@Washington Wizards

Alex Sarr is looking like the pick at 2 for the Wizards. Prove it year for Bagley?

Alex Sarr is looking like the pick at 2 for the Wizards. Prove it year for Bagley?

all arrows are pointing towards Alex SAR being the guy at number two for the Washington Wizards let’s talk about it next on locked on Wizards you are locked on Wizards your daily Washington Wizards podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday what’s up everybody it’s your boy Brandon Scott again and I appreciate you guys making lock on Wizards your first listen every single day we are free and available wherever you get your podcast and on YouTube part of the lock on podcast Network your team every single day so a lot to unfold today like I said all arrows are pointed towards alexar realistically coming to DC at number two overall for the Washington Wizards because a lot of news coming out about a potential tradeback for Atlanta so we’re going to get into it uh like I said lot down fol because I know that alexar is definitely number one on my list I know it’s number one on a lot of people’s list uh We’ve named a lot of people at two Don mingan which we’re about to talk about Don mingan other names like re a or Stefon Castle but Alex star looking like he is the guy at number two for the Wizards in the NBA Draft so let’s get into it so um this is a report from Evan Cy um but this the actual source is at Kevin o” Conor NBA he’s definitely an NBA Insider so definitely shout out to both of them um so the report is that says or quote unquote says the Hawks conducted a private workout with Donan kingan and are showing interest in potentially selecting him now Atlanta appears open to the idea of trading down a few spots to secure clinging but the process is still uh ongoing so we’re going to look at another source where it says multiple sources throughout the league and in France are saying that the San antonium Spurs and Atlanta Hawks are have discussed a potential trade to take place on the evening of the upcoming NBA draft where they are going to uh where Atlanta Hawks are going to trade the number one overall pick for the Spurs fourth and eighth pick big news y’all big news because it tells you what that kingan is probably GNA be at number four or number eight depending on how he how far he falls but he would not be the selection for the Hawks at number one and the Hawks are who they are considering Zachary rash Shay Who quote unquote has been who we have said has been a target of the Spurs since last year where they want to pair him with wi B that make the French Connection and San Antonio so that is big news for watching wizard fans because a lot of us include myself are big fans of Alex are I think he is definitely my Top Choice at number two um dream choice that is because for a while he was rumored to be the the um the target of the Hawks at number one and and he’s been the consist you know the mock draft number one for probably the last three months and before him was Ron Holland uh a few people before that so big news because as it’s becoming more and more clear that alexar is potentially on his way to DC now like I said I think that would be a really good move on both parties for both the Atlanta Hawks and the San Antonio SPS because again rash I think is a perfect fit in San Antonio to pair him with uh wiama I think with the French Connection I think that’s definitely could be the potentially the nickname for those two The French Connection but um because I think again you know he’s familiar with uh with r and I think just from his skill set it bet it best fits uh s anonio at number one man I think this is a good trade for San Antonio because again you know they got to put a lot of talent around wiama so that will be a good move for Atlanta because you you you accumulate two picks now do they hold on to Trey young do they hold on to De jont Murray you know that’s definitely a conversation for another day and actually you know with us being a Wizards fans do we really care but you know just from the realm of the NBA and looking at a domino you know because that is a domino defa within the NBA landscape in upcoming offseason man so you know whether we care or not it definitely would influence to a certain degree the direction the Wizards go because that you know Atlanta’s out the game if they trade Trey young or deont Murray but you know they also have the chance to add a couple nice pieces in the draft but as we know this is a developmental draft so again looking at you know Atlanta what they hope to get out of this it’s becoming more and more evident to me that they may try to trade Trey young and or dejonte Mur and go younger man because obviously you got young pieces there and Jaylen Johnson and Kobe buffkin so they very they do have a somewhat of a nice nice Foundation to build upon as far as if if they make the decision to go rebuild you know they could trade capella you know we’ll see what a conu so I think there’s a lot of options as far as Atlanta but you know getting back to the point Alex SAR would be a really good move for the washing Wizards and I think that all of us agree with that man now look at the Roser structure right um where potentially where would they play him if he indeed is there at number two which I think he will be well you know looking at roster construction and I and I mentioned that on Twitter AKA X today you know and I’m GNA talk about Marvin Bagley next and trovich but Marvin Bagley you know obviously has a lot to prove um I talked about you know and I I forgot to mention um if he stays healthy and produces should he be available for or should he be up for an extension to stay in DC we’re gonna talk about that but you know he at least is going to be here one year now his value did go up a little bit now it was a small sample size with his time in DC but I felt like he found the right system the right fit here so but give you know and and getting back to alexar where would you play him and with Marvin Bagley on the roster for one year I would put Marvin Bagley the third at the four because you’re boosting up his trade value showing other teams that he can be versatile you you try alexar at the at the five now obviously long term you very well could see alexar who a lot of people think that he could be even better at the four a lot of comparisons are uh jiren Jackson Jr from the Memphis Grizzlies I think that’s a really good comparison long term you know see we’ll see how much um Tristan vich