@Milwaukee Bucks

Bucks hire Darvin Ham plus full 33-pick NBA Mock Draft | Gyro Step

Bucks hire Darvin Ham plus full 33-pick NBA Mock Draft | Gyro Step

hey there welcome to the eurostep Milwaukee Bucks podcast probably a part of the bluewire podcast Network and gspn and presented by our friends at prize picks I’m ty Windish one of your hosts joined as always by my lovely compatriot Rohan cotti Rohan happy Monday Monday afternoon a little different for us but honestly very glad we didn’t record earlier today because we got some news perfect timing that we’ll discuss as well as the ongoing NBA Finals before we do a 1 through 33 NBA Mock Draft AKA going through the Bucks two picks we don’t really care about the rest which of course means the Bucks will draft trade back and pick three times in the 40s and we won’t be ready for it but regardless Rohan how’s it going doing well doing well on a Monday afternoon you know uh summer feels like it’s here it’s it’s a good time all around great weather you know festivals are popping up it’s it’s a good time man I can’t lie this is my favorite time of year what a time to be alive am I right oh absolutely absolutely um let’s start with I don’t want to fully fully go into it so yeah yeah that’s that’s a good call but not like us um do you want to do good news or bad news from Current Events first I don’t think there is bad news I agree I think other people do let’s do good news let’s do ham because that’s the most so the if you’re not aware of the Milwaukee Bucks according to Adrien wowski which you know take that for what it may given the whole Lakers cycle but uh the Bucks are closing in uh actually no it’s H has AG greed to join Milwaukee Bucks coach Doc Rivers Staff Source sold ESPN on Monday this broke like late morning in Central Time the part that I found was interesting and honestly I would say didn’t expect is the report says specifically darham will be Doc’s top assistant which not not that I don’t think D obviously Darin hams held that role in Milwaukee before under Mike buher and can talk about how interesting it is that yeah when he he was Bud’s top assistant well that was Charles Lee oh was it I thought it was like associate head coach or something oh I guess you’re right yeah was he always though I think so oh I guess uh oh no because Jenkins wasn’t he was like the guy I still can’t believe that he got a head coaching job and it worked all anyone in Milwaukee just knew like yeah he’s the guy who makes sure Bud doesn’t go on the court and the Grizzlies were like that guy that shows you how little we know about NBA coaching whatever he was a prominent assistant coach for bud and now it’s going to apparently be Doc’s top assistant I find this interesting because you know Dave jger Rex camian Joe pry is kind of a big three of Veteran assistant coaches on the staff is a pretty good like top three of Veteran assistant coaches but now Darin ham ham slam which is on the way in Rohan what were your thoughts when you saw the news that uh I actually don’t have to ask you cuz I told you this happened but for for the for the listeners what were what were your thoughts when you heard that uh Darin was back I thought it was great I thought it was great to hear uh apparently darham had been considered for a bunch of other uh coaching I think report guess a couple uh Mike buher and Phoenix uh Charles Lee and Charlotte I would imagine yeah but he wanted to come back to the Milwaukee Bucks I mean no one on that coaching staff is there from his time in Milwaukee but he’s played for the bucks obvious viously he’s won a title with the Bucks as an assistant coach and I think most importantly he he resonates with the players that are there y there’s a famous uh not really famous but per famous among bucks people who follow the team way too closely yes there was there was a Bobby poris tweet that was making the rounds again from last year after they got eliminated uh in the postseason where Bobby was talking about how what was the exact quote I can pull it up right here is that it was basically relating to to Darin ham being like a big departure that no one really talked about too much when talking about uh darham being uh let go and the the postseason struggles of the buck I can’t find it right now but yeah it was it was basically saying uh yeah Darin happens an absence that’s not talked about enough and that’s a big reason why the Bucks fell off in terms of their defense in terms of their overall scheme fell uh in in the postseason as well it just a lot of a lot of things went wrong for the bucks and Bobby poris personally thought that Darin Ham’s departure felt uh played a big part in that but now he’s back long short yeah it was a tweet yeah at from bport his time so somebody replied to Bobby and said MFS need to hop off the trade machine Bobby said LOL they think in this 2K only thing hurt us was dham leaving that ain’t talked about enough of course hilarious a couple months later the Bucs did trade for Damen Lillard so I guess John hor also thought this was 2K but the point remains B Bobby said verba on Twitter that the ham leaving was not talked about enough yes so he he was a guy who was uh reportedly very uh well-liked in the Bucks locker room and that’s just one piece of evidence towards that so bringing him back first and foremost I was like yeah that’s great this is a team that didn’t have any direction last year that needed a lot of person to come together and if there’s one guy they can rally around it’s probably Darin ham yeah W calls out specifically Hest is a player who has a close relationship with ham although I feel like that’s more The Way It Was Written it made me seem it made me feel it was more like a lot of players have a close relationship with him including Giannis because Giannis is of course the guy to talk about on the bucks at any given point but yeah I think uh Bobby poris Brook Lopez is a lot of love for for Darin ham so we talked before for it re-recorded I think we may feel differently about this I am a little leery the Bucks could lose an assistant coach at some point as the staff continues to shape and I believe the specific woe phrase was that Doc Rivers had been looking to reshape his coaching staff and that’s it’s a throwaway line in a short W article which most people don’t even read but you could read that as being they’re now done reshaping the coaching staff which but maybe they are uh was of course the Bucks reported Pursuit from I believe uh Mark Stein that they really wanted Sam Cassell I would imagine this kills that I don’t think Sam Cassell is leaving one job for another to be at most at this point if Ham’s going to be the lead the third assistant coach yeah he would he he would be or the third coach the third coach um he would he would not be an upgrade in terms of position well but that’s the question would it be because so I think he’s going to remain with the Celtics I was Lee the associate there too I believe so so I I don’t know if that’s been formally moved yet but obviously that job is now available in Boston and I know when they brought in uh Sam Cassell to work with Joe Missoula for the Celtics it was like a big we we want someone who’s been around for a long long time as a coach to help Missoula who obviously was new to it and I I think they probably still want STS Yes except except it went better as most things did for the Celtics versus the Bucks this year here uh unfortunately but yeah I would imagine Cassell is staying I would imagine I don’t know which prompted the other like if the Bucks were like oh we can’t get Cel we’ll get ham or if ham was just available sooner and they were happy with that and the players are familiar so they went that way but either way like I would assume Cassell probably just stays with a promotion in Boston and ham is a buck also like if they’re not going to get rid of anyone how many assistant coaches do you really need I mean they still have a lot of I mean doc talks about they had too many they got rid of two rows they have I believe so yeah or two no three Oppenheimer beer and Sydney dobner and now they’ve added another one back so they’re still only down two I’ve got is Trevor gleon really back remember Trevor gleon I don’t know like we’ll see on that but I’m more I’m more just thinking about when I think of the bck coaching staff obviously doc runs the show before this I was thinking about okay it’s Dave Jager on offense and clayi on defense those are like kind of the main felt like we the main guys now I get maybe they’ll still be doing those things but Darin’s got a top position on the bench too and then I I then think of Joe pry who has you know orchestrated a lot of great NBA offenses has Ben a bucks standing head coach twice a lot of experience and then I think of Patrick Matumbo who is like the upand comer of the group who I noticed was like on the front lines talking to Doc and the other main guys quite a bit toward the end of the year in the playoffs I there’s more coaches I don’t mean to light any of them if you’re listening I apologize but these are the main players I think of when I think of the Bucs coaching staff do you think they will all be there still next year I don’t see why not I I just feel like a lot of guys I mean not that it’s too many for the coaching staff’s sake more that it’s like Joe prty is gonna be the fifth guy who knows or would it be four fourth assistant right yeah fourth assistant fifth coach on maybe he’s higher on the pecking order know like well then I mean you could you know redo the question for Jagger or camian or whoever else I guess I mean maybe as these other coaching staffs get formalized uh there’s still the Cleveland Cavaliers job there’s the Lakers job which that’s so funny Maas and Steve are gonna be the assistants there Dan Hurley said no uh by the way for for the listeners the Lakers Godfather offer was less than what Kentucky offered him yeah that’s crazy it’s less than what was reported was The Godfather offer I think W was saying like 10 years $100 million or something previously I saw eight eight years 100 million was the figure I saw years 100 million that’s crazy and then apparently the final offer coding to W was 6 years 70 million crazy I think it was 72 no either way it was like way less than the top of the market that NBA coaches have been getting in the last two years he would have been I think the the thing was he would have been the sixth highest paid coach and any that’s what said but I think someone did the math and he actually would have been like eighth awesome I mean it depends probably like a doc’s figure is better or at least comparable per year I mean he got 40 for four but it’s really 40 for like three and a half yeah so it is comparable to to Doc Rivers and anytime you can leave a two-time title winner to go be Doc Rivers level in the NBA you have to I just I mean I can believe it cuz the Lakers notoriously cheap they’re house poor they’re the only house poor owners like this is their business that and it’s it this is all they have and so there’s no like I think they’d be better at it well they’re they’re like good at some parts of it they’re weirdly good at scouting maybe that was just a a cup check thing I mean they just got Reeves I I I think I think they’re legitimately good at like the the funny thing about the Lakers this has always been the funniest thing about the Lakers like last I don’t know eight years is like they’re so much better at like the around the margin stuff than they are at the big picture stuff and they nailed the big picture stuff for like one year when they got which was like you know kind of fluky like LeBron wanted to go to La whatever and Anthony Davis and him were a good pairing and then they immediately ruined the rotation as soon as they won it all but they’ve continued to be like oh here’s you know the 45th pick who’s going to be a big contributor for us for the next couple years also here’s Russell Westbrook yeah like they they they had they’ve been such a weird it’s like you would expect a team like the Spurs or something to be doing all this and obviously a lot of teams have had success doing that but you wouldn’t you think the Lakers you just think of like the big names and the big power moves and their franchise has been best at like all the margin stuff which is which is why it said they should be you’d think they’d be better at it because I was referring to the business part of it like the the bus family is not doing scouting do you know there’s six of them that work there are you serious I thought there were three six no there’s six you know what jar Dr bus got around he he did yeah let’s move on um back to the Bucks the coaching staff though looks great I feel great about the coaching staff even if they lose one of those guys I would ass I would assume I would guess and I’m not again this is not an ill will toward this person I would guess if one’s goes it’s PR dog because he was not the one picked by doc exactly neither was Matumbo but he’s like you know pry is been like around the second or third guy on steps for years now so it wouldn’t surprise me if Charles Lee buds whoever the Lakers end up hiring calls him up and was like Hey you know we’d love you to be our number two guy will you come do that probably not the Lakers because they probably wouldn’t pay enough but you know maybe the sons who are reportedly just throwing money everywhere maybe they would do it um restu worked with but butd hasn’t worked with yeah Dallas would make sense butd hasn’t worked with pry so you know usually the prior relationship matter too but clearly not always given that ham did not pick Phoenix if they were even in play which honestly I’m shocked I I honestly wouldn’t shock I think it speaks to his relationships with the players more than the coaching staff which I think is great I think it boats well for this hire yes also like Doc knows everyone I think the doc of it matters like I think doc probably came through and closed this yeah he’s been around he’s been around the block for a while now so I mean I’m sure he has a I mean you know obviously wasn’t coaching this year but has been a head coach in the league at the same time as Darin and of course was when Darin was an assistant he was a head coach like I’m sure they have some relationship like I I agree I think the players are probably what puts it over the edge but I’m sure the dock of it all is a big factor when he was publicly like yeah we want to bring in even more which honestly is like a kind of cool thing from doc might as well I don’t know where they’re going to put him what row they have start they have to start a third row he’s got to go to Phoenix right like some of these guys have to go toix Phoenix you would think so or Charlotte yeah um but yeah the Bucks are just like they’re they’re kind of hoarding