@Miami Heat

Draft Beat: HEAT Ones // Wings

Draft Beat: HEAT Ones // Wings

e it feels like the draft draffy draffy draffy draffy dra draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy d d draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy it feels like the D D D D D and away we go ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another Tuesday edition of giraffe me ladies and Gentlemen please say hello to my co-host and co-founder of draft beat I got lightheaded from that draft beat I’m not even going to lie take it for a second wait Lou moose Lou I thought we were talking about perfect match this is the whole reason I came can we please did you watch all all [ __ ] six episodes we got six by the way not four six I watched five like 10 minutes right before the first episode oh my God so good so good we’ll definitely get into that we have to have an emergency pod of uh of um stream B pod when that shit’s ready to go at the end of the season uh but yes that is Frankie G Frankie what’s up dude how’s your Tuesday uh it is going well I’m trying to get this [ __ ] Banner figured out here I see that I I’ll go I’ll go back to you later thank you for working on that ladies and gentlemen that Banner that is covering up the man in the middle is the star that’s right star Saucy takes what’s up Lou how does it feel to be live on your favorite show man [ __ ] amazing what more can we want as hum was like I don’t see the link oh I’m on the show yeah I was like right now I was like I was like I see the Tweet but it’s not showing up on my twitch like oh [ __ ] dude it’s the thing doesn’t say live on streamyard I’m sorry guys but we’re it’s because I’ve been died in I’ve been in this computer in this dungeon it looks like a dungeon doesn’t it I’ve been in this dungeon the only time the only time he left his house to and stopped watching film was to go get that Jersey right there the Marlin flanigans Jersy Jersey yes vamos gotos two more two more the job is not done yet but ladies and gentlemen I’m sorry we are not cats beat today we are draft beat and we’re going to talk about wings beat yes Wings this is actually one that I’ve very much been looking forward to because last week we talked about my 1A guy Devin Carter uh and today we’re GNA talk about my 1B guy but we’ll get to him a little bit later let’s start it off with uh one of the youngest guys in this draft straight out of the g-league ignite an 18-year-old that is linked right now possibly to Miami Heat we’re going to start with Ron Holland Frankie show me some film and tell me what you see with Ron Holland and his crazy athleticism Well Ron Holland has been a guy that was uh projected to be in contention for the number one overall pick when the year began you see his explosiveness and transition it’s a guy that loves to get out and run uh 26% of his field goal attempts were in transition uh in transition finish 71% at The Rim uh is very efficient in the cut uh cutting to the basket 1.3 points per possession on his Cuts uh he he’s a playmaker on defense on defense only freshman aged Prospect in this class uh to have a steel percentage of 3.7% or uh and a block percentage of 1.6% only one to come close besides him was Reed Shepard from Kentucky um highly effective uh defensive rebounder um hustle guy like right now like that that’s what he can fit in his role right now there’s upside to be uh looked at because of his potential because of his M maturity and his uh he he’s he’s just like a heat kind of guy I listened to an interview of him and he just uh when they asked him about the Heat and and their culture specifically he talked about all the little things they get done and just how they pick each other up and uh make sure they’re on top of each other for their mistakes and and not like um getting on each other just focus on on the next play the next action to help each other and I I just you see a lot of maturity for a guy that’s that young like you said the one of the youngest players in the draft uh to understand the little things are important um I think that’s big I I think that that’s a lot to to grow off of you see some of his playmaking chops here um I think he’s uh he’s very raw like this is definitely would be an upside pick he can do some stuff right away uh like I mentioned I like I saw some film of him guarding point of attack he can get skinny around screens um he’s only he’s pretty skinny himself though about uh came in on the combine under 200 pounds for a wing um he’s he’ll probably be more of a two to to get going and you know like he he needs reps he he was a high usage guy in the in his only season in the g-league night but uh he still needs a lot of development he need his shots needs a lot of work he shot 24% on threes uh didn’t shoot EXT extremely efficient from the line 75.7% so there’s a lot to work on but like the tools are loud 611 wingspan basically like kid kid can really fill it up and uh like if you’re going just for off upside there’s not many better picks available for you yeah and I’m actually glad that we’re starting with him because there there is a lot to discuss here and there’s a lot to actually see in terms of how he could fit into the Miami Heat culture this this guy definitely seems like a heat guy on defense but Lou it’s his offense and his young age let’s not forget also he was the number two overall Prospect in his high school class coming out so he’s used to being in the spotlight somewhat but I would say it’s his offense that still needs to progress and his young age and skinny frame frankly for right now that is kind of moving him down the heat down the board down to the heat range like where did think he was gonna go I know Frankie mentioned he was a possible number one guy but I think at a certain point that cooled off he was kind of falling into like the maybe five through 10 range where did you initially and where do you have him now on your board um so initially I had him 15th so I thought this was it was like you know we’re picking 15th like it’d be perfect value in terms of the board um I did a rewatch I moved him up I moved him up past uh somebody we might talk about later I don’t know maybe T J Salon I moved him up over Saloon um recently it’s just the the upside with him is so incredible that it’s hard to pass the reason he’s so low is just because the jumper looks like it is two years away maybe maybe three years away like two years probably being optimistic and again that’s not like the end all be all because he does have some uh like the like one of the things I put in my notes is like he’s a slasher at will like it does not matter who’s in front of him I know he’s like 197 he bullies people now once he puts on 10 12 pounds maybe gets up to 205 210 he’s going to be he’s going to be a nice uh slasher driver with the ball in his hands he didn’t have a point guard in the ignite so that’s always a question for me is how much of like you know the things that we saw he was very raw at which was playmaking handling the ball his turnovers were horrible sometimes I’m not gonna lie but it’s just because he was playing out of like out outside of his role or what his role would have been with the heat though I think he fits alongside defensively right away it’s not a question his ability to switch instantly is gonna get him on the floor especially sp’s gonna spo’s gonna love that guy on the defensive end again it’s the offense that concerns me yeah he’s he’s not a perfect Prospect defensively um however