@Dallas Mavericks

Today is the anniversary of the Mavs beating the Heat to win their first title (June 12, 2011).

Go mavs!

by pitcherintherye77


  1. makinmov3s

    I come here to give good vibes for tonight and I see this 🖕🏻😂

  2. MrStraightEdge

    The happiest day of my fandom across all sports. Never to be topped.

  3. Bts121212

    Dirk was an absolute monster in that series, it was so satisfying seeing wade and bron lose they were acting like douches

  4. And on this merry day we say “fuck you d-wade” and enjoy on. Go mavs!

  5. USS-Intrepid

    Game 3 guys. Let this be the start of a new

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