@Miami Heat

The Miami Heat are Trading For… (ft. Adam Borai)

The Miami Heat are Trading For… (ft. Adam Borai)

no I think it’s the summer of change damn that’s the most comfortable thing I’m looking to because his last season was BS I I save China wow Royal when you inevitably see this I’m going look right in the camera I love him love him love him it still haunts me at night sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat ran over to this flipped over Lamborghini I’m not even sure if Adam bar is a real person at this point or just AI truthfully he said something about you being like a fake and a and a fraud wow what what do you know don’t worry about welcome back I got a very very special guest today it’s a guy that you guys may know very well but also know nothing about it all he’s a guy that’s everywhere at once but also nowhere at all he’s the guy with the sources so when he talks the people listen we got my guy adamy how you doing today bro I’m doing well how you P you oh I’m excited man so you posted on Twitter that you coming back out of hiding so tell the people what you got going on man in life how things going with you well like you said I was in hiding and uh uh you know I just took some time off um wanted to focus on my career get things going uh in that aspect uh I’ve still been pretty active in the basketball and Heat Community but uh Twitter’s not man it’s just not as fun um but uh you know I took the year and I I thought now was the time to come back and to just sort of like enjoy the community and enjoy the chaos so I like that you’re able to acknowledge I guess as Royal always says to take one of his quotes is Twitter and the internet just a bunch of ones and zeros and if you don’t want to deal with that [ __ ] just shut it off too many people online they let it get to them too much I’m like if you don’t like it just walk away you could shut off your computer you could turn down the laptop so I certainly think it’s good that you were able to step away but it is good to have you back as much as we joke and Twitter on stuff it’s nice to have you here so I want to actually talk about a little bit of how we met and are a little bit of History knowing each other these last couple years so how exactly is it that you became aware of my existence and what’s that kind of story there you think I’m going to Gess you up or anything you’re sorely mistaken that’s not something I’m going to do here if you think will say here to be positive about me then you don’t know me very well all right you know I I I’ll say this I’ll say this I I I came about your YouTube page uh when uh Royal and I were looking for new contrib for the basement and uh Royal wasn’t about it I was about it I was a fan I was like look this kid He’s got potential and I’m calling you a kid and you’re older than me I’s He’s got potential he he can uh he can talk he’s got editing skills he all these whatever I’m not gonna sit here and Gess you up but uh Royal what did Royal he said something about you being like a fake and a and a fraud and uh I was like hey man he but I want to get him on and and talk to him uh and so we did and that’s how we uh that’s how you and I met yeah I think the fact that Royal did not like me probably motivated you even more to want me on the network uh cuz Royal a shepard hates my guts he always has and he always will uh but I did start to earn a little bit of his respect when I was uh made that witness weekly video uh with the Emoji awesome feedback after episode one and I’m show that to y’all I want to tell the story about the first and only time so far that we met in person this man Adam bar was back in Fort Lauderdale and we were going to hang out with some of the guys at a at a restaurant I actually met up with gadio card cardena we was waiting at the restaurant and we’re waiting for Adam chicken chicken sandwich B yeah bats and we waiting me and Gad having a good time he’s an awesome dude and I’m not even sure if Adam bar is a real person at this point or just AI truthfully and this man Adam never shows up and then we get a text and he says come essentially come save me have a flat tire on the side of the road so what happened that night what what’s your account of that night I just gone out of the Fort Lauderdale Airport and my friend was picking me up and I remember we were going to go meet up and go eat or we were no we were just going to going to go straight to the restaurant and eat and uh like 10 minutes within getting in that car it just entire broke and uh we were stuck on the side of the road for a good hour and then you guys just wanted to take your time took you like half an hour to get to me that’s all right that’s what I remember I remember you guys taking a very long time to get to the car yeah Adam you’re lucky we showed up at all because I came down from Fort Myers for the night and we essentially spent that night eating burgers in my car on the side of the highway while we waited for someone that knew how to change that’s true because because we were sitting in the car for hours that night just talking hi it out but it was a it was a good time so that was my first little anecdotes of the first time that I met Bri but for those of y’all you know what hold on hold on hold on we I remember now we left the car on the side of the road to go get our food M and then we came back to the car I remember yeah so that was uh that was my first time meeting bar was parked on the side of the highway praying that my car wasn’t going to get smashed by some driver coming down the side there but for those of y’all that that don’t know bar as well or maybe just know him as as the heat Twitter guy we got a little segment here to get to know him a little bit more that I like to call Wheel of questions first [Music] puzzle Adam borai will of questions that’s it you got it presented by odds Jam looking to up your game in sports betting meet odds Jam your Ultimate Ally in the world of data driven wagering with over 260 Sports books under its belt odds Jam is the go-to place for Savvy betters and here’s how it works odds jams are rrage tool scans the market in real time spotting differences in betting lines across different sports books this