@New Orleans Pelicans

Why the Cleveland Cavaliers could make or break a trade for Brandon Ingram and New Orleans Pelicans

Why the Cleveland Cavaliers could make or break a trade for Brandon Ingram and New Orleans Pelicans

the Cleveland Cavaliers may be the key to a Brandon Ingram trade but they could also be the reason why he stays in New Orleans or this Saga drags out a little bit we’ll break it down in today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans let’s go you are locked on Pelicans your daily New Orleans Pelicans podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday welcome to another edition of locked on Pelicans the daily podcast covering your favorite team the New Orleans Pelicans in NBA part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day available wherever you get your podcast I’m your host Pelicans Insider credential member of the media Jake Madison at NOA Jake on Twitter here with you on this Wednesday and we’re going to look at the Cleveland Cavaliers how they might be the key to a brand Ingram trade but also the reason maybe nothing happens at all we’re going to find out which way it’s going to play out then we’ll look at Tyler Smith that is an off requested name forward from the g-league ignite polarizing Prospect I’m curious what you think about him let me know in the comments Down Below on YouTube and of course thank you for making lock on Pelicans your first listen today and every day we’re here Monday through Friday the number one Pelicans podcast covering everything you want to know about this Pelicans team so please subscribe wherever you get your podcast and on YouTube where there’s over 10,000 Pelicans fans as well become an every day that means you listen Monday through Friday if you are an everyday or let me know in the comments down below I appreciate yall that’s awesome we’re giving you draft coverage you can’t get anywhere else here as well as looking at the trade market and figuring out what the Pelicans are going to do this off seon so this offseason’s key and it’s key because David Griffin at the end of his media end of season media availability talked a little bit about how this isn’t a summer for complacency was his word they want to shake some things up the easiest way to do that is a Brandon Ingram trade look I know that upsets people some people Brandon Ingram fans but talking about what the team is likely going to do and what the team is interested in doing doesn’t mean I necessarily want him gone I’m fine with keeping him too it’s just the reality of the situation so we got to keep talking about it one of the teams that it seems like could be a location that he could be traded to the Cleveland Cavaliers might be the first Domino that really needs to fall with all of this like when you think about it what exactly is going on with the Cleveland Cavaliers right now they’re trying to sign Donovan Mitchell their Superstar to an extension and if they do do they then trade Darius Garland it’s been reported that his representation clutch would like him dealt if that’s the case do they keep him you’re hearing a lot of negotiating through the media it’s like smoke screen season here in the leadup to the NBA draft and you have Brian windhorse go on K uh wknr the other day and kind of talk about the Cleveland Cavaliers and what’s going on there a lot and it sounds like they would like to keep their core four guys that’s Donovan Mitchell Darius Garland Jared Allen and Evan Mobley it’s a little bit weird those four guys play two positions you have two guards and two centers big men essentially so that’s why they’ve naturally come up as a team that could potentially trade for brand and Ingram they actually need a lot of help on the wing and they don’t have it so Ingram makes sense sending him there for one or a combination of those players or other players I don’t think a lot of the deals there if they’re not trading Mitchell really do it for me I like Jared Allen a lot I don’t know if I’d like to trade Brandon Ingram for Jared Allen you could have done that at the trade deadline that was on the table for New Orleans and they said no so I don’t know if that’s going to get it done so here’s here’s the two ways this goes say they that Mitchell signs an extension and they don’t want to trade anyone else there’s a positive impact of that it should drive up the price of brain and Ingram it’s simple at that point supply and demand you want a talented borderline one-time borderline All-Star player well you can’t get Garland you can’t get Allen you can’t get Moy you can’t get Mitchell can I interest you in a brand in Ingram that’s kind of the way that you are looking at that I should have done I had it planned out and I forgot to do it I wanted to like reenact the special man commercial for that right there when I’m talking about Brandon Ingram that would have been funny anyway you can imagine it so it’s as I said supply and demand you know they just took four tradable guys off the table so teams that are looking to improve that maybe liked one of those guys are now going to turn their attention more to Brandon Ingram so in theory on one side of this this could drive up his his Market which then thus drives up the price more people are interested in brand Ingram you can probably trade him more this is all very good news for the New Orleans Pelicans and teams that are interested in trading for him are also going to have to pay more because you can’t use the Cleveland Cavaliers as leverage I want you to keep that statement in mind for later for the next segment because that is important on the flip side of this because there is a negative to this as well but if teams are wanting to dramatically Shake something up bran Ingram is available Donovan Mitchell uh darus scarland Jared Allen and Evan Mobley are not and there’s only like so many guys right when you look around this and this is why it’s you know we’re kind of focusing on the same teams it’s tough to figure out some of these kind of Superstar level trades and to be perfectly honest they tend to kind of come out of nowhere where you won’t see them coming so you could see this driving up the price for Brandon Ingram that’s important because if they don’t get a good offer for Ingram they’re likely going to look to sign him to an extension so if none of these offers are there you’ve got to look to try and sign him to something and if he’s only going to sign for a near Max or a Max like you almost have to do it you