@Milwaukee Bucks

The Bucks young duo heads to Greece while Doc Rivers continues to shuffle his staff

The Bucks young duo heads to Greece while Doc Rivers continues to shuffle his staff

on today’s lockdown bucks we are back to catch you up on some pieces of news that have started to trickle out the last couple of days we addressed the return of Darvin ham but Doc Rivers not done adding to his coaching staff also two of the Young Bucks on a Mediterranean vacation of sorts so we dig into that coming up after this on locked on bucks you are locked on bucks your daily Milwaukee Bucks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome into lock on bucks I am Justin Garcia joined by Camille Davis and we thank you for making lock on bucks your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcasts you can find us on YouTube as well it’s all part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and uh community I mentioned this is uh a lot of smaller pieces of news that have started trickle out for the bucks the last couple of uh days here one of them maybe not so much news as if as as more so of oh that’s interesting uh but let’s start with the actual news that we uh do know and uh that was a couple of days ago it was you me and Frank and we talked about the return of darving ham and what that means for the bucks bench we wondered I kind of seems like the uh the coaching staff is done now I would take this to mean the the likelihood of Sam Cassell uh returning as we heard there was that heavy interest is probably small and I wonder what if any names are maybe not going to be a part of the team that we we currently associate with the bucks then uh what 36 hours later comes the news that Doc Rivers is not done in adding to his coaching staff and Greg Buckner who was on the staff of JB bicker staff with the Cavaliers for the last handful of years and again as as I we kind of threw out on the last show um the number of head coaches former head coaches that are on this bench for the bucks Greg Buckner was not a head coach but he was the associate head coach for the Cleveland Cavaliers so you add that to a bench that already features Rex camian Dave joerger Darvin ham we thank Joe pry um this is shaping up to be a very very impressive bench for Doc Rivers and uh before you jump in here I mean it’s all speculation but I’ve seen a couple people and this isn’t just Bucks fans that are hoping for it a couple people even after the Greg Buckner news speculate I mean the chances are probably smaller but I don’t know that the door is fully closed on Sam casselle coming to Milwaukee and that’s really interesting because I think back in February I believe it was when Doc Rivers was on board and coming on board and he mentioned the fact like we have 11 coaches like that’s nuts like there are so many coaches on this bench right now like he took over when uh the coaching change happened took over one of the biggest you know assistant coaching benches um in the league and then he added a couple people himself and then this off season there was some movement with three coaches uh being let go that have been here prior to Doc arrival with Josh Oppenheimer uh cydney dobner and DJ Bacher and as you mentioned Darin Ham’s back now Greg Buckner is apparently coming aboard the staff um so this the staff size is still a little bit large especially if Sam casselle comes back into the fold because if my math is correct if Sam Cassell did come back into the fold that would put that up to 10 different associate head or associate coaches on on the bench because uh we got ham Buckner Dominguez Jagger Kain Baker Trevor gleon I believe is still on the staff at the moment along with uh Patrick Matumbo and Joe pry so I’ll be curious to see as well if we see any of those guys especially the last three Gleason Matumbo or pry um making some moves maybe there’s other coaching staffs that they’re looking to join um or maybe this is just going to be the collection of coaches that the Bucks roll into the season with which as you mentioned would be a pretty impressive group with a lot of different experiences um because even Trevor gleon although he doesn’t have NBA head coaching experience we know what he did in the NBL so a lot of experience we have a lot of former players Greg Buckner himself is a former player as well you mentioned that he’s been in Cleveland with JB bicker staff the last few years he also was in Memphis uh with Baker staff as well so uh an impressive group as being assembled here in Milwaukee but I am curious to see if there are any more changes coming to this bench and just want to see as well what happens with Sam casselle like you mentioned I feel at this point once Darin ham took that uh lead associate position on the bench like it felt as if Sam casselle coming to Milwaukee is more of a long sh shot but if people are still keeping the door open that’s definitely something to keep an eye on yeah I mean if if you forced me to um to give a what do you think it’s gonna happen give a response there I would lean towards no I don’t think it it it probably makes sense for Sam sell especially since the Mark Stein reporting uh makes sense for him to come back not makes sense for the bucks to add him the Mark Stein reporting was uh they were targeting him as their lead assistant and prepared to make him um potentially the highest paid assistant in the league and um with Darvin ham in place now as the lead assistant kind of a a weird awkward situation that that would create I still as we talked about on the U the show with Frank I still think Sam Cassell is going to end up in Los Angeles with the Lakers as part of what seems inevitable to