means that you can lock in risk-free profits by betting both sides of the market but wait there’s more odds Jam also provides a positive EV calculator to help you optimize your bets and a handy bet tracker to monitor your profits by using odds Jam you’re not just betting smarter you’re betting more responsibly leading to long-term profitability and here’s the kicker they offer a 7-Day free trial ready to try it out use promo code Anthony to get 35% off your first month secure your Bets with confidence and make informed decisions using odds Jam so I’m going to go ahead and bring up my handy dandy wheel here where we got a couple interesting questions now I know you can’t see the wheel but trust me there’s nothing too bad on there we’re going to go ahead and give it a spin and the first question that we have for Adam says who is your least favorite athlete of all time Tyler Johnson T because of the 4year 50 million he was there’s some other things but you know yeah wow what what do you know don’t worry about it don’t worry about it you okay I could tell by the hesitation in your voice is it something is it personal or is it something you heard though um personal is he not a good dude that’s all I want to know don’t worry about it he’s a okay ca I like Tyler Johnson yes he was over the main thing the main thing is the contract man the main thing okay so you wish that Brooklyn would have just he would have never matched Brooklyn’s offer absolutely well because to be honest I think to this day the heater still paying ramifications of that because not not just his contract but they had to attach second round picks to offload him you know they got Ryan Anderson who I think they stretched and they were still paining in forever and I think that’s part of the reason they’re still in salary cap hell today so that’s where it all started with he was Tyler Johnson that fact that I said it that fast tells you something that’s a good one though uh that’s a good no hesitation let’s let’s do one more then cuz I actually that’s that’s an interesting answer there the second question we got for same I didn’t pay for this I didn’t pay for this program to give me the same damn question two times in a row okay I swear I tested this [ __ ] before and we didn’t Johnson’s spinning the whe who what is your craziest College story a man that just shared some pretty great news that he’s uh just graduated with his uh what’s your technical degree there then uh jur doctorate so law degree law degree okay just got some exciting news got his law degree there uh I’d imagine you spent quite a lot of time in school what’s the crazi story that you feel comfortable sharing with the people okay that I feel that I’ve been personally involved in that I feel comfortable sharing feel comfortable sharing I’m not trying to out you here so back back at um I was uh I was in my car and I was uh driving down us one with with a friend of mine and I don’t know if you know anything about um and the international kids and the that they have but uh there was this beautiful Lamborghini driving by and going super fast and it was drizzling out that day so it was a little wet out and car zooms right past us uh right in front of the um campus and and flips over because of how because of the rain and they tried to switch lanes uh last second right in front of me um and so the car is flipping and it’s tumbling and um obviously like you know the car is is flipped over and we just like stop the car go on the side and he’s stunned know what to do and I’m like all right we got to run and try to help these people sensible people would be like all right the car is f smoking like call the authorities leave it alone and I assumed other people were doing that um so me and like two other guys that were in other car ran over to this flipped over Lamborghini and because I’m I’m worried the smoke is coming out I don’t know what what’s going to happen I open this door and I just I don’t know what to expect but I see these two Chinese students sideways on this car and they can’t even their eyes are closed like I I’m really scared and worried about them the amount of Chinese that was thrown at my face that I didn’t understand and my first thought was obviously like I have to get these kids out and they were so thin that I was just like threw them out of the car but that was the day that I I tell people I saved the international kids that’s the most comfortable thing I’m willing to you saved China I I saved China damn that you know what that story that owes you uh a lot of uh that that you’re allowed a lot of sins after that story to kind of cancel that you know what I mean so for all the stories you don’t feel comfortable sharing I think saving those children saving lives multiple certainly not something I’ve ever done by the way the car didn’t like blow up it wasn’t sit there nothing would have happened the authorities could have came and helped these guys they were fine it was very strange that they were completely fine um and if you want receipts I’ve got the photos to prove it I a photo right in front of the car it was a good feeling damn all right you got uh that’s that’s a cool story man that is a cool story I appreciate that all right let’s get into to what the people uh well I do think the people are genuinely interested in you because you’re sort of like a mystery man on Twitter to a lot of people uh because you obviously you know a lot of things that that gets the people going so that’s kind of what I want to transition into now is the talk of he basketball this off season we’ll start with what do you think is the best case scenario this this is your opinion not not what most realistic what do you want to see best case scenario yeah and like for in your opinion what do you want to see some guys are big on Mitch some guys aren’t what do you want to see yeah uh if we could see a direct swap uh not direct but some where out goes Jimmy Butler in Mitchell and you have a lineup that consists of Y and Bam those four and you keep some of your assets you keep the majority of of the developmental players together that would be a win to me and I’d be excited about the future of the team uh and then you would figure out okay