them but I think it’s cool I like that Doc is like basically establishing an awesome staff like I think it’s first it’s cool the Bucks ownership is giving him the resources to do so I assume this is not cheap and like nobody would have added an eye if they didn’t make another major addition to their coaching staff I mean obviously doc saying they wanted to go get someone sparked it but like if he has if he doesn’t say that we would have been like okay yeah that’s fine like good staff if it was announced that Darin ham was going to Phoenix we would have been like okay yeah sure that’s fine and I think good for them a great for them I I did see some like non buuck people almost laugh about like oh doc and now Darin ham like what are they building in Milwaukee which of course is just like as we’ll talk about with our other topic before the mock draft the Bucks always get shafted in in whatever angle possible when people are talking about the NBA but like Darin ham for all T was a great assistant I don’t think he was a very good head coach in La I know a lot of bucks people right now like fans I see are making excuses for him I don’t think he did a good job I I I think he did poorly as a head coach in Los Angeles it’s a different job I think you can be a very good assistant and not a good head coach I think you can start off as not a very good head coach and then improve later now Frank do I think he had a good situation no of course not I think he had a very hard situation maybe the hardest job in the league not in terms of like you know getting wins out of the roster they’re not the 30th best best roster but in terms of dealing with the Lakers of it all the Lebron of it all Etc it’s a very difficult job very high standards uh and very you know the resources don’t m match the standards if you look at their actual roster these days um and he could get another job in a couple years and be awesome I don’t think he did a good job I don’t think that means he’s not a very good assistant coach I I feel very strongly that he is based on what we’ve seen from him on bud staffs over the years based on what the players have said I think that she even get everyone even more on the same page which is exactly what the Bucks need after how tumultuous last year was and I can’t believe he’s not a son because that’s exactly what bud needs exactly with these three players like they really need someone to you know maybe maybe Bud’s just hit now maybe he took the year off and he’s real into I I don’t even know what these guys are into but maybe he’s into it and he can just do it himself jumpers at the club I could actually see Bud doing that it’s a very funny image have we ever seen Bud shoot a basketball I don’t think I’ve ever yes we have he there was a there was a there was a game a few years ago when he was the coach it was Co they went to a uh they went to a prison I think oh that’s right yeah it was like a coaching staff basketball game for just like an enrichment opportunity and we saw blood like lighting it up from Deep yeah I I don’t even remember how it looks but I would imagine to be pretty silky it was clean I’ll tell you it was clean yeah it was mechanically sound as you would expect maybe Bud should have been the shooting coach anyway um I said a bunch of stuff what are your thoughts on ham head coach Bud all this stuff I think I think it’s good I mean obviously with the way the season went last year you just want some sort of stability and I think that’s one thing that doc was looking for coming into this season is just in just being able to Rally these guys make them make them sure that they know this is a stable situation and I think this almost works better than a Sam Cassell type higher which this is nothing against Sam Cassell obviously is a great uh coach in his own regard bucks Legend Sam Cassell uh but just a guy who not only has like the Acumen and has done this a title winning assistant coach in this role he’s done it with this team and with these players like obviously not ding right and obviously not like it’s there’s four guys right Five Guys left there’s there’s Giannis there’s Chris there’s Brooke there’s Pat there’s Bobby and we’ll see what happens with the nasas but that’s it yeah that’s it yeah yeah yeah that’s everyone left from the title team which is a lot but like I mean OB when you compare it to a team like Phoenix who they only have one guy from their finals run uh it’s crazy and they were a younger team exactly it’s crazy but you just need some guy who has a good relationship with these guys already to be able to calm them down to be able to get them like integrated with this coaching staff is I think it’s a great addition I think it’s it’s an amazing addition there’s a reason doc Duc Darin ham was selected to be the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers right like he had a great great resume he during their interview process they must have seen something that completely stood out to them still only 50 years old exactly uh there there’s there’s a there’s a great coach there obviously like the the people who get these head coaching jobs don’t get it just for nothing right they do it because of a longstanding like uh pedigree in this league just being able to have that resume to be able to uh articulate well how you’re going to be able to do this and doc I me I keep saying doc Darin hamam was one of those guys like I don’t think that should be taken lightly I agree it didn’t work out well in La he wasn’t the best in La he wasn’t well suited for that job it was a tough job but there was still a reason that he was picked to be a head coach so I think as much experience as you can get and as much talent as you can get on your coaching stuff I think is amazing yeah yeah I’m excited about it um and I think it I think it’s going to be good I also my last thought on this I think certainly it’s great for the players that remember him and obviously you know he’s I’m sure he’s going to do well with Dame and everyone else too like he’s been around the league for so long I’m sure he has relationships with guys he hasn’t coached before I I I don’t think this necessarily means all five or six of those guys are going to be back no absolutely like if you knew if you knew hey we got to trade with these bigs we got a tough a tough move it’s going to reverberate through the franchise a little bit would it maybe ease it a little bit if you brought back to Darin too maybe ease the transition a little bit you know what I mean like I think you could read that either way that’s all I don’t think because I’ve seen this like oh I guess everyone’s coming back whatever man we’ll see John horse has not been a very passive general manager uh when there’s clear needs and and the roster right now clearly does have some needs and they probably won’t fill them all through you know two low draft picks and a couple vet mens so I think yeah when I when I said there’s like five or six players no I know I just wanted to I wanted to get that thought out there too for sure I don’t think I would be frankly upset if all of those guys came back yeah I would be a little that would be an issue yeah uh for sure but like I could see that I could see that angle as well trying to like ease that transition keep as much familiarity as you can like yeah I I totally see that let’s talk about another transition Drew holiday to Portland to Boston a lot of horrible takes flying around about this right now bucks picked the wrong guy Rohan it’s it’s a lot obviously this comes as the Celtics go up 20 on the on the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA finals and last time that happened I mean it obviously the team that went up 2011 so you know uh that’s a joke by the way it was Phoenix Buck 2021 but also I I I do think it’s not funny I’m I’m very surprised that we’re doing all these dumb Drew takes instead of one celebrating Drew having a great finals two porus left that game clearly hobbled Joe Missoula said he he’s fine though pora said will die out there they can say all they want that’s a crazy thing to say by the way when you’re good for Christof he said I’ll die out there is crazy good for tingis pingis I I saw what I saw like he clearly aggravated something to some degree he was not moving well at all it was clearly bothering him his gate was horrible porzig being banged up totally could help crack that series open again look at game one yeah it’s it’s it was kristofh porzingis that that I mean right after he went out that’s when the MAV kind of went on a run to close the game and got it to what it was I think seven well not folling down seven with like 35 seconds left was wild to me by the way I just like at that point it’s like what doing though it’s it’s the finals I mean that’s true a guy a guy misses two free throws which Luca did himself earlier in that game you hit a three it’s a four-point game where you can have a shot at from that point I mean it’s a very long odds it’s not a good shot I was just I I have not seen me many times in a playoff game period when it’s like just over two possessions and you have more than a shot clock left and you’re not still trying no that’s surprised I mean they kind of pressured the ball and then just like gave up and they didn’t get a steal right away anyway um that’s all unrelated I I I don’t think this series is over I I agree with your your point about Buck suns in 21 but the Drew holiday part of it all he is the odds on favorite I think right now for finals MVP he’s playing very very well is the the long and the short of it uh he is basically thriving in the dunker spot uh the Jason Tatum discourse has been horrible by the way that’s a whole separate thing I don’t understand what anyone is is talking about ever I I find myself wanting to be on Twitter less than ever before just because I think everything that is said what part of the Discord a discourse do you know like it’s just everyone’s just [ __ ] on him constantly he’s not he’s not shooting well he’s for sure not shooting well he’s not playing that poorly though yeah but it’s just it’s the Sho I think it’s the fact that it’s the second finals in a row yeah I mean that’s fine they’re up too well they’ve been awesome yeah like it just feels like we’re moving goalpost because we don’t want anyone to be happy about Boston which I get it but I just think it’s a little happy about Boston I I mean don’t even want to give them any credit anyone on them any credit which again I I get it but I it just comes off as weird to me fair I get it I think he’s playing well overall the shots just not falling but he is feeding Drew right now Drew is averaging 19 points nine and a half rebounds four assists in the finals only one and a half stocks but shooting 65% from the field 44% from three just what is your what is your take for what everyone else is saying on Drew’s success this playoffs good for him man like yeah like it’s not he I think people need to make they need to he it he didn’t choose any of this right yeah like he didn’t choose any part of this right like Drew he was a guy who was clearly for bucks fan like he was a guy who’s clearly upset about being traded away from Milwaukee can you can you think of any Star players like whether you want to consider like drew a star he’s a two-time Allstar whatever like a very very good play a prominent player saying hey by the way I’m upset that I’m leaving Milwaukee I’m upset that Milwaukee is choosing to get rid of me like first and foremost like that’s like just amazing on its own and and two like he didn’t choose to do any of this like he shw like he got traded to Portland and then the Celtics traded for him in one of the stupid like they made two ridiculous trades this past summer and I don’t know how they’re getting away with it it’s it’s crazy to me like what for for porzingis they gave up Marcus Smart Mike muscala and who was the other guy I don’t even know uh and a second round pick for porzingis and two firsts like they they’re they they love the distressed asset move they’ve been winning on that they got brog in the year before who they were able to step ladder up and Drew this year because it’s like oh he’s kind of hurt he makes a lot of money you know a lot of these teams get scared about this stuff now the teams who don’t have one I mean the Bucs do this too that’s how they got Dame but it’s it’s been successful I I I I’m more open to the books looking at quote unquote stars now but to do what the Celtics have done with Drew not to like add them as a conventional star if that makes sense this is the supercharged Aaron Gordon move that’s what this is yes he’s he’s basically playing that role also I it’s funny I actually think it it is more I mean like the role thing is Aaron Gordon he plays more like Bruce Brown did on the Nuggets but that’s all he has to do like all right guard guard a guy in the perimeter like cut an open space on offense take open shots like that’s not what he was asked to do on the buck and that’s like that’s another that’s never that’s never what he would I saw was it that Sam guy from CB Sam Quinn was like I think they should have gotten Terry Rosier and stuck around with everyone what you think Terry Rosier would have the ball over Drew holiday in the half court I don’t no like you can’t just what if we just had a bunch of worse players and then told Drew to do less like it doesn’t that’s not how this works like there’s always a totem pole there’s always a pecking order it’s Giannis and then for the bucks it was basically Chris and Drew next to each other I someone told me the other day he was the third option he was not a top offensive option he was a co-c option like very clearly absolutely like that’s not even a question and he probably I would I would venture to guess if you looked at and I didn’t but if you looked at like the number of touches and touch time he probably came in higher than three most years he was their point guard like he had the ball a ton and you watch Boston night and day he he he plays like Bruce Brown like again I’m not saying that to denigrate drew his role he’s playing like in a the best possible Bruce Brown like again I said supercharged Aaron Gordon I’m not calling him a role player but when we see these like Fringe All-Star guys put on roles on stacked teams where they are asked to do role player things they look amazing for sure 100% like it’s a completely different role right like the the in Boston there’s a clear packing order like you mentioned there’s clearly guys above him in that packing order that just weren’t there in Milwaukee there was one clear guy ahead of him in Milwaukee that’s the honest in Boston there’s two I would say there’s three yeah I feel like Dereck White’s on the ball a lot more than Drew I’m not saying he’s better I’m saying the way they play for sure I think he’s leaned