@Miami Heat

Gil’s Arena MELTS DOWN Over Rashad’s Take On NBA Loyalty

Gil’s Arena MELTS DOWN Over Rashad’s Take On NBA Loyalty

after leaving the Cavs to go become a two-time champion with the Heat LeBron returned to Cleveland to bring the franchise their first ever chip but if Thunder fans have any aspirations of Kevin Durant doing the same thing for their franchise KD might have just gave them a reality check so on Tuesday a fan tweeted the following at KD said the only way KD can redeem his legacy is if he returns to the Thunder and wins them their first ever Championship LeBron style then all his sins will be forgiven we good so obviously KD very active on social media it is the offseason uh he responded with the following said you ain’t God go get ready for work settle uh to the point Kae got to be one of the best people on social media I don’t even say that’s trolling just letting him know you’re not his God he had the thing with perk after uh Lebron unfollowed perk say he was acting like Jesus who LeBron was acting like Jesus Oh perk tweeted something about uh you know everybody didn’t follow Jesus or something like that he said said you a but you think we’ll ever see a KD return to the Thunder at some point they got the draft Capital the assets no it wasn’t his it’s not his home team close enough no he I mean first of all he’s drafted by seatt right so a great City F people Pacific northest they moved to OKC but he’s from DC so I mean if he started with you know the Wizards and then you know they was in a position maybe maybe come back he don’t have he don’t have no real ties to OKC like that really OKC not turned up like that they got a great crowd what they did not what if they did put up cupcakes and all that stuff n that’s unforgivable yeah what they burned LeBron’s Jersey and Cleveland he came back but that’s where he’s from he’s from Akon Gill same close enough 40 minutes away they didn’t really rock LA from the valley same [ __ ] his tweet was all the way wrong though he shouldn’t have said LeBron style like when he said LeBron style it kind of just threw it all off probably ired him a little bit like you know what I’m saying like yeah if you do it like LeBron we’ll save you it’s like ktie ain’t on that like ktie ain’t doing that he ain’t going nowhere huh he ain’t going nowhere he got buen hoser he got n it ain’t about none of that it’s just like you move again it’s it’s what it’s a sin at this point blasphemy what cuz you’re chasing something you don’t need to chase nothing you cement it you just need to chill and retire accumulate try to get there again you don’t need to be moving around what you moving around for so retire in Phoenix yeah leave it all there ain’t no reason to move nowhere else bro unless they move him unless they don’t want him so kg uh KD has got a lot of criticism in recent years for bouncing around uh but does he get too much criticism for leveraging his power to play wherever he wants this is a player empowerment era I don’t I don’t think so because you know if the pass had the leverage they would have too um if you look at some of them during their contract years it’s like they played good enough to be looked at by other teams but they didn’t want to play for the team that they were playing for because those that team wasn’t paying them so that was you know some of the players uh um in the 80s type of era where you know they thought they was worth something you’re not paying me so I’m going to play good enough for them to see that I’m still valuable but I’m not [ __ ] with y’all like that um so a lot of stats are M screwed from that era and then you know the ’90s um people people who wanted out said they wanted out it just wasn’t it just wasn’t polarized back then right it just wasn’t you know the way contracts are built now is for a reason right they they didn’t want you to leave your team so they put a big penalty on it right you got now you got four years here three years somewhere else and there’s this big big gap of money so if you were going to leave and go to another city you got penalized really heavy so if a if a player leaves he’s really leaving a lot right he’s really leaving a lot you know the signing trade is a whole different thing cuz you know you’re signing me for whatever I want and then you’re pushing me to a team that I want that’s that’s that’s on owners do want to walk let them walk I believe solely that all of this is LeBron James fault cu the Miami move well look at the dynamic where when you get traded it’s the team not wanting you or wanting to leverage the asset that feel that you are but when you decide to lead a team this is you saying you don’t want to be here you want to explore the market all right so now everyone feels like the example of leadership from that standpoint is LeBron because he did it in the biggest moment in history where he’s going in the free agency he go gets to go wherever he wants to so for KD he’s just doing what he’s seen done so he gets penalized for it because now he’s bouncing around cuz he didn’t get to do what LeBron did the first time around LeBron won two championships from that first decision yeah so well actually he did KD got two championship from that same decision say right so he he actually benefited from doing what LeBron did and that is what shows you that it works in this market but it’s all because