now we have an extra few years competing we’re playoff uh contenders we might not be Championship contenders but we can fill around the margin about six or seven years of time with the switch from Jimmy to Donovan other than that I I I know that no one wants to see Jimmy go and I don’t want to see him go but I am a fan of the heat first before I’m a fan of of Jimmy Butler and it’s in the Heat’s best interest to win a championship to move Jimmy baller so you don’t I I understand you like Jimmy you know as a person play whatever but you wouldn’t rather see them add Mitchell to that core of bam and Jimmy if possible uh the the BAM Jimmy core even if you do add let’s say for example Damen Lillard uh is is suddenly available this off season and you can put a team of those three together uh and then you fill out the rest of the roster I think it’s too late due to declining age due to uh rapidly declining Health to expect that this team will stay together for more than a 50 or 60 game stretch in the regular season or rather enough to have a high seed in the regular season and then to after that go win in the playoffs and stay healthy throughout four grueling Series where I don’t expect them to be a high SE a high ranked team in the first place so I expect them to be seated seven or six and then to go through Milwaukee go through Philly go through Boston and then magically be healthy for whatever daunting Western Conference team is on the other side I just don’t expect it so I think Jimmy has done the most that anyone could do with the cast that he was given uh to the point where I think even LeBron would have equaled or rivaled the same impact that Jimmy had if you switch Jimmy and LeBron but I think the windows closed simply put so I don’t disagree with that because two years ago I said I feel comfortable saying there’s two more seasons of this version of Jimmy that ended last year when he got hurt by from Kelly UB but do you think he ends up getting that extension this year and if he doesn’t does he ask out what do you think is going to happen there uh I think neither happens personally I can see a scenario where he doesn’t get his extension and he doesn’t ask out so the he end up uh rolling the dice and I don’t know if this is intentional on their part I think some members of that front office actually want to see significant change at this point it could end up being the best of both worlds when it comes stay competitive keeping your star player uh and also not committing to him for an extra season at $60 million because I don’t think that at age 35 36 37 paying someone $60 million is the brightest financial decision with that being said I I think neither and we have a happy medium between the Heat and the player yeah I agree man like people heard Jimmy but or Pat Riley’s comments in the postseason presser and they freaked out to me Jimmy’s a guy that likes confrontation I think he appreciates being called out on his BS because his last season was BS taking as many games off as he did to still get HT in the playin that was BS and I think he understands if the heat don’t want to commit $58 million to him when he’s going to be 38 years old so I think he’s going to look at that and say hey you’re right I was on BS I’m going to be on my [ __ ] to go off next season and earn the money that I’ll then accept you you think that’s kind of how it’ll go uh I I don’t think he’ll be happy about accepting that money or not accepting the extension but I also don’t really disag I don’t agree with your characterization that he sort of took off a bunch of games I think he was genuinely injured there was nothing he could do about it and again he got injured in the playoffs nothing he could do about it uh so I think Heat’s argument to him is you took off games then you still got injured their argument is you’re old and these injuries aren’t going to go away so do you think because I like what you said people obviously LeBron’s a better player I think even to this day I would trade Jimmy for LeBron let’s say Lakers can’t get a competent coach now that reic might be out they can’t get Dan Dan Hurley let’s say LeBron walks I’d still take him but like you said Jimmy kind of took this team as far as really anyone could so do you think the heat failed Jimmy Butler and what are some moves that you would have liked to see see them do differently during his tenure during his tenure I just told you that I didn’t want him on the team any to the failure of the heat front office so yes the heat did fail him uh in a lot of different aspects you can he me oh you don’t know what the offers were you don’t know how hard they tried to go after a Dame to go after these other High Caliber players even if they didn’t go After High Caliber players 37y old old Kyle Lowry 35y old PJ Tucker and then you didn’t pay him afterwards and let him go those are the kind of moves I think really irked uh some of Jimmy Butler’s Entourage when it comes to not supplying him with enough did acquest to Jimmy and get him Kyle Lowry but at some point you can’t listen to the player you have to listen to whatever you think is in the interest of your team uh and the best interest of the team is to go out and get the best players the most talented players the ones that fit the entire team not just Jimmy that fit the entire Age movement of the team so 26 27 year olds with Talent uh and I think they definitely failed in that regard uh not even discussing how they failed to move off of players that they knew were going to leave they knew were going to command salary they weren’t going to be able to pay a lesson that they have not learned over the 10 years that they have operated in this post LeBron post big three era not being able to capitalize on what they do best we talk about their player Improvement their development system they take guys that are waved or or undrafted players and I just feel like they lost a lot of movement and an an ability to improve the roster because they couldn’t capitalize on getting more second round picks or first round picks or uh stability flexibility to get better players uh and just let their homegrown players go as far as they could take them and then just let him go yeah Kendrick