@Denver Nuggets

Denver Nuggets trade targets & roster envy from the NW Division | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

Denver Nuggets trade targets & roster envy from the NW Division | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

on today’s dmvr nuggets podcast we’re going to be talking about the oneyear anniversary of the Nuggets winning the championship you guys remember that good times we’re also going to do a little roster Envy looking around the Northwest division are there players we would like to have and then Jerry West we’ll remember him and talk about the best second AXS in the NBA this is the DM nugget show see you on the other side [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh my gosh I needed that I needed that honestly kind of all comes fun back you watch the video you kind of remember what happened this was what is up everybody Welcome to the dnba show’s go come on that’s all right it’s all right uh guys great show for you you heard the stories up the top anniversary roster mvy Jerry West we’re going to talk about him I got the fellas in studio today with me what studio Toyota Lounge beep driven by your front wange Toyota stores to the official vehicle of dmvr Brendon VOD is in the house and he’s wearing a burlap shirt I uh I needed this man I needed to just remember just remember that it wasn’t that long ago that the impossible came together and it felt just as good as we thought it would it’s funny how just watching it can bring it back you know I I realized that I don’t watch a lot of that stuff you know I don’t go back over here I got dline yeah like I have not actually like I I’ve been told maybe even by you that we should go back and like look at the watch along and like was going on haven’t done it can’t do it I feel like at a certain point like I’ll want to revisit it but right now I don’t know I’m just kind of bummed about it and like you know what I mean it’s like I feel like we should be doing it again like I’m sad again you know what screw it we did it we screwed everything up head it over there big papa Harrison wind it’s amazing how much our lives can change in a year especially mine hold on the math wait a second this is yeah things are a lot different then that’s incredible um guys real quick before we get into it we do have a draft show coming up guess what it’s exactly two weeks from Tomorrow the NBA draft there it is right there we’re also doing a meet and greet hanging out we’re going to make it good this year you know make it special fin finally our show will be live in the bar so come out and hang out with us it’s been what two months since we’ve all hung out together six weeks come hang out with us once again have some great food listen to our dmvr nuggets draft show live at the bar so if you’re sitting downstairs you’ll be able to hear it and watch it on the TVs 100% that’s exactly how it’ll go it’s a great way to watch the draft maybe there’ll be crazy trades that happen you never know uh we’ll have great drink specials food specials I think it’s what is it 1212 burger and BR beer there you go um and a meet and greet so there you go look for your emails hopefully you’re signed up on our email list receiving Harrison wins newsletter every day yes and also you don’t miss any of our cool events right now the newsletter’s just pictures of his kid he’s actually not even writing it’s kind funny if I that it’s just a personal block post Space page there it is did you have a MySpace yeah of course did you you did too of course brother I never had a MySpace I had a myace so you see if I was to guess I would guess that you and I had trying to remember what my song was when you clicked on my profile oh I’m sure I had brand new or something yellow card Ocean Avenue oh yeah just a banger oh yeah just a straight Banger Ocean Avenue no so you were too old this is a wild one you were too old for Myspace I don’t remember why I didn’t have one it seems like I should have right but like I think I was just like I think yeah I think I was like outside of it was like I believe hit like high schools first I don’t know if it hit that way to be honest with you like Facebook that’s how it was where it went school by school but Myspace I don’t know it just kind of was there I don’t feel like that many people were on it actually so you didn’t miss out AOL Instant Messenger was that really the king dude if you didn’t grow up on AOL Instant Messenger you you missed out on like the best of the internet the resident young I here you guys sound so dude a AOL is m key pillar of your childhood it really was it was phenomenal um it’s a one- year anniversary the Oney year anniversary people have been sending in their photos their videos it’s kind of been a Love Fest on the timeline it to me feels longer than a year like honestly isn’t that weird that it’s only been a year but somehow it feels even more distant um is it not that way for you I I don’t know time’s funny man I kind of feel like that that changes for me every day whether it was like just yesterday or whether it was a long time ago discourse wise it feels ages ago doesn’t it like eight narratives ago yeah which is look that’s how it works man and power to everyone who wants more but it it is it is crazy to think that a day that we were all building to on this show in this chat lifers long before this show ever existed we all kind of deeply believed it could come probably would come and it and it arrived when we expected it to and that’s a moment we will all remember for the rest of our lives what do you think about when you think back to it now well it’s interesting this is the first like it’s all been one thing right until now and like now we’re left with nothing and so there’s all it this is the first I mean it felt like a Everything feels continuous like the previous eight years felt like one story the whole thing was like leading to it got there and then we were like now we have like a very uh I don’t know it just feels abrupt and bizarre it’s like we’re not we’re not on Parade anymore you know it’s like um and so from that standpoint it’s it’s um you know when you get a chance like this to like really take a step back it’s pretty incredible this story that we’ve all been a part of has been pretty [ __ ] incredible because it did truly seem impossible in so many different ways not only because you know you just feel like it the good things don’t happen to you they happen to other people but like specifically with the Nuggets just the idea that the NBA was so stacked against even their very concept of the Denver Nuggets that it would never happen systematically it was just like you know the Nuggets were always just there to be the Washington generals to let the to be the the you know the the stepover for the Los Angeles Lakers to go to get their their next uh championship and so from that standpoint it like really opened up like a world a new world of possibilities that you’re in which is why now it feels like exquisitly painful for me because it’s like man like we have this we had this this so it’s weird to me that even on a date of remembrance the pain of not winning it a second time is almost greater than the joy of winning it’s you know what it is it’s because we are just in this void of we’re not not connected to the next season nuggets yet yeah you’re right actually the season’s still going on the season still going on and I we’re in the we’re in the nether what would you call