he started he he didn’t start it cuz we can’t never say like like Gil just said it has been done before but in our era we never seen it as polarized and acceptable as just saying all right I’m going to hit the free market and I’m G figure out where I want to go and if I don’t like it there I’mma figure out where else I want to go Kyrie James Harden guys can just pick up and go when they want but what it does to your legacy is it questions your loyalty to the game loyalty to the game or to the team to the game well my loyalty is to the game cuz I’m still playing well you still playing but but your circumstances to the game is dictated whether or not you like where you are not how well you going to play where you are I mean it’s the same way I mean well the teams they they get rid of you when they feel like you’re not doing this or not producing you’re not an asset so they’re not they’re not loyal either so why would I be loyal to to a team but I’m loyal to the game though that’s what I’m talking about the game not the team cuz the team not loyal to you right so I am loyal the game is loyal the game is always going to be so he didn’t cheat the game no he didn’t cheat the game so he’s so he’s loyal to the game though he’s just not loyal to he’s not chea the game and being loyal to the game is that’s not the he’s not loyal how’s he not loyal to the game because he keeps jump he the reason why the question the original question is his Flack from jumping team to team well leveraging leveraging his power to do that so okay does the does the team is there any responsibility for it we we always use the player for leaving if is there no responsibility on the team itself yep right when Kobe did it when he when he used his power and say Hey I want out send me to Chicago and and when he pulled that move the team responded all all right okay we’re going to keep everybody better we’re going to keep us better right when he did it cool right when LeBron said hey I’m trying to build a championship I’m in my year and he goes and they’re like nah we don’t want to spend any money go so it so him leaving that’s why you blaming him it’s the two assets the two assets the team felt this asset was strong enough to oblige him I’m going to give you what you want the other team didn’t feel the same way okay so don’t get mad for me leaving no one’s getting mad if you leav but you can’t you can’t use my legacy against me because they didn’t I have two dudes who want to play here so we can build a dynasty and you’re saying n we’re good right I just bought this team for this much money I’m not expending nothing this Championship is not worth it for me financially right now so I’m not going to expend it like you want you want Chris BOS and D Wade I got mic roon and Tony right do do what we’ve been doing right now going to the uh Eastern Conference and all that looks good for we’re we’re maxing out so no thank you so he leaves when Giannis does it hey hey uh I’m a free agent what we doing somebody better be signed and they they do what they did right so where would you have like Bron to go like like because Cleveland couldn’t do what he do right nowhere stay Loy stay loyal to the game so he stays there and lo he stays there and loses like come on no he’s not going you don’t know what he would have done that’s the point we don’t know whether he would won or lost but loyalty to the game is saying all right I threatened y’all y’all responded they didn’t respond what do you mean they responded I’m talking about in the Kobe situation I threatened y’all y’all responded now I can stay loyal to the game I can stay loyal to the game I don’t have to cheat the game by copping out I stay loyal to the game and if we understand what the game is and the loyalty to the game is I’m going to fight this [ __ ] until I get this [ __ ] even if I’m dealt a bad hand even if I don’t got the players that’s going to accompany me to help me win this and that I’m still G to stay down Reggie Miller stay down so you think if Magic Johnson didn’t have that Laker team you think he would have stayed loyal to the Lakers who I don’t know him all I know is the people who have done and stayed loyyal regardless if they won or not not even they never cheated the game and none of them in the top 10 no one thinks about they don’t need to be that they don’t need to be none of that but being loyal to the game is are you going to bounce around and chase Legacy so wherever you get picked in the NBA that’s where you should stay and that that means you’re loyal to the game unless the team doesn’t need your assets and then you can okay so then okay then I can move and then if I get in a better position now you stay loyal to the game where you at if the team move you cuz they don’t need you right but what if I move and then I start winning and then y’all say oh well he made this move so now my legacy that’s a different conversation now you’re saying okay so the the the the the business part how how are you holding so much power on the player himself when the person who pays the check and really makes a decision is business for them they’re not loyal to the game they’re loyal to their pockets so how can I be loyal to the game itself if you’re not loyal to it the person who writes the checks cuz you’re paying me to play and all and all I need to do is go out there and prepare for the