
Al Riyadi v Shabab Al Ahli | Full Basketball Game | #BCLASIA 2024

Al Riyadi v Shabab Al Ahli | Full Basketball Game | #BCLASIA 2024

[Music] good evening basketball fans and welcome here to beautiful city of Dubai for the 2024 basketball champions league of Asia for this match up between Al riyadi and our host shabab alahi well this is going to be a very exciting match up of course Alani jam-pack in the arena with their fans here this evening they’re coming off the back of a big victory against leing fly leopards who won today against the NS Matrix while of course shabab alah their big victory yesterday means that both these two teams starting on a win well there your standing right now le ning flying Lepard that win on the buzzer with the three-pointer of proven to be the difference in that game against the Ys Matrix they were down by two points but a three-pointer SE theill and gave the first Victory to the champion of the Chinese Basketball Association Lotti of course heavy favorites off to their emphatic big win two days ago on opening game day of course being led by players such as W arachi not to mention the likes of zayon but of course this team stacked to talent kikanovic coming from Bosnia heroa and the likes of course of the great th maker hey of course you see sa the prince of Lebanon as they like to call him one of the veteran players great three-point shooter he’s been a regular for the lebanes national team you got the likes of hike ychan as well many players who have represented Lebanon in the finals of the FIFA Asia cup back in 2022 and also represented Lebanon at last Summer’s FIFA the World Cup but leol participated in the Indonesia [Music] zone for shabab Ali of course the likes of Sir Dominic poer the former player who was dropped in the NBA by the Cleveland Cavaliers he’s going to have to get a lot of help Insight from the likes of George hunts and this team they’re going to have to play very big if they’re going to come out with a victory here tonight well the other players you want to look out for for this team shabab alah who do play in the professional basketball league here in the United Arab Emirates ALS shab who does feature for the national team of the UAE of course Lofton was Unstoppable in that big game when they played against Le in flying [Music] Lepard well Tempo will be key tonight that’s for sure one thing you know about alotti the team who have also won the former Continental competition that existed before the BCL Asia known as the feba Asia Champions Cup tonight it’s going to be very an interesting match up now Al ryot could make history if they win the BCL Asia they’ll be the only team in the history of this competition of this Zone who would have won both the FBA Asia Champions Cup and the FBA Bas Champions League Asia so for them it’s all about setting the records writing their names in the history books of Continental Championship B here in Asia shabab alaki of course as we saw yesterday in their big win over NS Matrix I mean they took total control of that game they played on both ends of the floor exhilarating defense and of course simply exciting fast break basketball but can they do it against one of the best teams the champions of the FBA vassel is going to be the key question our rot fans coming into the building they made a hell of an atmosphere on game day one no doubt they’ be looking to do the exact same here this evening well Co are of course originally from tenisia has been given the keys the duty of turning things into a championship Powerhouse for shabab Ali they know coming into this game that respectfully they will be The Underdogs even though they do have the home court advantage but the thing is without riotti I mean this is a team with so much Championship DNA involved when you got players like th maker kikanovic as your Imports along with Lofton it just further improves your chances but it’s not about the Imports the domestic players Amir sa the prince of Lebanon wachi zenun and gchan all key features for the lebanes national team all controlling Tempo is going to be key no doubt of course the emotion the energy is going to be going with ayadi oh the Yi Co one of the greatest teams and they have a historic Dobby in Lebanon in which they feature up against sest that is possibly I mean they still got the finals to go up against but it’s probably one of the most excited matchups in Lebanese basketball Lebanon the country that Prides itself on its passion for the game historically they’ve always been one of the very best teams in the west of Asia along with the likes of Jordan Syria but right now it’s all about Club basketball it’s all about ayadi and shabab alahi teams featuring from their resped countries the the respected domestic leagues and now doing it here at such a high level wachi there is a name you should be familiar with he has been the face of Lebanese basketball you’ve probably seen him if you’re watching on Courtside 1891 in the FEA Asia cup or World Cup qualifiers I mean he’s a go-to player left-handed very intelligent can shoot the three alotti fans coming into the building letting their names be heard but Ali they’ll put up a big contest here tonight they’ll try to make sure for four quarters with that man is their head coach bringing the experience and bringing the desire for his team to be better they won their first game now they’d like to go two and0 but the challenge is going to be the kings of Lebanon ladies and gentlemen we are now ready to introduce the team’s official lineup the first off now of course we’re going to introduce the players from this lineup now many are going to look at this group stage and think aadi are probably going to top the group with the experience the championship DNA that they have but take nothing away from shabab Ali this is a team with a lot of Firepower a lot of talent and they’re eager to prove themselves domestic players such as ala is going to have a key game here tonight he’s got to make sure that he plays hungry he plays ready and he plays aggressive so Dominic poer as well is going to be a key contributor for them in the back court along with George hun who is their top scor in the last game but it’s going to have to be a collective effort here tonight from shabab Ali everybody now we introduce the key players from Al Lotti of course as we mentioned a mix of very talented import players now you can see th maker the former NBA player play with the Detroit pisses Milwaukee bux and Cleveland cavales he’s also representing the Australian national team the likes of Z kovich thei there’s [Applause] wachi Zachary Lofton is going to be a key contributed hi Yan will be the last player to come out here for Al players will shake hands with each other pay each other the homage but now we are just over 6 minutes away from tip off the atmosphere is going to be electrifying in here tonight the alotti fans they will make their voices heard and they will be very passionate well again Bas fans momentarily we are going to introduce three very important people for tonight’s game and those will be our referees and you know at feo we are very proud to say that we have some of the very best referees in World Basketball our FBA referees have done an exellent competition job at all of our competitions from