the nether season Oh I thought youat that’s the that’s the worst part the worst season yeah we’re in the non seon below regular season right and so like our our last our last memories of our beautiful squad are negative which is like such a weird place to be so yeah uh but great day miss yeah I’ll bring it back to the day a little bit because thank you because um I just remember that they felt so long did waiting for that game to happen and you know game five against the Heat comes and like there’s nothing else you can write there’s nothing else you can tweet there’s nothing else you can talk about yeah you just have to get to the game already and I just remember waiting and waiting and getting to the arena and waiting some more and the finals is such a it’s a whole it’s a whole thing man like it’s a whole event the pump and Circumstance so many people are there the the energy is is crazy and I remember before the game started I had this feeling of like excitement but also nervousness a little bit because you knew the Nuggets were going to win but you didn’t know what it was going to feel like and how you were going to react and what it was going to be like when they did win yeah and when it did happen it all those nerves kind of went away because it just felt right it felt right in the end yeah I love that you brought up that part of it the waiting because that day it’s this is why it’s an important lesson in life you do something hard you don’t remember much of the negatives you just remember the accomplishment or this or that that day was the longest day of our life CU if you recall not only did we have a two and a half hour show afterwards we had to go finish the book that night and it was like a super late night with all the emotion you wanted to experience it all and it was like that was a really hard day but also just an incredible one and I brought game five Nuggets won two games on the road they won game three and four on the road you knew it was game I had zero doubt the Nuggets were winning it that night and that was a cool thing to be like we know how this ends and we just have to wait for it to get here that’s why it took so long because it was and the thing is you know wind’s obviously right it’s even our routines at the arena are different for finals night cuz there’s that they have that big tent you see faces you never see and there’s nothing to do really except just sit around and wait for it to happen and the national media the thing I’ve never been in Arena where every single human being was on the same page about what was about to happen yeah as much as game five and that was just man like the nuggets are winning this title and this game is almost uh just part of the ceremony and SO waiting for it was crazy and it was getting to be in the building that night covering it watching not just the team hit the hit the floor and celebrate but the crowd which you know is the best you were at the arena that night I was at the arena that night you came here came half right oh at half you came no I came I I came back you cut the whole game and everything yeah wow I’m pretty sure did you I thought I’m pretty sure I was in there I was in the locker room actually we should watch the we should look at the watch we have like we actually our entire I don’t know if you guys know whole you guys just question my whole reality no I was there I just didn’t do the locker room stuff I did PR that I came back but seeing the fans because to me that was the story that I had learned coming here doing this job on the ground for 5 years was that this was a fan base that had not only never won but was never bestowed This Charming for a long time people are like oh look at Cubs fans you know like they’re such Charming losers or like the Cleveland Browns or like the Red Sox when the curse was broken like no one ever we didn’t even get to be part of the loser Club no yeah like you guys honestly man like just kind of glossed over they were too irrelevant to even be in that club even be in that but I knew I knew thankfully because of this job that there really was a DieHard base that had waited their whole lives for that yeah to see it was really just this moment that I definitely will will treasure the bar was awesome everybody coming up here and it just being packed up here and I was having a live audience with people then hopping on was incredible and then the parade like the Parade day to me the season really didn’t end until the day after the parade that was that was when it all was officially over in my mind but it was just one long it really was everything I wanted it to be yeah and I mean just to again from like my point of view it’s like I I would say that I was waiting for that my whole life but I I wasn’t because I didn’t even think it was a possibility it’s like am I waiting for a Ferrari my whole life that’s how I feel like I’m going to win the lottery someday yeah exactly I kind of just feel like I will yeah I think that’s the idea just feel speci I think they very much want you to feel that way well I got to play it sometime I never play it but if I play it I just feel like I’ll win it yeah but like and and this is like how you felt like you were going to be good at golf that’s the exact same thing but I me you know but for it like for us you know we’re we’re four people that like really Dev included five people that just like really and we include kale too like just bought in on the idea of this nuggets team it’s such an early place as far as you know team building is concerned like not 18 years ago but like when yic this yic thing started happening we all saw it like the satisfaction of knowing all of the things we’d heard all of the dism missive attitudes all of the ridiculous attacks all of this that and the other all of the reasons that you know we shouldn’t even consider uh that there was even this light at the end of the tunnel like that the tunnel even went through to the other side was just so satisfying like I you know I’ve as an adult man like I want to cry all the time but I never do because it’s like you know lame and losers do it but like on that watch along like I really started tearing up you cried in my office earlier what talking about that’s because we were talking about like the reality shows we’re watching that’s right that really brings it out of you but it’s just like I don’t know it’s just like really hit me it’s just like a uh the possibilities of Life are really you know not as finite as they seem often times I will say because I was going to ask this question we don’t have time so I’ll only answer it but what is the best part of the championship who’s the best looking one in the PO me let’s go to breakdown uh the one thing I will say about the championship and and you don’t know it till you get one you know for your team you hear that wolves this is my point the Wolves fans really going all in about beating the nuggets in the playoffs there was it’s like annoying cuz you know it sucks when a team gets the better of so it sucks but there is this layer of like I remember when I used to get that hyped over a second round win you know what I mean like it raises you to this level that they won the title totally was I was just I was actually talking just as much [ __ ] th% and like you should I’m not trying to tell W say they should what I’m saying is there is this level where you fall to a higher floor you know what I mean like you fall down to like we we’re a member