@Golden State Warriors

Kevon Looney To Lakers After Warriors Release?

Kevon Looney To Lakers After Warriors Release?

what’s going on everyone so according to reports uh the Golden State Warriors are going to release cavon Looney uh now the reasoning behind this is because they want to clear some salary uh they want to kind of drop their tax down a little bit right they’re not a team that at the moment at least is expected to be competing for an NBA championship obviously they want to make some moves make a Big Splash in the offseason but they definitely want to cut down on some of tax bill they have a lot that they need to figure out like what are they going to do with Chris Paul are they going to let him go uh Clay Thompson right what are they going to do with him are they going to pay him or they going to let him go uh also uh with the emergence of Trace Jackson Davis kind of makes cavon Looney a lot more Expendable uh because one he’s cheaper right he’s younger and you also have Draymond Green and they want to go try to find a real like s foot center right so it’s kind of like well if they’re going to do that with trace and Draymond gavon Looney kind of becomes the odd man out want to give him an opportunity uh to go elsewhere now if I’m the Lakers I think you bring him in right now obviously it depends on what other teams uh could potentially be looking to to go and and offer him as far as a contract wise but if you can get him for the vet minimum I think you do it right now obviously the Lakers they need a center they need size down low gavon Looney he’s not a big sizable Center right I mean he’s like 69 but he is strong sturdy to me he is a just incredible rebounder especially in the offensive side of things and one of the Lakers biggest issues was rebounding the basketball so if you could bring a guy like cavon Looney in where he can come in and really kind of help uh even alongside Anthony Davis like you put ad at the four you could put him at the five at times um I would still go look to get another sensor we’ll touch on that more in a moment but like if you can get a a versatile Center like you know uh even like Valen chunez who can step out a little bit not really a three-point guy but you know he can kind of step out uh in you know the 15 foot range right maybe you could work something out and try some some just experimentation in that regard but I don’t know I I like the idea of cavon Looney primarily for his rebounding right he’s not going to give you much in in the in the scope of the offensive side of things right now he could be a lob threat you know low post you know offensive rebound put back type guy he’s going to trickle in some points but to me it’s more so of like just the the offensive just Second Chance opportunities that he would provide and bring now again I don’t think he’s like a you have to sign him like cavon Looney is there like you cannot miss out on cavon like I don’t think it’s that but I think that like to me he’s like an added luxury I don’t necessarily want him in place of like a real center right right like if you told me you could have Valen chunez or you could have cavon Looney give me Valen chunes right because I do want real size I do want a real big body even like an Andre Drummond right like I’d rather have a big body a big size traditional big man rather than kavan Looney again who’s kind of undersized but if you could get say an Andre Drummond and then add in uh a cavon looney and have him just kind of be like the spot minute guy kind of allow you to play ad maybe at the four a little bit more right obviously that that could require you to play LeBron at the three a little bit more but if you can kind of work it out and you have cavon Looney basically as like your third backup then I just I I don’t think you say no to that the the questions a couple questions right because one diving into like the the traditional big men route one if Jackson hay sticks around then I I don’t know if you go inside sign cavon just because right like do you really want your two back cuz you’re not going to go and sign then another big man right you’re not gonna like if if say Jackson Hayes does stick around and then you know you go and sign Andre Drummond like you’re not going to then sign cavon Looney or if you sign cavon Looney then you’re not going to go sign Andre Drummond right but like to me it’s like if Jackson Hayes leaves right and now it’s like okay well we basically only have Anthony Davis right you have like Callin cast and and stuff like that and we’ll get into the draft side of things here in a moment but like if it’s one of those things where it’s like okay you basically just have Anthony Davis then yes Brin in kavan Looney BR himman I think he could be very serviceable as a backup guy um then you know if you can get like again an Andre Drummond a Valen chunes whatever then I think you could do that kind of figure it out and work it out slot them in um obviously if you get an Andre Drummond again spacing becomes an issue right because you got now you got two bigs that can’t really shoot but and I think if you interchange those guys especially over the course of the regular season right LeBron’s going to miss games so say LeBron misses 20 games or whatever right well now you could slot Anthony Davis at the four and start a Drummond or start a a looney and and then the games at ad misses right LeBron can stay at the floor you could slot in uh Looney you could slot in an Andre Drummond whomever right I think you could kind of work it out and then once you get to the playoffs I think just depending on the matchups and whatnot I think could could go a long way maybe even kind of dice up the minutes uh where you know say Anthony Davis is playing whatever 35 minutes right and you could have the other minutes kind of trickled in where each guy’s getting x amount obviously if the Lakers drive like let’s say they draft a Zach e then I I don’t think you have the need for another big man but I still again if Jackson Hayes Le if Jackson Hayes stays right and you Draft Zack EDI which again I believe the lak are going to trade the 17th pick I do I don’t think that they’re going to keep it I think that they’re going to end up trading it but let’s say for argument sake just for this say you Draft Zack EDI Jackson hay sticks around then I think no you you don’t bring in cavon Looney but if get Jackson Hayes leaves let’s say you Draft Zack EDI then I would bring it cavon Looney right because now cavon he come in help with the rebounding like I said kind of be your third big man but I think you kind of work it out um to where you know maybe maybe even at times have again both of them slotted in to help with the rebounding if like Anthony Davis misses a game or something like that I don’t hate the idea right it just again if a team comes in because there’s talks about like like the Cavs really want him you know I could see like a team like the Thunder maybe going after him to kind of help with just the rebounding and and whatnot down uh in the Interior right there’s definitely going to be teams in my opinion that I think will try to bring in a a cavon looney but if you can convince him and kind of entice him to come like again depending on on the situation and it’s not like there’s this like huge plethora of big men right it’s like Valen junis and Andre Drummond is essentially the the the main I guess kind of prizes this offseason at the center position now obviously the Lakers could end up trading for somebody right maybe they work out some deal you know just an example but like let’s say they went in you know Atlanta and they traded for like Deon Murray and Clint capella again just an example well then now I don’t think you have as much of a need for cavon Looney it also depends on the role right like does he want to go somewhere where he’s going to play 30 minutes a game then it kind of becomes kind of hard but if he’s like hey no like I’m know I’m fine playing 15 20 minutes a game be a rebounder guy do the Dirty Work do what he does best because that’s what the Lakers need right like the Lakers really need Dirty Work guys the Lakers really need guys that will sacrifice their body chase down the loose balls help with the rebounding right like that that aren’t you know afraid of the moment man and it gives you another body that you can throw at multiple pieces you could throw at yic obviously he’s not going to stop yic but he can commit the hard foul he can be aggressive he can try to box him out right be physical uh on the Interior right like those are the kind of guys you need like I see a lot of people that are like oh Xavier Tillman right to me if it’s like Xavier Tillman or cavon Looney give me cavon Looney all day again he’s one of the best offensive rebounders in the game he’s an excellent rebounder period especially for being you know pretty much under sized 69 68 69 right so to me I would rather personally I’d rather have like a cavon looney in that role that you’re bringing in and kind of having a backup right now if you were to miss on say like valent chunes he goes elsewhere and Drummond goes elsewhere and it’s like okay like let’s say even Jackson Hayes does stick around then I I to me it’s no Bernie bring cavon Looney right now you have Anthony Davis Jackson Hayes can continue to grow and develop right hopefully continue to learn from Anthony Davis and and again if if I’m Jackson Hayes I look if I’m Jackson Hayes I’m staying with the Lakers period just because like again like who better to to kind of be your Mentor than Anthony Davis and if I’m Jackson AES I’m basically gluing myself to Anthony Davis all off season like what ruy did with LeBron if I’m Jackson Hayes I’m doing the same thing with Anthony Davis right so let’s say he does stick around and you miss out on any other centers then I think like a cavon looney like if he’s like your your your fall back plan like I don’t think that that’s a terrible fallback plan I just look at him more for the offensive rebounding and being a guy that could be very impactful and very helpful in key spots um no but I it’s not a guy that I would necessarily want to play like if he’s playing 35 minutes a game or 30 minutes a game then we’re probably in trouble unless he’s just you know having one of those like dominant performances but I’m talking about like generally like if he’s playing 30 35 minutes a game then I think you stay away like you you’re you’re in trouble and if he wants that I think you stay away from him but again if he’s willing to come in and just be like hey I I’m willing to just be a roll guy willing to come in I mean he’s 28 still so he’s not it’s not like he’s 35 or anything he’s still very young right so like to me if he’s willing to come in accept the role Buy in hey you need me 10 minutes I’m here you need me 15 minutes I’m here you need me 30 minutes one game right you know Anthony Davis and LeBron have the nine off or something like that right let’s go I’m here right DMP I’m here whatever it is right like if he’s open to that I think that that that it’s a no-brainer but you know again I don’t think he’s like a priority on the pecking list just cuz I’d rather have a true seven-footer like I’d like a tra more traditional big man rather than like an undersized big man but if all else fails and he’s kind of like your bright glass in case of emergency I think you could do worse than gavon Looney but anyway as always this is a discussion pass question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts are do you agree with me do you disagree with me are you somewhere in between do you think like yeah go get cavon Looney or do you think like now stay away for Kavon do you think it just kind of depends on know what what else kind of falls into place I feel whatever your thoughts are love to hear let me know down in the comments that being said if you haven’t like this video hit that like button helps me a lot so me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

