@New York Knicks

BIG Knicks Trade Proposal; Gains Star And Cap Space

BIG Knicks Trade Proposal; Gains Star And Cap Space

oh all TV they scared but I’m not they don’t like in this trade pitch by they said trade Nicks in this trade pitch Nick’s pitch would move Mitchell Robinson for top 10 2024 draft pick and more and what made it what really made it inter because I didn’t care about it until I seen this Mitchell Robertson went down this PO past postseason making it possible that hardenstein could be the answer proposed trade for Zack Buckley from Zack Buckley a Bleacher Report you getting more and more familiar with Zack Buckley you you were talking about the other Zack so Zack Bucky bleach report was the one who said the Knicks would move Robinson to Memphis to the Memphis Grizzlies for Luke Canard the number nine pick and more so the Knicks would give back Luke Canard the number nine pick in the 2024 draft that’s this year’s draft the 2026 second round pick via the Clippers and a 2027 second round pick via Atlanta uh if the Knicks pay anywhere near 72 and A5 million to to keep hardstein that would be a crystal clear indication of their intent to keep him in the starter lineup which is what flea’s been saying that would also sound an alarm for Rob for Robinson whose 14.3 million salary suddenly might be way too much to stomach for a backup big man that alarm could be a music to the ears of the Grizzlies who have a Steven Adams size hole in their Center rotation and could be itching to give back to their Elite ways they talk about uh you know Robinson’s stat his offensive rebounds that could help the the Grizzlies and of course they grit too because they’re not they’re not Grindhouse anymore but they they do have uh an identity right with John Morant when Stephen Adams was there they do have an identity and the other thing about the about this trade is Bohan like bogdanovic the in order for the Knicks to keep him you you have to retain the $19 million for next season and if you make a trade like this and get rid of Mitchell Robinson and you’re going for Luke Canard the reason why that stood out to me is because Luke Canard shoots like 45% from three great shooter he’s bringing you what bogie is missing but if you bring him on he’s Mak he’s making $14 million L Canard is next season bogy would make 19 million if you keep him but now you can trade him or get rid of him for the the $2 million as a cap hit by the way so it hits the cap which is the most important part of all this these equations and now you’re basically paying Canard for Canard and Bogie’s cap hit for 16 million instead of the 19 for bogie next season and Canard is also signed for how many more seasons Luke Canard contract four years 56 million I know it’s 14 million this season and right so next season is a club option for for Luke Canard and after that he’s a free agent so you can still there there’s probably a a no you can’t trade them by like January because they have two two to three different trade deadlines in the season where they’ll say Hey by Janu by December 13th or something like that there’s a first level of of people that can be traded and then January is the same thing I don’t know why they do that I mean yeah I don’t know why they do that but there there’s a reason why like they trying to control the player empowerment more and more they keep on restricting it um but I I I this is tough man because Mitch Robinson is injury-prone if the G if the grizzly are open to it are they giving up that many draft picks or they’re giving up their their first round draft pick like that doesn’t seem likable to me um but entertaining this and something like it it it has to you know has to be a part of the equation because we we want to keep hartstein or Mitchell Robinson is it easier to final Mitchell Robinson I think that may be uh part of the equation as well they it we we talked about it earlier this year it’s way easier to keep or to for to find the big man in a tibs style of play so far it’s been that way it’s harder to find the guards and perimeter players hartenstein oua Mitchell Robinson these are all guys that performed and produced overachieved and of course they’re willing to do it under tip system but they produce in a way that that makes tip system effective with the offensive rebounding extending the offensive possession uh time it it’s I don’t say it’s the only way to do it but it’s it’s it’s uh it’s for me it’s it’s what it’s what makes tip system go even when Julius Randle was here by himself it was Mitchell Robinson Robinson here and we made it seem like a lot of us overlooked Mitchell Robinson back then so finding those you know diamonds in the rups that’s key for a a tib system for this especially with the next 10 years or so we can’t see the Boston Celtics if they win this year we don’t see that you know replicating we can’t see that for 10 years there’s no Drew holiday for the next 10 10 years and Derek white those situations I think would even be I was going to use use the word exacerbated wow but it it came to mind but I think even those those things come uh aren’t likely to happen the league wants to avoid making dynasties they were trying to do that in the 90s but they were also trying to promote Michael Jordan right like so Michael Jordan was the star and you know I always say Michael Jordan was giv the NBA free Comm