@New York Knicks

CP The Fanchise Talks Tips For Starting A Knicks Podcast | Knicks Offseason Priorities

CP The Fanchise Talks Tips For Starting A Knicks Podcast | Knicks Offseason Priorities

salute to n Nation CP the franchise here hope you guys are doing well on this Tuesday afternoon I have here with me uh Ashton carand he is the host of gen Z hoops and Ashton is actually going to be a student at uh the sports business classroom this summer out in Las Vegas during uh Las Vegas summer league as I mentioned to you guys before I’ll be teaching the media and broadcasting a program or one of the teachers in the media and broadcasting program there at the sports business classroom and that is organized by uh ESPN front office Insider Bobby marks and uh and and uh Eric pinkis as well so um I’m gonna actually be a guest on Ashton’s uh podcast on j z hoops and so Ashton I’ll let you take it away man uh CP thank you so much for coming on my show today and um giving me the opportunity to speak on your platform as well um for all the jenzy Hoops guests out there today as um CP just stated he is the creat and host of Nicks fan TV as well as the NBA report and host of NBA Radio on serus XM and WF in New York CP the franchise so um before we jump into our little conversation about like your career and um what you do for Nicks fan TV as well can you talk a little bit about your connection to the game of basketball yeah so you know my connection to the game started as a kid you know as a as a Nicks fan and just watching Nicks games as a youngster he used to be on on NBC and it looks like it’s going to return to NBC and just watching the Knicks play against the legendary you know Michael Jordan and those Bulls teams the Pacers the Miami Heat and in those days as an early you know just viewer of the game I just used to watch how hard they played how tough they played and when they would be at home at Madison Square Garden how loud and electric the building felt and so I just always knew as a kid I wanted to be a part of that I wanted to root for that team especially when they lost because you know when they play the Chicago Bulls they would lose quite often to Michael Jordan and the Bulls and so I always wanted to see them win because I you know I always believed in that team and so in those early days that’s kind of what got me into the game I played as a kid I’ve always been around the game and so you know much later on in my life I started Nick fan TV to uh to cover the team yeah most definitely I can actually like agree with that um growing up from in Queens like New York New York Knicks like they’re really big they’re really big and like have that effect on your life as well as like growing up and like being connected to the game of basketball I actually started watching basketball around like the Lin sanity time of things when that when Lin sanity took New York by storm and like actually I have Carmelo up on the wall back there so like growing up watching those teams like yeah like there were a lot of heartbreaks there like especially that Roy Hibert Block in 2013 like I still that still gives me flashbacks especially from that um Eastern Conference semis that we just played the um Pacers that round but it’s really good to see like from my perspective like how the Knicks have like turned their franchise around in the last couple years with Jaylen Brunson at the helm so getting back to your career at what point in your life did you know that you wanted to pursue a career in media well kind of recent uh you know this platform in Nicks fan TV is about uh we are in year seven now but I I just saw an opportunity to create something bigger and something better than that than what was out there I felt like the discourse around the Knicks was very limited to just offseason hot stove rumors or the latest Scandal that was going on around the team which there there was a lot of nonsense going on with the team just about 10 years or so 10 years ago or or so but I just felt like even the local coverage was very limited you would get a postgame show and then that’s it but behind that team was is a very passionate fan base that wants to talk about the team no matter how good or or how bad they were at the time and so I wanted to give the fans not just an opportunity to to discuss the team the news the rumors and the transactions but also to have their voice be heard because it just seemed to be drowned out over the years and so that’s why we started Nicks fan TV yeah most definitely actually um my my best friend he’s like the biggest ncks fan that I know Michael allers when I told him I was having you on my podcast he was like no way you got CP oh my God I follow I follow his page I listen to like all his videos online and stuff like that and like he like agrees with like most of your takes actually and like he follows all like these Nicks fan pages on Instagram Twitter so like he keeps me up to date because like I’m actually not not a Knicks fan I’m I just I’m a Miami Heat fan but like I really I really agree with the team sorry about that no no no apologies needed that that name just brings about a a lot of uh know just a lot of anxiety man yeah yeah most definitely but yeah like you guys as fans like the Nicks fans like they really run New York I remember my friend he actually like talked a lot about a lot about like the clash of the Burrows Brooklyn Brooklyn and the New York Knicks can you talk a little bit about like your experience about that time when Kyrie and KD were over there yeah and how like Brooklyn was trying to like kind of like be like kind of like an uprising a little bit and like try and take New York from the Knicks yeah it was an interesting time because the the that year preceding the the off season all the rumors were that these two guys were coming to the Knicks and given the state of the franchise at that time I was excited about the prospects of getting ktie and Kyrie and and finally bringing the franchise back to prominence and respectability and ultimately winning a championship and I remember getting ready for my free agency show that off season and excited about you know just finally this day is going to come where the announc is going to be made that these guys are going to sign with the Knicks and all of a sudden seeing Kevin Durant’s Instagram announcement and it was a Brooklyn Post with with the notorious b in the background and I was so mad I was so dejected doing that show it’s still up on my Channel right now and it made