@Orlando Magic

Windhorst on Pat McAfee says “Paul George to Orlando or Philiadephia”

Clippers might also sign and trade him

by maursupial


  1. jonathanisaacisgoat

    Someone people might not like it if it happens but atleast us being in these rumors shows that the front office is serious about adding another player who can help up get even better

  2. TheAnswerEK42

    Ok! It’s nice to be in the running for legit the best guy in FA by a wide margin

  3. KennyPowersforPope

    Post the whole quote and not the spin

  4. Yung_Hibachi

    PG as option 2A or 2B is great, bring him on over

  5. notafunnyperson1728

    Get him and a veteran pg like a mike conley

  6. This move would be too good and any haters who say otherwise just love losing

  7. TheHect0r

    Orlando cooks themselves if this goes through

  8. EffectiveExact8306

    Pleas be Philly, let’s stop playing old superstars please!

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