@Detroit Pistons

REPORT: “99.9” Likely Detroit Pistons, Cade Cunningham Agree On Rookie Max Extension This Offseason

REPORT: “99.9” Likely Detroit Pistons, Cade Cunningham Agree On Rookie Max Extension This Offseason

according to reports it sounds like the Detroit Pistons and K Cunningham are going to come to an agreement on a rookie Max extension at some point this off season is this the right move for the Detroit Pistons we’ll talk about this in today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast for usual I your host cah Hill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys for making lockon Pistons your first listen of every single day we are freom Reb on all your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review and whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast later on we’ll talk about should the Pistons even be considering drafting another non shooter and then also I had a question asked by a few of my listeners asking what happens if the Pistons do wait until maybe this upcoming season’s trade deadline or next off season to really make any big changes we’ll go down that pathway and what that pathway looks like a little later as well but we’re going to start off with the news that came out a few days ago I already had a few podcasts lined up a few ideas lined up so we didn’t talk about in the last two podcasts but obviously we were going to get to it um I feel like this is kind of expected news which is why I wasn’t you know rushing to cover it I feel like this is really expected for a lot of people who’ve covered the team or have been following the team but um James Edwards III has reported a few days ago like I said that it’s incred that basically I’m this is exactly what he said but basically it’s likely that the Pistons and Cade are going to agree on a rookie Max extension he used the word 99% 99.9% sure that that’s going to happen now a rookie ma Max extension Forcade right now now if he were to make let’s say if uh he made all NBA team next year one of the three all NBA teams then the contct would go up but as of right now since he has not made an all NBA team you are looking at a fiveyear $226 million contract remember this is a contract that we talked about with Keith Smith a few I I think about two weeks ago we had that salary cap episode with Keith Smith he broke down all salary cap things related um but yeah fiveyear $226 million for K Cunningham it would be 25% of the Pistons salary cap um so the question that comes of this is and to a talking point a little bit um not even just in Detroit I’ve seen some people outside Detroit talking about this but the question obviously is is K Cunningham worth the rookie Max extension should the Detroit Pistons be looking to give him that Max extension and how should fans feel about Kade getting a rookie Max extension so me I think a lot of people are going to know where I stand with this I think Kade 100% is worth the max extension I think the Pistons should be working to get that done immediately I think he is their franchise player he is who they’re going to build around and I thought the season that he had this past season warranted belief in what he’s going to become in the future the situation that Cade was dealt this past year was horrible it wasn’t just Cade this was a bad situation for a lot of people but Kade was not given a good situation like at all it was it was I don’t need to get into it we all know and despite that he showcased Improvement in just about every area of his game he had stretches of the Season where he was insanely good like like that stretch at the end I believe December when he went like seven straight games with 30 points per uh 30 points he had like what was it two 40 point games of 41 44o game one of them was on 71% shooting didn’t miss a shot at all in the second half he talked about how he played after the All-Star break he played I thought given the situation he had the fact that he was able to play that well and have that kind of improvement in the situation he had speaks volumes of what he would look like if he was given a a a favorable situation because even despite a nonfavorable one he showed quite a bit of improvement um I’m gonna throw some numbers out here just to give you guys um just to give you guys something to look at um so I was looking at I was watching some Kade film and I was going through some numbers and I I think this really showcases where Cade is is heading and why there should be I feel like the utmost belief in him reaching that stardom that I think could H happen as soon as next year this past year again this is a cade who dealt with very little spacing if at all I know a little bit after the trade deadline got better with Simone but then he got hurt and it was bad spacing um nonfunctional lineups we talked about that last episode um there a really tough roster very questionable coaching which we still have a resolution on the head coaching stuff we’ll probably talk about in The Next Episode some some further stuff with that um stay tuned for that um but do overall bad situation despite all that this past season Cade ranked in the 74th percentile on all jump shots off the dribble all jump shots off the dribble 74th percentile so what that means and what that says to me is that he’s able to create a shot for himself hit tough shots off the dribble without being created for he’s