basketball champions league in Europe to BCL Americas and now here for the BCL Asia lot three referees tonight are coming from Indonesia Korea and Hong Kong China from Hong Kong China we have Chun Yen from Korea we have Kung Jin p and from Indonesia we have har galad [Music] so Dominic points another player dropped in the NBA there they are the three referees Haj gadri kin B and Jun y Yen coming from Hong Kong China Korea and [Music] Indonesia from Malaysia well now we’re going to take a look at the start of lineups of both ayadi and shabab Al it’s going to be a tough defensive match up but ayadi go Kareem Z th Mak wachi Zachary Lofton and hi Yan will make up the final stting spots here for the kings of Lebanon it’s going to be interesting because you know the shabab Ali players the regulars are going to have to play extended minutes here this evening is going to be their started Center travit Ido along with Dominic pointer Ali and S alaj Mani will make up the back court George hunt will come off the bench [Music] tonight well there is the head coach of ayot Ahmad alaran of course you heard him in the postgame press conference after their win against the AL flying leopards and know he knows it was a good victory for them but he’s up against a very good coach as well w z where is he from tenisia and everybody knows that Tunisia just has a rich tradition of being very great at basketball we’ve seen that in the FIFA afro basket now he’s the man who’s been given the keys for shabab alahi to try and get them on the map and what better way to do that than here in the basketall Champions League Asia well if you’re unfamiliar with the BCL format f a vision they put that Vision into place in 2016 the B Champions League was created in Europe and after eight seasons it extended to BCL Americas and now finally it’s landed here on the continent of Asia the best teams from all the regions the West the gulf and the east of Asia and the southeast have all come together and at some point somebody is going to rise and hold up Asia’s Crow Joel In the City of Gold here at the beautiful Town beautiful city of Dubai excuse me for the 2024 boss Champions League of Asia well Tio’s got to be aggressive tonight he’s going to have the defensive duties of going up against the maker probably for him that’s going to be a match up that it’s going to require a lot of let’s listen now to coach alfan the alotti fans if you saw their opening game in their Victory against Ling they made one elev an atmosphere and they’re most likely going to do the exact same here this evening after the hand off maker will make the do you and he thick and pop read it they are bad onick and pop if he open pass it to take the shot well we now officially over one minute away from tip off the final game of game day three here at the BCL Asia C we very happy to be here in the City of Gold beautiful Dubai in this wonderful country of the United Arab Emirates so far we’ve seen three exciting days of action earlier today the first game the harashima dragonflies they lost to Shar Goan which now puts those teams a two1 and we’ll see how the events go tomorrow with pita ja as they go up against KCC eus the starting line for number three number n Al 12 25 33 [Music] Waki going over giv referee k a little bit of a pregame what’s up Zachary L it again this is what you love to see in international basketball fans coming to support their team Lebanon a beautiful country with beautiful culture wonderful people and exhilaratingly passionate support now moments away from tip off THB Mak most likely is going to jump this one probably against timido the question is who is Mak going to be defensively matched up against will it be Al shabi or will it be Tibido welcome basketball fans the 2024 basketball champions league of Asia aladi up against our host shabab alahi make is going to jump this one with Tibido possession is going to go to kanes of [Applause] bayroot actually now finding make is going to go hand off with Lofton and hi ychan bit of time in space f the three can’t get it [Applause] led by speed in the back court now they want to go to Dominic pointer shab coming up to set the bull screen timido download to Al shab turns around he’s unable to finish but gets his own rebounds trying to go up again fting but make it comes up with a rebound here comes out Roi in and around find zun there a crossover actually in the corner three is up still no good but hi Yan fighting for the offensive [Applause] board Z goes in avoids the block and he kisses out one off the backboard oh Kim zun another member of the Lebanese national team [Applause] points of five to three this one’s up no good shabab Ali just need to settle into a half court offense but actually in the round finds th Mak why not he’ll find the trigger three is up three is good Mak well he makes a three-pointer now timido tries the three that’s just way off the marck and goes out of bounds but one area they’re going to struggle to get points shabab alahi is going to be inside the paints and if the threes don’t drop well they got to find other ways Roi goes in now it’s a 70 lead here to alot well we saw that play play many times against Le ning flying leopards suffocated defense Abdul tarf now missing the three-pointer but tibs comes up with a loose bll still can’t get it sh fighting foreverly tibs goes in throws it down with two hands that’s their first field goal that could possibly settle down their nerves off to go Baseline good kick out good boore vessel now Roi in around looking like bov in an out rot jazzi well we might as well call him W no anaki shabab alahi trying to break down the defense now Bey made two threes in the first game the pointer gets the offensive board tibs tries another one and he SS it so far he has all five points of shabab Ali Lon looking for an iso zon going down to th Maka make it with the post up gets caught a tough one now Z makes a couple of Threes before this one he tucks away well you try to double team THB maker in the low block and Kim Zay will be wide open on the perimeter points against to seaf gets rejected well maker just said not in your house finds maker here we go oh baby both F to the floor THB [Applause] maker and listen to the out fans chanting THB Maker’s name alul Sharif tries a three that tucks away that will just calm down the nerves of his teammates becoming the second shabab Al a LLY player to be on the score [Applause] sheet but now Lofton they go into the screen unable to get it Ido Maybe getting away with a push in the back so Dominic nice pass and tibs goes in that’s good transition cutting it down to a four-point ball game and now W Waki finds Bon that just goes out of bounds well bit of a costly turnover but coach alaran knows his team cannot afford to be too complacent tonight two possession bow game shabam Ali trying to find a way in this one so Dominic looking for the post up another three goes up this will cut it down to a one-point lead and now the third player to get on the score sheet tonight three three-pointer is so far made by shabala [Applause] L to try to get to the bucket gchan defended by Al shab now it’s arachi time there’s the penetration oh you kidding me what did we just see who’s getting the points what did just happened well they’ve given