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Blazers Working Out Tidjane Salaun, Zach Edey, and Others This Week! | Blazers Uprise Live

Blazers Working Out Tidjane Salaun, Zach Edey, and Others This Week! | Blazers Uprise Live

[Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what’s going on everybody welcome into Blazers uprise live here on a Monday night today we got a lot to talk about as the NBA Finals continue game two was yesterday the Celtics take control with a 20 series lead also we had coaching news today Dan Hurley spurns Los Angeles Lakers which is pretty funny as a Blazer fan I enjoyed that also we’re going to revisit the Drew trade as there was some discussion on NBA Twitter the past couple of days about the Blazers haul in that trade so we’re going to take a look back at that also we’re going to talk about the massive workout that the Blazers have planned tomorrow we’re going to touch upon those names and also at the end we’ll have a mock draft it’ll probably just be the lottery and we’ll touch a little bit about some of the latest on some of these prospects whether their stocks are trending upwards or downwards or wherever and we’ll talk about maybe some players that are linked to some of the teams in the lottery the Blazers of course with two lottery picks Eric how’s the start of your week going oh it’s going okay I had a really long day at work today but happy to be here for the show and talking to you how are you TOR I’m doing good I’m doing good man I uh I post pwn this stream a little bit just to watch the end of that Mariners game if you’re a Mariners fan that was fun that was a lot of fun Mariners down 4 nothing in the eighth inning score four in the eighth and they had a walk-off Grand Slam so I’m I’m pretty feeling pretty good about that would have been bad to lose R bread and the mustard yeah yeah I love that I love that would have been bad to lose to like the worst team in baseball at home but uh you know the Mariners are going to give me a Heart Attack One Way or Another just as long as it’s a good heart attack right so but I’m excited to talk about basketball man I’m excited to talk about basketball because you know despite it being the offseason every stream I’ve gone into it like there’s a lot to talk about of course we got the finals but we have this Lakers coaching search thing going on got some narratives to talk about but this draft is just fascinating to see play out in the leadup to it as well as keeping track of these workouts is a lot of fun as well so I’m super excited to talk about some of those players shout out to JP Savvy member for 6 months says sorry for not being to get going being showered with booze there in in his old home TD gard and now this are we really you’re cutting out really bad yeah love it love it love it love it hello yeah I can hear you yeah weird cutting out a little bit but chat we good we good we good we good we good I have a white screen screen I don’t know if a white screen is good think we might be okay might be might be chat let us know if we’re good okay yeah chat so I got new modem new router new cables new everything okay I I I don’t know I don’t know there’s no reason internet should be this bad in the PDX area yeah I don’t know why my internet just crappy I mean at least there’s at least I’ve tried everything that I could try at this point Spencer says he’s in Vancouver that is in the PDX area anyway anyway hopefully we’re good for the rest of the stream we always try and Soldier through it I don’t know um Celtics take control game one Eric your thoughts on that I was really hoping in game two Dallas would come out and uh even the series um yeah I mean they could still win both games at home I guess but uh Boston just looks like the better team right now despite them shooting like crap from three last game they still got the dub because their defense um so yeah it’s just uh just kind of a bummer let down that the finals have uh gone to 2 uh just hoping like heck uh I don’t really care who wins I just want the series to be competitive so I’m hoping Dallas wins both games at home yeah absolutely um Dallas isn’t living off the lob like they did in previous series um Kyrie hasn’t gotten going the stics are just playing better defense than I think the Mavericks have seen all postseason long and I know I know the Timberwolves were a great defensive team but they didn’t look as good defensively against the Dallas team as Boston has now then again Dallas is not making threes and at the end of the day that is the great equalizer or it will be the thing that does you in if you miss all your threes and Dallas just unfortunately for their sake has not made threes in the series hopefully they make threes going back to Dallas because I would love for the series to go long I hope that it’s not a 30 series lead for Boston Dallas of course has to win game three I also feel like they have to win game four they have to take care of home court advantage going back to Dallas if Boston gets one of those games it’s going to be extremely extremely tough for Dallas so fingers crossed want the series to be competitive