cannot let him go into this season with as an expiring deal one then he could leave for nothing in free agency next year or if you try and trade him at the trade deadline and he’s got six months left on his contract your offers are going to plummet you’ve got to kind of strike when the value is the most we’ve talked a lot about this on locked on Pelicans especially if you’re an everyday or you know it it’s a small Market you need to manage your assets well every team in the NBA needs to do that but particularly in a small Market team where you you one wouldn’t be attracting guys in free agency anyway two free agency doesn’t really exist like it once did in the NBA and the majority of good players move teams via trade not by signing in free agency anymore it doesn’t really work like that and you don’t have cap space to sign anyone in the first place so making the most of these assets of your players and getting the most value for them is a very important thing one side of this is it drives up that price for Brandon Ingram you know maybe the the the Atlanta Hawks were interested in in Jared Allen Garin one of those guys they could trade Trey young for them not anymore not anymore you can’t so now you got to turn your eyes back to the New Orleans Pelicans in BR Ingram that means price goes up they lose a lot of Leverage in negotiations because you can’t go well okay whatever we’ll we’ll we’ll stop trading for Ingram here because you’re asking for too much and now we’re going to go trade for these other guys that threat doesn’t work if they’re not going to trade him that’s only good for the New Orleans Pelicans but here’s the thing I do think it can complicate a trade for Brandon Ingram and either mean one doesn’t happen or this drags out a little bit let’s look at the flip side of this and how it could impact in a negative way a brand Ingram trade that’s coming up here next in today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans today’s episode of lock on Pelicans is sponsored by better help look life can be hard sometimes things just weigh on you they get you down it starts to impact your life your relationships going to work all of those things you don’t want that you need to get some help for it and that’s what therapy can do yeah you can talk to your friends but sometimes it’s just great to get an impartial third party here to look at you talk with you and help you figure out Solutions because life doesn’t come with an instruction manual so therapy is a safe space to get things off your chest and figure out how to work through whatever is weighing you down and that’s why I love better help because it’s convenient flexible designed to be suited around your schedule you 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second listen mini camp mandatory mini camp is started from the Saints Ross Jackson is there eyes boots on the ground eyes on the field breaking down everything you need to know about the black and gold go listen to Locked on Saints and Ross Jackson as your second listen today so we’re talking about Brandon Ingram trade and how the Cleveland Cavaliers are maybe the key to a deal getting done or now not getting done let’s look at that I think this could complicate a Brandon Ingram trade e meaning one doesn’t happen or this gets dragged out more on the timeline in in a second here so we said if you know you wanted an All-Star you really want to shake up your roster maybe now since you can’t get one of those guys you turn to Brandon Ingram I think that’s a possibility but I also think if if teams are uncertain about Brandon Ingram because you need to factor in his contract too you’re not just trading for Brandon Ingram you’re trading for a guy that you likely are going to need to give a max deal to to ensure he doesn’t walk in a year that is something that will scare teams away so if teams are uncertain I don’t necessarily think this is going to make them do a deal make a trade because they feel they have to we’re going to get to The Leverage part here in a second you don’t like brand inam as a player you don’t think he fits you don’t think he shoots enough threes whatever it might be well that means you’re probably not going to trade for him even if you can’t get Darius scarland just means you’re going to wait that drags out this process that could even scare suitors away right and that might mean while we’re not necessarily expecting a deal to get done by the NBA draft that’s kind of the upcoming deadline and as I’ve talked a lot about on the show The this league is a deadline focused League you can’t then scour for better deals when you’ve got to get it done by a certain day you just got to take what’s there or not but teams might not that happens plenty of times too the Toronto Raptors did that for a couple years with Pascal seak and OG an anobi didn’t work out for him but that’s how it goes so keep that in mind too that if teams were iffy about Brandon Ingram I don’t think that means they’re going to be like well we got we got to go get them now cuz we can’t get any of the guys from the Cavaliers what it truly does mean is teams negotiating with the Pelicans over Ingram lose leverage but nothing says they have to get a deal done just because those other guys are off the market that’s what I meant about the leverage part in the last segment you lose leverage because you can’t pivot to them and or use them as a threat and be like knock down your price a little bit because we’ll go trade for one of them otherwise but if you make it right we’ll take Brandon Ingram you can’t do that and that’s an advantage for New Orleans but you don’t have to get a deal done if you don’t believe in the player you just can’t get a discount that I think is also important the other side of this and this is where we get a little weird with it for a second right by them taking Mitchell Garland Allan Moy off the table like it takes away a trade partner for New Orleans right that stuff where he said you can’t pivot to the Cleveland Cavaliers and say like oh we’re going to go trade for those guys New Orleans can’t do that now right you can’t be discussing things with the Atlanta Hawks and be like we want Trey young and they’re like well we’ll give you Murray and it’s like well then never mind we’ll just go get Darius Garland because Darius Garland’s not on the table here it takes an actual trade partner away from New Orleans because you could construct like eight different trades with the Cavaliers that I think make