game like professional and I’m saying hey hey I want to win a championship my I was trained to win and he’s like well I G to [ __ ] about you winning you’re selling seats you by yourself we making I’m making money that’s it that’s a part of business where you control your controllables okay you only control what you can control and if you can’t control what the organization doing on the business side you can control coming in every single day staying loyal to the game you said it control to controllables I can control when I’m a free agent to go where I see fit for my legacy mhm so now you’re mad that they’re controlling the controllable no I’m not cuz I can’t control who you’re going to buy I can’t make you spend your money but if you don’t want to spend I can control my next Destiny and that’s what these players are doing well if their Destiny is just chasing team chasing Legacy and running from Team to team then let them do that but from my perspective that’s not you being loyal to the game when we say cheat the game the game will cheat you I think we all know what that means when you cheat the game but business wise you can’t control what they do up there you can only control what you do down here so down here if I’m going to prepare like a professional and show up every game and do what I need to do and we still don’t win and it’s because the business is bad they’re going to have to either see me as an asset or liil to get rid of me but I’m going to do what I need to do to take my team over the top regardless of the pieces that I have so you respect Reggie Miller’s Legacy over LeBron’s yeah yeah cuz Reggie didn’t have nowhere near the PC LeBron had during his journey and I think that if Reggie would have had those pieces his legacy would have during his journey during his journey before LeBron left you’re saying LeBron Journey before he left before he left so that means before he went to Miami you’re saying the teams LeBron had you’re saying Reggie those LeBron teams was better than Reggie Miller teams I didn’t say nothing like that made that up you just said that you said he just he asked me the question I didn’t say you said yes answered it he said do I respect Miller’s Legacy over LeBron over LeBron and then he said Reggie did it with less Talent than LeBron didn’t he say something like that no no he say he just respected the way he did it like no he just made an you say Reggie had less pieces than less I know he said something like that oh yeah he had less P it had nothing to do with the time frame or when all of LeBron’s 20 years he’s had a lot of different pieces to help him win oh yeah cuz he got four rings I’m I’m talking about Reggie’s Legacy as a whole with LeBron’s before he leaves we’re talking about leaving but you just made that up I didn’t we didn’t even talking about leaving we just talking about the whole entirety of Reggie Miller’s Journey he didn’t have pieces to could that he can use to to win a championship but he rote it out what you’re saying play players should be loyal to whatever team Picks Them no loyal to the game what does that mean it means that the game is going to allow you to do what is necessary to put your team in position to win regardless of what hand you’re dealt so what if they don’t then I have to move on right it’s a part of the game right but I’m still staying loyal to the game are you yeah cuz I have to keep going like I’m not stopping like I’m not I’m not going to stop and being stuck like I have to keep going like I have to is it about the reason Reon why you want to leave because they don’t want to get better or they don’t want to do the things to help us win so when you start chasing and you still don’t win then what’s that saying but a lot of people not chasing and just asking a question so if you keep moving and you still don’t win what is it that you’re doing are you cheating in game are you chasing chip chips are you what are you doing I’m trying to get myself in a better position I’m just trying to kickn knowledge [ __ ] man I’m just trying to get in a better position that’s all you went on a spiritual journey the past you but I don’t think but I don’t think you’re unloyal to the game though because of that like like being unloyal is is like quitting or just like like that’s like preparing prepar Tak T quitting quitting is just like I’m done like I’m I’m done I want to South Beach no no quitness I don’t want to play reloc I’m Not preparing reloc reloc I’m not preparing I’m not taking my talents win we going to win five six seven chips down here and then got other team leave on the loss me then return everybody got h Huh return I went back home to the team that me and then you and then you win right and then you leave on another loss so say someone who goes to the gym at some then you leave on another loss so someone who goes to a gym I know that’s not quitting but I’m just saying what is it if it’s not quitting reloc just moving around you’re just moving around I’m just moving around I’m just asking questions bro International mov making statements I’m just asking questions man like what he cheating the game but he’s here 20 years in putting the same effort he did as a rookie coming to the gym at 1:00 so you don’t respect that work ethic but you respect someone who wins championships that half asked it right because they was on great teams I’m trying