he does have a very high steal and block rate and his athleticism is off the [ __ ] chart so it’s nice to it’s nice for that to be a foundation with that being said he’s not bad he’s a very good Defender just has some lapses some things he needs to fix like the guy went from playing High School to playing like semi like you know like the second level like NBA light how you want to call a consider it’s a considerable jump yeah yeah and he was tasked to do a lot for a bad team so just his Competitive Edge he showed up just about every game man like um just an absolute Menace Warrior like effort guy hustle I personally would not be in shock if he was there at 15 and Miami took a swing on him I think um you know maybe some picks kind of project like where the offseason’s going to go or whatever I think if he’s a pick at 15 Miami still has some kind of flexibility for the future it would just be interesting to see how he fits alongside High long term as well as like if Jimmy stays and stuff like that because it’s a lot of players in the same position is doing the same kind of things offensively so well you know we started with a guy that is somewhat raw for the 15 range and we’re going to go from there to who I think is the most polished Prospect for the 15th overall pick potentially uh my one my one B let’s go to Tristan D Silva of Colorado not his teammate Cody Williams who some may be very high on but I personally think that Tristan D Silva is the much better overall player and I genuinely think he is a Miami Heat guy Lou I know you’ve been just as high on him from the start I’m gonna gush over this game film you tell me what you’d like about him what is there not to like like genuinely like deep down in my soul I think the only reason this guy is not getting considered in the top 10 I have him six on my board I’m not [ __ ] scared but the like take Bo you hear that and it’s and it’s a teardrop him between him and seven uh like just an absolute Do-it all guy like this is the this is who people look for inana come on she’s n thanks don’t no man listen I’m going to sell you on him because players who are 610 with his ball handling his ability to space the floor he’s not a shooter he is a floor spacer those are two different things he it’s not that he can shoot it’s that he is a floor he’s a legit floor spacer shot over 39% last year if he’s unguarded it’s going in it doesn’t matter but he can pass very well defensively he can guard threes fours some twos some small ball fives so a very switchable player on that end of the floor not the most vertically explosive athlete but he’s extremely 61 on a team that is lacking size and and my biggest cell for him is it doesn’t matter what direction you want to [ __ ] go he can play alongside everybody you want to keep if you’re if you’re gonna push in a Jimmy Direction he can play tomorrow and if you’re gonna push theime yic bam Direction he could play Longs side those guys either and provide size so it’s like you know it’s the perfect in between guy I think his ceiling is um you know maybe it’s not as it’s obviously not as high as Holland Holland has an insane like upside but I think his ceiling is a legit role player like highend high level role player I think his ceiling is a legit starter in the NBA I think role player might be selling him a bit short because I do think that he could legitimately start in the that’s what he means that’s what he means for sure for sure sorry I’m just like you’re going after my guy right here I’m trying to sell you know I got AB make message is out he’s a starter he’s a starter I I would I would comp him to a very similar role than to what PJ Washington is doing right now in Dallas um you know a four who can dribble pass shoot play defense like he does everything like legitimately he had I graded him across all the worst thing that graded was his rebounding and it was still good like he’s he’s just not an elite rebounder okay we’ll [ __ ] live with that he’s 6’10 like it is what it is but I Frankie talk he does everything well and what I love that you touched on Lou is that he’s ready to go if you want to go with the Jimmy timeline he’s ready to go if you want to go with the BAM timeline and let’s not forget that this team’s going to be making some considerable moves I’m not even saying Donovan Mitchell I mean they’re going to make moves just to shake up the team for sure we may lose a ha we may lose some of these guys Tristan da Silva can step into those roles I’m not saying he’s gonna be better than haime but I do think that he’s somebody that can play alongside him fill in for him and just be a guy to contribute from you for for you on day one Frankie tell me why the pick should be Tristan da Silva um and then tell me why you think it shouldn’t be to be fair he’s big he’s a very skilled shooter he’s a great connector like I don’t like you he ran pick and rolls he he uh got triple handoffs he also uh did some screen pick and roll pick and Pops like he did a little bit of everything with Colorado like and and did it everything pretty well like he was he’s kind of like those one of those uh Swiss army guys that’s like good at everything not great at anything but he is great at shooting um he he had some really impressive passing uh like effortless skip passes uh to the weak side which is uh with with a team that struggled with spacing for for to add a guy to be able to add a guy who’s 6 eight 69ine in shoes with a almost seven foot wingspan who C who’s versatile who brings that shooting gravity high IQ yeah like runs Cuts Like moves without the ball like that’s all very useful versatile stuff he needs to gain a little bit of weight he’s a little bit light to play power forward in the NBA he came in the combine at like 216 uh so that’s something to be concerned about but you know haime is a little bit bigger so uh you can uh afford to play somebody with him like that you can use yic and Bam’s versatility and bring that size to the table offensively he fits in and really brings in some um needs there but like like you said there’s upside upside uh I think his floor he must he might have one of the highest floors in the draft like there isn’t many like barring injuries of course which you can’t really account for uh and and predict that well um he’s everything he brings to the table it seems translatable it’s high IQ stuff High uh disciplin stuff um very easy very simple you see the the cuts the finishing with both hands posting up smaller guys uh using his height and his shooting he shoot over guys comfortably all that stuff’s great his foot speed is a little lacking so you know some uh smaller guards quicker guards might give us some troubles on switches um like I said the strength needs he needs to get stronger needs to get gain about 10 to 15 pounds uh he is 23 so he’s a little bit more of a complete Prospect than some of the other guys but you know we we saw with Hime sometimes those guys can really help you uh compete right away um and is that is not to cut you off but is that ultimately why you guys I mean I’m starting to feel this way too but is that ultimately why we think he will be there at 15 because obviously all of us really like this guy you see it in the game film there what’s stopping one of these teams in front of us the Spurs being one that or or the the Thunder for that matter being one that is looking for guys that are ready to play tomorrow what’s to stop them from taking them you know at eight or nine or 10 probably