evolves further and whether he could be that guy long term so but for the year coming up if we pick Alex SAR and I think again L um there’s a big chance a huge chance I’m gonna say there is probably a 95% chance that Alex sar’s come to DC um but again where do you play him I play him at the five I would play Marvin Bagley at the four to start out but obviously that is the dependent on is ky kman moved at that point because you know you know who else do you play the four now you know if KY kman is still here maybe Marv than bags is backup we we’ll see you know because obviously there’s a lot of dominoes need to fall for the Wizards going to the All Season man but um I think he definitely fits long term for wizards you know his skill set as a rib protector you know he’s versatile he can move you know he he’s very so you know very smooth on his feet man for a big man at seven foot you know I do believe that his offensive skill set is going to evolve you know I think he will develop a consistent three-point shot I think he will definitely add a mid-range and I and definitely want to see you know him do a lot more um playing more with his back to the basket definitely utilizing his his frame and his body to get chances in the paint and actually you know really become a threat in the paint and get active in rebounding so like I said we we’ve gone over Alex R already as far as the scouting report but he he would be a really good move in DC and in my eyes man would definitely speed up the rebuild because he would he’s definitely a long-term option who I think that could be an All-Star one day I think Alex star shows All-Star potential now he has to be developed but I think that he has Allstar potential when you match that up with you know Bel Bel kulali who again is a talent who I think when he figures it out and puts together in a complete package has All-Star potential now we’ll see with Denny um obviously I’m a big fan of Denny you know I definitely think he’s part of the DNA the foundation of the Wizards going forward but here’s the thing you know with his extension you know he he he’s got suters out there you know teams like Oklahoma City are looking to move so could you eventually see him moved we’ll see you know um I think the only untradeable asset within organization right now is Bela kulali because he was the first draft choice of the new front office but you know Denny you know he’s still developing too so definitely you know I see him as part of the future for the Wizards going forward but I also see him potentially being a trade chip for you know teams like Oklahoma City because look he’s got value and he has proven that he is a good young player in this league man so um Alex you know alexar there’s a really good chance me personally I think there’s a 95% chance that alexar is coming to DC because again with a potential trade for Atlanta moving back to 4 and8 and for San Antonio going to number one it fits all parties really all three teams it fits Atlanta’s timeline to a certain degree it definitely fits San Antonio’s and it fits the Washington Wizards because looking at Atlanta you know 4 and8 who says they stand pad of 4 and8 now they could grab clean and maybe um and use the other pick to maybe get talent to bring to Atlanta I don’t know because I think kingan definitely fits the now and the later for the wizard not the wizards but the Hawks um because they need a center you know I think they they very well could move on from clinell so we’ll see what they do do they stand Pat with Trey young and jontay Murray you decide to go young and build around Kobe buffkin and Jaylen Johnson we’ll see because you know if you add a guy like kingan and maybe another young player that definitely expedi Ates a potential rebuild for Atlanta now if fits Sant because again that French connection between wyam and rash and there was also that connection between R rash and um kabali but he would definitely be a really nice young 3 andd Wing to pair next to Victor wiama man so I think that would be definitely a good move for San Antonio and for the Wizards Alex saw is a good piece man that I would say majority of the fan base WS here in DC so we get our guy now do we trade back this obviously I’ve talked a lot about potential to trade back but for right now at number two is looking like alexar so definitely definitely I’m definitely excited now it’s not definite it’s not what am I saying it’s not definite but it’s not set in stone but I think that if I’m a betting man there’s a really strong chance that he comes to DC man because you’re starting to see a lot of smoke where wi fire as far as his potential um you know fit here in DC and him potentially to come in here so um again it’s looking like alexar is the guy at number two not is not set in stone but 95% chance in my opinion so looking at Marvin Bley thei if he stays healthy and performs could he very well be part of the Wizards long-term Outlook we’re gonna talk about that and Tristan vich you know what is his long-term Outlook in DC depend on his performance and health but before we do tonight’s episode is brought to you by better help so look we all you know sometimes we car a lot of things around on us on you know a lot of weight on our shoulders man and the best way to get that weight off your shoulders is talking to somebody else because you can’t keep your emotions all bottled up sometimes because you will explode right so sometimes you have to talk to somebody else so let me re recommend you the key to the ease or suffering right um if you’re thinking about 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your team every single day all right let’s get back into it Marvin Bagley III now obviously real quick I’m gonna go over his pros and cons as we all know now we’re gonna start the cons because obviously one of the Cons with Martin begy thir right Health always been a big issue you know you know him staying healthy he some time being injured with the Wizards um obviously Drive motor you know a lot of people saying that he’s a low motor guy you know he he lacks confidence a guy that doesn’t really play hard all the time doesn’t you know takes plays off okay and and then that was a common um complain about Marvin ble thir dating back to you know Sacramento King days and the Detroit Pistons days but the positives is he is a center who at 611 man you know he can definitely provide rebounding points in the paint you know when he’s motivated um Rim protection you know he can shoot