@Boston Celtics

Gil’s Arena Debates The Boston Celtics BEST Player

Gil’s Arena Debates The Boston Celtics BEST Player

canyan you spent a number of years playing with Jason kid as a teammate I think you’re very familiar with his basketball psychology do you think kid was playing mind games or really believes Jaylen Brown is the best player on the Celtics probably some of both the way he made it sound there there’s no acknowledgement for Tatum yeah Jay LeBron a best player yeah you know this why he no he definitely is Psy yeah he he’s I mean if you listen to how he’s describing right yes right he’s he’s saying both sides picking up full court doing this right that that’s he’s using in the term of the allaround player right uh baseball Derek Jeter right he’s he’s he’s saying this guy does a little bit of everything which means he is the best player right we’re not talking the the the star player of the team we’re talking about this not A-Rod he’s there he does a little bit of everything I don’t know because I can tell you this his defense doesn’t say jayen brown is the best player his defense don’t say what he’s saying when Tatum has the ball them [ __ ] are shifting over they also even leaving Jaylen Brown to go double when Jaylen Brown is straight one one I didn’t see him leave Brown [ __ ] you crazy as hell man they not n times every time Brown drove it was no drove when I’m when Tatum is trying to move everybody’s tracking him the whole team is tracking him he is being doubled when Brown has the ball is straight one-on-one play one-on-one If he if he can get if he can get back to his right goddamn it [ __ ] but Luca like you got Luca he’s who’s guarding him look your worst Defender is guarding him my worst Defender is guarding him and we’re not even going to double there’s a reason well because I say Luka could play D now after the playoffs they who’s that that that’s what they that that was the Discord everybody said Luka could play defense now compelling evidence that maybe that isn’t if you’re watching a game if you’re watching a game when both sides has the ball you can you can clearly see when Tatum has the ball they’re flooding over right they’re going to tag on the other side when he’s trying to post up Lively Gafford is going to tag on the other side everybody’s going to drop if J if Brown is in the in the iso it’s just straight up right because I’m pretty sure he wants to get back to his right keep him left right uh keep him to keep him to his left right and he’s going to try whatever to do to get back and just stay in front of him cuz he might throw that [ __ ] out of bound right yeah so you know that you can see the game plan they’re not D they’re not doubling Brown for for him to say that but as a overall bringing into the game how he’s playing picking up full court being in that he he means it but he’s and he’s playing mind games that’s why I said both like with j he could very much mean it but he’s definitely playing mind game I mean just hearing the way he talk for sure the narrative on the team all year for the last couple years is brown they like if we didn’t if what I’m saying is if we didn’t look at if we didn’t look at no names and we didn’t know and we had to look at and say who is the the scariest person by how the defense is playing then it’ll show you okay right so you know if if if they double Jaylen Brown Tatum gets off right so everybody’s be there’s a reason he’s averaging that many assists right because some they’re doubling someone’s open Jaylen Brown won’t average that many assist cuz every time he gets the ball he gets to just go and that’s his job keep [ __ ] attacking yeah keep attacking take advantage if they don’t want to if they don’t want to like double you or nothing take advantage of your man that the point if they want to put two people on me and load up everybody just do it let’s get the win we get our Ring Hey whoever they get at [ __ ] final it don’t matter I’m a champion now and you get to put respect on it that is the point right the narrative who who is the best player we know who the best player is yeah cuz he the best player is not getting left off of any all NBA team I’m just saying that’s why it’s a Mame that’s why that’s why but does that matter does the regular season stuff matter now in the playoffs and in the finals yes right like like I I have to stop one person right did the Scout I have to stop somebody right so who who who is capable of scoring [ __ ] 50 here they both are though but but you know what he mean I know what you mean but yeah for sure T so and that’s how I look at it I just watch the game and then I’m just seeing like what what you’re doing is you so you this is your advantage because the focals here take advantage of it because game three it might shift they might say oh we’re going to play everybody straight up and then that’s going to shift like this is this is part of the game but you can see the lows up you can see how it’s played but Jason everybody they’re everybody’s doing their part to win their F this is their first championship individual [ __ ] at this point should be Irrelevant for a group who’s been the way y’all done it y’all lost so you know what I mean so you know trying to go through doubles and triple teams that’s so you don’t have the team to do that so you guys said a little bit little bit of Mind Game a little bit of other side so Drew holiday