@Dallas Mavericks

Why the Dallas Mavericks MUST Win Game 3 in the NBA Finals | LIVE SHOW

Why the Dallas Mavericks MUST Win Game 3 in the NBA Finals | LIVE SHOW

on Today’s Show game three is a must-win for the Dallas Mavericks and we’ll tell you why on today’s lock on Mavs I’m and this is lock on MAV M NBA champions it’s good and the M have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you are locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick anged media member to NBA channel manager for locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Mega lock on maps your first listen today the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day leave a five star viiew on every Apple podcast Spotify every platform you listen on like the video on YouTube and comment anything below or show up here at Four Corners Brewery that’s right where we’re here live these are the real F if you’re not here right now stop beaming me the raccoon Squad showed up in droves here we’re here at Four Corners Brewery we’re live and I’m here with the one the only you can’t say that by yourself never duplicated never replicated from the great slightly biased YouTube channel what you got for me slightly biased feeling good the energy in here is great and you wouldn’t know they were down 2 but we’re 24 hours away from a huge game three and uh I feel good about it I really do I have to be honest with you they were showing game two on that TV over there in the corner and it was triggering me just a little bit yeah it was very depressing I’m not going to lie I was depressed uh Today’s Show we’ll get into we’ll talk about porzingis his injury we’ll talk about how that could affect the Dallas Mavericks we’ll talk about how that changes things for both the Mavs and the Celtics a little bit and uh we’ll talk about Kyrie and his role in all this but slightly I think we got to start here game three is a must-win for the Dallas Mavericks yeah never in history has it been done it it wouldn’t be done by this Mavericks team against this Celtics team just straight up so it wouldn’t be you have no no faith in it no no no they they wouldn’t come back down three 0 again against the Celtics team it’s never happened in the history of the NBA and I just think cuz basketball is such a you know the best team wins more often than not in a series baseball other sports you get that Randomness and and you know that can open up the door for a three-oh comeback but there’s a reason it’s never been done in in basketball it’s very difficult to win four straight games if you’re not better than the other team and that’s just kind of where we’re at there there is obviously a talent Advantage for the Celtics but uh you know Luke and KY can cancel a lot of that stuff out and you haven’t gotten Kyrie yet so you win tomorrow night and you’re back in business in a major way we haven’t yeah and we we haven’t gotten the two stars completely yet they’ve both been compromised Luca with the injury I mean he’s been wrapped up in so many different ways he’s had the you know they talked about he had an injection for his chest contusion I’m sure he’s had injections for all kinds of other things too because man it just seems like every week he’s coming out with something new there’s an ankle there’s a knee there’s the you know the chest something with him and he’s been dealing with it all and trying to work through it all but it’s left him in a compromised state where all of a sudden all the work that he did to like get his defensive reputation back up to respectable and a place where you’re like oh man like I I feel good about about where luuka is just gone completely in the toilet now all we’re seeing now is just these highlight reels and clips over and over of Luca getting blown by is that is part how much of that is the scheme of the Mavericks kind of wanting to Usher guys into the lane or Luca just not being good at defense so far this this finals well it it’s a little bit of both for sure that that’s how NBA narratives are like we’re going to focus on the negatives and it’s easier for us to watch a play and say oh well Tatum blew pass Luke on that play that’s bad defense and little do these people know and they don’t know at all the Mavs defensive scheme all postseason long is we’re cool with you getting into the paint because we have Rim protectors now against the Celtics team that’s not the best defensive strategy maybe because we know that they’re not driving to finish at The Rim they’re driving to kick out to Shooters and that’s what they’ve done so far uh and yeah Luca hasn’t been very good defensively in this series another part of that is the Celtics all have you know athletic players and Luca can handle his own against more uh methodical players I guess I should say that don’t rely on athleticism and more rely on moves and stuff like that so yeah it hasn’t been a great Series so far for Luca defensively but that that shouldn’t take away like you’re saying from his legitimately good defense in the first three series of this postseason right it will though but that’s just how it is that’s that’s the stupid thing we have with like NBA discourse if you make the finals and don’t perform well it’s like worse than not making it at all well the the whole thing about LeBron versus Jordan