on more to create for sure for sure but like it it’s almost like the co- fourth option in in Bost compared to the co-c option in Milwaukee like it’s it’s a completely different role he didn’t choose any of this he’s a good guy who deserves good things yep and I think even even if you want to say even if you disagree with the Dereck white thing he is a co- third option with three other guys versus a co-c option with one other guy or with two other guys three to guys like it’s him porzingis and white behind the JS like that’s so much lighter on and I think porzingis the same thing porzingis looks awesome porzingis looks better defensively again when he’s healthy which has always been a thing but I think that I’ve ever seen just CU like offensively his life not as easy like they their offense they just like go to guys every so often because I feel like it’s like oh he hasn’t have the ball for a while let’s let porzingis do a little post spin he hasn’t let’s let Derrick White shoot some Corner threes they have a really good flow right now makes me sick but they’re playing very well yeah it it hurts me to my soul but it’s we’ve talked about it doesn’t hurt me as much I I don’t hate any other players that helps I just hate the I hate the the organization that’s yeah I do too but I you know that makes it almost easier what just to say like oh I hate Boston like I don’t have to root against individual players just like nope the entire Celtics nope no I I do too I’m not I’m not telling you I like them but what I’m with like the or but I’m telling you is like I’m not sick over them having like if they win the finals I’m not going to be sick because I we’ve talked about many times find it hard to hate Jason Tatum seems like a cool guy Jaylen Brown said some very stupid things yeah um but like Derek white if you hate Derek white I think you should go outside it’s a good take and and of course Drew I hate Pritchard just because of he’s Pritchard yeah when he popped off after he hit that buzzer beater was at half time like the third quarter it was like the it graded on me I just I don’t I I hope I hope Luca and Kyrie got something in them Kyrie Luca has been pretty good Kyrie is a bum I did not realize he had lost nine straight against Boston going into the finals yeah going into the final it’s 11 now ever since he stepped on Lucky they really stood on business with that and I kind of respect it I kind of hate it I kind of hate it I feel like it has nothing to do with lucky like this is like several different teams I mean obviously the Jays have been there but like again if it was any other franchise I’d be like that’s so sick yeah like imagine if imagine if Kyrie stepped on stepped on the buck Benny the Bull and the Bulls ran I’m saying like a neutral party and the Bulls ran off 11 straight wins and I guess you hate the Bulls too it’s like the TNT Bulls type thing remember that yeah yeah it was just fun it was like a fun fun to observe but yeah you’d be like oh that’s sick um but now people are just sick and I I get it I hate the Celtics too I don’t think they’re my most hated NBA team right now who is I hate the Sixers fan base more uh I see I respect the Sixers fan base more I guess I don’t know I don’t not saying like I’m saying I respect them I think I think they’re better fans than Celtics fans I know we have some Celtics listeners I’m sorry I’m not talking about you I I hate the heat more just because there’s just more history actually there’s not really there’s not really it’s pretty equal history it is pretty it is pretty equal the heat the heat losses have been way more embarrassing though yeah but that’s just context dependent I guess I hate the Pacers more I hate Pacers players more than any other team that is fair that is true I don’t hate that many teams anymore I mean you just named like five but I said I don’t hate a couple of them okay the it’s like not even it’s almost like I feel bad it goes back to like the postprocess like they were just the worst back then yeah I feel like now they’ve kind of been beaten back down again I mean they’re they’re all like oh we have all this cap space oh we’re going to take in deard D rozan it’s going to be sick like whatever they’re whole they never made an Easter Conference Finals like since 01 doesn’t no one cares about them no and the heat like I actually don’t know if I hate their players no I don’t know I hate how the heat make me feel more than I hate the heat I think that’s true I think that’s fair exp what’s wrong with you it’s a result of playing the Heat not the heat themselves yeah because like I think Jimmy’s kind of cool did you see what Jimmy said about uh cam Brink what all I this isn’t it’s not really about her it’s I was gonna say it’s not about her salacious 22 looks good in looks good in purple and gold yeah he’s number 22 that’s the he is he is thirsting for other teams cuz Pat won’t give him the bag I do this is actually a serious thing I don’t think the pissing contest matters at all Jimmy has a very well documented history of being very upset if you don’t pay him oh absolutely why do you think he’s not why do you think the like his last few teams didn’t like he’s not there anymore it’s three in a row bues wouldn’t give him an extension the Wolves wouldn’t give him an extension and then he was over me he was a free I think he might have still been able to get paid there but the heat did it faster or something I don’t remember but but yeah they were like nickel and diamond and and the heat came in yeah it was a sign in trade so I guess yeah the Sixers should just willingly give that’s crazy it’s a crazy what was it Josh Richardson or something yeah crazy uh who end back in Miami that’s always how it goes yeah if they traded if they did a trade where they sent out Jimmy Butler and got back Donovan Mitchell would you fear Miami more or less or the same I think the same I would say less I think it makes way more sense as a player I I think there’s an aura about Jimmy that has made them he made heat culture real I think people forget heat culture was like a joke in 2016 like it’s always the players that do it I think B’s a great player it’s not the same yeah no Jimmy took it to a whole whole new level I mean they looked pretty pathetic without him in the playoffs yeah so I uh I I mean Donovan Mitchell I think is’s a great player I think he’s a he’s a horrible fit with Rosier and hero obviously but him and Bam makes a ton of sense yeah I would fear them less I think just the shooting ability from Donovan Mitchell just that’s why I keep it around the same because you you gain some you lose some Jimmy in the playoffs has been a just a he’s shot pretty well there I know he’s he’s the reason Drew is not a Milwaukee Buck yeah just to bring It full circle yeah but we I think we agree I think we’re in agreement on Drew yeah like it’s fine he didn’t ask for this like it’s fine yeah like I’m not GNA I’m not going to actively root against a player who helped deliver the bux of Championship I’m not going to do it no I agree and like and I think too I think there’s I was worried I could feel like if he flourished like I think we talked about this way back when the Celtics got him like oh now you’re going to be good in the playoffs I’ve seen a lot of this like either push back on what the Bucs fans have said accurately about how he was in Milwaukee or like anger now but it just seems so obvious to me it’s it’s such a function of the role it absolutely is it’s app and oranges he’s just like it’s right there for him and you know credit to him for I mean the threes are never a given but he went from like pull-up threes to just wide open Corner threes wide open shots at the basket he’s moving really well in space like he’s made some tough shots too I think those will come and go but he is just absolutely in on wide open looks and again sounds like I’m denigrating him that’s just what’s happening out there uh and credit to him for taking advantage but um I I don’t think this is like oh he got out from under the Bucks and now he can shoot I think it’s just like yeah life is pretty easy when you’re the fourth or fifth guy in the Celtics yeah like you can it’s easier for him to make open threes compared to step back contested threes that he felt like he was able to take as a member of the box or had to or had to take yeah I don’t he felt like he felt like not I don’t think he actually had to no I know I’m with you I’m with you okay let’s talk about our friends at prize picks then we’ll do our full full 33 our first round plus mock draft uh priz piix is America’s dou one fantasy sports have with more than five million members is the most fun and exciting way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players all you do is pick more or less on two or more player stats for a shots win up to 100 times your cash and what’s been really fun is to add a little extra spice to the NBA Playoffs you can go with the Stars if you get a star in your lineup you can get a payout boost on your winnings up to 10% payout boost for those starred players on the board and it’s been very fun I would recommend kind of a mixed NBA WNBA slate on the finals nights I had just a down to the wire Aces Sparks Mavs Celtics play and I ended up being like one short of like three different projections Cameron br 8.5 points went more I always could do more than less than is just not fun to me she had eight out of 8.5 I think Jaylen Brown had 32 points rebounds assists the projection was 32 and a half they were grilling me Asia Wilson I think was one and a half below her points and rebounds and then porzingis fell a little short but he had left the game so that kind of makes sense there but anyway it just adds a little extra you know with the Bucks not playing and unfortunately no Wisconsin WNBA team it’s nice to have a little bit of a rooting interest in the games outside of just you know storylines and stuff so I would recommend Asia Wilson whenever she plays because she is absolutely dominating the WNBA right now also far in away the best player Insider opinion here Kelsey Plum more on whatever are usually a good bet she plays like the whole game I know it’s as plays a lot too but I’m watching the Aces and I’m like is Kelsey Plum ever going to check out of this game she’s just always in the she’s getting knocked over it doesn’t matter just keeps playing um so credit to Kelsey Plum and then of course on the NBA side I I I I haven’t I I went more than game one didn’t touch him game two I’m fading Kyrie the rest of the playoffs I’m done and which which means everyone listen and go and take the more then he’s gonna have 50 but I personally I I’m not a Believer anymore I think Lucky’s got his revenge and Luca is always a safe bet and the Celtics lucky is it the like yeah um but download the app today prospects and use code eurostep for that first deposit match up to $100 to get in on the action with us let us know your winning plays and how you’re doing on prize picks we always like to hear when someone notches a Big W that’s code eurostep all one word for a first deposit match up to $100 on the prize pick app pick more pick less it’s that easy all right Rohan should we do this draft are you excited are you ready am excited I’m very excited see if this works okay we’re here amazing uh you can’t see it but I can see it I I that’s I’m playing into that time I know you’re doing great so what we’re going to do is we’re going to kind of burn through the first round and and three more picks so we can do both of the Bucks picks and this is more this is not us trying to be experts this is I I would say I approach these as like a little predictive but more so this is what this team should do right is that is that also how you approaching this yeah I think so I think so it’s like based on their needs what do you think they they should do yeah I think it’s more should than will obviously we’re not draft insiders we’re not draft experts although we’ve been doing more on the draft for you know having their two pick this is chalk could you imagine can you actually that’d be amazing I mean we’re also not taking into account trades so yeah so it won’t be well I mean the P the pics could be the same but yeah we’re not going to do trades at least for this one if if a lot of people say hey we we want you guys to get wild and do trades maybe we’ll do trades maybe we’ll do a live one with trades let us know if you want that that could be fun that could be but anyway for now the Atlanta Hawks first pick in the4 NBA draft GNA pick yeah I think so okay I think that’s more fun than switching off interestingly I I’ll have to relay this I’ll be the assistant GM I guess our team need here Center need is Sever pulled up don’t worry oh you have a 12 Center need is severe I don’t really understand that with capella and okong but if fits The Narrative of I want to go Alex SAR here I want to go Alex SAR here as well just barely not because of like the center severe thing but most I think we’ll kind of ignore this based on that first one I don’t know if these team needs are very well it was more of a defensive thing right like they need defense and honestly like who knows what they’re going to do this summer are they going to trade Trey are they going to trade Deonte maray you take the player with the highest upside and the highest floor like and that’s that’s alexar maybe not the highest floor but he has the tools to just be a monster an absolute monster right he’s a almost s foot guy who can just handle he can shoot he can defend like that’s the kind of guy you want yeah I just I think he’s the best Prospect I think he’s really the only one I’d be comfortable taking it one so I think it works that it I think if they trade one of or neither of Trey and deante either way you’re like oh let’s pair a starish guard in the case of deante with this super young CER who they’ll be able to spoon feed buckets to I think it’s great fitwise I also think he’s just a prospect I feel best about so let’s do it let’s lock in Alex SAR with the number one overall pick I love it next up the Washington Wizards the draft gets super weird right here it really does because I I was thinking about this and for the Wizards I mean what do they need everything good players they need they need good players they need everything right here’s the thing this board is wild I’m on the consensus board fanso I don’t know which one you pulled up I uh I’m not with all of these consensus rankings here no no I mean re I’m not a reiche guy we’ll get to they still have topic third which I think he’ll probably fall a little bit but Castle six feels a little high to me kinging nine feels a little low I actually kind of like kinging here for the Wizards I kind of like a guard here I kind of I one one way or the other I think Center or guard I like the wing I like they