of rings culture now we have rings culture there’s a lot of teams that don’t and there’s just something great about that I was a thinking about that you know like you saw the the post circulating of the guy that had the newspaper article framed like ah the big comeback against the Denver Nuggets he’s like yeah and I was I’m like oh man and then I remembered like that was us forever with the chem Mato holding the ball first round first round win man bubble the bubble the bubble comeback I mean again legitimately awesome but again there’s such a l you didn’t want it to be all you’d ever get all you’d ever get and there was a time where I got nervous I will say I was thinking about this today as I was driving in this might be the last time we really I mean we’ll always celebrate the championship and we’ll bring it up but this almost does feel like I kept waiting for when it ends you know there’s going to be a new Champion here in the next week crowned and obviously that’ll be but today actually feels to me like The Unofficial end sure of the I’m good with that I am too I’m okay with that we get yeah you get it for a year you get it for a year there’re still couple days to find out who’s going to be the new Champion I wonder who it’ll be I wonder who it’ll be stay tuned but uh at the this does feel like our last day of parade our last day on Parade get off parade officially getting off the parade uh what a parade last parade what what a parade a yearlong parade banners last bags come and go banners last forever I just hope someone can clean this thing up man filthy parade everybody let’s take a break on the other side we’re going to spend the next two segments doing a little draft Envy or I’m sorry roster roster Envy we’re going to look around nothing like closing the door on the championship year and immediately trying to trade everyone trying to trade everybody y guys sh uh Shady Rays get ready for the season ahead actually the season that’s here I walked uh out of my apartment this morning 90° out yes 90° out in Denver today you need some shady raids still watch but whatever quality Shades built to last our friends at Shady Rays have you covered 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by making a prediction when did I’m actually more curi I’m very curious what you think of this I think there’s a good chance that the nuggets have two trade seasons one in the offseason regular trade season and I would not be surprised if they also traded the deadline this year I think the probability of Trades happening in the Nuggets or get both points this year is pretty high what do you think absolutely I definitely see a trade coming this off season and then you know what the deadline I think across the league maybe there are just G be more trades at the deadline going forward because of Dallas’s success this year getting a couple key contributors in their playoff rotation at the deadline for you know relatively cheap it’s not like the Mavs mortgage their future to get those guys so I think a lot of teams are going to look at that and say with just how the NBA is right now how long the season is how many different chunks of a season are in an actual year yeah we should probably look to make a trade at the deadline and um you know going back to the offseason the nuggets have a couple obvious moves that I think they will try to make in terms of you know zek I and Reggie Jackson and they’re not Lonzo ball we just that’s a call back if you’re familiar with the show here we go first of all hold on see that’s what I’m talking about stay tuned for later in later in the week when we get to Chic we go to the Eastern Conference Central Division Rost when we get there we you know we’ll have some takes so this is the joke but this is the this is why I’m I’m clarifying that some of the players we’re going to talk about today are you’re going to be like what are you talking about Anthony Edwards what what’s this the point is roster Envy because you never know when down the road somebody becomes available and while Anthony Edwards I’m just using an example we’re going to talk about everybody within that context so we’ll start with Minnesota let’s pull up their roster here kale obviously Anthony Edwards I will start here he’s not never go he’s never going to be available he he will not be available for the next like four years right it takes a long time for a guy to get Outlast out but I will say the idea of him at some point playing alongside joic very intriguing oh man I actually would love Anthony Edwards Nikola yic buddy era should it happen and so I have a tremendous roster Envy for him he’s awesome I’m looking at Carl Anthony towns man woo what a that’ be amazing well on Anthony Edwards though real quick just the idea of if he were to become available in a few years I mean that’s a guy to me that is going to the Lakers well probably but I’m saying a trade here there’s a world where I’d be like is that a guy you would trade Jamal Murray for two years from now Denver find success absolutely that’s a a near top of my list guy I would want to pair with joic he’s he’s probably in the top like eight or so yeah for sure I mean he’s got it all he’s he can do everything on offense he’s as a Defender he’s leveled up there in my eyes a ton just after watching him play against Jamal Murray and really shut him down a bunch throughout seven games um so yeah I mean Anthony Edwards uh he he would be coveted by every team for sure I mean like probably I mean where do we think he lands now he’s a he’s a top 20 player in the NBA higher than that yeah probably 15 15 I mean I mean any anybody inside the top 15 he’s the type of guy that some people will have him like seventh and some people will have him 15th yeah and I still probably think he’s a little overrated yeah but he’s probably On The Fringe of my top 15 I mean he’s he is on the precipice of really becoming like a a force in this league and whether or not he like is able to get just past that that next stage it’s like he’s at like the Devin Booker stage where it’s like he can be absolutely dominant can like take over a game but it’s like he can’t be you know he he can’t be yic where he can completely uh control a series so he’s like but I don’t know where he’s going to go frankly like but Deon Booker was like sixth after their title run or their run to the tit uh finals and then he’s not really changed and he’s backed down and I can see Anthony Edwards having that where it’s like you know you got to win this year he won got to the Conference Finals and he got there who is he as a who is he as a pick and role player which you know becoming a maestro is essential right playing next to yic however there also a young enough player that getting him next to yic this is such a hypothetical conversation there are some guys off the bench I love may I throw any go for it go to the next one yeah I just threw him out there because I do have R not right that’s a guy would love course uh Nas Reed man really dude we everyone wants a backup big a playable backup big are you do you not view him as a playable backup big oh dude might be the guy of the most and on the Timol one too but I’ll stuck with need NS for now yeah yeah absolutely man I mean DeMarcus Cousins was so good as the Nuggets back up Center partly because he was playing with just a terrible lineup around him yeah and he could just create and do stuff off the dble and really do whatever he wanted because the Nuggets