’s 14 Grant and thall for five no no I’m not doing that doesn’t make sense um certainly you wouldn’t do it right I think about it say 40 million I mean I there’s just something about like making that sort of trade for salary Savings in a rebuild when you should never make that type of trade for salary savings when you’re in a rebuild because you should never care that much about salary savings they shouldn’t be in this position but if you got like bizel there and then you still had seven 14 to take other players no no no no it was 14 Grant and thall for five okay sorry you still have seven to take another player I mean you’re just moving up from 14 to five I there’s not much difference in my opinion five to 14 there’s not enough to justify trading Jeremy Grant for that matis iable I could care less I could care less they could get a second for him if 14 wasn’t in it would you do it you could probably talk me into it just be I I mean yeah I would absolutely do it if if 14 wasn’t in it um yeah I would do it I just don’t think Detroit would do it Detroit’s not trading Duren for the seventh pick yeah I think Detroit is either drafting somebody there or trading down and getting more draft capital and trading down to nine like hoping connects there um and then Memphis takes kingan like five and then you know you got let’s say you had Shephard three Castle 4 kingan five right like Memphis trades up then six you got Charlotte and then Charlotte I don’t know who I like for them with I kind of like kingan for them if he was still on the board I’m not sold on Mark Williams he’s bit injury prone so they don’t really have a center I’m I love Castle next to Brandon Miller and lamelo ball I love that fit but without those two on the board I don’t know who I like for them at that pick and I don’t know who they like and that’s the pick before ours so that’s interesting yeah I think bzel make a lot of sense for them we have your front your forwards of the future with him and Brandon Miller yeah I think they’d be a good fit next to each other yeah um balis would make sense for sure sure but I could see them going with like a Cody Williams and going with big Wing right mhm I still think Cody Williams might go before the Blazers pick but it would probably be Charlotte maybe Detroit would take him but his stock is slipped Ron Holland stock is slipped bellus’ stock is apparently slipping at this point I don’t know the Blazers I they might take a guy like connect over guys like Holland guys like who zealous I’m starting to feel like there’s a legitimate chance that if connects there at seven that that is the guy the Blazers pick if uh if Holland falls out of the lottery meaning we passed on him twice that’d be crazy yeah you got to take Holland if he’s there at 14 you have to if you’re Portland I agree um buellis is a wild card his stock is going to be all over the place Holland is a wild card as well there’s question marks about Holland’s attitude and workouts and this and that I think buellis the issues are can he actually shoot at the NBA level and then is he strong enough to play at the NBA level like is he just going to get pushed around and if you can’t shoot and you’re not like super quick off the bounce and you’re not strong like you’re going to get pushed around he has he has legitimate bus potential I like balis for his upside and his attitude he has some red flags which could cause him to drop and could cause Portland to pass on him for a safer pick very possible um and then the rest of the draft I mean any other pick stand out before 14 for you with like a strong fit for them with a player um do you have any well trying to think of one who’s eight again San Antonio yeah I don’t know I mean Dillingham if the draft Falls like the way we’re talking about Dillingham I think is the pick there at eight nine is you know if Detroit trades down then who knows who they take at nine um I do like we haven’t talked about topit I do like topit in Utah defensively it has question marks but I I kind of like the fit with him and Keon George yeah I like Devin Carter on either San Antonio uh Memphis or not Memphis uh Detroit if they trade it back to nine in the scenario and and Utah yeah I mean I also like Cody Williams for Utah I think I think that’s a Cody Williams Ron Hall and Nicola topich I think one of them will fall to 10 and go to Utah I think that is a good spot for them Chicago at 11 if they actually are going to start a rebuild you might as well take a swing with salon for me that is the like unless unless Portland OR San Antonio takes him at seven or eight 111 12 Chicago OKC is the landing spot for Salon but who knows what Chicago’s going to do did you hear the rumor that OKC promised the on Holmes at 12 yeah so I I saw saw the Don Holmes promise and we started talking about it and I was thinking about like what is the top pick that I could see him getting promised with and it was OKC yeah because they need big man depth but also like he’s skilled and you could play him next to Chad there’s uh I actually do you believe that because well there’s that would make sense why he started shutting down workouts because he’s probably not going much higher than that and that is a good spot for him yeah it makes sense just thinking of that but there were people saying that pry has been on record several times saying that he would never do a draft promise or whatever but there has been