@Boston Celtics

Jesse Morse, MD: “This is not a huge injury, it’s more of a pain tolerance issue.”

Jesse Morse, MD: “This is not a huge injury, it’s more of a pain tolerance issue.”

by RK4Life


  1. BrianScalaweenie

    I will choose to believe this because it’s what I want to hear

  2. OkNeighborhood8365

    He also said significant risk of further injury.

    My guess is maybe 10-12 minutes in game 3 would be the most he’d play, but we probably won’t see him until game 5 if there is one.

  3. For added context, Dr. Morse also confirmed in a separate tweet this is the same injury that led to the “bloody sock” game.

  4. MtTecumseh

    Sticky this and delete all other KP injury threads please, this is the only thing I want to hear right now.

  5. I have seen so much conflicting info in the last hour lmao. But based on KPs demeanor and Woj, this seems to track. Plus it’s what I want to believe so

  6. Traditional_Pain_875

    Suit him up and he plays the whole 4th 😂

  7. stringohbean

    I don’t want him tearing his ACL. Be smart about this. Let the medical staff decide what’s best.

  8. littlebitchdiary

    This is exactly what I want to hear so it must be real.

  9. OdinsGhost31

    Does this mean dallas won’t test him at the rim like schilling wasn’t tested by bunts?

  10. ericdeben

    Even if Porzingis plays, I think Joe should try to get Tillman some minutes in game 3 so we’re prepared for KP to be out.

  11. SSJCelticGoku

    So if he doesn’t play does that mean he’s soft ? Or that the doctors don’t want to risk it ?

    We need to win game 3 now more than ever before

  12. iAm-Tyson

    Why are some docs saying his leg meeds to be amputated and he cant play, and other are saying he’s fine and is just gonna be gimped up a bit.

    Why is there such a flux of opinion on this, can he play or not?

  13. theguru86

    I’ve followed this guy for years on twitter (fantasy football) and he’s a total snake oil salesman.

    That being said 🤞🙏🍀❤️🫡👍😭😬🥹😀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

  14. muricabitches2002

    I keep hearing the concern is a more serious injury, but I’m unclear what the more serious injury would be (eg would it end / limit his career or just take a while to recover)

  15. supapoopascoopa

    Not sure why he thinks this. It’s not the same retinaculum or tendon. It’s not just a painful injury, it destabilizes the joint since the posterior tibialis tendon can dislocate . Something similar to the Schilling procedure would potentially restabilize it, but we are talking about a fat baseball pitcher (Bartolo Colon was a pitcher) vs a 7’3″ basketball player.

    KP is done for the year.

  16. Ear_Enthusiast

    Prednisone and Toradol. Let’s fucking go.

  17. Vennetastic

    This guy sounds shady. The best description I’ve seen is DocFlynnNFL on Twitter. Taping or a bracing could stabilize it, but no one has any idea how severe the tear is, and without knowing that you can’t know if he risks further injury. Who knows if he’ll play, but I think we can win 2 of 5 without him [I’m a PT but def not an ortho specialist]

  18. Mountain-Pack9362

    Ahh yes, this one makes the most sense to me because I wish it to be true

  19. shakakhon

    Holy shit are you fucking saying we could have another bloody sock game? Sorry Tingus, but gotta take one for the city and get out there. Then some Tabasco sauce at halftime and the momentum will shift. We sweepin.

  20. Ambitious-Fig-9106

    I figure he’s probably out for the series, unfortunately. But if possible, I’d love to have him play 8-10 mins in the 4th. If game 3 is close, and we have a shot of winning, take the risk if the medical staff deems it reasonable. Just him being present on the court completely unlocks this team. Plus, I think we’ve been even so far this series without him, he’s too important.

  21. GonePhishn401

    I love this dude. Amazing resource for fantasy football.

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