roster was so devoid of talent that he could do that Nas Reed I feel like would play the same role he actually is a fairly similar player I think to cousins in terms of just their play style but like having that type of playmaking option at backup center and a guy that can score the ball that’ do wonders for the Nuggets yeah I mean he and honest he’s the preeminent bench player he’s the Sixth Man of the Year like he is guy like to have a guy that is that talented that already is comfortable with the idea that he’s not doesn’t need to be a starter is is uh you know I’m not as big of a I think I’m lower on NAS Reed than certainly than the panel but I think even just a general consensus he’s a great player to me he’s a luxury and I just don’t know that luxuries like that are that important obviously at the right price or something I would take him he’s a great player he’s better than anything Denver has but that’s not like when I think about this Denver where is Denver headed that’s not a guy I would go who the other guy nikil Alexander Walker love that guy just a guy who I think uh is working on his ball handling now again they were a little worried when Conley went out and he was the primary ball handler in decision maker and they wanted that to be ant uh so it wasn’t him I should say but I think a guy who uh great defensive player smart player and I think you can read too much into this stuff but we got to do a scrum with him last year in the playoffs a couple of scrums and he just really struck me as a reflective worker like understood the ways he needed to get better wanted to get better and I just remember thinking that guy’s going to be even better next year um so potential ball handling with a little defense I think is uh fits the bill for sure be great with yic too you need guys that can fight over screens cuz yoke wants to you know play at the level you got to contain you got to get over recover quickly he’s like the quickest at recover he doesn’t it’s not that he recovers you can’t screen him yeah so he’s incredible I think Jaden McDaniels is on my list as well you know you reason you put a guy like him on there I’m not trying to trade him I’m just talking hypotheticals here but you got do what you got to do ad if if there was like a Michael Porter Jaden McDaniel swap I look at that and I go McDaniel’s McDaniel’s defense and is good enough as a shooter that to me he would be a really good I mean I hope that pton Watson becomes Jaden McDaniels even offensively or even maybe a little bit more because it’s such a great fit but he’s a guy that for me would be a great nugget the only thing is that like when I look at what when the wheels fell off for the timber rolls and you kind of like found out who really are the guys it was really like an and somehow Rudy goar a little bit goar’s good I know but I I just he’s a guy that we’ve overlooked and then I mean Naz Reed was good I mean it just there were a lot of guys that in put in the right situation seemed really I don’t know versatile and talented and then when they match up against Dallas you’re like oh this is just a bunch of guys man and the good thing about Denver is he would come here to be an Aaron Gordon or a kcp right like he would come here to be that those guys also you could say the same thing about if you know it doesn’t break you go to the end of the list there’s three guys I have Monte Morris who we talked about I still want this gu anymore I still want this guy though are we sure he’s not good anymore he hasn’t really been given the opportunity pretty sure Kyle Anderson who we always talk about bro he that dude turned into the slowest pumpkin I’ve ever seen turned into kind of who he is and then I see the chat talking about this one and I had him on my list too Luca Garza what if you remember how much joic murdered Luca Garza that’s our lasting memory he couldn’t get off the bench just for that but I get they’re looking like if LCA Garza was on the Nuggets would he have played this year no no he would not have played this year he’s not good dude what you don’t think Luka Garcia even no you think he he he can shoot I’m just saying like Denver has very he sucks on defense he has Denver has good defensive players off their bench they don’t have any offense Garza I mean dude right now you have Zeke Naji and and uh vco chanar okay all right I mean it is like it is like a man we have we only have one can we I just I just didn’t think I just didn’t think he was good I mean he’s not good guys this is we’re talking about Anthony Edwards all the way down to like who is a guy that you would take a no on NAS Reed but yes on Luca Garo do I have this right again you have to imagine that to get Anthony Edwards you would pay a lot to get n Reed you would pay a lot to get L Garza you literally would just have to call him okay all right there there are levels to how you to me my thing with Naz Reed is he’s making a lot of money and I don’t think there’s a backup center out there that should make a lot of money that I just think it’s the lowest leverage thing good there’s your argument I love it um I love let’s go to OKC now yes okay lot of Envy pouring out of my soul here I know there there’s a couple teams New Orleans is another one that I have like eight guys we’ll get it out of the way I like Chad hren and Shay G just Alexander no need to talk about him I would trade a lot for those guys CAD y Chad is a sneaky great fit next to joic if he were to ever play again it’s never going to happen but he’s the type of guy that I think would be a really good four outside of that realistic like could become available in the coming years lot dart’s high on the list for me here I was thinking about kcp Replacements he would be a sneaky phenomenal one because he’s strong enough to guard Anthony Edwards which is like kyp’s not like quick enough to guard all the guys that kcp guards shoots the ball almost as well as kcp statistically as well but I I still think it’s not as well but then the thing that he does that kcp does it and this might be more coaching and stylistic and stuff he has a good downhill driver and Denver needs down downhill drivers I actually think Lou dor would be a sneaky incredible fit next to Murray in between Murr and Porter well he’s like more Stout also so Stout he got he’s a bulldog he’s the most Stout guard in he’s a running back yeah he is I mean yeah he looks he might be a fullback maybe yeah M all type I also like that his name was Lou Dort Mak laugh every time he’s the most L and you’re like oh man that’s weird and then you’re like actually his name is lens and you’re like that’s even weirder he’d be great one guy I’d love but I don’t I honestly do not think you could put together a package OKC would say yes to but Jay dub of course Jaylen Williams I see this guy’s on my list here which is which one no no no this guy this guy jdb one jdb two I was actually game theing this out like it’s going to be very hard to have a big three in the NBA long term it really is a good counter and so I think that he’ll be on the team next year and this that but I do think there’s a time if you just look at they’re not going to trade Shay they’re probably not going to trade chat right you probably have to keep those two so if they might just keep all three but if you had to get rid of one he be the guy and I was looking at that going I don’t know you’re telling me like do what you got to do I’m sorry it’s just the position I’m not doing