@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Doncic previews Game 3, FULL Interview | 2024 NBA Finals Media Day

Luka Doncic previews Game 3, FULL Interview | 2024 NBA Finals Media Day

right just wait for the mic look at Kevin gray Mavs radio network uh two-part question one how are you feeling after game two as far as the uh chest area is concerned and two for you what have you learned about yourself to the first couple of games with the intensity of the finals and how you’re managing that so far in this series uh first I feel good I don’t want to get any more details uh but I feel good uh second one uh the intensity of phys you said intensity at physicality I think it’s up and not for sure uh you know both teams played a lot of games throughout the season uh but I think the physicality has been on point for sure standing on your right [Music] mark on your on the left side raise your hand there you go Mark Spears ESPN xcap did um playing for Madrid in 18 does that prepare you for the finals or or is this like that atmosphere or is this totally different uh I would say it’s different uh just being 18 and 25 is a big difference uh but just you know it’s different games here you play first to four uh in the Euro league it’s just one game so it’s it’s way different U but I wouldn’t just say uh that game prepared me for now uh you know it’s been throughout my career that prepared me for this moments on your right second row play on your left standing over here hey Lucas here at SOI from the ringer I wanted to ask you about a pass that you made in the third quarter to exom uh the last game it was the behind the back I was just curious if that was a is that something where you actually were able to see him or you kind of int it that that’s the spot he’s going to be in uh I saw him before you know when I started driving uh I saw him at that spot uh so when I went for layup I saw two of me I know he was going to be open all the way back in the [Music] [Music] right third row over here on this left LCA Dante exam spent more time playing next to you in Kyrie last game seemed like you were able to get off the ball play in more off ball actions and he pushed the pace quite a bit how helpful is it having him next to you and uh Kyrie uh very helpful you know he can dribble the ball uh he play point guard uh so he can help us both you know uh save our save our energy and he can just bring the ball up and he can he can make plays too so uh it’s good that he was able to find standing on the left Luka they’ve been sort of changing their spacing around kind to make you and Kyrie be the low man or and help responsibility more often what kind of challenges that present for you especially with you’re dealing with such a big load offensively to have to do the help defense on so many of those possessions I mean our our defense is built in Five Guys you know uh our Lowman is very important uh so no matter who is the Lowman we know we’re going to do a great job we’ve been working on this the whole season preseason uh so I’ve been in that position a lot you know with the Lowman uh we’ve been working on it since PR preseason so uh we feel confident with that on your right fourth row [Music] Tim in the middle um you know you guys obviously wouldn’t be here without your role players hitting a bunch of big shots throughout the playoffs those shots hadn’t fallen in the first couple games for the most part uh what do you say to guys you know the PJs the uh djones Maxis and and kind of what sense do you have as far as how they’re feeling right now uh offensively just one thing you know just keep shooting uh we all believe in those shots uh that’s how we we came to the finals uh and that’s how we play the whole season uh we believe in those guys everybody believes uh so if you’re open just keep shooting you know then you’re going to knock it down at some point Tim here in the second row Luka along those lines kind of you’ve mentioned confidence and belief yes you guys are home and Boston held serve at home like like they’re supposed to but what are some of the things that you really can look at from those first two games and say that’s going to work for us like what are some of the things you can look at from one and two and say we’re confident in this um just trying to keep uh keep getting open looks uh I think our defense has not been bad uh we just we can’t really score uh that’s our main problem right now uh but I think we’re getting some great looks and like I said you know we have confidence everybody can make a shot uh they shooting the ball in our team uh so we just got to keep believing it thank you luga thank you

Boston Celtics vs Dallas Mavericks – Full Game 3 Highlights | June 12, 2024 | 2024 NBA Finals


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  1. Luca needs to step it up since he is the so called leader and play some defense or maybe luca needs to score 50 or 60 to equal out his lack there of defense

  2. Luka has been proving himself since day one. He tried his best to save kyrie's career and we see how that worked out in the finals. Kyrie choking again. Maybe time for luka to make Denver a dynasty

  3. Nahh you people crazy Dallas going to win this is a come back don't don't said is over celebrate this going to be history when Dallas win Luka magic 🪄

  4. Kyrie can’t win without Bron. We been known this. Team after team he should have stayed with Bron.luka is a cone on defense

  5. honestly tho, the rest of the MAVS have to show up , but geez
    I don't know how Luka's kept these games so close considering its 1v9

  6. We need Kyrie to move the ball around and quit fumbling the ball. Quit letting the defense set up. Keep them on their heels. He keeps posting up like he’s tall like bro get the first step on your defender not post them up

  7. I’ll be at game 4!! If it’s 2-1 I can only imagine how that atmosphere will be trying to tie the series!!

  8. Honestly if the mavs just closed out their defenders 3s better it would probably be 1-1 before mentioning the other atrocities

  9. With no Tingus Pingus bro i swear mavs have a oppertunity. If they can pass the ball.. somtimes 1 on 1 game dont alwaus work

  10. Yes, Luka needs help scoring but he also needs to stop letting Tatum drive to the rim.

  11. Kyrie: 20 minuts interview being inspirational
    Luka: Man i give yall 5 minuts and im out💀💀💀

  12. Kyrie was exposed a bit. He can’t play well when the pressure is on and the crowd is heckling him. He is sensitive

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