not having other people create for him and despite that and despite the the spacing that he dealt with he hit he was one of the best off the dribble Shooters in the entire NBA to add on to that he shot 50.5% on off the dribble two-point shots I’m gon say that again he shot 50.5% an off the- dribble two-point shots that’s fantastic like I don’t know I don’t know how else to say what else to say about that shooting 50 over 50% on on on on on off the dribble two-point jump shots is crazy that’s crazy um so that like I said that that’s crazy um to add on to that he shot 37.3% open Catch and shoot the the last 51 games of the year he shot 36.1% on pullup threes the last 51% or not 51% but the last 51 games of the year of his of his season he shot 36.1% pullup threes so his jump shooting basically has taken that next step I think there’s even I definitely think there’s another step he could take he even better as a shooter but that jump shooting Improvement and that jump that everyone was waiting for that happened like that that jump shooting progression happened this past year not only from three but off the dribble from three off the dribble mid-range like all of it jump shooting wise he took that step Kade is uh an improvement finishing around the rim which I think would come with better spacing but Improvement finishing around the rim and or Improvement in turning some of those shots around the rim into free throws from taking a massive leap as a star next year massive leap he already has the jump shot he has the three-point shot he has the self-creation he has the pull up mid-range he has all of that the ability to work in the pick and roll the playmaking out of the pick and roll this past year 685 possessions as a pick and roll ball handler ranked in the 62nd percentile by again with the roster he had with the roster he had that’s taking into account passes out of the pick and roll feeding guys that weren’t hitting shots despite all that ranked in the 60 seconds percentile as a pick and roll ball handler he ranked in the 64th percentile as a spot up shooter he ranked in the 63rd percentile coming off handoffs so this is a he has a lot of parts of his game has already taken that step if he improves as a finisher which I’m I I know that that’s something he’s working on getting stronger some lower body strength I know for a fact that’s something he’s gonna be working on if he’s able to improve that and I also know he’ll be working on foul drawing and how to absorb contact and try to get more free throws if he’s able to do either one of those things he is going to average 26 plus points per game next year on incredible efficiency because the jump shot the jump shooting’s there and he’s a good free throw shooter so that’s really the area of his game that you’re really waiting on and that he needs to improve upon he wasn’t a very good finisher this past year and he didn’t do a good enough job he he got a little better but still not good enough in foul in drawing free throws so if he’s able to add that I don’t think this is even going to be a question next year like I see some people talking about him being one of the most underrated players in the league he definitely is because of the situation he’s in because of the roster he’s had a lot of the win losses what going to be held against them it’s just that’s how it works especially being the number one overall pick I even if I think it’s unfair that’s the kind of pressure that comes with you you gotta have wins and it is what it is he’s not gonna get respect until he wins even from the some of the own fan base he’s not gonna get respect until then but in a situation like this I mean I talked about how well he played this past year and that and that is a big part of it obviously the Improvement that he took should be a big part of what’s going on obviously um but the other part of this that I should I Should Have Spent A Little More Time On this but in a Pistons situation when you have a number one overall pick that is progressing that you believe in and that you want to build around even if it is not like when guys hit this point it’s it’s and when I say hit this point I mean like this point on their L contract negotiations it’s not about the player they are right now especially if you are a small market like Detroit is in the NBA now I know people like to say ohit’s not look the Pistons are a small Market in the NBA okay um when you are in this situation you lock up that player long term because there is once you have a player with that chance with that potential with that ceiling that you drafted when you have that chance you lock him down long term because you don’t have a better option one two like I said he’s shown that progression to believe in and three if you don’t you risk ruining that relationship and that’s something I feel like a lot of people need to understand there is more to this there there is more to building a team than just playing 2K you have to build relationships and I know there’s some people that said that that feel I’ve seen some people say that hey you should just wait till next year I I just wonder what that would do to the relationship if you were to say hey Kade this situation that we put you in has been terrible for yourself you improved this past year we believe in you but we still don’t want to pay you I just wonder what that would do I’m not saying it maybe