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Miami Heat: Would Lauri Markannen be worth the price? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Would Lauri Markannen be worth the price? | Five on the Floor

welcome ladies episode of five on the floor in the five reason Sports Network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app on Apple Apple podcast on Android recommend Spotify or the Five Reasons YouTube channel also check us out on off the floor I just dropped some draft nuggets that I heard you’re only going to get this stuff there go to off the floor $2.99 per month check out the 10 channels on there you get access to everything with that monthly subscription also there are Heat fans communicating with each other all day long get off of Twitter check out off the floor link is right here in the description on the podcast feed and on the YouTube channel also check out the great sponsors of the five reason Sports Network you know who’s a member of off the floor Lynette huge Miami Heat fan a Aggressive Insurance check her out at insurance by 95458 8800 that’s 954 581 8800 a insur a Aggressive Insurance Agency your car insurance your renters insurance your homeowners insurance you can handle all of it for you the insurance agency that works for you again Insurance 995 5 45 581 8800 and now today’s episode five on the floor ride for my dogs where here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple scars we bubble FR just like bu said you in trouble y Che the got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust it’s power have the guts we here to bring the heat y’ can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan skullet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skoling you can follow me Ethan J skoling got five re Sports I got alexo you can follow me tropical blanket we’ll have episodes with Brady and Greg coming up this week check out the episode that I did with our guy Eternal bass we got into why there’s so much disrespect of Dwayne around this time of year it seems to happen every single year he’s thrown into all these ridiculous comparisons so Eternal and I broke it down a little bit is it more about basketball or is it about something else today we’re going to get back into basketball and we’re following all the reports we’re going to have uh I do want to introduce one thing we’re going to be doing starting next week we are going to start revisiting Miami Heat drafts and we’re going to do it on two different well actually if you include YouTube three different platforms we’re going to be doing some years here on five on the floor and we’re going to be doing some years on playback so that’s playback. tvrn or just download the playback app for free and then sign up for five reasons room you’ll find it on there so we basically are going to pick 10 different years in which the Miami Heat either took a player of significance or maybe they passed on a player of significance and we’re going to break those down so some of the years that we will definitely do are 2003 Dwayne Wade 2008 uh Alex will be on that one that will be the Michael Beasley year um and got a lot of background on that one uh we’ll probably do 2015 the Justice Winslow year we might do 2002 the Quan Butler year Greg and I if we’re feeling like really old that day we might do a combined episode of the pre- rilly stuff Steve Smith Ronnie cyle uh Glenn rice we are certainly going to do the Tyler hero year uh the bamama bio year and yes we probably will do in addition of the haime hakz year we probably will do the precious auua year because that was also the Tyrese maxi so we’ll get into all of this stuff uh as we go forward and again we’ll be unveiling all of that starting that week the week after we will get into this year’s draft more specifically and we’ve got our guy Adele who’s been putting up stuff on his YouTube channel and he’s going to be synchronizing his stuff with us so that we have uh the latest on all the draft prospects that the heat may be looking at and what direction the draft could go today though we’re going to do more of a veteran topic Alex uh you and well you weren’t on this one I don’t think I think Greg and I did this one about the idea of a third player and in light of what Tyler hero makes Terry Rosier make whichever one you consider their third player Tyler is their third highest paid player kind of what you can pay to a guy like that or what direction you need to go under the current tax rules second apron rules and all that and you know it’s been said to me that in the modern NBA if you’ve got two Maxes your third guy like really can’t be much more than a mid-level um The Heat Of course have two guys who are making a lot more than that actually three if you include Duncan Robinson but the two are Tyler hero who I believe makes 29 million next year Terry Rosier who makes 24 million next year and we’ve talked about the redundancy of the two of them and then Duncan Robinson who’s at right 18 or 19 million for next year so they actually have they have Duncan Robinson is the Heat’s fifth highest paid player makes more than any magic player is currently scheduled to make next year and you and I did that magic podcast but Jon Jonathan Isaac who uh could be a free agent uh because he player option I believe uh would make $17 million on an optin there and that just gives you some context where people say the heat are in spending salary sheet doesn’t really show that so we’re going to get into some players who may be out there for that third spot and like whether or not it would be worth it okay so let’s start with this guy because this one uh is a player who from a talent perspective I think the heat would definitely like to have which is Lorie marinan of Utah and we were going over this before we came in now marinan is a free agent after this upcoming season correct Alex MH $18 million something along those lines yep in the modern NBA what would Lori Marin be worth per year to you I think probably um if we’re being realistic and he keeps playing more or less at the same level this next season I think whatever his max is is probably not only what he’s going to be demanding but what he’s going to be worth I think you know the level that he’s been playing at since he got to Utah surprised a lot of people including myself I was not like a big marketing guy after his stint in Chicago you know was like a nice role player for Cleveland in the one