a mid-range shot he can shoot a three-point shot a lot of people got on me on Twitter saying he’s not a guy who can shoot well he shot 47% from three this year so I mean he can definitely hit the three-point shot now is he a sniper on a consistent basis n I’m not saying that but he’s a guy who could definitely stretch the floor so with those OS the fact that Health if he stays healthy and if he performs because let let’s take a look at the stat line real quick um this previous season he actually averaged 11.7 points a game behind 6.2 rebounds 0.7 blocks and he shot on the regular season he shot 39.1% so I don’t know where I got 47% oh was missing for um so but um this previous season you know you shot 39% so looking at that and I don’t know where the stat at 47% I I mean I must have misread but um looking at the the fact of the matter is he can shoot from three-point shot right um he’s shown that you know 39% is not too shabby because around League average around 35 36% so he’s a guy who could definitely shoot three-points shot he can shoot mid-range shot you he’s a guy who came in get you know definitely improved our area of need which was rebounding in interior defense and interior offense so he definitely filled his need so the biggest thing with Martin Bey third is Ken he still healthy and Ken he still motivated Canen he provide High Motor Performance and then look I said it time and time again that he has shown that in the right system in the right environment a young player who hasn’t hit his prime yet who needed to change his scenery very well can be that player that you know teams aspired him to be whether you know when they chose him you know Sacramento chose him they Envision a guy that I believe that can be that guy in DC when he’s healthy and when he keeps a consistent High mode of performance so the question for everybody man definitely comment below let me know what you thinking is and I’m GNA put this poll question out which is if Marvin bagy II third stays healthy and if he really breaks out to a certain degree and then if you look at his age which right now he is age 25 so he still fits the timeline right for a rebuilding team because you know he’s he’ll be hitting his prime within the next year or so so if he stays healthy and if his performance if he breaks out here in DC with you know with what the Wizards are trying to do would you consider him signing an extension to stay in DC and like I said the the cons I get it injury-prone you know the fact that the matter is you know a low motor I get all that but if he proves it which you know with him being an expiring contract this would in you know to a certain degree be a Prov it year for him so if he stays healthy and he performs and he breaks out because look he can still be developed and with development being the biggest part of what Brian Keith brings to the table the biggest thing why they revamp The Scouting department and in development part of the team the big reason why they brought in a whole new front office is the wholeo to the Washington Wizards is development development development a young talent and age 25 he’s still young Talent he’s still the guy that had hit his prime yet and he’s know that with the system in DC with in Brian Kei system and with what they’re trying to do as far as developing players and get the most out of players you very well could see him break out next year so if he stays healthy and he breaks out would I extend Marvin Bagley the third and I’m gonna say yes no and I get it and that’s why I put it cont you know kind of depending on the fact that if he stays healthy and if he breaks out especially in rebounding in points and and definitely stretching the floor on a consistent basis yeah I would definitely consider signing him to an extension now it ain’t going to be a Max obviously but it’s definitely I think he’s a talent that you stick you you definitely keep in DC now if he continues to have injury issues if he continues to you know lack a motor a high motor and take plays off then obviously with him being an expiring contract you can let him go so you know that’s what I’m saying this is a really highrisk high reward type of deal that we have with Marvin mag thur because again you know if he if he breaks out if he shows that he can work on the injury bug and be a lot more healthy in the long term you very well and you should talk to him about an extension because you know he’s a guy at 25 still fits the timeline and and in a certain degree if he does break out and stays healthy could not only knock time off the rebuild but he could be a nice young piece now I I I advocated with him being a power forward as opposed to a center I think that you know with Tristan vich with potentially Alex SAR seven-footers being in DC you could go big and people you the biggest complaint is um we would not have enough to stretch the floor I mean that wouldn’t be the problem with axar and Tristan Vish is shown that he can shoot a three-point shot he can definitely shoot a mid-range so you know Marvin M third has shown that he can stretch the floor so I don’t think that’s really a concern with Marvin Begley the third at the four and Alex SAR and Tristan vich at Center which I like the oh I just like the sound of that man because you know we already talked about alexar but that could potentially be your core in the front court so I think that that I would definitely entertain an extension for Marvin begy I third he if he indeed shows that he can be healthy and he can produce on a consistent basis and have a high motor and play with some confidence play with some dog and I think that after that so this is definitely a proven year for Marvin Begley third and I think that if he proves it you definitely sign him to an extension because I definitely think that again if he can prove it he’s definitely part of the future in DC so we’re going to talk about Tristan fish man and could he be a long term answer at the center position as a starter or a backup for the Washington Wizards so before we talk about that next we’re going to tonight’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel so summertime means baseball thank the Lord the NBA finals and more you can bet it all on FanDuel right now new customers get $200 and bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s $200 you can use the bet on everything from the finals MVP to who’s going to hit the next home run visit lockon and add a big win into your summer bucket list FanDuel America’s