me you know I never I never really thought much of the the New Jersey Nets or the Brooklyn Nets at that time but once they got there I was tight I I was heated man and so you know when they would have those Battle of the burrow games the Knicks didn’t win many of those those uh those games because the Nets were good but as we see those two guys kind of Tanked that franchise and they’re still trying to recover so at the end the Knicks and the Knicks fans got the last laugh yeah I totally agree actually like I remember from that summer as well there was a lot of speculation that the Knicks were going to get the number one pick I believe that was the RJ Barrett draft Yeah Zion But like everyone thought like oh my God we’re going to get Zion Williamson Kyrie and Katie are come and it’s going to be like the start of this whole Dynasty but I I can’t agree like the the Nets franchise like really did tank and like the Knicks got the last laugh cuz now Jaylen Brunson with that huge signing over I believe it was um two off seasons ago when he signed that deal what was your what was your reaction when um because I I know a lot of Knicks fans were like oh my God why are we getting jayen giving Jaylen Brunson like all this money were you excited about giving him that contract in that time I didn’t think the contract was a big deal but going back to the draft when the Knicks had punted in that draft I had disagreed with the the process the thought process you know skipping a draft pick when this team needed talent to get a guy like a Jaylen Brunson I did not see a superstar in him I saw a good point guard someone who would be reliable someone who would be a steady presence for this team and certainly help but I did not see him being the allstar making his first Allstar team this year and really being a a top 10 player I believe in the league especially this year and so um the contract wasn’t a big deal but Jaylen Brunson certainly took this city and this league by surprise because that I don’t think there was anybody but him that believed that he would be what he’s been to to the New York knck so far in these two years yeah I totally agree I totally agree with that there’s been a lot of talk actually about him being like a onea guy or a 1B guy what do you think he is do you think like you bring someone else in to be that onea guy and have Brunson as the 1B yeah or do you think he’s your onea guy and then you bring in someone else to compliment him as the 1B well I I think the the 1A 1B conversation it’s a bit outdated just in the way that where the league is going and how you have to structure teams there’s no more Jordan Le teams there’s no more LeBron Le teams like you do need two super team two two superstars I do believe that but you also need a lot of depth behind them I believe that Jaylen Brunson can be a play that you can win a championship with but I also believe that the Knicks need a co-star with him now is Julius Randall that guy it’s left to be seen we’ll have to see during a regular season you certainly puts up numbers but his postseason production has has left a lot to be desired and so um the question Still Remains does Jaylen Brunson have a a competent co-star with him to lead this team to prominence but jayen Bronson is certainly a a building block towards that yeah most definitely so I I mean we’ll get into the offseason later on the interview but I like to focus more on like your seven seven-year run of running um Nix fan TV so like over the seven years when you look back at where you started and where you are today what comes to mind well first and foremost it’s consistency it’s consistency because especially now when you look you know th this this is the TV but this is also uh your camera and this is your pathway to creating content and everybody can do it there is no barrier to entry anymore and it’s becoming harder and harder to be seen be recognized and to build something sustainable but with consistency you can certainly get there you have to be willing to work every day you have to be willing to be persistent there’s going to be nights where you may get two people watching there’s going to be nights where you might get 100 but you have to keep going and if you can stay consistent then you know that you’ve truly tapped into your passion and so um consistency is one thing we we can’t get to where we are without putting in the work on a daily basis and then additionally uh it’s the support from the fans it it’s been our support from the fans because uh you know I told you I had that hypothesis early that we have a passionate fan base that we have not tapped into in terms of giving them the the content that they deserve and allowing them to have their voices heard and so through the years the fan support globally has really paid dividends here on the platform and it’s to the point now where I travel to different cities like this year for example we we went to Los Angeles sold out venue you know during NFL playoffs right we bring Nicks fans in there in Los Angeles to watch the Nicks versus Memphis Grizzlies Jaylen Bruns is not even playing and we’ve got over 200 people packing this place out we went to Miami we went to Philadelphia and it’s the same thing you you run into Die Hard Nicks fans you run into a lot of fans that have been with you on the journey and then you run into fans who who um you know share their testimonials with you in terms of what the channel has meant to them and how much you bring them we’ve brought them closer to the team no matter where they are and so those have been some of the most valuable things we we’ve taken away over the over the journey the course of the journey yeah most definitely uh actually my mentor John hard philis like talks to me about consistency all the time he’s our the founder and like he’s the one who started JY Hoops before he passed it down to me he works in the NBA now for all their Phantom cams and stuff like that but he always tells me like got to keep reaching out to people every day got to keep got to keep sending out those emails and keep putting out the content because if you don’t if you stop and make it like inconsistent then some people forget about your show then like viewers won’t like tune in as much anymore so like I can testify to that as well that like that’s that’s true thing and being like a content creator and working in media as well well I would say if you do stop means you’re not passionate about it yeah exactly because if you are passionate about something