year before he was a part of the Mitchell trade and so you know he was starting to look better but I don’t think a lot of us projected him to be you know somewhat of an All-Star level player which is what he’s been um I think offensively obviously that’s like where everything comes for him it’s he’s really good he’s really good and not only that he’s really versatile you can use him in a lot of different ways on and off ball and I think SPO could have some fun having an offensive weapon like that who you know I think would fit nicely next to Bam kind of addresses some of your size issues right if if for people who want them to play double bigs I think he’s the type of big you would want like a real offensive weapon who can pass who can play on or off ball you know isn’t a complete Tree on defense not that he’s a stud but you know is passable and I know yic has got a lot of comparisons to him I think yage is more past first and more of a connective right now whereas Markin is like somebody that you devote immediately a lot of offense too and it doesn’t need to be you know him creating from the top of the floor you can do a lot with him involving you know your actions involving him can also involve your best players which it would be really useful for the their offense not to mention how much of a sniper he is like from from three and just in general I think he is somebody who would absolutely get the max whether from the heat from the jazz or somebody else 27 years old um listed at 611 right 6117 feet I mean you talk about a size uh issue that the Heat have had and functional size even though he’s not an elite rebounder that would obviously help um average average rebounds last uh two years by the way uh since getting to Utah 8.6 and 8.2 um efficiency has been outstanding uh 25.6 points two years ago on 50% shooting 39% from three and 88% from the line this past year a little bit of a dip he did have an availability issue U we also know that Utah sometimes has been sitting guys to get higher up in the draft uh he averaged 23.2 points 8.2 rebounds on 4840 90 splits I mean he’s close to a 50 40 90 player um he would be the Heat’s best offensive player am I wrong about that at this stage I mean certainly regular season he would be their best offensive player right my immediate thought he would be their best offensive player and then you know maybe like in in in an Ideal World Jimmy is still your number one in the playoffs but you know again he can be evolved you know whether on or off ball so many different ways so it would like it would be a very different way of addressing your needs including having extra shot creation it’s just you know not in the way that maybe we all you know would have wanted or expected as as far as like a shot creating guard who can get to the rim like that’s not his game uh but he does it in a lot of different ways that might be an easier fit for your stars not to mention the size not to mention the youth and just another thing to clear up like because I say the word like Max I don’t know exactly what his max is or what he would be eligible for no I I I I I’ll tell you it would be four years at uh upwards of according to what I just looked this up four years at upwards of $200 million well there you go it would be paying him to be a big time player so I hope you know people would understand that um and that would not make me shy away from trading for him you know like um so like if fans have a preference of like oh you know go after Donovan Mitchell that’s not really the conversation here it’s like oh if Mitchell isn’t available marketing is that’s what this is about I think he is very worthy of being the third guy with this group even if it’s not like everybody’s favorite pick you would have to be using him a lot and I think they would and uh after have to most likely pay him a ton of money like you’re saying I think it would probably be that 200 mil that he’s eligible for well and again he’s at an age where it makes sense to do that this is 2728 is when you’re entering your Prime um it does change your model a little bit I mean we talk about well 20 29 million for Tyler hero is too much for a third player and now we’re talking about close to 50 million um I mean there’s not a whole lot else you can do beyond that they would absolutely have to to hit on any picks that they keep because those players would need to fill out the roster from a role perspective they’d also need to find some minimums that can produce at at least the level that Josh Richardson was producing last year if not better and they would probably need to find a couple of other developmental guys who pop uh certainly if you’re doing this you’re not keeping Caleb Martin you’re probably not even keeping Haywood High Smith if the price gets too high you’re going to have to develop another one um you might not have Terry Rosier Duncan Robinson or Tyler Hero on the roster you’re gonna have to find some shooting from somewhere else right you would have to figure out first how this trade gets done right because he’s making 18 mil right now it’s not that much to salary match so like a lot of people match with Duncan rob you can salary match with Duncan Robinson basically right it’s a question of where are you getting your picks though exactly it’s a very idealistic like um I guess just trade match where you go dunking in some picks I don’t know if that’ll get it done were you and like you guys have said in the past they like Tyler so I think immediately our brains go to Okay Tyler and whatever else like you know draft Capital wise but he makes a lot more money in this upcoming season so then if you start to other jazz players like it gets complicated maybe you move Tyler um you know for to to get an extra pick or whatever I don’t know like maybe that’s a scenario that they look through but um yeah I don’t think you know the Jazz would like get excited if the heat just go okay dunk it in two first you know well well the other issue with it is the guy who runs the uh the the Jazz probably won’t get excited about anything that the heat are offering because it’s Danny a um everything let me let yeah let let me look at their cap sheet here as we go forward you know they they took John Collins into space last year at 26.5 million I how many years did they give him I’m looking that up right now um seon they have at 18 million last year I’d like to have him in Miami but again I don’t think he’s just a giveaway