rumors every year with OKC doing draft promises so I don’t know what to believe at this point donon Holmes would be a better pick than Philip hsky who I see mocked to the Thunder a lot but is it better than like we or Missy I don’t know I think what’s Chet’s Advantage is versatility I think being able to pair another versatile big with him that can pass a little bit is intriguing like I I just kind of like the fit there I kind of like the fit there um because I am a little bit worried about Don Don Holmes’s ability to be physical inside to rebound if you can play him next to another big I’m a little less worried about that yeah absolutely so I think his skills could shine there um you know who he kind of reminds me a little bit of who’s that PJ Washington yeah knock down three attack off the dribble and is a little Shifty off the dribble like nothing crazy but you know PJ Washington loves that little like Euro Step floater like he’s skilled low undersized for a Center Spot better at a power forward um they’re not the exact same but I like that comp uh and then 13 Sacramento Sacramento I feel like is a little different they don’t need big man they don’t need a big man they need Wings they have wings but they are all kind of mediocre or just like solid but nothing special you got Keegan Murray at the four I’m talking more so about Harrison Barnes Kevin herder like Malik monk had a good year he might leave um so I feel like that’s when you start to talk about names like jacobe Walter start to talk about names like Jaylen Tyson you start to talk about names like um I don’t know maybe kesan George at that point if daier really Rises then maybe that’s a spot for him like that’s kind of like the top end of his range but there’s also a chance that he withdraws his name still I can’t wait for Sunday that’s well enough for sure yeah um so the international players have until I think it’s 2 West or Pacific time yeah so with draw Sunday yeah so start to get some intriguing names there at 13 and then of course Portland’s at 14 yeah to me it depends on who we draft cuz like if we draft kingan obviously we’re not drafting we or Missy or someone here um if we draft connect uh I don’t know if if another like kind of barely big enough to play small forward type player like Tyson’s like the right play there either um so probably want more of a a bigger forward um in that case or a center so I I think it just kind of depends on what the what the pick at seven is yeah what’s Your Gut Feeling say right now seven and 14 uh I still kind of feel like we’re gonna trade up for clinging um if we stay at 7 or 14 got feeling before we wrap up the stream um I I mean we still have to work out some players but uh I’m going to say I’m going to say connect and Holland connect and Holland one of Holland one of Holland or topit will follow the 14 and we’re going to take one of them or is how would you feel if we got connect in Holland at 714 I mean I feel okay I don’t know I’d be pretty happy I’d be pretty happy I mean we got a high upside guy is pretty young I I think Holland’s the third youngest player in in this draft or second youngest I think him and sonon are right around the same age so yeah I my got feeling is connect at 7 [Music] and where yeah yeah yeah where I guess this could change a lot with the workout tomorrow yeah if Miss Miss or Edy oh wait no Edy Edy connect and Edy yeah no no I feel like they need to go with the upside guy after taking connect to S and yeah my gut feeling is connec and wear right now yeah anyway chat what’s Your Gut Feeling at 7 and 14 who do you think the Blazer is going to take as of right now draft 16 days away forward to it topit and you think topit at seven dham and Carter nice or tor’s Brooklyn nuts we’re just going to draft all yeah at least I drafted guards with size no connect West hates connect you hate connect a little too much man go watch connect like go watch connect highlights you’ll feel better normally I wouldn’t recommend to just go watch Prospect highlights but go watch some connect highlights so that you’re okay when we draft him at seven it’s it’s fun looking forward to this draft without like oh we need to trade three what can we trade three for we have to trade three wait we might keep three oh no what happens if we keep three what happens if we draft scoot how does that work with Dame do dame even want to stay all that conversation you know there’s an element of fun to it but it is fun this year to just talk about like man who are we going to get who are we going to draft what prospects are we bringing in it’s simpler but also it’s not so simple why are we talking about connect right now because I my got feeling is that they take them T do you like sorry go ahead I say I think they fall in love with Salon maybe they take him7 I think that’s Wishful to get on your part oh man I you never know but it hasn’t happened yet so you can’t say that they don’t like him or not yeah I’m not saying they don’t like him or not I just think you know you’re you’re hoping that is the case you’re so you know wishful thinking we’ll see though we’ll see um do I like connect more than Tyson yes barely Clingan seems like an inev inevitability I can’t say that word I hate it um I mean there’s a chance he goes one two five like if Memphis trades up above us there’s a really good chance cling off the board by our pick Maxi ask my gut feeling who we take