be JJ reic part of his staff especially with the clutch connection and as we’ve seen in the past you know we kind of joked about the comps with JJ reck not to derail this into lock on Lakers here but um you know one of the similar hires if that does in fact happen Steve Nash and I know that the relationship was a bit different but Steve Nash brought Mike Danton with him to Brooklyn is you you have that experienced guy and in theory it’s what the Bucks were trying to do last year with t STS and Joe prty um that you bring on that guy that had been a coach or has a lot of experience on the bench to help that first year uh head coach so I I still think that’s what’s going to happen with Sam Cassell but of those names that you mentioned I don’t want to speculate who would potentially be out of a job I know you don’t either I don’t think everybody that we listed is is going to be a part of the sidelines for next year because of what you said at the top that you know when you get into nine 10 11 assistants and more it’s a lot and Doc Rivers was quick to remind us that many times last year that this is a very very big staff so um I’m G to be interested to see what additional changes are made but I think the names that we feel pretty confident in saying are safe and are going to be a part of that staff next year obviously Darin ham obviously Greg Buckner Pete Dominguez who you reference Dave Jagger Rex kalamian those guys are safe those guys are going to be there those guys are long-term Doc Rivers guys um it’s the other names that and I I’ll say this too I’m pretty sure Vin Baker is safe with the connection that he has with those players and um and withis specifically and you know doc said when he took over that you kind of get to know these guys when you step into one of these spots there are guys that weren’t a part of your staff that you know now all of a sudden they are for the short term and you find a diamond that all of a sudden is a part of your staff go forward we all kind of assume that’s Joe pry and I think we all hope it is Joe pry but maybe that’s finin Baker in that situation it could or it could be both like like you mentioned at this point we’re not really sure exactly how that goes I know that the the player connection as you mentioned with Vin Baker is important I mean we heard from players when Darin ham wasn’t here just how much they missed having that coach that could connect with them um and Darvin ham is one of the best at that so again as we mentioned on the episode with Frank him coming back is a big boom uh for this particular team but just looking at the rest of the bench like it’s it’s so I cannot wait to see how this shakes out as the months continue to go and we get closer to training camp and things of that sort because I think about like Trevor gleon who had the personal connection with Adrien Griffin and he didn’t start the season with the coaching staff but he came aboard a little bit later and then Griffin uh had his departure from the staff but gleon remained and I’m really curious to see with him in particular uh given the fact that what got him here the most part uh was just the connection he had with Griffin uh what that looks like for him this Summer because he was perfectly fine prior to not being um on the NBA staff he was doing his own thing so that’s a name in particular that I’m looking to see like what happens with Leon going forward but yeah it’s a like we mentioned it’s an impressive impressive bunch and just as a buck someone’s been watching the Bucks and following the bucks for years of course I want to see the pr dog I want to see Joe prty stay around uh just some good vibes with him good memories as well interterm coach for the bucks twice at this point so yeah I hope pry is someone who does stick around but it’s something to definitely keep an eye on as we go forward and um as as we wrap this discussion on Greg Buckner you gave a lot of the the details but um the backstory he played at Clemson he was drafted by the Mavericks so again a former NBA player uh he was a grinder though as uh he had some decent size but he was more known for the little things doing the Dirty Work in defense um drafted as we mentioned by the Mavs in the second round played for the Sixers the Nuggets back to Dallas once more I think he was a part of that championship team Timberwolves wrapped up his career with the grizzley and then got into uh one of two areas that is suddenly becoming the uh the new trend to develop head coaches you had the video room for years I think You’ point to Bud Eric bolstra names like that um but the Player Development position is quickly becoming the new version of the video room and that’s how Greg Buckner got his start with the Houston Rockets and then ultimately the Memphis Grizzlies before going to Cleveland with JB bicker staff as the associate head coach so a lot of experience all of a sudden on the sidelines for a very experienced head coach in Doc Rivers but not only that I I think the other part of it is is is we’ve mentioned quite a few times Doc Rivers is a former player Darin ham is a former player Vin Baker is a former player Greg Buckner a former player so you have that as well in addition to the experience um for the bucks so they’re seemingly checking all of the boxes with their assistant coaching staff so far this off season and real quick to should mention uh he is of no relation to Bucks Legend Quinn Buckner who I believe still holds the alltime record for steals she does in uh in Bucks franchise history uh no relation there just a familiar name but doesn’t carry the bloodline as as Quinn Buckner the other thing that trickled out the last couple of