@Denver Nuggets

Nuggets & Cavaliers Swap Donovan Mitchell For Jamal Murray Via Trade?

Nuggets & Cavaliers Swap Donovan Mitchell For Jamal Murray Via Trade?

going on everyone so the Cleveland Cavaliers could find themselves in quite the tough predicament this upcoming off season as they may end up having to trade Donovan Mitchell now he could very well decide to sign a new extension get contract and stick around with the Cleveland Cavaliers uh but he could just as well say you know what I’m not going to reup hey let’s trade me let’s get me out of here now he’s not a free agent this off season but uh at the end of this season coming up he could decide to opt out and then become a free agent on his own will so the Cavs they’re not going to want to run the risk of hey we’re going to lose Donovan Mitchell for nothing so the Cleveland Cavaliers are fully expected to look to move him if they can’t get him to agree to an extension now another team that is kind of in an interesting position is the Denver Nuggets now Jamal Murray has next year and then he becomes a free agent right so the Denver Nuggets could look and go what are we going to do here right Denver was primed and ready to look to potentially go and repeat this upcoming season and ended up losing to the Minnesota Timberwolves and a lot of it was because of Murray now Murray when he’s playing the Lakers the dude is prime Michael Jordan right but when he’s playing any other team uh he really has been struggling lately uh injuries have been a real concern with him the last few years right Denver the one year that they were healthy and things were good right Denver wins an NBA championship um but Jamal Murray really had his struggles this postseason and again Denver is going to start having to make some real tough decisions I mean there’s already murmurs and talks about them potentially looking uh to trade Michael Porter Jr that teams are going to kind of you know at least inquire and see if Denver would be willing to move off of him right the new CBA really kind of hampers teams and so Denver may end up having to look to Pivot uh either this year or obviously in the offseason now I’m sure that they would like to keep Jamaal Murray around and keep him kind of long term but there is the possibility that maybe they can’t come to a conclusion or if he continues to have his struggles or continues to have injuries well then it might be like ah do we really want to pay him a Max and give him all this money and now we’re locked up and you know say they lose again in the first round or they lose in the second round again it’s like okay maybe we’re not going to be able to get over that hump again maybe that one year was just our year again this is a real question that Denver is going to have to come to well what if they just swapped Donovan Mitchell and Jamal Murray right so they’re both making essentially the exact same contract Jamal Murray is making like a little less than a million more so they could easily just say hey why don’t we just swap our players now maybe there’s some you know picks or maybe there’s you know other pieces involved whatever but just the the simplistic concept would be to take Jamal Murray send him the Cleveland Cavaliers bring in Donovan Mitchell to the Denver Nuggets and this makes perfect sense for both teams now from start with the Cav side because the Cav side I think is the most reasonable right and I know that some Denver fans might go no way that but hear me out so again from the Cleveland side of things would you you could trade Donovan Mitchell for some picks or whatever right or you could trade him for you know an All-Star caliber type player I know Jamal’s never had that but he’s been that guy and go get a guy in Jamal Murray right and basically swap them and get a guy that can come in and give you a a very comparable type of impact right we’ve seen when he’s healthy in the playoffs before just go off I mean I remember the playoff series where Jamal and Donovan Mitchell were just trading buckets and going back and forth right so Jamal Murray would really give uh the Cleveland Cavaliers kind of that nice replacement also I think Jamal Murray would fit better alongside Darius Garland and it may not cause Darius Garin to want out so quickly right there’s a lot of talks that if Donovan Mitchell sticks around that Darius may say hey I want to trade where Jamal you can kind of make an argument he’s more of a two guard than he is a point guard right like where he could just go to a team like Cleveland and just go get Buckets now again there’s obviously the same concerns that the Denver Nuggets have where it’s just the injuries and and playoff performance um but again like you could run the risk of losing Donovan for nothing or you could go get some role players or you could take the shot on a Jamal Murray right and get you a guy that especially in the East would make you better right I I don’t know how much better with Donovan Mitchell but I think that he would be not as ball dominant I think he’d be a lot more fitting than Donovan Mitchell can be at times right and I think that the the biggest question would be would Jamal want to stay in Cleveland because again he could just leave and now you’re in the same position that you’re with with the Cleveland Cavaliers but if Jamal’s like no hey I I’ll stick around like you know time in a new deal like let’s let’s figure this out right I think you could do worse than Jamal Murray if you’re the Denver Nuggets now or uh if you’re the Cleveland Cavaliers now from the Denver Nuggets side of things you get a much more proven you know year in and year out playoff performer and Donovan Mitchell you get a guy that can close games be a bucket defensively he’s actually coming off a very good defensive season so I think you’d get a little bit more of a point of attack defensive guy in Donovan Mitchell right you again run the risk of oh all the the things that I highlighted with Jamal Murray besides the playoff performance and and that concern but I mean even last year when Denver won the championship right the the the Lakers series Jamal Murray again was Prime Michael Jordan but every series after that he wasn’t great he wasn’t bad but he wasn’t great where I think Donovan Mitchell would give you more stability give you more consistency now as far as like playing games they play nearly The Identical amount um during the regular season Donovan Mitchell’s actually played a little more the last few years good Jamal’s been kind of dealing with injuries a lot and I know people point to Donovan Mitchell injured in the playoffs but also he was he’s he’s so riant and and needing to do so much for the Cavs I the guy’s out here dropping 50 in the playoffs and still losing right I mean he’s doing everything he had that one game in like the fourth quarter