Jordan 6 and0 that’s it LeBron he’s made it more times final straight final but he failed more times in Jordan so then it doesn’t matter it’s like didn’t Michael Jordan say I missed more shots than anyone else in NBA history didn’t didn’t he say that Wayne gry said you missed 100% of the shots you don’t take and then Michael Scott said that yep on top on top of that uh Luca also said today at practice that their defense has been good enough to win games and I’ve been saying that through these first two games defense has been good enough you hold the Celtics to 107 105 points there’s been mistakes there’s been things that they haven’t done right I mean the Mavs defense has not been as Elite as maybe it’s been but you wouldn’t expect that against the number one offense in the NBA that was just like the most efficient offense we’ve ever seen in NBA history yeah but their defense I feel like has been good enough numbers wise sure I I I you you you don’t buy that I do but you don’t after rewatching I don’t think I don’t think their process in game two is sustainable like I think the Mavs the Mavs defensively yeah the Celtics if if they get the same looks in game three they did especially the second half of game two they probably feel very good about the remainder of this series so there’s definitely some stuff they need to clean up but ultimately he’s right in the sense that you look at just the scoring numbers for the Celtics in the first two games of the series definitely was at a place where the Mavericks could have easily won those two games but offensively they just haven’t shown up in any real way so far uh outside of Luca they really haven’t what are you looking for Luca to do in game three cuz it’s a must- win he’s got to come out does he have to set the tone does Kyrie have to set the tone cuz we’ve also have been dealing with a Kyrie that’s had these swings Le scoring swings and it’s not played well through two games I think a I think a big first quarter from Kyrie would really go a long way just for the mentality of the team beyond anything else too but a Vibes corner with the m a Vibes corner right cuz that’s exactly what happened in game one against the Timberwolves is Kyrie went crazy in the first half and everyone was like oh my God we’re really here yeah like this is this guy’s not messing around so here we go so I think that that would really help but for Luka just limit the turnovers uh easier said than done obviously but what it was eight right yeah that that that’s a little too much and then you have to just this isn’t this is true for multiple players on the team but defensively there has to be a little bit better effort just in the first one or two seconds of your guy having the ball you you can’t get your guy can’t blow past you the moment he touches the ball yeah the very like an immediate Blow by because eventually he’s like guys are going to get by you that’s just the NBA that’s how it works you can’t defend with your arms like there there’s just no way that you could stay in front of a guy unless your Elite Defender Drew holiday or whoever else even then but even then guys are going to get by you but yeah you have to put up some kind of resistance and honestly the resistance is just to let the rest of the guys behind you get set or come over and help and to be able to like play the actual defense that the Mavs want to play I just read your I just read your shirt for the first time get this man a recovery beer ASAP a Slovenian Mavs F made me this shirt and gave it to me that’s a sick shirt actually the uh the provy dpoy shirt that I wore after game three of the the West Comics finals and made this hey this guy hit me up I had right I already have a storefront we can ship we can get these shipped out immediately uh but yeah from Luca defense has got to be a little better are you nervous about him getting another injection feels like he’s slowly falling apart in front of us well the chest injury to me how compromising is that for your play is that just a pain tolerance thing cuz if so that doesn’t concern me more than like a knee injury where it’s like I actually can’t plant off this knee like me stepping back it I can’t generate enough the space that I’m usually generating on step backs so I don’t know the injection stuff doesn’t bother me I I inject myself with stuff every day so what’s the difference Hold on shut it down go can’t can’t have that familyfriendly show slightly although there are no kids in the audience so maybe we can I was talking about steroids oh okay your head was getting bigger I thought yeah so from Luca he’s got the defense has got to be better from Kyrie I’m interested to see yeah does he come out and try and set aone early or try and get his shot going a little bit earlier because I I’ve been saying this over and over again I feel like the shots that he took were were okay shots in game two they were Kyrie makeable shots and that’s the thing with Kyrie to is he takes such difficult shots that he makes Look So Easy that when they’re not falling it’s like oh my God Kyrie’s never going to make a shot again but then that’s just like the type of shots that he lives with and usually makes so uh I think being home again I I want to if you’re going to the game I want to anytime Kyrie touches the ball