just an upside swing there there’s guys like like we said like there isn’t much more to like really un un Heath from this guy’s potential because uh he’s he’s not super athletic uh he’s he’s big already uh he he needs to get some muscle but like skill-wise he’s there’s not really any question marks of like what he can do better like if he he he can become an elite shooter that’s that’s something he can keep working on and sharpen that skill of his already like we saw Duncan go from a great shooter in college to an elite shooter so that’s something he can really work on he can polish it defensively but even then you’re still like this isn’t a guy you’re going to run pick and rolls with uh end of the game and and ISO hunt matchups like he’s not a guy that you’ve set the table with with with um on on offense or defense uh but he’s a guy that if he’s your fourth option on offense like you’re ecstatic like those gu those guys are important like we we’ve seen all you need guys like that to win absolutely and a guy who can contribute on both hand with size that’s something that heat are sorely lacking yeah L I don’t want to spend little bit too so oh absolutely I don’t want to spend too much more time on Tristan because I do want to get to the next guy but just really quickly before we go if you can summarize why we prefer to talk about Tristan to Silva for the heat over someone like Cody Williams because they are somewhat in the same range there but I know all of us feel Tristan D Silva over Cody specifically for the Miami Heat yeah okay if you’re gonna take an upside swing don’t do it at don’t do it with Cody Williams he’s 66 low volume three-point shooter um yeah he’s 19 he weighed in sub you think this guy skinny um Cody Williams is like 66 and a half without shoes he weighed in at 170 that is one of the lightest ever for somebody that t so it’s it’s a lot of question marks he’s not the most explosive guy he’s more of a fluid athlete himself too like um if Miami is gonna take an upside swing uh there is a guy that we’re probably gonna get to next episode so stay tuned for next Tuesday that I would much rather have than somebody like Cody Williams just absolutely agreed and Frankie we talked about this before the show started we need to get a guy that’s going to contribute for us next year that’s not to say don’t swing on a potential ni topic or somebody that falls into your lap you need to swing when you have the chance but this team is severely lacking guys that are going to be able to play for us from day one we need to add those when we can the draft is the best place to do it and moving on to our next guy someone that we know the Miami Heat are linked to I wasn’t even considering at 15 but after rewatching the film it’s clear why the Miami Heat are looking for at him because he can play for us tomorrow it’s Jaylen Tyson from California Frankie you were the one that actually put me on to him I know you’re very high on this guy what is it about Jaylen t uh Jaylen Tyson I’m still learning his name that have that has you so excited about the Miami Heat being linked to him now uh we talk about uh the heat needing guys who can create their own shot create some offense uh well Jaylen Tyson as a guy who wasn’t projected to be this um coming out of high school uh did transfer a few times so he’s he’s played a different roles but in this most recent iteration of his college career self-created 70% of his shots got to the rim 90% of his non Rim tws were self-created and half of his threes were self-created like this is a guy who was was highly efficient doing all this stuff and a guy in a role he wasn’t expected to do and he did it in a multitude of ways pick and roll post-ups handoffs isolation like he he he’s very skilled and and the fluid got a bag he’s got a deep bag abolutely has a bag he he’s six about 66 six7 in shoes uh 215 pounds so he’s he’s probably gonna be more of a two guard than a three uh or which I’m not mad at prer him at the two yeah absolutely but you see the fluidity the In-N-Out dribble just the the pump fakes the uh the bag work right here mid-range like Shan’s gonna love all that mid-range work she would love this guy for sure he’s a guy that had so much responsibility and still e efficient efficient all over 36% from three uh and is shooting 79% from the line like I think that there’s more to to untap there um he that’s what has me excited Frankie is that for as polished as he is right now and he’s seasoned he’s played a couple years in college but I still see so much room for growth and that’s what’s exciting about absolutely and we talked about Devin Carter’s ability to rebound well Jaylen Tyson averaged more rebounds than everybody Tristan D Silva then Ron Holland then uh Johnny Fury who we’ll talk about next Kad Johnson all these guys that their heat are are bringing in he averaged more rebounds than than the as a two guard who hadot that move right there that’s the one that got me excited yeah he’s I I think there’s more upside picks but he’s a guy that like if if we look back in in a few years and we talk about this draft and he’s one of the better players it would not surprise me yeah Lou where is he on your board because when you look at all the mocks right now he’s not close to 15 he’s more in the 20 range uh where is he on your board and where do you think realistically we will see him get taken on draft night um I actually think I have him 20 27 yeah I have him 27 so I I’m a fan yeah I’m a fan of him um I think like the simplest way I can compare him to somebody is kind of like he’s the him of this year’s draft very polished very good footwork I’m not saying they’re the same player but like in the sense that they’re both very high field guys very good footwork he plays a little different he plays a little more perimeter oriented as opposed to himman who used to play more mid post but that’s because he was asked to do it but like here we see him posting up too like he has his bag offensively is very big I don’t know how much of that will translate um is my concern I think he does a lot of things good but not anything great is kind of where I have some hesitancy um his defense was up and down throughout the season there were moments when he locked in and I was like oh and then there are other times where it’s like why you know like he’s just missing simple rotations not getting around screens some of that has to do with the load offensively I wonder how much of it has to do with the load offensively um but he’s definitely Highfield player like very smart good passer uh very like Frankie said good rebounder shot I believe it was on catch and shoot threes because he didn’t take many of them this year but he shot a very good percent give me a second yeah shot 37% on catch and shoot threes um this year and shot 34% on 87 pull-ups from three like he’s realistically that’s not going to be his role at the league at at least in my opinion it shouldn’t be right away is to be a pullup three-point shooter but it shows that he’s able to do some of these things his finishing around the rim gets a little clunky when he’s around um like in traffic he doesn’t really Elevate that well the touch is it comes and it goes but like like you like you said I see why the heat brought him in I see what they see in terms of super Highfield guy ready to play tomorrow um and just uh you know offensively very skilled and defensively he’s not a slouch either he’s very you know very capable on that end is the way I’ll