this every time do what you gotta do but if you could trade a Michael Porter and get a Jayla Williams you’d be like my God that just like we were talking about he has the wi to guard the good players he can ball handle he can pot up shoot he would actually be a great y players are the best like how could this team ever lose they don’t have a yic that’s true they only have a Chad so those two guys of the semi-realistic ones like I just foresee a world where Jaylen Williams becomes available and then if I just told you you swapped kcp side and trade for L Dort they love L Dort he’s like Shay’s best friend they’re not getting rid of him unless they have to but in that is the Nuggets better if they just traded kcp for ludor or Worse he’s how are they he’s younger than kcp right yeah I mean not as good of a shooter not as good of a shooter but you know good it’s been yeah it’s been brought up like it’s kyp’s shooting is very uh it’s like a really great thing but it’s not anything the Nuggets ever fully relied upon it’s like it it shows up at times you’re like hell yeah let’s go and then like then he won’t even shoot for three games so um I don’t feel like you’d be missing out on that much and like just that that three and D guy his defense could theoretically in per in certain situations be better I think they’d definitely be worse but not significantly worse can Christian Brown become ludor um I mean he’s got to become a way better shooter but yes he has a similar build similar strength you know Christian Brown’s stronger than kcp so is lud Dort um I think from like an athleticism role standpoint yeah they actually could be very similar I like Cas Wallace a lot again another guy they’re not going to get rid of for a long time but he’s a guy that I really like Isaiah Joe is an interesting L shot 39 a half% from three he is a very good shooter I’m telling you he actually is a really I mean he’s a good non shooter you know what I mean like he’s like the top level of that K wall and Isaiah Joe are two guys I like Isaiah Joe’s interesting because he’s a guy that you would think can’t guard right that’s the that’s the thing and I think in Denver he might have a hard time guarding because they don’t have as much Rim protection but he does a good job he actually did a good job for them this year not the type of liability they closed games with him at times this year and I he’s a lights out shooter lights out shooter shoot 48% next to yic yeah Aaron Wiggins is another guy off their bench I’ve always liked and a team is probably going to be able to get him for nothing and he can be in your rotation I love this segment is like we could get Anthony Edwards or case and wallet like just like cuz you have to just think about the whole directions you can trade the the the range of our Envy no yeah we’re just screening With Envy bro that’s all it is want I actually like the big Jaylen Williams yeah he’s Boris Dio he’s Boris he could be yit’s backup in a way that would you could play very similar Style with him he’s obviously not as good but I he could be like a Kelly OIC almost dude they really should just for their own Peace of Mind get rid of one of the jayen Williams’s just to make it easier and then draft Jaylen Tyson whatever fine like like when you you know like you know no confusion and then the last guy I have on here my guy Kenny hustle AKA kendri Williams former nugget this is an Al an aler honestly K kri Williams could handle a little bit oh are you kidding me I would love if there was some way to get him back in you know in Denver yeah we only had him for the summer league Squad but it was just we felt it so deep I know I just feel like he would be a really good ninth or 10th guy 11th guy maybe he’s chonch guy he’s in vco chonch type of role he actually is because the thing about CH you could play him in two different spots in kenri Williams you could probably play it like two three and four you know so but he’s the perfect guy where if you have an injury to like your seventh or eighth man oh you just put kenri Williams that SP great spare tire yeah yep um all right let’s take a break on the other side we’re going to continue plowing through these Underdog fantasy is the easiest place to play fantasy sports hit that QR code there on the screen to sign up and get started use the code dnvr for a first deposit match as well take you over on Luka tonight yeah there you go their pick eight is now live for the NBA Finals create entries with up to eight picks and Underdog will automatically double Flex entries so you can miss up the two picks and still win your entry with more picks to make and extra ways to win the excitement is higher than ever the best part is you can win up to 325 times your original amount you can now use a special on Flex entry that up six more picks so yeah you can play tonight game three three [Music] I’m really locked into this series as you can tell yeah yeah um you play Dark Fantasy tonight the uh the Mavs are going to win tonight by the way really porzingis is he playing he might play but I bet you he looks bad yeah this is this is the one they get 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especially an artisan that that man puts so much love into cooking here well the Journey of the dmvr bar very similar to The Arc of the Denver Nuggets you know we open up things don’t go as planned as in there was a pandemic immediately and then you know gradually the food gets better the service gets better and now it’s it’s an amazing Sports It’s amazing man Chef Rob big part of that um who do you have ready kale uh I’ve got treadley let’s bring up man spoiler alert this is my second fewest players I had roster Envy before only San Antonio where there was one player you’ll never guess who it was Portland Devon Vel Portland here Robert Williams he’s got two years left though and he’s making 12 and 13 milon like I don’t there’s no real I don’t like him that much he’s more would you just not trade Zeke Nai and Reggie Jackson for him straight up I mean I probably would I mean I probably would what about Jeremy Grant that’s second a good nugget the thing I thought about Jeremy Grant a lot cuz he would be great here it’s he doesn’t want he doesn’t want to be here and we know how that goes like so he’s off the list the only other guy I had on there was Malcolm Brogden as a buyout guy not as a he makes 22 mil there’s a chance he gets bought out this year I think he’s going to be a top buyout guy to watch top buyout guy and brockton’s a guy that oh pick it we gave you three months didn’t work out buyout comes around brockton’s added he would be phenomenal honestly he’s hated by all of his teammates weirdly enough nobody likes him he seems like a nerd I think he might be a bit the president isn’t that his nickname I think he might be a Spencer deny type where he’s a little bit weird personality you know like into some weird stuff that nobody really like is into with you know so he has no one to talk to I have somebody that I that I’ll be guarante I’m just saying like his what is he into well I’m just saying like you know NBA players they all got the same kind of we’ll go do this and he’s like anybody want to build some Legos or nobody wants to do that um I have a a I’m going to say that will immediately result in laughter from all three of you who is it kind of like scook Henderson like I still think I still think I still you know what I kind of think he’s a player I think he yeah no I