to figure out which one is loyal to the game itself the game itself preparation film work like training studying taking care of your body isn’t that what loyalty to the game is I’m pretty sure everybody got their own definitions of it but me personally I just you loyal to the game there ain’t going to be no quit ain’t going to be no change it’s going to be man we going to figure this [ __ ] out we GNA figure this [ __ ] out cuz this my [ __ ] and I’m not leaving my [ __ ] to go join somebody else’s [ __ ] cuz I can’t get it done or they can’t get it done they or they can’t get because we we got there he got there with them right right with the Spurs right he got they got swept of course they they ran against him uhhuh uhhuh so I got I got a so can you help me yeah for sure is it we or I mean mean is it we or is it me I mean listen man you can go is it we or is it me I mean listen we can go we but at that time it I’m asking you I’m asking simple question is it me or is it we it was him it’s we okay so if it’s not we then you can move around okay well so you’re telling me to it reminds me he reminds me of you remember Smokey when his mother gave him a dollar and he said this ain’t enough make it enough so right sometimes you got I’m giv I’m giving you a dollar to say make it make it enough how long can he try to make it enough before he say yo can I get actual enough to do this so you’re giving me nothing and then get mad that I leave cuz you don’t want to give me nothing this man over here said hey we’re going to give you something to win a championship okay cool cuz dudes right here ain’t give me no nothing you know why Smoky Mama gave him a dollar and told him make it enough why cuz he got some money in his pocket to make it enough she know he selling dope I know you can make it enough [ __ ] make it enough no want you to make it enough how my job is to play basketball because I gave you a dollar my job is to play basketball how much is it going calls five so you want me to I know you got5 who com to Cleveland at that time who’s coming to Cleveland at that time nobody everybody said no nobody was going to going to Cleland BOS said no said no we don’t need them two [ __ ] if I’m LeBron James I don’t need Wade and Bosch coming here who else do I I need something get somebody else there’s there’s about 200 other [ __ ] as you can choose Michael Jord needed Scotty Pippin to win no it ain’t even about that they needed LeBron James come about that that was that was the biggest free agency going on the teams that were dominant then was them in Orlando right that’s when Orlando had a young Dwight they had Lewis they had I think Vince was still there right or was that Turk’s first or was Turk tur yeah so that team was brewing over there I think they were did they just go to the championship or yeah yeah so you got that team there right building then you got uh New York with all the money all the free agents was up all of them none wanted to come to Cleveland but everybody else is building so if he did not have anybody come with him he would have been solo moving forward because BOS and Wade was already together so now him by himself saas was already going with the Boston crew obviously yeah with the Boston crew already there with all those free agents you don’t know if loser were have added with him you don’t know what was going on that you know so if he wouldn’t have done anything then he probably couldn’t have won a championship for another four or five years cuz everybody was still young enough right New York was building um you had Orlando was in perfect spot then you still had uh Boston [ __ ] then you still [ __ ] Lakers is coming who was going he had the team up who was going to no rolling bro but nobody was going to [ __ ] rolling out of all that [ __ ] he just said LeBron still made it to the [ __ ] finals when he talking about the year that they lost to uh the Spurs in the finals 40 07 no yeah what about 0809 we’re talking about 0809 we by talking about talking about the fre agcy conference why would saying like why would you leave when we just made the finals like why you ain’t staying we got there when they lost to no they didn’t make the finals when they lost to Bost they lost to Boston no he stayed there what I mean even until 20 he’s talking about the year he was a free agent all the years that’s what I’m saying mean all the years he was there all the years yeah he was there three more season he stayed three more seasons what happened to the last Seas Dom you’re saying all the Lost sem lost to the semis to who Celtics he lost to the semis to Boston then look at Orlando’s team that year that didn’t scare him who who who was that orl that didn’t scare him huh orl didn’t none of those teams scare him Orlando went to the finals none of those teams scare him cuz he still made it they went to the finals though it’s not about is not about what they did it was about what were they going to get versus everybody who was free that was the problem got to wait LeBron that was the problem it was he was by himself got got a and you wait a couple years Dwight Vince Rashard Lewis jir Nelson so look say so say that team again Dwight Vince Carter Rashard Lewis jir Nelson now you have that team now think about all the free agents that was available this was the hottest free agency market so if Orlando gets one free