player um so 26 there’s a player option for John Collins at 26.5 the year after which my guess is with the way his career has gone he probably opt in um I’m just I’m looking at a way to make this deal bigger you can obviously involve other teams I mean they’re not going to be moving the Walker Kesler uh there’s just not a hell of a lot on this roster to kind of play with you’ve got Clarkson at 14 million that next year you know Ang anges talked about you know how it’s time now to start to Pivot right like they that to actually start to compete which it hasn’t felt like they’ve been doing the last two years if you’re actually starting to compete you might keep marking it doesn’t seem that they’re inclined to do that um and I’m a little dubious on their strategy of trying to compete in the west right now like I I don’t know how right like like if you’re in the East I’d say yes but like how are you competing with Denver to a certain degree although I’m not all that impressed right now Dallas OKC with all of their assets the Clippers are still a factor in some way they have a handful of contend and then they have like in total 12 playoff teams not including the Jazz if and that and that’s right Memphis which looks like I mean they’re gonna they’re going to be good quickly and then the Spurs like are not that far that kid may just blow up this summer in a way that if they add two pieces they’re at least at the very least a playing team right so I so so so that that that I I don’t know when I look at angel strategy here I’m kind of like okay is this really the time to do this now and again that PL may play into moving Mark than not now and not thinking that he’s he’s a 50 million number one player I I guess on a contender but then again then the math becomes is he a $50 million like third guy who’s maybe your best offensive player but not your best overall player I they would have would he have the best front Court in the Eastern Conference oh spicy um I guess it would be them or the bucks if you’re still you know going with Brook there just because giannis’s well I guess I or or the Celtics right porzingis Tatum and brown if you’re saying that you’re playing that right if if if you’re if you’re playing their smaller lineup right like that’s which is what they’ve they’ve got to which is not that small actually but if if you’re going to that I I guess I how could you I don’t know how many picks you think this is I mean the guy a took like what six picks for goar yeah it was how do how did the heat even how do how did the heat even get to a number that makes sense for them that’s the thing I mean that’s why I was proposing that you know hero gets moved in a in a separate deal or part of a three- team deal however they work it out because I don’t think the two picks that they currently have available would be enough on their own and then that inevitably gets to you know again I know everybody’s gonna hate it I’m not necessarily a fan of trading these guys but hakz and yovic are gonna be asked for it’s just there’s no doubt about it if you were Danny a you would asking for them too right and I don’t think you know everybody wants to give up hak zovic plus two first rounders plus whatever you got to do salary-wise including maybe trading Tyler all for marketing like are you that in on him I don’t know I think that’s but but Alex are you Alex are you okay more okay with trading yic if you’re getting marinan because if you’re getting Morin like yic does not have a path there’s not a path for yic to be playing 30 minutes next year if they got Markin in unless they just you know we’re willing to use him as like you know he’s the third not only he would be the third big in the rotation which I think is how he would get his minutes but he would have to be like a four five hybrid and probably just play with whoever’s out there whether it’s Mark and or bam it would have to be that type of thing unless it’s like SPO doesn’t want to play them together then that really limits you know where his minutes could come from um not to mention marketing and Bam both don’t miss a ton of games and right uh and and that would be you know that would be pretty pretty helpful for the heat as well I mean actually now that I’m looking at it I thought he didn’t miss that many games but he missed no he missed he he missed some last year but again if I think there is a part of this if you look at the last two seasons some of this was injury but it was also the Jazz have kind of been an open it’s kind of been an Open Secret that they’ve dropped some games over the course of the last couple years and sat some guys I mean that was one of the great tank jobs I’ve ever saw seen two years ago where they like they were leading a game against the Heat and then nobody played in the fourth quarter um they’ve been kind of OB about it so I I I I don’t think it’s just that like I wouldn’t really wouldn’t worry about him as much from an availability perspective I it does change that like the tone of the roster like then maybe you’re looking for like guards who can defend like which is cheaper to get than guards who can score like you I mean if you have if you have Markin and you still have Jimmy producing you know if bam continues to modestly develop offensively you don’t really need I mean maybe you need one like volume six-man type guy but I don’t I feel like uh offense would be as problem right well if you well that person wow they might both be moved I mean I I don’t know I mean again I this is I mean because I mean are you gonna if you gotta pay marketing $50 million and again it wouldn’t be this year it’d be after that but if you had to pay him $50 million as your third guy are you keeping Terry Roser at 24 million in the last year of his contract I’m not talking about this upcoming season I’m talking about after that or you keep keeping Tyler at what 30 I mean I because I I think ultimately if they got Morin and Tyler’s gone I I I think you I agree with you on that like I feel like that’s going to and and this gets back to what we talked about with Dame the Heat’s original offer by reports okay and again this is you know there was not a lot of communication going on here but Tyler and two first like this would for Dame like this would be richer than that like I I it’s that’s not going to it’s not going to fly on its own they they would have to find picks for other people and then you mentioned they might have to throw in Endor