I thought it was going to be a little bit more competitive I thought Dallas was going to be able to steal one in these first couple of games and they haven’t what would help if Kyrie played better man I mean when you got Derek white when you got Drew holiday when you got guys like that I they’re just being physical with Kyrie and they’re not letting him turn the corner and they’re just being solid man um very impressed with how they’ve defended Kyrie and uh yeah it’s it’s part of the reason why he’s struggling I also wonder if I don’t think the booze are getting in his head but I do wonder if that might be the case you know KY is uh 0 and 12 against the Celtics since he left there is he really okay maybe they are getting in his head yeah yeah might be well he needs to get his first one against them next game he can’t go in 13 or else the series is probably over and then the Celtics rival on the other side of the country the Lakers made a Monumental pitch to Dan Hurley head coach of the Yukon Huskies who have won the last two NCAA tournament championships and Dan Hurley today it was confirmed turns them down turns them down turns down the Lakers to stay in college State Yukon can’t follow him at all because Yukon is giving him a big pay raise and he’s won two straight championships there so obviously wants to try and three repeat which would be pretty cool has some talent coming in but it’s going to be a brand new team uh but he is I mean in my opinion the best college coach right now just what he’s done the last two years has been very very impressive and he could have gone to the Lakers could have gotten paid a lot of money but there was a lot to that job that I don’t think appealed to many coaches I think there’s a lot of coaches out there especially if they’re in good situation going from a good situation to coaching LeBron normally is not going to be an upgrade LeBron turns through coaches like crazy and then the Lakers even before they had LeBron turn through coaches like crazy so you’re leaving a really good situation a place where you’ve built up a program into being the best college basketball program in the country right now and you’re going to a Lakers team with you know who knows is he going to have to play LeBron son if they draft him like 10 12 minutes a game you know it’s he’s going to get BL blame the moment they start to struggle LeBron of course is a bit I don’t know what the word is he’s he’s kind of like a players coach himself so there’s a lot that goes into that that wasn’t appealing it seemed like to Dan Hurley and he turns them down Eric your thoughts well I could also make a case that going back is kind of foolish too uh the way college sports are heading um it’s basically the Big 10 and the SEC that are going to be making uh Lion Share of the money moving forward um and I know basketball has traditionally been a a thing where any anyone can win obviously they’ve been in the Big East so they haven’t been in one of those conferences and have been fine um I just wonder moving forward as we continue to progress towards uh nil paying players and then also the it appears as if in the very near future you’re going to need uh 20 to 30 million a year every College that’s participating in athletics just to pay players um as kind of like employees based on some of the lawsuits that are out there in the settlements that are already starting to happen and you have to back pay other players for nil and some of that kind of stuff that are winning in courts as well I just I’m wondering how Yukon keeps it going and uh maybe he’s got such an ego that he thinks none of that stuff can bring him down which he might be right about because he’s a Danga coach and uh I think can do a lot of things but uh college sports is just a weird in a weird position right now yeah I just don’t think that stuff is going to be as Monumental for college basketball as it is for college football um and especially in college basketball you can get some older transfers that can really make a difference but maybe aren’t like the star freshman flashy name going to the league type of guy but we’ve seen experience do really really well in the NCAA tournament uh in the past few years so with the transfer portal being the Wild Wild West I think Yukon will be just fine the East is a basketball conference um or so I’m told and uh you know it’s it’s uh I think they’ll be just fine and I don’t know Gonzaga with all this going on is has a top five roster going into next year because they get Ryan neard and gremy K and Michael aay and there’s people here that might not know any of those names other than neard simply because his brother bought out for the Pacers this postseason but that’s going to be a very formidable team like I think you can stay at the top of college basketball a little bit easier with all that stuff going on despite not being a big 10 or SEC Conference than is the case in college football where it’s basically just those two conferences right now I agree with you in the short term long term though when some of those TB deals kick in for the teams in the SEC and the the Big 10 and they’re