days was I mean I we probably shouldn’t call it a vacation but a trip for two of the young members of the Bucks and what that that could potentially mean is they’re names we’ve mentioned quite a bit since the season ended and even during the season we will get into that conversation coming up after this unlocked on bucks and this next segment of locked on bucks is brought to you by better help as uh sometimes we all carry around stressors in life big or small and the the thing you don’t want to do is keep those stressors bottled up it can start to bleed out affect all of us negatively in ways you may be aware of you may not even see at all that’s where therapy comes in to help it is a 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brings you can’t miss analysis from our local experts opinions news and it streams 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day uh the other piece of news Camille was we saw posts from both Marjan Bo champ and Andre Jackson Jr that they are currently in Greece and I don’t think you need to do a lot of sleuthing to figure out why they would potentially be there yeah there’s there’s another guy in Greece too just I’m not sure if you saw it but it looks like your boy Chris Livingston is also I saw that yeah over there as well but I mean that’s something that we’ve gotten used to seeing over the years now with Yiannis couple of guys always tend to go over to Greece work out with him for a bit but seeing that it’s some of the Young Bucks seeing that it’s Ajax that is Maran who was there last year as well if I remember correctly as well as Chris Livingston that’s always encouraging you love to see guys getting together in the offseason on the same team working out sharpening their skills um and when it’s someone like Giannis especially as time has continued to go on and his stature has grown uh with the work that he’s putting in the NBA his track record speaks for itself one of the the all-time greats of the game uh for him to take that time and reach out to the younger players on the team like hey let’s get some work in like that’s super encouraging uh and just it’s also that team bonding like Packers OTAs are this week they’re wrapping up on Thursday um and you know there’s no pads there there no tackling it’s you’re walking through things right um and Quay Walker made a comment like at this point the chemistry is off theart for our team and at this point in the season that’s all you can ask for and I think about that with like offseason workouts with the team getting team bonding like that’s all you can ask for at this particular point in the season since you’re not playing any games the finals are going on you’re not in those there’s no more you know Bucks basketball until October September when training camp opens up so at this point in the year in June mid June uh seeing news of guys getting together going to workout taking an international trip to go workout is great news like that’s the type of things that you want to hear um and it makes me even more excited to see what the development might be uh for some of these Young Bucks not saying that them going means they’re gonna you know explode next season but again like at this point in the season hearing things like this this is good news yeah and I I think the Ajax part is I I I don’t know that I’d say Untouchable but given what we saw last season I think we all kind of assume well Andre Jackson Jr unless there’s a deal out there that blows you away where he has to be included he’s not getting traded I I think the Maran name is one that has come up a lot by some fans it does seem poising may not be the best way to put it but it does seem as though there’s not a whole lot of people that are in between on Maran you’re either yeah I I don’t know if it’s going to be there they should probably look to package that or move him uh given that you know you’re in the second apron as of right now so you can’t package but I don’t know maybe they should move him y yeah they it’s untapped potential they still haven’t gotten anything out of that the fact that he’s over there I don’t want to read too much into it but because look as as Giannis has has said he is not the general manager and um I don’t want to take too much from it but I I do on the surface have a hard time believing you would be potentially moving a guy if he’s over there theoretically working out with Giannis and trying to develop some of that chemistry with the other guys AJ Green was one name conspicuous by its absence um he did however throw out the first pitch at American Family field the other night so maybe that’s the reason why I just keep going back to Chris Livingston that I don’t think it’s contribution this year if so great I mean I would love to be surprised by that but you know I’ve talked about several times on this show on the episode we did with Tai and a few others there is just some something there that tantalizes me that I I think especially when you watch where the league is at and everything we’ve said for years the Bucks need this this and this you get some of it from Andre you get some of it from Marjan in theory I think you could get a lot of it from Chris Livingston but it still needs to be developed so those three guys that’s the other thing is I think we talked about this um earlier in the off season the numbers individual were at their best for Maran when he was on the floor with Andre Jackson Jr there was that chemistry and and they were the guys early in the season when we looked at it who were the guys that looked the best out there especially defensively was those two and part of that is well they’re the young fresh legs and they have