put it yeah 15 feels a little Rich for him but I totally see what they see and depending on how the board Falls granted he may be higher on their on their own board than um than many have them mocked but from there we’re going to move on to someone one one last thing uh before before we talk about the next guy CU I I think it’s relative like uh I was very surprised that he measured he tested athletically in the combine he beat Johnny Fury in everything he beat him in Lane agility shuttle run vertical that’s what that’s like I think he had a higher vert than than the Silva too that’s what I’m saying like there like uh this guy’s athleticism is kind of sneaky like he’s more of a fluid athlete than explosive but don’t don’t get it twisted like this guy’s a better a better athl than you would think oh absolutely you see it in the game film it’s like it’s like Lou said when he locks in he is a gamer and that’s the typ that’s the type of film that actually got me really excited because I was like okay there’s another level to this guy’s game that if the Miami Heat can actually get into his head and work with it where he’s focused on that level every single night right that’s a damn good scary player that I would love to have on our side yep um but from there Frankie so eloquently kind of set me up for uh someone that I am very high on and is going to be Carla Tiana’s favorite player in the draft I’m talking about my guy Johnny Fury roll the film 68 from Kansas he’s Australian mate and that means that he’s gonna be [ __ ] jacked in a couple years you all saw Thor and he’s got a silky smooth jumper okay the guy can legitimately shoot I think he has the length to be able to guard up Lou tell everybody why Johnny Fury should be on their draft board um he can shoot the [ __ ] out the ball it’s really quite simple he’s a very good shooter sniper and um I actually think one of like the most it’s a very Niche skill but I think he he does this better than anyone in the draft is weak side rebounding offensively like his weak side offensive rebounding is so [ __ ] good his NOS for the ball where it’s going to be at it’s very you know easy to see you know this guy get you extra possessions um that’s that’s about it that’s about it on the good things I have and he’s he’s a pretty good finisher too I’m not going to lie uh test well I think he played better athletically than he tested yeah um not to say he’s a great athlete but you know uh I didn’t he tested pretty bad athletically yeah I think realistically he’s basically like a cam Johnson type but what I like is that he’s got some swag to him like that guy comes ready to play and I love guys like that an owner of an Australian Law Firm is well in malb oh Frankie tell everybody why Johnny Fury probably won’t be the pick I I know you’re not as high on him as I am and I don’t think Lou is that high on him either I think he’s just pandering to me well you talked about um how these guys need to be have a floor right now of being a role player like can this guy get 15 minutes and and you saw guys like Grady dick like I’m not just doing the white comparison but I’m doing the the skinny shooter comparison both Kansas I me both the that Johnny Fury took over yeah yeah exactly but he had trouble getting minutes in the League this year on a rebuilding team so like I I look at a team like Miami that is so key to to compete and be ready to win now like I’m I’m like who does this guy guard who does it like he can’t guard ones he’s not really uh uh athletically gifted enough to do that twos he’s he measured in uh sub 190 like is his body’s not ready he looks wor about that I’m worried about th one to Thor two that guy got ripped okay this guy looks like less like Thor and and more like uh Brian gos well got the infinity stone come on relax Brian’s a dog I love Brian I love Brian I just don’t want him Brian playing the two uh tomorrow night for the Heat and I’m not saying he’s gonna be the pick at 15 I kind of would be surprised if Miami Heat actually take him I it’s not that I don’t think he’s a heat guy it’s just to your point they need somebody that’s gonna step in and fill multiple roles next year I don’t think Johnny F is that guy but I do see a legitimate role player yeah with some [ __ ] like some real upside there I think there is a lot to build on but yes it’s going to take a little bit of time for him he was also a like mostly slasher shooter like he he didn’t really handle the ball at all in Kansas he doesn’t really didn’t really get to Showcase like any other skills and stuff I just think at 15 it’s there’s a lot more uh better potential guys who are more complete players who I would rather take the the swing like I’d rather take a lower ceil uh ceiling Prospect with a higher floor than Fury at 15 well I mean we’re kind of coming off a guy that Lou I’ll let you go to it but we’re kind of coming off a guy that I think to your point I would probably take over Fury at 15 for the Miami Heat and Jaylen Tyson because he can fill multiple more roles uh Lou where were you gonna go here no I I can name seven other people I’d take over fury like okay well that’s that’s a bit much I thought you gonna back just that Wing no no but it it’s it’s a legitimate concern when his best thing he could do is is shooting but off the like off of screens coming off of pin Downs coming off of curls he shot two for 19 in that category and has absolutely zero sense of where his feet go that is a concern for me because those two that went in I mean they dropped in like but nothing but n no but realistically that’s my biggest concern is if he is because he is a very good set shooter but you’re not Tak don’t take a [ __ ] set shooter at 15 please don’t take a set shooter you can grab one at 43 I just finished watching Wells he’s a [ __ ] way better shooter but it’s just it’s little things like that where it it brings up concern the the Intrigue though is he played a role and he played his role to his te it was he was a good cutter a very good cutter he was good at doing the little things rebounding getting extra possessions defensively he’s not the best but he was also um not horrible I actually saw him with Frankie on playback and then I really didn’t like him I went back I watched two more games and I was like you know Frankie I think I was little yeah he’s not he’s not horrible I you know he’s not going to be your defensive stopper but um I’m telling you I think the length he is goingon to be able to guard up a little bit it’s just you know it’s gonna take some time for him I I don’t disagree with that he’s not he’s not coming in ready to go you know from day one which is again something that we need to be looking at for the Miami Heat yes we want potential we want upside but they got to be able to play from day one yeah at 15 you don’t want to dra draft a guy who’s going to play for the Sky Force more than the Heat this year okay you know what [ __ ] you guys let’s move on I’m sorry Carla Tiana I I listen we’ll buy his jersey we’ll be fans of him but uh those were the guys that we were looking at realistically for 15 um I think those are some important names also they’re all minus Fury somewhat linked to the Miami Heat uh although we do know that that the Mi Heat have been looking at Fury and there is some interest there but from there we’re gonna move on from pick 15 to pick number 43 and we’re just going to really quickly talk about um four second round guys that I know that both of you are uh looking forward