it to arachi wa hangs in the end nice tough finish Roi coming off one screen heavily defended by Al shab goes in with the left he can’t finish now shabab chance to take a one-point lead maybe a two-point lead to go for another three finds Al shab and a good seal off by the big man now it’s a one-point lead to shabab Ali that’s his first field goal of the game he was their top scorer at the end of the first half yesterday against l in flying leids but now Lofton trying to do an ISO pick and roll here with maker Lofton all the way get it rejected Al shabby with the denial and now ABD team goes up oh my goodness the makeer no sir well this might be the City of Gold but this is the BCL Asia make a said not in your house get out of [Music] here Baseline ball coming up for shabab Al at the moment as George hunk gets into the game down low and again another easy duck and what happened to the defense of ayot well we don’t usually see them give that many looks inside the paint but that time they just fell asleep they’ve got to collect themselves arachi now finding zun zon now finds High ychan gchan Baseline Z can out the game on Big Time three Karim zon with the triple now Lofton just getting frustrated not quite sure what happened there but a big three by kareim zun Zack Lofton tough as Nails was big in the game against louing flying leopards George hunts was that top scorer yesterday well they go down to tibs tibs likes this match up against Mak avoids the blocking gets the hook two-point lead to shabab alahi just under two and a half to go here in the first quarter aaki now crossing over penetrates good pass it makas made one three does look at this one rebound Secord now hun gets ahead finds Al shababi P fs and now shabab Ali they have a four-point lead good transition over two minutes to go here in the first quarter [Applause] Lotti just being challenged at the moment find to make another turnover oh what has George hun got here trying to ISO acrobatic off the backboard but it sinks in and now coach Al for Ryan he’s got a cool timeout well of course the delegation watching on but what a game we have shabab Al they’re playing at the moments [Music] Big Time play here at the moment shabab Ali well here we go that was a rejection th maker this is your house but now maker going Coast to Coast both ends to the floor that’s the maker time baby throw it down maker throw it down to move the Ballack didn’t make and they didn’t take falll we are not taking FS even we are not being aggressive but the problem is you cannot execute and don’t don’t go back you need to go back okay now he is with Marcus you need to support him low Guy Talk early say you low so the other guys don’t have to overh now we go [Music] back to [Music] the well currently a six-point b game shabab alahi playing with a lot of confidence and aladi they’re just being challenged here but one thing coming into a game and having a lot of confidence but you know every great team goes through a challenge and I’d say the depth slightly going in favor because Amir sa has checked into the game along with kovich well Kim Zen trying to put the pressure against Dominic po [Music] [Music] walk Canal rotti building this offense under 1 minute and 40 seconds to go now here in the first quarter looking to go down low finds a miss saoud another turnover now as Sir Dominic points her head he’s going to go and throws it down one hands and shabab alahi well who would have known them this team the passion the confidence the size of their heart and belief it’s undeniable at the moment ayot fans trying to Rally behind their team trying to go to kovich oh they turned it over one trying to go for a post up alsab goes for a deep three it’s way up the mob but gets his on rebound now it’s a 10-point ball game well the United Arab Emirates right now they’re playing they’re bowling and actually picked up heavy full court defense make it now looking to attack your step goes in he’s fouled and make will go to the free throw line [Music] first th Mako will go to the charity strip a man who has played in various F InterContinental or International competitions I should say now could play in a FBA InterContinental cup if aaditi win this former NBA player represented the Australian national team the Boomers miss the second free throw kovich tips this one out AI coming up with a loose bow Z going down low to kovich another foul is going to be cool but it’s on the ground 27.9 seconds left [Music] Baseline possession to alotti they’ve got 14 sa goes for a long one tucks this one away that’s a two-point shot the prince of Lebanon [Applause] Aid final shot here George hunt Guided by Kareem [Music] zun onon ISO push he’s got to shoot it head his face doesn’t get it good defense by aryani well at the end of the first quarter shabab Al the local team here in the United Arab Emirates they lead this one 29- 22 against aadi the kings of Beirut a lot to think about between these two teams in this game but credit to shabab Al they come out here with a lot of confidence the dance if you see yourselves on the screen we’re looking for your G show us all your stuff well there your statistics at the moment so far three-point shooting both teams three-point field goals but 10 field goals for inside the rainbow a lot of those coming from transition buckets off the ayot turnovers and that’s the way it’s been so far here in the first quarter local fans coming all the way from Le on also living here whoa hello enjoy the occasion well here are some of the tough replays from this game so far it’s been an exciting encounter between two very good basketball teams B timido going down throwing it with a two-headed Rim Rocka and he doesn’t only do it inside the paint he also nails from downtown well he’s just playing some exciting BX here in the moments but s also getting in on the B of shooting here tonight for shabab Al that was an acrobatic shot taken by George hus Dominic we might as well call him sir Dominique like the great Dominique Wilkins The Human Highlight Reel well it’s just been so magnificent to see the wonderful and amazing support that’s been undeniable here from the Lebanese alot fans many living here in Dubai and also many making the journey from the west of Asia here to the Magnificent golf the city of gold for the BCL [Music] Asia hun now finds time space can’t get the [Applause] three’s been a little bit quiet so far hi yack Corner he’ll fire the three can’t get it alotti save this one here comes araki down the middle Gan goes up he finishes now it’s a five-point bll [Applause] [Music] game George H looking to give this one up finds timido now he fires a three with a hand in his face and that’s way off the mark well he had to go for that one cuz time was winding down Riani fans trying to get into [Applause] this nice pass to kovich nice high low the fouls going to be CS that’s the area of strength ayot is going to have again shabab AL is the size and physicality inside the post nice dump down coming from the map from bosia heoa kovich Scot goes in finishes with the [Applause] contact well they to the gab on defense tip spinning out going in what a play expect tular 13 points tonight for Trayvon Tibido on the legal screen going to be cool against kovich still a five-point lead to [Music] shabal