@Toronto Raptors

Raptors 2024 Draft Preview – Confederacy of Dunks

Raptors 2024 Draft Preview – Confederacy of Dunks

[Music] ton rap we been [Applause] baby what’s up everybody Welcome to the Confederacy of dunk dunks basketball podcast dunk you uh I’m your host Freddy revas uh laughing at me already is Andy Hull and uh we have a very uh special draft guest uh Matt mccre what’s up Matt how are you I’m doing great man I’m so excited to be back on the greatest Raptors podcast in the fu in the world am I can I swear on that yep awesome prepare for some Square words um yeah say the nastiest ones please um I want to shout out John ralis who I always try and get uh because I feel like you Matt and John are the most sort of like researched um into the draft people I know um and you know you really sort of like comb through everything and you know stay tapped in uh and I always call it George’s chicken it’s not George’s chicken it’s George’s Deli and barbecue BS and blur say family run restaurant eat there enjoy um he’s great I think I’ve done the podcast with him twice he’s great he’s really uh really nice guy he’s awesome he’s he’s working in equestrian horse racing a question yeah he’s he’s in the Sports World killing it um okay let’s um yeah let’s sort of you know start with the finals right so uh closer game uh game two uh Boston I you know feel like sort of I don’t want to say they were playing with their food because it was a it was a competitive game but about I don’t know like sort of inching towards the third quarter I started to feel like the game was not a there wasn’t a real chance that Dallas was gonna win um yeah just you know before I get to my before I get to the question here you know this just made me think of other finals but before I get to that what’s your thoughts on these finals Matt uh yeah I’m like the villain or the heel or the bastard if we want to swear and every yeah the the BW out guys every single like group chat that I’m part of for uh basketball right now because I just really like watching the Celtics play basketball it reminds me a lot of those like Spurs teams back in the day like just so much driving kick I love a defensive back court porzingis is wacky so I’ve just I’ve enjoyed enjoyed watching the finals I’m like in the uh big minority there listen we all hate Boston we hate Boston it’s fun to hate Boston Bill Simmons is like the most annoying man on the planet uh Ryan rill is even worse somehow uh but uh what can I say man aesthetically the team it pleases me I just want to say thanks it’s very good basketball I agree Matt they’re they’re fun team to watch I also just want to say thank you so much coming to us live from inside of a fancy club’s uh women’s washroom really good for you to do that for us it’s like one of those nice ones where it’s like it’s painted all black it’s very there’s like one really nice mirror you know you did there there’s a guy there like drawing your hands yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cool for those who are just listening to the podcast I’m on a toilet right now it’s gorgeous and gold yeah oh they can tell because of the sound I’m sure that it’s a bathro they know um they know they know yeah the I I want to say with this Boston team as yeah like I feel like a Bonafide I mean we talked about this on the on the podcast last week Andy but you know I’m like like it’s not even we’re not we’re not a rival to Boston right we’re we’re nothing to Boston right um yeah and I just it’s just a jealousy thing they just win a lot and they’re really good um specifically they win against us that’s what I that’s where our I think think wannabe rivalry comes from they keep they beat us in the playoffs a couple times where it’s like and they beat us in other sports that we hate really hate the bosson Bruins very much just a better sports city in so many ways they’re they’re undeniably one of the most successful Sports cities of of you know the last 50 years basically so yeah but yeah it’s fantastic ball movement to your point Matt everyone is coming in and like focused and you know has a good role and there’s just so so much talent the nucleus is good they don’t really have any weaknesses I feel like yeah you we want to see them tested right but sometimes that doesn’t happen like they can’t they can’t choose to have a good team play them I mean they have a good team playing them now you know like you know I another thing I like about the finals is that it truly it does feel like it’s it’s awesome like okay you have a superstar and then you have a team basketball I love the uh contrast on that and Luca has played out of his mind like watching that game I was like you I was like there’s no chance no not no chance very little chance that Dallas was gonna be able to pull away with that because the shots that Boston were getting were just wide openen shots every single time like luga was occasionally creating these awesome shots for the team but like not with the consistency that Boston was able to get like these open Corner threes constantly it was crazy outside of when Tatum decided to try to go like one on four um it was basically a good shot every single time on the floor yeah one of the first plays of the game well the first like two plays of the game were a microcosm for the whole game it felt like it was uh when Dallas got the ball like they win the tip off right Luca it gets to Luca he’s like he’s like you know 14 feet he does his patented like like fade away but like had to do it through like two or three guys and like with some struggle but he hit the he hit the shot with that’s what he does right he’s he’s insane then then in transition the Celtics just throw it to a wide open Drew holiday and it’s in in for an easy to and that’s it and like everyone else on the Mavericks are like where why who’s covering him you know what I mean like that was totally microcosm Luca fighting to keep his team competitive and then no one else really being there to help out when it comes to I mean you know defense or whatever right like at any any level really and it’s so funny because like we we’ve the last like 10 years in the NBA watching these super teams and and and basically being told that like a well-balanced uh uh you know deep team isn’t the the isn’t the recipe for success to to when it comes to winning an NBA Finals right you need two or three Superstars and you play them into the ground and you know and you just hope that they don’t get injured and they win you the finals right like that’s what we’ve been taught for all these years but obviously this is changing