@Cleveland Cavaliers

Amari Cooper contract wants vs needs & who are the Cleveland Guardians All-Star locks?

Amari Cooper contract wants vs needs & who are the Cleveland Guardians All-Star locks?

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Anthony behind the glass alone with Steve does that make sense alone with Steve that really doesn’t make sense there alone in a closet behind the glass yeah that’s kind of crazy like it’s usually you Anthony and Earl and today it’s it’s just Anthony he’s he’s going solo we got a lot to get to today sad news this morning Jerry West has passed uh obviously basketball legend we’ve lost two members of NBA royalty in the last week between Bill Walton and Jerry West yeah man you know it’d be crazy like usually you don’t ever think about that like you know when I was in my 30s I used to never think about like oh soone so like now it kind of hits a little different all the time because it’s like dang bro I I mean I I kind of remember this dude or I remember him being like a in the front office I didn’t watch him play or anything but like as you get a little bit older you be like man you definitely question your mortality a little bit start to realize yeah no doubt I wonder how many people in the younger generation think more of Jared West from his port triail in winning time than what he actually accomplished as a general manager part of basketball history young people sure yeah because I mean he was before like like my time well before my time obviously but he was an incredible player yeah he’s been an incredible executive yeah he’s the logo like I don’t know if you just did a generic poll of random you know Jerry West is the logo yeah my guess is people under 30 by you may be right as long as they watch the show MH speaking of which I was just saying to you guys before the show started that I’ve been watching the show about the Clippers they did it it’s called clipped Ed O’Neal who played Al Bundy of course and was the patriarch in modern family as well um he’s playing Donald Sterling now I don’t I I was I was thinking I my first thought was like oh he’s doing a great job and then I realized I have no idea what Donald Sterling sounds like you you didn’t hear his recordings from court I if I did I don’t remember what he sounded like so but but he I it feels like he’s portraying the role really I will say based on the show there’s been three episodes released so far both Donald Sterling and V stano who’s the person that released this both look like just the worst people I mean he looks worse obviously but she doesn’t come off very well in this either the the players are interesting they don’t show a lot of basketball scenes which is good it’s it’s really about off the field there is a Lawrence fish burs playing Doc Rivers which I know he doesn’t look that much like him physically but I think he I think he’s doing a great job I I I love Lawrence Fishburn I feel like he hasn’t had a m a big role in anything recently that I’ve seen although he was in all all the um uh not the was he in the John Wick movies no no no he was in the the other one Matrix he’s been in the matx he was in blackish when did that come out it’s a TV show oh that’s a comedy yeah I haven’t seen it I don’t watch anything on network TV anything I’m trying to think I I wanted to say I do watch something on but I really don’t yeah I don’t watch anything on network TV HBO is not Network so no no that’s it by the way House of House of dragons and the boys comes out tomorrow on Amazon Prime new season that’s right new season House of dragons is house the dragons coming out yeah uh there’s also a new show well we could go on and on about TV shows but like go ahead Mike you look very antsy right now I do because I we’ve had Tech issues the last three shows we have we have an update we have an update so I want to speak to you guys don’t promise can’t I just want to give them full transparency so we obviously our system has crashed Friday it crashed Monday it crashed tues Tuesday there was no warning whatsoever we apologize in the moment we apologize again for the interrup here for a couple of minutes each time and we’ll get back right on but it was down here it happened yesterday while it was standing right behind Steve watching everything unfold so they got a better look at it they spent a couple hours down here yesterday taking apart the entire computer and putting it back together what they found out was one of the internal fans in the v-mix computer wasn’t working the computer was overheating and that’s why it was immediately shutting down so we got a new computer we didn’t get a new computer but we have the fan has been retested replugged it’s fixed at least we are told it’s fixed so we have now diagnosed the issue we have now diagnosed what the solution is and we’re going to keep our fingers crossed it doesn’t happen again and the time they spent fixing the computer yesterday result in us having a 2hour seamless show today so we appreciate your patience and just want to keep you guys informed on all these things because it affects us and it affects you too hopefully if it happens again we’ll get a new computer if if if there’s an if I need to if I have a car one day iers andely you do it wasere to the listen I do feel bad when it happens like I know people get frustrated but no one gets more frustrated than me because we put all this work in putting a show together and it’s out of my I don’t like stuff that I can’t control and when the computer overheats me and boy be like it’s time to go yeah you guys like I’m out I’m like no no no we’re finish and I don’t have like an ice cube I can throw down there we get pissed too because we yesterday in particular we were in the middle of a good I what I thought was withus and it it kind of stalled our momentum there a little bit we had to get it going again but hopefully there’ll be no problems today so thanks everybody for joining us one last thing I got to do uh one of my shout outs uh butcher before we get not the butcher to to the kids on my little team that played yesterday because let me tell you something we were short-handed yesterday we only had eight kids I had two of my four best players were away on vacation uncommitted and then and then Aaron yesterday afternoon he’s like I’m achy I don’t know if I could play today I’m like come on come on I took his temperature at 101 temp temp damn so he had a fever so he couldn’t play so we were down to 8 kids again and and two of our four best Aaron’s probably you know our fifth or sixth best player so he’s right in the middle he’s been hitting like crazy lately so we’re missing half our top players we were playing the team that the only team in the league that had a better record than us they had their best pitcher going I was starting our like third starter because I was say our our other starter for later this week anyway we were down 71 early we came back in the in the last inning tied the game at seven we ended up losing in the bottom of the last in 8 to seven but very proud of these boys it was a gutsy effort with only two outfielders we played with two outfielders if we had they scored a run with one out in the last inning to take the lead if we had three outfielders I think we we might have caught the ball but with two outfielders we just couldn’t do it I want to know gutsy effort there I want to know who these kids and say y’all got a lot of vacations bro when I was growing up we W going nowhere we Wen doing nothing we was at my my grandma’s house like what are you talking about can I say that yeah go for it yeah ank go it’s a poty l League team can’t afford us out yeah I play it I mean we do live in Rocky River so there’s not a lot of poverty in Rocky River but but uh yeah I couldn’t afford more than eight players yesterday my my uh my I don’t remember was my wife or my son as I was leaving the house said can you got no my wife wife said can you get a substitute player I’m like no it doesn’t work that way call me in next time I’ll shave see if I could pass as a yeah Rocky best kid on the other team I I’ll shout him out to he’s nice kid he’s going to be on my fall league team his name is Anthony gra you can’t recruit like that you how he’s on my fall league team I already got we already made the teams they they they recorded a whole video already got this kid hit a bomb a three-run shot to center field against us that hit a hit a car in the lot where we would park uh when I come to shoot your you know how there’s like a drive area Yes W that’s a that’s a shot it’s a shot that’s a Josh Naylor home run from last night it was he has four home runs to lead the league which is a lot I I don’t think there’s one other kid that’s got two and then there’s a few kids with one but bull signed him to immediate n we locked him in for that fall league cont name image likess that pre-arbitration deal got him real cheap yeah yeah yeah I think the kid’s bigger than his dad he’s 12 years old anyway uh let’s go to Anthony for the first time today Anthony how are you director Steve’s like hey it’s operation stockpile for the fall league ball 100% yeah yeah first I want to win a champ a summer league championship and then I want to back it up with a fall league championship oh so now summer league counts is that what I’m hearing bro ah T hey you you want fire that’s a good one that’s cold I’m so hyped up on IB profen right now I don’t know what’s happening uh uh now unlike basketball uh my summer our summer league is the top League you know oh there you go so all right guys before we get into it I want to remind everybody that summertime does mean baseb ball the NBA finals and more and you can get all of it on FanDuel right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with a winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks you can use to bet on everything from a final finals MVP to who’s going to hit one out of the park visit ucss and add a big win to your summer bucket list FanDuel America’s number one Sportsbook all right Anthony let’s get toari Cooper guys you got something real quick Mike or no we’ll save the FanDuel ticket for the next ramp but we got a crazy FanDuel ticket no we’re saving tyus even follow what was going on there he sent like 82 pictures of his of his parlay I was confused we’ll do we’ll do that later cuz we got to get the we’ll do the other one later but Alex grer had a great win we’ll tell you about it coming up the next fandu read so let’s talk about the Amari Cooper situation here guys so yesterday we learned that Amari Cooper was sitting out uh the offseason mini camp or the this is the mandatory mandatory so he didn’t go now I think we start off by saying there’s plenty of veteran players that don’t go to mandatory mini camp however I think it’s pretty clear that he’s making a statement G you weren’t here yesterday do you think there’s any disagreement on that I don’t think this was random he’s clearly making a statement he was at the inju softball game this weekend by the way so he’s in he’s in Cleveland no what’s her name deshaan Watson talked about it he was like yeah we in contact with Amari that’s guy like yeah he he’s um he’s definitely talking about his money um when when Jerry Judy got that bag and it’s not about Jerry Judy specifically when Jerry Judy got the bag it was like yo you know good and well Amari Cooper’s like all I do is consistently give you 1100 yeah even with any no matter what quarterback is there I’m giving you 1100 like so he’s feeling like I performed and I’ve done it injured the last two years so for him he’s like look yeah I’m going to skip this one um you know we we’ll talk about it and see how it goes but we but we already we already know that he’s going to be able to get the Playbook he we already know he’s a professional rout Runner we know what his production is so it’s not like he’s going to come back in out of shape and garbage but yeah I I I expected him not to be in regular camp and Mike I assume you feel the same way yeah and obviously there’s been the run-on wide receiver contracts he went from being a top 15 paid receiver to he’s now the 20th highest paid receiver and that’s before cidd lamb and Jamar Chase get contract so he’s going to be on the back end of 25 and he’s certainly a better receiver than the 25th best receiver in football so I think he’s looking at the situation saying look at the caliber of player I am that does not match the current contract I’m on and let’s see if we come to some sort of agreement what what do you think is a bigger factor for him is it the Judy contract or is it all the contracts that of the others Judy’s making less money than Amari is this year so I don’t think it’s the Judy contract I think he’s looking at it saying I’m entering the final year of my deal you look at all these other guys who got extensions this year Jefferson wad AJ Brown Devon Smith those guys are a lot younger than him and and I have their ages and they’re frankly in the same tier but significantly younger the average age of guys and I I did the math on this but you’ll be proud of me for this the average age of the guys who got contract extensions this summer 24.8 3 years old Amari turns 30 next week so there’s a a large age Gap however these guys have all got paid and they have similar production to Amari Amari is not looking at his age as the reason he shouldn’t get paid and it got like Mike Evans to start this off season got a two-year $41 million extension which is the same amount of money essentially that Amari is getting right now 20 and a half versus 20 for Amari I just think he wants to get paid like the receiver he is on the field okay so if Mike Evans I mean is Mike Evans a fair comp I would argue that Mike Evans has been better in his career than Amari Cooper he was better last year yeah yeah I would argue that I I think it’s a good comp because he’s he’s an older receiver generally speaking you don’t pay older older receivers like that I think he’s just trying to get his last big deal yeah yeah that’s just you know and I think he wants some guaranteed money because let’s face it if he has a bad year this year he’s not getting a big contract next year because of his age let’s say he’s let’s say he go I I hope not let’s say he plays eight games and 700 yards right and he has a you know decent season based on the games he plays but he misses a lot of time coming off missing time last year he turns 31 at the beginning of next season he’s not getting a big contract so I I think for me there’s a couple of things at play here number one I do think the Jerry Judy contract is a big factor not the amount of money but the fact that did Browns showed a the Browns not just Jerry Judy but the Browns and I haven’t said this very often in the years I’ve been covering uh the Browns the Browns have done a great job of locking up their players and satisfying their players in recent years they’ve done a better job than most teams in the NFL at that they haven’t done it with this guy now we could argue that well this guy is going to be third about turn 30 and he signed for this year why should we pay him for years 31 32 when we don’t know when a lot of receivers go over the cliff in those years but as you said he he every player thinks I’m not going to go over the cliff just cuz a J green went over the cliff or whatever went over Julio Jones doesn’t mean I’m going to go over the cliff so I think I’m I was very productive last year I was the best player I’m the first player in the history of the franchise uh well the first wide receiver in the history of the franchise to have no the first player ever in the history of the franchise to have back-to-back thousand yard seasons in fact Azie Nome who had a 1001 and a 100002 not backtack is the only other player in the history of the franchise to have 2,000 yard seasons ever any did it with PJ Walker bad quarterback play and flacko and you know they he had deshan Watson for a couple of games but it wasn’t like he was playing with a full deck of cards like like yeah like and plus he going to