agent can you pull up the free they’re in trouble now now read Atlanta’s team think about Atlanta’s team that year that’s that Josh Smith yeah Jos jo9 10 Atlanta Hawks yes look how good they were now what if they would have got [ __ ] Bosch or or Wade they’re on top so Atlanta Crawford Josh Smith Al Harford look at that team that young team now if they would have got Marvin yeah Mike B Marvin Williams them the team everybody je everybody was everybody was one one good piece away from going 20910 uh 2019 no no no I I know cuz I camei 61 to 21 he was MVP of the league that and that was the Miami year or Cleveland year that was last year Cleveland Cleveland year he they won 61 game in a very tough Eastern Conference what are we talking about say if you listen to what I’m saying he wants 61 games now what does everybody look like so he can he can the [ __ ] are we talking you got I mean you have squads in you have squads right now go to the free agency go to free agency that was that Year let me pull it uh 2010 NBA free agents LeBron Dwayne way box now remove the remove LeBron James cuz he’s he’s going to stay in Cleveland by himself cuz Bosch told them no we’re not I’m not coming and Dwayne Wade I’m not coming so that means you have Dwayne Wade free to Rome wherever the [ __ ] he wants to go and you have BOS that’s two names right there that landed if anyone landed in Boston Dynasty if anyone landed in Orlando Dynasty right if BOS was in Orlando what happens with that team right if if Wade went to Orlando what happens with that team now keep going now keep going keep going Dirk Yao Ming Joe Johnson Amari stardom Carlos Boozer David Lee Paul Pierce Rudy Gay Ray Allen and if now think about that team if if the white I mean if all of those was the free agent hell yeah all of them was the free agent so they could pick where they wanted to go and they ended up where they ended up nobody was going to go to no no no but they ended up where they ended up nobody do you know where they ended up go go they did not go anywhere go who went who went they didn’t go anywhere who Dirk State uhhuh Yao Ming State Joe Johnson stayed with the home of course Amar star went to the Knicks yes Carlos Boozer signed with the Bulls from so he left David Lee signing trade to the Warriors so he left he was leaving uhhuh Paul Pierce stayed with the Celtic of course uh Rudy Gay stayed with the Grizzlies Ray Allen stayed with the Celtics M so keep everybody there now you have four fre agents name the four people who move Boozer Amari m BOS Wade Wade Bron is staying home oh that’s right Bron is staying home so you have these four people that’s on the move and not one of them wanted to go to Cleveland don’t need now if any of these did any of these four go to any if one of them go to Boston Boston’s back on top if one goes to Orlando if two goes to Orlando [ __ ] if three of them just go to Miami since they have all the money what Boston well I mean um New York had all the money [ __ ] they could have got a bunch of them but they didn’t you’re using a hypothe they didn’t because Braun took his two and they team to [ __ ] up that’s why but they still do that’s that’s why doesn’t make a point saying that Cleveland wouldn’t got no free agency based on these [ __ ] picking their team teams when they had a 61 win season it you don’t need pieces like them to take it over the top we just had 61 wins we need LeBron James back1 we need LeBron James back we may pick up even the the free agency y’all nameing are high-profile free agent yeah right we don’t even need none of them cuz we didn’t need them last year to lose an EAS need them we didn’t go to the championship they we didn’t go to the championship couple pieces a couple pieces like another Mo Williams or another another style role player we need more sty that can hit shots when we need him I think who was the uh the other guy that they had another star uh P pav pavic what was pavic was he on that team he was on that team right hold on guys like him like I think booby was on the team booby who they lose to who they lose they lost to the the Boston Celtics Boston they lost to the Boston Celtics what position did the Boston Celtics need at that point what cuz there was three four there were three four there were three top four men on the move and Boozer was moving BOS was moving and um Amari was moving it was already said they’re moving no matter they’re not staying at home so that means Orlando was looking for someone Boston was looking for someone and New York was looking for someone those Atlanta Atlanta was cool with their team but they were young but if they would have got instead they would have got Wade that’s a different team right there was you couldn’t take no chance if you’re LeBron James everybody’s the same age as you if Orlando would have got anybody they struck out because LeBron took two big free agents with him that that’s what he’s not missing was not going to go play with the [ __ ] Orlando Magic who Dwayne way so where was he going to go he stay in Miami he wasn’t staying in Miami why not because they wasn’t trying to win yet oh my God they just won Gilbert no they didn’t 2006 it’s 2009 so what you mean they not trying to win we’ve already won this is my County this is Dade Wade County what do you mean he’s going to leave why would D Wayne Wade leave after being and then go to