not who I want at seven yeah yeah different conversation we all know who Eric wants a seven do you all right so you mentioned that they possibly doing other private workouts right yeah do you think it’s possible that if they do other private workouts and they like the player they would keep it quiet and or say they don’t like that person as much and they’re hyping up in because they don’t actually want to take him and that’s the reason why it’s like public now I mean that’s always a possibility um that’s always a possibility but I just don’t think they’re playing chess to that level you know yeah this front office I don’t think they’re playing so they don’t play games yeah you know it’s they’re just like we want CL and we’re GNA get him I think they try keep things quiet I think that’s the extent of their but that’s why I don’t it doesn’t make sense that the clinging stuff has been so out there how badly we want maybe it wasn’t supposed to get out but I mean You’ think they would possibly shut that down though and just say they’ve been they’re extremely pleased with eight last year and I mean h how how exactly do they shut that down though you know like I don’t know in Cent Senor has there actually been a rumor smok screen used in a 4D chess move oh yeah that they wanted to build around Dame that was the only one every every one of his press conferences has been a so screen yeah other than that I don’t think so I don’t think so um yeah I really don’t have a read at this point with this team but connect is my gut feeling I a little bit of that just because he’s the only real guy we consider taking there that we’ve worked out so far we’ve worked outan like Public public in Portland workout that’s that’s it’s not why it’s not why it’s not um he better wear number four when he gets her why what do you mean why connect yeah oh connect for y I was waiting for you to get it um yeah give him oh Harless is old number re crazy we got Connect Four we got sharp you know number was say in college blanket I forget look it up maybe one day we’ll be able to formulate a sentence with these guys last names 8 better word 99 that’s funny that’s funny outside the lottery I’m almost sure we’re taking Dylan Jones in the second round he was number three yeah he should have been number four he was five at whatever Dakota State he was it and barking box said outside Lottery I’m almost sure we’re taking Dylan Jones in the second round um I’m not certain of that at all I’m not certain we keep our second round picks but I would not mind Dylan Jones in the second round almost every Draft when you look at guys that went too low it’s always somebody that was older and went lower because they’re older BL nug says have come around to connect to seven we could do worse I mean he will be a better option than some of the more High upside options that will get taken there in the long run because these more High upside options some of them are going to completely strike out and some of them are going to end up being really really good so just by the natural like variance of all that he’s going to be better than some of these guys that were or otherwise linked to he’s like the safer pick why doesn’t anyone like Cody Williams he’s gonna be great once he puts on weight I mean he what skills are Cody Williams for sure going to be decent in or solid in you can’t say that about his shooting I don’t think you can say that about his defense I don’t think you can say that about like his passing playmaking reads Etc I think it’s literally just as finishing but also he does not finish strong he finish like he Fades away on a lot of his finishes I have the most confidence in his finishing out of all his skills but I think there is I don’t know I would feel a little bit more confident if he finished strong consistently compared to some of the finishes he goes up with like I don’t like the way he Fades away sometimes his length you can’t teach I mean his length is not a skill though L guys had length Hashim theit had length I I just think Cody’s one of those guys where like he shows flashes in a bunch of a areas so hypothetically he could be really good if he could just completely tap into his passing and playmaking if he could consistently create off the dribble I’m just a little bit wary of the fact that he’s not the quickest and he’s not the strongest and he has low three-point shooting volume like and he had injury issues and he has like question marks about is he assertive enough there’s so many question marks with Cody Williams where where if they all end up panning out he could be really good but it’s a big if man you’re like you’re leaning way safer than you normally do it’s kind of weird I mean I just think at this draft these prospects have a lot more question marks than they normally do in this range yeah but usually you’ll kind of be a little bit more uh I don’t know what the right word is not necessarily guessing but you’ll think that something they do will translate or you’ll see something in someone instead of just questioning everything yeah but I mean there’s qu there’s so many question marks that that’s why I’m questioning everything I mean there’s question marks about everyone I know but in previous drafts there was a lot more substance in in certain areas where I could Bank on a guy like being a legitimate Difference Maker in an area right like when it was a man in AAR it’s like okay 