yovic although I think it’s more an or than an end um it’s optimistic but uh but but it depends all right so when we come back we’re going to talk about the situation in Atlanta so we’re kind of looking at these teams as we go forward and seeing there might be a fit there was a report today about the Andre Hunter and Clint capella um I want to talk about the hunter thing because this would be a little bit of a different approach you’re not necessarily upgrading but you’re kind of salary shifting um so we’ll get into that in a second before we do want to mention a couple great sponsors of the five reason Sports Network our friends over at better Edge use the code five RSN that’s five RSN get $20 to play What’s the difference between this and the other books there’s no Vig uh so which basically means you’re just not giving away money for free this saves you on your bets over the long run that adds up also you can find the line that you want in their Marketplace it’s a social betting Marketplace check it out at better use the code 5 RSN that’s number five RSN to play right away also check out prize picks use the code five there get your initial deposit matched up to $100 this is legal again in the State of Florida and again you can play it pretty much the way you were before there’s no flex plays but everything else is virtually the same so go to use the code 5 FIV get your initial deposit matched up to $100 and start setting your lineup today all right so this report out of Atlanta that the Hawks could be moving we’ve talked a lot about Trey and de jonte Murray but now we’re moving to the front Court um the Hawks have been stuck in kind of playing Purgatory I guess the Heat have too uh they got a finals appearance out of it uh for the past two years and so they need to make changes and you know it looks like ownership there is looking to do it Clint capella and deantre Hunter came up let’s start with Hunter um really talented player Heroes draft class kind of a high-end role player who’s shown flashes of more but has had trouble staying healthy and really was kind of passed in some ways by Jaylen Johnson last year for them um it’s particularly late in the season so it looks like they’re willing to move on from him now again availability issues there uh was something that the heater concerned about here’s his contract coming up he signed an extension around the same time uh hero did he makes 217 next year 233 249 so essentially this would be getting a little cheaper at their third spot but I’ll just ask you this like is DeAndre Hunter worthy of being a third player on a contending team I I I mean it hasn’t happened yet right so you’re betting on the upside and keeping him healthy and keeping guys healthy has not been the heat strength lately yeah no I don’t think he DeAndre Hunter is worth being their their third contract um I like him you know I lik him coming out of college I think he’s been all right but that’s just it I think he’s been okay and like you said he got passed by Jaylen Johnson um this season who is you know younger more athletic and can clearly do more things was more productive DeAndre Hunter and look some of it is is a fault of I mean you know kind of an outcome of offenses that are very helal Centric um revolving around Trey young and you know of course Murray where maybe you don’t get as many touches I just don’t think he is somebody that deserves like you know third option touches now he wouldn’t really be your third option because you know you you still have whichever wi you don’t trade between Tyler and Terry so I understand the idea of like you know maybe you you exchange one of those guys for somebody who can help solidify your front Court who you know has the nice measurables like Hunter does the wing span and the height and all that I just think it’s a little bit idealistic I think you you lose um a lot in your office and I don’t think he is he is the guy that people are making him out now I’m not trying to like crap on him I just don’t think he is particularly great on either end of the floor to be like okay I’m into this like it’s just to me it’s not the right scenario I I understand like the fans wanting to shake things up this just wouldn’t be I’m not too you know a big fan of this move I think Hunter like he gives you some stuff in the mid-range I think as a shooter from three he’s been you know good but I feel like sometimes it’s a little bit inconsistent the numbers don’t necessarily reflect that CU he you know 38% from three this year 35 last year 38 the year before for you know had only had one season below 35% from three out of his five so like you give that to him but again I don’t know that that’s worth doing and I think you could probably get more out of him defensively putting him in in the front court with Jimmy and Bam and of course um you know what SPO does I just I’m not a fan of moving either one of Terry or Tyler for him um and especially because it would be a little bit more complicated than that right because he makes what is it 22 mil next season um and I don’t know that the Hawks would have interest in either of those guards considering their current guard situation like if I mean it already didn’t work with them playing Murray with young and now if they end up moving Murray or young they really gonna want Rosier hero there it feels I mean if if if they kept young and they got hero that defense that back Court’s going to get destroyed on the defensive end we talked about it we talked about Trey coming to Miami and if they and I I I don’t know I don’t feel like Rosier and Marie a fit um I don’t know it feels it feels to me like a force I mean I like here’s the thing like let’s say Caleb Morton’s going to get 13 million a year which we think maybe too rich for the Heat’s blood right now where they’re at is is DeAndre Hunter 10 million better than Caleb Martin per season has he shown that like I don’t he good games the heat I like him but but yeah it’s just and he’s a guy who I famously like when I think about his good games against the Heat especially in that round a couple of years ago um I made jokes on playback about it that it’s like I he when he sees Tyler herro he his eyes light up and he takes like those you know kind of elbow mid-range shots you know maybe you’ll post them up and just kind of shoot over him in the mid-range and he he very clearly you know likes that um that little mid-range area against smaller guys and you know