and the Celtics are just like well we’ve been a team for we’ve been team that’s been together for a long time we they have their Superstars obviously it’s not like they don’t they’re they don’t have their like big two or whatever but it’s not you know it’s obviously not the same they they kind of remind me of the you know and then yeah I’ll jump into to the question here because uh I mean yes Luca is Unstoppable but there is a sort of kind of like foregone conclusion sleepy aspect to this finals like I think it doesn’t really seem like the tide is going to turn who knows you know whatever maybe they go to Dallas Everything Changes hopefully it it gets tighter Dallas steals a game uh but it sort of feels like the it’s reminding me of the first time that the the Cavs played the Warriors The Warriors first championship where the Warriors kind of came out of nowhere but like they were really really good and they were coming and you know yes the Cavs were injured but the warriors were a really complete team and like at that time it wasn’t like Draymond Superstar clay Superstar you know the team was so crazy deep and I feel like Boston has a little bit of that going on where you know to your point yeah I guess uh Tatum’s Superstar depending on what you think of brown you know I think Brown’s kind of like in between Stars Superstar and really good series for Brown though because like his defense is so crucial for keeping individual coverage for donic and not allowing him to spray the ball all over the court like he might not be a superstar against like uh a lot of the teams in the league but I think he has Superstar impact in this series I agree and then you know you have a guy like I’ve been watching Drew I think Drew holiday is a good example of of someone who um kind of looks like he’s having an easier series than the championship series he had for Milwaukee think of like how much of of the share of the like the main attention of the team he had when he was playing for the bucks he’s the number what three2 guy you know what I mean arguably depending on you know the game probably but but whereas like on this Celtics team he can easily like if he can just focus on his defensive assignment if that’s what the game is calling for he can be like the fourth even even fifth option I mean here this game he scored 26 points he was the highest scorer right like on the team that’s that’s that’s great that’s amazing now next game it’s going to be another it’s going to be a different guy who’s going to step up and have that have that game right it’s like that’s you know I feel like how did we Overlook the um importance of this type of thing I guess though it’s tough to put this high quality of five starters together though right like It’s just tough I I will say you know can’t just do that just like yes I think the super team era is dead but you know there were there were a couple attempts this year Phoenix obviously didn’t go well Milwaukee obviously didn’t go well but this this you know I remember when they when they got Chris Taps I was like I I I don’t really get it like smart is amazing he’s such a huge part of the Celtics team but when they got Drew holiday I was like okay that this is such a complete team yeah exactly they’re sort of yeah they’re not they’re not like a superstar like you know it’s not like a LeBron Wade Bosch super team it’s not a it’s not a KD uh Steph you know Clay super team but it is a super team it’s five it’s like all of the like they could all be Allstars you know what I mean they’re starting five essentially so like and I mean 64 wins and I they like cruise through the season oh of course and like the super team era is dasty I can’t hear it sounds like you’re in the toilet Matt no one can hear [Laughter] you sorry sorry buddy go ahead say say it again say what youna say I gonna say sounds like uh it’s gonna be a are you ready for a Boston Dynasty is what I said okay well I mean it feels like this would have been near near the middle or end of one as opposed to they’re going to start it up but maybe what what I was going to say though the super team ERA this the super team era is over but this it’s not going to be the end of teams going for the super team like route do you know what I mean and it’s there obviously like I don’t know you know the last super team has not won its title like there there will be super teams that will win but I agree with you that like the main way we’re trying to make teams win win championships being the super team I think that is that like way of thought is is is what’s going to be over now Matt mat from from from the the Rough Waters of the golden toilet what’s I gonna say uh I didn’t have anything to add I think you guys covered it oh sorry I thought you were waiting to say something that’s why I I thought you were gonna introduce the idea of a Boston uh Dynasty I think like that’s the only I feel like it’s a possibility you know like the the thing is about their books right now is assuming nobody breaks down and pringus is like the most likely one they have any bad salary that’s like clogging their books you know like the Raptors have like $17 million tied up with b and McDaniel you know they have nothing like that uh all their players are making like $30 million and there’s like five or six of them but like it’s just a good use of cap like they cap sheet just looks so good right now you know they can afford to keep all these good guys for long like you know AE into Stevens has been like it’s been solid you know Stevens has been a pretty incredible GM so far um but uh yeah okay so so so here was my my finals idea for a question though what you know you guys have been watching NBA Finals your whole lives like me what is the most boring finals like in your memory it doesn’t like you know you don’t have to have like perfect evidence for it but just it just you felt maybe it was a foregone conclusion maybe the stars are injured whatever uh I have a good candidate if you want me to lead this off but but Matt I’m going to go to you first is there is there like a is there a finals you remember being sort of you know not entertaining for whatever reason less entertaining you know if you said this question I didn’t see it but I have an answer immediately and it’s uh way back in the day and it’s uh the Nets versus the Lakers Jason kid no way that’s what I was gonna say yeah brutal like an Annihilation there was no chance they they could those that was a sweep right yeah yeah yeah that was brutal four games yeah yeah I mean I was gonna say the exact same thing uh I just remember well like