sense and are realistic here for bran and Ingram but now you don’t have that so the Pelicans lose that leverage but not only do they lose lose the leverage in negotiations with others which might kill a deal because if they’re like no this isn’t the value we want for brand Ingram so we’re not going to trade him you also can’t actually trade him to the Cavaliers a team that the fit for Brandon Ingram makes a ton of sense and even if they were open to it let’s get into the coaching stuff James bgo is rumored to maybe be the front runner for the Cleveland Cavaliers head coaching job and even in you know with the Lakers and from talking to a couple people with the Pelicans uh the other day it sounds like they’re kind of Assuming he’s going to be gone next year and going to get one of those two jobs now nothing’s happened yet and wind horse on that same radio station reported that BGA was in Cleveland Tuesday and Wednesday I believe or Monday and Tuesday one of those so it looks like maybe things are moving more in that direction but also factor in bargo’s relationship in one year here in New Orleans with brand and Ingram it was weird last year right Ingram having very much a Down Season and something that we and like everybody has talked about not really running the offense that bgo was brought in to basically install and it’s weird because that should have fit Ingram when I talked to him at media day he’s you know I asked him I was like have you been in communication with bgo like what’s that offense going to look like and his answer to me was like they’re going to put the ball in my hands he was excited excited about it but it didn’t for whatever reason none of that really fit like I said everything was just clunky and off last year and they more or less abandoned bargo’s offense and other people have reported on that too like I this is kind of like an Open Secret around the team you know if he becomes the head coach in Cleveland even if they were open to trading these people right does he want Ingram like maybe who knows exactly what their relationship is right we’re not there behind the scenes every day but it seems like maybe that isn’t the direction that they would want to go you know the Detroit Pistons a rumored destination for Brandon Ingram and kah Hill the host of lock on pistons and I went on his show to talk about that seem to be really liking the idea of trading for Brandon Ingram and putting someone next to Kade cunning him great let’s get a deal done but now they’ve got Tran langon as their president of basketball operations or whatever his title is running the show there will he want Brandon Ingram all of a sudden things are looking like maybe the market isn’t as robust as we were hoping for and that’s you know good or bad thing depending on how you want to look at it there’s still options but this is why I’m saying I don’t know if a deal is going to get done by the draft right Donovan Mitchell who had more years left on his contract and so thus was safer to trade to the Cleveland Cavaliers did you know that trade didn’t happen till September so don’t panic if a deal doesn’t get done on draft night don’t panic if it doesn’t get done at the start of free agency you have plenty of time and these deals tend to just be evolutions and so while the draft makes sense to have a trade done by then it’s not the actual trade deadline and nothing has to get done by that day or nothing else is happening that’s worth keeping in mind here too you don’t have to get a deal done right away you wait a little bit with this sort of thing so while I still think it’s more likely than not that Brandon Ingram gets traded I’m not like he’s definitely gone because when you look at kind of the market forces the market factors with this the Cavaliers and who knows what they really mean this is a lot of like smokees screen type of season where take everything with a grain of salt and that’s why we’re looking at both sides of this here could go either way you know they still might trade people and maybe it is they hire bgo and bargo’s like I really want this guy but also if your front office doesn’t want him even as a head coach they’re not going to get him for you right like the front office is going to build the roster and whoever’s the head coach is going to come in and they’re going to just coach the roster that you’re often given that’s what how it works right coaches have some power some say in all of this but not the final decision and the Pelicans front office being very collaborative you know I think that’s important but willly green is the head coach not the front office bgo is the head coach not the front office so it’s all factored in but they’re going to try and make the roster that they want to make and do the best deal that they think they can go out and do we’ll see if it’s BR Ingram or not do you think this complicates or helps a brand Ingram trade let me know in the comments down below what you think so let’s switch gears let’s talk about the NBA draft a name that’s come up a lot that I am very iffy on I’ll be honest with you I don’t particularly love this player but I I see the appeal with someone like him and that’s Tyler Smith a forward from the g-league ignite young potential 3 and D guy always want more of those let’s talk about that coming up here next in today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans today’s episode of lockdown Pelicans is brought to you by FanDuel America’s number one sports book summertime means baseball the NBA finals and more and you can bet on it all on fuel and right Now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet the Dallas Mavericks are favored by a point and a half going into game three tonight Wednesday feeling good about their chances you think Boston is just going to more or less slam the door get in on the action minus one and a half is the line for the Dallas Mavericks in this one I think the Celtics are going to take it that’s kind of the way I’m feeling or get it on the MVP like uh NBA Finals MVP Futures Drew holiday still looking like a good Dark Horse there so visit fand lockon and add a big win to your summer bucket list $200 in bonus Bets with any 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opinions news streaming 24/7 on YouTube with a free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day so let’s switch gears this is an off requested name of a prospect profile and that’s Tyler Smith of the g-league ignite this is a guy who’s