making close to 100 million a year and you’re making like 10 to 15 million a year in the Big East and or if that in the WCC um I just wonder how much that’s going to change the dynamic and if we’ll start to see a shift towards those conferences being Superior in some of the other sports that they’re not traditionally Superior just because of the sheer volume of money that they’re breaking in should that happen I still think Danny Hurley would have opportunities to jump to the league I think he’s proven himself to the point where if things do go that way he’ll have an opportunity to go coach in the league simply because what he does schematically is very impressive and it’s it’s kind of Next Generation basketball like the offense he runs is like a pro style system I’ve always been impressed watching them play like man that looks like a good NBA offense it doesn’t look like a college offense uh part of it is having the players to play it but part of it is developing the players to play it in teaching the players how to execute that type of system successfully so I think if he can do it on a college level to get them running the type of of offense that they’ve run lately I think he can have similar success in the NBA I think a lot of college coaches struggle to translate to the NBA just like a lot of college prospects struggle to translate to the NBA but I think Danny Hurley is is built to be a good coach no matter what level he’s coaching at and I think he’d still have opportunities there down the line yeah I agree with that in terms of x’s and o’s I do wonder if his I mean he yells a lot and he gets in people’s faces he he chews players out and stuff like that I I kind of wonder how that would play like with LeBron and Anthony Davis and stuff like that or whatever team he would end up on uh but for those saying um he’s he’s smart to stay in college or like he could always go on to a different College eventually um like why he could have just gotten guaranteed $70 million and still gone back to college if that failed and gotten pretty much any job he wanted when going back to college so he did yeah I mean the Lakers offer offered him 11.6 million a year apparently Kentucky offered him 11 million a year so sounds like it’s similar money between college and the NBA now Kentucky is Kentucky and they are an SEC program in one of the Blue Bloods of college basketball but I mean he’s going to have his opportunity had a number of good jobs down the line so um I like that he I like that he went back I like that he spurned the Lakers cuz I think yeah of course you know it’s always funny to see the Lakers get spurned right the big Market expects to get everything they want and when they don’t us little markets up here in Portland just get to laugh at it right because we talked about it last stream Danny Hurley would never come to the Blazers right he wouldn’t want this job you’re talking about the glitz and the glamour of LA with a storied franchise unfortunately we are not that so we just get to laugh when they miss out I don’t know when chomy was hired he said he wanted to go to a storied franchise and that’s why he chose Portland so hey hey our stories are a lot of playoff appearances unfortunately not not a lot of rings to go with it and you know a good old game seven choke job lot of pay in our stories unfortunately um so it’s always good to laugh at the Lakers pain on the other side of it shout out to Michael croll $5 donation says as the Mavs G we are not worried you’re not worried about the Mavs man I’d be worried if I were you thank you for the donation shout out to Roger $2 donation says how do you think Zack Ed would fit on the Blazers oh man um pick and roll defense overall defense very very scared of how bad it might be with him offensively as a pick and roll big and as a massive screen Setter I think he would fit in quite nicely but the defense is a major major issue yeah well you’re you’re now Zack ‘s number one fan right I think I heard that somewhere who said that you’re like defending him now and yeah because I have him as a late late first instead of like you up your late first round and now you’re like oh you guys are all way too low on Ed in the group dude dude I see I see stuff in our group chat so me and Eric are in a group chat chat we cheat on you with another group chat sorry um okay some of our community some of the people that participate in this live chat some of the people that we talked to on Twitter are just are too low Eric and you’re one of them you’re too you’re a little too low on Zack e in my opinion um like you if I think he’s at least a guaranteed backup center probably and he’s maybe for limited minutes but if you can get that in this draft I feel like I don’t know that’s better than like the 45th best Prospect or whatever all right but we’ll see see here’s the thing if he if he plays well I can say see we were we were a little too low on him but if he plays bad I can say see I was low on him too so you know it’s just called a you hate that you hate that hedging your bets down the middle I can go either way all right bold Jaylen Tyson’s going to be a