you have to have a almost maniacal vision and drive towards accomplishing your goals and you know these seven years it’s been tough but it never seems like work for me and that’s why I can put in long hours I can work day after day after day night after night and still be happy with what I’m doing and and you know the the results will speak fors yeah of course so as I’ve stated before you you’re also the host of NBA Radio on serus XM and WF in New York can you talk a little bit about your experience with with both of these positions sure so from a um from A Serious XM on NBA Radio you know this opportunity came about and this is this is another thing that that you that we can point to in terms of some of the keys is relationships relationships relationships relationships a lot of the the keys to life can apply to a lot of different things including creating content because one of the things that I said when I first started this channel to uh you know former a former host of this platform was that you never know who’s watching and that’s why you have to stay consistent you just never know who’s on the other side of of that camera who’s watching and supporting you and that person for me who’s become a big time mentor of mine and Big Time champion of the platform is Chuck D the rhyme animal Chuck D of the legendary Public Enemy uh rap group uh he’s been a cultural icon for us and for for me you know Chuck D has been an UD and supporter for me he was the one that connected me to ESPN that got me on to the Max Kellerman show for eight weeks he was the one that connected me to Steve Cohen who was who was then the sports program and director for serus XM letting Steve know like hey I got this guy here he’s hungry he’s passionate he’s talented let’s give him a shot and so when you continue to put good work out there and create value there’s going to be people who want to genuinely see you win and that’s who he’s he’s been to me so he was the one that connected me to Sirius XM and and NBA radio and you know that opportunity was fantastic because it’s a change of pace to podcasting it’s a different format it’s a different style you’re working with a different host who you have to build a different Cadence with and understand you know when to get in when to jump in and and when to give your input and when to throw it over to them so it’s a completely different platform but it’s very valuable experience so you know NBA Radio um was was one of those big stepping stones for this platform and then for WF here in New York this is where sports radio Sports Talk started it it started here with a show called Mike and the Mad Dog this is this is before way before your time just way before your time before you even born but that show when you look at First Take and all these shows where everybody’s yapping back and forth never would have been possible without Mike and the Mad Dog they started it and that was my entry into sports talk and how I became so passionate about it was listening to them and listening to how they would build relationships with their fans every day they you would get the same callers every day and their banter back and forth I was I loved it I loved it and it was what would get me through my days similar to what we do to people and so you know I got that opportunity they had reached out the former program director Spike esin at the time had reached out and based on seeing my platform on Nix fan TV saying hey I think you would be good here and they gave me my opportunity and and so that that was another valuable experience along the journey wow that’s amazing so I don’t mean to go off on the tangent here but um I I like when I was in Middle School like we would always watch like First Take and like all these shows Undisputed and we all sit out like the lunch tables and like have those little the m that like what do you call like on you growing up as a kid as well no question about it just like you me and my friends would always debate about different sports especially New York because it’s a sports town so we would talk about the Knicks and talk about the Yankees and and and the Giants the Jets and always just have these these ferocious debates so those were you know they kind of started that for us and that was kind of the inspiration to me starting Nick fan t and that’s why for our postgame show we have callers call in and you can call in via the phone line or you can call in via the Discord only difference is now we have fans calling in from all over the world so you can have fans calling in not just from New York but maybe in La maybe in you know we had fans calling from Japan from Vietnam from Israel from uh London and so now we’re we’re as we are a more connected Community globally we have the the capability technology wise to have our fans from around the world have their voice heard that’s amazing so you’ve been featured on many platforms such as ESPN Bleacher Report and even the Fat Joe show how does it feel to be featured on these shows it’s great because it it just it just further you know validates what what you do and the value that you present uh to your audience so it it’s it’s a great experience uh we s we’ve been with Bleacher Report now for about two years up The Fat Joe connection another person that the Ryan animal Chuck D had connected me with and and he’s a guy now who when he wants to talk about Nicks he’ll shoot me a DM hey what do you think about this hey this is this is a great idea this is a great post by you and so we’ve developed a relationship from there uh ESPN Max Kellerman show that that was another stepping stone another milestone in the journey because the the first episode it was when when Max was on first take he was kind of the anti-an he would always trash the Nicks and nicks fans every every day on Twitter would be just Clowning him and and just so angry and so when I got that opportunity to debate him and square off with him it was kind of the representation for the fans versus the anti-an and we would Spar back and forth we did it we did that for about two or three episodes and then after that he really respected my work really respected my opinions and it became more hey let’s talk about the NBA in general and so for those 8 to 10 weeks I had a weekly spot on the Max Kellerman show we would cover not just the Knicks but the entire NBA and so that was kind of you know when I started the NBA report that was also a moment where it allowed me to kind of pivot away from just Nick’s content to also