so I was a lot younger back then and I and I like I didn’t enjoy watching uh other teams as much by the way there’s there’s two of those uh I’m thinking oh I’m sorry no there’s Spurs Nets my bad my bad yeah okay okay okay yeah sorry um also not good so I didn’t want like I didn’t like yeah exactly I didn’t watch like I don’t know about you like I didn’t watch a like a lot of the Lakers run to the finals which I I feel like must have been better but maybe not uh is back in those days yeah that’s yeah see and I didn’t really watch those I like maybe West Coast I guess I was just wasn’t really tuned in I knew obviously I knew the Lakers were great and all that but like I hated them also back then um uh but then watching this finals I absolutely remember I’m like because I like are you guys like me like I’m an Eastern Conference person I’m cheering for the Eastern Conference most times if if if if everything else being equal the Raptors are in the Eastern Conference you know that’s where I’m cheering the you know the Jays in the American League I’m an American League guy I’m going for the American League team if again all things being equal no hated teams involved uh so I’m just like oh man like we got the Nets like come on man the Nets are our team in this that’s the best we can put up against the Lakers you know I’m like uh and then just yeah was the team the East deserve though the East was so bad in those days you know the E they represent the East perfectly yeah just Jason kid kid and uh Richard Jefferson right on that team I think yeah Kenyan Martin Kenyan Martin yes number one draft pick unlike you uh Andy I am burdened by a different uh hierarchy of uh teams I root for and has nothing to do with conferences it’s all like who hasn’t won the championship and then it’s like if they both have won the championship who’s won it less and then I have a whole thing where I’m like jealous slash frustrated at like markets that I perceive oh this Alles easier than others this all comes into play for that’s so for me west or east I don’t care like if it was if this was like whatever like thunder heat I’d be rooting for the Thunder heat for life heat for life no set out of a burp too heat for Life set out of ably burp huge um okay mine is also sorry did you have something Matt no no no I was gonna say thunder culture that’s all Thunder culture yeah um mine is uh mine is also the Lakers and by the way you guys were 2002 yeah mine was 2009 um so my 2009 Championship uh this is the Lakers against Orlando Magic so this was supposed to be this was like this was the time where Kobe and LeBron were supposed to play each other all right Cleveland was better than Orlando and Orlando just got hot oh you know interestingly enough Orlando got hot with very modern basketball because they basically just had like Dwight Howard and Stan Ben gney coached a team that was like d the whole team was driveing kick and they had Rashard Lewis who just stood in the corner and just drained threes and and jir Nelson too righto turku who the Raptor oh yeah iow on that team Ray for Altin Ray for a nice one he awesome in that playoffs he was really it was the best he ever played Skip to My Lou um yeah yeah uh one win the and and the thing is like yes that Lakers team was like good they were deserving they were like the Champions but they weren’t yeah it was one of those things where like you know you want to see that team tested more and the magic were just happy to be there and they it was not really competitive um Lakers in five so that’s that’s my kind of like that’s that’s my answer to that as well um okay let’s uh let’s let’s go to number two here that that feels a lot like what this this year series is kind of you know what I mean like like you’re saying like uh um you know magic are happy to be there and like they got some good players and but like they lost in five games and I kind of feel like that’s what’s going to happen to the to the Mavs here yeah the only thing about this one though is I still am holding out some like hero stuff from Luca and I didn’t feel like I never felt in that series uh the The Net series you guys that was like who is Shaq up against was it like Todd Mulla like I forget who it was but it was like MBO Matumbo might have been in that one oh Matumbo sorry who was good but he was someone else who got murdered by Shack on a regular sha Shaq loves to talk about how he dominated DM B yeah and Muto was amazing but he he was one of the guys I mean I guess mostly everybody but um MBO just yeah got killed um okay let’s let’s do some draft talk yeah I think I think we’ll probably have two two more episodes before the draft but um you know it’s high time we get into it uh I’ve been you Matt I know you know I’m gonna let you take the FL here because you know I know you’ve been um I know you’ve been scouring the internet finding finding I’m a big draft loser I love reading draft like yeah it’s one of my biggest problems as a partner to my wife is my love of the draft I wish I wish someone would pay you for it to be honest um but yeah I mean is it like has the consensus been this volatile the whole the whole time like from every every you know I I have like five tabs up and I can’t believe how like different they all are yeah it’s all over the place it’s it’s crazy it’s like for a draft nerd like myself it’s an incredibly exciting draft because I truly have no idea any of the picks how they’re going to go especially when Atlanta won too because they really don’t even know what their team is because they could lose you know either uh Trey or Deon or maybe both so like they can go in any direction they can trade the pick who the hell knows yeah this this also this must be you know since the playin this must be the first playin team to get the first overall pick right yeah yeah which is crazy um so yeah let me let me ask you this who is the I’m sure you got a couple but like who we we we’ll bounce back and forth who is the most exciting player to you for whatever reason I’ll go for a player that I assume every person who’s listening to this podcast knows and the most exciting player in the draft for me by far is Zach Edy I am so excited to see who Edy where he goes I think he’s I’m so much higher on Ed than I am than anyone else I know basically in terms of him as a prospect I think he’s going to be quite good um you know every like there’s you know Bill Simmons was talking about how why isn’t kingan like the number one pick in the draft and I saw them go up in the finals and Ed outplayed them like just straight out outplayed them um I don’t know