I think there should just be like a thunderous Applause cuz he’s just been so used to just getting destroyed in Boston that there needs to be some we’re here for you overcompensate like the Celtics fans did for porzingis right they oh my gosh let me tell that they were cheered for porzingis like he was the like next to God like Paul Pierce or something coming out the tunnel Paul Pierce didn’t get the same reception that Bor zingis did now I have some I have some theories on why that is but I’m not going to share it cuz Bor zingis didn’t poop his pants or Paul Pier definitely pooped his pants but that’s not the theory I have I walked by him in I walked by him in the tunnel on the like at the end of the game and I just wanted to look at him and be like you remember when you pooped your pants it’s like the intrusive thoughts you just can’t have like you just can’t let that happen all right coming up let’s talk about porzingis let’s talk about that injury let’s talk about how it changes things for the Mavs and for the Celtics uh if he plays if he doesn’t play because the Celtics have said he’s day to-day so we’ll talk about that am more coming up we’re not buying that today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel FanDuel Sports has more props and odds that you can use to get in on the action on Sports go check it out new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks if you bet wins and I apologize to everybody for not being able to skip the ad here in in lockon and add to your summertime bucket bill go check it out they had Mavs and Celtics game two it was minus 1.5 and then after the porzingis news it moved to minus 2.5 so feeling good about that Dallas Mavericks line in game two in game three if you are favored in game three after losing the first two games that’s pretty shocking I’m not going to lie you’re more likely to win like I think it’s 80% or something like that so okay do/ lockon FanDuel America’s number one sports book that’s a real stash shut it down oh let’s go home thanks everybody for hanging out with us on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad out here at Four Corners Brewery here [Music] live it’s a good crowd appreciate each and every one of you for listening to the show if you’re out there if you’re listening from whatever country we appreciate there’s people from different countries here somebody from Germany Slovenia IST is coming look what basketball does to us man basketball brings us together Mavs bring us together Bernardo brings us together shout out to Bernardo shout out to Bernardo at the bar keeping us uh I was going to use a really bad word there I’m not going to I’m not going to use it I only I’ve only had one beer guys I I got to say everyone in the comment section always assumes I’m hammered I’ve only had one beer guys on a little bit of an empty stomach so y it wasn’t yard yeah true he did have one uh the porzingis injury let’s talk about that because I talked about it a little bit earlier but porzingis suffered a torn medial riculum had you heard that word before now I saw well I don’t even know if I want to say this on here I saw a tweet that I don’t know how rep how like reliable it is that there’s only been like 60 of these in recorded medical history or something like that of all humans see like I don’t know if that was true or not but I saw that tweet cuz cuz they did say it was a rare injury yeah I just thought that was such a weird way to preface in injuries like this is a rare one kp’s really deep in his back right day today injury has only happened to 60 humans of the in recorded history 40 billion in history this could have been a big injury in medieval times before they started keeping records we not coming back from a from a medial riculum you’re not coming back from that there’s no way he plays in this series you think he’s done for sure yeah yeah yes I’m I’m not falling for any of the Mind Games and I and I will say when I don’t know when this injury happened wa which part is the mind game this whole like oh well we don’t know simply no way he’s playing in this okay so the part makes me think that he may play is that they announce the injury and then he goes out and speaks to the media right afterwards they did a whole press release for an injury like that’s not this isn’t is tough this isn’t like a hey uh KP woke up this morning with like a knee thing we’re going to figure it out and the next thing you know he’s out this is like a hey press release by the way this is something we’ve rarely ever heard of like when do teams release press releases like after you lose a game seven really bad at home like you release a press release right if it’s something that’s that magnitude release a press release for it do we have any experience with that I think so I think I could remember one off the top my head keep it always gives it does it’s funny cuz like this here we are in the finals talking about the Phoenix Suns but they like that’s just how insufferable they were for that one year which which fan base was worse the Suns or the Celtics right now which one was worse the the Suns fan base or the Celtics the suns were pretty bad I’m not going to lie Celtics are some recency biased cuz we well the Celtics are the Celtics are historically bad and we’ve known that