covering the league at large wow that’s amazing I remember when Max was on first take like uh in that summer where like the Knicks didn’t get Kyrie and Katie he like gave um like a Julius Randall taped Jersey to Stephen he poured like the glass like half empty I remember that was like a clip like all my friends they were like clowning him for that like making fun of him but like Max is actually like one of my like he was mainly the reason why I used to watch First Take yeah because like him and Stephen A like those debates used to get so heated I feel like it’s it’s still a good show now but I I don’t think it’s the same without Max because now now they had big perk in there with the three of them that Dynamic was amazing I thought I and I like big perk but it’s certainly different but the thing about Max is even though on TV it was more of a character and people were against him on that as a person and as a professional he also took a liking to me because he saw his journey in my own you know Max Kellerman you may may not be familiar but Max Kellerman started on public access television covering the sport of boxing and so even though content creation was a little bit different and you had less Platforms in the early ’90s he started from the grass Roots he started out the mud and ultimately made his way to ESPN and so you know he saw that journey and brought me along for the ride on on the max Helman show wow that’s amazing so as we’ve stated before that you’re going to be an instructor at sports business classroom at NBA Summer League in Las Vegas what are you looking forward to most about being an instructor at SBC yeah so I think the the most important thing especially for me is to is to start giving back and start giving out the gems that I’ve learned over the course of the journey the trials and tribulations the good times the bad times the hard times and helping students like you guys create your own path and create your own brand and so one of the the topics of the median broadcasting uh think on the on the Monday is building a brand and so that that’s a topic that we’re certainly going to be spearheading it’s going to be myself Nas Duncan and uh and Steve Jones those guys on the dunker spot and their show is currently on uh on JJ recks old man and three podcast Network so really just um dishing out the gems based on on the the lessons that I’ve learned along my journey and hoping that will inspire you guys and help you guys along with yours right like before we started the show I was I was kind of helping you I say hey you know tilt your camera this way to kind of you know you had a little space there between your head and the top of the room so just tilt your camera down so you kind of cut off that that area so we have a more clear-cut view so things like that helping me be be more C ready building your brand so on and so forth so I’m very much looking forward to uh to that opportunity yeah thank you for that as well by the way really appreciate that absolutely so um getting into the fandom aspect of the interview I’ve been waiting for this this part of it so I like to start off by asking you like there’s been many eras of Nicks basketball over over like the years as they are with like every NBA team and every era in the NBA what was your favorite era of Nicks basketball as a fan ’90s 990s 90s it was their most successful time but as a young fan who was impressionable at the time that was when I really got into the sport and got into the team because when they would go up against their Rivals it was totally you know the outcome was totally unscripted but whether it was a thrill of victory the agony of the feet like you felt that you felt that for days you felt the energy in Madison Square Garden through your TV you felt it through interactions with your family I mean so many of my family members at that time or just die hard Nicks fans as well would always follow the team and and so you know that’s what really got me um into that Nick team the rivalries with Jordan and and the Bulls and Reggie Miller and the Pacers the brawls with your Miami Heat if you if you go back into the archives you know the the PJ Brown Charlie Ward brawl because Pat Riley left the Knicks and made a carbon copy of the Knicks in Miami I mean just look they have a great book out my guy Chris Herring uh wrote in it’s called blood in the garden about the 9s Knicks but you could literally have made a movie about that or a documentary about that and they are going to do that so that that was the error for me man and and it was an ERA where the game was more physical than it is now you they allowed things to to they they gave the guys more leeway in terms of fouls and things of that nature so it it to me it was an interesting band brand of basketball to get into to yeah most definitely I actually remember hearing on Pat Riley talk about that in one of his interviews like I remember like his first game back at the Garden like the crowd was letting them here and he went like straight to like on the court and was like kind of like egging them on a little bit about that I don’t know if you recall that moment oh absolutely absolutely when when he came back we hated him because he left like a coward he faxed in his resignation to the team and so we were sour about that I remember when he came back he was booed it was a classic villain story a classic villain story in any type of uh you know movie or TV show so I I definitely remember it like it was yesterday if I if I’m being honest like if I had to say like my favorite era in nicks’s basketball I would have to say like that that era with Carmelo Anthony J.R Smith chumper you had Steve Novak with the belt going like that um that was the team like that like kind of got me into basketball but like my whole family they’re all Miami Heat fans they love Dwayne Wade and like LeBron and all that ER so like my mom like kind of turned on the game one day and then I just like kind of got brainwashed let’s say brainwashed from that perspective but moving on who is your favorite New York Nick of all time oh there there’s many man Carmelo was certainly one of them but to to go back to that 90s era it was Patrick Ying definitely Patrick Ying because he was a guy who you know I’m I’m uh Jamaica my family’s from Jamaica he’s a Jamaican so we rooted for him and wanted him to to see him to to see him win and came so close in ’94 to winning that Championship I was heartbroken that he he finished his career without winning a championship