@Atlanta Hawks

Lakers Benefit From Hawks Trade News

Lakers Benefit From Hawks Trade News

what’s going on everyone so one of the big potential trade partners that the Lakers are going to be looking at this upcoming offseason is the Atlanta Hawks right and going into this offseason it was like okay Atlanta is clearly trading one of dejonte Murray or tryan right deante seems to kind of have a bigger Market obviously he’s cheaper right he kind of fits a little more where Trey is kind of more High usage we on ball right like clearly you know Trey is the better player but his Market is a lot Slimmer because primarily his contract more than anything right I think if Trey’s contract was the same as like Deonte I think you know that that might flip a little bit but given his contract that could become a problem but the Lakers are interested in both right the Lakers were heavily going after Deon Murray uh at the trade deadline unfortunately it fell through it didn’t work out uh and the idea originally was that Atlanta wanted to build around uh Trey young young as well as Jaylen Johnson right like that was kind of the the idea okay we want to take Johnson we want to take young those are our two guys going forward because you know Trey is so young still right’s 25 right so the idea was like hey we could kind of go through this rebuild a little bit over the next like two three years or whatever get this right trade to jante for whatever we can get for him and then kind of make that push over the next few years well reports are coming out that Atlanta may actually trade both uh trun and Deon Murray and just kind of rebuild with Johnson in the number one pick that basically everybody they’re willing to kind of unload trade get off of um but instead of it’s like one or the other it could potentially be both that they are open and they are going to be looking to trade de jonte Murray as well as trading trun now the reason this is important and the reason that this is significant is because it gives the Lakers more options right so like there are teams San Antonio for example um the New Orleans Pelicans is another one that is rumored to be interested in Deonte Murray the problem that the Lakers would have ran into is if the Lakers missed out on Deonte Murray they might just by default now missed out on try young because Atlanta may not end up trading him where now if let’s say they miss out on Deon Murray they can go and make the trade for trun still and still get that other star or or vice versa right like let’s say a team does pick up trade I mean same thing there’s talks about uh you know potentially the the Pelicans and the San Antonio Spurs and several other teams that may actually have some interest in Trey let’s say one of those teams go and take Trey right well now the Lakers will be like oh well now what and if they miss out on Donovan Mitchell it’s like okay so the Lakers aren’t getting a star of this offseason right like the Lakers now are just trying to you know pick up scraps or whatever right but now if let’s say know team does say the Spurs again we’ll just use them as example say the Spurs do end up taking Trey well now the Lakers could go and trade for Deon Murray who again I would prefer deante I’m sure many people would as well I believe and I I said this I’m going to remain consistent I think if the Lakers do get anybody it’s probably Trey because I just think his Market is going to be incredibly thin incredibly small and I just think I don’t think it would cost the farm like the Lakers have assets to trade but they don’t have like this plethora of assets right like even if Donovan Mitchell becomes available it’s more likely just a fairy tale right it’s kind of fugazi almost right like unless Donovan’s like I only want to go to Lakers right like if he pulls an Anthony Davis then I think the Lakers could end up getting Donovan Mitchell but if he’s open to like anybody else right like if he’s like ah you know hey send me either Brooklyn or the Lakers right I think he goes to Brooklyn I just do I just think Brooklyn put together more comparable package that maybe make more sense right so that’s the problem is it’s not so much that like oh we don’t have assets to get trades done and get something moving and throw our hat in the ring but it’s it’s other teams depending on the player that are going to go in like Lori marinin right like I don’t realistically think we could trade for Lori marketing because I think that there’s going to be other teams that are willing to trade for him that can just you know like I think the Oklahoma City thunder make the most sense for Lori marketing right the Thunder could outbid us just for fun right like they they are they right now are the Steve bomber of assets right like they have so many draft picks they need to get rid of stuff just to get rid of stuff so they can overpay for guys just to overpay for guys right so like that’s the problem that the Lakers are running into you have teams that have cap space you have teams that have the assets right so the Lakers any type of bidding war it just makes things really difficult unless somebody really does push for the Lakers again using Deonte uh or not Deon Donovan Mitchell as an example if he’s really pushing hard for the Lakers well then I think that again that that puts the Lakers in the driver seat gives them a lot of Leverage or same thing with Trey right like if they’re really kind of looking to trade Trey and he’s like I only want to go to the Lakers well then you know now that kind of puts the Lakers in the driver’s seat to where they they basically can just go and acquire him um but I just I look at the scope and I know people don’t really want Trey I’m not really big on Trey either like if we didn’t have LeBron I would take Trey all day like if LeBron does end up leaving this offseason which I would be shocked if he does like genuinely shocked if he does I don’t believe that that’s going to happen but again I could be wrong been wrong before and it is a possibility right he’s very likely going to opt out he could be a free agent you know a team like the Sixers could sign him right and he actually like Sixers make a lot of sense for LeBron right like if LeBron wanted his best chance to win another championship it’s probably with the Sixers you know for being honest but like let’s just say LeBron does go to the Sixers right at that point yeah go get Trey right because at that point I just think Anthony Davis and Trey young young make a ton of sense together as a Duo as Tandem and you could go pull that off make that move and then kind of fill out the rest of your roster and I think you’d be in good shape but if it was like you know if LeBron’s on the team then I just I I worry about how do they mesh together right now Trey has had years uh was two years ago I think two or three years ago where he shot something like like 58% on catch and shoot 3es like it was like almost sounded like a madeup