young he’s not even 20 years old yet he’s good size he’s 69 but 611 in shoes with a 71 wingspan he’s a forward I I don’t totally view him as a center he’s more of a forward to me he’s got the size the tools the athleticism to kind of be like a three and D guy I get it I see why people really like him but I I would not draft him if I weree the Pelicans first and foremost he’s very developmental very developmental this is a very raw Prospect again his when you look at his shooting form it’s good it’s pretty good the release is very quick and as a spot up shooter this guy can can launch it and he’ll make shots he will definitely make shots I don’t know if he’s going to be the most consistent down low he can bang in the paint a little bit as OPP post player he’s got a couple of different moves he’s got a nice little turnaround and he can hit kind of those face up shots over smaller Defenders particularly with that good size that he has and with that size basically 7 feet in shoes 611 in shoes a good Wings span and his NBA Combine metrics were phenomenal for the most part there’s like you feel feel like he would be able because he has good lateral movement to switch and defend multiple positions the height the wingspan tells you Rim protection three and D forward that’s a useful thing so couple of things here with him that make me nervous about him as a prospect I don’t know if I buy the three-point shooting wasn’t on insane volume and he was very streaky at times he actually finished four for 22 in his final like 22 shots from three that’s not a particularly good number shot 36% in the g-league with the g-league ignite this past season but when you look at some of his other numbers the free throw percentage in particular 73% that does not scream to me like good shooter that number would you’d like it to be closer to 80% and if you’re a longtime listener or an everyday or of lockdown Pelicans you know that free throw shooting is often that number that is the one that’s more indica of threo shooting in the NBA I’m not totally sure if I just really buy into his shooting ability you know if it’s there that’s great and he can turn into something special but he’s not great defensively he seems very lost out there at times you’re going to really need to work with him on that and Beyond the three-point shooting I don’t love him as a score I don’t think this is a guy that has tons of moves he doesn’t really have the athleticism or the handle to drive to the basket he’s not a good finisher at The Rim unless he’s dunking so the layups right that touch you see with Zion Williamson none of that really exists for him and then when you look at him with the ignite this season he didn’t start many games he started I think it was two games this season he was an off the- bench kind of guy it just feels like he needs another year and solid production their talents there but I feel like he needs more before I’m really willing to to to kind of like jump in and be like oh okay I totally see it with this guy when you he only had one game with double digits rebounding this season when you even put it at per 36 minutes it wasn’t double digits it was 8.3 he averaged 5.1 none of those are particularly great numbers that I feel really good about when it comes to him so I get the idea of a three and D forward but he’s not a center and that’s the direction the Pelicans really need need some help the way I would see him used on this team is kind of like a backup to Zion they don’t really have like that bigger guy you see Trey play there you’ve seen Ingram play there you see herb play there too at times and you could throw a different look out there with Tyler Smith you could have him back up Zion and play with whoever your starting center is you know having a court spacer with the center when you take Zion out wouldn’t be a bad thing Zion’s not a three-point shooter so adding in a three-point shooting threat at that position that’s definitely an intriguing and not a bad thing to have that’s a different look that you could throw at teams you could potentially play him with Larry if he develops into a rim protector too where you kind of have both of them kind of splitting that that small ball five role he’s the power forward Larry is the center you know there’s potential for something like that but I don’t think he’s going to do that next season and I’ve said I I the Pelicans probably need to get a guy that’s going going to help them right away this is a a key year you know every year is a key year every Year’s been a key year since they’ve drafted Anthony Davis to be fair so I don’t know if this guy is just the right fit I like him enough as a prospect I wouldn’t take him necessarily in the top 20 he’s very raw I get the idea of it but I think the idea of him is better than who he’s going to be as a player the three-point shooting is real that’s a useful guy to have the tools come together that’s great but you know this could end up as just like a Jackson Hayes kind of guy who’s hyper athletic can shoot the ball well but doesn’t give you much else and that’s what worries me that’s what worries me if he was like you know just more like had more Court awareness more basketball IQ compared to how like Dalton connect looks when we talked about him yesterday that’s the type of thing that worries me and I just don’t necessarily see him as being the type of guy that the Pelicans would want to to draft potentially maybe that might change we’ll see depending on how you know workouts and other things go and in the lead up to the draft there’s still a lot of time for things to change a lot of time for things to change but some of the stuff about him just doesn’t scream to me as the type of guy that I would like to see on this team do you agree do you disagree do you think the Cleveland Cavaliers are going to make it easy to trade Bram harder where’s James bgo go I got so many questions for y’all let me know in the comments Down Below on on YouTube and that’s going to do it for this episode a locked on Pelicans trade Target Thursday tomorrow and I got a name you’re probably not expecting I don’t know if you guys are going to like it either we’ll find out it’s going to be a fun show trade Target Thursday looking forward to it we’re going to look at that coming up in tomorrow’s episode of lockon pelicans part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day as always I’m your host Jake Madison Nola Jake on Twitter I’ll be back with yall for that tomorrow