it wouldn’t do anything but I feel like that’s something that you have to take into account but nonetheless that again that’s something that every small Market team has to take into account with this especially for it’s not like this is a Kate has been a bust has has everything went swimmingly for the Pistons no it hasn’t since he was drafted but as Kate improved obviously his second season didn’t really happen so his first year to this year has he improved yes does he have reason to believe that he’s going to be that franchise player I think so so it’s like I it should be a no-brainer and that’s why the Pistons are going to give him this contract 25% of the cap he’s your franchise player you pay that longterm if you believe in his future you pay that it doesn’t matter about what he is right if you don’t think he’s a superstar right now that shouldn’t matter as a matter of do you think he’s on that trajectory if you do you pay him I I feel like that and a lot of people in the Piston organization feel like that’s true it should be a gimme and to wrap it up 25% of the cap paying him that it next year he’ll be getting 14 million still so it doesn’t come into effect until two years from now and even then that should not impact your flexibility and how you you’re ability to get players you still have 75% of the cap that shouldn’t stop you from doing anything like it this this is how it works when you get a player like this you pay them that’s just how it happens so I think he’s worth it but I want to hear from you guys and know this is probably gonna be he discussion in the comment section in my DM so let me know is Kade Cunningham worth an extension the rookie Max extension with the Detroit Pistons let me let me know in the comment section down below or over on Twitter at CA Hill when we come back should the Pistons even be considering drafting another non-shooter in this upcoming draft we’ll talk about that when we come back this episode is brought to you by better 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great way to support the podcast um so we recorded the last episode with Ben Fifer um great guest great guest great episode enjoy talking with him about this upcoming draft um and one of the one of the things that came up in that episode um was the idea of the Pistons drafting a non-shooter um so today I tweeted out was like hey what do you guys want to hear me talk about on the podcast right now because it is a little bit of a dead zone right now um and I’m so sorry about the whole not having a draft prospect episode I have a lot of stuff going on and I don’t want to cheat you guys and give you a a a half bleeped uh Prospect episode I want to give diligent time to a prospect um and and come out with an episode I feel strongly about and not just you know BS my way through I would never do that so I need to find some time to try carve out some time but it’s been busy at work and you know I’m I’m carving out some time I’m watching some Dalton connect videos um some film I should say um because he was the guy you guys voted you guys wanted to hear about most so I can’t promise when that’s coming but I am working towards it I I promise I am um it just is what it is uh but anyways like I said I tweeted out today I was like hey what do you guys want to hear me talk about and I had quite a few people say hey can you dive into what Ben was talking about with the Pistons potentially drafting a non shooter that past episode I said all that sounds like good idea let me dive into that because there is as I said in that last episode the Pistons find themselves I think in a very a very complicated situation and a tough in a tough situation not just with the draft obviously with their team roster construction um free agency trades like everything this off season is gonna be crazy I think but like with the draft they do find themselves in a in a in an interesting situation because and again we kind of hit on the last episode but we didn’t dive completely into it um the Pistons badly need shooting they need three and D guys like that is very clear like that is spacing is probably at the top of their needs they have they need shooting desperately however they also just need talent like they need talent at the end of the day and when you win the least amount of games in franchise history and you set the record for most losses in a row in a single season you are far away with that roster you are far away from playoffs play in there’s a lot of things that need to happen so this is where the Pistons find themselves I know myself I said a few weeks ago the Pistons should not even be considering someone who cannot shoot on this team in the draft they should not be considering it however it’s not that I’m coming off of that claim completely I’m just more so open-minded right now because I do understand this the Pistons need talent so at five should the Pistons just go and reach on somebody that maybe isn’t fit overall pick talent but fits as a shooter like maybe I I like adult and connect do they go that route someone who can just shoot but maybe isn’t fifth overall pick you know doesn’t have that kind of upside and again I haven’t looked into him yet but based off what I’m reading what Ben said this past episode just going off of that and even if it’s not Dalton connect if you think he has a higher CE whatever just whatever player X that can shoot