kovich looks quite perplexed but that’s the right cool in my mind he just to stay still when he set that screen he’s going to take a Brea that he will go to the [Music] bench George hun finding Tibido cido going for a hell M fade away oh the arc on that shot had an incredible negative parabula that one win over the skyline of Dubai back to a seven-point ball game trying to find makeer good defense by Tibido and again put a maker off his game and here comes shabab alahi pick a pop three is up that’s a good execution but they’re unable to connect the kings of beay rout araki looking to attack here good transition defense as the size goes in get you have one wachi going to the free throw [Applause] line and all of a sudden that play Just inspires a bit of a stimulus of these aani fansi too big too strong and simply just too good potential three-point play coming for Waki can cut it down to a four-point ball game and he does just [Applause] that holding on to a two-possession lead at the moment George hunt got it by Lofton here comes a double there the fade away big offensive rebound no foul Golds tis made one three FES up this one it’s on taga but he’s unable to connect and a foul is going to be cold that’s only going to be tbs’s first foul [Applause] RI had control the rebounds shabab alahi calling timeout with 647 to go here in the first half currently they Trail Well ayadi Trail by Four Points well we’re going to go into the timeout and hear what the coaches have to say [Music] go to 22 now [Music] [Applause] 22 screen here [Music] well the ayani fans they have been terrific coming into this Arena we live here in the Dubai city the city of gold at the shake site B MUM Sports Hall and there’s no question these fans they love their basketball [Applause] alotti currently trailing by Four Points trying to get something going here in the offense aaki pulls up for a three a be’s had his face but no problem for Waki well this guy’s incredible he takes games over if you watch him play for the Lebanese national team he knows when it’s his time George Hutt now guarded by Hi gchan H down the middle pH a no to go find S three down the shot clock Big Time shot and a big [Music] response that’s now six players they have on the score sheet alotti with only five Miss so it’s a play he can’t leave wide open but he misses the three say trying to push this one down low goes in tibs misses this one but now ayot with wachi ma the away kicks out finds Lofton finds make a look out oh baby good night Dubai well the big bad th maker welcome to the City of Gold welcome to the BCL [Applause] [Applause] Asia Cur only now a two-point ball game finds Al sh pumpings that’s a solid move cuz he’s done very well there to avoid the rejection from ther two possession ball game still finding maker of the basket gets a foul almost got the M1 that’s going to be a first personal foul against George hunt it’s a very effective high low plan they’ve got with hi Yuan soon as gchan went to the high post big Lop down to th maker and the big man’s going to the free throw line that’s going to be the fourth team foul again shabab alak and a chance now for maker to cut it down to a two-point ball game makes the first free throw make it now up to nine points could be the second play of rotti to go to double digits makes them [Applause] both change coming into the game now here for shabab so checking into the game is talal Salim onami had some big moments in the second quarter last night for shabab Ali Abdula crossing over avoids the block nobody followed in for an offensive rebound ayadi looking to tie the game up maybe take the lead with a three-pointer but a foul has been committed so two free throws coming up for Zack [Applause] [Music] Lofton 430 to go here in the first half [Applause] lten is one of those players could just be so impactful from the back on I mean he is naturally a great scorer just gets a three throw to roll in [Applause] both teams locked in at 308 a piece shabab alah have led by as many as 10 points George H pulls up for a tough three hand his face that’s not going to do it for shabab alah just over four minutes here in the first half all the way COA COA now lofted he’s still the confidence zyadi retake the lead for the first time since the first quarter 4 seconds left ABD nice cut down the middle quickly went up with it soon as he CAU it into key off the backboard ABI Miss get have one well he’s going to the free throw line for the four-point [Applause] play well that’s a tough tough play well you know what they call this man indeed Amir saoud the prince of Lebanon four-point play coming up shukan [Applause] converts a four-point play now it’s a two-possession lead to ayadi well getting away with a pushup there Abi now trying to find a way to break it down goes to the mid-range not a bad look actually another foul more free throws coming up for Al [Applause] ryadi well so Dominic points is going to come back into game for shabab alahi Z be is going to go to the bench he’s now picked up three personal fouls fall maker making the first free throw free throws will be so imperative in this game between these two teams chance now to make it a six-point bll game why missed the second one almost got his own rebound though aadi have only missed two free throw so far tonight tiido kicks out Shi going for another three they can’t get it goes out of bounds and now Riot will get this one back Karim Z’s wide open now they’ gone into his own defense Abdul Ali almost coming up with the still it does go out of bounds 233 to go in the first half y and Lofton this will put him up by eight sinks a triple now it’s an eight-point bow [Applause] game petrice goes up at maker just said you’re not getting it that one sir well that’s what I like to call Swish F thinking with THB Mak is defending the paints [Music] well the free throw has been made six-point bll game What A Catch by Amir sa but good recovery by sadom point Loft and now isomo goes in Finish gets he one B zman going to the free throw line here for the three-point play and listen to the aot fans chanting lofton’s [Applause] name three-point play converted nine-point lead now to ayot they’ve turned this game right around remember they were trailing by as many as 10 tips looking for the post up goes over oh kisses that one off the bank well tibo’s really got to put the Ark on it to avoid a block from maker Lo of step back almost got it tip secures a rebound seven-point ball gain to ayot tips pump FS kicks out Al brei can he make it sinks it back to a four-point ball game shabab alahi not going anywhere well L the kicks out find Z no well what a block by poter good recovery shabab ale the foul is going to be committed by ha [Music] Yan well sub coming into the game so s coming back in just to give them something else in the back court and kovich is going to come back in for aladi just over one minute to go here in the first half download of tibs go for that hand off now we’re under to 10 on the shot clock not pass got to get something now s contest the three that’s way off the marck that’s good defense by aryadi oh here’s a post up high cck chat but he misses well he’s got to make that one well this is the city of gold and that’s like a gold dust attempt so Dominic poter getting hand off now