Orlando are y’all sick what what are yall talking about you got big PO for what are y’all talking about Orlando was good bro who gives a [ __ ] how good they was how was he going to get over there with nothing over there why would I leave Miami to go play for Orlando there’s nothing in Miami it’s my team I’m going to want to win again though who did the way way bring down I want to win again who did he bring when who did he bring to Miami when he first won it no who did he bring to Miami in 2010 LeBron and BOS okay did he move did he go anywhere it’s Miami though did he go anywhere did they go to did they go to another team and team think D Wayne way wait hold you think D Wayne way Chris Ross is coming to Cleveland they’re they said Wayne way not going nowhere Chris Bosch was the [ __ ] that needed to find a place no I’ll be a historian I’ll be a historian for this dude since he already has his narrative when Dwayne way Wade Bosch and LeBron decided to team up when they decided to team up they was not playing in someone’s City so they can all be fresh so they were planning on moving together so they were planning on going to New York together and what happened is because they didn’t tell anyone Dolan made a mistake by paying Amari St they didn’t want to play with Amari STM because they had their own goddamn big three so because um New York [ __ ] it up they called Mickey and say hey Mickey this is what we want to do can you make it happen and then they had a meeting they had a meeting and then made it work if you if you if you knew what was going on then you would have known New York dropped the ball because of Mike Miller they offer Mike Miller all that money because they they knew Mike Miller was part of the group Miami stole him Haslam rejected his deal once he got win took the pay cut signed last to come back they were all moving together so you can change your narrative we know you don’t like the dude listen brother listen only reason why I know cuz I was in that ER that’s my er9 listen my brother greatest movie ever made sound good but I remember dwade saying in his own podcast after seeing Kobe win I had to call these guys and say we we need to form a team yes yeah because same thing Kobe formed the team too right we just said that so so so dwade initiated hey man I can’t sit here and watch Kobe do what he doing come [ __ ] with me okay okay okay did you hear what I said yes okay what’ I say come [ __ ] with me where am I I’m in my no come [ __ ] with me we’re teaming up they were going to where is it going to work about where is it going to work where is it going to work Steve New York going to work down here with me cuz ain’t nobody down here where they going y’all come down [ __ ] with me where were they originally supposed to go where did where did new where did where did LeBron have his press conference where did they end up where did he supposed to have his press conference the the press conference was at the Boys and Girls Club in grenwich Connecticut okay right outside of uh New York city so he was in Connecticut not Miami right where was he at Greenwich Connecticut and where was he was supposed to what was his original uh was supposed to be alen Houston’s house right better than I would yeah it was supposed to be Allen Houston’s house he just wants you to agree with whatever he’s saying bro just dis agree just I’m just asking you’re a New Yorker so you you heard I used to live there at that time okay so so just say yeso he hey and who who who who dropped the beans on that was that was that Stephen A did did steephen get that um team up another new New York Steph had the the the Miami report pretty early yeah and then uh Chris brousard had it after that okay so New York New York cyclopedia brown ass think I like it York I just work I mean it was a lot of New York to Miami where did LeBron end up going Miami all right I just told I just told you the story what does I have to Doon wasn’t going to get nobody to come nothing list can we just I just told oh that’s false cuz he ended up getting you think those players was in town for a wedding I think he was in town for meel you know why this is [ __ ] why you know why this is [ __ ] because when LeBron went back to Cleveland who did get who did he get to come to Cleveland when he went back yeah Dwayne Wade no did no no no when he first got back K LOVE right no he I know what he’s trying to say cuz he got New York I’m asking questions bro I just asked everybody you call me the question I’m the question I’m the question I just want to ask questions are we serious he saying that Team D Rose the D Rose come out there man everybody everybody isaah Thomas everybody was on that damn team everybody was hurt yeah everybody a lot of [ __ ] came out there to play Hey a lot of [ __ ] came out there did came out there a lot he but y’all just said to me no nobody’s coming to play with LeBron oh [ __ ] I don’t care I don’t care see that’s the thing I don’t care you asking you saying to me nobody’s coming coming to play with LeBron and then they all do they didn’t the hell did they come there and do they didn’t come there to play basketball all right well Wayne Way D Wayne way wasn’t going to Cleveland at the heart of his career let’s move around he was staying at home right he was staying at home right he wasn’t right I just told you the story let’s move around