look at it like this man like everybody he may not even specifically look at a guy like Jerry Judy he might look at it like Jack Conlin y’all gave him some money and didn’t have to and then joku like they they’ve paid guys before they’ve had to now Amari is the flip side of that Amari he’s produced you’re paying now for what you have in hand not what you hope they could turn into like they did with en joku like they did with Conan to an extent like they did with Jerry Judy specifically this off season and when you look at all the guys who get paid Amari Cooper has been just as productive as most of them he’s not on the Justin Jefferson level like he’s not on the CD lamb level in terms of production but he had similar numbers to Mike Evans last year he had similar numbers to Nico Collins last year jayen W he had fewer yards but more receptions like he’s in that same range of receiver and when he sees everyone else get money yeah it’s human nature to say Hey where’s my bag too so I don’t mind and I have no issue whatsoever with Amari Cooper saying hey I deserve to get paid for what I’ve done the question is what are the Browns willing to do on the flip side right and the Browns have set a precedent that they pay their guys yeah so if I’m Amari Cooper I understand now the bottom line is he’s not going to hold out during the season no we know this he’s not going to sit out I can’t I guess we don’t know that for sure but I I’d be stunned if Amari Cooper is Holding Out for a contract in season I think he’s sending a message now I get it I’m with him uh the Browns are in a tricky spot because it’s dangerous to give guaranteed money to older receivers but as you say you know you could say at least you know Judy and nooku obviously a lot younger and and they were unproven both of them neither one of them is anywhere close to Ami Cooper’s ballpark as a player but they were younger so the Browns could say well we paid them because they’re younger but as you said I know it’s a different position Jack Concklin was old and although Jack Concklin in his career has been productive at times he hasn’t been that productive in recent years because he’s been hurt yeah so they paid an older guy who’s way more injury-prone than Amari Cooper again I understand it’s a different position um but still I mean that was a big risk with Conlin and they took it so while normally I would say you know what screw him let him play on it and if he’s pissed he’s pissed I think because of the precedent the Browns have said and because Jimmy Haslam has made it very clear time and time again that money is No Object and the cap is No Object I know it’s probably risky it could end up being a mistake but I would probably lock up Amari Cooper and r s and you got to think about it they ain’t even declined like no fifth year options like Nome even got a fifth year J Wills got a like so that’s just basically like so you know like and guys is petty when we grow up we get petty man like you know back in the day I you know I used to always say man I got some of the gym shoes but I didn’t get all of them like I couldn’t get all we had three people like three boys in our family I was the oldest so we couldn’t get all of them like that we got a lot of shots to my mom and they tried but like when you get older there’s no excuses no like I signed in every one of my contracts which is my marriages I will buy any pair of shoes that I need Ty got him I’m getting them if Earl thought about getting them I’m getting them you’d be just Petty can you imagine that’s just about gym shoes and dumb stuff like video games can you imagine if you like really sitting there you like I’m the 25th highest paid receiver I got the all-time leading I’m the leading receiver in yards in a game like I I put up these numbers last year where where all these other people who got contracts yep was not playing not healthy and I got I got two points on this right now as of today it’s uh June 12th right he’s negotiating against and in the same realm of guys like Mike Evans and Nico Collins and Jaylen Wadd etc etc in that caliber of receiver who they got 20 plus million year I don’t know that he’s those young guys I don’t know saying those are the guys that just got extensions right now I’m saying those are the guys that he’s like hey look what he got look what he got look what he got if he has a season that’s not as productive Bowl right like you said on a worst case scenario let’s just say he plays eight games at 700 yards for example I’m just make I’m not hoping this by no means I’m just making the comparison he goes into next offseason as an unrestricted free agent looking for a contract like Adam thieling got from Carolina which was 3 years 25 million he signed it when he was 31 years old or 32 Amari Cooper will be 31 next season when he’s getting that contract he goes from trying to make 20 million a year to make it about 8 million a year which is why he’s trying to get his money now so what you think what you think the deal like to me they need to go out there and be like listen we gonna give you two years about about about 47 and a half two years on top of this year like for two more years we’ll void that that’s the smart move that’s what I would do instead of what I would do is offer him a raise for this season offer him a guaranteed contract for next season and then offer him a third year that you can get at of yep but you but you got to give him more money in those years so because he probably wants two years on top of this but if you pay him enough this year and next year you probably get him the sign without locking the third year I was on the same wavelength both so he he’s making about 20 million this year his cap hits 24 is making about 20 if you gave him a 2year $50 million contract it’s more than Mike Evans and obviously Mike Evans signed first the next one’s always and it’s essentially hey we’re getting 30 million this year and you get 20 million guaranteed for next year too and then that third year you could finagle it make it a void year whatever however you want to do it team option I think that’s a deal that works for both sides and part of the reason I think the Browns have to make this happen and tyus talked about last year Well if you let him walk you use that first round Draft pick on a receiver right and he just threw that as a hypothetical there’s no guarantee Jed Wills Is back next season that first round pick maybe needed for a tackle and if I’m looking and there’s more options to consider I’m just looking at these two in particular what do I think is a better option for the Browns moving forward either extending Jed Wills or extending Amari Cooper even though Cooper’s older I’m going with Cooper 10 out of 10 times just because of the caliber of player he is versus the unknown and we’re talking about one year extension now ultimately I don’t know maybe we’re wrong and he would he wouldn’t do it unless they gave him two more guaranteed years I I don’t know but I think it makes a lot of sense to that that’s the I think that’s the number two for 50 2 for 52 whatever give him a big boost for this year give him a nice guarantee for next year and then essentially the Browns have an option for the year after that where you know if he’s still good you I I I think that’s the way to go because um the guy I mean think about his career he’s been in the league what 10 years yeah this will be his 10th season this will be his 10 so nine years in the league okay he’s he’s played think about the quarterbacks he’s played with now he had Dak he was in Dallas for three years but remember one of those years Dak missed most of the Season remember the Cooper Rush year right so in nine years he’s had a good quarterback for two seasons really because two years with that facts the other Seven Seasons he’s played with you know okay guys like Derek Carr’s but I mean he he’s mostly played with bad quarterbacks here or mediocre at Le at the best mediocre in in Oakland and then not very good that one year with Dallas so that’s seven out of nine years you look at the numbers he’s consistently put up listen Mark Cooper I don’t think is a Hall of Famer I don’t think I guess maybe that’s a discussion for another day I don’t think he is you know it’s his exclusive Club but like he’s in that next group he’s like the Fred McGriff although did Fred McGriff make the Hall of Fame remember B Hall of Fame is he’s like he’s like that that group of guys who you look back and be like that guy was a hell of a receiver not all of Famer but he was a consistently very good player and there’s something to be said for that because because the Browns have never had a player like that no not in modern history and listen I know people are high on Jerry Judy Jerry Judy has proven nothing he’s proven through four years and again he’s played with bad quarterbacks to be fair but through four but Mark Cooper played for bad quarterback I mean listen Derek Carr is better than what they had in Denver to be fair but he still put up big time numbers with not great quarterbacks for the most part Jerry Judy’s put up okay numbers serviceable third receiver numbers Jerry Judy’s proven he he a you know a serviceable wide receiver Amari Cooper is a borderline pro bowler to pro bowler a big difference now would say third third is kind of third that’s like that’s Elijah Moore I think Elijah Moore is a four in my mind you you guys he hasn’t been a number one which is what you drafted at whatever you want to say you want to say he’s a two fine but like let’s say let’s say Jerry Judy has another season like he’s had where it’s you know 80 850 yards and four touchdowns hold on that if Jerry Judah got 8 850 yards depending on what everybody else got yeah because if if if if if uh Mari Cooper give me that 1100 and then in joku giving me a th000 then I’m looking around like well look that’s not too bad 850 it’s not too bad but like I’ll take the 850 and Elijah Mo give me 5 600 do you have conf Amari Cooper is a number one receiver yes he may not be at top of the one receiver pile but he’s the number one’s a bonified one receiver uh Jerry Judy is not now now doesn’t mean he can’t be but he’s not right now so yes it’s risky because of age with Amari Cooper I would take that like what’s the bigger risk if you don’t sign him and Jerry Judy doesn’t pan out then you got no number one wide receiver that’s a big problem no you tearing down project stockpile now like already said we need we need to hedge all our bets we need we looking for Elijah Mo to could bounce back and do something too like I well he’s on last year’s contract too he I mean he he might be looking for a new deal and it’s not going to come here oh you I mean he could have a great season that changes but right now you’re looking at who you’re going to pay Amari or Elijah I mean it’s not even a question at this point elij Elijah is at best their fourth option in the he got he got to be looking like hey I need to put some good stuff on film that’s what he should I need some good stuff returner I’m telling you he’s going to get a chance to return kicks this year list and he’s going to be he was really good at all Miss returning kicks he’s going to get a chance to do it and be successful is is that the guy who you thought was that you know uh you know what’s her name say we got to miles allegedly raised his hand when Kevin stefans he asked about it yesterday but I think Elijah Moore is there going to end up being their best returner this year that would be kind of hard totally different miles Garrett returning kicks uh all right let’s put a bow on this even though we all want it to happen and it makes sense to us are you confident that the Browns will extend to Mari Cooper before the season I am confident because I don’t think they could go into 2024 with Amari on the last year of his deal with the uncertainty in the rest of the receiver room knowing this is the make a break here for Desa I I don’t think they can do that it can’t be a distraction yeah we can’t we can’t do that come on get that done I’m not 100% confident they’re going to do that but uh you know they’ve done a pretty good job of these extensions so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they’ll they’ll get it done Anthony all right guys we’re going to continue with some football here but before we do I want to remind you guys if you’re looking for tickets this football season this Guardian season or even the Cav season coming up there’s no better place to do it than game time with priority last minute deals you can save up to 60% by buying last minute tickets for sports concerts comedy theater and Etc Flash Deals you can save even more with exclusive inapp deals and select deals on games or events and you can toggle the all-in pricing feature so there’s no surprise fees at checkouts it’s lowest prices guaranteed all you have to do is download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NFL for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply but again just redeem code locked on L CED o n NFL for $20 off your first purchase download game time today last minute tickets lowest prices guaranteed Mary K kbit just uh tweeted that uh Amari Cooper is not at Camp again today not a surprise no not a surp I don’t know why he would not show up yesterday and then show up today I assume he’s going to miss this this whole mini camp so there you go all right Deshawn Watson had some comments yesterday Anthony is that correct he did and so when Mike and I were talking about the show last night Mike actually gave me this quote uh I thought it was a nothing quote so I’m like I’m going to let you set this topic up we’ll be ready to play the so yeah we got no it’s not thought it was a nothing quote hey to each their own but Desa was asked Desa was asked about asked by who I I they only have the mic they only have the mic in front of it was in a group it wasn’t on his podcast no no no no no no no this was during his uh post mini camp got it session yesterday couldn’t tell who asked the question they don’t have uh mics on the reporters they only have mic on Sha are we going to see the the quote Yeah we going to see him yeah you’re going to see you hear him answer everything y so he was asked essentially hey do you pay any attention to these quarterback rankings that new one comes out every week you’re usually in the lower tier but what do you think and this was Des Sean’s answer it’s not a bad thing it’s not anything like that I don’t I don’t get involved with you know people trying to rap me some you know places where you know they think I’m at the bottom of the list you know it is what it is if I was at the bottom no one would talk about me so obviously if anyone is talking about me and going continue to talk about me then I must be pretty damn good what does it make a lot of sense I think it makes perfect sense why does it make perfect sense well I understand what he’s trying to say yeah I’m not sure I mean they’re listing every they have to mention them you know every quarterback’s getting mentioned no matter how good or bad they are in these lists right actually no you see what do you mean you’re not reading into it deep enough he’s missing the point right go ahead what’s the point educate this man by the way he’s not he’s full of it because he is paying attention to these things now he may not be SE searching out himself but people are in his Camp are telling him about these things so so like so if I watch so they doing these lists right at the bottom of the list right yeah but then you turn on like Fox you turn on ESPN yeah they running whole stories and pieces they don’t run whole stories and pieces about Baker they don’t run whole stories and pieces about uh some of these other guys that are below but are they running whole stories about Deshawn Watson right now who is Hey listen I do ultimate Browns I run these stories every day shout out to shout out to all T Browns like yo like yeah but yeah they they on there like the national guys listen we just listen riching you the Dan Patricks of the world