@Los Angeles Lakers

Interesting thoughts on the Lakers Hurley saga from Bill Simmons. Talks about how much money the Lakers has too.

Interesting thoughts on the Lakers Hurley saga from Bill Simmons. Talks about how much money the Lakers has too.

by ktran2804


  1. Confident_Pen_919

    Reasonable take. Yall gotta stop reading the lakers are broke click bait articles

  2. You’d think Bill Simmons would be talking about the finals….but speculating about the Lakers gets more of an audience.

  3. yes let’s take the biggest celtics homer on the planet’s take on the lakers at face value

  4. Never thought I’d hear Bill Simmons talking about the Lakers rationally.

  5. Ok_Board9845

    I still don’t understand why Shams reported that we were zero’ing in on Redick when we haven’t even conducted a formal interview yet. Was he fed false information? Was it an actual smokescreen by the FO? Or does he actually have a source that strongly believes Redick is getting the job even without conducting a formal interview?

  6. Miserable-Lawyer-233

    That kind of makes sense. He’s right about the offer being low. You can’t attract the hottest college coach by dangling “sixth highest paid coach in the nba.” So that did seem suspicious. Either the lakers are broke, stupid or they didn’t want to hire Hurley in the first place. Simmons doesn’t believe the lakers are broke or stupid.

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