to uh getting into here in the second round so let’s start with kashad Johnson of Arizona Frankie I believe this was your guy yeah we we saw that he brought this guy in for the workout uh guy who really worked on his game he he hit more threes this year than he did all his previous four years uh worked out really well in the combine uh had a nice performance there but just he’s more of a four he’s more of a four than than a three but uh guy who you know played his role strong gu 224 pounds 61 uh 610 wingspan um shot the ball three ball pretty well 38.7% uh and and that’s something he really had no strength at uh at all he he hit like 28 total threes his first four years in college uh so more of a developed product but defensively switchable uh I was watching the USC game earlier he was guarding Isaiah Kier on switches he was uh guarding their their big man he was you can put him on as a big drop big you can put him in on switches he can straight up guard guys can maneuver around switches uh and he’s strong he plays Big He rebounds the ball pretty well and he played for a really good team uh where he had to play the role and I think as a uh as a a forward at at the 43 spot you know guy who tested well athletically as well like I I don’t think you’re you’re gonna get too much better from that like if they they really like this guy can see why very clearly he can you can do pick and roll pick and pop he’s solid smart passer attacks the basket pretty well um so there’s some stuff to to fill in that he can play right away um you know if you want to stash him into the Sky Force till he gets comfortable uh you can absolutely do so but I think he can he can compete and uh place like 10 minutes right right away yeah I can see him being somebody that eats up a a couple minutes for the Miami Heat next year um at the very least you’d probably keep him on just to you know battle and practice that’s a that’s a good practice body to have Lou what do you think about him and then we’re going to get to his teammate who I know you’re a little bit higher on no yeah I I I love Kad Johnson like I saw him um yesterday like a deep dive officially and like he is I think Frankie loved him and I think he unld him as an athlete he is a [ __ ] Menace vertically like it is scary how high he can get to 42 inch bur s 67 don’t see that [ __ ] man like literally like there’s plays on film where I’m watching I the fun fact I was going to watch pel Larson and I like I was like three plays into the game and I was like holy I had four notes on him just just his a like how much of an athlete he is and he can one of the best recovery players defensively in this class that is it sticks out like a sore thumb how good he is at getting chase down blocks like I put chase down hall of like I don’t know if anybody plays 2K chase down artist on Hall of Fame man that’s what like clear as day like people gain a step and he’s there at The Rim beating him at The Rim incredible athlete offensively um not the most polished guy like you’re not going to ask him to dribble I don’t think you should ask him to dribble at all U more of a three and D or like a lob threat he’s really really good his catch and shoot’s not bad yeah his catch and shoot isn’t horrible um much improv runs in transition a Menace In transition like he’s he’s just an athlete that plays a four yeah like he’s a little smaller okay yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s probably that’s that’s first time I’ve ever even heard of this guy I’m watching his film for the first time uh no yeah but he’s he’s a he’s an insane athlete um and just a very he he knows how to play Within himself and he doesn’t do many things to [ __ ] up your chance of winning if that makes any sense he’s not a perfect player that’s why he’s getting considered at 4 that’s why he’s GNA be a 43 yeah exactly but um with that being said like you know he had like 23 three half court dunks just an absolute Menace In terms of around the basket uh defensively I think he guards threes and fours tomorrow I think he can switch onto one through five and a pinch I’m not saying he’s going to be asked to lock those people down but he provides you versatility on that end which Miami he does a lot of the little things too which is I think why you know Miami Heat would be so interested in him besides the the obvious talent but it’s the fact that he’s somebody that would buy into whatever system you’re going to put him into yeah one block per game um or per 30 6 minutes he almost played 36 minutes so it doesn’t matter but one one block is very good so Lou let me ask you you sold me on this guy why the hell did you want to talk about Pelle Larson his teammate man why not like real I like what I see already so yeah talk him up another another I don’t know what’s up with Arizona and having insane athletes an insane vertical athlete like 38 in on the vertical um you can tell like he doesn’t he doesn’t look out of place athletically at all um very very beautiful shot release like gorgeous jump shooter um good in pull-up situations good in catch and shoot situations and he measured like he’s gonna be like six seven with shoes 210 25ish not the best wingspan it’s like 6 eight but it is what it is like I think he’s a two guard um Miami always looks for these are I feel like they’ve like okay Max shu is kind of like the biggest name I can see I think he’s a better passer his playmaking is like it’s a real thing live dribble passer connective passer he can do all of these things and it’s just um athletically he’s not gonna he’s not going to be subpart defensively he’s not going to be taking advantage of either I don’t think he’s gonna be he’s not as good of a Defender as Kad is a defensive Menace I was gonna say is that where he’s lacking in comparison to not even I I think he’s a I think he’s a I think he’s a good Defender I don’t think he’s locked down but I think he can guard twos and threes tomorrow and just obviously you don’t want him on like Luca I mean nobody’s going to guard LCA but you don’t want him on like the Superstar guys but he can guard secondary or tertiary options offensively and that would not be an issue in my opinion but the things that really stick out are his jump shoted [ __ ] Pier his pull-up jump shooting his Pier as well as like literally like per energy there’s nothing he did wrong or at an average level like there’s he played great at whe there was spot UPS transitions off the dribble pick and roll ball handling he was good at everything cuz that that’s what he is he’s a well-rounded um a very well-rounded player and those players typically get to see a lot of minutes so Frankie do you prefer him or his teammate and him I mean Pelle at at 43 I think I would take a shot just because of the athleticism upside like I think Pelle uh there’s a very good chance he goes undrafted and you can just uh swipe him up there I think so I I think he’s a late second rounder uh just not um somebody that I’m super high on uh but he’s a he’s a role player P or Fury say it right now Pelle is definitely more polished but F uh but my my thing is like Fury uh I mean p you got me [ __ ] Sor p uh you know 340 uh threes attempted over his career 39.7% for uh for it uh from the from the three-point line uh 81% from the line for his his college career like he’s a great shooter uh and Miami finds a lot of success with these kind of guy so like I I can see why why there’s interest there there’s just a lot of guards where I’m just like uh