more of that defensive ability but also those were the guys that were in summer camp that went through the offseason program as much as you could with the coaching change but went through all of that stuff with h Griffin the young guys are always going to be the ones most receptive to taking that in that’s you know how to get through things and you have your own way of doing things so I don’t think that was a total surprise but just continuing to develop that is GNA be a huge piece for this Bucks team because especially as you know we’ve outlined with some of these teams out there the Celtics are kind of the anomaly when you think about the high quality depth in terms of the top five to six guys that they have everywhere else depth is important but um you really have like the one Superstar maybe another star or two and quality depth around them the Bucks fit that first part these guys in theory especially with the constraints the Bucks are against they’re your best option at quality depth and really developing that and I went back um last night and read again some of the scouting reports and writeups that s Vini did on Marjan Bo champ granted we’ve seen him play in NBA games since then but kept coming back to the lines of look I think ultimately his role in the league is going to be as a quality Defender it’s going to be important to develop his offense we saw some growth offensively but all of the tools and it wasn’t just Sam others that that spoke about him he looks like an NBA player six foot6 has a seven foot wingspan I think he probably still needs to add a little bit of bulk but he fits the part and it it’s just getting him more reps and as as you mentioned at the end of the season we all focused laser focus on AJ Green and AJ and Andre Jackson Jr Dr ever slipped in that line about Maron Bo champ the last time we heard from him and it’s important to remember that because behind the scenes like Maran was dealing with back spasms he had a couple injuries that he was dealing with down the stretch as well and we’ve talked about how difficult it already was for the young players to earn playing time under Doc Rivers given the fact that they didn’t have the benefit of going through training camp with him they didn’t have the benefit of Doc being familiar with their games as he was with the Vets who he’s had to scout against for years uh so it took some time for any of them to really crack Duck’s rotation and as we saw it was AJ Green first because he had that NBA skill set of that three-point shooting and we saw that he was able to move his feed a little bit better on defense he doesn’t necessarily beat himself which is a great quality for a young player we saw Andre get in the game a little bit later on into the Doc Rivers tenure saw him have some big moments in the the Pacers playoff series with the energy um that he was able to bring and just that edge that he has to his game um but again Maran with the back spasms and whatnot not somebody who got a lot of time on court under dock um really just some some garbage time minutes there but doc calling him out is important um and Doc is somebody who has mentioned Player Development we talked about Greg Buckner in the first segment and what he brings in his background um coming from a background of Player Development is also important as well because we’ve talked so much about how the bugs need athleticism we want the bugs to get younger um and then realizing the bugs have four young guys on their roster already and they have two draft picks uh in a couple of weeks that they might be able to use not sure they’ll use both I don’t think they’ll use both personally but there’ll be another or two young guys on that roster if they do keep one or both of those draft picks so again that Player Development aspect of it is important uh so seeing some of the older young guys now at this point especially with Maran with him being going into his third year uh as well as AJ Green and then you have uh ajck so on and so forth like this is a very important development summer for them as well to see if they’re going to be able to contribute five 10 15 maybe 20 minutes for some one of those guys and that’s going to be really important for this bugs team because salary cap situation with them uh it’s not going to be possible for them to go out and make a big splash signing someone just outright um so like if we can get some internal development that’s going to bold very very well for this team going forward yeah and you know I know we we’ve had the conversation quite a bit when um people have asked well why why wouldn’t you you know when you say that this team needs to get younger why wouldn’t you keep the pick part of it is um cost saving for a team that again is in the second apron that you know that’s a guaranteed uh in the area the Bucks are I believe it’s around $2 and A5 million doar that that pick is you’re going to have to pay them in salary depending on where you’re at with your roster you may not need that where you could Dodge that it’s about the same that you’re going to pay for the veterans minimum and that’s all the Bucks as of this moment have to uh to Dole out uh but in theory it’s well you would do it because your window is right now it’s this year it’s maybe next year who knows what else you do to Pivot from there um but you need guys that are going to help you now especially as we just went through where are you going to find some of this depth and where you going to round out the rest of your roster in theory a veteran player or a player that has been in the league is going to be able to step in and do that more than a mid 20s NBA firstr draft pick is going to be able