commercials every hour every half hour on you know every 15 minutes with Nike Gatorade you know you name it McDonald’s uh especially Nike that that Nike is an unofficial NBA partner right and they help promote Michael Jordan because Michael Jordan you know goes hand in hand with the NBA where would you find them especially back then it wasn’t social media what else you going to do that’s what makes the women’s the women’s the revolution of the women’s game different because a lot of them like Angel Reese they coming off like IG models right like it’s sex cells but it’s also the fact that with these nil deals they’re promoting themselves on there so Michael Jordan didn’t he was creating that Avenue for the dudes because you ain’t gonna be sitting on there just being an IG model on Michael Jordan in this era but guys I guess they do do that we’ve seen Dan bazilian whatever his name is and frauds out here selling a lifestyle um but I went on a crazy rant right now but um the league is going differently and and the 90s they were trying to capture or push for this Michael Jordan Leed league but they also because of that that’s why you saw the late 90s all the money coming in and you saw all the point guards turned into two guards and they ultimately led to the rule changes where they wanted more Michael Jordans more Magic Johnson’s right they they were promoting that so it opened the game up he put his zone defense in there and it was a lot of guard play in the 2000s but they were inefficient right they weren’t Michael Jordan they didn’t have the combination of of that will and skill and and and body type and you had the dynasty still because the the salary caps weren’t as constrainted they were able to have you know the Lakers the Spurs and and Minnesota was restrained also that’s not talked about enough the Minnesota timber wols if you think about it Kevin Garnett had to go to the Boston Celtics because they lost all their draft picks with the Joe Smith ordeal right Joe Smith the Minnesota Timberwolves kind of signed Joe Smith underneath the table and they lose a bunch of money a bunch of draft picks who Kevin Garnett never finds a young guy to team up with Stefon mberry asked for a trade so they never have their onew tandem the future Stockton and Malone as they were dubbed so all these things happened in the late 90s early 2000s and now you have every team especially on the Eastern Conference in the Eastern Conference it’s pretty much one star player with a bunch of role players right like you have Allan Ion with a bunch of role players even though it’s Mumble there when when they traded Ratliff for Matumbo he’s still later in his career and it’s a bunch of role players same thing with Vince car when Tac left because they were leaving to become the single star for an organization and even that again is not the TAC Grant Hill pairing was supposed to happen and that fell through so there was a lot of things that took place Penny Hardway falling through Penny all these injuries that took place made it so that unfortunately for the league they didn’t think about the attrition that guards go through maybe in the 80s we didn’t have so many guards you know having these injuries and small forwards the star guards especially that now in the 2000s happened this is what was going on now it was like one star per team and it was like all right by the time Philly plays the Lakers they don’t have a chance Orlando was supposed to be a Powerhouse with Grant Hill and t- but they don’t have a chance if it’s just T-Mac even though I went on a Rand about T-Mac this morning and people hated me for but and he was supposed to stay in Toronto like that would have been amazing but it didn’t happen that way because the allore of chasing his big bag and being the star of a team and now in this day and age we saw what the Golden State Warriors did and how they they averted everything and Lebron team hopping leading the team hop era right the player empowerment that it it became if that was a response to the previous decade where he said well Kobe got five rings and all his demand in China he’s only getting that because they’re teaming him up over there in the Lakers with a team I’m in Cleveland I don’t have another all NBA play player next to me I can’t get one I I would have to rely on Dan Gilbert so it’s it’s tough to go through that and the NBA is saying we don’t care they’re making it so that LeBron can never leave Cleveland again that’s what they want because all these cap constraints or maybe if you find those two stars in the draft with Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum imagine after this are you going to give Jason Tatum $300 million $400 million to pair him up with Jason with Jaylen Brown that’s going to be a how if you’re going to do that then the fans are going to know oh man how we gonna get the role players the Knicks have the blueprint for it if you find guys that are Diamonds in the Rough that’s why jayen Brunson saying he’s taking less money you know the other guys I don’t want to say they should follow Su there a lot of money they’re turning down but this is a direct response to the the last two decades right like it’s this is a direct response to the last two decades from from from the NBA and the big money coming up with with with NBA with the medor rights billions of dollars in the next 11 years