if I don’t think their Mobility is much different I don’t really understand why um Clingan who doesn’t have to deal with the most intense offensive workload in the league uh being driven by a coach who insists that he not foul out I don’t know why kingan’s offensive upside is that much better than Ed and offensively it’s not even close yeah I mean and to your point because me and you were talking about this a little while ago you know I I was sort of paring a lot of the stuff I had heard and also I think I in all fairness was probably too influenced by his team Canada at in last summer where he just didn’t look you know when he did play as fast as as as you know you you need to be in the league but um I mean you know he certainly couldn’t be stopped this year and um yeah that’s a good point with kinging because I’m like he one draft I’m looking at now clingan’s um number seven and Edy is 16 something like that so it’s like I don’t really I don’t see why they’re that far oh sry Ed’s 24 uh in this one so you know I don’t see why they would be that far off also um and I mean clingan’s got foot issues too like he’s had like some injury concerns maybe not foot maybe his leg I might be wrong with that but um you know Ed has basically played every minute down the stretch of the NCAA tournament and plays an incredible workload and has never had a major injury he didn’t grow up playing basketball so he doesn’t have those like stress fracture issues that a lot of the top prospects have he was a hockey guy he was a baseball guy uh he was an athlete but not necessarily a basketball athlete like when it comes to like big men like that like you look at like Elijah Juan came up with soccer you have um yic who came up playing um water polo I feel like a diversification of athletic um interest uh for these Giants can be nice for their long-term viability as a a healthy NBA player but who knows I’m I’m really hesitant to make this comp uh just because he was such an incredible unique player but is there any like Zach Ed Yao Ming yeah because they’re because he’s SE he’s 74 300 pounds like that’s and that’s another thing that gets overlooked a little bit is that he’s seven4 like I don’t think he’s going to be that much less mobile than like I don’t know Brook Lopez at 36 years old you know like I think like when you have that incredible size and gets coached to a a degree of like you’re allowed to foul a little bit you’re um not g to have to be the focal point of every single offensive uh possession um but yeah when it comes to like ya it’s like yeah they’ve got like a soft touch they’re enormous uh they set good screens um they’re team players like first and foremost they’ve been coached to death like I don’t know I think it’s a pretty good comp I like it I don’t think is gonna be like the best center in the league but I in a draft that looks really bad I don’t understand where he is where he is it’s basically my the CLI notes I’m trying to find like because all I like when I was you know when I I I would see anything uh during the NCAA tournament everyone had nothing but good things to say about this guy obviously very impactful player and now I’m just trying to be like watch the rub is it simply that like he’s not like a big like he’s not an outside shooter he’s not going to be the quick he’s not the quick guy you know when you’re looking for a big man like is that what it is like I I don’t it’s it’s there are concerns with Ed and it’s mostly defensively and how he’s going to do outside of like a strict drop coverage um defensively like I don’t think he’s gonna be able to slide with guards at all um I don’t think Ling’s gonna be able to slide with guards at all I think most centers in the league can’t I don’t think like yeah exactly like that you’re talking about most of the of the guys right like poras can’t you know like it’s you know and there’s like Dalton connect who’s like a top 10 Prospect um in I think it was the sweet 16 drove on uh Edy down the lane and Ed stayed with him and swatted him at The Rim you know and he’s like connects like a really good athlete so there’s data points that show that he should be okay but who knows again who knows he might be terrible we’ll see I feel like we’re hearing a lot about him obviously because we’re in Canada so people are excited about him for that way and obviously he’s in a Range where the Raptors could possibly get him whether or not that’s something Raptor fans want it seems like they’re not really that hot on it uh even Boston for my love of zachi I love it yeah you know I I also think it’s a it’s a good point about uh seven-footers like Claxton can’t hang with guards like you know there’s just not a lot of seven-footers maybe like uh wanyama uh but there’s not a lot of guys that are bigger than seven feet that can get switched onto a pick and roll and like look absolutely comfortable like it’s like really it might actually only be wanyama and goar at times but goar even right can’t yeah he’s defensive player of the year so um Andy do you do you have your guy you want me to jump in here no I got my guy and it’s funny cuz I’m looking at a couple uh mocks as well um and seeing like where guys are because I’ll be honest I’m not a big draft guy and I never have been with any sport really and like I’ve been a sports fan my whole life the draft for some reason is not is I you know you know what my attitude towards most drafts are we’ll see them when they get in the league you know tell tell me about them when they’re playing for a team that’s that’s you know that like I get excited for prospects once they’re like once they’re around you know oh the leaf drafted this guy or you know the Jay’s drafted this guy sure let’s see okay great and now I know about him awesome but like pre the actual draft i’ I’ve I’ve been very bad about like paying attention to stuff uh for every sport healthy way to go through life to be honest but I love I love like hearing you talk about it I really like that like and I listen to obviously I consume a lot of sports media and there’s obvious always a lot of draft coverage and I I do enjoy draft coverage I just never I don’t retain any of it anyways my answer is bronnie James and the reason for that is H like surface level thing he comes with the he comes with the the Hall of Fame best player of all time yeah how can anything how can anyone be more exciting than that you know what I mean uh no but I that’s a joke answer but it also is my real answer uh there’s one only one person in uh on the CBS uh Sports Draft thing has bronnie in their in their top like in their