uh uh uh listen it’s not only Deshawn Watson they’re talking about I mean but when you talk about the quarterbacks like let’s be clear like if you say who gets talked about more Deshawn Watson or Justin Herbert Sean Watson right but there’s a reason for that so so what Desa Watson is saying as you just so eloquently put yeah if I was never good at once a point in time if I was garbage and I’ve been terrible my whole life they would never put when they mention me on the list they would never mention me and have me in headlines because guess what that would mean I’m not that good and in League they don’t talk about not that good people but they but he is getting mentioned because he hasn’t been good for two for well I mean he didn’t played three years ago but he hasn’t been good since the 2020 season so that’s that’s reality and and yes if he was never good he wouldn’t get talked about at all he never been good he wouldn’t be a starter anymore but the reason DeShaun Watson and I I’ll be honest I have stopped watching shows like First Take and I’m just not paying any attention to those shows anymore hey Lista you ain’t missing much go ahead I I would say that my guess is the quarterbacks that you’re less sure about what they’re going to do on the field are the ones getting talked about because you know who else is getting talked about a lot Aaron Rogers we’re not sure what he’s going to do on the field he was great he’s 40 he’s coming off in a Killy teair he he gets himself involved in all these off the field distractions and so he’s getting talked about a lot and and In fairness and I’m going to come back to make a Watson point it’s not a fun hey is Mahomes going to be good or is be right I supposed to say about Justin Herbert we know he’s a talented player the team hasn’t been that good with him he’s been a dis you know disappointment from a team perspective they got a new coach I I think most of the quarterbacks you you have a sense of where they are on the field like how good they are obviously there’s some variety within that but with guys like Aaron roders and DeShaun Watson they they may be the only two guys at least I’m thinking of the top of my head where their play could be here and it could be here two two is an extent two two but not to the extreme of these two guys the reason that quote wasn’t a nothing to me and and I agree with what both you guys just said yeah we could talk about Des Shawn what I could say about Deshawn what G could say about Deshawn what you could say about Des Shawn what Colin coward none of that matters besides what Deshawn thinks of himself and how Deshawn views himself in the in the light of yeah stacking up with other quarterbacks and over this off season and listening to his podcast and well I know you don’t necessarily listen but hear him talk about his game and his expectations for himself and what he knows he needs to do this season and hearing come out and just saying hey I know I’m good that’s why they’re talking about me and just hearing and put that in there I’m getting the sense that and maybe it’s maybe this is blind optimism too I am fully aware maybe this is blind optimism I’m getting the sense that maybe he’s feeling more confident in himself as he continues to progress through his rehab sessions he threw seven on sevens yesterday for the first time as he gets himself ready for the season and for your quarterback and there’s levels of confidence to cocky to over and and there’s a whole Spectrum here and I’m not saying Deshawn is at on any point of SP I have no idea where he’s at yet but if your quarterback shy and timid I don’t think it ever truly works out to the level shy and timid last year in the season I I I do think he kind of was and and maybe not as shy and timid as like it’ll never work out shy timid but he just feels more confident in himself and and hearing him say that and being comfortable enough in front of the Cleveland media now yeah to kind of say hey I know I’m good and I don’t care what they think cuz I may maybe and once again maybe I am looking too far into that G and tell it wrong but I get the sense that he feels more confident in himself as he continues to rehab and progress getting towards the season and that’s really the first step in him getting his mentals back to where it needs to be to be the quarterback we know he can be because we saw it in Houston you you agree with that oh of course listen I I listen he must have a little bit looking at my notes before we got into the building like just crazy like with same thing like I’m going to give you an analogy y’all might not y’all might get it youall might not understand it like to to me it feels like DeShaun Watson um has seen himself throw the football and he’s comfortable right now he feels like he he he is like starting to see some of his old self and he’s starting to throw the football and he’s starting to feel good and it’s it’s just like back in the day like if you look at if you if you’re a little bit older and you you see yourself like in college right and You’ be like man I miss those days look at those jeans I used to be able to fit in those skinny jeans and then you can’t do it no more you go back to your closet you be like what the hell happened I wasn’t wearing old man white you didn’t you did not have them them a mustache listen you was moving like I seen you you was Bonafide cool like I’m like dang where’s that that’s pushing it I appreciate it but but like but but when you like if so you go on a little journey and you do a makeover and something happened best thing in the world like if you like you can see people who have it like the first thing that happens if they got a divorce they immediately lose a bunch of away and you be like what the heck happened to you what happened you got to make yourself over you’re motivated motivated but when you get back into them College jeans you be like I can fit these again it’s a whole another story you could walk around with confidence you shaking hands with people you never seen before you just feeling great about yourself Deshawn Watson is in his college jeans he’s throwing the football around they got a offensive coordinator who is out here putting him in the best position to make plays he’s out here with a visor on the headand the headband the bandana outside the back of it he got a little swag back it’s kind of my point it’s coming back and I do think a quarterback Mahomes like the best quarterbacks play with a certain level of Swag that you can’t fake I I just you can’t fake that and for whatever reason once again I understand it may be blind optimism B and I fully aware of that but to me it just seems like he’s getting a little bit of the swag back that he needs to compete at the level we saw him compete at I need that I hope you’re right I want to have this blind optimism that you guys do I feel like we were saying kind of the same stuff last year maybe I’m wrong Maybe I’m Wrong I hope I am and I’m not saying he doesn’t have confidence I’m not saying that I’m just saying I’m not sure he sounds any more confident to me than he did last year maybe you guys have a better memory than I do my brain’s all screwed up I don’t know you could be right I just for me I’m not going to just go along because I I can’t I just don’t remember it exactly last year I think I felt I heard a lot of oh I’m just GNA take it one day at a time I’m going to take it one snap at a time I just want to go out there and be the leader of the team I just want to be one of the guys no we don’t need that we don’t need we don’t need none of that we don’t need you one of guys and he has done a lot more talking because what I don’t think he was doing the podcast last year no so that he has done more talking and he has talked about hey we’re Super Bowl Contender we got all the weapons around him he knows there are no excuses he knows he’s got to get it done he he he’s admitted that I know from a financial standpoint he’s set for life but in some ways his career is on the line this year you that that bread like that money look the money you know when I’m when I met his mom like you know what I’m saying we was we was over there we we interviewed him lefties right yeah I don’t I don’t think like your name and who you are and the way you looked at is different like you know if I go somewhere and people you know my mom and dad are proud of me if they say oh I know your son or I seen your son that’s a source of Pride but can you think of the exact opposite can you think every time his mom go to the store like she don’t know if somebody going to be like I hate your son he’s a dirt bag he’s this this this this like that money don’t be meaning nothing like your reputation after a certain certain amount of time your reputation is all you got at the end of the day like you know what I’m saying you can live with that money like I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there that see see stars I’m not going to say no names that got got a lot of money but they ain’t never going to do nothing again because of what they’ve been out here doing uh so that don’t that don’t count like he he needs to get to a point where he feels good about putting his craft first and getting back into the mix of saying let me rehabilitate not only my game but my image and and to do that I think he has to play I think he has to have that that irrational confidence to a certain extent everybody even at this level like if you doing if you want to do anything like at a high level especially art pod casting you want to be a host you want to be a basketball you got to have irrational confidence like yo I’m the best to do it and to G’s point and I’m going to tie this back to something that g does better than anyone else but we’re nominated for two Emmys we got the Emmys come up in two weeks G has hired a photographer to shoot him the whole the whole night it’s Rashad Rashad’s coming he’s bringing his whole he’s bringing he’s bringing mom dad is Rosie coming of course so he’s bring the whole family to the EM he’s got his is G the only on air person representing us I should I mean you know what I mean G is the only panelist there um and then I’ll be there and I’ll be there and Steve will be there good so we’ll be but he’s he’s bringing a photographer you know why cuz G is confident that he thinks we’re going to win and I and I hope he’s right and guess what if he’s right that’s the kind of Swag you need to walk in there to make a statement and I know it’s apples to like cucumbers it is not the same but you got to live in it my point is the same where if you have that it’s not a rational confidence but you if you have that swag in the confidence you just you go about the way you do things differently and and once again I’ll go back and I’ll listen to some quotes from last year I think from listening to him it’s and you’re right it’s way more this season between the podcast the media availabilities he was just at the golf course like he’s spoken more this year than he did at all last season to this point he just seems to be in a better mental place and that is at least in my mind the first step that is necessary a mandatory first step to getting him back to the quarterback the brown thought they were trading for I agreed and if he doesn’t have that confidence that swag then he’s not going to have success having it on some level doesn’t guarantee that he will have success he doesn’t have it yes he’s not going to have success you got to believe in yourself in terms of you know you talk about like does the money matter that’s an individual thing right you know Deshawn Watson and most NFL quarterbacks have made enough money that they’re only going to still be great if they have that self motivation yeah right and and most of those players uh to get to the point where they made that money they played well enough and they had to have that motivation initially because no matter how T Ryan Leaf was a very talented quarterback right JaMarcus Russell was a very talented quarterback those guys had issues obviously but they didn’t have they didn’t have the passion to drive that guys who have had at least some success did because they should have been talented enough to be great player or at least good players in the NFL and they weren’t and DeShaun Watson has been so that motivation we know he had it if he still has it yeah like for the rest of us that don’t make that kind of money we well we may always have that money motivation but I think you know knowing G certainly and knowing you you guys are both motivated not just by the money but that’s that’s part of Lo for years you want to be the best I know you want to be the best I know G wants to be the best I’m I feel the same way I I am cocky about it if you ask me who’s the best sports talk host in Cleveland I’m going to say me I’m not going to equivocate and be self I’ll be self-deprecating in other ways but I’m not going to say anybody’s better than me I think I’m the best play-by-play man in America and I don’t even do play byplay that’s crazy that’s how confident I am that’s crazy but you have and it’s a different have that it’s a different kind of Swag you rock your Dad’s shoes and have the exuded confidence they the best play byplay Deshawn does it by the visor and the bandana and saying stuff like that so and that is the first step yes now now it’s not the only step got to translate to on the field success somebody said it like you know it’s not like you know this is the thing that people you know when you shape it and you look at it Deshawn Watson was universally recognized as the second best quarterback Young quarterback behind Patrick Mahomes sure now for you to be like like it it’s like one of them things like it’s like bro you ever been you ever knew somebody that was the man in high school that had all the girls they had all they was the coolest dude out and then you see them and you be at Walmart and you don’t recognize them they call you be like hey yo what’s up people she’ be like who is this the 10 year reunion the 10 year reunion the your 10 I don’t I I’m like man this dude is bigger than me who is this they like oh it’s listen to Sam I’m like man Sam used to be the man not no more like if you’re desun Watson at some point you like look at Patrick Mahomes and all the super bowls and all the accolades and the 500 million and you be like man man I was I used to be right there and it’s not just Mahomes it’s Lamar right it’s it’s the other a lot of guys have passed that’s what I’m saying the other it’s the burrow who wasn’t there like new dudes it’s the newer the newer guys he’s been passed on the track by a lot of guys lapped but there’s still time to catch up in the race exactly and that’s the most that’s the most important part there’s still I like that good job by you there you go it’s a good conversation see they sered from a ant a nothing Burger 20 minutes of great content well yeah and by the way my bad and and and I think deshun Watson knows this because deshun Watson is a smart guy he he knows that he’s the difference we know you know how we said we started this conversation I said well Deshawn Watson and Aaron Rogers are kind of the two biggest unknowns at quarterback this season because they could both be really good or really bad or somewhere in between we don’t know like most other quarterbacks it’s a small window of how good or bad they’re going to be whereas those two guys it’s you don’t know what to expect it’s the opposite the rest of the Browns roster we have a pretty good sense of how good the rest of the Browns roster is and we know it’s good we know that the if you take out quarterback that the Browns roster Stacks up well just as good if not better than almost every team in the league so we know that players 2 through 53 the Browns are a Super Bowl capable team but what makes them a a just a playoff team versus a legit Super Bowl Contender is how good deshun Watson is yeah there’s other things there’s Health in this this that but the majority difference of are the Browns a playoff Contender or are they a real