initially agree with kid said I don’t think he’s lying had had gloring Praises for Jaylen Brown after game two he had to clarify he said I’m not picking one or the other but yeah that’s what I mean that’s why the but yeah but you know even Drew got got caught up in it Savvy vet but it’s it’s it’s no different than right now was like who’s who’s another team that has this type of situation where more one is a offensive player it’s like having a Paul George and a James Harden on the team one is one is more offensively set and the other one is a little bit of both right so when you put the value he’s a two-way player but in the playoffs right now it’s like I say it’s like you know how like Drake and Kendrick right now Jaylen Brown is more Kendrick right now then JT Drake Kendrick your cousin as well Nick we just have to but I get it but yeah but if I’m being double and you get to play oneon-one you don’t run around with your chest all high talking about you you I’m I’m the nobody saying that don’t I’m just saying I’m just Brown I’m just saying but I don’t like they both they they play they play to win right I wouldn’t I wouldn’t say hey Jaylen you got a you got a one-on-one matchup start deferring hell no yeah hey keep attacking keep doing you because right now you got the light right they’re playing you one-on-one that’s a disrespect because I can tell you this ain’t no history that I know the best player they start off the game sagging and letting you shoot like golden state did him J when Draymond Green like yeah we good we going let you shoot you don’t do that to the best player finals be right who no Jason T he could win listen he can win it jayen brown listen if Jaylen Brown just keeps doing what Jaylen Brown’s going to do his percentage is going going to be better right it don’t matter know what I’m saying it’s the percentage going to be better so because how he gets to play he gets to play get the one so when everything shifts I got you I can go so that right there alone is going to put him he’s going one onone and somebody else going one on two so he get but his his his what Drew do in game one uh Drew in game game one let me pull it up me moment yeah he did porzingis was really so 2611 game two in game one Drew holay had 12 points eight rebounds five assist sh that ain’t too shabby double double and then you play consistently for 65% from the field 13 point game and and but the rebounds yeah that’s the but if Jaylen Brown does that too then I think that props him both what I’m saying is the the thing of the thing of it is is since Tatum is taking 22 shots when he’s hitting his his 18 that goes to 3035 and if he’s hitting like that jayen Brown’s not shooting for sure yeah right you know what I mean he’s not shooting them shots because he not have 13 assist 13 assist he going to have six so in in this game two Tatum took 22 shots Jaylen Brown took 15 he was eight for 15 so but just saying but do remember one has how many assists so uh Tatum 12 assists Jaylen Brown had seven so the 12 assist see both of them right it’s it’s this is I don’t but at this point they it needs to be one of those things who gives a [ __ ] so speaking to that point Gil after after the game two win Shaq gave Jaylen Brown some free game in regards to the Ono discussion surrounding who’s really the man on the Celtics Squad going to give you some G14 classification information cuz this going to be the last time you see me it’s a riddle do not get fixated on useless titles do what you got to do doesn’t matter who’s who or they say who’s what it ain’t time for all that right now do what you got to do and get it done I understand yes sir I appreciate it that made sense to you no okay okay well let me break it down they’re trying to separate you and your guy by saying who’s better and who better I’m saying don’t worry about useless titles who’s the man don’t matter who the man is Kobe’s the man sh it don’t matter I’m getting my 40 Kobe getting his 39 let’s go win these championships that’s what that man I agree with that yes understand because since you didn’t understand I had to break it down to you cuz very sad be noticing that gave an additional Point hey why cuz cuz I was there and that [ __ ] average like 38 against us so hey OB did too not it was one point off or something like that a point final it waser even close look up the stats I was but you know what so funny 29 the [ __ ] aage 38 [ __ ] but that’s the but that’s the problem four games against us oh you know that that becomes a problem though Shaq was listen man motherf Unstoppable man man no no no but that’s the thing but that’s the thing think about the people who put the narrative out I think like right put the think about the people who who puts the narrative out it’s not other athletes it’s never other athlet saying who’s better this is all I need to put a wedge in between like if I see two people looking like they getting the loan together hey man who’s better but who’s the star on this team they’ve done it to everybody [ __ ] right it’s never other athletes saying who’s back because we identify we know who brings what to the game right there going to be when when Philly is number one they gonna say hey who’s really more important on this team is it Maxi or is it MB right this like stop this [ __ ] we know who the [ __ ] for sure yeah did they do that but it’s it’s it’s that they they do it uh Dame is