to do I understand you could say well you’re cutting off your nose to bite your face if you’re giving up on getting younger in that process uh but the Bucks aren’t the only team that would handle business this way you’re going to see it a lot I think with teams that are in that spot the Bucks are in where you may look to trade that pick especially when it’s a viewed as a less than Stellar draft that we’re going into here uh this upcoming year a couple other things to touch on one of them is pure speculation that we’ll get into and uh then also because it is the middle of the week we had a chance to catch up on the latest episode of clip we will share our thoughts on Lawrence fishburn’s portrayal of Doc Rivers after this on locked on bucks summertime means baseball and the NBA finals are here NHL finals as well all of that you can find and bet on on FanDuel right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning five bet yes $200 that you can use to bet on everything from the finals MVP to who’s going to hit one out of the park visit lockon and add a Big Win to your summer bucket list FanDuel America’s number one sports book all right Camille I guess let’s start with the uh pure Reckless speculation piece yes first and um that is the um the news that news is maybe a bit harsh but um the word that it seems as though Kevin Looney is going to be released by the Golden State Warriors so there’s obviously the local tie there Tim Tim kawakami of the athletic was the first to put this out there his salary fully guarantees I believe either on draft night or just before that uh so the Warriors are expected to release him to save money on their massive tax bill so cavon Looney hits the free agent Market in theory he obviously has a connection to the city of Milwaukee and state of Wisconsin and and he to me would seem to fit exactly what the Bucks are looking for now granted you’re not getting Prime loon here um but I think kawakami even buried in that report as well he’s been working on his three-point shot to try to bring back some of that offense as well I know he is uh he’s not the guy that was early in that run where the warriors were a dynasty but he’s still a monster on the glass a very good rebounder a very smart player he is switchable more switchable than Brook Lopez as a Defender that he’s a very tantalizing candidate and look i’ I’d be curious to see what the other offers are for him but you can kind of talk yourself into look given the Milwaukee connection if Kevin Looney is a free agent could we coax him into taking a veterans minimum to be our backup big yeah and to your point about the reporting coming out about the contract situation even Lon himself he was on Draymond Green podcast recently um and they talked about it and he was just like you know the ball’s on to my court when it comes to what the Warriors do I’ve been here my whole career this is all I know but I’m preparing myself for whatever like regardless of what happens I’m a warrior for life even if I’m not a warrior next season so he’s even aware of just the reality of the situation right now because like you mentioned uh this final year of his contract uh only three million of it was guaranteed initially until that guaranteed date comes into place so we know the Warriors are another team in that second April who were looking to shed salar somehow some way and cavon Looney could be a really easy way to get some of that money off of the cap for a team that didn’t make the playoffs last year and we might see some changes in Golden State so as you mentioned like I think loon could be a really good option Off the Bench for the bucks he did mention the fact that he does want to work on that offensive game like and we when we saw Lon here in Milwaukee at Hamilton and everything like he was a bucket he was an offensive yeah that’s what he was known for and then he came into the league and he reinvented himself a bit just kind of being that role play I’m going to be a star at my role and I’m going to do this dirty work for this Warriors team play some defense not necessarily getting the buckets we got Steph Curry we got Klay Thompson like they don’t need me necessarily do that but I’m going to Star my role um but after this season which saw him being benched towards the end of the year for uh their rookie like Jack yeah yeah with Trace so he was like I gotta kind of figure out how to evolve my game again and he like that’s all I’ve been doing like you can’t stay stagnant in the NBA otherwise you won’t be here too long um so he said he’s working on this game he has a goal he mentioned of looking to shoot 35 or 36% from three uh he’s been really working on that now that reminds me a bit of when Mike buher took over and we still had John Henson John Henson taking Corner thre he was launching those Corner threes and it was so strange to see because we were just not used to seeing John Henson uh form in that way so I I trust in Lon saying he’s going to put that work in this summer I don’t know if it’s fair to expect him to come in at that goal that he set for himself but uh just hearing that he’s working on it could help expand his game and make him even more playable as the NBA continues to evolve so I’d definitely be open uh to Lon coming to Milwaukee on a vman if that did present itself as an opportunity to happen he is never taken more than 17 threes in a season um and look part of it is yeah you have Steph Curry you have Klay Thompson on the team for portions of that run you had Kevin Durant on the team you’ve had capable Shooters there he’s 10 of 60 in his career as a three-point shooter and I mentioned look he’s not the The Loon that he was during