Super Bowl Contender is how good is deshun Watson it’s that I’m giving you a way too early headline this ain’t even Friday this this is my headline That was supposed to be in September of 2024 when the Browns play the Cowboys desan Watson leads the Browns to a comeback Victory 37- 34 with under 1 minute left in the dog pound and the headline says I’m back that will that will start his MVP race cuz by the way if he if he comes to the podium says hey do let me let I’m going let y’all know I’m back yeah that’s fire fire oh boy speaking of fire speaking of fire then we’ll go to uh the Guardians yeah the Browns had their media Day photo shoots the other day mhm jamus Winston looks like he was born to wear a Brown’s uniform with the white face mask he looked it just was he in Fleek I don’t know what that means he just looked he looked right did you just did you just say I’m Fleek yeah he said he he said INF which I know what I’m saying we have a we have a I guess a intern in today from Ohio State you should have seen her face completely crumbled I’m sleek mean I’m so sorry you had to hear that we ain’t said that come on that was funny we ain’t said that emojis was out it’s on fleek on fleek and what does that mean and we still ain’t said that in years that’s an old thing you we’ve retired that what does it mean we we don’t have to talk about it cuz you’ll never because you if we if we tell you it’s going to encourage you to keep saying no let’s just like okay now the kids are saying skibby yeah I don’t know that I don’t know that means I don’t know that means skibby does anybody know what the hell that things mean the kids on my little leag team I don’t know nothing about infle to skib like you got to find that me you got to find the mid-range the strike is somewhere between on fleek was like yo that was lit that was okay so I used it properly well I said in instead of on but had I set on it would actually have been used properly in that situation look you see the excitement in his eyes I told you he was going to try to bring that back I was talking to Jame’s people the other day EXC fancy schmancy guy well no remember we trying to get coach Otis on and then we the tech issues he’s going to come on next week we’re just finalizing the day which the coach not jamus his personal workout trainer that makes him run through the crazy workout and we’re going to get coach on crazy things that he does yeah hopefully get jam on after but I was talking to them last night we’re working on day for next week all right sounds good all right let’s switch gears here Anthony what do you got yeah before we get to the Guardians guys I want to remind everybody that we have a link with Fanatics it’s youss and there’s no better way to get your swag level up to deshaun’s Watson level than going and shopping at for all your Browns Guardians and Cavs gear use the link it’s in the description of the live video and it’s in the description of every video we post so check it out that site slaps I was goingon to say I was I was going to say bull should say if you want to be on fleek like DeShawn you can go to Fanatics bad bad job I apologize I I apologize to all the brothers and sisters out here who think I co-signed this move I didn’t cosign I don’t look at me I I did not I’m not I’m not offering cover I’m not offering cover for this no no hanging out he’s a b of china shop he’s going crazy today that’s that’s just terrible it all him all right let’s let’s talk about the Guardians last night uh they moved to a season High 21 games over 500 with a 53 victory over the Cincinnati Reds Guardians have dominated the Reds in the cross state rivalry Royals lost the Yankees I I know we don’t like the for the Yankees but the Yankees have been helping the Guardians out lately they swept the twins in the three- game series now they’ve beaten Kansas City two in a row and they play again tonight so the The Royals are five and a half back remember that they had cut it down I think the two or two and a half I think it was two and a half now it’s five and a half Minnesota also loses by the way in that game our old buddy cal quantro six shutout Innings he’s got a 330 erra pitching for the Rockies I can’t remember who the guardians got in that deal and I thought it was a nothing Burger as uh Anthony would say at the time but that was actually been a great trade for Colorado uh 330 ER on the season his Ra’s under three in his last 41 Innings that’s got to be a guy on the Guardians radar to get back because he is on a nice job eating Innings as I said six shutout Innings yesterday uh against uh you know decent Minnesota team he’s pitched well but the bottom line is both those teams lost the Guardians win again and 21 games over 500 fourth best record in baseball five and a half game lead in the division uh after they dropped two in a row they’ve now won three in a row it’s it’s now starting it’s time to start talking about these dudes in 100 plus victories oh yeah like they they they like want listen they might be deep in the hundreds right cuz like I mean they’re 21 games over 500 uh once again uh timely hitting it just seems like it’s weird it’s weird it it looks like they get exactly what they need like you when you when you want to write them off you like ah the pitching ain’t ain’t good enough you get guys like Lively ah they they had a little couple air errors on the base paths you know so errors throwing errors and then you get guys you know like Freeman that just want to go full King qu Griffey Jr like he’s just and then you know Naylor he was struggling he was man Naylor’s been and then all of a sudden Naylor’s hitting the ball he had a man hey he SM monster shot he smoked that y he hit that he hit that so hard I think some a fan got hit in the face on this one look look at that was a big run too yeah he got smoked the guy like fell backwards yeah he he almost that was a big run CU it was 3-2 at the time you know increased the lead and go us us real quick because we jinxed Josh Naylor yeah a month and a half ago when we said as he surpassed Jose is the best hitter in this lineup then he goes on this massive slump yesterday we talked about hey we be concerned about the slum B you correctly said he’s about to break out he comes up with a two RBI game the home run the single I he played great I know he had the ER at first base but from an offensive that was a terrible uh yeah I I he had three hits he had three ribbies he has 20 RBI in his last 31 games even though he’s hitting a buck 50 at that time which which is insane I mean that’s a pace of over 100 ribbies for a guy betting a buck 50 I thought I said yesterday I thought he’s about to get hot part of the reason was his exit velocity for the past week has been really high and for those who don’t know that’s the the miles per hour of the ball going off his Bat that is an in when a guy’s got a high exit velocity me he’s hitting the ball well and and if he’s batting a buck 50 and hitting the ball well it means he’s been unlucky speaking who who hitting the ball well we might as well rename this guy man he hey ichir roquan is out here he’s a monster ich Roan is is this guy is out here getting two three he came off the DL and came back this is an incredible St Steve take this full real quick this is an incredible stat full if you want to read it cuz I don’t my glasses on but inwan this year he’s only got seven zero hit games he has more three hit and more two and three hit games obviously one but more two and three hit games than zero hit games I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the only player in baseball with that stat so he’s hitting 380 this season yeah now he doesn’t qualifi for the batting title yet but he’ll get there if he stays healthy no player in baseball so Quan 380 no player in baseball with 150 at bats is hitting 330 probably the next highest is Lis Arise at 327 yeah he is literally literally 53 points in batting average better than anyone else in B Ops is over a thousand sorry I meant to say sh a thousand to have an Ops of almost a thousand when you don’t hit home runs I mean he’s got like three homers or four whatever how old is he he crazy he’s 25 maybe I don’t want to I want to throw this out there Jason told us yeah you don’t have to do it again Jason talked about the fact that they missed their chance to yeah yeah not long term we don’t have to get mad again this this dude this dude I don’t know if he can get 3,000 hits that’s a lot of hits that’s going to be really tough that I mean he might get 2ou 2500 if he stays healthy for a long time yeah I mean I mean cuz he could play like think about it his game is like he’s not he’s not a big dude his body doesn’t look like it’s going to break down he’s get three four hits a game to me this this is a dude I’m I’m going be honest with you he’s going to be he’s going he’s going to be a fan favorite oh he is I mean first of all he’s extremely likable person uh you know he could show up at the at the gym and you wouldn’t maybe even notice him cuz he’s looks like a regular I’ve seen him in public multiple times and most people have no idea of course cuz he’s like he’s not big no he look like baseball players you know unless you’re Aaron judge or like you know couple of guys you can blend in as a baseball player uh and stepen Quan look you know looks like kind of like a kid he’s a I hate doing this yeah when is he under contract too I don’t uh I think he’s got probably four more years okay good job good good job four at least three I can’t remember now if it’s four I feel good about that if it’s four I feel good about that I no players hit 400 in Forever not in our lifetime uh he probably won’t hit 400 I mean hitting 400 is just insane but the fact that he’s hitting 380 is crazy that’s stupid U not a lot of guys have even been hitting 380 this late in the season it’s not that now there are there have been Luis arise did last year he yeah uh George Brett I think did it I think Tony I mean Tony Gwyn finished the season hit three9 Rod Karu probably there was something about Quan’s first uh there was a second to bet when he hit down Third Base Laine yeah second well can we show that one cuz I wanted to bring that up too well let me let me make the point and then you can show it again that was a 10 pck bat yeah the count was onew it wasn’t a Full Count see a bunch of ball he fouled Off Pitch after pitch after pitch after pitch a one-w count on the 10th pitch of theat is absurd yeah and to see that pitch and the way he not angled the bat but the way he fights it off to throw it down the left field line like it’s an incredible piece of hitting and he does it almost on a nightly basis and I feel like we’re almost taking it for granted but it is such an art that he is mastered and and I mean that he’s essentially mastered the art of getting enough of the barrel on the ball he’s not hitting 30 home runs a season we know that but he has more power and the last night and the play we’re going to pull up in one sec is the perfect example of even when he’s backed against the wall onew count he’s seen Pitch after pitch he’s seen breaking ball he seen fast ball he seen he saw a slider in the atat to get his wrist around to just get enough of the barrel to send that down the third Baseline yeah incredible and it was more than that because can we show that play can we do it full or no yeah we’ll take so I can see it see it better so what what is so impressive everything you said is correct Mike what’s so impressive to me about what Quan does here is look he waits it’s so hard to wait as long as he does to put the bat on the ball it’s hard to notice because it’s so slight but he waits he lets the ball get into him and he hits it with authority look look one more time look how close the third baseman is to the bag he’s not playing off the bag you got to hit this he didn’t hit a soft ground ball he smoked this ground ball he had to watch look how close the third baseman is when you see it quickly he’s right there the exit V was like 99 and a half or something like to hit it for a lefty to hit the ball down the Third Base Line with authority on a two- strike pitch and it’s letter high is all and his letter High good call it it’s that’s almost impossible there’s there’s very few players that could do what he did he let you have to be confident to let the ball get into you more and we’re talking about a fraction of an in he the swing that inside out he got like his to get his hands in The Hitting Zone like he gets his hands and and and some people go up there and they just trying to hit the ball hard somewhere he goes up there with a plan like yeah listen I’m see the what with the third baseman doing I’m going slap it by him like to be able to to go inside out on pitches to be able to pull you want to to hit soft line like you know you you know bull like you start to get to a point like it’s I kind of compare it to like hitting infield like once you practice baseball and when you doing practicing and you’re hitting fly balls you get pretty good at hitting where you want to hit right but for him to be able to do that like just in the game in the game is ridiculous man just crazy I have a whole Myriad of Steven Quan topics if he has another good game that we’re going to break out a couple of them tomorrow bow yeah but 380 is absurd to your point about um knowing where the ball’s going to go on the flip side from a defensive standpoint it’s hard to believe Tyler Freeman’s been playing center field for like yeah that’s crazy months now by one last thing before we move on to Freeman uh Steven Quan could get in theory can get a hit every game the rest of the year and his batting average in theory could go down yeah if he went if he went one for three for four yeah yeah certainly one for four even if he went one for three his batting average down because he’s hitting 38 would still lead Major League Baseball in average if he went one for three the entire season that’s how good he’s um I think he’s not too far behind in term of plate appearances to qualifi no he needs like 23 he’ll be there so he’ll get there in the next because he’ll average probably four and a half play so you going to have a guy that’s leading the league in RBI leading the league in batting average yep um that’s kind of wild leading league and saves lead leading the league and saves and we’ll get to class in a minute but Tyler Freeman who has been okay as a hitter he’s been clutch at time the overall numbers his Ops is below average it’s not terribly below average 689 is not hideous but it’s not great uh six home runs 27 ribbies like those are you know okay numbers the batting average is low but all right I can live with that but defensively he’s been outstanding and as you said this guy had been an infielder he’d been a second baseman uh he made two backto back magnificent plays in center field and he saved that you know who knows how the game would have went no he saved the game I feel confidence chist McKenzie who’s been pretty bad lately and McKenzie’s given up a ton of home runs there’s was that the first one it’s that’s the first one so the first one I don’t home run think it would have been a double right it would hit the top of the wall the second one would absolutely the next matter this one’s gone if he doesn’t catch it I still think the first catch was a more impressive catch though yeah he had more time to yeah to to set the first catch was harder but probably hits the top of the wall the second catch was easier I mean it wasn’t but he robbed that from being a home run but he had to get there set and J he is so confident for outfielders man when you play the infield your whole career and you have to adjust to the Outfield catching the ball at the wall and having the sense of where the wall is so you don’t crash into it is one of the hardest things to do for guys transitioning to the Outfield and you would never know he was an infielder if you if you just started watching Guardians for the first time ever this year and you didn’t know anything about Tyler Freeman and I