@Utah Jazz

Best jerseys ever? 👀🔥 (ft. @KingCharge)

Best jerseys ever? 👀🔥 (ft. @KingCharge)

it only took 2 years for the Utah Jazz to realize they made a huge mistake the Jazz were not only a somewhat successful team in the ’90s but they also had some of the best jerseys and overall branding in the entire league until 2004 when they took it away from us and replaced it with a more boring version and even though they evolved over time we never saw anything worse than what they unveiled in 2022 I have a feeling that whoever was in charge of making these was secretly a bulls fan because there’s no way you make these and think that they are ready to be seen anywhere in public thankfully though we will never have to see those highlighter ass jerseys ever again because today the Utah Jazz revealed their brand new set of jerseys and oh my God they went crazy they seriously went from having some of the worst jerseys in the league to some of the best but seeing the Jazz pull off this change made me wonder what team should follow their lead which my mind immediately went to the Cleveland Cavaliers with them also changing their jerseys in 2022 in my opinion they look terrible not as bad as the Jazz ones but still they look trash but let me know in the comments what team you think should Rebrand next and with that being said my name is King charge and Chris will be back tomorrow


  1. I think Memphis should move back to their logo from the first years in Memphis. Get that old jersey for the season

  2. The warriors need new jerseys like why would I want to buy a plain yellow jersey or an all white/blue jersey

  3. The Jazz are second only to the spurs in win shares, they haven’t just been good in the 90s😂

  4. I mean they weren’t bad but Ig I’m just more open minded then yall 😂😂 I kinda like them same with the Cavs

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