think that the league is completely out of him but I kind of think he’s still I don’t think he’s a high high high level player but I kind of think he’s a player more so then people have given him credit there’s nothing worse than a second pick that’s like a really good fifth pick and that’s what he is he’s like a really good player buta some people thought he should be the number one Pig come on but he’s he’s clearly like his runway for development is longer than people were expecting but I I just think um he is much better than the the reputation he’s guarded early so this is just one of those shows where we talk about guys that we like that nobody knows about uh Delano Banton one of my personal favorites six seven point guard yeah and then uh I mean he’s a guy I would always love to scoop up and you brought up Robert Williams you know yok’s never had that true rim protector next to him they nuggets have really never had that true rim protector in the yic era I’ve always felt like that’d be just a great role for you know Denver to find I just don’t know how they get him you’re that trade you presented earlier I mean come on God look at this team bad team it’s bad team de who I love but I mean they’re not letting him somebody named Tas Moore yeah who else do you have kale uh man the Blazers were short huh I mean did you I’m sorry I didn’t give you the who else did you have I was good yeah I think you guys covered it uh Larry marinin is a guy that I would love obviously to be in Denver there’s probably a lot I would be willing to give up to get him it’s not realistic they’re that’s the Cornerstone piece but you know years down the line if you told me you had joic and Markin in I be like you know what it’s pretty good little Duo you got there uh Chris Dunn the more I think about Chris dun you guys the more I’m talking myself he is moving up my list of like top guys I would want to go out and get really huh Chris Dunn yeah he’s a phenomenal Defender like an unbelievably good Defender and he’s really athletic and can handle yoke can do the rest I feel you know what guard and then you’re quick you know on cuts and on drives and pick and rolls I just think he would be come here and be like amazing so and I he’s got that dog in him man he’s a big time dog is he a capable enough offense player though here’s the thing Malone would never play him with joic and then he would suck but I because that’s the thing like the whole idea about Reggie Jackson is the Nuggets thought he could be the offensive engine of the second unit a unit that doesn’t have any good offensive players I don’t I don’t to me no but I that’s but there is a way where if he was on the roster he would actually be insanely valuable he’s just playing his backup minut he’s playing his minutes alongside yoke in the Murray stagger and I actually think he would be really good there because at that point you just need to get the ball to yoke and then be a guy CH D would be great I mean if you could get him on a minimum or you know the Reggie Jackson deal he’d be awesome he he’d be an unbelievable get he is an unrestricted free agent right and he made 2.5 last he was on a minimum he had a career Revival with the Jazz he was out of the league pretty much I know yeah he might yeah he rose so early and fell so fast uh Adam aren’t you like legally obligated to mention Jason Preston I was going to say that I’ll be honest man I didn’t really realize he was there and then I and so I went through the game log to be like let’s see how did this year what about what about Micah Potter the third cousin of Michael Porter Micah Potter Jr Micah Potter J the only other guy I had was actually I and I only put this as a question is a player like Jordan Clarkson good in Denver when you talk about you need scoring Off the Bench well he’s actually an elite at that is that a guy that would that intrigues you at all in so far as I don’t really think they’re ever going to find an actual offense when yic is off the floor so that one to me is not a stagger right that’s a no he’s the there’s no one out there you can cook a little bit right but leads the team in shots per minute yeah I don’t know if that helps you to like develop Payton Watson philosophy or anything like that but sure logically could you talk yourself excuse me into a guy who can make points out of nothing sure they could use some of that yeah he can like that’s a guy that can take over a game out of nowhere yeah we’ve felt it we’ve seen it Kevin Knox is a guy that is not at all I I tried to talk myself into it I tried to be like okay is there a case here I hate that guy yeah he sucks yeah don’t do it well you some of this is you got to find a second drafter right you got to be like we’re on like his fourth draft by now I think it would be third technically but yes I tried to talk myself into it and I was like no he had a little bit he had a little juice early with the Knicks and then really the first Summer League game you know what he is he’s like has the body that you look at and you’re like that’s it there it is I’m confused is Kevin KNX even on the Jazz um I mean He’s listed on here on the salary sheet so I don’t know if he’s not even on the graphic he even make Kale’s graphic some of these teams had so many guys come through you know this or that not even on the the best part is kale was insanely thorough about the graphic I’m like looking for Kevin KN I thought keny Lofton Jr was on there is there any world where Kenny Lofton Jr you said hey hold up a second’s he’s like the DJ Burns of of the past no well DJ that’s a good one man kind of the thing is Ken lofton’s actually a super scorer yeah he’s just DJ Bruns without the OIC yeah but DJ Burns could never score like DJ Burns had an incredible tournament run but he’s not that kind of guy I’m a guy did the Jazz sign Kevin Knox or something yeah I’m very confused maybe I think he was last a piston yeah maybe he was part of that trade do is he a real guy do we know for on my salary she is where I’m going off of Kenny L Honestly though you just said oh well Boogie came in and just scored but the problem Kenny L he can’t guard a chair he can’t guard a pick he’s bad he’s bad but he can score on everyone nobody could stop him no all right we have fun with him I had to do that for Voya voya’s like a huge Kenny Lofton guy the thing is like Kenny Lofton is such a bizarre y would love him player that and we have been so richly rewarded by out of the- boox players that it’s like maybe like when everybody’s zagging we just Zig so dude he’s bbo he’s like he’s bbo like we saw him in summer league just and I was like oh man look at that Kenny lofted yeah all right we have a final break on the other side let’s talk a little bit about Jerry West I got a take on it I got I got an angle on the Jerry West passing we can get to stay tuned it is Miller time here on the dmvr Nuggets podcast a lot has changed over the years one year ago the Nuggets were winning an NBA championship this year they’re not uh but one thing that hasn’t changed is the Great Taste of Miller Light the original light beer since 19 something what is it since 1975 hell yeah 1975 is when Miller Light started and they’ve been the same beer ever since great tasting only 96 calories doesn’t fill you up it is a light beer that tastes like beer a lot of those other light beers they don’t taste like beer they taste terrible they taste like crap Miller Light is a great tasting light beer that strips away