@New Orleans Pelicans

Do the New Orleans Pelicans give you anxiety?

Do the New Orleans Pelicans give you anxiety?

what is going on everybody welcome back to another episode of pels and whistles I your host real Meyers and I’m back I was out on vacation last week so I did not film an episode I was in Marco Island Florida at the JW Marriott Island Resort had a friend invite me out for a top performers trip um he works for Marriott so he had a plus one to come along and I was lucky enough to be the chosen one for this trip I had a really good time you probably saw me post some videos on Twitter doing karaoke and everything but it was as fun as it looked but um we got to we got to talk about the Pelicans a little bit right like I haven’t been able to say anything on the podcast for two weeks now so I mean last time we spoke TR and langon officially transitioned over to the Detroit Pistons to be their president of basketball operations um and since that’s happened we haven’t had much you know commotion or anything like that surrounding the Pelicans um we have heard a lot about James bgo being in the running for all sorts of different positions um the Lakers being one of them I think which we’ll get to that a little bit later as far as the Lakers job search goes but does anyone have like Pelican specific anxiety do you have Pelican anxiety Pelican anxiety is what we can call it is anyone kind of feeling that I think that especially after the 2021 2022 season um we’ve defin definitely and and not everyone obviously but there’s a good bit of us who have grown uh a sort of attachment to a lot of the players on this roster um and so I’ve been kind of nervous about the offseason moves and losing players that I love versus just losing players that I maybe like or just tolerate um for example the night I got back from Florida on the way home passed by Jonas’s house because he lives same neighborhood almost in the same neighborhood as me like I have to pass by him right before I turn into my neighborhood his house is listed for sale and you know for me like I hate to see that because that is a player that I enjoy being on this roster but you know I’ve been talking about this for months that he’s probably not going to come back but it’s just another layer of reality that said it once you see he’s put his house up for sale cuz he’s been gone since I don’t know 2 days after the exit interviews like he’s been gone whole time and now the house is for sale so it’s like it’s it’s yeah I don’t even know what to say about it it’s not my favorite but I feel like um as of late especially being on Twitter I haven’t spent a lot of time on Reddit um or pretty much any other social media for that matter but there’s just a lot of exhausting conversation surrounding the NBA but also the WNBA because I’ve been way more into what’s going on on the W side of Twitter and I can tell you it was kind of toxic before but now it is unbearably toxic over there um and it’s overexposure to other people’s NBA and WNBA takes it’s like that’s an issue so it gets to a point where I kind of feel like I need to take a break from it but we know I’m not going to like I have to stay up on topics I got to stay up on what’s going on the Pelicans with rumors with that so it’s it’s kind of hard to be able to you know take a break from that like last week I took a break from recording an episode but I’m still very present online so it’s it’s tough but it’s just so much toxicity you try not to let it get to you and I always say like I’m not on there to argue like I’m 100% not on Twitter to argue it’s not a thing it’s not happening I won’t let it happen but I kind of just want to like I’m looking forward to the draft I’m looking forward to summer league and all that all that can be a really good time um but I kind of just want to fast forward to October like let’s just go ahead and get our you know pregame our preseason you know preseason games out of the way let’s let’s get our the start of our season like together with whoever’s going out there to play like let’s just go you know but this offseason is it’s been a long one already and the NBA season itself isn’t even over yet um we’re two games into the finals uh man Celtics versus Mavs in the finals the Celtics lead two to nothing um game one the Celtics won 107 to 89 you got 30 and 10 from Luca 12 and three from Kyrie and porzingis came back in game one and he looked really good in that first game he had 20 points off the bench for them um he was second in scoring that night and he looked pretty good right and this is where that comparison is the thief of Joy thing comes into play I’m looking at poor zingis come back and he comes back off the bench and he puts up 20 points and he looks like he never left and then there’s this little voice in my head that goes man that’s crazy cuz when so and so for the Pelicans is out for a few weeks or for a month takes him four or five games and it’s like see this is what I’m talking about and I and you could very easily like trick yourself into being upset about that and that’s why the two things shouldn’t be compared it’s for your own sanity and I had to stop myself and be like no like you know I’m not going to get upset about that but I do notice you know I do notice what’s going on there but um in game two unfortunately it seems like porzingis might have tweaked his calf I watched a little bit of that game not the whole thing in whatever part around the time when someone told me that he may have tweaked his calf uh I wasn’t watching at that moment there were some WNBA games on yesterday so I was actually you know in and out watching some of those too so