but doesn’t have that higher high of a ceiling do you go that route with what this team just had or do you still swing for the fences and just go for whatever player will end up being the best player at five and my draft philosophy usually has always been you draft best player available every single time it doesn’t matter to me about what you have in your roster currently you most of the time again like I said most of the time it doesn’t matter what you have in your roster it doesn’t matter to me because in the draft you want I think the best possible player at that pick imagine if you were I mean the Pistons have had it happen you went with Luke Canard who was a fine player but then right after that was Donan Mitchell and you picked Luke because he was a fit player maybe not the best player there but more of a fit and now you Pistons fans regret that to this day imagine if the Pistons were to have drafted player X that is a shooter but doesn’t have that much of an upside and let’s say that person is okay he fits with the you know he provides some value because he can space the floor he’s a fine player but then a guy that went after them that maybe couldn’t shoot in like four to five years is a superstar is an absolute Bon ified star but the Pistons didn’t draft him because he couldn’t shoot how do you feel then I know how Pistons fans would feel then it would be another talking point about the Pistons drafting being trash like that’s just the realization of the M of the situation so it’s I don’t think there’s a there’s a wrong answer here whatever side you fall on I understand both sides because the Pistons have took swings the past four years it seems like on the best player available and not necessarily a guy who can shoot that can space the floor they’ve done it with going all the way back to Killian hay draft he obviously was the upside swing they missed they did the same with I mean Kade wasn’t I mean he was a bonified one so Kade but then you got Jane Ivy he’s a swing Jaylen durran he’s a swing assar Thompson he’s a swing like they’ve taken those swings and not necessarily focus on the best fit so now like you had last year you run into some problems if you don’t uh perfectly surround them with the right roster and even again there those four guys don’t really fit the cleanest so now heading into year five do you say like okay we need to uh we need to go more fit I get I understand that argument but again I just I really don’t know where I stand with it I I don’t have a position yet because it’s just my like I said My overall draft philosophy is always best player available because in a few years years after that draft if you see that you missed on somebody simply because you went for a fit and that guy turns out to be a star you’re gonna feel like crap like that’s that’s the truth however if you there’s the risk of if you do draft another non shooter but has the higher ceiling two things one will that person be in a in a a situation with the Pistons with that with the already cord that they have let’s say they keep all the guys because again this could have a trickle down effect to where if they draft someone they trade all like all kinds of stuff could happen but let’s just say they keep the core guys right now and they add another non true because of the ceiling because of the upside because of the best player available is he going to be in the best situation to actually get to that ceiling will he have a chance to get to that ceiling in the situation where all these guys may not necessarily fit they have a lot of talent but can they reach their upside and then also if you’re giving Kate a rookie Max extension this off season which it sounds like they’re going to do you want to add some more uncertainty to the F the to the immediate future in that route and can you add can you reasonably add that that um that that what what’s the the upward the the upside swing I should say my goodness can you do that and at the same time build a roster that helps you win next year but also puts all those young core guys that you just added that may not fit that this guy that may not fit together and help them develop like there’s a lot of stuff that goes into it there’s a lot of stuff that goes into it and each decision like we’ve talked about many times in the podcast each decision the Pistons make this off season is going to have a massive trickle down effect like like I said many times there is I feel like two Pathways there’s two roads initially that the pistons pistons can go down and whatever Road they go down after they go down that road there is an immediate Crossing where you can take four different exits and if you take that exit then there’s four more exit that you can take like there’s so many things that just one decision will have an effect on so it’s hard to talk about this and again it is hard to have a Firm Stance on either side because I do I really do see both sides but I where I’m leaning towards right now I think for this Pistons team I think I’m not this is not final this is just where I’m leaning right now but I think I lean towards you got you you got draft somebody that can space the floor and again that’s just where I’m leaning right now I may change I may change that because again my it really pains me to say that because my overall philosophy is always best player available but I just have questions on if you do