nun comes to mind obviously Gabe and Max even though he was a signning trade about to have the same thing happen with Caleb Martin that’s bad asset management and then when you’re signing guys like deadmond and have to attach a second round pick to get rid of him that stuff adds up Adam and that’s part of the reason that as you said they kind of failed Jimmy we can we can go even further the reason they had to give up a let’s let’s go back to9 or 2018 for example uh 2019 do you know what they did well they you talking about they had to give up Jay Rich because that a Hassan Whiteside contract was a monster it wasn’t the Hassan Whiteside contract that was the problem they had to give up J Rich and a first round pck which hindered them to make future moves was the Catalyst for them having to give up actual players and assets to get jimy Butler was the Dion Waiters and James Johnson contracts where the entire world told you that they had the best season of their careers you give them four-year contracts each where they immediately regretted it within half a season of that new contract so you can go even further and before then giving Tyler Johnson 20 million a year for two years the the the mistakes are just compounding over and over again and that’s how you end up in the position that you are don’t have control of your assets you don’t have control of uh what protections and and for each year of draft it’s because of the decisions that you make 10 years ago and they’re very shortsighted uh and I think for team and an organization that so far into the future about how they want to run their things to the point where we already know who the next president of basketball operations is they failed to do that in the actual basketball Activity Part the basketball operations part they failed to have these longstanding uh ideas and thought processes to go through with it yeah that’s kind of why I personally think that they are going to end up extending Jimmy even though I am against it right now I’d rather wait and see how the season plays out but they lost Dwayne Wade I think they ended up regretting it and they tried to make up for that by doing this whole heat family campaign and that’s when they gave James Johnson and Deion waiters these giant deals and I don’t think they’re going to want to make the same mistake letting Jimmy walk that’s why I kind of think they ultimately pay him this offseason too I didn’t say I think they’re gonna pay they’re not gonna pay him but they’re also not going to trade him oh yeah there I think there’s zero percent chance of that well I’m gonna name a few guys that are in the trade market and I want you to give me a percentage on the Miami Heat acquire ing them this offseason the first one I got is Trey young I mean they’re all going to be low percentages because they’re just players on other teams so I’m going to say if if if I say anything above 20% you know wink wink that’s that’s that’s something to they’re going to try to do if anything’s below that then you know so Trey I’ll give you a solid 133% I think they really don’t want guys that can’t play defense so I I’m with you there I like it though I like the fit he’s going to unlock Bam’s game like crazy I I love try young and and if it’s not Donovan Mitchell give me Trey young give me low marketing give me that grouping of players and I know that’s definitely who you’re gonna mention next well next buddy I got the Jon Murray people think he’s more realistic because he was a pretty solid perimeter Defender at one point 5% five Al so you think they like because they probably look at Trey is more of a whale and I I do too so I I think it’s more of we we have we had the decision of either acquiring Deonte Murray at a sub higher cost or Terry Rosier and they picked Terry rir so why would we go back on that decision and pay substantially more for Deon and then have to find Terry a new home or move him to the bench it just compounds the decision so if you’re not going to go after a whale like Trey uh the need to go after these I wouldn’t call it marginal upgrades but horizontal and parallel upgrades uh doesn’t make as much sense yeah so what about Donovan Mitchell then I I think he might resign that extension just because there hasn’t been a lot of smoke I think that if Donovan were to hint that he wanted to get traded from Cleveland that’s the scenario where I think the heat will will go to Jimmy and say look I don’t think we’re going to offer you this extension and if you’re going to ask for a trade ask now and if you don’t we’re GNA hobble our assets together and uh and try to make a package without including you so that we can run with the roster of Jimmy Don and Bam I think that’s probably their preferred route H us many assets together and have those three on the team together which I don’t mind either perfectly fine with that I don’t care who goes out as long as you have Donovan and B’s team your future is bright but uh I’ll give you a 16% chance of that okay so a little bit higher than Trey I I agree it kind of depends who else is interested because the Nets have five tradable first the Knicks have seven tradeable first the Thunder have 11 the heat can’t beat those teams but they may not be interested so kind of depends because and it also depends how much the Cavs value aam hakz and Nico yic so I probably would say something around what you said as well uh what about lry marinin another guy you mentioned earlier that still has a lot of trade value even though he is an expiring contract I would love him I love him love him love him and if the question were phrased differently in regard to I think is realistic versus what I would prefer Lowry and Donovan would be neck and neck at the top of that list Donovan would be right above him but it would be very close realistically though I don’t see the Heat going after all Lowry simply put because of those other teams that have a lot more and low someone to specific specifically request the team and so Danny will pick whatever the best offer is and that will be the heat so I’m gonna put that at around 10% yeah because example OKC they might not want Donovan Mitchell because of the fit with Shay but they would take lotry