for like the Celtics fan yeah a great amount of curve the Suns had that like we’re usually never good now we’re good annoyance level to them yeah there’s something there’s something about that there absolutely is and that they didn’t get Luca and then that there was and they had Chris Paul there was some an well if you have Chris Paul just you have to like defend him in roundabout ways but so you think this is mind games with bingus you don’t think that their’s you think he’s just out for the rest of the series isn’t fair cuz maybe they are like we’ll see how he feels but it I I really doubt he plays again I saw Gary wasburn have a report on Twitter uh the Great Boston Globe columnist that you can like since the whole like the remedial ricula of all the things that I heard from Brian sud Jeff stots and the guys that are smarter than know know that kind of stuff it’s basically like something that wraps around the tendons around your ankle and so you can do that you can like simulate that with a brace and so if you put a brace around it maybe like he could still play so I think they’re going to try that and see what happens and so Gary washerman seemed to think he was going to play he also covers the Celtics so you know it just be considering kp’s history it’d be very surprising to me if you played but then I I will say like I’m assuming that happened on that play where he fell down in uh in game two they said it’s unrelated to the calf injury like that’s the that’s one of the weird Parts about this whole injury is that it it does not it had does nothing to do with the calf injury all right well that was late in the game and he got subbed out that injury that other injury he suffered and uh I mean there was a play right after that where Kyrie just blew right past him like it was nothing and got an easy layup so I don’t know if even like a compromised KP is what the Celtics would even want or do you do you go like would you rather have Luke cornette out there like I don’t know and he’s porzingis is already only playing like 22 minutes true yeah so then like Okay so let’s let’s start there then what does a compromise KP do for the Mavs or for the Celtics well I I think you still have his Flor spacing out on the floor offensively now how much would the Mavericks be willing to test that I don’t know cuz this is a do or die you lose and your season’s over game for the Mavs yeah so are you cool with if KP does miraculously play tomorrow night are you cool with K he shoot a couple 30 foot threes and now of a sudden he made him and it’s a nine-point swing in a in a Do or Die game he’s just like old dirk and he’s just out there like I’m here to shoot from this very spot and nowhere else or are you comfortable doing like what you did in game one it’s like we’re going to go at him five times in the first quarter and then he has three blocks oh that’s the thing is your back is up against the wall and there’s like they’ve been throwing him out on the perimeter guarding the corners though you know like they haven’t necessarily been keeping him in the in the post necessarily so for him to like Chase around just feel like a compromise KP would be putting him in a compromising situation yeah you’d have to run him you’d have to run him through every single action yeah bring his man up to the to the to the staggered screens whatever if if they try to pre-switch which the Celtics do a bunch and try to just continuously switch him to where he’s staying in the corner we will run four screens until you are up here I’m going to throw John car’s words back at him when I said what if the Celtics don’t don’t get enough threes like what if the MS run them off the line he said try again so I’m going to say if the Mavs don’t get switches against porzingis try again if he’s compromised that’s what you have to do and if he doesn’t play that will be applied to Luke cornette as well you will be involved in this play whether you want to be or not so with Luke cornette so let’s say let’s say porzingis doesn’t play at all so Horford’s been playing like 29 minutes I don’t know if you want to up that anymore yeah and add to that uh that means they’re either playing small or Luke cornette plays what does that do for the Mavs Luke cornette is Luke cornette is really actually not that bad and he’s been like a decentish okay r sector but he is not KP on the mobility scale right so you you draw him out and let luuka Kyrie do their thing against him I think it’s going to be a murder and then that gives you like the you know what you’re wanting offensively where okay Luca has beat Luke cornette Kyrie’s beat Luke cornette we have to pinch in a little bit now we’re now we’re getting kickouts uh and then offensively obviously that changes the whole entire landscape because they don’t have that floor spacing anymore and that’s I think where it really comes into play so so one of the things that I was thinking about is do the lobs come back if they have to play cornette because then all of a sudden yeah like you said he’s going to be guarding a big they’re not going to put him on the on the perimeter necessarily then the Mavs get back into all right this is what we do our bread and butter come up bring cornet’s man up and then Luca just destroys those types of bigs you know porzingis