everything you don’t need and holds on to what matters most the original light beer since 1975 perfect for any occasion drink it while watching 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while there I kind of knew this going to go south 50% of our offse telling you I’m starting starting to get a little excited for summer league everyone else man these are some tough options at backup point guard is Summer League going to be good this year yes I love summer league I really I mean I let me let me let me let me let me amend that I love I love summer league until what do you think five minutes into the first game and you’re like oh my God this is terrible hold up let’s just do this out let’s just do this out let’s put together the rotation picket St I mean actually Hunter very truly dra pick there are actually the guys that are now have matriculated and are in their second year over they should by All rights like dominate in summer league the nuggets should have a Domin they should have a dominant Squad could Peter Cornell Le get another cup of coffee I don’t I the dominant Squad thing I don’t know man I think they will because it’s we do this like the Rockets had a great Squad cuz they had like NBA players that were playing on their summer league Squad and it’s like guys that have been around the league and actually are I it doesn’t mean we’re gonna have a good bench or anything next year but like we’ll have a good summer league Squad you know what Colin’s gonna be on a different summer league Squad what if they play oh my God what if we get a call us really Nick Villanova Knicks vers nuggets summer league opener oh it would be incredible all right um the news today guys Jerry West passed away he was 86 years old good run man to The Legend um you know guy makes it to 86 I I I always just feel like you know his life I I was doing I put this on the timeline players that have had a second act in coaching front office media agen just anything that’s connected to the game I don’t think there’s a single person Jerry West is one of I don’t know the 25 greatest players to ever play when you just account for era this or that he’s maybe he’s also one of the greatest execs to ever live and he and he’s built some of the most iconic teams in NBA history notably obviously the Lakers with with Kobe and Sha um I I don’t know for for some reason this one was kind of a big one to me like the history of the NBA could be told with like 10 guys he’s one of them literally the logo man that’s the logo yeah no it’s uh it’s pretty I don’t know it’s uh crazy when you think about most NBA personalities and people involved in the NBA generally have one act as a player or as a coach or as an executive but and if you’re a player like your life of influence ends in like it 30 about like that you already don’t have any more influence on the NBA you just get right back into a a fan like the rest of us um and the idea that like his influence was felt that heavily for that long is remarkable and then you know it’s appropriate that he’s the logo in that way I mean he like he’s he’s the guy that meant everything when the the league was being was was forming and it’s now the place where the NBA is now it’s like hard to imagine it not being the institution that it has turned into but I mean it’s not always that way anytime any new league starts up it takes somebody something it’s crazy to think about how a guy that played in the league back when you know some people say he was playing against plumbers is also still at the Forefront of roster building or was it the Forefront of it in 2024 this is yep like that is crazy to think about true genius to me cuz there’s a lot of people that can do something in a narrow set of circumstances and they nail it and you kind of go like okay he knew how to use the exact scenario he was handed and he did a great job whatever to me when you played in the 50s and built a title team in the 2010s it’s like that’s an impressive run man for you to be able to know the game at that level and I’ll tell you another trait of his that I just really admire because it’s not like we know a lot about the guys from the 60s right we only know so much but one thing that is so clear if you’ve ever watched him speak into a microphone for 10 seconds that dude is on the Mount Rushmore of alltime NBA competitors I think Jordan Kobe and Jerry West might be like one two and three in some order and I don’t even know what that order is might be Jerry West won to be honest I don’t know if this was a real quote but I did see it circulating online today that he said they talk about guys in the league all the dogs I was a wolf I used to eat dogs so that’s I used to eat dogs I I love that talk about that like that’s unbelievable Jimmy Jimmy Butler’s a dog but guess what I can’t believe we voted to reintroduce wolves into the yeah places where people have dogs they they’ve been killing dogs I don’t know if you’re following the story I’ve following it very closely also we talk about you talk about how well he knew the game which I think probably followed how much he loved the game and you talk about recent examples of guys who have retired but still uh how much do they care about the game still the Next Generation how much do they care to be Shepherds and now granted he worked in it so it was almost a step further but every single NBA legend you know on their or whatever had had an anecdote and had something to the effect of when he spoke I listened and I just think this is a guy who as Eric said this leak has has changed quite a lot from what it once was um and very few people very very very few people can say that they stuck with it and cared about it as much as Jerry West did if we go through this list guys that were cuz it’s so impressive to me that you are both a great player and a great coach or a great player in a great front office yeah like should make the NBA logo look like him or something like that some other guys on this list for me I put Charles Barkley on this list he’s one of the greatest basketball players of all time yeah one of the greatest media person Sports media personalities of all time yeah I I don’t know which one he’s greater at to be honest with you he might be a better media member than he was a player and he’s a top 25 player all time I Pat Riley clearly and Riley less is a player good player very good player incredible coach one of the most iconic coaches of all time one of the most iconic front office EX that’s a guy that hits marks and two of those are Bull’s eyes um Steve cerr weirdly enough was on arguably the greatest team of all time coached arguably the greatest team of all time and also was a front office member during the part a portion of the 7 seconds or less and an announcer and an announcer you’re right like he been a lead in all four things well he wasn’t a lead as a player this that’s the difference is that he was a role playing player he was Elite in his role yeah but I mean if if we said where does he rank all time on players he’s like 4,000 so that’s that’s where he kind of gets knocked there uh Danny a Danny a has sneaky b one of the great execs I feel he’s made a lot of these big time moves and he was also an incredible player you know an iconic player and winner um Tommy Hinson Shaquille O’Neal Phil Jackson player not necessarily a decorated player and then I started thinking nuggets players here have lost dline on this one but I was thinking nuggets players with a