at 43 there’s a lot more options I like I think kashad is is a um more impactful Defender uh but I get why they want they they would lead uh offense they’re really bad offensively yeah yeah yeah he’s not a slouch defensively either and like again the biggest sell point is this guy can shoot and he can shoot off the dribble you don’t find those guys at 43 I don’t care what anybody says he shot 50% on pull-up twos and 47% on pull threes he’s a [ __ ] shooter like at the end of the day that’s what he does at an elite level tomorrow and how many attempts uh it was like 60 so not much that was just last year just last year man come on give cut some SL kind funny though he cuz I was concerned because he only averaged uh he only avered three attempts a game from three it’s because he it’s cuz he drives very well off of those off of those and he dunks the ball quite a bit if I’m being honest yeah well that that first dunk that we saw was really nice it’s funny because I see the reason for both guys to be on Miami board there for four years I’d be cool with both of them they’re very different players in my opinion yeah yeah the difference on my draft board is like two so it’s they’re in the same te well there you go it’s like picking hairs uh and we’re gonna go from those guys over at Arizona State let’s go over to another school uh where a very famous Alum um guy that we almost traded for I’m blanking on his name [ __ ] you Dr uh Joe Cronin oh D lard yes he is uh from Weber State Dylan Jones yeah Dylan Jones uh do it all forward for Weber State uh very talented passer um he he’s only about 66 he’s not a great athlete that’s where I I was uh concerned about if they if they are interested about him he’s he’s a more of a high IQ guy wasn’t great talent level but he did everything for that for this team he shot the ball uh pretty well 85% from the line 9.8 rebounds 20.8 points per game two steals like he’s on the street like yeah like 5.2 assists uh to to three turnovers and uh he he dominated this conference um very very successful player uh he’s one of the players that I I can see why that they would be interested in um he fits their kind of mold of a high IQ player uh who can uh show some versatility I just I just have some concerns about his versatility uh translating to the league because of his athleticism and his lack of size but he’s he’s built pretty strong he he came in at 236 uh with a 611 wingspan so we could see defensively defensively not good but he but but those kind of guys some of these guys they’re in have such a usage on offense that they have have to preserve their offense uh their their energy on the other end so he’s not going to be a guy who’s handling this much in in the league he’s not going to be a guy who’s uh has this much usage in the league so he he has to work on that end so we can see how that translate yeah he’s a I think you said it best very player he had a 30 point 20 rebound game I was just gonna tell you to put that up yeah yeah 30 and 23 that game that’s what put me that’s what put me on the radar for him I was like Jesus Christ yeah yeah because I’ve never watched a Weber State game you can tell from the grainy footage that uh they’re kind of hard they’re kind of hard to find no there’s no reason to um he’s cool I guess um I don’t like him I think it’s difficult to not that I don’t like him I it’s just very hard to okay I don’t like I mean I like player comps but like don’t pigeon hold players but at the same time there is nobody in the league today that does what his role could be at the next level like he’s very difficult to find a direct comparison to or like even like a role comparison to because he’s like 65 he’s built like PJ Tucker he’s like 65 240 not the best shooter at least off the catch like it’s a short release of not the best athlete and then you’re like okay cool PJ Tucker you know similar build so does he play defense um not really like struggled defensively and then with that frame and that build he struggled against bigger players which you know maybe that would have been my Saving Grace to be like okay this guy can guard you know maybe some fours in a pinch small four you know again like that’s what sposa loves so I was like maybe that’s that’s his role at the next level but like he really struggled against bigger players like he just his footwork in the post wasn’t as good his strength didn’t hold up he’s better at going into people than absorbing contact um but super Highfield guy maybe if the rooll lessons there’s some genuine like um upside there to like at least be a decent role player I hope they’re not considering him for 15 um yeah I would be I would be much happier with I’m sure they’re not considering him for 15 really quick before before we move on to the next guy I just want to ask how is he off the ball because I’m seeing so much of him handling you couldn’t see him off the spent anytime off the ball no his usage was really high he cut nine times all year nine times that tells you how much he was off I’m not a fan I’m not going to lie like I could see offensively why we’re looking at him but there’s so much more to especially to what the heat are going to make you do to be able to be on the floor that I think it might be a really long time until we could actually see him being he he had a 29.5% usage yeah geez very similar to Jaylen Tyson’s role offensively very similar just I think Tyson did everything he do at a better level like and he’s younger and he’s yeah like two years younger yeah Jaylen was also playing off the ball at times too right yeah I mean he was much yeah yeah Jay jaylen’s more of a two but he did have to play the one a lot uh Dylan’s Dylan was like a a point forward for them uh there’s other guys that we don’t have film on but that we we were talking about uh that our potential Wing guys as second rounders are undrafted like uh we talked about Isaiah Crawford uh um from L Louisiana Tech uh Baylor shyan from Katon Bobby Clinton um Nicolo jurisich I don’t think n Nicolo is Gonna Last to 43 but he’s there 43 Sprint the picking yeah that that’s PR there was there was one more that I know Lou wanted to touch on because we had him here from North Carolina oh tell me why you’re so high on Harrison Ingram 443 in particular the second round yeah yeah for Miami I think he’s I think he he fits a role tomorrow like um incredible rebounder one of the best rebounders I’ve seen in this in this whole class and it’s not like his rebounding was for Weber State where people were boxing out he was legitimately having to rebound against fives and doing a good job at that like um average damn near 10 rebounds per 36 minutes and he played almost 36 minutes shot almost 40% from three uh the free throw percentage is kind of the biggest question mark because like his three percentage was good but he didn’t shoot the best from the line uh but defensively again like two through four right away some ones very lanky gets in passing Lanes gets he’s a very active Defender and a very good connective passer I think he does that a little bit better than kashad but kashad is just a way better athlete like realistically kashad is a different tier of athlete but 67 and a half I mean or 67 7 foot wingspan 235 like he’s built for like you know solid frame to play tomorrow good rotational guy and won’t ever be a star but he will be um you know for 43 you’re not looking for a star you’re just looking for a rotation player and he somebody to out kick their coverage in terms