their their their first round and they just have it that the Lakers pick them so that they can keep LeBron like do we really think that’s going to happen like are we serious about this like it’s not happening right like I don’t think so but who knows right like uh the Lakers have done a lot of wacky things for their stars in their past you know it’s true it’s true um and I mean if there’s any draft to do it in right like if I feel like if there is a draft to do it in this is probably the one you know like the timing is kind of perfect for it to happen you there are a lot of strikes on bronnie but there are like you can make the argument that he you could take him in the first round like going into the season he was like a top 12 player um on some boards you know ESPN like Jonathan javone he’s like one of the top draft guys had him 12 on his board and he’s got NBA NBA athleticism he’s got a good shot um but he had like a major heart issue and then struggled coming out of that as a teenager going into the highest level of competition you’ve ever played so sure who’s to say how reflective this season was of him as a prospect so I mean if you want to take him early he’s undersized for his position he doesn’t seem to have like the guard skills in terms of playmaking but maybe he’ll be a defensive stopper who can hit some threes and be a bench guard totally plausible and it feels like that’s a that’s a halfway decent thing to get in this draft to be honest and the fact that it it comes with keeping LeBron James on your team I don’t know that’s a pretty massive upside you know what I mean like I it I will say one of the funniest ideas is uh I’m look like uh draft net has um bronnie mocked at um oh where I was just looking at it uh has bronnie mocked by Washington uh in the uh in the fif 52nd pick so if if Washington took bronny at 52 and LeBron James comes to Washington that has to be that has to be one of the better case scenarios for me as like just like having a laugh like why do you want LeBron to play his Twilight years in Washington you want to go through was good for anyone full Jordan no it would just be so funny to me that that many teams would pass on bronny only for Washington to take him with the 50c pick like I just it would just be funny uh actually would be because I don’t want to see that happen to LeBron but um okay my and I think I mentioned this to you before Matt I I’m waiting for the article I’m waiting for like the basketball revolution in France article because I I don’t I don’t know what’s going on but they are pumping out prospects and um in this in this first round there’s four French players obviously the big ones uh are researched how do you how do you say his last H Zachary re I believe re yeah SAR and um yeah so those are like the one and two so my my answer is just kind of like all the French guys uh I I I do like when a guy kind of comes out of nowhere so this guy uh to Jane Salon um yeah I’ve seen his name but it seems like he’s really Rising 69 210 um power forward and I’m like why is this guy starting to like appear more like is he you know yeah I don’t know maybe he’s like a Kola Bali or or I don’t know maybe he’s like someone’s who’s kind of special who for whatever reason was not on major radar so uh I like guys like that you know I find him exciting and because of the nature of this draft uh he’s just a guy I’m I’m sort of picking as like you know uh someone I’m excited to see but you know so obviously a total guess so I mean if you want to know about him he’s like comparing him to kabali kulali has way more ball skills but like um Saloon is like way bigger than him he’s way like he’s got major major bust potential but if he like gains a good fundamental knowledge about basketball he’s a hyper athlete he’s big and looks like he has decent shooting potential as well so I think that’s why he’s jumping up boards is because I think it’s going to go for teams who are like we don’t need anyone right now but what’s something that could develop and an awesome thing down the line I also what like for me a it’s it’s almost like that there’s certain draft terminology where I’m like I see what you’re doing and I disagree uh and one is like when I when I read the word raw I’m like I see that as good like people like you know like I when like this guy’s so athletic he does a back flip and dunks don’t want him on my team and I’m like I think I do want him actually and you know it reminds me of like a Yelp review when when people were like man service was horrible it was so dirty they were rude best food I’ve ever had in my life Yeah well yeah exactly he he’s an example of exactly why uh this stuff does actually kind of matter um because he yeah he’s got that Jo he had the Joey Graham Vibe too right was kind of like wow this was great you know Joey Graham’s chiseled this guy’s awesome um but I I I mean I I remember that with Demar right best athlete in draft can’t do anything he sucks it’s like uh well not that he sucks but it was sort of like this guy’s the best athlete it’s like best athlete amongst like all these other hyper athletes that seems relevant well I mean dear dear’s an interesting guy because there’s few players in NBA history who have improved at every element like Demar has like he’s an amazing Story I mean part of it is like he never really got injured so he had the opportunity to keep like improving on his game and not having to rehab for so long and he got minutes immediately as well which you know these reps will help but like Testament to him man it’s like incredible even into his 30s he would add these incredible leaps and like playmaking and stuff he’s a great story yeah and even the last uh while we were joking about this uh a few podcasts ago Andy but like he started to like you know a couple times a year do this like 360 pass thing which I’m like wow that you weren’t doing that in your 20s this is this is wild um okay let’s let’s do some some Raptor draft talk you know this is going to be sort of like more more specific maybe your answer is also Ed here uh I don’t know I mean it does seem like he has some serious potential to go in the lottery which the Raptors are not in um yeah Matt who do you want the I mean if you have someone for 31 great but uh you know really that 19th pick who do you want the Raptors to take yeah you know uh um Raptors HQ put out this like writing um position thing so I wrote a um 3,000-word article on uh top 10 players i’ want the Raptors to pick at 19 so I’m very um uh uh versed in this possibility um a guy who’s actually sorry I said okay this is great yeah