I’m surprised they sign for 11 years by the way but you have the next decade coming up the NBA Adam Sila it was saying man if we keep all these guards in their in their Star City we can keep selling these tickets look at kawhai with the Clippers why would the Clippers think they have they have to sign kawhai Leonard because they just built the stadium and they want to recoup I think I mean balmer’s a billionaire but that stadium is amazing and you want to put it’s not just the fact that I always talk to shout out to Dime man I always talk to Dime about this basketball-wise it doesn’t make sense to resign go wild under and Paul George and James it doesn’t make sense they’re injury-prone it’s not like if you guys think that’s a championship team that’s fine but I still think they’re flawed but that’s not even the point even if they were a championship team we saw how the injury how they’re so injury-prone Paul George included so the only reason why you keep them is because you know kawh lard is going to be is going to load manage himself Steph Curry is going to load manage himself uh not not well the teams are goingon to load manage Steph Curry right because Steph Curry even spoke out against this he came out and he said you think I don’t want to play basketball they’re making me sit so the team they know if I can prolong their careers meaning prolong the hope that they are are on the court in your mind as a fan you are have a carrot in front of your face and they cha and you’re chasing that carrot all day all every single day as a fan all these niney olds 12 year olds 15 year olds even 20 year olds even grown men 40y old plus 41 baby you chase this allore of having a celebrity play it’s easier to sell that ticket with Steph Curry on there whether he’s playing or not it’s easy to sell that ticket with Ka under Ka under there whether he’s playing or not the Knicks we found our star on Jaylen Brunson he’s not going to be the super mega star that LeBron and these guys are he wasn’t coming into the league like like that even though he won in college either way he found the Knicks found their star so and they have a coach and they have a coach and they have a system SO trading a Mitchell Robinson these kind of Trades they’re going to happen more often because you have to make yourself flexible at all times collect as many draft picks as possible you have to you have to be Beyond flexible with your cap you’re trading and you cannot tie yourself down unless you do have a LeBron which is a if you have LeBron you had a Michael Jordan these guys are a 20y year difference when one between their drafts they’re supernovas like they’re supernovas they like Jordan got injured one season really and he took a year and a half off or he’s playing baseball whatever it was wink wink right but they played like he went to a he went to a three Michael Jordan did a three PE went to the Olympics and he was still dominating that’s very rare so the league doesn’t want to rely on that they’d rather rely on the hope that these guys can play and sell those tickets and the Knicks they’re kind of the opposite of that with the with the the work ethic and the culture uh Jaylen Jaylen Brunson and again that’s why I think this makes sense if you can go for a Luke Canal you trade Mitchell Robinson to the Grizzlies for Luke Canard and a couple draft picks cuz now you’re now you’re filling in feeling uh making up for losing bogy and getting that shooting back and you you knock about three $3 million on the cap for next season and then you have that first round draft pick if it is a first round draft pick that they do get or a future first round draft pick and they’re talking about pairing that up to get another star that that for the Knicks would be when we talk about money talk about growing the Knicks to doubling I think they could they can double in value and the the I would think the NBA wants that but they can’t show interest in that but I can see them doubling within within the next three or four years if you win a championship with this culture and everything so that Mitchell Robinson trade is amazing man I it really is uh of course we were hurt to lose Mitchell Robinson because it’s that’s just tough that’s just tough to lose Mitch he’s uh we’re tied to him um yeah that’s just rough man it really isv they scared but I’m not they don’t like

BIG Knicks Trade Proposal; Gains Star And Cap Space
AllBall TV Presents Knicks Rehab

Knicks Rehab proposed Knicks trade involves Mitchell Robinson potentially being swapped for a top 10 draft pick or Luke Kennard from the Grizzlies, with financial considerations like salary cap impact and player contracts being central. The discussion highlights the importance of finding players suitable for the team’s system, reflecting on the challenges of building NBA dynasties in the current era of player empowerment and financial constraints. Various trade scenarios are analyzed, emphasizing the need for flexibility and strategic planning in roster management.

Knicks’ Massive Trade Bombshell: Star Acquisition & Cap Freedom!

Knicks Rehab Discusses Knicks Coach Tom Thibodeau

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  1. i hope that with in a year or so, yall stop the click bait…. rawhebrew warned me about other knicks channels and here yall go……..

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