@National Basketball Association

The Boston Celtics are 43-1 when leading 2-0 in a playoff series (only loss was to the 2018 Cavs)


"The Boston Celtics took a 2-0 lead over the Dallas Mavericks after an exciting back-and-forth Game 2 in Boston, and now history is on their side. Teams leading 2-0 in the Finals are 31-5 all time, and the Celtics have a 43-1 series record when leading a best-of-seven 2-0 (their only loss was in the 2018 East finals)."

Pretty wild record despite the idea that the series doesn't start until the home team loses. Luka and Kyrie definitely don't have good odds here, can they do what the 2018 Cavs did?

by CIark


  1. fivehoops

    In answer to your question: no.

    Wish they could though…

  2. Cold_Carpenter_1798

    Mavs just need LeBron, it’s that simple and easy

  3. UpvoteIfYouAgreee

    funny because the only games of all those that “matters” is the loss

  4. I_Set_3_Alarms

    Ngl I forgot Celtics were up 2-0 in 2018. Probably because back then no series lead felt safe in the East if you were facing LeBron

  5. Famous-Change1565

    Lmao I’ll never forget Lebron just laughing and smiling after G2 in that series, everyone knew he was about to come back and dick down the C’s.

  6. cuftapolo

    Every time I see these stats I get a bit scared

  7. As a Celtics fan, this is hands down the BEST stat I’ve seen all year! 😆

  8. saravcii_

    Luka and Kyrie are both capable of big performances that could shift the series. It’ll be interesting to see if they can defy the odds and turn things around like LeBron and the Cavs did in 2018.

  9. porncollecter69

    Think it’s over. Everybody just shrunk, might be the inexperience.

  10. sweet_dee

    These stats are fucking stupid as shit. It’s not like there’s some overarching organizational thing that has made 43 of the 44 teams up 2-0 go on to win, so it has nothing at all to do with the team currently up 2-0.

  11. Fast-Ad-4541

    I mean these stats always get thrown around but what do the Celtics teams from 1950’s have to do with this team lmfao

  12. Serizilla_602

    Hypothetical: Can 2018 Lebron on let’s say…the current cavs push these celtics to at least 6 or 7?

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