have some good decent young Wings right now I think either ball handling guard or a center makes sense yeah so that’s why I was thinking kind of like a reed sheeper here don’t hate Reed Shepard here I don’t know if he’s going to be on ball enough I don’t know either but you just need you need some you need a guard you need like a shooting guard what about what or Dillingham no no I’m not I I mean I would get it if they did it but I personally would not take him at to would you go Castle here then can I pit you out a castle or even a Holland I don’t know if you can pitch me on a Holland Castle is the other guy I was thinking of not a shooter but hey you got kiss B’s a very good shooter um we have some other guys who are working on their jumpers but I’m not going to make this pick because of you know whatever how Kyle kzar or whoever looks the thing with Castle is like apparently he’s not working out with teams that already have point guards we don’t have a point guard that we care about so by Jordan well I mean I think Castle wants to play as a point guard I don’t think he said starting point guard I think he I think he did and also we’re the one did he wants to say I mean who’s gonna pick him if he has to start at the one I don’t know I think like who’s up next Houston they’re not he’s not going there San Antonio maybe I guess you better be a Spur buddy fingers crossed get ready to learn churro churro I was gonna say um let’s say we’re the franchise we’re GNA do what we want we’ll let you handle the ball we suck yeah should we do Castle I like Castle I think Castle would be a great wizard castle don’t say that I think Castle I think he would be that makes it sound like he’s gonna have charges F I do see um that are hornets but I I think he he’s a player a lot of people agree like already a very good Defender good ball handler strong player big guard like if he could shoot could be a real star if I’m the Wizards I’m like yeah sign me up we could use like just the Baseline version of this player like we have no defense right now outside of uh Who’s the rookie from last year why am I forgetting his name uh kulali yeah outside of kabali who was a rookie like we could just use more defensive big guards but also like if he pans out he’d be really good there so I like Castle yeah let’s do Castle I’m good with that I like it all right Stefan Castle 6 foot s point guard to the Wizards hastle number two feels crazy but does it when you look at the rest of I mean again here’s re ree topic who has a partially torn ACL Reed Shepard a negative wingspan also a negative wingspan and can can’t shoot also has been a bad three-point shooter but just those minor things Reed Shepard who’s a 6 foot one probably not ball dominant guard Modis buis who we’re going to talk about pretty soon here 6’1 Prett probably and then Dillingham 6’1 guard Holland is like I think a less attractive kind of version of Castle but less polished anyway the Rockets Around the Clock you’re talking about buis I don’t know where to go here there’s a rumor they like big guys um that they still want one I don’t know if Lopez is here man Brook Lopez but I mean it’s like as we talked about with the brook thing they’ve obviously got shenon who’s like a young star there and then they traded for stepen Adams who they anticipate being able to play this year extension eligible by the way shenon that’s interesting to Monitor and apparently these might be old reports but may not want to offer a full Max he does not strike me as a udoka player really doesn’t right the rang e bigs was his thing in Boston that is not shingun anyway I but neither is kingan so I I don’t think they would like take kingan and then trade shenon like that’s not he’s not Robert Williams 2.0 um so we talked about a couple of these players a little bit already like I think a tow pitch to me makes no sense I think the problem with the Rockets is what do they need I think they just need a I think they need a wing I mean they didn’t even have minutes for cam Whitmore last year I think that was that was more they have a Thompson twin they have a I mean I they’re not dying for long wings I mean they have jaari Smith Jr I’m telling you I mean I would not consider him to be a wing at all you think he’s just a straight big I think he play some minutes at the four I think he is a four but I don’t I don’t yeah i’ say like a four or five sure maybe they have too many of those you need like a legit three yeah like what are you gonna like tar e what are you gonna do with him like oh yeah t they have so many of these guys you can see why they just had to like give up TI Tai they’re just like yeah we have we can’t anymore we have too many of these guys so where like where do you go here like I was thinking Rea [ __ ] but I could also I realistically they they probably trade it is the real answer yeah or maybe just go do do reach here do you do you take a prospect like topic but you would trade down to do that I actually it’s hilarious because one pick ago I was like I’m not big on this guy do you swing for Dillingham here here’s the logic here’s the logic okay like we take Ron Holland He’s just never gonna play like we have enough developmental Wings we don’t need this player we have enough defense we have Dylan Brooks we have tar een we don’t need this guy did we have like a bench sixthman scorer right now I mean no who was that for them last year Aaron holiday like yeah like can we can we say listen Rob Dillingham we think you might be a star you’re also six foot one you know if you project as a sixth man but you can do it kind of soon that actually probably helps our team and if you really pan out then great even better we’re happy about that you know are you pretty small between him Jaylen green and Fred Van vet yeah for sure but Fred Van V’s a good Defender you’re not playing all three at once he’s like you know come in get some buckets Rob I actually think he kind of makes the most sense I mean re is just like people like his defensive upside he could maybe defend the three for you at 69 but again we just walked through a lot of win you would have to play him at the three yeah maybe you size him up do like a 3-2 I I don’t know if he can really hang at the two but I don’t either I think he can hang anywhere right now but no I’m not sure if he can that I kind of like Dillingham I’m not I’m not mad at it maybe do you go may maybe do a reed sheeper yeah just like more defense they could use more defense I I kind of like Reed Shepard because I they could use more small defense I think you look at their guards I mean he’s also like he’s also like an elite shooter as well yeah I I think I think one of the Kentucky guys makes sense like I just don’t I I don’t hate a center idea but I don’t love it and I don’t want to just like throw B in here and be like here’s another one of these guys yeah that’s true I think I think I’m leading Shephard here we can go with I think I like him better as a prospect than Dillingham so even though I liked my Dillingham case I’ll go with Shepard just because I would rather take the better player than the fit and uh they don’t have another pick anytime soon I think in real life the answer is they’re probably trading this and trying to go to Star um but we’re just doing a draft so let’s take Reed Shepard San Antonio Spurs are next on the clock here first of two picks yeah in the top 10 shout out yakob purle so let’s have this conversation not as drafters but as the Spurs war room we think we can get top pitch at eight right absolutely you absolutely we I think we want topic I think if topic Falls to isdate we take topic like I think even with the injury for eight might even be a reach true uh we could try it 35 hey we’re not going to do that this draft so maybe no maybe next maybe next time we’ll try that I I mean I think the thing they just need more NBA players I think if cigan Falls to eight we consider him there like do we swing on Dillingham because we just really like we want Vic to not have to do everything on offense I think I think you need to go guard here we need a guard that is what we need like I don’t like Reet enough to take him here no I don’t trust him enough to create Dill I I think we go Dillingham because of topic injury we and do do we just believe but yeah I think God but apparently reportedly they’re they’re listening to anyone besides uh who was a wemi and uh Vel Vel Vel yeah so maybe like I don’t even know I would consider trading this pick I mean the thing like do I feel like I can get Dillingham at eight maybe yeah but then who do you take here like that’s the issue do just want do we want bazas to defend better or Holland to just take the swing at it just like try and develop him or do we take Dillingham first it’s our biggest need we need more shot creation we need more guard play let him pick and roll with wemi all day and then we’ll come back and take a a fun intriguing flyer at eight which almost feels like a free pick I think so I think you go yeah I think that’s a great way to go about it I don’t know if Dillingham is a Spurs player but I do know they need players who can just create and score for so I like it and good thing about the Spurs is they turn players into Spurs players that’s true that’s a great point so let’s take Rob Dillingham incredible off the bounds Creator and shooter and just say wemy you got him on defense it is it is the best place you could put Dillingham I think for his defensive issues it’s like all right you got Wy behind you doesn’t even matter doesn’t who cares don’t even practice it just be an offensive player you guys can be great can you be great value Trey young because if you can we are going to be awesome and we have a billion picks to go do stuff we might even get you actual Trey young we might maybe you can learn from him uh you’re probably playing Atlanta if we do that but that’s okay um I don’t know yeah I mean I think I’m I want four and eight if oh no they would be getting never mind I’m I’m thinking backwards here yeah I would want four and eight if I’m Giving Up Trey young would you you no or would you want your own picks back I’d probably want to mix yeah if I’m trading a Trey young I like the idea of at least two Lottery like two good Lotto swings from the jump just to like I don’t think I think the Spurs are getting Trey young they probably don’t care as much about taking Lotto picks in this draft that’s also true they got some nice role plays anyway we we have enough to get through we get like a hall for Kellin or something I don’t know we have to do the trades later we have to focus on we’re doing this halfway through the Pod we’re on pick five uh the the Detroit Pistons I’ve heard a lot of buas here I like that a fair bit I do think they just need like more competent Wing play I think that’s their number one need yeah I think anytime you can get a big big Wing you have to do it I could see buis I could see ree here I know as a ree hater it does make a lot of sense to me just like a low floor high ceiling type of guy the Pistons would just like take a shot we don’t know what langdon’s going to do in are they going to be are they going to be scarred are they gonna be scarred by um Hayes I don’t know maybe I thought you were gonna say Darko then I forgot about killing Hayes yeah uh I think I like Reay also I don’t want him to fall really far on our on our board and I still look silly although May in real life we were just talking before that like mock drafts are all over the place so everyone’s probably going to look a little silly so we don’t I’m worried I’m worried he’s not athletic enough he profiles as a good rangy Defender like I just don’t know if I buy his driving but his shot looks good but I guess they could just use like kind of a utility player who fits in around Kaden Ivy so I think it makes sense yeah I definitely see it I mean he has the best upside at this pick yeah for sure if you’re the Pistons and you you just have the worst season in your franchise history only to pick fifth if you can get one of the guys with the biggest upside you I think you take it also like I’ve made a big joke out of how Simone fonio changed their lives so maybe R will look awesome in Detroit yeah Zachary ree tagline better than Isaiah livers let’s call it in done we up we upgraded Isaiah livers big time let’s go the Charlotte Hornets a team near and dear to Andrew Snider’s heart y unfortunately do we just run in and take buis here I think you do I think this is a steal for the Hornets yeah I mean I really like the core of lamelo ball if he can stay healthy and thenand buis and Brandon Miller combo like you’re very you’re huge but not in a slow way like I think this is like where what we’re seeing the NBA is going like let’s just let’s have our guys at the three and four both be like 69 610 and very mobile like that’s just going to make you so much better on both ends almost by default absolutely absolutely I think I think buis is the big year yeah I mean I I I like Mark Williams enough that I’m not looking at Center I I think you need to figure out your two guard but hey do you have you have we have some cap space this year that’s Klay Thompson money that’s Klay Thompson money that would be I think they’d be way better like Clay’s not even that good anymore like a functional two guard next to lamelo buis uh Brandon Miller and Mark Williams that’s a good team yeah we’re taking buas here okay I like I like the way this draft is going so far it’s about to get weird the Portland Trailblazers at seven oh my God I like the thing about Portland is they were really bad they have a lot of players on the roster it’s there’s not a lot of huge holes I know that’s thing is like my immediately my immediate thought with the Blazers was kinging but then I was like then what’s the point of aen yeah he’s there for a long time and a lot actually only two more years say but 34 million a year I so see I I’m like yeah there’s no way cigan Falls I think it’s very possible cigan Falls absolutely it is not a lot of teams are dying for a center two I can see him go 10 I like Ron Holland here I’m not mad at Ron Holland here I think cuz you got Simon and you got Scoot and neither one of those guys is a great defender I like the idea of dropping Holland and with sharp and being like these are our just like athletic wings that are physical and they can help us cover for the rest of these guys and like we know we’re not going to be good next year this is a team realistically they would love to be trying to get Cooper flag right like this was their first true tank year was last year we know this draft sucks we know the West is not getting worse fast like they’re not in a big hurry I think they’ve only been bad one year Ron Holland makes a lot of sense here basically that you know raw really raw offensively but like super physical