but when Patrick huan you saw a guy who he represented us as New Yorkers as Jamaicans as you know just a hardworking lunch paale guy super talented I mean Patrick H was was seen as one of the greatest basketball players ever and so especially on the college scene and and in the NBA he was top 50 greatest top 75 now but he left it all out there he left it all out there and later on in his career you would see how much he carried this team because he would have so much ice bags on his knees he would he he had so many injuries and that was the first Superstar where I saw how later on in his career the fans kind of turned on him that was the first time when I saw the pressure of winning a championship in New York how it can really tear down and I saw that he he was one of our guys he was our heroes but he left the Knicks in in a time of it was just not amicable the fans turned on him now everybody’s blaming him because he couldn’t take us to the promised land and so it was an ugly time so that was the first time I really saw how tough it is to see a superstar player ultimately go from being a hero to being villain ized almost within within his own fan base I mean we kind of see that nowadays as well like it happened to Carmelo all those years ago now now it’s even happened to like Julius Randall I remember like last year when they were when they um lost in the playoffs like people were like knocking down like his like figurine like outside of Madison Square Garden that they put up and him like putting like the thumbs down to the crowd like that one time i’ I do believe like when you play for like these such big markets like the Lakers the Knicks even the like those like these fans are like so like used to like that winning like the expectation is to win a championship it’s not to like compete not to just compete not just make the playoffs no it’s to win like these big markets want to win so like to be the guy on the team like you’re expected and held to that standard like take take the team to the promised land at the end of the day I believe yeah and it’s why Jaylen Brunson is so perfect for this city and for this town because he has the mental makeup to be able to handle pressure and to hold himself accountable now he’s still in a honeymoon phase here with New York he just finished up year two soon enough he’s going to get a major major contract and each year the expectations are going to go higher and higher and higher and so we’ll see when his time comes how the fans are are going to react when if if and when they don’t meet those expectations but you have to have that mental makeup to survive here in New York because you know back in Patrick Ying’s time there was no social media there wasn’t a Twitter that these guys check every day what they had was just the local newspapers every day the local radio stations and it was easier to tune those things out but now in this 247 new cycle where everybody has an opinion everybody has an a a reaction it’s harder to get away from the the noise so it’s going to be interesting to see how he handles it later on in his Nick career yeah I totally agree so reflecting on this past season for the Knicks what comes to mind Stellar season Stellar season super proud of the effort uh the fight from this team because I labeled this postseason as Against All Odds they lost Julius Randall they lost Mitchell Robinson early in the season for 50 games he comes back they lose him again they lose oan and Obi in the Pacers series they lost buam bonovich in the Philadelphia 76ers series and yet and still the Knicks still mustered enough strength and depth to push through and and make it to the second round and and I think that was a commendable feat by them because I always look at the the playoffs as an endurance test it’s not just about how how talented your team is how good you are once you get to 82 and Beyond game 82 and Beyond it’s how how do you feel physically can you push through physically and mentally to win games when guys are playing much harder this Scouting Report has has been out on you all year and so the team knows the moves that you’re going to make now it’s about executing can you execute when your body’s feeling weary when your mind is feeling weary and sometimes you might be in hostile environments whether you’re at home or on the road but this Nicks team led by Jaylen Brunson Josh Hart you know Dante demenzo hartstein I mean these guys just stuck together rallied around each other and I thought they they gave a good fight man all the way to the end in game seven against Indiana yeah most definitely so that that come like the fact that you bring up like how how durable are you for the playoffs does that comes to mind like what comes to mind for me is that like a lot of people like have the problem have the issue with Tom Tibido playing like his starters like so many minutes like during the regular season from your perspective do you think would you rather him like not take it so hard on his starters in the regular season so they have like so then they can go out and play like 48 minutes in the postseason I don’t think you can predict with injuries you know if you give a guy less now will he be fresh later I I don’t see it I don’t see a direct correlation with the minutes and the injuries you know some fans May disagree but I didn’t see it you know we heard Josh Hart on the pivot podcast talk about Hey listen I want to play and when if I can’t if I want to sit I’ll raise my hand and sit it’s it’s a players’s league the players have the freedom to control their minutes for the most part and so for Tom Tibido yeah it’s the pressure to win here in New York the Knicks went out there and they got this the number two seed once they lost players you didn’t have much options at the end of your rotation there’s only but so many good players you’re going to have on a team you know they at one point they had 11 able capable healthy bodies that if they would have went into the playoffs at full strength they would have had a great chance to go all the way to the Eastern Conference Finals and hey maybe even Beyond but once you lose four prominent players in your rotation you’re down to basically seven or eight guys that can help you get the job done and win the playoffs is a different animal it’s it’s not the regular season it’s not summer league it’s not the preseason this is a high stakes money game you know to you want to win you want to win games and ultimately be rewarded for your performance after that