with timido 10 on the shot clock ISO mod coming points a step back three hand his face tip’s offensive re now goes out of bound it’s going to remain shabab alaki bll if he made that three-pointer he would have cut it down to onepoint bll game but now timeout is going to be C here by shabab alak [Music] [Music] right there [Music] well shabab alahi will get a baseline with 3.9 now alari does have one foul to give so if anything in the case of emergency give that foul away to prevent anything easy [Music] coming the same goes for shabab alahi I mean they have to make sure they get it in Bound they go to a good option sometimes he’s inbound when you call a timeout here yes you’re able to draw up a set but it also gives the defense def a chance to organize [Music] themselves poon now in the corner sa pum back to H gets it right at the end of the first half shabab alah cting it down to a two-point ball game that is great execution well basketball fans we’re going to run you through the statistics and then we’re going to show you the best moments of the first half that we’ve seen so far here in game day three of the basketball Champions League of Asia Lotti were trailing by 10 points they’ve turned this quarter right around against shabab what a game it’s been so far very your statistics alotti slightly better from the perimeter 43% but it is shabab Al winning the rebound count and the assist count and they have three more stills all have to do is walk around and dble the basketball your top scor is timido he has 17 points while actually along with th make a combined total of 23 well now we’re going to leave you with some of the very best moments from the first half will beet in gam on DJ whenever you’re ready in three 2 one here we go you got to dribble the basketball dribble the basketball and walk around listen to the music and when the Music Stops that’s when you have to sit down here we go look at that all Focus one of these kids going to be walking away with two tickets tomorrow’s day oh not yet not yet there it is there it is you got to sit down you got to sit down all right how about we make some noise for the kid that just got out over here Make some noise for this kid over here good job good job and here five all right we got to make sure we dribbling that basketball [Music] D and there there it is there it is all right good job Mak some noise for the lovely lady everybody and then there we for we got to take a chair out and wait for the DJ to play the music and then start here we go here we go who’s going to be walking away with two tickets to tomorrow’s game oh music stops and he seems to be finding the last seat every single time he’s got some Lu this kid right here two seats remaining two seats remaining Make Some Noise everybody make some noise for the kids oh W wo we’re going to call this a tie we’re going to call this a tie we’ll go one more time one more time here we go and there it is good job how about we make some noise for the get the real shirt all right here we go finals time okay we got to make sure we’re dripping that basketball who’s going to be winning those tickets oh almost almost and there it is Make some noise for the winner good job young stum he’s going to be walking away with two tickets to tomorrow’s games I wonder who he’s going to bring all right we’re getting ready for our next game it’s going to be a game of tic TCT toe we’re just bringing the board out if you guys go to game of tic TCT toe usually it’s played with x’s and o’s but this time we’ve got our boards from our sponsors this is the actual board that we’re going to put in the middle of the floor and we got two contestants they’re going to be going head to-head against each other winers is going to be walking away with a brand new huwei watch it’s very simple all they got to do is score a layup and as soon as they score up they got to grab a board and place it on tarp right here in the middle and you got to get a line either horizontally vertically or diagonally all right the other players over here and you have no rebounds guys no rebounds they got to get their own their own misses rather and as soon as they score the layup it’s when they go for the boards here we go on my count players are you ready ready F Make some noise for the players make some noise Make some noise here we go in three two two one you got to score that layup you got to score that shot or layup you don’t have to take a shot you can actually take oh he he got it he got you got to get the board you got to get the board now we got to place it anywhere here anywhere anywhere there we go oh middle that’s smart that’s very smart we got to go faster we got to go faster we got to make the shots we got to pick up the for and make a line so far they doing thr you can do layups guys you can do layups they like difficult what it is we like hold on a second we’re going to take our St here we go I see you put it over here okay you going okay you got to block it oh there you go there you go there you go I’m helping out just a little bit I’m helping the B them out we got to make the shot now for the LI for the LI there you go there you go get the board we got to get the board now you got to look for a different spot I say you go right there it’ll be smarter you go right there okay all right he’s going to block you over here he can’t go diagonally he didn’t block her he might be confident he might witness actually unless we get a shot over here she gets the board where are you going to put it where are you going to put it right there we got a winner makes a noise everybody for a winner she walked away with a brand new wild watch give it up for Angie what’s your name Usama as well Mak some noise for Usama and Anie great sport she’s going to be walking away with a brand new wild Bang watch right after you take the picture over there by the photo wall good job just about ready to get started with the second half of the ball game right here fans Make Some Noise there they areab fans Mak the noise there you go [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] hey [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] all you [Music] it me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] reality is what get welcome back Bas fans second half about to get underway here at the bask Champions League of Asia between ayadi and a host shabab alahi well currently now it’s a two-point bll game to the visitors haryadi heavy favorites of course to win the BCL Asia this season after their emphatic win on the opening game day against Le N Fly leopards shabab Ali of course winning last night against the NX Matrix de of Malaysia so somebody tonight is going to remain undefeated somebody is going to pick up the first defeat well both teams of course exchanging field goals both the first second quarter it’s been a very exciting encounter between these two teams that could all very much change it coach originally from tenisia a country Ridge with very beautiful possible history and tradition likewise with Lebanon coach varadi many players featuring for the lebanes national team that we saw play in the FEA Asia Cup Final in Indonesia two years ago the third quarter will be ayadi who had the first possession of the third quarter Ro trying to make his magic happen oh hi