that run especially from what 2015 to 2019 he’s 28 years old though I mean it’s it’s not like you’re you’re getting a guy that’s all right we know he’s clearly on the back half he’s in his already approaching the mid-30s still 28 years old so Theory there’s still some gas in that tank and when you look at played well sorry to cut you off but he played well in the championship Run for the Warriors two years ago two years ago in 2022 he was great in that run um and you know the other piece of it is again this is a lot of hope that’s going into this I will grant you that but you keep coming back to the Milwaukee ties and how special the area is to him it was uh what was that 2019 whenever it was that uh Hamilton retired his jersey and he was there for that and all of his Warriors teammates joined him and Steve Kerr talked about how special it was to and Steve Curry even shared some thoughts of you know uh Lon early in his career and in early in high school and and from there on he was a much different player I remember seeing some of these highlights and that’s just not the guy that we have here he’s accepted his role and he’s a smart player and he does whatever is necessary to help the team win 28 years old I mean I mean it’s not as though he’s a guy that’s in his mid-30s clinging to it and the last piece is you know why in theory you could say I could kind of see this is obviously that tie to Milwaukee but the fact that cavon Looney you know it’s it’s not the case of a which we may end up seeing with another team this year a guy like a Kyle Lowry who was earning 20 plus million dollars and all of a sudden has to become a vet minimum guy maybe you get to that point with Brook Lopez next season who knows the season after this upcoming one cavon Looney was earning 7 a half million last year that’s right around the ballpark that he’s been and we’re talking about going down to about what 2.5 2.7 mil on the veterans minimum somewhere around that area it’s it’s a setback but it’s not massive that it’s not talking yourself into okay I’m reducing my salary by quite a bit by 75% or 80 90% or more here with some of these guys so that’s the other piece that makes this interesting assuming he does in fact get released and becomes available there are going to be a lot of contending teams that are going to have an interest in him um I think it’s going to be interesting to see two of those contending teams who would have an interest in him with more playing time and as a starter because that’s the tricky part with the Bucks piece you could preserve Brook Lopez you could figure out ways of Lon plays in these lineups Brook plays in these lineups but he wouldn’t step in and be a starter per se unless there’s another move that’s in the works I mean that’s definitely something to keep an eye on as well but that that the role part is important as well because a player like Lon is the type of player that championship teams would like to have on their bench because he does the little things he’s somebody who is perfectly fine with being a star in his own role and that’s something that we hear jannis and the Bucks mentioned a lot like star in your role whatever it is that you’re here to do do it well um and LUN also has like the personality type just the the the everything that the Milwaukee bugs tend to look for in players to to come and be part of the roster he has that in Spades and we already mentioned the local connections to him he’s also very involved with the Running Rebels organization here a nonprofit uh in the city where he was a rebel growing up um as well and he always likes to give back so regardless if Lon comes to the Milwaukee bus or not uh one thing that we can say for sure is that he is going to be somebody who always comes back to those Milwaukee ties and continues investing in the city because he’s done that ever since he’s been in a position to do so so another reason why I love uh cavon Looney and everything that he brings seems like he would uh be a perfect fit with Doc Rivers too and I mean look that’s the other Advantage the Bucks have you just get Doc Rivers in the room with these guys and he he’s gonna be able to talk into all right you know what doc did it it’s a homecoming of sorts for Doc he spoke this up I kind of want to want to do this too so uh that’s going to be one of the interesting things to monitor because it it on the surface it seems like it’s a move that’s very attainable for the bucks and that’s the challenge they’re going to be up against with that second apron piece you’re gonna have to really narrow your window those type of targets and cavon Looney I think would be that type of Target so let’s assume he does get released by The Warriors that is one very interesting name to monitor here um for the bucks as we start to approach the free agency period of the off season uh before we do wrap up here we both had a chance to catch up on episode number three of clipped so I believe we’re halfway through the series um I mean look I’m in it until The Bitter End and the fact that it was a basketball show you had me right and and uh there were some interesting pieces I think we talked about this last week when we we uh dug into the first two episodes of even though this this wasn’t that long ago this is 10 years ago that we’re talking about there were still some pieces of it that you were like oh I forgot that was the timeline for that or that’s how that unfolded uh I think episode three was certainly the most meaty of what we’ve seen so far when um we we got the look at the meeting that Doc Rivers had with the Clippers that we all heard about Through The Years uh the shot of the Clippers dropping their