and Horford have been specifically they’re like specifically made to not have to deal with that and the pre- switching that you mentioned before the Mavs haven’t been able to get into that kind of action but with cornette out there maybe they can get back into that and if the Mavs could bring back lobs they haven’t gotten really any besides a couple when Luca’s gotten double this whole finals but they bring that back that’s that’s a big development yeah none of their lobs have even been like down Luka getting downhill on a screen and uh one of the bigs rolling they’ve been like you said Luca getting doubled on the perimeter and then Derrick Jones J and that I going back and rewatching that specific lob just felt like a defensive breakdown by the Celtics like a very rare one where they weren’t supposed to do what they did and Derrick Jones Jr was just by himself and the other one was the same thing luuka getting trapped on the perimeter and and finding Derrick was it Lively or oh no was Kyrie to Gafford Kyrie had a lob to Gafford in this game I went back and I watched that was a transition thing but uh yeah that that’ll be really interesting to see I just the way that they’ve the way that they’ve talked about this injury I’d be very surprised if you played the call them calling it a serious injury and then also saying that he’s dayto day is just such like a that’s Mind Games those things don’t go together that’s 100% Mind Games you’re not going to say immediately it’s not working it’s working for me cuz I’m I feel like I’ve gone in circles now with this if you’re the Mavs you just show up tomorrow and play basketball and whatever you whatever adjustments you have to make before the game when the game starts you make so hopefully the Mavericks aren’t falling victim to any game mind games at this point for sure coming up let’s talk about the things that we have to see in game three what has to happen in game three for the Mavs to get this game talk about all that more coming up today’s episode is brought to you by better help better help is there for you when you have something that you want to talk about if you have anxiety if you have things that you need to talk about if you uh can’t come out to you know a bar and hang out with friends and feel and talk through things if you don’t have anybody like like that you may need to talk to a therapist you may need to talk to somebody who can ask you the certain questions that you need to ask that is there that can be there as an unbiased source that you can that can help you if you’re thinking about starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be convenient flexible suited to your schedule just fill out a brief questionnaire to get match with the license therapist you can change at any time no additional charge all that get it off your chest with betterhelp visit lockon MBA to get 10% off your first month that’s lockon NBA take with you all right slightly we’re here at Four Corners Brewery let’s get another one what else can I say that could make this cow B in seven baby if you don’t believe there you go that’s a good one too there you go how many more things can we come up with well I mean we can be here all night really we’ll come up with some more later I think this might get him going what are the things in game three the Mavs absolutely have to have let’s just just start throwing them out could be anything a win you need K Kyrie to score obviously and you need to make threes that’s the those are the only two things you need not the only two but those are the two biggest things the making threes thing they’re really cutting out the corners like there’s just there no Corner threes allowed in in this do the Mavs need to set up differently do they need to look look for above the break threes a little bit more cuz PJ Washington’s got a couple like do the Mavs need to just set guys up instead of the corners and set them up there set them up at the top of the key I was just about to say maybe maybe PJ Washington gets a few pick and Pops or something uh above the Breakthrough it’s funny listening to the broadcast and they’re always like well PJ loves to Corners more and I was like that was not the case for like think he could hit a corner three the regular season that that was not he loved those above the break 3es uh after the trade deadline and yet he’s been much better in the corner this postseason but he’s comfortable in those above the break three so maybe let him get a few more threes off and I think you know Kyrie starts scoring that’s just going to be a trickle down effect where the Celtics defensive schemes going to have to change a little bit they’re going to have to bring a little bit more help on Luka and Kyrie and that’ll just naturally open up the corner threes a little bit more so uh I really think it starts with Kyrie Irving like that’s it does it really does that’s the biggest thing for the Ms right now if Luca is still a constant if he’s the same he was in game one and game two and especially game two with the the playmaking when he started to get doubled if he’s the same in both though both of those games that he is in game three then yes it’s got to come from Kyrie and he’s got he’s just got to make the shots I mean we can talk about adjustments we can talk about