number might have even been more than that might have been like Clos to 62 on catch and shoot 3es right like if he can get back to that where he’s just like just shooting the lights out off ball then I think it would work great like I think it’d be fine and Anthony Davis would benefit mightily having Trey uh on the roster and I think he’d help LeBron a ton too but you know the defense side of things obviously is a big problem he can be very inefficient at times he has had you know efficient seasons can he get back to that playing alongside LeBron playing alongside Anthony Davis the gravity that they Cause right and his ability to make plays but you know I just I think he’s the most like if the Lakers really do indeed want to go get another star I think he’s the most realistic right um I would love a dejon Murray I’d love if the Lakers go get Deonte Murray and another piece right there’s you know been some murmurs that the Lakers are interested in potentially trading for Zack LaVine if they can get Alex Caruso in the deal right they don’t want Zack LaVine by himself but kind of like hey nobody wants Zack LaVine Chicago just basically wants to get off of him okay we’ll we’ll help you get off of him but we want Alex cruso if they could do something like that you know I probably prefer that over Trey as well but again I think that we very well may get to that point and it’s like all right so it’s basically treyer bust as far as like a star goes if the Lakers really do want a star again I hope I hope like dream scenario we get a Donovan Mitchell right I’m not even opposed to the Zack LaVine and Alex kuso deal because I think the Lakers would still be able to keep a ton of their assets um but that kind of hinges on like d’angel Russell like there are other moves that I like more and I’m hoping in banking happen more even like the depth route depending on what depth pieces they could get I actually may refer that over Trey but Trey makes the most sense long term over everybody just because of his age I mean even when Anthony Davis is even when Anthony Davis phases out um Trey would still you know 283 right something like that like you know in that range 28 to 30 um so you could still you know add another star and contend and compete again so again I I don’t I don’t like completely hate the idea of Trey and if it works right like if if on paper you know LeBron Trey and Anthony Davis work then good luck right because I mean you know Trey would just he he’d solve a lot of the Lakers issues but there is that concern there is that issue I’m glad though that Atlanta assuming the reports are true again you never really know until you get there but assuming that those reports are true and that Atlanta’s willing to basically unload everybody and just kind of start fresh clean slate got the number one pick let’s use it kind of build around that guy then if I’m if I’m the Lakers that makes things easier for them because now if they you know let’s say Donovan Mitchell resigns right and let’s say the Spurs can just use them as example say the Spurs go and trade for de jonte Murray right couple weeks ago that was basically it now the Lakers are out right you know because if you well maybe a Darius Garland right but like how much does he cost right and again does another team go in and pick him up right do the Pelicans swoop in and pick him up right it’s just like okay when we could end up looking and going like okay well now we have no options where now it’s like worst case scenario the Lakers could land Trey and as much as again I know a lot of people aren’t super like big on that you know that may end up being the best option this off season right like depending on how everything shapes up now this does look like it’s going to be a real sellers Market which is good for teams like the Lakers that are looking to be buyers and looking to kind of get a big name or you know upgrade in certain areas because it just gives you more options it gives you more potential right so that’s good and Atlanta you could add Atlanta now to that to that ring of like hey you know it gives the Lakers more options if you know plan a plan B plan C falls through it’s like okay worst case if you end up with try I don’t think that that’s like a terrible thing right it’s just like how well will it work right so we’ll see time will tell but I thought this was good news when I saw that report I was like oh hey like this this actually helps the Lakers because it kind of gives them a little more you know kind of getting more options in case Things fall through but anyway as always this is a discussion pass question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts um do you think like yeah that’s good because like you know obviously if you can get deante then beautiful right but if not then you could still get Trey or vice veral right like you know if somebody else trades for for Trey well then you could still go get deante where you know if somebody traded for Trey it’s like well now Deon is off the table cuz Spurs want to keep him well no or not Spurs um the uh Hawks want to keep him well now it’s like okay well now we could still end up getting him and acquiring him right so again just kind of gives the Lakers a couple more options do you think you just stay away from everybody do you think you just kind of go the depth route how feel whatever your thoughts are i’ love to hear it let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button how not you enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

Lakers are looking to make a big splash this NBA offseason and get a Lakers Trade done for a Star or some key depth. The Atlanta Hawks Dejounte Murray and Trae Young have both been linked to Lakers Nation. Atlanta Hawks are looking to potientially rebuild around the Number 1 pick in the 2024 NBA Draft and trade both Young and Murray. This is big Lakers News because if Hawks Trade one, the Lakers can Trade for the other still.

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  1. We need to get Murray whatever it takes. We are seeing in the finals how valuable Jrue is with his two way play. We need Murray

  2. Murray’s contract is sooo good, you’re getting a closer and it won’t take that many assets. At the top of my list of offseason targets taking all of that into account

  3. If atl goes down this route than they may value picks more than just getting pieces that makes them competitive.

  4. lets table this talk for the day.. The Loco has died.. The man MOST RESPONSIBLE for putting the franchise where it is today.. rest in Peace JERRY WEST

  5. Any guard will be an upgrade, I just don’t want to hear that us not giving up Reaves is the reason why a trade fell through.

  6. Rip to the logo thank you for being a true laker for life hated how they treat u at the end but without u there's no worthy,shaq,kobe,bscott,pau or anything from 80s through the 2000s

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