so I don’t necessarily blame him for for the injuries that that this team had sustained this year it was a situation of of tough luck for most of these guys and we’ll just have to see what happens uh going forward oh yeah I’m not I’m not holding anything against Tom tibo at the end of the day I feel like a lot of fans just like hold that grudge against him because like because of his track record all those years ago with Derrick Rose and like why was he in the game at that point because they were up like so much so like just to have like this like tragedy happen this year for the Knicks I feel like like they’re just blaming it on him at the end of the day a lot of these fans but for like you guys actually like a lot of these guys like staying ready at the end of the bench like look at Alex Burks he came in he was giv giv great minutes a lot of Versatility on the three-point line getting to the mid-range even the floater really is scoring on all three levels for the team so I feel like I feel like he was a really good Plus in that situation cuz he wasn’t even in the rotation at one point right yeah well when he came back to the Knicks he was and then he he just was terrible you know I’ve I’ve been a big Alec Burke supporter but I I can tell you I won’t lie to you when I say he was terrible here for the Knicks when he when he got back and so I thought Tom Tibido made the right decision of taking him out of the rotation but when they had their backs up against the wall especially in the Pacer series and they needed to bring some insert some more depth into the rotation he came through and delivered he was one of the best players for them in that in that PAC of series and so it’s a testament to to who he is the type of basketball player that he is and a very well-respected member of that locker room a lot of those nick players you know swear by Burks his leadership and the camaraderie in in that locker room he added to that chemistry and uh I I think that helped push them forward whether he was playing or not yeah most definitely so going forward for the off season now what are your predictions for the Knicks offseason yeah well this is going to be a very big off season for the Knicks I I think their priorities first and foremost is well first and foremost I think the first thing that they’re going to do is sign Tom Tibido to a contract extension he’s entering into the final year year of his of his um of his contract and by by all accounts it seems like he’s going to get rewarded and ultimately get an extension I think that will happen this summer uh second order of business the Knicks need to uh get Isaiah hartstein under a contract extension as of today’s recording there are thoughts that the OKC Thunder could be a team that may slip under the radar and could sign Isaiah hartenstein and the issue is is that there are other teams like OKC like the Spurs like the magic who can offer hartenstein more money annually than the Knicks can I think the Knicks are capped out at around 17 17 A5 million due to having only his early bird rights and so that could be a tricky situation what will Isaiah Haren Stein’s priorities be is it to get as much money as he can or to get something good reasonable and stay with the team that that he has chemistry with I think ultimately he will resign with the Knicks and they can move forward there OG anobi is contract extension eligible I don’t expect him to go anywhere I think they will pay him and pay him handsomely and so those are the the top three moves that I expect the Knicks to make and then on the trade front you never know who that star player like you never know who’s going to be available and last year was Damen Lillard year before that it was Donovan Mitchell like you you just never know who’s going to be there I think the Knicks will keep their option option open in terms of potentially making a play for a splash candidate but I would also look at uh smaller ogn and Obi type of moves that can help move the needle for this team a guy who I’m looking at right now is a dejonte Murray to to acquire via trade someone who can help playmake he can help run that bench unit that second unit he can log more minutes as as the Nicks look for more depth to their bench I think he could be a potential uh trade candidate there the Nicks also have two draft picks a 24th and a 25th pick they may also or they should also have the midlevel exception to use which is about 12.5 million could that go to a guy like maybe a tius Jones to help be a pack a backup point guard for them that’s certainly an area of need and so if the big star player is not available I think the Knicks will look to make doubles triples and and even singles to help Shore up the depth uh on the bench going to your point about Deonte Murray do you really do you think him and Jaylen Brunson can coexist because Jaylen Brunson really is like a ball dominant guy as well like yeah we see Deonte Murray playing in Atlanta right now with Trey young and like that hasn’t been like they haven’t gotten like a lot of success that they like predicted with that back court so do you think he can coexist with another ball dominant guard with Jaylen Brunson in New York hasn’t shown it yet he he’s shown that whenever he does have the ball in his hands as the guy just like his Allstar year with the Spurs and when Trey Young was absent from the Hawks with the injury jonay Murray shows to he can flourish so they would have to make that work I hope that you know wishful thinking on my part but if a guy like a Jon Murray says hey you know I will sacrifice come off the bench and just be that six man that this team really needs I think the Knicks can can truly Thrive there he did shoot the ball a little bit better last year his C and shoot numbers aren’t the greatest and so there is reason to be concerned there but when you think of his potential as a above average on ball Defender bring some athleticism to this team his ability to shoot in the midrange uh the wingspan things of that nature I still think he can help with this team and if push comes to shove you have a Dante dant chenzo who you can slide him in as a starter as a bench player he was electric this year for the Knicks a a super a highly efficient shooter on high volume Dante dienzo was a great pickup by them so you still have him where you can slot him in as a St or a bench player so I think it’d be a a gamble that would be worthwhile because if you look at the competition I talked about this on my show yesterday you