warm-ups on the logo on Center Court at uh Oracle in that first round series with with the Warriors and um some of the discourse that went into that again you got me for the next three episodes I’m gonna keep watching this it’s just some of this casting the deeper you get into the series that’s the okay I’m really trying to see past this but you cannot convince me that this guy is actually this player yeah to the point where sometimes they’re they were talking and I’m like who is this supposed to be who supposed to be and then you go through and you check the credits like same I was like was green with Jamal Crawford where I was just like who was who was this guy in this room talking right now I’m like this Jamal so um but yeah I think episode three so far has been the episode that has kept me the most like entertained so far because that decision of what the Clippers were going to do was such a big decision it was more than just an NBA thing at that point it was just a new story um so just kind of remembering all that went around that seeing how it un it was really really interesting and it made me think about the conversation around the team boycotting like we never seen a team boycott game and then you know a few years later you see the Milwaukee Bucks do that very same thing where they actually did boycott a playoff game in the bubble um with everything that was going on with the the Blake shooting here in Kenosha so it was just really interesting thinking about that and then the role that doc played in the bubble as well of helping the teams and everybody kind of figure out what they want to do and just kind of being another voice that they can lean on um and and again it made me think about everything that Doc Rivers has seen and been through in his career like that Clipper stop alone is a lot to try to handle with the way Donald Sterling was and trying to navigate that and trying to Shield his team with him being the the spokesperson and trying to do as much as he can to kind of take some of that pressure off his team while they’re in the middle of the playoffs like this is what you played all season for like it was just one of those moments of going back in time and being like I remember this in the conversation around it and and seeing it again still gave me chills thinking about the conversations and everything that went around it and how the team responded and then leading into like the bubble and seeing uh the Milwaukee Bucks actually do the boycott and all those feelings that came with that as well so I mean clipped like the casting as we have mentioned it’s questionable I’ve seen the jokes on Twitter now saying like it’s very fitting that uh we’ve seen two La franchises now both television shows and the Lakers the one on HBO with the great casting and the C like and then you get the FX show for the Clippers with some very interesting uh casting choices um yeah I mean the the casting for winning time was incredible when you look at the magic casting even Kareem yeah like this this is viable uh even Adrien Brody as as Pat Riley um and then you have clipped it it seems as though it’s it’s like when you’re in your your fantasy auction league and you spend all of your money on Giannis or on Mike Trout and you have to round up the roster it it feels like that’s what happened with Ed O’Neal and with Lawrence Fishburn and then it’s all right well we just spent 80% of our budget on these two guys so like let’s find somebody that kind of looks like JJ reic not really somebody that that hey he’s short he looks like Chris Paul let’s do that um but yeah it’s that I think that’s the fascinating part and look you have to add the caveat take it with the grain of salt in that it is very clearly slanted story Stelling um in the sense that this is not to say hey let’s let’s give Donald Sterling a fair shot here in the sense that this is clearly coming from the point of view of Donald Sterling’s wife and Doc Rivers and I think if you go back and you listen to Ramona shelburn podcast and you read her reporting that’s painfully clear too those were the two sources for this story I think it’s accurate largely accurate but that’s the one thing you have to keep in mind with this but that’s you know that was as as we said at the top that’s the thing is even though it was only 10 years ago you forget like oh man that’s right that was Doc Rivers first year and oh I do remember reading that President Obama called him yeah and even um and and look that’s the other thing is I think the league was fortunate in the way and and Adam Silver too that was his first year on the job and he walked into that um the league was fortunate in the way that Adam Silver handled that especially when you think of the reaction to man best commissioner in sports and more importantly Doc Rivers was probably the perfect guy to have in that role as the head coach of that team that was going through that because of his emotional intelligence his ability to connect with players and communicate with them as well that who knows how this thing goes and if it goes much more south if Doc Rivers wasn’t the guy that was running the Clippers at the time yeah absolutely and one last thing that I will say because when you said Adam Silver made me think of this now that was a casting Choice when we briefly see Adam Silver and episode like hey that looks like Adam Silver I like you guys got that one down that looks like Adam Silver I think that’s probably an easier one to fill out you know Matt Barnes JJ reck Jamal Crawford yeah H look I don’t know about you of all of them that the Chris Paul one is rough DeAndre the face looks like DJ the rest of it I mean come on the