for I think a 19-year-old good Defender already like just see what he develops into I think at eight is it we seven eight no seven seven I think this is a good time to take that swing or or H see yeah I’m not doing Cody Williams I’m not doing Cody Williams either think dton that oh I I I think he’s more of like a win now type player he is he’s like 23 years old he’s like 23 years old but Ian you get him for a rookie contract and then his restricted rights so it’s not like you know you don’t need it’s not like the age is that big of a deal yeah literally if you want him I would I think I prefer the Holland S I think Holland is better especially considering they’re probably going to try to get Cooper flag yeah that’s a good call I think if they I think if they weren’t I think you would go connect here and like are they are they I guess they they’re kind of dying for spacing they probably are they could use a vet but like Grant Simons are good Shooters if brogen’s still there he’s obviously a good shooter sometimes year two yeah I like Holland here I think I think you have to look at it almost maybe they trade Jeremy Grant you have some Wing minuts opening up yeah I I just think you know ignore the old guys young core is now scoot Simons is he’s getting a little older but still pretty young Holland sharp it’s like are they all great fits together no but I think you almost have to be like all right we have four guys like if two of them end up being stars then we’re a pretty good spot and du up who is I think older than you he definitely is yeah all right so Ron Holland do Ruth is wath is 27 oh so yes yes damn I’m drafting Ron Holland okay I’m fine with Ron Holland we are back to the Spurs so we we we nailed Dillingham at four we got our guard do we double dip on guard and take Nia topic the number one pick on the cons the top remaining consensus board player at number three yeah I think I think or do we take connect who makes I think the most immediate sense or or do you go or do you go like cling in do you I was just going to pitch kingan do we just say I think kingan let’s make our defensive front Court an absolute monster dude I think I think you could oh I’m thinking topic connect or klling in here that’s where I’m at too I’m not a big Cody Williams guy I I just if you want an intriguing Wing like I think the Spurs are fine there I think they have a lot of these guys already I don’t think you need to add another one I like connect just cuz I think he makes so much sense immediately on especially if you trade like k yeah but even if you don’t just another guy comes in Off the Bench and shoots like every team could use that I mean you’re you know you’re talking about you don’t have to have chedy Osman do it exactly you’re talking about moving on from a guy like jedy Osman topit is like the Home Run swing for the fences like one of these point guards is going to work out and they’re going to be great with Wy Clingan is like the you know what we’re we’re not going to be a bad defense again this year but here’s the thing with Kling in though is you have to play him at Center 100% so does that does that limit your versatility with wanyama no I just I think it limits his minutes but that’s not a bad thing look what the Jazz have done with uh my guy Kessler yes Walker Kessler what he immediately started once goar was traded he doesn’t play very much that’s just what I mean oh okay his minutes per game are relatively low for most starting players like you can still have your ver you can still play Kelly aunch in this case it’s wanyama which is maybe the funniest com ever made but you can still play W aun to the five you just don’t play cigan as much you’re taking him eight you’re taking him eight but you have your franchise you just picked another guy higher than him and it’s really a it’s a luxury pick I do think I I see the vision and I want them like they that that would be like a twin towers for like a decade I I think it could really work I think it could work too but I could also see them getting connect like maybe maybe the transition into a more like winning team like they have I think either way this either one of those picks helps them with that it’s just different sides of the ball I know but I think I think conect fits better with the the picks you make already I don’t know I mean I think if you feel even much better about Center I think you feel better about Dillingham out in front of you if you have not one but two great defensive I mean we’ll see if cl’s great year one but you know what I mean like two better defensive players a seven plus card yeah and just like the paint is just going to be difficult I I think you know W’s great offensively I think he’s even better defensively my pitch here is like let’s just lean into that and let’s try and become one of these defensive teams where like the Bucks like the Grizzlies when they have a true center next to jiren like we have two guys it’s going to be very hard to score against us yeah I see it who do you think is better a better Prospect Co Then I then I say we take Clingan you know what you know what you got me let’s do it I like it I I I think connect is very good too I just I feel strongly about this idea for them I love it I think connect would be a good pick too no I love it but I think like you got Vel who’s he spacing the floor they could use more spacing but we’re gon to call in hey that could be that could be dylian then and yeah dillingham’s a good shooter too it’s a great call and then when they get Trey young like yeah they they also I believe play Thompson team I mean or like a better player too I mean they could go get anyone they they have they have a ton of picks as well they have a ton of resources oh that was good uh thank you the Memphis Grizzlies I mean do we just put connect there now or do they oh they need a big though that’s what I’m gonna say they just got sniped they did just get sniped which is why I think they would probably trade up in this situation but we’re not do you like would you give 9 to go up one pick and guarantee kinging I would think about it I would yeah and then you the Spurs you’re like great we have another pick and we can take connect who we also felt good about yeah um for the Grizzlies of it all what if they just like go up and take they’re like do we reach for the center here I kind of think we do to be honest with you I don’t because this is too high of a pick I don’t but but this draft I know this draft I know this draft and we’re not doing trades so like I don’t see a world where they take topit let they take Ed wow I mean see you can’t you cannot just get way out of the Bucks I think I I’m not saying that that has to be the pick but you can’t just be like let’s my Gambit here but I don’t hate e for them but I wouldn’t obvious I wouldn’t take him 10 I think I think if you don’t go gu if you don’t go Center here let’s say let’s say let’s say you want we’re not going to reach we’re not going to reach we’re not going to trade down we we will sign a we will trade for Nick Richards every team will trade for Nick Richards yes they we will clone 30 Nick 29 Nick Richards and then every team gets one can you imagine that’d be awesome uh maybe not for Nick Richards but yeah very I do you think Nick Richards would feel Nick Richards come on the Pod tell us about that but if you don’t go big here do you go like like what this this is a it’s a weird team obviously I think connect kind of makes sense I see connect here I mean like who knows what they do with Marcus Smart whether they trade him or not yeah uh jiren’s not going anywhere Bane’s not going anywhere they J I see I see the two three as their biggest hole and then they obviously need a five but we’re we’re ruling that out for now yes or maybe they just keep jiren at the five it didn’t work last year but maybe it’ll work this year yeah but if we’re not looking at fives like a three-ish player is really what they would need then here so I think I think you go connect too yeah we we just agreed he’s just better than Cody Williams so that’s why taking him over him connect also but also I can see a team like the Grizzlies who may not have a top 10 pick like this for a while swing for the fences yeah maybe it worked so well for the bucks in 2016 that Mor should try it that’s the comp I was thinking of like that’s the last team where it’s like oh we don’t know when we’re going to have this type of high pick again let’s just let’s just swing for the fenses so what we take like Salone I mean maybe I don’t see I don’t see why not I but also I can see this team wanting to win and when I they want to win now and a team a guy like connect who’s a bit older and can translate right away I think you go connect here you always need more Shooters let’s just let’s not overthink this one yeah we got a lot of picks to get through we do um so now we have 10 the Utah Jazz and they can really go anywhere I mean they they could do topit here oh I think that makes so much sense actually I think we should just do that I mean they the they just drafted Keon George who they like that’s fine they have Walker kler so we’re probably not taking a center but there’s none on the board they might trade they might trade Lowry yeah they might trade Markin in they might trade John Collins like they have sexon who knows about that like even if he doesn’t play right away the Jazz also are a team who probably would love to take Cooper flag they were kind of good this last year then kind of not like they’re not going to go chips on the table we know Danny a I think if you’re Utah you go this is a guy who was talked about at number one at least as a top three pick let’s just grab him yeah yeah let’s take topic I think this is where the slide ends I think they just go yeah we’ll do that we’ll just take it hey maybe that ACL is not fully torn you know he even if it is we can get Colin seon can raise the trade value a little more yeah uh 11 bull we speaking of the Bulls we could do like Lonzo bald then maybe look get NC L donor yeah maybe I mean what Lonzo at a miniscus donor that’s crazy yeah to the Bulls uh yeah the balls are on the clock it’s so funny I’m looking I I pulled up the fans boow draft that we’re working with and team needs everything is severe except for a shooting C LaVine and D rozan at least for now I mean d rozan free agent so who knows rosen’s a free agent LaVine could get traded um just severe severe severe severe that is very funny I love it’s pretty disrespectful I love it when they when they do draft like everything do you remember a few years ago oh who was it it was it was when the heat were in the finals or or it’s something like that it was like what are your biggest biggest needs for the Heat and it’s like LeBron wake up LeBron get on bus LeBron go to game LeBron play in game that was great uh what do we want to do for the Bulls here I have no clue so I like Isaiah klier’s upside but they have so many young point guards that I don’t want to take another young point guard they have IO they have Kobe white who I actually disagree I don’t think point guard is severe I think after that last season you feel real good about Cody absolutely you do Pat Williams is a restricted free agent you were already he was gonna be correct you were already playing demard Rosen like at the four at times I do think you need size I think either Cody Williams or tan tan salon or something like that I think yeah I think you have to go like at least a wing or higher here with your position I could see a Cody Williams I could see a saloon I mean I just I genuinely don’t know I mean what what is this front off front office going to do well we’re we’re we’re not going to if we were being the Bulls I don’t know we wouldn’t take Saloon I feel like probably take Carter I’d say or Kier or Kier or k um we just take another Chic just love love guys coming down from Milwaukee so that’s true although for you Craig CG Craig Greg Craig CG I I don’t hate Cody Williams here snipe the uh his brother’s team who may be the Thunder are like thank God thank God we don’t have to pass on on your bro I could see that honestly um but maybe they like him who knows if they really wanted to they could trade up with their billion picks though not in this mock though I I don’t I I think Cody Williams or Saloon which one do you prefer I think you just they need a they need a wing with size either one I think you go Salon I I like that even bigger even more upside yeah I mean if you’re the Bulls and you want to keep it like you’re you’re always want to be competitive like it’s not like this guy’s going to play too much anyway yeah might as well swing to like get a high up they just they need size badly well they need everything I mean my guy um javante green yeah is playing the four he’s also like 65 like they just have no size H okay the Thunder they have a lot of things set do we just go with the neppo pick oh nice I I thought you were gonna say okay I got you yeah I mean why not do the neppo pick right I mean I think Cody I don’t even think I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s a Neo pick to be I don’t love Cody Williams but this is the part of the draft in last pick twoo where I’m like yeah you could take the swing on the Intriguing young Wing at this point in the draft yeah why not like I don’t think you take a point guard so that kind of rules out so here let’s let’s refresh the board Cody Williams at 10 this is the fans spoke consensus board Bo ESPN’s draft board Cody Williams top there too he yeah he’s 12 on this one it’s Kier at 12 jacobe Walter at 13 Jared McCain at 15 Devin Carter at 16 so it’s literally four guards who are 6’3 to 6’5 which is not really what you need if you’re okay I think this playoffs like we need more size right we kind of got bullied we weren’t physical enough enough we weren’t big enough we should take the swing on the wing player then filipowski would be next under those guys but I would not feel comfortable taking him right here Bowski at what is this Pick 12 is crazy uh I won’t say full crazy he is the funny thing is I wouldn’t be shocked he is one of their kind of players dribble pass shoot like they love that they love that stuff but they also love they also love Jaylen Williams so they do and all Jaylen Williams yeah but more more this guy Cody’s brother so I I think it makes sense for them J I think I think speaking of your size thing I think Jay will playing a lot in the playoffs was like oh God we need something is Cody bigger than Jay will no jdb I think he is bigger than I think he’s like the same he’s bigger than his brother right Jay dub is I think 68 or 69 himself the bigger one I thought Jaylen Williams was 66 65 yeah yeah so it would give you more size ironically little bro is bigger okay Cody I like Cody yeah brings us to the Kings the Sacramento