If the New Orleans Pelicans want to get a trade done quickly around Brandon Ingram the Cleveland Cavaliers are the key team. Jake Madison explains why the Cavs could help the Pels in a Brandon Ingram trade. But if they aren’t interested in moving Darius Garland, Donovan Mitchell, Jarrett Allen, or Evan Mobley does it actually make it harder to trade BI? Plus, would you draft Tyler Smith of the G-League Ignite with the 21st pick?

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  1. Don’t nobody want anybody from Cleveland. It’s Trae Young or bust. We don’t need another Jrue Holiday and Derrick Favors on this team🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

  2. #EveryDayer Great video Jake! And that audio is back to pristine levels! Draft guy I am super high on is Bobi Klintman. Strikes me as a great all-around fit. Have heard comps of Cam Johnson or Christian Wood with defense. My ideal off season (assuming Mitchell is off the table) is trading Ingram for Jarrett Allen straight up, trading Dyson and 2 UFRPs for Anfernee Simons, bringing Naji back at ~$7 Million annually, and then drafting Klintman or Tristan da Silva at #21.

  3. The advanced stats show BI played great with Zion and not CJ and CJ without Zion. He wasn’t the problem. Now Garland could be a lower tier all-star here but I still wouldn't trade BI for just him. It would need to be Garland AND Allen.

  4. If you want to build around Trey Zion and Herb, just phrase it that way so it will be easier to make it happen. You can probably get Trae Young and KAT for BI, CJ and as many picks as it takes,
    If your upset BI doesn’t chuck 3s, go balls to wall and get players who specialize in that field.

  5. Don’t worry, Brandon would be traded. You don’t have to go on here everyday and think about all kinds of ways to ship him away like he’s a damaged product

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