where they had 20 points in the fourth and he had all 20 of them right like he wouldn’t have to do that with Denver he would have the easiest time he could just focus on the things that he is best at I think he would be better defensively right because people forget Donovan Mitchell was looked at as like a defensive stopper coming out of Louisville right he was a defensive-minded guard coming out of Louisville and then he kind of evolved into that scoring that bucket that he’s become right again it You’ still have the same question of like would Donovan Mitchell be willing to stick around and and re up with Denver but I don’t know why he wouldn’t right I mean it give him a real opportunity to contend for an NBA championship he’d be playing with yage which by far the best player he’s ever played alongside and yage is ability to make plays like again Donovan Mitchell could just be Donovan Mitchell right so to me I do think this is something that could be very helpful and very impactful I think it actually would make both teams better cuz I think Denver would get the upgraded play Donovan Mitchell is better than Jamal Murray he just he is right so I think that they get the upgraded player right I think Jamal Murray gives you a lot of the same things that Donovan Mitchell gives you but I also think he’s more willing to fit in rather than take over right but he is a guy that could still go get a bucket so I think that the the transition into Jamal Murray would be a lot more smoother and you could keep Darius Garland and I don’t think that there would be this like kind of conflict and struggle between Jamal and Darius Garland and look if you’re Cleveland you could still flip uh Darius Garland if you wanted to and then just have Jamal Murray be the guy the big question is again would both of these players want to stay with that respect team like would Jamal Murray want to stay with the Cavs and would Donovan Mitchell want to stay with Denver if they did and they both were willing to sign on I do I think that this is one of the trades that is actually very fair for both sides right everything again everything is incredibly comparable right I mean even they a they’re both 27 like the age is the same right they’re similar size Jamal’s 6’4 right Donovan Mitchell 63 right so you you just across the board everything is I mean this would be about as fair and clean of a trade as it gets in my opinion both guys can get their new contract with their new respective teams um you know Donovan Mitchell gets to be on one of if not the best teams in the league next year you know Jamal Murray gets to be on a a real contending team in the Eastern Conference team that could potentially make it out right Mavs could make some moves make some changes again they could end up trading daras Garling will get some other pieces like I just you know maybe Evan Moy takes another jump takes another leap they’re looking to trade Jared Allen so maybe you know they get something there I just think that this like if both sides are kind of like H what do we do and there are so many concerns and questions with Jamal if you can turn Jamal into Donovan Mitchell who has again been the more consistent playoff performer and some might look at it and go well Jamal won a championship you don’t think if Donovan Mitchell was with like last season if you swapped Jamal Murray with Donovan Mitchell you don’t think that Denver still would have won a championship like I do because Donovan Mitchell still would have given you the same production still would G you the same level scoring probably give you better defense right like so you would have gotten the exact and again Jamal wasn’t like great outside of that Lakers series like even in the finals he wasn’t great right where Donovan Mitchell I think would have given you more so I think like if you’re Den to me Denver that’s a no-brainer like honestly I think if you could turn Jamal Murray into Donovan Mitchell I think you’d do that all day if you’re Denver question is the Cavs right like is that something that they want and again it really would hinge on Jamal Murray going you know what like hey I I’ll stay I’ll re up because if he’s like not like hey you know I’m not going to sign a new extension I’m just going to leave after this season you know you shouldn’t have traded for me well then now that’s that’s a big issue right but if he’s like no hey know you guys traded for me kind of like what Paul George did with the with the thunder right if you remember couple years ago it’s like oh he’s going to go to Lakers he’s going to go to Lakers Lakers didn’t trade for him him the Thunder did everyone thought that he was that he was just going to leave the Thunder to go to the Lakers anyway and he was like well they traded for me so I’m not going to do that to them I know he like you know requested a trade like six months later or whatever it was but point is he’s stuck around like if Jamal is willing to kind of do the same thing where he’s like you know hey like you guys traded for me I’m going to you know I’m going to stick around you know just pay me give me the bag right like again you could do worse if you’re the Cavs than Jamal Murray and he just gives you a guy that can I think be a better fit with the team and still give you that All-Star level still give you a lot of the same things that that Donovan Mitchell gives you again they still play roughly the same amount of games I think it’s a win-win genuinely but anyway as always this is a discussion pass question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts do do you like this move do you not like this move um do you think like it’s it’s you know it doesn’t make sense for the Cavs doesn’t make sense for Denver no you can’t trade Jamal Murray because Denver again I I I know some Denver fans might not want to trade Jamal but if you can turn Jamal into Donovan Mitchell I think that’s a no-brainer but again it’s my thoughts I want to hear yours let me know down in the comments that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot so me enjoy these types of videos truly appreciate it not subscribe 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The Cleveland Cavaliers and Denver Nuggets have to figure out what to do with their respective stars. Donovan Mitchell and Jamal Murray could both leave the falling NBA season. Cavs and Nuggets could look to swap players and add better fits for both sides increasing the talent and keeping an All star on the roster.

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1 Comment

  1. They are both even compared to each other. If their contracts are the same then I don’t see why there should be trade compensation for either team. Maybe a second round pick. What are your thoughts on the Hurley fallout?

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