everything but it really comes down to your second best player is not playing like your second best player right now I mean some sometimes it really is a simple as the team that scores the most points win and you need guys on your team who are scoring points and especially if it’s your second best play the maker Miss League Mantra like yeah it’s true it it is true in a lot of ways I mean there’s definitely like schematic things that I’m sure that they’re talking about and working on that our basketball brains can’t fully comprehend exactly but speak for yourself I mean they’ll probably throwing some terminology out there that I would never even understand in a million years but you know uh it it’s just if Kyrie has another stinker it’s hard it’s hard to win cuz we talk about it it’s like the three through eight is so much better for the Celtics it just is so your one your one and two have to be that much better than the Celtics one and two collectively yeah and that door that the door has been open like Tatum’s shot terribly in this series Jaylen Brown had a great Jaylen Brown’s been really good but he hasn’t been like he was really good in game one but game two he was just like solid well and not like unguardable where you go oh my God put up 30 and we couldn’t do anything about it agreed so Luca remains where he’s been at the first two games and Kyrie has you know 25 27 point game pretty efficiently I think the Mavs could very easily win game three at home what do you need to see from Derrick Lively because he’s kind of he’s kind of had up and down games we talked about him as he’s probably the map’s third most important player at times and like he’s made mistakes but he’s done some positive things too like it’s just really been a mixed bag from him what do you what do they need from him in a game three well hopefully being at home might slow things down it’s looked a little bit fast for him at times we’ve seen like travels and you know it’s him trying to do a lot of things like sit like in game two he jumped Tred save a ball out of from going out of bounds under the basket and threw it in and it went to I think Jaylen Brown and led to an easy point on the other end you know that’s that he’s trying to contribute the game just feels pretty fast for him currently in the finals which hasn’t really been the case at all this postseason to his credit which is kind of insane to say but uh maybe being at home and Kyrie had a uh I mean I’m I’m uh this isn’t verbatim or anything but Kyrie had a quote in in a pressor I don’t know if it was today or yesterday or whatever but he was just pretty much like yeah now we know we have some guys who know what it feels like now and after the two games in Boston and hopefully we’ll be a little bit more reeled in in game three and I think that could apply to Derrick Lively for sure yeah I think the I think the guy that benefits the most from hey porzingis may not play is drick Lively for right like if he doesn’t play then all of a sudden Lively’s not getting pulled out to the three-point line he’s having to defend out there he’s having to you know like well figure out where his you know how he how he impacts defense because there there’s a lot of time there’s a couple times in the game where all of a sudden he’s in the paint where he’s supposed to be yeah but they have five on the perimeter and you go all right luk like two players on one side are guarding three guys and that’s just not sustainable well I saw some Celtics fans theorize this and I’m sure it has to you say literally anything right now and I would believe you well I don’t know I I’m sure this is more kp’s minute restriction but that a Reon big reason why they brought KP Off the Bench was to really neutralize Lively’s defensive presence cuz they knew Lively would be coming off the bench and if they just kind of match those minutes with KP then he’d be dra dragged out to the perimeter even cuz you cuz living with Horford shooting threes is an a you can have and if he if he burns you which he’s definitely capable of doing then so be it KP is a different Beast especially the way that he’s played in the first two games shooting wise so uh we’ll see man I I I’m I’m feeling pretty good about game three I yeah where’s the where’s the confidence level I I feel very confident they’re going to win tomorrow night are we confident we feel like they’re going to win game three I I I wasn’t just saying that to try and get reaction by the way that was my truth my true feelings that’s that thing that like people do when they’re like this is the greatest audience in the World Dallas I love you I’m here in the greatest City in the worldbody cheers yeah though I mean I feel confident because I’ve I’ve watched Kyrie and I’ve watched what Kyrie’s done for two games now I go that he’s just not going to do that this many times and if he does you tip your hat and you say all right that was it it just wasn’t going to happen magical run great maybe we were just happy to be here you know like in the in the end it was the friends we made along the way and the friends we did not make with thunder fans Thunder well Thunder fans I actually feel like we’re cool a decently cool fan base from my experience at least Celtics fans are irredeemable for a lot of different reasons I spent