Kings of it all this is tough with the 13th pick this is a weird team they were a team who two years ago two seasons ago were just the they the bell of the ball yeah the bell of the ball they outperformed expectations they came in they started winning lost a playoff Series in the first round to the Warriors but uh you know they were like okay we’ve arrived and then they were the same team but the West improved and they it’s like oh no did they not even make the playoffs no they losing the play they not even okay that they had to be top 10 yeah a disappointing year they could trade this I don’t know what they’re going to do to be honest with you I don’t know either I could see them like maybe maybe Harrison Barnes is the guy who gets traded later yeah he’s been a guy want of the bucks for a while maybe they uh trade Kevin herder who knows I I like just I I think we don’t overthink too much like I don’t want a I I don’t want a point guard because the one thing you for sure know is fox and sabonis jacobe Walter just to be like a future potential two next I’m thinking I’m thinking or or hear me out hear me out Zack Ed keep trying to no not him and sabonis why sabonis is not a center no but it’s I I just I worry about your your foot speed oh it’d be it’d be horrendous but yeah yeah that’s why yeah okay I see it or maybe I’m not gonna Ed for too long but you do a Tristan to Silva here maybe it’s it’s a reach and I want to save him for the bucks so you so so only I can’t do it um maybe I don’t I don’t hate it I mean they could use I I think jacobe I guess I I the the other guy is Keegan Murray probably at the four yeah so or three if you count sabonis as a four so I think if if they moves herder that that could be also I saw Sasha VZ nikov could be traded and it’s like okay sure it’s not moving anyone’s needle Malik monk is a big question mark they probably can’t keep him they can only pay him so much because the early bird rules so if actually that could be who are we talking about the teams that needed shooting There’s real guy oh yeah Spurs Spurs or Hornets Pistons if they have cap space magic would be really fun um so you might lose your he was their sixth man but you might need someone to come in and play that two guard role I like uh jacobe Walter quite a bit yep let’s do that and listen you’re you’re good like you didn’t contend last year I I don’t think you want to just do a plug-and playay old rookie and be like yeah that’s all we need is a little bit more reinforcements you need some things to pan out here yeah no I agree all right we’ll take jacobe Young Chris Middleton they’re calling him right that’s what is that correct is that is that the ringer wasn’t he comp as mid was he let me see I thought I thought one guy was I thought it was him um jacobe Walter yep Chris Middleton there we go nice nice big draa guy thae the Portland Trailblazers are back on the clock we gave them Ron Holland so Isaiah Kier sliding I’m on I’m on KC’s right now just to pull that up and he had Ron Holland at this pick to 14 yeah damn so we we reached according to K Dillingham 15 wow hates Americans don’t say I don’t see this at all he hates Americans confirmed so I have no idea what the Blazers do here no I mean who did we have them taking earlier they took Holland yeah they oh yeah seven they took Ron Holland here I mean I could see them taking like a i a Silva here yeah I mean just another Wing do they go Devin Carter probably not there too much over that there too many guards oh oh I got a good one I’d like to pitch you okay Tyler Smith Tyler Smith the big big stretch four project who really needs to work defensively but his shot looks a reach he moves super well he’s one above Silva on the fan SPO board oh and here he’s 27 oh wow FF board is crazy I think he’s been guys have been SP people have been split on him your guy Edie yeah I could see Edie here let’s not say he’s my guy by the way you’re the one who keeps saying hey what about Edie that is true I do keep saying would filipowski be fun here with all offensive players or do we just not like him enough I don’t personally like him enough like again this is the 14th pick yeah but also like you shouldn’t I think I’m thinking about this too much in terms of like trying to fill out a roster which is not what Poland needs to do here right yeah that’s I I think that’s a great maybe you take like a a project maybe maybe you take Devin Carter do you what about EES Missy no I don’t see that no he’s 18 here so he might be higher on this board than the one you have no I I I he’s you just don’t see I just don’t see it for the Blazers like you you have so much big depth like you have eight and you still have Robert Williams Robert Williams your guy do up our guy iagi that’s true if I if he resigns yeah I this is a really tough one like I don’t like Jared McCain here maybe you go guard maybe you take dein Carter just like let’s have another two-way guard here yeah why not we see Dillingham as a forward so we can take Devin Carter here yeah yeah I kind of like that okay let’s go Deon Carter then let’s do it I I don’t like any of these this is a hard pick they I don’t know what they they should condense these picks they do not need two first uh heat culture loaded loaded pick here no idea what they’re going to do or what they need uh what do the heat need I’ll ask you that question what do the heat need they need everyone outside of uh uh what am I trying to say they need everyone outside of Jimmy and Bam to get better yeah I don’t think they need more small guard play with hero Rosier so like I don’t really like a McCain or a klier maybe go to Silva here you know I don’t hate Philip howski here I don’t hate filipowski there either your long-term Kevin Love replacement your R big yeah Kevin placement in 2024 is crazy well he was pretty important to their team last year I yeah that is true that is true it could be a fun mix with bam like if I don’t know what you want to call each of them defensively but like you know what I mean like it it kind of makes sense to me that think they do different things but maybe they could complement each other I think I I don’t know it still feels like a little bit of a reach he’s the third highest player on the consensus board it’s klier McCain and him uh there’s I mean d Silva makes sense here too as sad as it would make me like they could just use more Caleb Martin’s on a player option Caleb Martin could leave this year I don’t know they have Hae hakz so they you know they have some forwards you could always use more Wings yeah maybe you do go Philip pal here I kind of like it to be honest I think it makes sense skilled big get bigger you know not rely on Kevin Love as much ideally um yeah let’s do it I like I I think people are a little too low on filipowski I think he doesn’t CU he doesn’t make sense as like a lot of traditional bigs but the things he does are pretty interesting also they took niic they’re not afraid to take the awkward looking white guy that is true no offense Kyle filipowski I’m awkward looking too take that yic we don’t feel bad for you that’s sorry no offense to yic either he’s like I can call Phillip I can call you a funny looking white guy but sorry my guy Kyle Philip hsky I cannot I don’t know why I felt worse for filipowski than yic sorry ni yic um uh Philadelphia 76ers at 16 I kind of like Jared McCain here yeah he’s supposed so the comp is Seth Curry this might be a little Rich because I just I don’t find that to be that interesting of a player but I mean the roster is literally like what Maxi and embiid is the only things that are in stone right now basically um and I think there’s like a small hold on bball PA but they could wave him too it’s not a full guarantee so really any any position except Center and starting point card I don’t hate McCain here actually McCain to Silva Tyler Smith but again probably too much of a project for them yeah I’m not I’m not upset at McCain here just like another shooter good to have those you know you could you know he was on ball a lot in college but I think in the NBA you know run him off screens you know he can be your Isaiah Joe yeah who you gave up and then just became Isaiah Joe and again in OK get another one and give him away yeah OKC’s like please do it again we’d love to have jar MCC here in like four three years yeah and I think you know maybe they bring back I mean we talked about their rosters empty but like Batum is likely back I feel like you know they’re probably going to acquire a wing player they’re going to use their cap space and picks so I like the idea of just like let’s supplement the guard part of the rotation with McCain I agree Let’s Do It um okay the Los Angeles Lakers oh Isaiah ker might just keep sliding I I don’t I mean he went to USC but I don’t really you’re gonna take later might as well take a teammate that’s interesting um I mean I I I say that as a joke but I honestly see the vision a little bit I do two like are you losing D’Angelo Russell do we think a player option they could probably they wanted I think he stays they figure out a way to keep him like you have do you take a center here do you take Edie do you take Edie or do you want Kell you might take you might take Ed here like this is the thing we were talking about college players we were talking about Lakers earlier it’s been a long time I don’t remember yeah yeah oh yeah Darin yeah yeah was this like I mean if you if you want to talk about like how they they love chasing big names why not take a literal big name they also have not shot away from old college players big hit and kozma um man is this such a reach though with Missy and wear on the board hey is if they want to keep wear on the board that’s fine with me I’m trying to think of like what’s the case for Ed over those two guys over biger oh over and miss and I guess Holmes too I think bigger uh more obviously talented Prospect yeah like just a math like the the Lakers have seen in the past how you just pairing like a big I don’t know if I can but the the spacing we know ad doesn’t isn’t actually a shooter but we also know that they like putting a non-shooting center with ad that’s that has worked for them in the past yeah like that’s the formula that we talked about earlier that they just went away from if only we knew who their coach was so we could imagine what he wants to do oh Dan Hurley would have taken Zack Ed in a heartbeat yeah I think he might have he’s like I know we beat this guy did they beat him yeah yeah Championship but he was a damn good game I know I know we beat this guy but you know what I need him but it’s not you know what let’s have fun Zack Ed Zack Edy at 17 to the Lakers Orlando is on the clock F oh do we just take ker here fult is a free agent but you still have like I mean you still have Cole Anthony I was gonna say J and Anthony black I forgot about him like I don’t know I don’t know still have sindarius thornwell no they don’t no they don’t there’s no shot he was a TW he was a twoway on here I refuse to believe look up the stats I just had to do that no way you still have sindarius thornwell oh my no they don’t he hasn’t played since 2021 okay full fans but they still have his rights apparent they still have the rights to sindarius thornwell sarius th thornwell Sterling Brown yep I wanted thornwell bad in that class too anyway no we can’t we can’t do this the magic they need shooting realistically they got Engles we know that’s probably not a long shelf life on how much you want him to play they just don’t have a lot of shooting is is Joe Engles even going to be on the team it’s a team option yeah it’s a great it’s a great question but you also might be getting Klay Thompson you might be is this the Tyler Smith destination is it I don’t think they feel pressure to be like really good this year I think they want to be better than they were last year I think they want to be better but I think you know do you rely on like adding a free agent you have 36 million in c space like I don’t think they need this pick to be a big helper next year do you take to silv you think about taking to Silver here he was a good shooter he would be a good connective tissue for that but you also need some playmaking like what did we see during that magic C Series that really did them in like a lot of it was playmaking ker but then you no shooting but he’s the best playmaker available for sure oh this is tough for what about bub Carrington Carlton Carrington ah there’s a community scouting report by jbb jbb a user on jbb oh okay they put stats on you’re loving this fans leaky black has a review I don’t think it’s the player this is the uh this is the Leaky black analysis everything except his shooting percentages look good he isn’t an elite athlete I don’t see a skill that makes him Elite he’s a solid scorer passer and pretty good Defender that’s honest analysis from active NBA player Le black maybe oh man I [Music] think I have no idea what they do I I don’t know the draft has fallen really weird for them Boby Bobby Clinton little big who can maybe shoot that’s a project too though I feel like I just take Tyler Smith at that point I think you this is weird I could see ker I could see DVA I think it might be DVA is it the Johnny Kansas what’s his name Johnny Johnny Fury yeah how did he shoot last year I wish this profile gave me the shooting and not just maybe rely on your armchair Scout yeah literally armchair Scout is the username here oh of the top guy that’s insane that you said that at the same time uh what is what what did Johnny Fury I know people like Johnny Fury I don’t know what to do with Orlando here I think this is the hardest pick in the draft it really is cu they have very specific needs but it’s like High value things Johnny Fury let’s see what did he shoot uh he’s six9ine so if it’s like a good percentage I wonder if we just go like here you go shot 35% last year from D about 64% from two more threes than twoos so he probably projects as a shooter 76% from free throw it’s decent um should we just break my heart and go to Silva I think it makes sense I think it does make sense unfortunately fine fine Tristan D Silva 18 Orlando 19 Toronto Raptors okay the Weir talk about a team they’d be a Mei team for sure but they have purle and oin now they just trade for a linic too there’s no minutes for a center I still like Tyler Smith the big shooter I mean I could see it that’s what they want their team to be huge right so why not get a guy who can space and be big unlike most of their existing big guys who just cannot shoot at all and then trade Jaylen McD’s to the Bucks yes I mean I could see T Tyler Smith is that weird guy who’s just gonna be there he’s also I feel like they’ve they’ve really swung at projects except Grady dick that was kind of out of left field oh by the way fansville needs to update their