said to you this guy was an infielder in the mind you would never believed it and and I think the biggest tell of that and Steve take it again put put a full he doesn’t take a false step like as soon as he hears the crack in the bat especially on the first one you can see it because there’s no time to uh set up this is the final catch when it replays again you’ll see it from the get-go yeah but he is as soon as the ball is hit tracking it down in a way that you see Amari Cooper do on a deep ball or any of the great receivers this one a little more time to set up but there’s not a single false step this one with a little more time he fails out the wall makes the jumping catch but the first one on the move to time it up like that g whether it’s a home run a double whatever it’s it’s a hard hit ball that’s going to spell trouble for the Guardians to be able to make that play in motion he covers 70 80 feet here seriously guys like that Great American Ballpark is no small ballpark just an incredible play and I can’t believe he’s only been doing it for a couple months if you want to talk about like Feats like so I I I played three Sports in high school and yeah it’s kind of hard you know shooting like if you ain’t been shooting shooting three-pointers or it’s kind of hard if you you know you got to tackle somebody but when you talk about baseball like the fact that you got to get a jump on the ball from the sound of the bat and you don’t know where it’s at especially balls in the Gap especially so much feel to cover when you’re Centerfield it’s crazy and if you want to talk about like one of the like one of the most underrated hardest skills like I would say like you know returning a serve that’s 100 miles hour like that’s crazy but like if you put average people in Outfield and hit them fly balls that’s incredible like I don’t I don’t think average people catch fly balls at all I don’t think average people realize how hard that hard that is like just judging where the ball like and these guys do it routinely but the two hardest things for an outfield and center field is the hardest because you you you’re involved in every play to some degree in the Outfield right not to mention back up the middle infielders but the hardest the two hardest things are one the wall which we talked about but two is getting that jump and and if you get a false jump let’s say Tyler Freeman on that first play takes a step in for a second he he’s not getting there yeah you make one false step and you’re done that that’s my point and especially if it’s hit like a line drive like if it’s a popup yeah you have there’s no time on a play like that where it’s you know the launch angle is not 30° and it’s hit with exit V like that the spin on the ball too you’re to win you know I played baseball in high school wasn’t wasn’t anything special by any means but like I played center field I tried playing softball now and even just trying to get the step back of oh yeah I could track that anything in high school now it’s now it’s like it’s bringing around the rosie I have no idea where going and I eventually get to it cuz I’m fast but like it’s night and day compared to what it was and for this guy to go through the entire minor league system I’m guessing the majority of his baseball career as an infielder and yeah I’m sure he takes Outfield reps every once in a while but to be able to make that transition so seamlessly yeah talks to his defensive Talent not just as a infield as his overall baseball player and and it shows you that people work on their game like no doubt like these guys like you know one of the things that you know when we threw out the first pitch one of the things that I I thought was cool was when you go down and you see like and you watch them take infield practice they have like coaches they got third base coaches and short stop so so those guys are down there coaching them as they’re taking ground balls so these dudes is is putting in a lot of work in offse to be able to say all right let me be able to you know catch ground balls that’s hitting in the hole or can I can I uh you know you know be able to judge a Fly ball that’s on a rope uh in the Outfield so they they put working in a lot of different places man they make it look easy but we know it’s not extremely hard you know I think the the problem a lot and I with the lit League kids this is one of the things I always got to teach right away is kids they run after a flyball with their glove in the which you’re not supposed to do I always tell them run to the ball then get your glove off because if you run with your you’re like bouncing around or you get or you get infielders who usually want to put their glove like this it’s a whole three years when you teaching no you’re going to get hit in the face you mind put that put the glove right here and then you think about it too like if you’re right-handed you’re catching the baseball with your left hand right think about that yeah yeah like people can people can hit left hand layups let alone grab a ball in in an out good point I you don’t really think about you don’t really think of it from that perspective you think of right you’re a lefty you throw so you got to throw your left so you got to catch with the other hand on the flip side if you’re like like I’m a lefty you hit righty yeah and it was always backwards I got laughed at in TB i h on the wrong side of the plate and every was like haha I’m that way too I feel Lefty bat righty in theory you know you’re pulling with your front hand when you hit yeah as a lefty my left hand was you know my stronger arm it actually makes sense from that standpoint you Ricky Henderson did that my my dad used to Pi my dad used to uh switch hit I just couldn’t I didn’t like he would be like yeah this is is how you do it and I’m like how is you doing that like no like I’m I feel like in that generation there were a lot more Switch Hitters than there are now it’s a dying bre Jason’s writing a story on it he’s talked about it there not as many yeah it it it has changed it is one other thing from last night’s game and then we’re going to talk potential Allstars for the Guardians Emanuel CL in an interesting ninth inning gives up base hit to start the inning there was fielders IND difference to let the runner get the second uh and then he gave up a a blue pit that scored a run then he hit uh what’s his name the guy’s last name is Dunn they just called him up I can’t think of his first name I want to say Adam Dunn but it’s not it’s not and done he got BL BL done right he got smoked like with 100 mile fast B in the head he stayed in the game shout out to them baseball helmets NFL need to figure him out like cuz that was 101 I was I like jumped watching him I was like oh my God I was nervous I saw it this morning I was like hope he’s all right and thank God he is do you guys want me to show it I do have yeah show it go ahead for those who didn’t see it I thought he was out of here yeah he’s fine so we feel comfortable showing yeah that’s it you know what’s so funny I didn’t he threw that so fast he didn’t even have no time to to get to to move no it’s like he looked out at CL you see that looks like a big dude this guy oh he definitely looks like he uh you know he want I don’t think he wants that smoke obviously class didn’t hit him on purpose yeah you just you never want to hit anybody in the head why would he hit them period you don’t want to put a run I just think I just think it’s one of them things like you if you get hit even on accident you got one of those reac I think we’d all be that but look at this I mean if you if you’ve watched class lately too when the batter’s on the other side of the Box a lot of his fast balls Go Up High right yeah right where that guy’s head is and I don’t know if he’s losing control of it I mean when you throwing the ball that dog on fat dang yeah you just get sometimes you get away from you he he had he lost command on that pitch no doubt but uh um man if that helmet if he had not had that helmet on or if that got Under The Helmet somehow like that that’s yeah that’s wild like fortunately he’s okay yeah fortunately CL got the job done after that uh I have no I know he’s given up a couple of runs here lately but he hasn’t blown a save uh he did give up a home run the other day I’m not worried I I know you mentioned you’re a little concerned about uh just just a big term he’s been used a ton same with the bullpen you know that’s a concern there’s no doubt longterm he hasn’t been he was incredible in May unhitable in May walked one guy no runs 14 strikeouts he’s been a little more human yeah but a little more human for class is still super human he’s still the best closer in baseball even when he’s not at that Peak Peak Peak Peak peak level he was in May but I just have a little concern over the course of 162 Game season what he’s being used with the frequency being used at that he may start to not blow a save but just it’s been a little less sharp than he had been ear I think he going like once again I’m like look you know they’re going to lose some games he’s going to blow some saves just what it is like you know spend over 100 games he been but overall he’s been amazing lights out you know it’s funny he’s only on Pace for I don’t know 70 Innings maybe 75 Innings which nowadays is a decent amount for a closer but crazy when I was a kid the the closers would pitch 100 Innings or 110 was closing gosage Lee Smith Bruce sud those guys have pitched two innings the game has changed obviously uh but uh yeah I mean the Guardians and I think you know this is we know the the Guardians are a smart organization from from the front office down but uh they do need to be careful with with how much they’re pitching these guys and and um you know they’re going to need to find they’re going to need to be there’s going to be some games along the way where they’re going to have to say hey CL can’t close today and you know what they have so many guys pitching well in that Bullpen hers you know they can they can get the job done with some of these other guys occasionally whether it’s gtis for or Barlo or you know Tim Heron did a great job yesterday like seeing him show the emotion when he got out of that inning when the Reds had cut it to 3-2 I actually think McKenzie after he could have easily given up four runs in that first inning and the game could have gotten out of control he gets bailed out by Freeman I thought he actually pitched very well the rest of the game but as you guys both said on our call earlier he has you holding holding your breath every he he be to hit hard yeah there no doubt he get like he has a lot of loud outs like he’ be like man like it it just seems like when I when when he first came up he had more more more movement more electricity around 100% what he was throwing more velocity more velocity it just it just it just now seems like to me me I think he’s just trying to maintain um and he’s never been a really sometimes when he he’s always to me he’s already always battle with command so when you always battle with command and you don’t and and you lose the velocity and electricity then you’re left with like can you pinpoint stuff and that’s not just to me that’s not his game yeah yeah I mean when you look at the rotation right now you’re you’re holding your breath quite often I mean B’s been good Lively’s been excellent but you’re kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop with him everybody else has been a major question mark in the rot medium sauce yeah I mean there just you there’s no way to trust any of those guys which is why we’ve talked time and time again about the starting rotation great pitching matchup today I’d like to like we we saw BBY pitch on Thursday when we went to the game and I thought he had a chance to go seven Innings he didn’t even get get an out in the sixth because he couldn’t finish these Innings which where’s Gavin Williams at man well he’s he is now making a another rehab I think Saturday Saturday we need that so he’s getting closer I would think we might see him two weeks maybe nicolao is a good young Lefty for the Reds they have some good young pitchers they do he and hunter green in particular are really good uh so it’s a good pitching match up today for the second and final game and the Guardians have another day off tomorrow oh they just got they go to Toronto mad day is off well iners scouting trip for B bashet yeah I I think the blue they TR B this morning though what’s that they traded Cavin VI he they had already designated for Simon so he was already just saying but there that’s not a we’re breaking it down trade that’s a we’ve given up on bigio trade just just out there okay uh all right Anthony we got another Guardians topic to get to but yeah before we get into it I want to remind everybody that summertime means baseball in the NBA finals and more and you can get bet on all of it with FanDuel right now new customers get $250 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet excuse me that’s $200 with any winning $5 bet uh and that’s 200 bucks you can bet with anything from the finals MVP to who’s going to hit one out of the park all you guys have to do is visit usss and add a big winner to your summer bucket list FanDuel America’s number one sports book and guys we have a big winner today too uh Mike you sent this ticket in I believe it is a bet with every single baseball money line yesterday it turned 20 cents into $619 yeah my guy Alex who sent it to us via email who said I promise you this is the best bet you’ll ever see he bet the money line on all 12 games last night he had a giant profit boost on uh fandu the 50% profit boost okay and that turned a 20 cent wager into $619 76 wait 12 games it could have been all didn’t everybody play Yesterday 1 2 3 4 5 only on 12 games 8 9 10 11 this is a 12 leg parly so maybe only 12 I I thought that was all of them he bet he hit the money line on 12 games the odds of that I can tell you the exact odds it was plus 15 151,000 you know of course what I’m thinking right now you should do oh my God how do you bet 20 cents 20 cents maybe that’s all he had you sometime you know say you got to load your wallet you got to load your your account you know when you be taking the mails you be having like a dollar left you be like I’m I’mma put this you know he’s got to be going like I mean how much did he wi $600 on 20 $620 on 20 so if he would have bet even like a even Ty his $10 bet was a dollar it’s 1,800 oh my God so 1,800 time 10 no that’s a lie if he bet a dollar that’d be 3,000 so times 10 is 30 if he had bet 10 bucks he would have won about 30 grand right wild but shout out to Alex that’s a great win Alex I guess we shouldn’t I mean that’s amazing tyus had three wins yesterday and I was like no tyus you’re not the best one of the day Alex that belongs to you how much did tyus win tyus always SP 10 bucks he had a he he won three different pares yesterday he’s going to show us those tomorrow on the show so I’m not going to spoil listen I had I had to stop F dude you to stop your wife sto shut it down she was playing around bro she was tripping she tried well she here’s the thing she tried to be like hey n you you you know you going overboard you know she’s an accountant she’s probably right she she was probably but here’s the thing but then when I won yeah she was like I need half that money I said no hell no that’s not the way that work what you talking about you gave me you gave me grief she was like Caitlyn Clark when you money I said how did you know who Caitlyn CLK I did my research I need half no no no that’s speaking of bets yeah I think it’s safe to say the Guardians have two locks right now to make the All-Star Game sure n uh not Naylor Jose and those two are locks right unquestionable locks I know and the topic this next topic we got to get into is if the season today who else besides those two would make the All-Star team and Bo I put this into three categories okay I have my locks my should bees and my could bees yeah I’m going run these