great second axe well first of all George Carl was a player and then would went on to be obviously one of the winningest coaches Kiki vanderway was a very good player yeah went on to be an executive that ruined the nuggets’ color schemes Bill hanslick weirdly has been like a guy that was a player and a notable one a memorable one and then has been with the team since Scott Hastings Scott Hastings I mean although a player with a different franchise yeah Doug Mo even was a player but Dan Isel Dan Isel was one the fourth winningest coach nuggets history and the second our third leading score that’s kind of a wild one lonso Ellis has had a full career now as a broadcaster uh and then Larry Brown was a player for a short stint and obviously has gone on to be a big coach so I just thought that was kind of a cool list to look back oh Ryan Bowen put him on the list think about it when they made the list of greatest nuggets of all time and he was like 20th what about now he’s a champion yeah what about commercial star uh Carmelo Anthony because of his commercial is that what it is well he’s also a media Mogul now with his podcast I mean like commercial and car anth oh we forgot Lenny Wilkins who by the way was one of the winningest coaches of all time champion champion player never gets really mentioned and then also Larry Bird was another guy I was thinking of he won coach of the year and exec of the year and he’s the top eight player of all time that’s actually Larry Bird to me and Jerry West are the two guys that I think get basketball the most but I think bird seem to have a little more of like uh maybe less capacity for like my time is done here you know what I mean think bird almost in the way that he’s mythologized is a guy that had a little bit of like it’s time to go home now at some point he probably knew that he burns too bright that yeah right right but uh I mean Jerry West right right till the The Shining funny like Michael Jordan worst executive in the history of the NBA but there’s something to that right that his genius was almost contained with his gifts totally and whereas like a Larry B Jerry West I almost feel it’s like they say heard isah Thomas I was to say isaah Thomas was kind’s kind of yeah he’s like kind of like ruined a lot of different stuff I know I just remember Isaiah Thomas was the first to have jokic’s back in the Marie Morris incident we’ll put him on the list then we’ll move back throw him on there honorable I remember people used to say of Pete Townson like nobody really under understands rock and roll except for Pete Townson he’s the only one because it’s like this abstract thing that he he gets I feel like the Jerry West and Larry Bird they’re the only guys that and Pat Riley they’re the only ones that truly understand basketball everyone else understands a portion of it but they see it 360 all right couple super chats Jay checking in to say the nuggets and abs are both undefeated in final series for or0 altogether we just got to get back there that’s allay delay on Parade yeah you know what you’re not wrong Jay just got to get back there Scott Carpenter is kcp is a kcp sign and trade possible we went over this uh when we had Jake Quin on the show The answer is yes you can trade him for sign and trade for nothing and open up a traded player exception that they could use or you could sign and trade him for a player um I don’t know that it would make sense to do that because the reason you wouldn’t sign him is because you didn’t want to go into the apron but if you sign in traded him it doesn’t I don’t I don’t know if that makes total sense it’s not going to happen I mean trade exceptions never really get used people talk about them a lot they never really get used the nuggets have had a bunch forever they’ve never really used them you’re talking about all those other times yeah that was this time is different they can open up a $25 million trade exception what he get LeBron he just have to trade zi and he bring back LeBron just fat up a one plus one just fatten up a one plus one let’s make this happen oh man we’re in the give him the bru special we’re in the part of the Year where people just talk about trades like that somebody doesn’t have to agree to them on the other side so true why wouldn’t they do this oh I’m already getting them Zeke Naji Reggie Jackson for LCA I don’t know why they wouldn’t cuz the other side said no that’s and also you would just want to keep kcp if your side that’s what I was saying is you wouldn’t it’s not like you’re up it’s not like he wants to leave because he hates the Nuggets he wants the money yeah he wants the money so why you would just keep them if you’re signing him to the deal in the first place I’ll tell you what he signs in Denver on a discounted deal free drinks for life at the dmvr bar who we make that s not not food though can’t do it do sodas free sodas can’t do it the same deal we get that’s another guys other guy’s reference you it h dogs for life can’t do drinks everybody thanks so much for hanging out with us on this fine Wednesday hump day we’re back again tomorrow with a new [Music] show we all cting like the man

The DNVR Nuggets podcast team looks for trade targets from every roster in the West. “Roster envy” and trade targets of all types, including unreasonable and impossible trade targets, tough star for star trade options that may manifest in the coming year, and second draft type players who might unlock their potential alongside Nikola Jokic.

Plus, we look back at one year ago today when the Denver Nuggets won their first NBA championship.

Start – 0:00
The championship anniversary – 5:00
Roster envy (Timberwolves) – 19:45
Thunder – 29:00
Trail Blazers – 39:10
Jazz – 42:00
RIP Jerry West – 51:10
Superchats – 59:30

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. Ok we win it all next year the Larry O'Brian comes home and then we repeat to show our dominance are we officially a dynasty

  2. I think nuggets are facing one of those moments – grow up & step up, or step back to familiarity.
    Frustrating part at the beginning of this season was that many of us understood the problem well. It was clear that "a decision" needed to be made, and Nuggets stepped away from the plate. Retreated to familiarity and comfort.
    Two major windows were missed – pre and mid season. At that point – it was clear (to some of us) that 23-24 season was over.
    Now, without regurgitating well known points and issues – the situation is actually even more difficult than a year ago. That's what usually happens. Serious grown-ups know that well.

    I'm curious about what'll happen now. I get the dire situation Nuggets are in (they've put themselves in it), but – again – if nuggets again "sit this out" – next year will be a full-rebuild time. You get only so many chances.

    I'm also curious about Nikola. He knows the game well and I'm certain he knows what's missing – watching the organization being somewhat obtuse and slow over the years to find-a-way/commit to creating a strong team behind him must be a thought that comes to him more often.
    But he's a laid-back guy with a "take it easy" outlook on life, so he might decide to just let it go.
    OTOH – I'm sure Raznatovic has it front and center and he's not, at all, happy about it.

    Anywho – we'll see. One thing we know – things will change on their own, with or without Nuggets org figuring it out.

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