do if you get get the best player available will that guy even have a chance to develop with this team if if he’s just added to a situation that no one really fits together and it’s just about oh we have a bunch of talent but they don’t really fit and we don’t know how to really develop them all together we don’t have guys you know um um getting the best out of each other that’s my biggest conc concerned with this now maybe they draft a guy that they are higher on maybe Tran drafts a guy at kage or or at Ivy’s position that he’s higher on than Ivy then he moves Ivy or maybe he drafts him in aar’s position that he’s higher on then he moves AAR or auran like same thing maybe that happens again trickle down effect but as of right now I just don’t know where I want to plant my flag at but I’m leaning towards it’s too risky to take a guy that that that can’t space the floor and wouldn’t necessarily fit the best with the other guys but that’s where I’m at right now um I may I I again that’s not my overall draft philosophy so I may change I may change off of that so don’t hold me to it but where are you guys leaning with that it’s a very interesting discussion and again I can see both sides of the of the coin so let me know in the comments section down below or over on Twitter at CER Hill where you guys stand with this um when we come back I had a few of you guys ask me and I wanted to make a segment out of it what if the Pistons waited to till this trade deadline to really make any changes or next off season what does that look like we’ll talk about that when we come back summertime means baseball the NBA finals and more you can B all of that on FanDuel right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $ five bet that’s 200 bucks you can use to bet everything from the finals MVP to who’s going to hit one out of the park and for me I think if Jason Tam can just close this out with some efficient games with how he’s played everywhere else that’s who my finals MVP would be but again you can B anybody Drew holiday jayen Brown Heck if you think the Mavericks are coming back donic um but you can do all that on FanDuel visit lockon and add a big win to your summer bucket list again that’s lockon to get 200 bucks in bonus Bets with any winning $ five bet visit lockon fandel amer’s number one Sportsbook so I want to thank you guys again for making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day free to avable on your podcast platforms if you haven’t ready hit that subscribe on the YouTube channel or leave us a fire star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast um so I had a few of you guys ask me what if the Pistons what if trasan cames came in comes in my goodness and says you know what I’m not going to I’m not going to make any moves with ivy with durren potentially assar I’m not moving off any of those guys until the deadline at the very least I’m going to give them to the deadline and see what they look like and now I’ll move them then or maybe next offseason I’ll give them this season see how they look and now I’ll move them next year what does that look like what does that passway look like and I think the that pathway the way I think that pathway would go is I think that realistic probably I think all three of them may come off the bench in that pathway I think they go out and pursue the names that we’ve heard a Malik monk a Claxton bring back fonki maybe make a trade with the fifth overall pick add another Wing Guide to the rotation to a starting lineup potentially and they allowed these guys to play off the bench and try to show their value in limited time and show Improvement in limited time coming off the bench and if guys maybe again it’s not so much about their numbers if their numbers aren’t you know off the charts that doesn’t matter it’s a matter of okay let’s go through each one like let let’s say with Ivy it’s more so okay in this limited time off the bench and by the way in this situation they definitely need to get a backup point guard because if you’re putting Ivy as your backup point guard you are going to be setting him up to fail he is not a play he is not a primary point guard facilitator he doesn’t make the correct reads all the time he shouldn’t have that type of pressure on him he doesn’t have he doesn’t make accurate passes all the time his reads aren’t always like you are he has an off guard that can Thrive off of that and is a scorer that’s what he should be with the ability to make some plays off the off playmaking but he should be a scorer so anyways you get a backup point guard but let’s start with Ivy so in this s situation we would be about hey is he scoring 20 points Off the Bench he would be okay is Ivy showing um the ability to hit open threes is he showing the ability to that has he improved his three-point shot has he improved in his decision making is he making reads faster is he making the right read faster is he is he throwing more accurate passes is he playing the right way within the half court offense and then defensively obviously is he improving defensively is he getting better on that end that’s what they’ll be looking for is he improving around the rim is he becoming a better finisher around the rim is he actually taking advantage of his his quick first step and athleticism that’s what they’ll be watching for not necessarily his numbers but if he can prove that then