freaking stud okay there that there you go there you go unfortunately every other prospect that I was bold about wasn’t feeling bold themselves and went back to college so I have Jaylen Tyson and Baylor Baylor shyan isn’t gonna suck all right oh man Trin says Tory fell for the propaganda of popular opinion no way popular opinion has them like NBA Twitter guys have him number one I a lot of people have him in the lottery I have him like 26th 27th I saw I forgot who it was but one of the one of the NBA guys had him said he wasn’t going to fall past 19 or something I don’t know yeah Toronto I I don’t think he falls past 19 his range is higher than where I have him at even though I’m a little higher on him than you yeah um I don’t even like saying I’m higher on him I just feel like I’m not as low on him as you you know it’s yeah I know I just I just wanted to give you crap because you were starting to defend him a little bit yeah and I knew you were trying to set it up to where you could play Both Sides no that was a joke I don’t care about playing both sides but yeah yeah but I don’t know sometimes I feel like I can get a little too Allin or all out on a prospect and I’m trying not to do that and with a guy like G it’s like we’re just all out on him but the dude 74 sets great screen should be a good pick and roll big should finish well on the interior should control the boards like that’s some good traits to have defensively that’s defense is going to be a massive issue but if it’s a little bit less of an issue if he’s just below average he’s probably a pretty decent player right like a pretty like a decent to good backup big man where should that be ranked in this draft I don’t know but it’s like he’s tra he’s going to be fun to watch he’s going to be intriguing to watch you know just because he’s a unique player and there’s just a lot of like a lot of guys in in this draft where I look at him it’s just like man is he really going to be anything unique or anything special or have any advantages at the next level mhm so it’s the constant battle that we wage with figuring out how we should evaluate Pro ects cuz it’s it’s never a sure thing I’ll say this though if I’m playing against Zack I’m running pick and roll 100% of the time with his whoever he’s guarding and I’m just putting him in trying to get him switched onto a guard every every single time yeah the you know what the good thing is though with him being a drop big that’s the one scheme where you don’t have to switch you just simply go over the screen and force the guy downhill you just sell out over the screen and force the guy downhill towards the big the problem is we we switch out that’s what you’re supposed to do okay Portland sucks so we switch out of drop but theoretically it’s like if a guard can’t get over the screen yeah like you I don’t know theoretically you shouldn’t have to switch a whole lot if you’re just dropping Ed and the guard has to go over the screen just stay on the guy’s back and force him downhill to Ed I mean that’s going to be the only pick and roll he can play but if he has guards that can get through screens and actually force them downhill to him I don’t know if it’s that bad but that that’s why I’m lower on him than consensus is because there are a few teams that you could maybe justify that same with how I feel about kinging to a lesser extent U but like there are some teams that I think he’d be fine on but a team like Portland man we have we’re probably the worst in the league at navigating screens and pick and roll defense and they just throw him into that I yeah I don’t want see how he just gets cooked right yeah like there’s a difference between my rankings for my big board and my rankings for the Blazers maybe maybe one of these streams I’ll introduce like my blazers Big Board mhm because it’s different than my actual Big Board yeah and every team has their own Big Board for their needs right and my big board is just based on like in a vacuum who I think the better prospects are right like in an average situation you know on average who I think are the better prospects anyway thank you for the donation Roger we’ll talk more about Edy in a minute yeah and maybe maybe not too much more we got other big names to touch upon with this massive workout coming up shout out to Oscar $5 donation says Hurley waiting for Chanty to get fired and mold our young team LOL he would be perfect to take our rebuild in the right direction oh man I would trade chy for him in a heartbeat man in a heart’s gonna pay him 15 million a year yeah Jody’s not paying him $15 million a year though she’s happy paying chony 2 million a year so we get Chanty we got Chanty anyway next topic Eric let’s revisit the Drew Holiday trade so you listed this as Cal topic so I’ll let you lead this one yeah so this is a Hot Topic obviously with Drew playing well in game two he hasn’t played great at times in the playoffs but um you know obviously Boston won 64 games this year they’ve been a really good team the best team all year um and so Drew is about to win a title I see uh some people joking that Joe Cronin should get a ring when