it your team is it Yiannis team like stop that dumb [ __ ] yeah they damned your ass every time every time always got to be somebody team though cuz it’s yeah cuz they want to be able to blame somebody when it fa they want to blame somebody when it failed yeah cuz I witnessed it when it was like is a Kuran team or is a Gil team no you didn’t no you didn’t that’s what y’ [ __ ] was fighting every no they was fighting they was fighting we already we know who team it was see look look you did the sack [ __ ] it’s just you just did the sack [ __ ] why we got to do it they know who team it was did Shack see that’s the [ __ ] I’m tell no they was fighting because I was out so they was fighting on who who the it had nothing to do with me was F know who team it was who was going to lead God yeah who’s going to lead allar game this ain’t got nothing to do with me fellas I get to sit this one out D it’s between y’all have fun y they always do it yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s so 2001 NBA Finals right just win what shage go ahead tell me 35 15 362 final 02 finals 38 and what 18 that one they both they won that’s it ja is 3612 gu us right Kobe’s 27 64 5 well year 2001 he was 2002 yeah we were the three 2001 2001 vers iers two 2002 was uh who was first Indiana was first right yeah like Indiana okay so 2000 excuse me Shaq was averaging 38 yeah buddy 17 yeah that that Kobe average 16 and five but that but look at the end of the day Curry won his first championship he win Finals MVP nobody uses that against him dog no one giv yeah yeah that [ __ ] against who tried to the media the [ __ ] the [ __ ] who never played the game he was mentally [ __ ] up someone who successful trying as well the one who has no idea about what it takes to win is sitting there critiquing everybody on we know how to we know how to troll he wanted to win that [ __ ] back Andre gal that’s not his trophy dog a we had we had Andre Galo on his very couch and he said that the trophy is where it’s supposed to be going say that [ __ ] but what I’m saying but even if we have to give it to somebody the first person who gets up for grat is the [ __ ] who averaged 30 something 13 and8 it’s LeBron’s trophy be honest it was LeBron’s real trophy it was can’t argue can’t argue with this sh says Finals MVP is it didn’t say the winner of the the team whoever the best no it finals who was the best player in the finals that’s what the trophy who played the best here they lost four but he average 50 they look forward to that [ __ ] cuz I remember they was neck and neck KD and Steph and then Steph had one bad game towards the end KD was hitting locker and step head was down down yeah man he wanted to win that b he was and KD was trying to give it to him like KD won the year before so he was trying to give it to him but I’m trying to miss Steph couldn’t make a shot bro I was like Fu he only he had like I think the L he scored in the finals or some [ __ ] that game listen that’s why when people say it was a sweep so they was like but that’s what I say when people say this ain’t a thing Man it is a real thing man like it is man I’m I’m this close to to winning something and you don’t think I’m going to go for it of course right I’m I’m going sit down and but I’m going say oh no this don’t mean nothing but I took 38 shots n n it was just about to win like G you was uh four for 38 it was game three you trying I was trying we asked the chat who is the Celtics best player over 4,000 votes 54% said Jaylen Brown 46% said Tatum this is coming from our chat Gil I get it I mean you know man one is not an all NBA play one is is well no they Brown should have been he should have been they both are all n both one was first team no let’s be honest Jaylen Brown yeah for sure he should have been all he should he should have been on one of them all in fact how he got that 300 yeah he was it was facts he was so he he is an all NBA player his contract says he is that’s the most important player trust me what do your bread say but he wouldn’t have been first no he wouldn’t have been the first I’m say first so now let’s move on to mostly fans presented by Underdog FY crazy how this is this is [ __ ] crazy how this is actually the narrative in the championship like it’s just like the fact that this is like this is the narrative in the championship is who is the best player not Dallas not Dallas can’t win or how to help Dallas The Narrative is who is the best player on the team we the [ __ ] up that’s crazy bro what man like we trying to it’s a lot of Nares going multitask they try anything to break we need to start doing that between some of them who is the best one on uh ESPN who is the best one who needs to be fired let them start thinking about that [ __ ] when they go to work so that’s sick Jason kid deserves a blame for that he’s the one who s stirred the hell yeah I mean but that’s if I’m a coach as a coach that’s the point right as a player you start talking to tat man hey man [ __ ] man you only got four today J you know Jason Brown got 18 [ __ ] he about to win that award he about to win your award every your board hey 82 hey look 82 G holiday like here is the best 82 games man you beening wait wait what a minute what you just say drew you’ve been holding us down they’ve been holding him down for like 82 games and you just going to let him get it like that big bro and start yeah of course