he he’d stay throughout the team he I don’t think he’d be moved at the deadline same thing with durren so with durren it would be I I really would dur it would simply be defense defense defense defense is the Pistons team it will that lineup be a terrible defensive lineup on the floor simply because Duran’s out there is he gonna provide any type of Rim protection is he gonna show any kind of effort defensively if he do if he’s able to improve defensively and show a defensive ground workor to believe in then they’ll keep him if not then okay then they probably would move him at the deadline um and the same thing with assar assar would be has assar I think I think the main thing they want him to improve on obviously is shooting but I think one of the main things they want him to see I want to see him improve on is his ball handling because they’d like to see him take on some secondary playmaking reps has he improved in his ball handling to where we can trust him in the half court that we can trust him to run some offense and create for guys can we trust him with that and then obviously has he taken any steps in his jump shot whatever and then obviously Tran would evaluate at that point okay do we feel good about that if we do okay we hold him past the deadline we he’s part of the future if not okay maybe we move him at the deadline and involved in all that is like I think would be limited minutes off the bench for both Ivy and durren I think assar will get a large larger role than those two guys next year but that’s just my feeling either way I think all of them would probably come off the bench especially if they got a non-shooting big man for defensive reasons in the starting lineup I think they probably would consider moving assar Off the Bench but maybe the coach if it’s Monty maybe Monty wants to keep assar or if it’s a new coach maybe that coach wants to keep us in the starting lap who knows we don’t really know yet but I think that’s what it would look like they’d go and get veteran to fill out the rotation you’d have to get I think a backup point guard that can that can set the table for Ivy for assar for durren to where Ivy doesn’t have that type of stress on himself to create for everybody and be a point guard I I don’t think he’s a point guard so I think you’d have to address that you’d have to get defensive Center and you’d have to address in like two of the wing spots I think and fonio you get Monk I think you’d have to either maybe they start stew at the four again I don’t think you should do that um and also is there can you run a lineup Off the Bench of backup point guard Ivy assar Stu and Duran is that enough spacing probably not like can you like how would it work who are you staggering um but that’s what it would look like and I don’t think that’s again I don’t think that’s an absolutely terrible way to go a direction to go it’s not what I would do I think everyone knows what I would do but do I think that that’s some some terrible decision no I think there’s some risk with that because they don’t play well off the bench and they don’t don’t show that type of improvement along with only being given 20 minutes a game their value is going to get even worse than it is now especially at the deadline so there’s risk to that road you go down but it makes sense I understand it I don’t think it’s crazy at all is there some risk to it that I don’t NE I wouldn’t necessarily take but if you do go down that route that’s where I think happens that’s where I think the evaluation would be um of each player that’s what they would be looking for and the must must must roster decision that would happen you have to get backup point guard to play with Ivy and you have to get a defensive Center for for Duren to learn from in that starting lineup those are the main things then obviously need to address the wings somehow some way but um that’s what I think it would look like but that’s all I’ve got for you guys today let me know what you guys think comment section down below or over on Twitter ATK Hill um stay safe out there thank you guys for making lock down pist your first list of every single day AV on podcast platforms hit that subscribe button YouTube channel leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on and until next time I’ll see you guys later again stay safe out there and until next time peace out

According to James Edwards III, the Detroit Pistons and Cade Cunningham will likely agree on a rookie-max extension this offseason. Is the former #1 overall pick worth the max extension?

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Locked On NBA League-Wide: Every Team, Fantasy, Draft, WNBA & More

#DetroitPistons #Pistons #NBA


  1. 1st Listen….what's good Ku. No matter the topic, it's always good when you drop a show. Thanks for the work you put in. I just keep praying and hoping the Pistons return to relevancy. Stay up Ku. Word up!!

  2. I’m looking at these playoffs and these teams are so far ahead of the Pistons talent and experience wise it’s beyond belief. We need major contributors at all levels. Draft, Free Agents, and trades. The idea is to expedite the process and focus on getting out of lottery levels.

  3. The guy can't handle the ball, and has missed a 3rd of his career. He tries to take over the game in the 4th and fails miserably, so Hell No.

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