that happens um for uh helping them out for want so he had Drew give him a list of teams and then traded him to one of the teams on that list he tried to make sure he was sending Drew somewhere he wanted to go yeah funny anyway go on um so a lot of uh this isn’t even like Portland stuff but a lot of um National people are starting to say that Boston flee Portland in that trade and all that kind of stuff they gave up to injured players um which is true I guess yeah um and then but you can also argue you know the Golden State pick uh many thought that was going to be in the 20s and it didn’t end up being there we end up with the albe it the last lottery pick still a lottery pick I think we all would have taken the 14th pick when we made that trade if if you could say it would be 14 or you could take your chances I think we’d all take 14 right um and then oh especially since it was considered or it was protected top four so um if they were like really really bad and everyone was hurt we probably wouldn’t get it so I think we take 14 and then we still have a 2029 um first round pick unprotected from Boston um so that could be good or it could be it’s probably be bad yeah uh but you think you know five years from now porzingis Drew holidays probably retired by then uh porzingis who knows if he could even walk by then I mean they still got theyed Tatum and brown you know what I mean Payton Pritchard your boy I mean they still got Tatum and brown though and they’ll find ways to build around him because that’s what they’ve done like they know how to build a roster so I don’t expect that pick to be good but maybe you never know in my opinion this is going to sound like it’s not me talking I still think the trade was good in hindsight like even if looking back on it the trade itself I think was fine for the Blazers uh value wise the execution of the assets you got back in the trade was not good and that’s all post trade stuff but the trade itself was fine if you capitalized on the assets you got and flipped the veterans which Cronin failed to do before both of them got hurt um so I I don’t know how how to say it look it doesn’t look good it doesn’t because it it’s bad now that Robert Williams you would think hypothetically has zero trade value uh you probably have to play most of the Season till the All-Star break with little injury concerns to even have a chance at some value at the deadline um and then Brogden if his Medicals are are screwed like um I’ve heard they are uh like that’s going to be tough to I mean what if he doesn’t pass a physical in a trade or something and we are stuck with him for another year um so it might be a case where we’re we have no value in those two guys when I think at one point or another you could have argued that we probably should have and could have gotten a first for both of them at different points yeah so the day the trade happened I took a ton of heat for saying that I thought it was okay but I wasn’t doing Victory laps like the rest of Blazer fans MH and it was a lot of you just don’t want to give Joe Cronin any credit blah blah blah [Music] and it’s kind of played out how I felt like it was going to play out they bring in Robert Williams and it’s like I don’t know I had a gut feeling they’re not going to flip Robert Williams I thought they were going to flip Malcolm brogon but Malcolm Brogden had a trade nck because he couldn’t take a physical when he was simply getting traded for the 30th pick in last year’s draft and that was it so it’s like okay does he really have that much value right and I thought they would flip Malcolm brogen before the season because it didn’t really make much sense to go into the season with him when you have three other young guards that you’re building around um but ultimately that’s what they did but essentially you traded for two injury-prone players a golden state pick that ended up being much better than I thought but it’s still the 14th pick like there’s a very good chance that they miss on that don’t get anything back for that and it’s a 2029 Boston first like Boston is as likely as any te think we’re back oh man Xfinity guys Xfinity drives me up a wall drives me up a wall stream just ended oh it ended ended you sure about that I don’t know refresh it it went to Padres versus Athletics postgame show on hogw [Laughter] watch that’s funny You’ been watching some hog watch huh uh not very often I don’t know why I thought that’s funny it’s back now wow okay I don’t know guys I don’t know my internet’s rough anyway shout out to the people that watch this back after the fact it only get to deal with the hiccups instead of the the long periods of of lag it’s brutal out here um damn I got kicked to Hoops Crush shout out to one piece for watching Hoops Crush um anyway as I was saying I was worried because they’re bringing in two injury prone players I didn’t think Malcolm brogen had much trade value I had a good feeling they were going to keep Robert Williams since the seon and it was not going to go well I said they should flip both those guys before the season a lot of people told me why would you want to flip Robert