ychan hasn’t made a three tonight and again still struggling he’s usually a very consistent three-point shooter as we’ve seen him play for the national [Applause] [Music] team oh they turn it over a bit of a fumble there The Lax isero not quite the way shababa lle wanted to begin the second half aliotti can try to extend that two-point lead at the [Applause] moment maachi down the middle goes in finishes with high CH standing now back to a two possession lead George hunt that’s going to be it well T’s going to keep this one alive now down the middle goes in finishes and K avoids the block what a move by George hunt we knew th makeer was going to come at some points off one screen hangs in the egg getsi this guy’s just so intelligent listen to the f look at this there’s the bom hangs in the air that’s Manu jobi in an alari Jersey no it’s not that’s [Music] Waki he’s unable to convert the three-point play still a fourpoint lead to aradi George H looking for a post up double team coming down s’s wide open they finally get the ball to him and a 24 second violation s should have shot the ball he was so wide open I don’t know if he panicked or whatever but at this level you’ve got to be ready to step up he’s already made one three tonight why not take another one Abdul Ali coming back in the game for shabab alaki aliot fans loving the occasion making this a very exciting atmosphere often look for an iso good hands by George hunt goes out of bounds and that’s going to be shabab affle bull well coach Elan is going to go for the coach’s challenge no he’s not he’s going to oh that’s yeah probably should have gone for the coach’s challenge [Applause] [Applause] Tim’s going for post up abdulatif Ali for three nobody going in for an offensive rebound and Al ryot now looking to extend their lead oh what a move are you kidding me RI behind the back going coast to coast and he’s going to get call for the foul look at this Bea utiful move by [Applause] Waki well remember the name plays like Manu but his name is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeli well things getting quite heated at the moment [Applause] six-point bll game ai’s going to get cool for the foul that’s only his first personal foul for wildi again the Manu jobes move by y alachi with the fanger roll that is incredible brei going Coast to Coast tip’s offensive rebound can’t get it well he’s got a finish now here comes aryadi six-point bow game back door T and [Applause] over now what can jababa lle get here [Applause] three coming from Tibido and cuts it down to a three-point ball [Applause] game the Y fans trying to get into the [Music] [Applause] game foul is going to be called against George hunts that’s going to be his second personal foul [Applause] three-point lead currently to ayadi Lofton look for an iso finds gack goes Baseline in around against LOF again no foul colds [Music] [Applause] Al May one three he cane the G up and he dos just that and roll locked in at 57 a piece third three of the game now for [Applause] Tibido another one suck away to again an Arie responding 19 points for while [Music] [Applause] trying to go pick your roll fouls going to be called against hi gchan that’s a good foul actually because Tia would have had a seal off so just prevents an easy bucket down low team oh TI going to leave the game it’s been the most productive player just to give him a little bit of rest fite he’s 23 points so far this evening so Dominic pointer comes back in along with Al shabbi too movich coming into the game at the moment now four [Applause] aradi AI wide open paace goes up finishes well it seems to be the go-to move now when you’re up against th may could just do the pumping get him up in the air it will be an open look canovic going for post up double team was made good passing actually now p face goes up that’s going to be a tri violation so Cony turnover here now [Applause] shababi trailing by one dou SE coms over goes for another deep three that’s not going to cut it now run to five h black just gets caught in his tracks finds upir sa canovic going for post up kovich bumps goes in C finish that’s a good move but he’s got to get an angle on that one now points up shabam Malle looking to retake the lead go from the Baseline just come finish here comes a Miss s anaki looking to attack now make it now for the iso make it goes in okay he makes it look easy and you wonder why he doesn’t get the bullet off in the [Applause] pace I mean that’s that easy right there without Tibido on the floor maybe make has got to be the go-to option former NBA player th maker converts a three-point [Applause] play fourpoint ball game aot currently leading with another four minutes here in the [Applause] third Jo chot got it by Kareem zun with a fade away mid-range that’s tough with a capital T hand in his face but he does have the size Advantage but take nothing away that’s a highly contested mid-range AI hesitates all the way this guy making magic happen it’s almost like every time he’s got the ball you got five Defenders with eyes on him and silly finds a way to get to the rack well they want to send Dominic s Dominic points are off a double screen but now they go to George hunts double team coming Al shev’s wide open but H goes for the acrobatic three and that’s a 24 second violation well the double team came and alsa beby was wide open on the crosscourt pass well saada coming in now the substitution made by ayadi just listen to these aot [Music] [Applause] fans aani fans making their voices heard at the moment finding th maker he’s made one three tonight K get this one and just listen to these Alani fans they have been incredible this evening they’re enjoying this occasion for sure o to finds a space kicks out good ball movement Al sh avoids the block but can’t even get the rim good defense make it goes Baseline finds to kovich bitm goes in well looking like a baby a Venus some bonus with that little hook shot maybe even a baby divat on that one [Music] oh goes in Sixpoint ball game shabab alah find a bucket a sa kicks out FS the bar wide open three in the corner three is good and just listen to these aiot fans they are loving this loving every occasion every moment is this timeout has to be cool it’s now become an eight-point bll game RTI fans getting ready here during this timeout let’s listen now as we go into hear what the coaches have to say [Music] [Applause] well hopefully from this time and now you got to love what’s Happening Here the fans just loving the occasion here this even and of course what an atmosphere the ayani fans have made they have been terrific to say the least their team leading by eight points at the moment 142 to go here in the third quarter [Music] [Applause] [Music] shabab alahi trying to get something [Music] going walking shabab AL C from this one TR by points over 90 seconds to [Music] go there’s a pu goes Baseline got to get something here comes up now final seconds timo’s got to fire up a hell marry three just can’t get [Applause] [Music] it well an unbelievable atmosphere the aani fans just enjoying the occasion here this evening loving every minute of this unbelievable scenes here live at the shik s b MUM Sports hole now looking to make a double digit lead with over one minute left well good interception