@Brooklyn Nets

Get to know Vince Carter!

Get to know Vince Carter!

favorite Nets memory I mean obviously the Alonzo Morning dunk favorite movie Minister Society favorite golfer Tiger could you beat Charles Barkley in a match hands down yes how many unread texts do you have right now I have 117 unread texts sorry guys what’s the last photo in your camera roll my kid dunking ready off the vert and he gets mad at me and I get to stare down and walk off I wonder where to get that from favorite acting gig I’m going to go with the micia show what what was your cheat Day meal a steak and a half how do you how do you get your steak done medium well butterfly any hidden talents I like the bowl that was my first love what’s your best bowling score ever 265 best advice you’ve ever received think before you act favorite artist I was a mystical fan that’s the southern thing but I also was a dieh hard wuang fan dream job if you weren’t in the NBA somewhere in into in music but at the same time I would have tried to to to play football at the time when was the first time you DED sixth grade

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