game two the Celtics won 105 to 98 you got 32 and 11 from Luca ver virtually the same type of game um with a bad back he was listed as questionable for that game and he was kind of like a game time decision he went to warm up we saw him getting strapped up like ready for a war it looked like he was getting phone books taped to his midsection it was crazy he was getting all bubble wrapped up um and just the way that he walked he did not look good but he went out there and he put up you know a normal Luca game um they got 16 and two from Kyrie which is kind of the same game that he had in game one and now they’re down two games to none um but you got to realize the type of defense that they’re facing um they got Drew holiday on the other end against them um you know Derek White’s a solid guy Jaylen Brown’s been playing good defense um it’s they’re they’re throwing a lot at Dallas and it’s clear you know why the Celtics have had the better record the best record in the entire league for the entire season it’s very clear it’s very apparent and you can’t lose sight of that just because the Mavs made it to the finals you can’t lose sight of the fact that the Celtics have been that good on a consistent basis so um the headline for game two read holiday fuels Celtics win he was their leading scorer with 26 points and 11 rebounds um and I was expecting the maps to win at least one of the first two games just because that’s the type of thing they do they normally don’t win game one that’s a thing that’s very like uh a popular take amongst Mavs Twitter they never win game one and if they it’s almost to the point where if they did win game one they would be nervous because why did that happen right if they didn’t win game one okay cool but they didn’t win game two either so now you’re going back home kind of got your backs up against the wall you need to win one if not both of these games when you go home for games three and four so the Celtics again show why they had the best record in the league so I’m hoping for an exciting game three and game four make it interesting right you didn’t come this far just to come this far make it interesting give the people a show um I think the I had shared a tweet about the ratings it was the lowest TV ratings since like 20 plus years ago um and his fans I don’t know why we need that information because if it says it’s the most watched game okay cool if it says it’s the least watched game all right whatever like that’s not going to sway my desire to want to watch watch or not want to watch like it I’m not sure why and maybe those stats aren’t out there for us but these these big aggregate accounts keep feeding that information to us as if it’s supposed to mean something and it does start this conversation where people just start to say oh well nobody cares like maybe nobody cares but someone’s still watching 11 million or so people whatever however many people are still going to be watching the finals and know they don’t feel special no they don’t have the trophy on the floor like they used to which was a cool looking thing but apparently the floor was slippery when they did stuff like that just like um in the inseason tournament when they had the trophy at Center Court and then they had the lane both have trophies in those that was slippery and so like you kind of have to worry about player safety with things like that and yeah we’re leaning towards a lot more like advertising like you see YouTube TV on the court three different spots and it’s on the score ticker so it’s just so much like advertising it’s it’s pretty obnoxious but that’s just the world we live in now I guess um but again hoping for an exciting game three or four in Dallas um make sure you follow my other YouTube channel just look up real Meers because I’m going to be in Dallas for games three and four I probably will not be able to go inside and get into the game um but I’ll be there I’ll be getting content from my other channel and that should be a really good time because I want to experience the finals even if I can’t get inside American Airlines has a huge screen on the outside of the Arena so I can watch the game from out there I can watch the game from inside a restaurant right next door whatever have you there’s a lot of options but I would like to experience the finals and I don’t know when the Pelicans are going to get there cuz right now they can’t even get past first round so I want to be able to experience those things I want to be able to document that and share that with my subscribers and my followers and friends and whoever else so make sure you follow my other channel um and if you’re a member on real obviously you going to be getting access to that content first now I want to get that stuff out quickly so it may not be a huge Head Start like it normally is for the subscribers but um the members on the website still that’s that’s one of your perks you get that stuff first but moving on the Lakers because we have to have hour by hour updates about the Lakers in their their search for their next coach or whatever have you um they are now eyeing yukon’s head coach Dan Hurley and now this is a guy who I don’t know exactly how long he’s been at Yukon but he just won back-to-back championships with that team um he’s Jordan Hawkins former coach but from day one it was JJ reck right it was JJ JJ it’s obviously JJ’s going to be the coach he’s got the podcast with LeBron they’re friends blah blah blah this is so obvious it’s so obvious y Yad yada and then all of a sudden Dan Hurley enters the chat and there’s there’s a couple different ways that you can view this as a fan whether you’re part