down you tell me if you agree disagree and if you need to add someone the list which list they fall into so the locks obviously Jose and class we don’t have to talk about those the should bees start with stepen Quan and I understand he missed the month of the Season he’s still hitting 380 which we talked about earlier he has more two hit and three hit games than he has no hit games this season he’ll meet he’ll reach like I said he’ll reach the qualified plate appearance number to be the league leader and batting average when the All-Star Game rolls around so not worried about that why why does why is he not in your right now like right now only because he missed the month yeah that’s the only reason but he about to get them 23 playing but the question is if it ended today if it ended today the question it ended today if it ended today I I’ll give you my response to it a minute but I understand why you put him there I put him in the in the should be yeah should be his like you mentioned B his Ops is just shy of a th000 despite the fact he’s not a power hitter he’s also an elite defensive left fielder if it wasn’t for missing the couple weeks three he’s a lock because he missed a couple weeks I have him in the should be but not the lock and the Outfield of the American League is a tough uh tough position to crack but he should be an Allstar when it’s all said and done the other should be is David fry which I know we talked about a little bit yesterday B but I went through and dug the numbers for you because they already two catchers that are locks in the American League for the All-Star team Rutman savador Perez those guys are locks but for the third catcher here are his numbers he’s hitting 326 on the season he doesn’t qualify for enough of bats just like Quan if he did that’d be third in baseball behind Quan and Louisa red so he’s the second highest right now without Quan his 1.024 Ops second highest in baseball behind Aaron judge all players only Aaron judge has a higher Ops his eighth home runs tied for seventh most among all catchers in baseball he’s top 10 in all catchers and the other two guys he’s up against the Ryan Jeffers and Cal Raleigh they’re just two consistent David fry every time he plays has been consistent those guys it’s Hit or Miss they can have four orbi and a home run and then go 0 for 13 in the next three games you know what you’re getting from David fry and I think what he’s done at the position his versatility I think should be a benefit to him not a negative the fact he can play the position he is on the ballot as a DH by the way that doesn’t mean he couldn’t be in as a catcher but he is on the ballot as a he could get voted in as a DH which he won’t but he could be so I think he should be the third catcher so the two should bees and we’ll get to the could bees next but response towan as it should be and Fri finish it all and then we comment on and then the could bees are nailor yeah who at first base he leads all major league First basem with 50 home runs it’s five more than Bryce Harper who’s second he leads all major league First basem in home runs with 17 two more than Bryce uh Bryce Harper who’s second his War third High has been a full-time first baseman in the American League if it wasn’t for the slump that he had been on he’d be a lock the numbers the pure production the home runs the RB those numbers are all there there’s no real argument against him being an All-Star if he hadn’t hit 135 over a 35 day stretch between the end of uh April and beginning of June and then I’ll actually met with Ben Livy as the last one bowl and I understand it’s a namebrand spot to get into the All-Star game with as a starting pitcher but if you look at just the numbers if you put a blond resume test for Ben Lively against a bunch of other guys he has the seventh most wins in the American League he has the sixth lowest ra among American League starters his whip is 15th among American League Stars the guys ahead of him are all household household names yeah he has 48 strikeouts 15 walks he’s been incredible and I do give him a little bit of the benefit of the doubt on the expectation of what we had for Ben livley coming in to the player the Guardians have gotten from Ben Lively through half the season I know it’s he’ll be the toughest guy to make it because there’s so many good pitchers in the American League and so many guys with serious name brand recognition that Ben Lively just doesn’t have but on a blind resume test he Stacks up with almost everyone in the American League outside of the elite top top top tier pitchers right now so he’s on my could be list with Josh Naylor my should be Quan and Fry and my locks Jose class all right I’m going to do slightly different categories my my locks are the same too obviously Jose and class are in there’s no doubt no debate that’s fine uh I actually have uh guys that uh are I’ll call near loocks that’s actually I’m surprised you had Naylor as low as you did I think Naylor is a near loock I know he has slumped but they don’t when you look for Allstar when they the the managers that are picking the all-star teams they’re not looking oh has he been hot lately I I I know I know he he got kind of got screwed last year I think that plays a factor too he was probably the be one of the best players not to make the allstar team last year I think he’s definitely going to make it I don’t think there’s outside of um uh what’s his name on the Orioles uh uh Ryan Mount Castle uh I I there’s not a lot of great first base play right now in the American League I think he’s a near lock okay I think the slump has has took taken him out of lock to near loock I think should be in I’m with you David fry and Steven Quan both should be in the All-Star Game I would also bring in David fry as the third catcher now we still got some time he’s close enough to the borderline um because that and he he’s he he might have a harder time qualifying than Quan now unlike basketball you don’t have to qualify for the batting title to be in the All-Star game he has no name recognition whatsoever that certainly could hurt uh to me Steven Quan is only not a lock because he missed a month that’s the only reason that’s it uh if he assuming he doesn’t go into a slump in the next few weeks which I I’m think it’s a pretty safe assumption he won’t at least go into a significant slump I think he’s I I should probably I’m actually moving him into the near lock with n yeah I’m moving him into near lock so I think you got two locks two near locks uh uh and as it should be now I don’t look at anybody else as a legitimate candidate including Ben Lively I don’t I don’t disagree with your I you’re right about I don’t care about the win total that doesn’t matter I don’t think looking that his erra yes is sixth in the American League first of all they only take about six or seven starters so yeah he’s sixth in ra but there’s guys behind him by a little bit that have pitched 30 more Innings than him fair so a guy who’s got a 280 ra and 80 Innings is worth more than a guy who’s got 250 RA in 45 Innings or 50 Innings whatever it is this is mad easy everybody but Lively yeah yeah Lively now by the way there are a couple of other guys who deserve recognition like a hunter Gattis and a couple other guys in their pen Now setup guys almost never make it I was trying to you have to have historically historically good numbers like 45 strikeouts and two walks like crazy crazy numbers and they have good numbers those guys really really good they deserve recognition but not historic ially great numbers so I think right now in the end it would be they’d have a good chance to get five I think they’ll have four in the All-Star Game definitely and because and because they are a surprise team with a rookie manager and they are 21 games over 500 I think a lot of those guys will get the benefit of it out that and be gz right especially the second part where you say they’re 21 games over 500 they’re the third best team in the American League right now they’ve that’s got to be taken into consideration when’s the last time the Guardians have had four players in the allstar team in the same season uh I don’t know I top might not be that long ago I mean you know when they were when they had good they had they had Lindor Miller Lindor Ramirez but Miller didn’t make the All-Star team with the Guardians because they got him after the allstar game but Michael well no Michael Bradley wasn’t having anness but they had yeah but they and they had they had Bieber obviously I look I’m see if I get her F they had Cory clubber who was an allar they at least had one they had a bunch of great starters I mean they had a year or two there in the you know sometime between 2015 2018 where they I bet they had four Allstars I’m just just not coming to me right now I mean maybe Victor Martinez and hner maybe one year well yeah certainly in the 9s I bet they did but but uh I bet they did 2004 that’s the last time according to Google yeah could you name the four Sabathia yep uh Cliff Lee nope Hafner nope nope man and it’s five by the way it’s 04 not coming to me at all oh hold up this I got one was one was voted in as a uh replacement but no just give it to me give it to us we’re not thinking Victor Martinez uhuh oh yeah you mentioned Victor Jake Westbrook wow yeah Ronnie Bellard jeez and Matt lton oh my God lton Ronnie Bellard and Matt lton didn’t make a ton of All-Star games 2004 W they never got four guys last decade huh I mean I just did a quick Google search in the first article that came up I thought you was gonna say Johnny Peralta man it was the most All-Star Selections in a single season for Cleveland since 1998 when Sandy Alamar Jr Omar vcll Jim to Kenny Lofton Manny mirez and Baro cologne made it six tribe players in the midon season classic damn uh let’s see hold on all right I’m going to bring this up real quick cuz I it’s driving me crazy I this article from 2019 so all right that’s so last year they had two 22 they had three 21 they had no that that article’s wrong I knew it had to be wrong 2019 they had four Carlos Santana Francisco Lindor Brad Hand and Shane Bieber I forgot that article was written in 2019 so that may have been the preview for that year I know in 2018 they had six then this article is just completely wrong they had I they had Jose what’s funny is the year that went to the World Series they only had three but in 2018 they had Jose Michael Brantley Lindor Cory clubber Trevor Bower and Yan Gomes 2017 they had five Jose Brantley Lindor clubber and Andrew Miller and 2016 2016 it was three Lindor Salazar clubber why was not winning G real quick to back this article up I read it wrong the last time Cleveland had more than four players that’s still wrong 2018 they had six 2017 they had five so just so just so people know do you read this so they don’t think I’m an idot it’s the highlighted part just so they know I’m not that stupid this was in the Mansfield News Journal right yeah he’s right I’m just reading what Google told me yeah you’re right Google Google’s wrong man man from 90 listen to this real quick and then we’ll move on to the the c d by Google 95 to 2000 95 they had uh six All Stars 96 they had five 97 only three 98 they had six 99 they had six and 2000 they had four I mean that that’s crazy that is a crazy run of All Stars yeah but uh no they had a bunch 2016 through 2019 they had a ton of Allstars all right we’ve talked a ton about the Guardians we’ve talked a ton about the Browns later we’re going to talk hot dogs and the disappointment of Fourth of July but now it’s time to talk about the Cavaliers are they getting close to hiring a head coach Anthony yeah guys before we get into the Cavs I want to remind you guys that if you’re looking for Guardians s this season there’s no better place to get them than game time you guys you can get save even more when you choose a section and let game time choose your seats for you you get up to 60% off buying last minute for sports concerts comedy and theater your lowest price guaranteed they’ll even credit you 110% of the difference if it’s not the 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weren’t here yesterday n so I want to start with you then we we’ll take this out broader but if that is the Cavs final three in terms of their candidate choices ainson bgo Nory is that the right three finalists from the bigger picture group they’ve interviewed or someone not there who in your mind should be no it’s the right it’s the right it’s the right mix um I I think you got to have when you’re looking for this shirt you got to have guys that um are are guys that people can believe in like guys that have enough backing and cach a there there’s there’s different times for different things and I think one of the things that we talked about with JB B staff you know some things run its course and sometimes you you you are there for a particular season in someone’s life or a particular season in in the way the organization is shaped so sometimes you know people aren’t going to be there forever like he was there and he was a good guy for what they wanted to do I think JB is a good starter coach that that can build the building blocks of a culture like you know guys we want you to play hard you know building the young dude but then it sometimes it come a point in time where you need somebody who who has a track record of saying I get results like I understand I could take you to the next level this is what I do and so for me I’ve been steadfast at saying there as Kenny ainson for a long period of time because he’s he’s dealt with he’s dealt with almost being jettison by Superstars right he’s they told him peace but yeah like they he got jettison by like Kevin Durant and all those guys he’s also worked with the turmoil of Draymond Green and and and figuring out what you’re gonna do with Klay Thompson as an older star and Steph Curry so and plus he’s all always done a good job offensively getting guys to play I think even above what their individual parts and pieces are when they let them to uh you know playoff run when they had guys like D’Angelo Russell and and some of those guys so for me I think he’s the dude um I like bgo I like what I like his you know his pedigree I like the fact that he I feel like he can bring something excitement some up and coming some fresh Bloods to the game um but here’s the thing I think at the end of the day you know Donovan Mitchell um can respect uh him I think and if you want to get the most Jared Allen knows him he played for him uh and if and if they want and I don’t I don’t agree they should they should do this he’s the only coach and I thought long hard atson is he’s ainson is the only coach that I believe that you the the front office can say I I want to see what this unit does with him he’s the only coach I would not do the and I still don’t I wouldn’t agree with it my mind just exploded I wouldn’t agree with it wow but I looked at it the core forward yes G is saying run he could live with a run it back with Kenny Atkins I no listen the last thing I expected to hear today I I would I wouldn’t personally do it yeah but if they cuz I was looking at your trade machine stuff if they can’t get no trades for the guys and and they don’t come up with a good package he’s the only coach I believe that they could come back and say we’re on running back with these guys because I feel like he can he’s going to he’s going to transform what they do offensively that much are you ready though let’s say it’s bgo are you ready to have another coach named JB you’re there four you’re there four more years of JB we got to call him something different so it’s funny cuz G texted me at 2: in the morning saying the panel was tripping on the trades yesterday tripping on these Trad tripping tripping come on listen uh what did you like man Kyle kma I like I’m like when they said Kyle kozman they like I don’t like KZ I said boy are you serious give me Kyle kozman he’s longer he’s athletic he he can shoot the ball he shoot almost 40% don’t he 30 what 36 37 you like