that would fit right in with the Heats mid-range shot profile but I just don’t think place I don’t think he would be making you better significantly significantly on either end and it yes it would be an upgrade defensively going for either one of um those guards to him I just I think like he is like a B on both ends of the floor and even that is like h b might be a little generous because he’s not always like it’s not like night tonight he’s this awesome like high level role player who’s like you know like people talk about that Aaron Gage I don’t think he’s at that level so I like him I like his game wouldn’t mind him on the heat in theory I don’t think the scenario really is like a great one for either teams when you start going through trade ideas and not to mention the Hawks having to throw in more contract to match it for you know whether it’s Terry it would have to be a couple million if it’s Tyler it would have to be like another seven million that the Hawks would have to throw in there I just I don’t think this is the right move for either team and like the marketing thing to me is the opposite of that which is why it would cost so much more but like just something I didn’t mention in the first half marketing had a 97 percentile offensive estimated plus minus uh 96 percentile of the year before so ever since he’s been on the Jazz he’s been one of the best you know most productive offensive players in the league and of course you know um a team that it’s it’s all about him but again a guy who would fit in nicely in the heat would absolutely use a ton um in their offense whereas like with Hunter it’s like okay you know you can maybe get more out of him than the hawk Scott and that’s kind of the cell but it’s you’re taking a risk by moving one of your guys who like you know what they can do what they can’t do and Terry and Tyler and you know a team missing that that needs that much offense you know downgrading there for a guy like Hunter and I don’t even know how much of like the defensive upgrade would be worth it so I think it’s two completely different conversations but you know Hunter I don’t think he’s you know he’s worth the the move here all right so real quick here the other guy Clint capella which is kind of amusing because bam was compared to Clint capella by a lot of people coming out of college and he’d actually looked seriously at Clint capella uh that year that what was it that they ended up taking uh I think uh what was it the one that that LeBron wanted to take right that that that otherwise capella probably would have been the pick uh if not and he’s had a good career and he’s had some big rebounding games against the Heat he’s actually coming up into the last year of his contract at 22 million uh he would be a backup on the heat they’re not going to play bam with capella um I don’t believe in paying $22 million for backup centers even if they’re a high level backup center but it is the last year of his contract is there any value there I mean this would be the kind this would be like a set move right like it’s just cleaning out some cap after this year and then again he’s also he could be moved again I guess uh before the deadline if you wanted to do that you know once once that the moratorium and that ends is is there any appeal to going after a $22 million backup center on an expiring well and I forgot to mention him before even though we mentioned him regarding marketing and and that deal um another scenario as far as like a guy who could be thrown in there maybe they they don’t TR either Tyler or Terry and it’s Duncan with his 19 mil or so that he’s making next season you would still have to throw in more money whether it is Capella or Hunter um as far as like really quick because I didn’t mention that before um I would maybe be more open to moving Duncan but even then that like that doesn’t neither of those scenarios really excite me and I know that’s not really the point of it but it’s not just about exciting it’s like moving Duncan or another one of your offensive guys who we already mentioned in hero and Rosier like would that be the move for a backup five would that be a move for like this okay somewhat starter level four and Hunter I don’t know that’s why like I think maybe that’s like some maybe you just got to you know swallow your pride and cons like do a move like that if you think it’ll really help your roster and balance it out I’m I’m not really sold on either one what how do you feel about like maybe you know Duncan for capella or dunking for Hunter yeah that’s one been mentioned before I you know again that’s that’s about um well the hunter thing is a little different than capella because you’re taking on additional years there so I don’t know that that’s the direction that the heat would want to go and then again Hunter’s been a good shooter um but Duncan’s obviously a better shooter I and I don’t know that the offense for defense switch makes sense with capella is a little different because you’re getting off the contract um so I I could see it as potentially a shuffling move you know I think Heat fans have to be prepared for the possibility that both Tyler and Duncan are moved and then they’re going to have to find shooting somewhere else um and I I I I’m dubious on the idea of like Cole swier stepping into the rotation next year he doesn’t look like a rotation player to me now I I’ve been wrong about some of their developmental guys in the past I didn’t think Haywood heith would be this we said he had a very sort of low ceiling but a pretty high floor and I think he’s exceeded the ceiling that we’ve talked about um you know that’s kind of where we’re at so I you know so you know I I my thought on it is that uh first thing marketing to me is worth a serious look unless Danny a is just insane in his demands Hunter I really would not be serious about capella is just about if it’s a shape-shifting move to get some contracts off the books next year and go a different direction with kind of more of a bam uh Focus I think that’s kind of where we’re at with it so we’ll see we’ll get into more of these players as they become available um check out again the other podcasts that are on the feed subscribe to off the floor check out playback uh also if you’re a Dolphin fan we’ve got our guys going on playback as well thanks for our sponsors a Aggressive Insurance better Edge use the code 5 RSN prize picks use the code five have a good one everybody