depth turret they have jonte Porter starting it’s a not a good bet hey nice hey uh do we go with Smith here I I don’t like the centers just because they have two centers and then kie is the biger I was going to say maybe maybe they just take colie yeah I mean they I think they like Scotty having the ball but you can have Scotty and your rookie point guard ball I think I don’t think you should put Scotty in in the ball full time what about quickly yeah I I do like restricted I assume they pay him but you could have a second point guard like this like he’s not gonna to be a starter I think we think we just yeah he his fall ends here Isaiah ker 20th pick Cleveland Cavaliers oh could be a big summer for them very big summer I don’t know what they’re finding here don’t know what who their coaches either I don’t know oh this actually would have been a really good ker team if he felt one more spot if you’re worried about Garland asking for a trade yeah then I think he would be a nice fit with Mitchell too and with Garland just like a defensive guard physical guard uh a lot of their rotation is staying aoro is a restricted free agent we’ll see what happens there likely staying I think so like what what did them in I mean it was injuries that’s what did them in yeah and just they probably could use more wings I would say yeah like Max Drews changed their lives yeah just like another capable Wing Off the Bench like someone you can trust in the playoffs to shoot I mean Tyler Smith maybe Fury here yeah maybe I could see Fury or Kevin mcculler Jr uh I don’t know he’s like he’s older I think he’s shot a little better than Fury let me pull this up quick I know I saw somebody mock him to the box it was like a I was like just looking at all sorts of not just like the major mock drafts and I looked him up a little bit he was a fiveyear pro oh no he’s actually not a great shooter yeah I think I think I like Smith here just like another shooter you can bring Off the Bench try and I guess you’re hoping to upgrade on George Nang I guess yeah I don’t know I think a three would be ideal Bob Carrington I guess six but he’s only 65 or do you take Fury I don’t know I genuinely don’t know I think I think you might go Tyler Smith here I think Smith are Fury you just like stick him next to Max Drew and just say do everything he does yeah and I think I think you go Fury here I not Fury Tyler Smith here Smith okay I I like Smith’s upside his shot looks really good for that size so I know that’s like that’s a big upside thing let’s do it let’s take Tyler Smith uh the New Orleans Pelicans Val is a free agent I think Center makes a lot of sense and the board fell really well for them which is why they’re going to take Mei just so happens to be me it’s just it’s just so happens I actually think this would have been a really good um Ed team yeah this would have been a good Ed team I don’t hate Holmes and I wouldn’t have hated I don’t hate wear either because I do think with Zion you wouldn’t mind having a stretch five but which I I’m I don’t think it’s essal taking where I know I’ve seen it in some mocks where he goes one pick ahead I I just or two picks ahead this a 21 no oh I forgot the Suns have a pick oh yeah we’ll put BR in it doesn’t matter yeah um but I could see them taking a big here especially or maybe valent chunis comes back on a team friendly deal I don’t know what his suitors are going to be like in free agency also some I don’t know what else out of Golden State there reports that cavon Looney might be a free agent yeah I could see that I mean he’s just pretty bad he’s bad he was bad last year yeah was great I think the athleticism is gone yeah didn’t have a lot to begin with yeah but but sometimes those guys the half step can be real cost but he was so good for them yeah so PJ Tucker for the bucks don’t say that I’m I still think L how life goes he’s like he’s like not even 30 yet he’s got some long years on those big big legs he is 28 almost maybe he does maybe he he could be a flyer and let’s not talk about luden right now what should the Pelicans do at 21 well it was relevant because they might have some free agent centers available to them yeah potentially I mean they still they they would have none if if Valen walk they could use a second one I think you might need more playmaking on this team I mean CJ just doesn’t have it do we go bub Carrington little play 65 playmaker I could see that honestly Big Bub fan yeah I mean I like just calling a guy bub bub bub I mean like this is a team that desperately needs something you know like in terms of playmaking cards because they rely too much on CJ right yeah so I someone to get the ball to the ball to bi to but more importantly to Zion it might not even be bi man yeah might not bebi Trey Murphy a little bit too set him up yeah I like bub let’s do bub all the centers are gonna fall it’s crazy how that worked out yeah I I don’t feel good about this well I mean next time we’ll have to run so the computer picks for the other teams okay we could also do that quickly at the end that’s true we could probably fire that up um the Phoenix Suns we’re not going to give him bronie even though I think that’s totally possible do we want to try and give him a drop big who can space the floor here I’m gon to torture you Mike buen I know it’s a bud team that’s the worst part I actually I’m going to go against the grain this guy’s been mocked as more of a second round guy Ryan Dunn Ryan Dunn they need a perimeter stopper they need a drop coverage guy and I think nerk can maybe do it on defense we’ll see or they could find a vet but I I don’t know who on their team is chasing guys around screens like oogi is there but I think Dunn could be even better and has to have more offensive upside because oogi just has none bro this fanso death chart is crazy they got Sabin Lee Devin Booker Kevin Durant bullbull nerk with Bradley Beal being the fourth string shooting guard oh my God yeah I don’t know what they would do they did not cook with this no absolutely uh shout out to udoka as abrique who I believe the Jazz took with Donovan Mitchell on no they took that of him they took him with someone a star on the board yeah they I forget who it was was it Murray no it wasn’t Murray I it was a it was rough um but yeah I think I think you need defense here could see them if they take wear I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m G to be very upset I’d be a little surprised just like you you don’t love nkit but you do have him like he’s an NBA Center like your best def he also not a bud pick who or he is a bud pick who D no uh where oh yeah would would Bud take a guy who can’t shoot at all like that’s the thing I kind of feel like maybe you know who’s a bud guy oh my God you know this would be perfect it oh no I don’t think they have they need a point guard no they don’t yes they do what do you mean they don’t need a point guard they absolutely do need a point guard I think Devon Booker should be their point guard I think Devon Booker is best suited to not be the point guard not saying compared to the rest of the guys on the team I’m saying but like you’re not going to start him are you I mean maybe not but at least you have that option I I don’t think they can afford think Bud pick no oh maybe it’s a bud pick but that’s not what I’m doing as GM with the Suns okay James Jones what are you doing I’m trading the pi unfortunately um Kevin mcculler Jr is a senior just gonna thr donon Holmes as a junior Bud loves older guys kind of makes some sense to me we got Bobby porish right here worked great for me in Milwaukee yeah it did it did yeah it did atic bigu can shoot a little bit I mean like we don’t want to mess with I didn’t get Darin ham we don’t want to mess with we’s attitude issues I’m not going to get through to him I’m gonna talk about Wier he’s gonna say coach I can’t even drink wine yet legally Don Holmes none of these concerns good motor but that’s fine he’s a junior he might be able to yeah I forgot how old is what do you think about Holmes I think Holmes would get be he’s he’s 21 he’s yeah God these kids are pointed 2002 and they’re old oh they go teren Shannon Jr I Nast they shouldn’t they should I mean they might actually go should we should we give him brownie no we should not here how far down do I have to go oh God even Juan Juan Nunes who said he interview with the Bucks is at 55 he’s at 60 here oh God where is he all right where are we going for the Suns again I literally think is a good pick for them like I think they need like a point guard like at least an option you know what I I’ve overruled you on some let’s go Tyler kic let’s draft the old guy let’s do it Bud pick that it is a bud pick it is a it doesn’t help with oh my God what am I wrong no well I mean they didn’t only take did they he was like the one he was like the one bud guy pick right yeah yeah well Maran I don’t know if Maran was a bud pick well he was there I mean he had had influence at that point for sure regardless that the Bucks are on the clock the Bucks are on the clock I I don’t even have a good one though I mean some people like Ryan Dunn I I think it’s obviously we or Holmes here I think I think it’s crazy that it just so happened that Kell we is here I I feel like I can’t even give you a good luck Devil’s Advocate pick at this point no I mean like I don’t I don’t see one that makes more sense I think it’s I think it’s I mean you could convince me on holes yeah it’s probably just him but I think it’s it’s just the attitude thing but I think wear is a better fit and I’m willing to take you got we got Darin now yeah we got play mess with Darin Darin can get through to anyone Darin’s gonna put those big Ms he’s taking them out of his pockets he’s not stressed about coaching the Lakers he’s out of the pockets he’s out of the pockets the MS are going on the shoulders he’s saying listen Kell lock in and then he’ll be like you’re right coach you’re you’re right you’re right and then he’s gonna go work with Vin Baker the expert big man developer yeah you know what let’s Kell this is a dream this it it truly is like a seven-footer who can who can play defense who can move who can be a solid role man and can shoot this is perfect it is um the Knicks are on the clock the New York L I’ve seen this is Ed’s floor people like this for Edie 24 24 25 they have two in a row but I think I’m just trying to think of what the Knicks need I mean I think could use a backup big use e Missy here but here’s the thing they’re gonna resign hartenstein Mitchell Robinson should be healthy yeah a cha could be gone interesting bucks option if they need bigs very probably make probably will make too much you never know actually no but I think they they keep hartenstein yeah and mid uh Robinson’s still under contract so you don’t have to worry about that yep at least for another year is uh yeah but I think hold on I’ve got a scout here oh boy is it Sophie time oh I picked her up funny she didn’t like it uh oh can’t be doing a sopie it’s a selfie sighting everyone go check out the YouTube you can see her WG in her tail she’s okay a she said she likes the wear pick I was going to ask what does Sophie think of the wear pick she thinks it’s positively terrific amazing but I’m okay I love it but yeah for the Knicks I think I don’t even know if Center like you need a center I don’t know if you do either like what do you think like obviously you’re you’re hoping for a healthy Julius Randle this year like you have trade him oh yeah already trade him uh you have Bronson under contract you have Dante under contract I mean you hope I mean hopefully OG resigns for them like yep uh I think that’s the Assumption going in with the trade I mean you got Josh hard under contract you got all these guys under contract Bogie’s gone that’s fine whatever you know yeah same with Burks same with VAR so I think you just need you need a bench is what you need exactly which is why maybe you go Fury yeah I think one of the Kansas guys for sure I think if you go Fury you’re able to get like a good a good solid bench Wing option so you don’t have to play Josh Hart the entire series although they might anyway they they still will tibs is gonna tibs all right I like Fury let’s lock that in and now we have to do this again they’re on the clock again okay so what do you continue to do here if you’re if you’re on the clock again and you’re the New York kn I consider Don Holmes here I also consider Ryan Dunn because I think he’s a big tips guy I think Ryan dun tis could have enough Defenders I think you go Ryan D here I think it might be a reach but I I think you do it I like it too just being able to get like a versatile mix of defenders in there yeah I think that’s good for tibs uh we’re back to the zards the Wizards this worked out amazing dude I think we Sprint to get evees Missy here we don’t have a franchise big man no you you have a huge hole we just traded Gafford we considered bigs with our top pick we got Stefan Castle then so we’re not getting or Holmes or a shooter but I think I like Mei a little more I think I want the defensive the really scalable defensive player I love Mii here so let’s grab him slid down to 26 oh I think the Wizards I mean you know with the two pick it’s really a toss up but castle and Mei I think you feel great about that absolutely which is the good thing about this draft being so weird is you can you can have picks so far apart and you’re still happy about it yeah uh the Timberwolves were not taking donon Holmes that’s for sure um Kevin mcculler as just kind of an older guy who could maybe play sooner rather than later on the wing I think makes some sense like you’d love a guard but there’s really just not many left yeah there really isn’t that many left they reach for teren Shannon the POS I don’t know there’s not really anyone else who’s ch Tyson out of California is a little interesting uh Kon George or Kon George yeah does he handle it all I mean he can I I don’t think he want the ball in his hands too much well I mean they’re not going to put it in his hands a bunch I just think guards probably a need here Conley’s getting older but there’s not a true point I mean if they had if like if they had like traded up to snag klier as he fell that’d be pretty fun get klier behind Mike connley for like a year or however long he has left on his deal two years in general yeah to play yeah that’s just in general um yeah I I like kashan George here I mean like Boby Clinton like I don’t know if you want the big I don’t mind Jaylen Tyson who I think is like an intriguing Wing but they they’re pretty stocked I mean there not a lot of big needs here no they’re a good team there’s a reason they made it to the Western Conference Finals like yeah I think Holmes is the last I mean you got goar towns and Nas Reed I think are pretty locked in I