Gil’s Arena MELTS DOWN Over Rashad’s Take On NBA Loyalty as Gilbert Arenas, Rashad McCants and The Gil’s Arena Crew battle over the idea that LeBron James & Kevin Durant’s decisions to join the Miami Heat & Golden State Warriors cheated the game which sparks a debate on NBA loyalty where Gil shares juicy insights on Lebron, Dwyane Wade & Chris Bosh’s free agency decision and compares their legacies to other superstars who played the game the “right” way.

Gil’s Arena premieres every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET.

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  1. Had to dislike this vid bc how bad mcdumbass takes are. Dudes frontal lobe most definitely isn’t developed.

  2. lol I was confused on how lebron got caught in there, when he was a free agent, and decided to leave.

  3. how Boston did Isaiah
    Thomas is why I don’t care too much bout all that team loyalty shit they’ll switch on you quick

  4. I hate when people say Lebron team jumps. Dude has only for 3 teams 1 twice!!! And he always stayed his entire contract. Yall act like he just asked for a trade

  5. It's easy for McCants to say stay loyal no matter what but, he's never been in that position. So he doesn't understand the pressure of being the star of a NBA team.

  6. Yeah McCants! Dame should've just drowned in Portland, Beal in DC, Brunson should've left the NY money on the table and stayed in Dallas😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  7. People forget cleavland hat the best record in the league that year they had 60 plus win its not like they were bad he could've recruited someone to the cavs

  8. McCants can never explain his point just talk in circles how you not loyal to the game for trying to find a better situation when others around you not on your same mindset

  9. He got people to go to Cleveland when he got back obviously because he had became a guaranteed trip to the finals at that point .. mannnnnnnn how do this guy think he's always right and be the only person standing on his side of the debate

  10. Gil always asks if teams get the blame for not building around players but KD is probably the worst example for that. OKC has shown they are able to get talent. Nets got talent. Phoenix has acquired talent to help KD. They acting like they don’t understand the difference between being loyal to competing against the best and chasing to teams to play with the best

  11. I wonder how this argument would go if they were discussing a different industry. NBA players are contractors, essentially. In other industries, like technology for example,, it's totally normal to complete your contract, then sign a new contract with a different organization. Same goes for construction, and others. I like to see guys stay where they were drafted for the long-term as well, but the LeBron situation during his first stretch in Cleveland is a perfect example of when it's appropriate to bail.

  12. NO ONE ASK THIS QUESTION..IF LaFlop is that good why didn no one wanted to com and play with him no matter WHT state are city they play in if ur the best player in the NBA why is it so hard to get people to com and play with u the real reason is no one wants to play that LaBrick system they may not say but is the real reason..

  13. “If you keep moving & still don’t win” brother Bron has won at the highest level with all 3 teams he’s been on lol

  14. "it's my shit" no it's not, it's the owners.


    So are you going to allow others to dictate your legacy by their decisions (ie. draft position, gm activity, team operations etc)…

    Or are you going to pick up the phone, make your own decisions, and go to a place that you can win so that you can control how your legacy is viewed.

    McCants is the house slave.

  15. Bron joined the 3rd greatest shooting guard and a top 5 pf w a stacked contender for 4 consecutive years. Got spanked by dirk and ray allen 3 that got him his 2nd ring, then got gentlemen swept by spurs and then decides to leave 🤡

  16. Basically when Lebron left it should’ve just been him and Wade they didn’t need Bosh they already had Michael Beasley before Bron and Bosh got there Bron is too good to have two Allstar players on your team that’s cheating

  17. Mccants trynna make his legacy look better with his bum ssa opinions sometimes. U was loyal to the game n ain’t get nooo ring in the nba with all dat talent. U should’ve tried it fr.

  18. Life long Pacer fan from NYC. Reggie Miller held the team together for 18 years. Every win and loss was his. He put my Pacers on the map and made the world respect them. #31forlife. Shout out to all Pacers fans.

  19. After 2011 finals it proved it was Brons fault y they couldn’t win in his first stint in Cleveland. Couldn’t win with a so called trash team and also couldn’t win with a Superteam.

  20. If it was any other player we could admit leaving on losses is quitting 💯 but if its LBJ we gotta go around in an excuse circle til its covered up 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🏀💯💯💯

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