of the pick that you’re taking them at and to be honest of the guys that you guys uh show me I like Pelle but um Kellin Johnson Johnson Excuse excuse me from Arizona um he was my favorite of the ones that you guys showed me obviously I’ve watched him a ton so I can say that he should be the pick there um really quick guys we’re gonna wrap it up soon but before we do if there’s any questions uh on any wings uh drop them in you have 35 seconds if not I’m GNA eat dinner so we we did want to talk about uh some guys that potentially might fall we talked about a little bit about Cody Williams but uh Lou you wanted to to get in on um on somebody else I just wanted to like real quick because I know like he’s been mocked around us um pretty heavily and I think uh Jeremy woo from ESPN just mocked him to us yesterday is jacobe Walter um everybody loves to say oh he’s the next kcp there’s a kcp played as defense guys like let’s let’s keep it a ban 50 he’s cool um great shooter but that’s all he does that’s great like literally everything else is a work in progress um don’t fall for the hype just cuz like ESPN is mocking him to us not not [ __ ] on ESPN but like he’s been mocked should put in way more hours yeah man [ __ ] Jeremy no I’m kidding I I know Jeremy probably a nice guy but um I’m I’m kidding but uh it’s just I just don’t get the like the whole appeal with him is a three and D guy but the second part of that is defense and he does not provide that like it’s super inconsistent played a lot of Zone uh Mei who was her Center Jaylen brid who’s another guy who possibly for 43 is very good like they did a lot of that like plug in the holes defensively just cuz he wasn’t the best not saying it was all his fault but it’s just uh at 15 don’t take a guy who’s just a shooter needs to be able to put those yeah a lot of heroism so much he’s a great pullup oh oh way better it’s not even it’s not even [ __ ] close revisionist Tyler hero was a good Prospect yeah and T Tyler was a p like he showed playmaking flashes he showed touch around the rim he showed that he had a floater J kobby watter doesn’t show any of those things like all he shows is that wow he can really he could be a movement shooter his Baseline out of bounds like pop to the corner three is [ __ ] Immaculate but other than that I’m good second round grade uh Frankie is trying to bait me with this question he to and he totally got me so if hero was put in this draft with his Cur with oh hold on this is important her’s putting this draft with this current skill level as in where he is today is that how we’re taking it yeah uh which which pick does he go at um I would say probably top five definitely yeah definitely not top three I think he wouldn’t be tier one but you could start making an argument for for four through eight pretty comfortably I’m totally okay with that that’s exactly what I’m saying d uh I still I mean I’m I’m thinking College hero cuz College hero didn’t shoot the three ball well that’s fair because he’s progressed so much since since then if you want to go with where he was coming on the he still should have been top 10 I mean no no no he should have been top 10 he should have been top 10 yeah but um yeah he’s he’s just uh the the three-point percentage wasn’t a strength of his it was a lot of projection because of his free free throw percentage was so high uh but yeah his some of the issues still size defense playmaking um you know you you’ll see other guys with higher potential uh but a as hero as as he was out of college he would definitely been a lot op at this draft yeah no I totally agree um I wasn’t exaggerating when I said top five but if you want to give me top 10 I’m okay with that I just think in particular in this year’s draft class because there’s not a you know wenyama or or someone that is like the crown jewel of this draft class that like it really is up for debate on who you want to see in your top 10 and Tyler herro was a Bonafide like top 10 Talent uh so he would be in the top 10 in this draft uh I think no because I I think top pitch is is projected to go eight and I don’t think hero no but even before they KN he was he was projected to go top eight no but that’s that’s because people don’t know how to [ __ ] evaluate but I digress he he’s he’s top three in my opinion I i’ i’ take topage top three if I was if I’m Washington and I have [ __ ] nothing best guarantee I don’t care if he’s missing half the season I’m sprinting that pitch yeah well honestly or Castle I’m drafting him I’m telling him hey you’re not gonna play at least half the season you know yeah for sure I’m not playing you until I know both knees are right uh but no we we hear you Carlo Tiana trust me we’re on the same boat but I I don’t think he’s gonna be there at 15 I don’t think like I said it’s going to be the first team that clears him medically um saying his score is 10 that’s what they’re saying is probably going to take him at 10 if he gets yeah I highly I highly doubt he goes anywhere else yeah I think carlao we probably got a better chance of Fury being the pick at 50 [ __ ] no D don’t say that and with that draft beat is gonna wrap up its wings coverage uh join us next week same time same place 7 pm on Tuesday where we will be be we will be discussing I just had a stroke there we will be discussing the bigs of this draft class and we will see if there’s any there at 15 that Miami Heat should be looking at uh on the way out Frankie Lou oh yes thank you Frankie look at this beautiful Miami Heat be Pride image we got on the screen right now please people buy your t-shirts be on the lookout for our very special Charity Drive episode uh where you can donate and win some other cool prizes uh but look at look at how great this images the one good thing Brian has done besides forming Miami Heat beat look at that that’s amazing make sure you buy those t-shirts make sure you support Frankie Lou anything on the way out I got my oven at 350 I’m ready to put in that turkey dinner uh just real quick just to go over some of the names that we’ve heard of the heat linked to uh so we’ve gone over Ron Holland Devin Carter uh Dylan Jones kashad Johnson uh we’re gonna be going over a couple more of these guys next week for the big draft uh you’ll hear us talk about Zack Edy K we uh Tyler Smith and others uh that were’re the Heat have been linked to or should be should probably be interested in in some way or another uh but you know thanks for supporting us guys if you guys have any questions please um drop in in the chat uh have them add us uh and we’ll bring it into the show next week uh but you know thanks for supporting us guys we do a lot of work uh for this uh we lose a lot of sleep during this time of the year but this is exciting this is fun for us and uh we appreciate you guys uh listening and and tuning in l anything on the way out no man exactly what Frankie said uh keep tuning in because you know next week we’re going to have some interesting discussions a lot of polarizing players you know per usual um I guess you know where the ad is you can ask me anything on Twitter you know it’s pretty so we can bring it on to the show and we like to just chat it up over there too so thank you guys but tune in for next week Lou has it right there under his name 15 days away the only place that is going to get you ready for pick number 15 right here on giraff B play the music it feels like the giraff draff draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy d d d Dy Dy