yeah a guy who like I kind of feel like they should go for I mean i’ Love Ed obviously I would take ED and heart if he got to do Raptors but uh Kean George looks interesting to me uh 68 uh 20 years old like he’s really mocked in like the Raptor’s spot just an incredible jump shooter who doesn’t really seem to have like um maybe the athleticism that you would ideally want in that position but his jumper [ __ ] rule there’s uh a little bit of Gary Trent Jr in his game and if you know me that’s as damning uh a thing I could say about a player but uh he’s 68 he is 68 and he does like some of the things I’m just does he have like that dog in him I don’t know maybe not maybe he’s a little soft uh but where the Raptors are picking I don’t know a guy that size and it’s he’s got the the dimensions they want be an interesting choice I like it Kean George yeah um Andy do you is there someone that jumps out to you um well uh Edie Edie was the pick the first thing I read and it was like they had Edie for the Raptors and I’m like you just you’re just doing that cuz he’s Canadian and I just know that any any am like some amican American basketball guys are like well Canada loves him because he’s Canadian so let’s pick him uh okay how do you not totally wrong though but how do you no it’s not and like and like I would love to have him because of that too but like [ __ ] you for thinking that um we don’t just love them because they’re Canadian he’s also good at basketball uh okay what’s his name k Kel is that how you say his name k k Kel K where K where I I think I’ve read a lot about them I haven’t heard of them a lot to be an expert on that okay so then let me read this thing because I certainly have don’t know anything about it uh it it basically just says that uh uh he’s he’s a big man he’s a um uh he’s a center uh and he basically the thing that jumped out at me about about the the rundown of all the guys around this time around this like span of the draft is that he’s a big man who can actually space he can at he shot 43% from three-point range uh last season so that’s enticing and exciting and also um my man uh Colin Ward henar of CBS Sports says that this young man could be the steel of the draft so I’m always interested when someone you know who knows a lot more about it than I do says something like that because I’m like okay and then if you look like a lot of other um uh the other this this is like the CBS Sports is quite complete here it’s really great there’s like six mocks it’s great and uh none of them have him going higher uh or sorry some of them have him going higher but most of them have him going lower so like I think this is a real possibility Raptors could get this guy and the fact that some people are like oh yo what a steal uh most of them have been dropping down to like where the Knicks are uh but that’s the same thing for Ed right like the a lot of these a lot of these boards have Edie going to the Knicks um I’ve noticed which is very interesting they’re all worried about uh hardenstein uh leaving a free agency can I throw a funny name out there is that okay sure yes of course do you guys know about um do you know about Johnny Fury as a prospect what’s his name Johnny F Johnny FY yeah he’s a raw that’s a raw Prospect right there uh he so 69 69ine great shooter out of Kansas he’s basically gr dick again uh white guy mop of hair projected to go around the Raptors I think it would be so funny if they drafted Grady they you have uh you have aaji Grady and then Fury this is the same program same position three years in a row it’d be amazing Fury is very much gry dick gry dick little brother it looks like he looks like um you you basically uh stole my con my concept there a little bit so first of all your guys name no know your guys’s name’s way funnier um so I I just automatically lose there uh but Jared McCain’s comp is Emanuel quickly uh so it’s also in um in draft net it’s Brin Forbes which is hilarious to hilariously unexciting to me but I love it when it it dropped embar it’s some [ __ ] low average player you’re like like are we getting Brin Forbes we getting but yeah you know is six3 guard can shoot um you know like if you’re if you’re a Duke guy I feel like you’re coming out of a pretty strong program um so I and and we’ve been talking about like needing a good guard for years right so I think you know one of the major sort of undoings of yeah this you know this this last period of time with the Raptors is like these Fringe guys not turning out and and you know like guy gu guys like Malachi sorry Andy but you know how dare you yeah you know like just just not did you score 50 points in an NBA game fair enough I did not good point good point it is hilarious that he scored like three points the next game yeah but yeah uh so so Jared McCain’s uh like kind of that Vibe uh another guy that I’m like uh just seems like uh like he’s ready to go good shooter you know I feel like I also just never want there to be a I’m scarred by the the era that was this Raptor’s this last Raptor’s team of of bad shooting uh so I never want to have a bad shooter on the team again but um yeah Tristan D Silva is a guy Bleacher Report has him at 20 uh and then you know other things I’ve seen like he’s quite a bit like lower uh there’s another one I’m looking he’s at 30 so so maybe I don’t know may maybe the Raptors can just do better with that spot but he’s like small forward uh Power Forward good shooter you know doesn’t have like a ton of athleticism but it’s sort of like high IQ also hilariously boring comp Trey Lyles um I want I want basically what I’m saying is I want Trey Lyles or Brin Forbes on this team yeah honestly that would be kind of nice um what okay I was is 23 years old um and the r last time the Raptors drafted a guy that old it was haela rouja oh haa on yeah so he so he’s 23 so would he be so but yeah so like would they be drafting a guy that’s older than Scotty yeah I guess so got I mean the the very you know the cynical part of me is like the Raptors have generally you know done very well with those older guys that don’t warrant that much money on their next contract with those later picks um but yeah you know HAF arujo also this guy’s Brazilian too so yeah we’re so scarred so scarred by the Brazilians um okay uh Matt talk to me about Ryan Dunn a little bit because I see him popping up a lot in the Raptor spot and I know that like the thing about him is that like great defense uh uh you know uh but needs to basically make an offensive side of his game like what’s what’s the like how do you feel about if the Raptors were