of the Lakers fan base or you’re not which people watching this probably are not fans of Lakers but you it kind of makes you wonder are the Lakers announcing that they’re you know looking at Dan Hurley just to make it be like hey look we did our due diligence we tried to offer something to him he didn’t want to come JJ’s our guy now you know or was the JJ thing smoke screen the whole time because Dan is who they wanted the whole time it’s not really clear but today Monday is when Dan is supposed to make hisc decision on if he wants to stay at Yukon or if he wants to go to the Lakers now I see both sides of it because going to the NBA yeah it can be seen as a promotion right it’s the highest level but do you want to necessarily take that job coaching LeBron they have changed coaches every year or every two years since he’s been there and it just doesn’t feel like a safe job like yeah you might want to be a part of something cool you might want to be a part of History say that you got to to coach LeBron in his last year or his last two years but probably going to get fired like no one’s safe no one is especially as the head coach over there no one’s safe so I can’t from that point of view I wouldn’t want to take it especially looking at what he’s built in Connecticut it’s really hard to win back-to-back championships and he did it and he’s he’s built something over there trying to continue building something over there I would think but we’ll find out what the you know what the deal is today hopefully or I mean I don’t mean to say hopefully but yeah the sooner we find out the better because then we can just be done with this conversation right so um another update with the Pistons right so traan langon is over there now president of basketball um operations uh they fired their general manager recently which was a long time coming um there was a video that came out of a fan yelling at him about how bad of a job he was doing and uh Troy Weaver he yells back at the fan he’s arguing with his fan there they look like they’re about to come to blows and it was at that moment that you knew for sure this guy was not going to be there next season so it took them all the way to this point to get their new president of basketball operations just to be like all right Troy you got to hit the road man you’re out of here so Monty Williams may also be on The Chopping Block in Detroit um it might not be likely but the rumor has been put out there that they could consider moving on from him which I believe he’s got a pretty big contract and he only was one year into it and yeah the team wasn’t great but I don’t think Detroit’s in some sort of win Now situation so you might as well let manty stay you might as well let them build up I feel like it’s the same thing with Willie Green he has done okay in his tenure here especially given the cards that he was dealt you know the hand that he was dealt um but are the Pelicans in a win Now situation like is that how the front office really views this because if so if he’s not your guy and you know he’s not your guy okay wait till you’re for sure for sure like going to take this leap and then you can go ahead and bring in another coach I would think and and for a long time we’ve kind of speculated is Willie Green the Pelicans Mark Jackson until they get their Steve cerr and I think that could still very well be the case in terms of Willie Green but I hope that makes sense but the draft coming up June 26 and 27th the second round is like in the middle of the day it’s like 300 PM Central or what maybe even earlier than that I don’t know that’s weird and yeah it’s the summer time it’s just a weird time of day to have the second round do you want people to watch this or or do you feel like it’s no different than the second round going late into that first night so you might as well just put it on random time during the day the second day I just don’t know why we need a second day nobody asked for that nobody asked for that and here we are so um June 30th or the day after the finals end is around the time that uh you can begin negotiations with the upcoming free agents July 6 teams can start signing free agents July 12th is when summer league starts so that’s all I got for you guys uh in this episode may be back next week if there’s a lot of new things to talk about um especially if the finals and I definitely want to come back and talk about the end of that but um if you made it this far in the episode I appreciate you guys it’s been another episode of pels and whistles I’ve been your help host real Myers don’t forget to subscribe to real Meers YouTube channel and if you want early access to those finals videos become a member on realm thank you all so much for your support and I’ll see you soon take care

#nba #neworleanspelicans #pelicanspodcast

Rel discusses having anxiety about the Pelicans offseason. Also in this episode: Celtics take a 2-0 lead over Mavs, Pistons fire GM, Lakers coach search.

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  1. Glad you had a great vacation Rel! As far as the Pelicans anxiety goes, I do get anxious not knowing who's truly staying and who's on the way out, but there's soooo many people in the fanbase that are toxic AF! It's going to be tough seeing some guys leave, but I do understand it's a business. The WNBA Twitter is ridiculous with these new fans and it's so irritating. A narrative has been created that shouldn't even be the way it is and the ladies are balling!

  2. I haven’t listened to A Pelicans podcast in 2 months. This is my first listen the Pels are frustrating.

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