guy’s like 6′ uh big baby that may be the like what are we doing here that’s a good Matt Barnes is pretty solid that’s a good one that’s a good one so I’m I’m gonna keep watching like I’m already in it like I was going to be in it regardless because like you said it’s a basketball drama like I’m I’m here for it uh FX had me hooked back when they did the OJ uh trial reenactment as well American Crime Story yes so I’m tuned in um and look that’s the last thing too and and it’s again it’s how with the passing of time you forget things even as as they were recent I remember having that conversation about the bubble and when um players specifically met with Doc Rivers when the players were thinking we don’t want to be here anymore we want to leave this even when the Bucks chose to Forfeit uh or boycott I should say the game um there was a meeting with Doc Rivers that players were speaking with him and you you like you lean towards okay yeah I get it because former player he connects with these guys etc etc etc and it was how did I forget this no it was because Doc Rivers dealt with that with the Clippers so of course he’s the first guy that the players are going to go to to use as sounding board yeah and he has that respect amongst the players as well where they trust his voice in addition to him having that emotional intelligence the ability to connect uh trust is hard to get um and it’s very easy to lose and Doc Rivers has built up a lot of trust with a lot of guys throughout the league uh with what we mentioned with the Clippers what we mentioned in the bubble now he might not have some fans from people he actually coached but when it comes to all the other aspects of it like doc has always been really solid in that Avenue are you saying we could theoretically get a very spicy match up between the Bucks and the Lakers two times a year next um yeah and look that’s the last thing we’ll we’ll wrap on this is um the fans and the General Public public there’s the LOL Doc Rivers memes and mentality that’s out there that is not his his view amongst the players and his peers in the league for all the reasons that you mentioned and I think I talked about this on shows throughout the course of the Year you’ll see it during the games too but it was the the thing that really struck me the most about doc was the number of times during a game players from the opposing team are going up to him during a timeout and talking to him and joking around with him on the Sidelines where you’re thinking like what is going like I’ve never seen this happen of an opposing player just carrying on a conversation with Doc Rivers and Doc isn’t always the one that’s instigating that yeah it’s just that that connection that relationship that he has with players and he just kind of he seems like approachable like and he sometimes he’s the one who’s on the sideline just kind of talking to guys while they’re playing laughing a little bit so yeah that’s that’s a great thing about Doc Rivers like you mentioned there’s a lot of jokes around Doc and his records and so on and so forth but uh there’s a reason that he has been coaching for as long as he has uh and there is a reason why he has as many wins on his record as he has as well I mean he’s he’s Uncle doc basically that he has that relationship with everyone where it’s like Doc Rivers is your uncle no we just call him Uncle doc that’s a good way to uh two more shows coming your way this week and uh the show on Friday is going to be Jabari Parker was the winner in the retrospec of the look back at what you guys wanted to dissect there so we’re going to take a look back at Jabari Parker’s career in Milwaukee on our Flashback Friday show uh also we’ve not a lot but we’ve seen some mixed feedback on that so leave your comments for this one we are curious if you want us to continue this if you’d rather just focus on what’s going on in the league and with the team now and maybe save those flashback looks until we get past the free agency period so let us know leave your thoughts in the comments and we will go from there uh but Jabari Parker will be the episode of Flashback Friday on this upcoming Friday and a lot to dig into with Jabari Parker the uh the superstar that wasn’t for the Milwaukee Bucks which is kind of a theme Superstars dynasties teams Etc that just never was for this team that that uh did not come to fruition so uh one more show on Thursday and then that Jabari Parker episode comes your way on Friday for Camille I’m Justin we’ll talk to you once again tomorrow unlocked on bucks

Justin and Camille discuss some interesting posts by MarJon Beauchamp and Andre Jackson Jr, who appear to be building chemistry in the mediterranean. Meanwhile, AJ Green tries his hand at a new sport and Doc Rivers keeps making changes to his coaching staff. We dig into all the latest news on the latest Locked on Bucks

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  1. Justin, I thought we were actually ending the year under second apron due to the incentives that were not met in Middleton’s contract?

  2. Lol can you imagine if horst not only fucked up the Bobby for Grant Williams trade but then later traded Bobby for looney lol would be pretty on brand for Horst who honestly has 10 of the 15 worst trades/signings/releases the last 5 years.

  3. What are you guys talking about? Marjon can’t even jump off one foot. That’s why he has to gather on drives and why he gets his shot blocked so often!

  4. Fun Fact = my mother gave birth to me in Milwaukee in 1978, and I am named after Quinn Buckner, who supposedly was playing the day I was born. Big fan, lol

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