to take him it with 19 uh with 19 i’ I’d be a little disappointed with 31 I think it’s an interesting flyer uh because I you you did nail the the basics on him and that he’s like the best defender in the entire draft uh you know 68 incredible athlete incredible instincts uh plays as hard as you could possibly want uh but is also maybe even including Center as the worst shooter of the entire yeah so I think an awesome spot an awesome spot for him would be in if you gave him like the backup like uh Aaron Gordon roles where he just had to be in the dunker spot offensively like that could work with joic if you had like someone who can like stir the drink to that uh degree he could be a little Olive offensively uh but um yeah that’s a weird analogy but um so I mean you would draft him hoping that you could build a shot um for him but and with the second round pick I don’t know it’s maybe worth a the straft is so nuts because one one thing will have him the Raptors taking Ryan D and then like k whatever he’s down at like 30 and then the next one you look at they’re swapped and Ryan dun’s being taken with like the 29th pick and the Raptors Tak it’s like this is nuts you know and then some have some have Edie at 19 and then some have Ed it’s like 10 it’s like what I’ll say one thing about Ryan D when I wrote this article about a month ago um tank kathon had him at 31 ESPN had him at 31 the athletic had him at 31 the ringer had him at 40 and andil had him at 26 wow wow he’s up yeah this draft is gonna be the first draft ever where someone who is invited to like the uh Lottery green room is not drafted at all yeah right like it’s gonna be someone especially seeing the second round isn’t even until the next day you know yeah that will happen almost certainly which is nuts and why okay wait wait okay just just before you go there I want to use Matt’s expertise too so um uh s nation has uh Eves Messi m Missy center from Baylor going to the Raptors what’s what’s what’s the deal with him I don’t know him as well um he’s being kind of off my radar and this is uh the reason for that is that I anticipate the Raptors taking a center at 19 that’s not Edy and me being so mad about it so it’s just me protecting myself yeah blocking it out uh so I apologize I can’t I I feel stupid kind talk okay then same question Kyle filipowski I mean filipowski is very ltic very very elic um like good uh like good shooting potential good ball mover like probably a better athlete than oen is especially at this point of his life he’s an old man um you know uh I think he would be an interesting fit with Scotty I don’t think it if they got him at 19 I think he be I would be like totally fine with it you know cool you say filipowski filipowski yeah why oh man no no no no you said it right I just I just couldn’t remember but I Linux an old man not they’re both old pH phow is 20 years old uh okay uh yeah Andy sort of alluded to this but they and yeah Matt I’m curious for your you told me you had a nice Devil’s Advocate take here uh but they’re they’re trying something new so the second round of the draft which is uh pick 31-60 generally when people tune out uh famously yic got drafted during a Taco Bell commercial um so [ __ ] like that happens uh they are they’ve decided to do it the next day not just the next day but the next day at I believe at 400 PM eastern time yeah uh soe yeah Prime Time what yeah first tell me why you think that’s happening and then I want all of us to our jobed it is televised okay okay okay it’s then you know it’s all of our jobs to make this like appointment viewing uh you know appointment television to to make this exciting so I want to hear our best ideas but first Matt why is it actually happen why like do you want me to tell you like the reasoning behind it happening like or or or or why you actually think it’s good oh why I think it’s good okay great um uh for well for the from this perspective from the Raptor perspective we have the first pick of that round so after the first like the draft is so fast and furious with all these teams all over the place that the next day and it’s one of the biggest nights of the year for the owner of an NBA team like they love the draft they’re obsessed with the draft so the first round doesn’t go their way and there’s a guy in The Scouting depart department is really high on or a guy who slips uh if they want the absolute best chance of getting that player they have to deal with the Raptors the Raptors have a lot of Leverage going into the second round with every team in the league that would be in that position okay that also I didn’t think about it that might be great for trades yeah it would be great just action yep so I think like that’s why it could be kind of fun I mean you I mean you totally won me over uh I’m instantly like oh what a good idea I was like what a disaster now I’m like oh that’s awesome had a very porous opinion that really was based in nothing other than you know them trying to Jazz up something that hasn’t been that exciting but honestly totally wrong they’re uh successful billion dollar organization they’re totally right uh okay this doesn’t need jazzing up but still uh it’s all of our assignments to to make this uh as entertaining as possible uh who who wants to go first what’s what’s uh yeah Andy I got you I got you uh every uh every time a team drafts you have to also draft well well like like you don’t draft uh you bring up an old band that getting back together okay and they play a short song about who you’re drafting cool right either that so it’s like oh here’s uh Three Doors Down they’re back you know and there’s like Zach you know or it’s like they’re original songs not not their old songs they’re doing no no no all new new material new material so that that could also use a little that could use a little jazzing up also let’s be honest no one wants to really hear the new Three Doors Down song but that is the level of band I’m a fan okay well that’s embarrassing for you but anyways um uh that or it’s the Sandman get the Sandman to host the whole thing with the guitar you know uh you know Toronto wrapped his draft number 31 you know you do one of those that’d be great that’s awesome he would uh that’s my idea funny Sandman story really quick he last time he was in Toronto filming uh I knew through a friend people like where he stayed he and the people he stayed at he loves building decks and he asked them hey I love building decks uh is it okay if I repair and build your build you a deck and they were like yeah whatever you’re Adam Sandler