marketing on that team I think he I think he’d fit pretty seamlessly at the four and they could slide Jay dub up to the three so I I that’s pretty good logic there as well the next two guys I got really don’t have as much trade value so maybe you think it’s more likely what do you think about Brandon Ingram’s likelihood of getting sent to Miami 21% uh I like Brandon Ingram I think he’s got a bad rep the fit wasn’t always clean in New Orleans but he’s someone that I can I can see fitting in really well in Miami in a post Jimmy Butler era and even while still here they can coexist with one another I know he’s he’s not a plus Defender uh he he’s seen it as more of a ball hog he’s not a plus pass in any way or rebounder for someone that’s 68 69 maybe even 610 I don’t know uh but I think that the Heat have looked into and checked into and tried to make happen and it wouldn’t shock me if they go route to try to make things work yeah but my concern with him in theory it’s great right the heat needs scoring they could use shooting Ingram does both of that but people always say the was awkward in New Orleans like was it I feel like a pairing of him from the perimeter and Zion is obviously an inside guy I feel like that should have worked better than it did and their numbers together are not good bi needs the ball Zion in a lot of aspects the in order to get his numbers uh so the fit to me isn’t the smoothest there with with Miami they wouldn’t ask to be one guy they would ask him to sort of uh pick his shots and and and do what he does best uh which I think is a really underrated aspect in team building where a lot of teams put players in positions to to fail way and the heat really have a good understanding of what a player’s capabilities are and do a good job in in getting them in those positions I think they would do the same thing with with guy yeah he’s got a lot of talent you give him a guy like SPO he would find out how to optimize that so yeah that’s a good point too the last name is probably the only guy that I’ve mentioned that I legitimately would be upset if they got and it’s Zack LaVine 6% I don’t think he’s someone that 5% I don’t think there’s someone that they’re less interested in that makes a substantial amount of money because they would rather have Tyler hero I would rather have Tyler Hero at his price at his contract at his ability and his age if it were four years ago before he signed that big contract with Chicago I would have easily SW for Zack before his injury concerns I would have easily swapped Tyler for Zack but at the same time if there is nothing for the heat available to them give me Zach for whatever salary filler is available I would do that easily yeah because I’m with you I get a ton of comments saying oh Zack LaVine bring him to Miami and at first I think they’re crazy but at the same time like you said all the other guys they have a low percentage chance of coming here I agree so if the options are run it back or [ __ ] it let’s see if it works with Zack LaVine I probably would pick option two so I am kind of with you there it’s really that simple they cannot run it back or have three of the same starting five next year and there needs to be a lot of changes in that regard even a philosophical change for offens minded players for once and actually compete and score in the hundreds when it comes time to for for us to score I mean let’s not play 80s basketball yeah because they scored under 90 points like three times in a postseason I don’t care if they didn’t have Jimmy Butler in the year 2024 that should not happen so all of that being said the last thing we’ll kind of get into here before before we get you out of here is what do you think the most realistic outcome of this off season do they get anyone someone small or they ultimately run it back no I think it’s the summer of change for sure and I I’ve definitely said this before I’ve said this last year and the year before then but I think they finally cracked uh in some way the fact that there are those Jimmy Butler rumors swirling there are a lot of players that look to be on the move this summer Happ is about to significantly shift uh to a degree that would make Mickey’s boots tremble and it’s the type of Summer that will Define the next era are you going to make bambo feel like he can’t win in Miami or are you going to build the team around him make him feel like he is the number one option and he is the future of this team for the next 10 years and he can still go to 2024 summer of Olympics and recruit people to Miami I could not agree more because it still haunts me at night sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat and remember the many conversations I used to have on Twitter especially with George from the basement and I used to say Tyler hero is not three first round picks worse than Donovan Mitchell and to this day I feel like an idiot so that being said Adam I appreciate you coming on man and taking some time to talk with me is there anything you want to shout out that you got going on while you’re here I I should be going on a few podcasts and shows over the next two three weeks if the baseman is going to do anything I I might pull up to that otherwise uh it’s good to be back uh I’m excited that you’re my first show that I’m back on with yeah uh and if if there is a clickbait title to this that’s not my fault you didn’t give me too much to work with but I usually think of something and considering Royal hasn’t paid me in like two and a half years I think the uh the basement account is running dry with funds uh and you’re always a good way to get some resources in there so Adam thank you I appreciate let me let me make one more let me make one more Royal when you inevitably see this I’m gonna look right in the camera Royal you owe me 500 bucks I expect that in a check tomorrow morning if I don’t get it watch care to share what four nope Johnson that’s the reason hey if y’all stay to this point of the video comment down below Tyler Johnson’s a bum and I’ll favored your comment that being said I’ll see y’all next time P up in City to get that it on my had kill off yeah I need a head space you know this homegrown [ __ ] don’t offend me hm