would not want a true big but I like Kon George yeah upside pick like you don’t have to play Kyle Anderson yeah that’s the goal yeah like let’s let’s do George boom all right who’s on the clock now 28 the Nuggets oh boy again another pretty dang good team yeah what do they need just two-way players I think so backup big oh Don holes yeah yeah this is holes I mean Zeke na couldn’t play they were trying to use DeAndre Jordan I think Deandre Don Holmes Falls here really nice pairing with jic and then without yic you still have spacing at your big spot yep I think it’s a Holmes team that’s a home run for them too I feel great about run holes run nice nice uh the Jazz are back on the clock so we’ve just given them swings this guy Pome daier I’ve seen him mocked in the first round higher than this another kind of like French swing Wing Jaylen Tyson and then Boby Clinton um so we took Topic at 10 so we took a point guard we don’t know how much he’s going to be able to play I mean you’re probably just going best available SL whoever you feel best about here right I mean I I could really see Utah picking Baylor shyan we’re not going all the way down to Baylor shyan he’s 39 on the consensus board thought you were gonna say he’s 39 years old no maybe he’s 26 on this one oh wow yeah right top on here is Kevin mcculler Jr and then Boby Clinton I like Boby here I could see Boby Bob’s top here he’s a rangy wing yeah big Wing 610 so it’s just like let’s see what we’ve got I think so I think that’s fine all right let’s take Boby here Boby and Toby uh the Celtics are on the clock they need nothing they need nothing can we take away this pick for just the yeah the the trades they made this past off season yeah I feel like they shouldn’t be allowed it’s a port they deserve this pick oh they have a severe need at point guard power forward and Center according defense oh man you know like point guard is uh this is so funny this is so funny the center depth chart Luke cornette El Horford neimus kada they’re like yeah porzingis is our four you know power forward porzingis they’re starting twitched over Drew com gayy yeah they’re also not starting Jaylen it’s pton D J Jason Tatum porzingis and Luke cornette the Celtics 2K ass starting lineup I mean if this was your starting lineup you would definitely need help at any any position any position really yeah oh man I think bench bench depth is something probably just like two-way bench players yeah I mean where’s Kevin mcculler on your board I think like the vet player Jaylen Tyson I like too I could see Kevin mcculler he seems like a Boston Celtics type player let see how well how well did uh Jaylen Tyson shoot because I do think they they want all Shooters right like they do at least on the wing Jaylen Tyson shot 36% last year 40% the year before 19.6 yeah I think I kind of like Tyson a little I don’t like mcculler much they rning I’m running out of players I like that’s a good point was that Jaylen went there yeah let’s let’s take the Cal guy if you’re if you’re on board I’m fine with it we’re back with the the Toronto Raptors now for the first pick of the second round we’re almost done Daddy a the swing the wing swing yeah I could see it DJ Wagner or the the Kentucky guys are way down here yeah like a Justin Edwards yeah we took Kus we took a a guard yeah I don’t I don’t hate daddy here yeah I think that’s fine just another big Wing he fits idea gonna get the box he fits the Raptors so much we shouldn’t we should have just done first round I don’t know enough of these guys the Jazz again yeah oh my God do we just give them a color here uh sure he’s top on every board B shym is top on this board oh my God maybe the Bucks will take him I have no idea who they take here okay so who are we doing the Raptors mcculler oh yeah I picked uh I picked mcculler okay and then now we have the Bucks the final pick of this mock draft here yeah so what what do we think here I think we go do you go so we got our big we got K think we go Wing I think you probably just go best available just because it’s like who are these people you know what I mean the meme of Patrick coming home who are you people seriously uh so let’s see bro leaky black is making scouting reports what the heck Alo DJ Wagner just really was not able to shoot threes uh Justin Edwards was a little better do you think they go the Chris Livingston route here and take a Justin Edwards yeah I think that’s interesting to me otherwise um Terence Shannon Jr who I just don’t want to pick so I’m not going to look him up otherwise we’ve got Dylan Jones from Weber State we talked about picking uh picking to make a guy in your team happy the Weber State kid would be doing that he did not shoot well from three but he was 20110 and five with two steals per game 54% from two 32% from three but the free throws in the 80s 66 forward big guy player of the year the worst part of this is I could definitely see the Bucks taking shyman year I don’t know if I could not anymore back in the day maybe I mean like I could see them doing it if you want to replace like this is not the comparison I’m trying to make here if you wanted to replace like a pat Conan and you just say Okay I want a guy who’s been like around the block like he’s a senior he’s he’s a wing like how about uh Gonzaga transfer to Wake Forest Hunter Salis a 65 guard he score is 18 and4 with 2.5 assists but shot 40% from three but he was a big Riser didn’t shoot well but didn’t play as much with with Gonzaga yeah do you think the bu more of a point guard do you think the Bucks here at 33 really take like a younger Prospect like a a project or more of like a a play now type of guy I mean is there going to be the room in the rotation for a play now type of guy I mean who knows how it’s going to shape up you know a AJ Mitchell by the way is like kind of the same boat as Sal it’s a little shorter but like big uptick and shooting but didn’t shoot as well earlier um maybe the go chamchi here chami the big swing oh actually you know what you know who I like here who I like a couple of the older guy actually he’s not as old I like igodo oh Oho okay get the big he did work out for the bucks I like Oso I I don’t hate Alex caraban I would prefer him to shyan yeah the uh the spacer from Yukon hit some huge shots in the national title game what if they take bronny I I would be a little disappointed but what if that meant LeBron then it would be worth it but in the moment I would be very disappointed what if they took the pick and then LeBron puts on like he just tweets out Milwaukee that’ be well she probably would but I don’t know if it would mean anything oh but I we would get some good content out of it oh yeah we always get good content out of things uh I don’t want to do shyman I would rather do igodo or cariban I’m fine with either should we go with Marquette guy who which do you really think would be the better pick can can igodo give me a little bit of what I wanted from D Silva no a little bit the skilled forward no but like he he can do that it just has to be within like the restricted area then I’m kind of leading cariban yeah that’s fine I don’t love Oso as a bux pck okay let’s do cariban and we’re done so here’s the the Bucks end up with all right now it went to the Blazers let’s Auto pick oh is this going to take forever oh my God they ended up with Kell Weare yeah they got Kell Weare and they got um they got Kell Weare and they got Alex caraban from Yukon we’re at 42 here the auto pick is very oh can I change the speed or do I have to no I can’t change the speed okay that’s weird I mean we don’t really need to recap the whole the whole draft no that’s true I mean I think if you’re the buck here I think you walk away happy oh wait I can just scroll down we’re good easy so SAR Castle Shephard Dillingham with the top four and then Reay buis Holland kingan so the Spurs Come Away with Dillingham and kingan which is super fun connect to Memphis who just got sniped on kingan topic Falls to 10 Saloon Cody Williams of course to KC like everyone else does jacobe Walter to the Kings then Devin Carter Kyle filipowski Jared McCain Zack Edie to the Lakers is probably our craziest pick I don’t think that’s that crazy I think it’s a little I think they’d want a spacer Tristan D Silva at 18 to the magic is maybe it is crazy that’s what kosi has uh oh oh wait no he doesn’t he has Jared McCain my bad I don’t like that much Isaiah ker to the uh Raptors was a fun one Tyler Smith to the Cavs bub Carrington Tyler KCK to the Suns is up there Kell elare to the Bucks just so happened to fall that way and then you say that but I mean but also like it worked out though it did but I think we were biased but I also think it could work out though it could Johnny Fury Ryan Dunn EES Missy kaon George Don Holmes to the Nuggets I love Boby Clinton Jaylen Tyson daddy a Kevin mcculler Alex caraban is the buck second pick all right real quick we’re way over time but Let’s do let’s just see yeah let’s let’s just pick for the bucks full draft or speed all the way up oh boy it’s not on us just so we don’t have to wait forever okay boom boom boom I’m not going to read it out live the YouTube will see how everyone where everyone goes uh Philip howski went 14 sheesh uh we went to the Raptors and the Sila went to the Pelicans oh no uh oh this is brutal okay so oh my goodness I don’t like this at all I hope this isn’t what happens so I’ll give you a quick recap I won’t do the whole thing but Holmes went 16 filipowski went 14 Missy went 17 we went 19 toila went 21 and then Tyler Smith went 22 so who did the B I would say well we we pick for them oh that’s what we’re doing so we have 21 now I think they just took all the consensus that’s kind of boring so yeah we have BB Carrington Johnny Fury Zack Edy Kevin mcculler Ryan Dunn Kon George Boby clitman Jaylen Tyson Tyler KCK oh I don’t like any of those this is bad I hope it turn out this way wait let me let me look at something okay did I do um did I do team needs or did I do board I don’t know oh I did standard let me try team need okay see what happens yeah this was because that was brutal didn’t like that at all we just turned that one off restart that franchise we’re not doing that one okay zachie just went 14 we’re in business now all right Devin Carter on the board Tristan D Silva on the board the other bigs went um who took oh where went 14 here that Portland needed a big apparently filipowski went 13 Mei went 12 oh God this was crazy literally this is so 12 13 14 15 16 17 were all centers Adam Bona who was like in the 50s somehow went to LA here oh my god um but I think we go tra trist D Silva here is on the board also Tyler Smith or did you take Devin Carter no I mean Devin Carter is probably the highest upside player there yeah two-way card but he’s so little we talked take to Silva let’s take to Silva let’s see who Falls to us that is a ridiculous the centers are going like something about the center needs is clearly broken who just went Ryan Kel brener 7 foot one kraton blue jays Center just went 32 to the Jazz this is broken yeah it is Ariel Huck pory from Germany went to the Wizards at 26 oh my God a day Mara from the Bruins went 25 the the Knicks backto back took Jonathan magabo and aday Mara who are both centers who I’ve never heard of before this is okay fanso like you’re this is broken the here I’ll tell you what the actual bucks get bucks get Johnny Fury in the second round cool oh my God the actual drafting tool is nice with the mock draft terrible yeah well I team I think the other one just did consensus board and then there’s also a chaos option but I don’t know what could be more chaotic that that what that are you sure you didn’t pick the chaos option I did not Ryan Dunn just went 58 I think to the Lakers oh God he going to have Kell weo number one on the chaos I just what happens I’m just gonna put in Lottery what does chaos do where is that here oh it was on team needs Donovan kingan topic SAR Castle this isn’t that crazy the Silva six is a little crazy I think topic 2 is crazy it’s not that crazy with a torn ACL partially hey if it’s torn it’s torn man um this one wasn’t I mean re the shade 13 is actually and buis 12 this is kind of crazy whatever that’s our mock draft yeah we did it like we actually we we did a proper mock draft rather than actually simulating these yeah so we will uh we’ll do some more maybe our we can do big boards next week maybe we could I think we questioningly yeah we we’ve had some more experience now so we’ll bring our top bucks prospects and we’ll talk about that but we are at 2 hours so I think we’re good here that’s crazy this is the longest pod we’ve had in a while yeah glad ous with the topics 4 a tomorrow or something yeah no kidding or at at 9:00 amm and Miss half the work day oh yeah not that we would ever do that no we we’d miss our meetings with us no no no uh but no this was fun let us know what you think of the buck picks I mean like they could be all over the place uh but yeah let us know if you think we we missed something massive here in terms of these prospects we probably did but make sure to let us know make sure you subscribe wherever you’re listening to this podcast hopefully you’re listening to it adree on the gspn premium feed you can sign up at gspn doino get all of these adree feeds uh get our written content get exclusive pod gspn after dark that’s the exclusive pod uh get some fun videos all that fun stuff subscribe at gspn doino but yeah wherever you’re listening to this watching this on YouTube podcast platform make sure you’re subscribed uh yeah check out all the links everything lives at gspn info OD random and we’ll talk to you next time

Gyro Step hosts Ti Windisch and Rohan Katti got ambitious on this week’s episode, as they covered Doc Rivers bringing in Darvin Ham as his new lead assistant, Jrue Holiday truly flourishing with the Boston Celtics, AND conducted their own NBA Mock Draft, making picks for each of the first 33 picks in the draft. The Bucks ended up with Rohan’s favorite prospect in the Mock Draft, and neither host was thrilled about their second round pick.

GSPN’s Bucks podcasts are presented by PrizePicks – Go to and use code Gyrostep for a first deposit match up to $100! Pick more. Pick less. It’s that easy.

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  1. Yall totally bad at drafting 😂😂..spurs are not drafting Rob Dillingham over Zaccharie Risacher

  2. Ti out here hating everyone 💀 Dude just chill. It’s just basketball at the end of the day lmaoo. Also maybe look into why you have such built up hate and why you enjoy taking little jabs at former Bucks players, for example Bledsoe and others. Advice maybe stay off NBA Twitter for a bit, uno cuz it’s a cesspool of toxicity on there and it’s showing on here too.

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