Williams he’s the type of Center we’ve been waiting for and the rebuttal was of course we have DeAndre Aon when do you need to go into the season with Robert Williams in a rebuild mode when you have DeAndre Aon right and then the picks what didn’t have much faith in either of them being good uh could they have gotten back better I don’t know I don’t know and at the time I didn’t think the trade was bad but I thought there was some serious downside to that trade that gave me pause when we made it and a lot a lot of people thought it was just like Cronin hate and now it’s kind of played out exactly like I thought it might play out where the return now as you said talking about the execution of this trade it just doesn’t look that good I think it’s fine it’s not something for me to necessarily criticize but I don’t know the victory laps after that trade didn’t make any sense to me and this is why yeah you w Crown an apology Tori um no I see the the funny thing is so Anthony gets hurt first game scoop gets hurt shortly thereafter and then Brogden actually like he played decent for a good stretch uh that’s when they should have traded him we didn’t unlike Grant and thel we didn’t have to wait till January 15th to to trade him we could have traded him at any point in the season but the minute he showed anything and seemed healthy um we should have we should have gotten rid of him and I I mean you can say that’s hindsight all you want obviously it seems like hindsight since he got hurt and didn’t play leading up to the trade deadline and after the trade deadline but it’s not like we weren’t on these streams saying that the entire season yeah I mean I was begging for them to flip both guys before the season um it’s going to be fascinating to look back on this Dame trade once the Milwaukee and Boston picks actually convey because if both those teams are really good the Dame trade does not look good Eric like you probably could have found a way to get eighton without the Dame trade right be just the way things reported there’s debate amongst fans about oh would Phoenix have actually traded Aon without Grayson Allen in the deal if it was somebody else other than Grayson Allen yada yada yada but I think it was clear that they wanted to move on from him and he didn’t want to be there um and they valued nerk as a replacement we can agree or disagree and argue about whether that was the right move but it doesn’t really matter you know um so at the end of the day the jury’s still out on the Dame trade and we have to wait until 2029 to determine whether or not it truly paid off or not because if we’re getting the first overall pick in 2029 because the Bucks suck and we have their unprotected first that trade looks really really good but that was part of the problem I had with a Dame trade was you’re getting back speculative assets you’re not getting back anything concrete at all the most concrete thing you got back you could argue Aon You could argue Kamar right the sun’s part of the trade that’s the only thing but that was negotiated separately MH so if you want to look at the other parts of the trade Milwaukee and Boston which Milwaukee got Dame Boston got Drew you know what I mean so you should be able to get something concrete back from one of those teams and all you got back was the 14th pick in this year’s draft and a few future 2029 unprotected first from Milwaukee and Boston okay that’s great but it’s not like you got any other pick capital on top of that MH right uh it’s not like you got a really good young Prospect back from one of those teams so it just feels a little bit low because Brogden and Robert Williams were pitched as being really good assets to get back because of what the Blazers could ultimately flip them for but they took two injury-prone players two injury-prone veterans into a rebuilding season and they both dealt with injuries and now their trade value is going to suffer because of it so yeah I that’s just kind of where we’re at right now I mean we’ll have to see this off season what the Blazers get back for Brogden if they keep Brogden if they keep Williams going into next season I think this trade looks even worse to be honest if they can get something good back for Brogden of course that makes the trade look better yeah so right now if there was a point last season like even with hindsight Evan fornier and the 25th pick it ended up being I think they have 24 and 25 but let’s just say it was 25 okay are you are you would you take that right now for Bron so for is basically an expiring right guaranteed this year guar yep no no cuz we have the 30 we have the 14th we have 714 and 34 and 40 like 25 yeah I mean I don’t even trust them to draft the right player with that 25th pick and it’s like since you already have those four first like would rather get an early second in a future draft

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  1. We are what we are! I hate to interrupt your hating on Croninbut I have a Question for you guys …. If Atlanta wanted to trade Scoot for the Number one pick would you guys do it?

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