but they get something quick here in transition points up thought about going for the three looking for the post up against Lofton Al SH now P FS goes in gets stripped goes out of Bounce turns it over well good hands by Zack Lofton yeah the right call comes off of Al shabbi kovich now going for post up against timido he’s got two fouls goes Z get well well the man from Bosnia heoa katovich that’s textbook post play by the big fella CH now to make this an 11-point ball game if he makes his free throw that’s actually going to be the second foul against [Applause] Tibido well shabab Al afle needs to find some way to score in this game 12 seconds difference between game and shock Lu at the moment double team coming from a Miss saoud sh defensively you can see aadi very hungry here on find S dribbles into a misso nowh to go well goes for a fade away three nothing working here at the moments well they’ve got to keep on trying to maintain the pressure nothing really working here for shabab Aly so now they’re going to have to rely on their [Applause] defense the foul has been called to hike Yan going to the free throw line he’s had quite a quiet game here this evening but nonetheless his team does lead by 12 points with 12.9 seconds left here in the third quarter both free throws made George hun now going all the way hangs in the air can’t get it nothing going in for shabab alahi [Applause] oh again you can’t deny the fact these fans have been terrific to say the least Tim’s going for another three and again it’s just not dropping and at the end of third quarter shabab alah Trail this one 61 to 74 against al riyadi well we’re going to take a look at some of the key stats and run you through some some of the best highlights here from the third [Applause] quarter well statistically in this game I mean it’s F to say aot just better on all ends of the floor I mean they’ve only missed three free throws a 7even for 17 from the perimeter it’s also if you look 27 rebounds for both these two teams what’s interesting is shabab Malle actually have more offensive rebounds 11 to3 and against [Music] a well here are some of the top plays of third quarter hi YJ Getty go George hunt made some tough moves and it was kind of back and forth between him in the early stages but iot finding a way well he made two three-pointers could it be enough of course that’s going to be the question well the Three is coming from timido how much longer can they keep playing at this level that is going to be the biggest test right now for shabab alah well welcome everybody this is the 2024 basketball champions league of Asia the BCL plan was a vision made by FEA and started in Europe back in 2016 finally after eight seasons the BCL has extended to the BCL Americas and now finally it’s landed here in Asia the foul has been called fou off the ball so will be a basine ball to shabab Al [Music] gry FS back in that team at the [Applause] moments well Tio’s got the post up and they get the three it’s up and then that cuts it out to a 10o bll game that’s the kind of side they wanted here at the beginning of the fourth [Music] quarter trying to respond can’t get it see though with the rebounds possession by possession shabab try to break into this Al shabbi twist and goes up can’t get it see follow up still can’t score George hunt tries another three Al shbi offensive rebound foul is on the ground that’s going be a second team fou against ayadi B number 14 first personal second so Baseline ball coming up to qu a double team keeps this one [Applause] alive kicks out George hunt oh he should have gone it’s going to be a 24 second violation well shabab Aly choking under intense pressure the ayot fans would love to go two and0 here tonight top the group but maybe going top is going to be you finish top this group you got to meet har dragon flies as Loft gets the ab one has been a little quiet in this game to his stand I mean he’s a terrific player the aggression he plays that well that is tibo’s four personal foul so he’s going to have to leave the game and that’s going to be a big loss here for shabab Al 12-point lead currently toyot make it back up to 13 bar trying to be a aggressive George hun KN to go shabab Al finding ways to get into this six on the shock clock ala had his face an offensive rebound here they try another three it’s way off the mark alotti secure the rebounds L now shaking baking all the way and the foul is going to be colds so two free throws coming up here for Zack Lofton well Zachary Loft has been a hell of a player we saw that in the first game against leing flying leopards L originally from St Paul Minnesota in the United States she briefly played in the NBA for the Detroit Pistons and the g League affiliate the Grand Rapids [Applause] Drive well they find pointer in the corner oh he should have gone for the three goes in hangs in the end that cuts it down now to a 13-point bll game not over yet of course points are only six points tonight the canovis trying to go to work in and around textbook too easy for the big man well point to hangs in the air makes a tough one now he’s got eight points [Music] finds air saoud gchan pump FS nowhere to go here sa finds the three sinks it big time triple by the prince of [Applause] Lebanon B lofted here we go here we go good hands by George hunt I tell you lot a gamble but no foul colds well they going to have to take this three this three is up now it’s back to an 11-point bowl game well excuse me [Applause] 13 well the foul has been called this time and just listen to these fans in this Arena they are loving every single moment of this game 13-point lead currently hit to ayot well kovich has had to really fight for positioning in this game so far he’s been terrific well behind the back oh baby the prince of Lebanon am [Applause] sahud I want to see a replay of Amir s’s play [Applause] there’s a foul by Tara free throws coming up for S Dominic point up makes the first free throw St John’s University dropped by the Cleveland Cavaliers sa heavily defended just over six minutes y download to katovich fouls going to be cool against AA [Applause] [Music] [Music] Lofton hesitates step backs takes a big three SS it that’s Prime Time play in a prime time pressurized situation and a timeout is going to be cool with 554 to go 16 point lead currently to [Music] ayot well shabab’s got a find other ways to score in this game CU nothing seems to be working at the moment well look at the fans Al fans love what this man needs an MVP award is DoD Spooks somebody give this man a TR tropy he’s loving every moment of it he’s been doing this whole game long well somebody find this fan give him an MVP award Trope is the most valuable fan [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] back to the Ball Game well possession will go to shabab alahi right now they are trailing 16-point lead Carly H to aadi the kings of Beirut against the shakes of the UAE right now crowd just getting into this game goes in Jump hook C finish now has been committed that’s going to be free throws coming up for kovich silly foul to give away [Applause] number two personal [Applause] penovich currently at the free throw line here for ayadi man originally from Bosnian heroa katovich 35 years young he’s played for some the top clubs