you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want with my place and he built them like an immaculately beautiful deck wow wild you must have already told me that that that like cuz I’m like wait I think I’ve heard this before and it must be from you right like it has to be from I’m the deck story guy yeah for sure you are yeah yeah um Matt what’s your what’s your what’s your jazzing up the already good idea that uh is this draft I feel like it builds off the Sandler thing a little bit um but you know it worked for yic Taco Bell commercial during every single pick uh right when they’re about to announce the pick we cut away a hard cut into a Taco Bell commercial and uh we we only find out afterwards who big like this this is the gordita bunch I don’t know yeah yeah yeah we don’t have that many tacos there’s also like every every few pixs is sponsored by a different Taco Bell menu item these are the gordita Bunch these These are the Taco Supremes that’s good yeah um it’s good you’re right about that it’s great uh so I I had two ideas one is a bit mean I guess but um they they so when they when they when they you know get drafted they go up on the stage um I guess if it’s not it’s not Adam s was gonna be the other guy but their first interview uh is by someone uh who was drafted the previous night so like if you’re drafted first overall you you conduct the interview to 31 so it’s like a players interviewing players just a hot mess and um yeah so I I sort of just want make it like 40 seconds but ask like three questions okay go like these these young guys who have no media training yet yeah they you know just really like they’re too tall like it’s hard to frame like it’s just I really it’s really good stuff the suit’s too big yeah suits yeah they have to have another suit for the next always have the suits are too big you know yeah um so that’s good um and uh the the the idea was um to basically like there’s like the you s you sort of like gamify it a little bit and you take the 30 most popular Tik Tok Trends uh and you know when when whoever gets drafted comes on stage they have to like do one of those Tik Tok Trends on the spot and uh I think that would also be disastrous maybe that’ be kind of cool I don’t know but it would be just uh they’d Rak in a lot of money and um that you this sounds like something like some executive somewhere would actually think is a good idea to do like let’s actually do this you know what I mean like we’re having a laugh here and they would be like well this is actually gonna happen though like you’re gonna see that happen in two years I mean they’ve already done that that they’ve already done some like Tik Tok stuff at at Allstar games okay I’ll go I’ll one up I’ll stole Tik Tok stuff they stole Tik Tok stuff I I’ll one up it and that just take all of those guys who do the like like the the fast Simon Says guy get him get the get the stack and chairs guys get those guys get the lady with the Hoops you know and she does all the hoop stuff get all of them and they do a big combined show in the you know in the middle of the round two or something yeah I love the Simon guy being in there too he’s really good at disrupt the flow of everything else that’s happened he’s he’s pushy have him have him doing his thing the whole time just over like speaking over people that’d be great yeah okay here we go we we we got this um all right last last question guys um where where was it here okay where was my where was my goddamn last question uh wait that that was it I think that was it yeah godamn last question commercial well we ended on a well at least we ended on a [ __ ] bang man yeah last question um was that a good question or yeah are you guys hanging around or’s yeah last question last question what are you guys up to yeah um FR Supreme um okay Maddie uh what’s up what do you want to plug let the people know uh about what’s going on yeah um every uh Thursday at 800 am me and a bunch of my friends we perform improv in the dawn Valley uh different locations Dawn Valley every single week uh but if you want to track us down we do a lot of like sh said and really just fun improv game yeah um okay so that’s all in the da Valley Brick Works area or just like you have to every time sometimes by Brick sometimes like you really need to look for up and I guess be careful too because there’s that like hog weed everywhere right which CH can got to be careful with that that wild parsley you don’t want to get in that wild parley wild parsley what I say hog weed you know there’s hog hog weed’s a whole thing yeah right hog it’s a thing right no no that’s a thing yeah yeah yeah I was just adding on I was yes anding you Matt knew it Matt knew that yeah last I don’t like our improv doesn’t do that last question do you guys like hog yes and I also like wild par snip yes and it tastes really good uh great guys this great touching it at the end here yeah we nailed it uh thanks for listening Everybody by the way um we are recording this Monday the 10th and putting this out Tuesday the 11th this is our this is our new slot we’ve been all over the place uh Andy’s been accommodating because I had a baby but yeah we’re we’re going to be recording on Monday it’s putting out on Tuesday um also make sure there’s a Raptors Republic draft party coming up at three Brewers so get your tickets go to that it’s gonna be fun uh we’re gonna try and make it out for sure uh Matt hopefully you can come too that’ll be awesome um basically next War yeah right that be um subscribe to Raptor Republic uh you know like And subscribe to us help us out and uh yeah we’ll see you next week thanks everybody

We take a look at the most likely candidates for the 19th and 31st spots in this years draft with bigtime draft-head Matt Mcready!

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  1. You all should do your homework before talking about the draft. When you know more than these guys, it is disappointing. Go watch the players before getting on youtube

  2. finally back on one of my fav pods – Anyway, just sell everything except the Farm, (Scottie and IQ) since we need picks for 2025 and 2026 and get Reed Sheppard. Figure the rest later.

    If we still have 19 and 31 i would get Isaiah Collier and Dillon Jones – we need players who can dribble, pass and maybe shoot

  3. Clingan is rated higher than Edey because he's a better rim protector and is not as slow mobility wise around the paint. Edey's offensive game will be limited in the NBA because he won't get post ups and he is going to be guarded well in the PnR.

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