the uh I think I like the Spurs trade and the magic I like actually I like that trade he lik he liked all I like I liked all he wants to [ __ ] out Garland though everybody except for the Rockets deal I I think vam Ved is little little he stepped back a little bit he he looked like he lost the step but everybody else loved it back to the coaches thing real quick when they initially put out the list like the day they fired JB bicker staff not not bgo the two names that were immediately tied to the job were ainson and burgo and I was more familiar with what ainson runs and what he did in Brooklyn than I was with bgo and what he did in Charlotte and nor is still an unknown he has a great track record of developing big men he’s been the lead assistant in Minnesota but he’s never had his own team so he’s he’s more of a question mark in terms of what we know he likes to do and what he likes to run as opposed to the other two and I’ve spent more time than I probably should just looking at Old Charlotte Hornets offensive playbooks and going back and digging through the Nets offensive Playbook and I’m telling you I’m coming more and more around to bgo than I ever thought I would be when this started he was not in my personal top two or three when this process started but the more I watch and the more I look The more I’ve read about his tenure in Charlotte the more I actually like what burgo did let me just give you a couple bullet points on bgo as my now kind of my selling points on him took over a Charlotte team with terrible roster right second season won 23 games third season won 33 games Four Season won 43 games he made back-to-back playing tournaments with lamelo ball as their best player now he was not fired after the 2022 season because his team wasn’t good they won 43 games Michael Jordan said we don’t like you’re fit with this young locker room so we’re going to go different directions and it turns out real quick that young locker room included miles Bridges who’s had his own set of issues lamelo ball who’s had his own set of issues off the court it’s a pretty jumbalaya of personalities in there that I’m not quite sure any coach could have dealt with in a manner to get the most out of them but when you look at what he runs offensively and I’m going to do an ultimate C show tonight I’m going to break some of the stuff down on that I just didn’t have the videos in time to put it together this morning he runs a lot of stuff G that utilizes spacing in ways that the Cavs are going it’s going to be a foreign language to Cavs fans who haven’t seen and have only watched JB bicker staff over the last few years he has some little tweaks to pick and roll sets that get the backside cleared so if you want to throw a lob you’re putting defender in a pickle he runs a little Veer action at the top that Darius Garland and Donovan Mitchell if they keep those two together I think could excellent it worked for Devonte GMA lamelo ball if you could make it work that and I’m talking like legitimate work like I’ll give you some of the numbers real quick not to get nerdy bow I know basketball numbers aren’t your favorite but real quick give me some I like nerdy numbers even basketball his final season in Charlotte or his three of his four seasons in Charlotte his team was top 10 in the league in three-point attempts pace and space the name the game for burgo his last season when they won 43 games they are second in the league in points per game 115.2 fourth and three-point makes per game six and three-point percentage per game number one in assist per game ball movements a key factor in their offense which we all would like to watch yeah which is my point which that’s fun basketball it’s a fun style of basketball and with a bad roster that roster was not good they won 40 it’s not a good roster that last season eighth in offensive rating third in assist rating second assisted turnover ratio they played the sixth quickest Pace in basketball they the second most Corner threes and you talk about G what one of the big issues with JB bicker staff was timeout could he make an adjustment you ready for this and I spent way too much time way way way too much time looking into this that 2021 2022 season in the halfcourt offense just in the normal flow the game they averaged 903 points per possession that was 29th in the NBA after a timeout or the end of a quarter so where he gets a chance to set something up that jumped up to 0983 points per possession 10 in the NBA he has the yes like tangible evidence it made a difference and the lineups he played with in Charlotte yeah mimic and I know you’re going to hate this more of the core four than what ainson did within Brooklyn so I think bgo to me I understand but I think to me bgo has surpassed ainson as the guy I think makes the most sense of the job now I I think there’s a lot to like about all three of these guys it seems like the Cavs have done a really good job here of of finding very good candidates I think one of the thing you guys have talked both about both of them I think something that you guys haven’t mentioned about either of these guys from James bargo’s point and I know some people don’t care about this I I like that he’s younger he’s younger than the other two not that much younger than than nor but he’s significant he’s proba about I think he’s about 10 years younger than Atkinson MH Atkinson’s getting up he’s he’s like 57 58 you that’s a little old not too old but it’s a little old uh so I kind of like that nory’s younger 47 I think he is I like that age why he’s not too young 44 43 44 I’m sorry I meant bargo’s for that’s what I meant bargo’s no I think he’s 47 go ahead look it up nor is like 50 I think bargo’s 47 so I like that he’s younger but not 46 46 right uh but the one thing I’ll say about Atkinson that I like also is I like a guy that had to pay his dues Atkinson I’m sure most people don’t know this I didn’t know this until I looked it up he played 15 years of professional basketball all over the world yep he didn’t play in the NBA mhm wasn’t good enough he traveled all over the world he was a grinder and then after that he had to grind to become a coach his first job was some it was like I don’t know some team I never heard of whatever and then eventually he got an opportunity in the NBA and he was an assistant for a long time and he got his first chance with Brooklyn and yeah it didn’t end great because the Stars pushed him out but like you mentioned with some of the issues at Charlotte you know it wasn’t it wasn’t more of a coaching thing in Brooklyn either it was more of a his Dynamic with the Stars yeah I mean and and Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving let’s face itach they are not the easiest stars to deal with um I’m I’m guessing Donovan Mitchell is is easier to deal with than those two guys now maybe they won’t have chemistry either but you know Donovan Mitchell doesn’t have the reputation of being a pain in the butt like Kyrie and Kevin Durant have at at times in their career so there’s a I think there’s a lot to like about both those guys plus they have experience and there’s something to be said for that you know uh and so I I do like what what you talk those numbers I’m glad you gave those numbers cuz they they made me a little excited about bgo because I you know I’d love to see I think we’d all love to see the Cavs play this type of ball where they’re moving the ball and getting assist all the time and watch the ultimate cat think about do 7:30 yeah and and we’ll do some more in the show if he’s tired but I a going to do a little breath I spent way too much time aun was looking at me yesterday doing it like yeah I watched a lot of Charlotte hor basketball from 2021 and I’m a psychopath for it but it does fit the characteristic especially with the two guards the front Court you still have to make some work but if Devonte Graham and lamelo ball could be as efficient and effective as they were with some of this action neither of them at the caliber of Donovan Mitchell and Darius should thrive in assist or theoretically speaking could thrive in a system like that to put him in the position to succeed speaking of Donovan Mitchell do you need to do a read before we move on no we can just get right into this one so speaking of Donovan Mitchell um I don’t know how this topic even came up because to me this is an insan insane question guess where guess where it came from from the chat or Twitter or something Twitter there you go so I was scroll on Twitter over the weekend and I don’t remember a big mistake scroll on Twitter yeah fair enough yeah I was scrolling X over the weekend then yeah thank you for correcting me I actually refused to call it X it’s Twitter oh I wasn’t saying that cuz you said Twitter I was saying because yeah anyway go ahead uh and I forget who tweeted this initial S like guy Mack had quote tweeted it and then it turned into a whole discussion yeah but the initial tweet was man just imagine if we still had Colin and Lori we never made the Donovan I think we’d be further along than we are now in the progression of the Cavs towards their of a championship was the person that tweeted that potentially brain damag I don’t I don’t remember who tweeted it yeah but I saw that and I bookmarked it because I was like well I bookmarked Max response because I was like I I think we could have at least a fun conversation G on a scale of one to 10 how stupid is that take 10 being the stupidest it’s it’s it’s like a 9.5 because that person that made that take probably says that uh we they wanted to start something new after LeBron left yeah oh yeah definitely the same we we don’t we don’t need LeBron cuz uh we’re going to we’re going to start something on our yeah you’re on the money with that one we’re on the same page just before we go into this that means we are all in the exact same keep cooking keep cooking what are the Cavs if they never trade for Donovan and they have a team built around marinin seon DG and mo where does that first of all I told you all Technically when when they started talking about keeping the next pick that was Colin seon that was ridiculous to start with I I think people people in Cleveland don’t really have uh they have a very difficult time engaging who’s good and who’s not they just really do like they just don’t like like they like this last off season it was it was porzingis wasn’t good and then I was like if you let porzingis go to the Celtics they’re going to be unbeatable and they look like they’re unbeatable like what are you talking about but if you said hey do you want Pingas in Cleveland how many people would still say to this day no no he’s a massive upgrade now they’d come around but you’re right a year ago most it’ be no like the the fact that you talking about like you would have been further along let’s quit the games like we I watched him in a playoff game lose to Trey Young and the Hawks without nobody without dejonte Murray you lost straight up at home to a playing game to the Hawks that was what and Darius gardland didn’t do anything that like they act like you know people in Cleveland feel like and and there’s no disrespect like they they even overestimate how good your Legends were they’re like oh the Cavs in the 80s were really good team yeah they was good but was they better than the Knicks no were they better than the Pistons no were they better than the Bulls no like they was medium they weren’t better than the Celtics in the 80s I could argue they weren’t better than the Sixers like you down it’s like now you’re down to like six five four four teams you’re better than like no you weren’t that good like let’s keep it a buck so when you look at them say Donovan man this dude had 70 points in a game the dude the dude last year like last year like put your team on his back he was going to lose to Orlando yeah yeah he put you on his back to get you out the first round what are you talking about Colin seon don’t even start for the Utah Jazz y’all do know that right I I I don’t I don’t understand McNugget I actually didn’t know that because they’re so irrelevant who cares yeah they’re like who they’re they’re in Salt Lake I think the only thing we can say about that trade is it would have been nice if they could have kept marketing and traded someone else in a perfect world and if they had marketing on this team who knows but to say you would you’d rather have seon and marketing than Mitchell is is that’s beyond the it’s so stupid crazy if you could have kept if you could have kept Jared if you could have said I’mma give you Jared Allen and seon for and we got marke and Mobly and you still got Donovan Mitchell now you’re cooking now you really cooking like but that didn’t happen that wasn’t the deal that wasn’t the trajectory that wasn’t it so no it’s when I saw that my first thought was okay SE and and marinin are now in Utah with all those picks and aaji and everyone else Walker Kessler is not Jared Allen but he’s a solid traditional old school five he’s he’s not Jared Allen Jared Allen is a better player do not get that confused but he’s not a not a slouch right you have marinin you have sexon Jordan Clarkson is is another one of their guard we had him yeah he’s the different story but like yeah yeah you kind of see what that team and listen adding Mo and garden that certainly makes them better there’s no doubt in the world that any those two of the Jazz makes them better but the Jazz aren’t even relatively competitive with a really good head coach right in the Western Conference where those two as two of the pillars of their team I can’t imagine a world in any scenario where if they stayed in Cleveland and built around that basic core that they’re competitive with the Boston and the Milwaukee when healthy or the Philadelphia is even with the picks and part of the reason marinan flourished in Utah is he went back to his more natural position which he wouldn’t have been able to do here alongside Jared Allen and Evan bobley he wouldn’t have got the shots and the opportunities he needed to become a guy who’s now an all NBA caliber player he’s in Western Conference Allstar last year seon is a good scorer do not get that Twisted he’s a good scorer but someone has to score on bad teams G they’re guys more guys in the league now score 20 points than ever before so is he a really good player is he a really good scorer cuz someone has to score I still don’t know if I have a definitive answer on that and the team would be fun yeah it’d be a fun team to watch it’d be a league pass team for sure but in terms of competitive nature and the Cavs ability with that Squad to compete for Eastern Conference Finals appearances and hopefully NBA title appearances there’s no question Donovan Mitchell is the best player hands down Bar None zero competition I mean if you combine those two rosters today to take him often and think you’d somehow be better is asinine what did College seon average by the way this year I think close to 20 points you know let let’s face it Colin seon is a uh is a propped up Dion Waiters I mean who we Kidd he averaged 19 points two rebounds five assists he can score he can score’s no doubt but but but see that’s where we we talk M Mill said this is levels to this thing yes like if you like I I maybe you guys stop watching basketball after the Cavs lost some of us haven’t um what ever you trying to conglomerate together yeah is not beating these other teams no at all like not you’re not you’re not you’re not even if whoever came out of the West even if it was the Timberwolves or the Nuggets or what the Cavs aren’t beating those teams right like like what are we talking about here where are the Cavs if they didn’t make that trade are they they’re just to me they’re a playing Team every year I think they’re between six and 10 in the East right they’re a play they’re a at best a a just above player that loses in the first round they’re a okay team they’re a 500 team they’re nothing with a limited ceiling completely limited ceing and that’s the big picture if you want to argue