in Europe he’s played in Serbia Russia France Germany also played in tur and kuwa both free throws go missing point to tries to hesitate nowhere to go here’ll take a three that one beautifully tucked away back to a 13-point ball game shabab Al need to believe Le in themselves it’s not over Mak it now top of the three-point line Miss final seconds now step back hand his face another three but what a big rebound well Big Time second chot points well shabab Ali had to Lost donut but nobody called kns out trying to go for the mid-range that pulls into the hands of wildi but oi keeps it in his hands on the four and a half to go 15-point bll game kikanovic inside the pain muscles way in not finish that’s going to be the fifth foul against timido look kovich putting his hands up and saying brate why let’s have a look see little hands up well he follows through but do you upgrade that though he’s gone for the bull I don’t think he’s intentionally trying to take him out but again it is excessive contact to the face it’s with the forarm so they probably will and they going to go for no the another good to review so 48 to go it’s now a 15-point bowl game to ayadi but the officials are going to check if this needs to be upgraded he’s got eyes on the ball but does he really need to swipe like that’s the question well it’s going to be a tough one they made their decision what have the officials decided regular foul no upgrade I like [Applause] that 25 well either way regular foul on Sportz like foul it’s going to be the fifth one cool against timido his night is finished kovich just to know about kovich back in the year 2018 he was actually at the end of that season made the old season five the started lineup best started lineup team in the boss Champions League in Europe it’s just to know if he gets in this tournament could be the only player to ever win that Accolade 2018 the year Ike won the BCL in Europe ik gaens that is Time Out shab 418 to go timeout to shabab Al coita wants to toen over with his plays stand so far in the [Music] building put their hands he got a little shot got a little shot back to the Ball Game [Applause] [Music] [Music] well final four minutes and 18 seconds to go shabab Al trailing by 16 The Comeback is to happen they’ve got to do it without timido they’ve got to do it [Applause] quickly points out look at the white so pulls up a quick three against katovich and he tucks that one away so Dominic he’s now up to 16 points actually’s got to get the bullet over the hofway line doesn’t want to get cold for that 8 seconds Roi now twist it turn it goes all the way hook shot this guy is simply incredible 23 points for Waki points it goes in and they you can see th make with the rejection well I tell you something right now let me just give you a little bit of advice don’t try to follow th maker on Instagram he will block you don’t add him on Facebook he’ll just block you maybe he’ll invite you to the party it’s a th maker block party another three in the corner kovich gets a rebound aliotti trying to push this one over three minutes to go here in the fourth quarter going for another three-pointer act good night to the City of Gold asz that is a big big top three-pointer tab makes his first triple 18-point ball game ayadi George hunt trying to go for the iso con connects [Music] just under three minutes to go here in the fourth quarter aadi well on their way to getting actually tried to go a little too fancy but who could blame him hump bumps draws the foul against Tada and got the floa to go but it won’t count it’s good fou transition actually it’s the fourth f just prevents any easy transition bucket points now splits the defense goes in finishes and he goes up to 18 points arachi from the BCL logo that’s way off the mark oh under two minutes George hun goes for a quick three that cuts it down now back to a 13-point ball [Music] game not impossible but 13 points oh they’re going to have to get some stops Tara A Little Too Short he might want to go for another three here because we’re over 95 seconds left point it goes off the backboard that cuts it down to 11 and Coach El foron he’s seen enough he will cool timeout not working on five down don’t lose the seconds but trying to pass the ball we need to play long off long off for zero zero okay will be here [Applause] [Music] what’s now going to be possession back to alot 90 seconds to go they lead by 11 no fouls to give away here for shababi we need to rushers either four out Sabara goes in good execution that’s back to 13 points nice dive coming from KH [Applause] zenun turns it over finds raki aaki is going to go the way and he finishes with the scoop layup 25 points tonight for Waki 101 points so far for Al a PO throws that one away but the defense coming from arachi clausing that [Music] turnover well look at this the scoop layup by yel arachi now listen to the aans F’s going to be cool to get [Music] [Applause] Mohammed surely surely wildi [Music] [Applause] probably most likely playing for the player of game of war because he has been terrific tonight only he missed the second free throw but it’s to little Avail at the moment not too much conern here for aadi they’re definitely leaving with another Victory they’re going to remain undefeated that’s for sure shal now it’s got to go for something Abdul now he’ll sink that one away and that will cut it down here to a 14-point ball game well basketball fans we thank you for joining us here on the F YouTube platform for the 2024 BCL Asia match up aot they remain undefeated as they win this one 102-88 against shabab Al what a game it was unbelievable atmosphere truly an incredible atmosphere here tonight aliotti their fans they were terrific they got the job done and what an atmosphere they made here live in the city of gold Dubai at shik s bin makum Sports hole what an atmosphere was in follow theit procedure our users will be there to help you no doubt of course Alani surely making themselves early contenders the only team to remain undefeated in the BCL Asia rashima dragonfly is losing today against poron now look at this support this is truly incredible [Music] well the big congratulations to aladi remaining undefeated their fans they were terrific tonight what an amazing atmosphere that they turned this one into oh we’re going to show you some of the key stats we’ll leave you with the key highlights the best moments of the entire game but what an atmosphere was here this evening well shabab Al Ali made 12 three point alotti with T at 27 field goals with inside the rainbow interestingly shabab Al winning the assists and the rebound count unbelievable atmosphere Waki leading with 26 points Travon Tibido finished with 23 F out well that’s it tonight Bas fans as they say in Arabic good night and we will see you at the press conference and we’ll see you tomorrow for more games here in the BCL Asia thank you [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] one [Music]

Watch the Group Phase game between Al Riyadi and Shabab Al Ahli at the Basketball Champions League Asia 2024. #BCLASIA

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00:00:00 Intro
00:15:41 1st quarter
00:32:36 2nd quarter
01:08:42 3rd quarter
01:30:22 4th quarter


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