know the Boston Celtics aren’t going anywhere for a little while and and the Knicks even though they have some depth they picked up some good pieces I think they still need a little bit more in the talent department and so you’re going to have to take a chance fit is is ideal but I think you also need to take a chance of some talent and and I would be willing to do that for the jonay Murray given the assets that the Knicks have to play with that is true so what do you think about the Julius Randall situation I’ve heard a lot of things going into this off season do we do you guys trade do the Knicks trade them you have all those picks at at um the Knicks have all those picks at their disposal as well do they go all in for a whale this summer and trade Julius Randall if if if a worthwhile whale is out there yeah I would I think I think the Knicks should but there’s only but so many that I I would consider moving him for right like if if hell freeze is over and and Janis says you know what I’m G to bail on this Milwaukee experiment yeah I would trade Julius Randle in a heartbeat if Kevin Durant from from Phoenix says hey I’m not having fun here anymore I want to move on again I know some fans wouldn’t I would I would make that move I think KD would be perfect here for the Knicks but other than that no I think the Knicks should run it back with Julius Randall I want to see the January New York Nick team the team that went 14-2 in January I want to see what that team can do together in the postseason we saw a lot of great things from them from an offensive standpoint from a net rating standpoint especially on the heels of the ogan and Obi trade I I really want to see if Julius Randle can prove that he can be a an excellent postseason performer here for the Knicks and so unless there’s a big splash to make using him as a trade asset the Knicks should keep him and run it back with the with this uh big three that they have right now that January New York Knicks team I actually think like a healthy Knicks team would actually be in the finals right now in my opinion they match up perfectly with the Boston Celtics they have the size they have the wings they have the speed they have the defensive capability to match up with Tatum and brown the scoring in the back court like I I really thought like a healthy New York Knicks team as the two seed beats Indiana moves on to to play Boston the Conference Finals and now we’d probably see them in the finals against the Dallas Mavericks yeah I mean Boston’s tough man watching them in in the in this finals they they they are deep one through five this is the team that we saw in the regular season and it’s not they’re not just getting it done in the offensive end defensively they’ve been to me even more impressive when you talk about uh Derek white and Drew holiday they’re all defense backourt Brown and Tatum playing good defense they getting some solid Rim protection and they’re versal team so uh it’s a tough team to beat right now they’re in the commanding seat in in the NBA Finals I expect them to win but that is the bar right now that that the Knicks need to uh need to look up to and hopefully surpass in the coming Years A lot of people are like giving Kyrie a lot a lot of garbage and like a lot of like a lot of harassment in the media right now for not being aggressive like yeah this isn’t like what we’re used to seeing about used to seeing from Kyrie but like you got to understand at the end of the day they’re not letting him go one-on-one from the wing like how he likes to break down his Defender get to the rim get into his mid-range game no they’re sending two guys at him on every pick and row they’re blitzing him Jaylen Brown especially is T stepping up to the challenge Big Time guarding K guarding Kyrie Irving Drew holiday like it’s too many like great on ball Defenders I feel like on that team that can just switch on to Kyrie and it’s like exhausting to try and get around them and then who are you meeting at the in the at The Rim porzingis Al Horford Tatum is coming over from the help like it’s a lot I feel like to put on the shoulders just those two guys Luca and Kyrie but in order for them to win I feel like they’re both going to need to like shoot the lights out in order for them to win that game three what do you think m have no margin for error if if Kyrie’s not on point they’re not going to win Kyrie and LCA damn near have to average close to 60 points a game for them to have a chance they just don’t have that much that depth that the Celtics have behind them to compensate for them not for for for one of those guys to have an off night because with the Celtics they can hit you one through five you know look at the the Jason Tatum conversation right now everybody’s talking about oh man his shooting percentage is so low and I’m on the other side saying hey this is a guy making WI plays he had 12 assists in game two he’s play he’s making all the right plays his him driving to the rim is putting so much pressure on Dallas it’s forcing them into rotations which allows them to find open Shooters that’s the name of the game that’s the name of basketball so a lot of people are expecting him to perform or score as a top five guy but Jason Tatum is just doing his job for the Mavericks though Kyrie has to do that Luka donon has to do that or else they don’t have a shot because just come at you in waves and so you know Kyrie has a tall order you got to get past Drew holiday if you get past Drew you might have to get past Jaylen Brown yeah and and so in those limited opportunities he’s got to knock down those open shots that he would usually make in isolation and hopefully in game three he has to get out to a hot start especially in the first quarter set a good tone for them and then we’ll we’ll see how the Mavs can rally from there the Mavs are I feel like are really suffering because they don’t get a lot of those driving kick three opportunities as they were in the first three rounds of the NBA Playoffs like usually a guy would like instead of like Stunting Like what the Celtics are doing they’re kind of like stunning from that corner and like staying at home so they don’t so that PJ Washington and Derrick Jones Jr they don’t get those like Corner three opportunities they’re letting they’re letting Luca or Kyrie drive into the help and then the one guy is just staying at home with them and they’re forcing them to take like tough fall away fadeaways from like the mid-range which isn’t like that high