@Boston Celtics

Jaylen Brown previews Game 3, FULL Interview | 2024 NBA Finals Media Day

Jaylen Brown previews Game 3, FULL Interview | 2024 NBA Finals Media Day

that was Jason Tatum now let’s hear from his running mate Jaylen Brown hi Jaylen good afternoon AR from ESPN Brazil uh I don’t want to to get me wrong okay uh but it’s obvious obviously that you wanted to win all the other Playoff games that you played but I want to know in this particular post season we watch your eyes and we see more hunger for the victory I want to know if you agree with this thought and do you see yourself a different player uh in this regard compared to the other postseason that you played uh you could say that I I like to Proud myself is that I I always try to play with that fire and that passion I feel like and that’s what you know makes me who I am you know the the essence of why I play and how I play um but you know my experien is you know the the heartbreaks the loss have all you know kind of cultivated into what you see now and you know I don’t want to feel that again so I think that’s fair to say fifth row on the left Kevin great m radio network Jaylen you guys have talked about the sacrifice that it’s taken to get back to this position what has that taught you about how you guys have been able to operate in this postseason to be at the level that that you guys are playing at right now what is that sacrifice meant to you personally as you’ve been able to move and navigate this postseason it’s been fun um personally I think it’s been I think it’s been necessary I think uh anytime you want to achieve something great it’s going to take a little bit of Sacrifice from every IND individual to get to where you want to go um so me going into this season I knew that being one of the leaders that you know that would be on my on my in front of me on my PL so um I didn’t mind it you know and it’s translated to us being here in the finals so um sacrifice is necessary not just in sports but in life if you want to achieve a goal to some degree third R Blake Elliot 1053 The Fan Jaylen um teams that go up 2 go in the finals go up to win the series 86% of the time how do you kind of keep the focus and kind of keep your foot on the gas and not look ahead to the end of the series and stay stay hungry for game three um you uh for me it’s different for every individual but for me it’s almost like you got to trick your mind almost in a sense like like you almost got to play like you down or two rather than up um and that’s hard to do but like you got to go into that mind frame that focus is like now we are playing like that rather than you you let comfort you let you know some of those things kind of seep in um so you just try to stay focused and have the and and try to harness the mind as much as you you can because the mind is is a is a powerful thing you know and it’s it’s hard to to grasp you know some of those things as you are in taking them but if you can kind of focus your mind on what you wanted to focus on you’ll be surprised at what you can do

Boston Celtics vs Dallas Mavericks – Full Game 3 Highlights | June 12, 2024 | 2024 NBA Finals


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  1. every year he has been adjusting his game ,working on something … He definitely has better handles and ball control when driving . respect for that growth

  2. Enjoy this moment boston pals – Mavs will take the next 2 games and then win in 7, and your team will be back to irrelevance. Hope you enjoyed your moment in the sunlight, chokers.

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