I spent an entire week there and I would have to agree the the lock down comment section is CRA they’re just it’s just like mean it’s like you guys really still think do you have a chance to win well yeah what am I supposed to say dude I do feel like that’s all the comments we got today are like how could you think that this Mavs team is an actual NBA team I’ve seen a lot of Mavs fans say that too man get your get your mind out of the damn gutter it’s the NBA finals 2 do you expect us just to be like yeah it’s over guys just wrap it up now we called this a Mavs rally and you are maybe one of the best at rallying troops there’s there’s a cult leader likee personality view you know what’s funny is people people get mad at me all the time for being pessimistic give the crowd here your best pitch they win game three give them like this is why they’re going to win game three well look I I said this in a video you can’t sit here and try to game by game break down the series but you just got to take it one game at a time you win game three it’s 2-1 you’re back in business you win game uh four on Friday 22 3-2 series you have Luca donic and Kyrie Irving who are the two best closers the best closing duo in the NBA at least LCA donic who’s played like the best player in the world for like five or six months now and that with that with those two in your back pocket you could beat any team it doesn’t matter who it could be the 96 Bulls the 2017 Golden State Warriors like that’s just the that’s just the power those two punch that that’s just the the power those two have right so you just got to take it a game at a time that’s really what it is and if you win tomorrow night you’re back in business you’ve got the best player in the world on your side and the Mavs just have to keep it close and there are ways they can do it their defense has been good enough for them to win these games and a couple points here and there literally like a fivepoint swing or a six-point swing would have changed the game completely last game I think you get those at home and I think you don’t get the you know porzingis going off for 18 points in the first quarter of or the first half of game one I don’t think you get the Drew holiday gets seven like buckets right at The Rim I don’t think you get that in Dallas I think that those things maybe swing towards the Mavs role players and if that happens you get keep it close to the end and then luuka and Kyrie come into close and if Kyrie doesn’t just completely heed down his own leg the MAV should win game three that’s how I feel about it I do feel confident as well guys uh well I’m not going to lie the say you got to say the thing the V one more thing King the the Vegas line surprised me a little bit cuz that’s like. it’s like a ninepoint swing from game two yeah it was 6.5 for both game one and game two it got to 7.5 I think in game two yeah but there’s something about a team that goes down 02 that you’re like all right we’re going to put true like there’s something to that it’s a breast effort so there you go guys thanks so much for listening to me on lockdown Ms if you’re listening at home we appreciate you and every one of you if you’re here at Four Corners Brewery Dallas Texas thanks everyone for hanging out with us on lockdown Mavs peace out boom Ms and 7 that’s what it always was you had it Ms and 7 from the beginning I did have Mavs and 7 from the beginning

The Dallas Mavericks lost to the Boston Celtics in Game 2 of the 2024 NBA Finals and now Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Dereck Lively II, Daniel Gafford, PJ Washingon Jr, Derrick Jones Jr, and the Mavs have to win Game 3 vs Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown, Jrue Holiday, Kristaps Porzingis, and the Celtics.

Nick Angstadt & Slightly Biased are live discussing the Dallas Mavericks vs Boston Celtics in the NBA Finals, how Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving can both step up, how Kristaps Porzingis’ injury changes things, and what the Mavs need in Game 3.

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  1. Game 2 showed we can Hang in there, to me we need more effort on the boards (Boston is better at Long reboundings and hustle), less turnovers at Momentum killing moments and last but not least, Kyrie to cook!
    I Hope for a W to make this a Series!!

  2. We are done man… KP is playing. I saw an orthopedic say you can definitely play with that injury. They will wrap it up tight and numb it. Remember, he only has to play like 6 mins at a time!

  3. Its paramount that Luka stays out of foul trouble. He can't sit for extended periods. Not saying he's some great defender, but the mavs are terrified of him getting into foul trouble and he does appear to be avoiding extra contact on defense. Its just too risky. There will be some defensive concessions in a situation like this when so much depends on one player being on the floor.

  4. Players in USA : It is a MUST WIN game .. Balkan players ( ex Yugoslavia ) on any regular game : Ok guys .. we are going to WAR !!! 😁

  5. I be more focus on Kyrie Irving From Scotland bricks than sabotage Luka who carry u to the finals. Boston in 4.

    Mavericks, also lose without Porziņģis in regular season.

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