hey they could still win 47 48 games maybe in the regular season we saw them win games we saw them win games last year they play hard JB got those guys to play hard but when you’re looking to compete at the highest level there is just a significant cap on what that team see who’s the best player on that team G like Garland which is bad like Moy came Mo give get 15 now yeah I mean I get listen I get the the argument from the other side would be maybe Garland and Moy are better now yeah anything’s possible there’s no way to know that and seon’s 60% of you going be I I don’t 60% I’m just saying you can talk yourself the problem with the NBA when you compare players like because I I I don’t think I watched Colin seon play once this year but if you compare players by numbers right in baseball you could have a whole team where there’s no good hitters yeah there doesn’t have to be somebody hitting well in football you could have a team with no good wide receivers yep you could have a team with no good running backs in the NBA somebody’s got to score no no team is averaging 50 points a game right somebody the nature of the sport is there’s going to be a player that scores 20 or close to it almost every time so when you’re when you’re a bad team there’s going to be players on a bad team that have inflated numbers and you can’t be a small like I’m this is just my take look if you’re going to be a smallest guard you you can’t be at 24 a game today if you GNA be a smallest guard you gotta be Iverson like I you need to be 35 36 every night well no no one’s doing that well but but here’s the thing what I’m just saying you have to because that’s the only thing you going to be able to affect the game with you say as a team’s best player yes I think maybe not quite that high but to your point like Brunson I I know from a football perspective I don’t look at 1,000 yards the way I used to because they play more games to me the new number is 1,200 yards that’s for me right yep yep basketball is the same thing and we don’t talk about it to me 20 points a game is not what it used to be no and 40% from three not not what it used to be like to me it’s now 25 points a game as what 20 used to be and maybe that’s not perfect cuz I don’t know the NBA as well maybe it should be 24 maybe it should be 26 I don’t know maybe I’m saying 25 because it just fits but it’s 20 is not worth what it used to be and and and especially if you small like at least if if Pao benero I’ll give you example Pao Ben Caro like 6’10 he’s 240 like you see what I’m saying he he can he can affect you multiple ways on the court if I’m going to take a point guard who’s not Steve Nash you better be able to shoot 90 from the free throw line right you better be giving me 45 from beond AR and you and you better be able to give me 11 12 assists yeah and and it’s like well dang he doing yeah or a guy like Kyrie Irving who is as good at going to the basket as any player in the league right and these are and think about it these so there’s generational players so you look at it if you say the Cavs you say the three best players in Cavs history you would say LeBron and then there’s there’s a debate on who’s better Kyrie Irving or Donovan Mitchell right just in their time in Cleveland yes well if we’re doing it just based on T Cleveland we gotta wait until Mitchell done right right but whatever they’re very comparable like if you said if somebody asks you who you want D Kyrie Irving or Donovan Mitchell you would you would admit that those players are on the same but but the rest of the guys that they got they’re not on that level they’re not like and and you know when you watch these these guys like the Celtics they got two guys like six eight six that that guard everybody no to answer your question boy what’s the new number yeah I that’s a good question I think it’s 23 okay 19 players scored 23 or more points this season and then you have a million between 22 and a half and 15 right but 20 20ish players as the cut off I think 23 and you go even go back to last season and I’m doing this live here how many players scored 23 points 21 players so that’s essentially your top 20 so this year who who is 19th who’s the 19th highest scorer that Jaylen Brown 23 points on the dot okay and who’s the next guy after that Zion that’s feels like a good line of and Kate Cunningham is 21st which which goes into do you consider Kate Cunningham in a Le score or someone I think you’re right I think 23 is the new 20 but here’s the thing and and real quick real quick here are the guys in the next 10 these are the next 10 you tell me how many great scores are in this next 10 after that so Zion’s 20 yeah Kade Cunningham 21 not a you know score Paul George Pao banero jiren Jackson Jr not a great score someone has to score dejonte Murray someone asked to score he’s a good player but someone has to score cam Thomas on the Nets someone asked to score yeah Kyle kozma someone asked to score cat and SE yakum yeah I mean outside of banero who’s on the rise yeah most of those other guys are either on bad teams and somebody’s got to score or they’re really good players but not Elite scoring players Mur or Paul George who has other options right older now and whatever now there but you know more than ever I I do believe that there is a a top like six or seven where you look up and you’re like B Brunson got 30 again Luca got 30 again B got 30 again like you know what I’m saying like that that high E Line like dang Tatum got 30 or Jaylen Brown you you see there there’s a there’s like a 10ish group where it’s like man they consistently getting 30 and I’m like I remember and you know you go back you say I seen Kobe or T-Mac or some guys like that getting 30 but it wasn’t Iverson everybody went getting 30 and what uh Mike where did seon finish in scoring 49th yeah yeah I mean that’s not special man that ain’t that ain’t it all right Anthony what do we got some super chats we got some super chats but I uh we asked the chat and then we also put on our community tab the same question of who would you rather have marinin and sexon or Mitchell uh the chat said 30% of you guys would think you’d be better off without the Mitchell trade 71% said that we were better with the Mitchell trade 30% 30% of the live chat out of about 200 votes we had a th000 votes over on the community Tab and only 17% are picking not to trade even that is I don’t told you there’s a faction of the fan base who truly believes that well there I I think I think it’s more buyers remorse like I think I think when you when you look at it everybody likes to say like if hindsight is 2020 I can go back and change everything like it’s buyers remorse at this point because they’re like well we ain’t as good as we might as well just kept the guys we had yeah yeah the expectations shot through the roof when Mitchell got we just haven’t hit right where we expect to be at so I mean they they lost to the team that’s going to win the NBA title MH without their best player so without two of their best players so I mean I to be fair and I’ve been critical of the team they couldn’t have gone I mean how could they it wasn’t realistic for them to beat the Celtics especially when St I mean because Jared Allen that’s a listen this season is the best Jared Allen GNA ever beat this oh yeah yeah this is it like that like you you hope Moy get a little better or gar but even if Garland gets back to All-Star Garland they’re still not be the Celtics like come on fellas come on or not especially porzingis especially porzingis true they didn’t porzingis which makes a big difference and he’s hurt again um he’s hurt again I didn’t realize he’s he hurt his calf or whatever it’s a he may he may play tonight but he’s questionable he tweak something what time’s the game tonight 8:30 and super chats yeah so I’ve got three real quick ones here guys uh skilly says first time I’ve been able to watch live in quite a while but I can only watch for 30 minutes love you guys appreciate you skilly uh from Z hman yeah that was skilly Zack Huffman says bull how many Allstars will the Guardians have we covered that already and then would Quan hit it even though we missed a month we that as well I will I will say if I’m going to predict right now I I just feel like I hope I’m wrong I don’t think David fry is gonna make it I have the case for him is good I just think he’s so obscure for is he the starting catcher technically for the Guardians yes I mean see that’s the hard part see what I’m saying like is he the starting catch I hope they find a way to get him in and and baseball’s done a much better job in recent years of getting guys that do things like him I think he’s got a chance but I’m going to predict right now it’s for cl Jose Quan and Naylor I’m going to say four which would we would not have guessed four before the season and the fact that they have five certainly five and maybe six or seven legitimate candidates is pretty impressive go ahead Anthony all right our last one is from hyper Frosty uh I’m assuming this is who our sent on our uh ticket earlier it says 20 cents was the last 20 cents I had in my account yeah yeah I told you told well now he’s got $600 to play with that is I got to tell you as someone who picks baseball games that was that is so hard baseball is way harder than picking like football I I used to even have a little strategy where I used to pick it in like the sixth inning and I’m like yeah I’m listen yeah I’m going go ahead and put some money down there up too that don’t even work that don’t never I’m like dang this kind of crazy that’s impressive crazy crazy I just wanted I just my hope for him is that he won more money but you know that’s that’s pretty good you you basically were given 600 $100 of free money essentially and and you I know we got four minutes you want to do your top five real quick uh do you guys really want to do it yeah it’s a really dumb top five I last night we make fun of you so go ahead yeah know all right so get ready to make fun of me cuz this is the five things not in a super particular order that I’m willing to do if it can guarantee me a Guardians World Series win all right so we’ll start with number five here Steve we can take it I’m down to try stand up again I said I wasn’t going to do it again this year but if it means the Guardians win a World Series I’ll get back up there and try it one more time I think we should should do all five of these things in hopes that it will lead to let’s get through all five of them first before we agree to that I’m down to give up video games for the rest of the MLB season it’s probably the hardest one on this list for me personally it’s my only hobby outside of working and the new NCA games coming out in July well working is not a hobby Anthony so it’s your only hobby it’s basically my only hobby on that PS5 damn can you crossplay the new NCA game no well I have an Xbox so we’re good oh okay yeah you and I are good we’re we’re good for that I bought an Xbox just for thisx you got a PS5 no I’m an Xbox guy I didn’t have controller’s more comfortable I I don’t flipflop 6 the college game uh you have to I’ll play I don’t know I mean I don’t know that he wants he’s not that into sports games he likes the adventure games and the action games all right go ahead all right so number three I’m willing to leave ucss and go B 10 permanently forever again like I’m willing to leave and go back to my old career oh that’s that’s terrible if it means we can win that guy no offense Anthony that guy’s got a way much better B Betty than you yeah I got to pick a good body to put my head the bartending cult is not cool like he’s a former bartender who bartenders I got a good friend who I’ve been my oldest friend I’ve known him since like kindergarten basically he he’s an aspiring writer and it just hasn’t gone for him but he he has been his whole life a bartender and he actually he bartends in Manhattan well he makes good money very good money you can make great money especially in Manhattan where DRS are probably like it’s the amount of money it’s the lifestyle more than the money you can make your money B it is but it’s a tough lifestyle 10 times harder than anything we do for this job like I would oh yeah if I had the choice I’d never go back like you got to talk to all them people and get these like come on bro you don’t even want to talk to half them people and get them tips that’s true too all two more what’s girls get better tips as Bart which they should because girls are nicer generally and there was a few times they asked why there was a male bartender working nobody whenever I get by the way whenever I go to a restaurant and I get a male waiter I’m like that’s crazy first of all women are I mean women are better let’s face it women are better at most things than men we’re not going most guys won’t admit that I’m man enough to admit that that’s true they are better than us at most things certainly like just women are just have better Personalities in general they’re more friendly as waiters most male waiters are dags almost all cases go ahead all right so number two backpack across South America the entire South America I whole thing I mean you could die doing that exactly but I’m down to do it if it means a World Series okay RK your life for the put GoPro attached to v-x non-stop follow every move did you know that there is no road that connects um South America and uh North America I did not know that I saw it’s called the Darion Gap it’s like woods and and jungles and stuff go last one last one which probably will actually kill me a full speed tackle for Miles Garrett I’ll wear pads but and show your wrist real quick I I mean I’m not wearing a brace or anything yeah you might die from that that would probably K would he definitely die no if he hit me square in the chest there’s a good chance could be he has his heart issues already so Hey listen don’t listen a if you get dementia I would like I would have to laugh at you bro like don’t do that and especially especially especially if it wasn’t natural like natural I would like oh I feel bad but you took that hit from Miles Garett ain’t never been the same on overtime we will F we will finalize our an is of Anthony’s top five list we will also say why we’ve got a problem on the fourth of July big problem that’s all coming up in overtime we’ll see you then thanks for joining us peace [Music]

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Cleveland Guardians get another win on roads with contributions from Josh and Bo Naylor. Steven Kwan put on a clinic at bat and has a 9 game hit streak going. And Emmanuel Clase has some struggles in the 9th but comes up with the closing win. Plus if the season ended today which Cleveland Guardians are a lock for the All-Star team?

The Cavs coaching search has come down to it’s final 3, Borrego, Atkinson and Nori. Are these the three best candidates to take the Cleveland Cavaliers to a finals?

And how good would the Cavaliers be if they never traded for Mitchell?


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The Ultimate Cleveland Sports Show is your daily source of the best conversation about the Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Guardians, Cleveland Cavaliers and Ohio State Buckeyes, as well as sports throughout Northeast Ohio. Hosted by Jay Crawford, Adam the Bull, G Bush, Jason Lloyd, Brad Sellers and Tyvis Powell.

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  1. Mikey really think we care about “tech” on this low rate YouTube channnel lol just talk sports and keep yourself and Earl off the mic as much as possible

  2. Another episode of Bull thinking his opinion is the only relevant one. Funny when it's only when they cover the Browns. 🤔

  3. I'm in NY and Aaron Rodgers ain't getting talked about like that. The man blew his whole season on the first play last year, and all they talked about was how I'll come back and beat the world. Nothing about his money, political involvement while sitting the bench, nothing.

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