1% athlete from the jump it’s like okay 1% athlete and you can Bank on that and they can rebound and play defense right and it’s like oh but the shot but the shot but the shot it’s like well they can do a lot of other things well like and I’m very confident in them being able to do a lot of other things well there’s no players like that other than like sar’s the closest but SAR I would not take top five in last year’s draft I would take SAR sixth I think I take a second I I get I get why I just I would not take him over Scoot a men Braden Miller it’s funny I’d take Brandon Miller ahead of him I guess I’m just a little lower on S than you even though we both have him number one or all those question marks about Cody valid though oh yeah for sure that’s why he’s slipping yeah yeah I mean but I said at the start of the the season I watched some like Ron Holland tape and I was like dude I don’t see it the first time I watched Zachary reset tape I said dude I just do not see it I watched some buellis tape and I was like okay I kind of understand but like he’s really potential number one pick I watched Justin Edwards tape when he was a projected top five pick it’s like dude I don’t understand how these guys are top five picks do you remember those conversations started year yeah like it it’s just this draft at the top is weak now there’s a lot of really good role players but this to this draft to the top is week Trev made me laugh he said this year’s Tory would have had Kegan Murray top three I mean k Murray probably should have been top three in this class like this year’s Kean Murray might go number one he might not even be as good as Kean Murray he say R this year he’s like a he’s like a poor man’s Keegan Murray yeah you know what I mean like that’s for me that’s like such an [Music] insult I I just like yeah he reminds me a lot of Keegan but he I have less faith in his shot than I did in Keegan’s and I was definitely low on low on Keegan man definitely low on Keegan so just a weird draft it’s an interesting draft next year Eric Hugo Gonzalez to the Moon Moon okay and and tayori my guy tayori even though he’s not going to Gonzaga watch more tape on him that dude is special bro Nolan TR who Hugo Gonzalez like both guys I would take number one in this class right now and that’s like just off the little that I’ve seen of him so I’ll be back to normal next year okay don’t worry if any of you want to join the Hugo train or the tayori train right now it’s all aboard who’s your draft Crush next year Eric other than Cooper flag uh uh next year oh man I had someone but I’m blanking I can tell you my draft crush the next year oh Deans yeah I mean he’s he’s the number one pick he’s project number one though he’s everybody’s Crush somebody asked who my Chris Murray is this year I said filipowski but also Philip hsky I’d rather have than Chris I don’t know yet I don’t want super TI to anyone next your draft’s going to be fun though yeah for sure stacked stacked anyway anything else for the stream lag out this whole second part yeah well there’s uh there’s someone that has the uh last name of my favorite Prospect from this draft and uh the first name of my favorite player of all time so oh yeah oh yeah is that just because of the name right we got get D we got to get SAR yeah how can you not like Dame SAR the next few drafts are loaded in terms of just like unique and awesome names just go to nbadraft and go look at some future draft some of the names we got covered up anyway thank you guys for watching right here um stream on Thursday looking forward to that maybe we’ll do a real mock draft if we have nothing to talk about on slow newss days we will do like a mo we’ll do a mock draft because that’s time intensive but today I mean we just talked for like two hours so appreciate you guys anything else here did Justin Edwards UND declare for the draft huh Justin Edwards is in the draft what do you mean I know I just I saw like a fairly recent mck draft that has him in 2025 confusing me for a second but no maybe it’s Jesse Edwards no it’s Justin Edwards from Kentucky this picture YP hopefully that workout goes well yep so we’ll talk about workout on Thursday talk about the next NBA Finals game on Thursday we’ll see if that series is over we’ll talk about the latest rumors all that good stuff draft two weeks away two weeks away anyway fun Awards thanks every for watching have a good night hope to see you Thursday yes sir we’re out of here might get a video out between now and then we’ll see I got some bleacher report coming stuff coming up to a couple of streams later on this month and a mock drafted collaboration video right now I’m on the clock at 7 I’m not going to say who I’m going to pick you can watch that maybe I’ll talk after so I’ll tweet that stuff out when it goes live that should be fun anyway we’re out here thank you guys for hanging out with us sorry about the lag I’ll try and get fiber before the draft because I can’t let this happen during the draft looking forward to the draft anyway until next time as always peace out go Blazers

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  1. @torey, I had a massive issue with the way my cable was installed into my house. After having a networking tech come out and replace the cable port that connected to my modem and voila, fixed. Might be something like that.

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