number one sports book all right everybody so let’s get into Tristan vich let me switch my players over real quick um so Tristan vukovich um I guess I don’t know if this is officially considered his rookie year this previous season or it would be because he didn’t play a full year um but let me pull him up real quick because um he came over later but the fact of the matter when he came over he came over and he played really good minutes man my opinion so you definitely see the potential especially offensively so looking at trist F previous season uh he averaged 8.5 points 3.6 rebounds 1.3 assists and he shot 43.3% from field goal range now looking at extended um he averaged around 15 points so um but I felt like he got the most out of 15 minutes U 15 points 15 minutes a game excuse me um where he averaged he shot around 27.8% from three um and also shot 77 .3% from free throw so let’s look at the pros and the cons the trist and Vish offensively you see the potential now yeah he shot 27.8% from three but you saw the capability because there was times where there was there was multiple games where he sh he made more than one three-point shot I think the biggest thing is when him coming over so late in the season man he needed time to acclimate to the speed of the NBA so I think the three-point shot is definitely going to be money next year now you know can he still develop absolutely still improve his three-point shooting yeah maybe a fast release I mean but his release ain’t bad at all and I you necessarily need to work on the speed of the release because it looked fluid so his his offensive potential is through roof in my opinion um rebounds I would definitely want to see him um boost his rebounds up to at least six to seven rebounds a game now obviously is contingent on what minutes played Now with Alex star coming you know potentially comeing to the Wizards um that would relegate trist vich to be the backup unless he go switch it with Bagley but I you know with Alex SAR come to DC um I don’t see a situation where Tristan’s going to start I think he definitely was especially with him being a second round pick where we definitely got our money’s worth with the second round pick but here’s the thing you know I definitely see him you know being the backup to an alexar or Marvin Bley the third depend on which direction they go if alexar is indeed drafted by the Washington Wizards but trist V again is kind of like Marvin Begley third right because the fact that he is a second round pick I believe he is in a two a uh two-year contract so let me uh double check that because I believe it’s a two-year contract for second round picks but it’s still a proven year for trist Vish man so uh yep like I said according to sport track Vish signed a two-year $4.8 million deal with the Wizards so you know this would be a contract year for him you know with him being a second round pick this was a proven year so kind of along the lines of Marvin Bagley III and I’m kind of throw the same question to you guys if Tristan vich shows progress would you consider signing him to an extension which with him being a second round pick with the sample size being smaller obviously you’re going to get a massive Hometown discount by the Washington Wizards so you’re not gonna break the bank to retain trist rusovich so would you entertain because look let’s not get it twisted you’re gonna have to extend him if you indeed with him being a second round pick and with him being in the two-year deal if he does if he performs and kind of develops the way you want him to you would have to extend him so you know to add another piece to you know the future as far as salary wise but I don’t think you’re going to have to break the bank to retain him and I think that look if Tristan Vish shows that he can develop and improve and definitely become a better player here in DC you definitely retain him you know that’s what I’m saying that long term whether you retain Marvin Bagley third or not you know with Tristan vich being a seven-footer with Alex SAR being a seven-footer who could play the four you could potentially have okay bear with me now you could potentially have two guys as seven foot who can stretch the floor and that is the best case scenario in the modern day mode of the NBA Center and the NBA big man if you have a four and a five both at seven foot who can both stretch the floor and are athletic come on man and I think that should be somewhat of a a vision for the Wizards going forward that if you don’t retain Marvin Beckley third you definitely consider the chance that Tristan vich and Alex sawar could be your tandem in the front court and at 7even foot and the fact that they both can stretch the floor that is crazy crazy nice in my opinion and that’s something I would love hearing DC in my opinion because you go big you go modern and you you definitely still stretch the floor considering what we do with other positions so that is definitely something I would like to see here in DC man so again you definitely let me know what you guys are thinking like said I’m gon put a couple polls out night and um and I’m definitely gonna see what you guys are at man but again you know alexar coming to DC looks like a real possibility Martin mag third and trist V are both on prove a deals in my opinion so can one or both of them be retained and be part of the long-term future NDC so again appreciate you guys man definitely let me a comment below let me know what you guys are thinking um I’m definitely going to put a couple polls out um looking forward guys we’re going to look at uh um again um some options around number 26 and number 51 in the second round can the Washington Wizards can Will Dawkins and Michael Winger find another jewel in the rough in the second round we’re going to talk about that tomorrow but before we do uh lockon has launched the first of national sports 24/7 streaming Channel on YouTube and now it’s also available on Amazon Fire TV and the free Fire TV channels app lockon sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local experts locked on plus our national shows covering every League find locked on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app so again I will see you guys tomorrow we’re gonna chop it up and talk about the 26 pick and the 51st pick and see again K will do is find another JW and the ru in the second round but we want to talk about it tomorrow again appreciate you guys hell to the and peace see you guys tomorrow night