Lakers need some center depth and have options via the NBA Draft, Lakers Trade or Free Agency. The Golden State Warriors are reportedly releasing Kevon Looney this off season and could be a huge pick up for Lakers Nation. Lakers News of Looney could give another champion and rebounding to the roster.

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  1. If lakers don’t at least try … I know they don’t want to win anymore & Jeanie is worried about the married life 🤷🏽‍♂️

  2. Golden State was stupid wasting Jordan Poole contract for old ass CP3 instead of trading for Porzingis. Didn't make any sense. Just like taking Wiseman over LaMelo

  3. the *laskers title is closed an boarded up. til they rid the franchise of LEzesty ramone shames then you're stucc in purgatory tyl he leaves.

  4. I don't see Looney wanting to go to a team for less playing time. I feel like he'd want not just more playing time, but more money than the Lakers can offer.

  5. Rebounding is an art that a lot of players don't engage in. Dennis Rodman was 6'7(13.1rpg) and a machine on the boards. Anyone 6'9 and above should be able to get at least 6 per game if they wanted too. JH 7'0(3rpg) and CW(5.1rpg) at 6'9 should be able to get at least 7 per game. JV 6'7 averages 6.5 per game. KL averages 5.6 at 6'9. We don't need him..

  6. That would be nice kind of like a workhorse do whatever guy and he always seems to find himself in the right place for that put back. Let’s do it please we need something positive. 🙏🏽

  7. At 6’9” he’s on the small side for a big. 😄 We need a Lopez or a Zubac or even a Vucevic. We need a deterrent at center.

  8. Looney would be a dynamic addition to the team. Between Looney and Woods both can shoot the 3 relatively consistent. If Hayes doesn’t stay then Lakers should pickup a rim protecting big in addition to Looney

    PF- Lebron/Rui/ Woods
    C- AD/Looney/Rim protector big

    When Lakers play big they can go
    SF Lebron
    PF AD
    C Looney or Rim Protector

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