Moose is joined by Franky G and Coach Lu as they talk about

Ron Holland; Upside swing at 15

Tristan Da Silva: Highest floor

Jaylon Tyson: Underrated offensive weapon

Johnny Furphy: shooter/slasher

2nd round guys: Lots of options

and more!


  1. Heat should try to get Donovan for Herro, Jaime and future first round picks. If not then we go get Dejounte Murray, Lauri Markkanen, or Malik Monk sign and trade for Herro and a future pick from Kings for Malik Monk, Caleb or Highsmith, and/or future 1st picks. Draft a big like Zach Edey or KEL'EL WARE and Hunter Sallis probably most underrated best PG in the 2nd round, ZYON Pullin, Keshad Johnson, or Antonio Reeves. Zach Edey is NBA ready, great touch on offense, can pass out the double, and when you need an easy bucket. Sign Jonas in free agency. I love this teams chance with the new roster after this move. If you trade Jimmy it has to be 5 first round draft pick and 2 young players. If you go for Lauri, you give herro, 2 future first round pick, and sign and trade Highsmith

    Dejounte or Hunter Sallis or ZYON PULLIN, Keshad Johnson Terry or Malik Monk

    Niko Jaime

    Jimmy Duncan

    Bam Kevin Love

    Zach Edey Jonas Val or Nic Claxton

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