percentage of a shot because the the shot clock is winding down too at the same time I feel like but so Celtics are making it really tough on them but um in my opinion in my opinion like yeah I’m not a Celtics fan but like I’m a fan of good basketball at the end of the day and yeah going back to your point about what Jason tanum is doing you can impact a basketball game in many more ways than just scoring like yeah we’re so used to seeing Jason tum go out there and drop like 30 something points or like even high 20s on a nightly basis but like for him to like really show his playmaking ability on the on the biggest stage in World 12 assists that that’s really and your team team win down the stretch of like a pivotal game two to go up 20 in the NBA Finals I feel like that’s that shows like he’s a winning player at the end of the day I mean look he he had to do that last year the year before that the year before that he had to be that guy this year this is this is why Brad Stevens went out and got Drew holiday to be that adult in the room to go get porzingis who can be a guy who can take pressure off of Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown why because what were their weaknesses going into this their clutch decision making playmaking and scoring in crunch time now they don’t have to take all of that on their shoulders they have help now and by the way you got a wild card and Derek white who does everything by the details is all over the court all the hustle all the hustle plays who can get you Second Chance opportunities might hit a three or as he did in game two seals a game with with a clutch block on on PJ Washington so you have help on both ends of the floor where you don’t have to put so much on on Tatum and brown on top of it their bench as well the shooting of pton Pritchard and Sam Hower off the bench has been insane for them their ability to space the floor and even like get it done to the defensive end as well like Sam Hower might not be like the best like on ball perimeter Defender but like if you see him coming over in the help or even like clogging things up in the lane with his length and ability to like block shots and contest shots I feel like that’s amazing as well pay Pritchard we saw him with that big half court heave at the end like when you saw the mask and Kyrie kind of gaining a little bit momentum you see him make that shot and take the momentum right back and like push the Celtics to obviously like blow the game open in the fourth quarter I thought that was really amazing as well yeah and those guys especially pitchard man he’s been playing like a dog and you don’t want on a team like that where there’re they’re so good on both ends you don’t want to be the guy holding everybody back right so those guys there play by the core by that core that five or six guys it elevates everybody else you you have to play to that level or you might not play so it’s they done a good job in in Pritchard and Hower for the most part all year in just being that Supporting Cast that Boston needs because behind them they don’t have that much dep behind them but they’re so solid in their front six that they don’t need much they just need those guys to come in knock down a couple shots play some defense and then you can go back to uh to to one of your starting five for sure in your opinion if this let’s say let’s say the Celtics go and win the NBA championship who is your finals MVP well through two I would go with Drew holiday I think Jaylen Brown can win it as well but it’s still early it’s it’s still early right like the the Mavs go out there and win in game three or game four hey you just never know my pick was Celtics in seven I think they could wrap it up earlier but you just never know right now I would say holiday and then Brown for for the MVP yeah most definitely so what I asked like all my guests that I’ve had on my show as my final question I asked them about like what their future aspirations for their career are so going forward what are your future aspirations for your career yeah so as I said this has been seven years now for for nck fan TV for the NBA report this is going to be year two and we’re going to continue making content and bringing value to the fans along that light we as I said we have Nix fan TV we have the NBA report uh we have uh a couple other members in our Network right now like Jake asmin Jake asman doing tremendous work uh covering the New York Jets we have Chicago Bulls Central in our my guy hay he’s in our Network as well uh covering the Bulls and so along the journey we’re going to continue to uh evaluate and and draft I guess Scout evaluate and draft some of the top talent that are uh in similar veins to Nick fan TV man bringing value to the fans for the fans by the fans movement uh professional professional broadcasters and content creators and continue to to to build that under the network the franchise sports network that that is what we are working on right now so uh in the early stages of that process but as I mentioned to you earlier in in this interview with consistency and taking small actions each day you’ll see the fruits of your labor over time but you have to be in it that’s that’s the the biggest part of the journey is a small steps that you take to uh to build something amazing thank you so much for coming on the show today CP dropping those gems um I’m really looking forward to meeting you in person this summer at SBC and learning more from you and um just thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to talk to you today ashon likewise man I’ll see you out there in Vegas man recording stopped all right Perfect all right great great job man all right everybody in the chat hope you guys enjoy today’s conversation if if you did miss it go ahead and and uh rewind man salute to the replay gang CP the franchise here my guy ason great job on the interview man great questions and uh like I said we we’ll catch up with you in Vegas for you guys watching at home we’ll be back on the NBA report tomorrow myself Kenyan Martin will be covering postgame live after game three of the Mavs and the uh and the Celtics NBA Finals so make sure you guys come over there and support us over there call us up so on and so forth but until then we will see you guys uh tomorrow man have a great day everybody ashon great job as well and we’ll see you

CP The Fanchise Talks Tips For Starting A Knicks Podcast | Knicks Offseason Priorities


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