All Miami Heat rumors including Jimmy Butler, Donovan Mitchell, Trae Young, Lauri Markkanen, Zach Lavine, and more with special guest Adam Borai. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news. #miamiheat #nba #miamiheatnews #jimmybutler #tylerherro #bamadebayo #nbadraft #donovanmitchell

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The Basement: @TheBasementSportsNetwork

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Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
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Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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0:00 Intro
0:54 Where has Adam been?
1:57 How we first met
5:39 Wheel of Questions
5:56 Sponsor
7:00 Wheel of Questions cont.
12:13 Best Case Scenario for Heat Offseason
16:30 Will Jimmy Butler Demand a Trade?
17:55 Have the Heat Failed Jimmy Butler?
22:51 Trae Young to Miami?
23:43 Dejounte Murray Interest
24:35 Is Donovan Mitchell Realistic?
25:50 Lauri Markkanen a Strong Option
26:56 Possibility of Brandon Ingram
29:00 Zach Lavine Not Happening
30:50 Miami Heat Changes CONFIRMED
32:27 Closing Thoughts


  1. Tyler 👏🏼 Stupid 👏🏼 Bucktooth 👏🏼 Hilbilly 👏🏼 Johnson 👏🏼 Is 👏🏼 A 👏🏼 Bum 👏🏼!! 😂

  2. 12:46 FAAAACTS. People need to let their emotional attachment to jimmy make them think he should stay at all costs. We have a ceiling so long as hes our best player and we should move early before its too late.

  3. You have to look at it like you’re going after an elite point of attack defender in Alex Caruso and taking on Lavine to get him. I don’t think I do it unless Caruso is attached.

    BUT Lavine is just flatly better than Herro, either way. Herro doesn’t suck, but I don’t think anyone including Tyler believes that he would be a preferred starter on this team, and that shit energy has hung over this team for way too long.

    I would trade him for a pick swap and nothing else, just to turn the page.

  4. Lowry and Tucker were Jimmy's preference. You can't purely say the Heat failed Jimmy Butler. They also gave him the players he requested. There is blame to go all around.

  5. See this kinda stuff is proof to me of the freaking brainworms of people's minds on the NBA media. How the hell did people go from, "Hey we need to get Jimmy and Bam a third superstar like Donovan Mitchell this offseason to win a champiionship" to "Hey we need to trade Jimmy Butler to get Donovan Mitchell and basically still not compete for anything significant."

    I'm sorry……WHAT?!?!?!?

    This is why I am glad that Pat Riley is around, I at least trust him to not think this viably acceptable.

  6. Using Kyle Lowry ass an example as to how the Heat falsely "failed Jimmy" is absurd considering Jimmy was the reason they got him.

  7. If they get to the Zac Lavine option… I’d rather rebuild and sell not only Jimmy but fire sale the whole team except bam.

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