Brandon breaks down the rumors that the Hawks will trade number 1 for the Spurs 4 & 8 and why that means Alex Sarr is headed to DC. Is this a prove-it year for Bagley?

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  1. Sarr would be fine, although I think he's a 4 in the NBA, not a 5. They better trade back into the lottery for a 5 if Sarr is the plan at #2.

  2. OK, I’ve been putting an idea out there all day of a three team trade between the Hawks, the Spurs and the Cavaliers, which were totally makes sense for all three teams involved Spurs would get pg Darius Garland
    The Cavaliers – get. Pg Dejounte Murray
    C- Onyeka Okongwu
    Hawks would get Jarrett Allen
    And one of the 1round picks that they trade in the Murray trade back from spurs then hawks would draft Zaccharie Risacher number 1

  3. love the content bro but i have to disagree 17:25 you cant win a championship with 2 bigs being on the floor at the same time look at the teams in the finals. both run with two 6'9 wings that rebound and a paint protecter. you can look at the twolves and there two bigs but it only works cause of ant man. we need more wings and guards, you can win with a gafford and a kristaps, all guys that the league had been down on and on reasonable contracts

  4. Sarr and Vuk could be a nice front court of the future. Both need to get way stronger but it’s a good mix of skillsets

  5. I’d just take Clingan #1 if I’m the hawks and I can’t find a good trade back. Way better value than when Ayton was taken #1

  6. Love your takes brother. I truly hope we don’t trade Deni, he is an ascending player on a great contract, and you never trade those types of player. Who is to say that he breaks out this year and his value is tripled next year? Deni is a core player here imo.

  7. Good info, show👍🏾. However, unless the Wizards are somehow involved, I don’t think it’s going to go as stated.

    From what I’ve read the Rockets and Grizzlies are looking to draft Clingan. Per a Rocket podcast Clingan will be taken by the Rockets at number 3. So unless someone is going to trade with the Wizards to ensure that they can get Clingan there is no guarantee that he will be there at 4 to San Antonio. Heck, for all we know the Wizards may pick Clingan at 2 🤷🏾‍♂️! I do hope we get Sarr.

  8. The problem is this – Avdija + Sarr is amazing, but Poole will kill both their developments with his low IQ, same goes for Kuz. So Sarr+Avdija is a thing to build on, but JP+Kuz are development killers. A problem.

  9. I would love to see us pick Daron Holmes at #26. He'd be a good pairing up front with Sarr.

  10. Every deal we do with the Spurs we lose. Hawks should never do business again with the spurs or the Jazz.

  11. Well we have to remember that Atlanta and San Antonio have a relationship due to the Dejounte Murray trade. I think the Spurs will select Sarr and pair him with Wemby and have the twin towers reincarnated. Then I see the Spurs moving on to acquire Darius Garland. That would make them dangerous. Here we are holding on to Kyle Kuzma smh.

  12. So ur saying we should think to keep bagley but trade kuz & Deni .. I love u Brandon but idk about that. Especially with how vuks played .. why keep bags when he’s already on an expiring but trade guys that are actually better now & are locked for the foreseeable future on favorable deals🤔

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