Gil’s Arena Debates The Boston Celtics BEST Player Between Jayson Tatum & Jaylen Brown as Gilbert Arenas & The Gil’s Arena examine the stats throughout the NBA Finals to determine who the Celtics best player is on their path to an NBA Championship and discuss if this discourse started by Jason Kidd even matters in an NBA Locker room when the team is so close to winning an NBA Title.

Gil’s Arena premieres every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET.

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  1. Brown always been better Tatum more marketable so they give him more shots but it’s clear brown got way more dawg in him and take advantage of way more opportunities

  2. An athlete did start the Brown vs Tatum thing. Kendrick Perkins was definitely the loudest about saying Brown could possibly be better.

  3. They play team offence and defense. Who's best depends on what they need in a game. Game 2 it was Write and Holiday. game 1 was Brown and Porzingis. Their focus now will be trying to win1 in Dalas, not who their best player is.

  4. Tatum and Brown reminds me of Westbrook and Durant the year they went to the finals .. Durant drop 30.8.8 , Westbrook would drop 28.12.6 smh divide and conquer every time we get a good basketball team..

  5. People be like Tatum is inconsistent etc, he’s consistently playing not as good as jaylen brown, period end of story, jaylen brown outplayed him in the finals, and he’s done it so far this year

  6. Yall gotta stop lying like we not watching the same thing as yall Tatum is not getting double teamed he’s driving and the defenses collapses same thing happens when Jb blows past his man the defense collapse, nobody is leaving of Brown to double Tatum. That’s why Rashad is needed without him nobody challenges gil.

  7. Brown
    Jrue TIED
    Derrick White
    – Tatum is 5th on his own team
    – He barely top 5 on his squad
    – DAL expected Tatum to be the guy… they would be 2-0 without Jrue and Jaylen Brown

  8. Gil They ain't double Tatum but I've seen Mavs Defense collapse the paint 7 time when JT went down hill after blowing by Luka but whenever JB went down is open spacing meets one defender

  9. This topic is disrespectful to Brown. Jaylen Brown is and has been their best player since the beginning of this season, hands down. Fans want Tatum to be the better player, cause of what? He light skinned? The better player will play the best, real simple. Even Tatum knows his game is off.

  10. Gilbert Arenas is absolutely right, even Jason Kidd doesn't believe what he is saying, Jason Kidd is just playing mind game. Why would he continues to double, sometimes triple Tatum and not JB.

  11. They did Kylie and bron same way on a sense made the narrative of ky being lil bro he held on his own with bron earned his ring

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