With the Utah Jazz still rebuilding, and their best player Lauri Markannen up for a contract extension, Ethan Skolnick and Alex Toledo discuss whether he would be worth the price — in terms of trade assets and money.

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  1. This is going to be hard to sit through. I thought the Heat should've tried to get him right after the Utah trade. But this was before Niko.

  2. Lauri is not worth it, he was, he’s not anymore. Lauri at 50M per year and 3-4 picks to get him, no. Y’all were just talking about if we made this all in move, we needed a bonafide superstar, now we’re talking ab Lauri Markkenan as a 3rd option?

  3. I prefer trae. His offense would open up so much and we've been top 10 in defense no matter who we've had

  4. Ya can’t be serious. Why would I bring a player, I would need to pay max and can’t create his own shot? We need a player that can creates a shot. We have too many statues.

  5. You guys love basketball but do not understand or play the game. Heat needs a guy that can attack the rim and a 7 footer that can give Bam a breather. He is a great shooting big which is not what the heat needs.

  6. You guys keep talking about players that don’t fit especially if we’re trying to win a ring next season smh

  7. This is the regular "find a big who does all the things Bam doesn't do" so we can pay Bam a max just to play defense and catch lobs. Good use of money.

  8. exactly a big that can give Bam a breather. When I look around the league every team has a player that can attack the rim except the Heat. In 2024 the Heat are scoring 80 points in a basketball game. That is strictly because we do not have an offense. Spo run the defense but after 4 years fire the offensive coach or get better players or we will get close and never win.

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