@Detroit Pistons

Reacting To SIX Coaching Candidates To Replace Monty Williams If Pistons Move On

Reacting To SIX Coaching Candidates To Replace Monty Williams If Pistons Move On

hey guys what is going on Anthony here with pistons St hope you guys are having a great night so far what I wanted to do in today’s video was react to this Detroit Bad Boys six candidates to replace Monty Williams if the Pistons move on now why are we reacting to an article about potential coaching candidates when we have a head coach in Monty Williams well I’m not entirely sure he’s going to be the head coach of this basketball team going into next season we we still haven’t had a press conference with tran langland tran has decided to move on from Troy Weaver he’s added some front office uh execs and black stone and J.R Holden um I think this is going to be a very good opportunity to see what type of coaching candidates the Pistons could possibly go after if they do decide to go in that direction um and I think there are some names in this list that you guys are familiar with or other names that may you haven’t really heard of and that’s perfectly fine there are names in this uh article that I I’ve never heard of and like I said I I I do this like every day do a podcast once a week uh we’re not going to know every assistant coach or every upand cominging coach in the NBA but should be a fun video so let’s get straight into it all right so the first name in this article is a guy that needs no introduction it’s JJ reic uh whether you guys consume his podcast his 50 podcast that the guy has uh whether you’re listening to the NBA finals right now and him broadcasting Doris Burke and uh Mike Breen or whether you watched him growing up playing at Duke and playing in the NBA this guy is all over the place in the NBA right now he’s a media darling if you will now I don’t know what what reporting’s true I don’t know if the Dan Hurley stuff was true with wo and I don’t know if the JJ reck is the Lakers head candidate uh from Shams it’s really weird and I know Shawn does kind of talk about this uh in his article uh but one thing I did want to focus on what he wrote and I I think he hit the nail in the head said if the Pistons want a young coach with a moderate take on winning in the NBA and willing to bet on a guy looking to prove himself reic would be a real candidate on the other hand that description applies the the more experienced candidates this is the part where the I I’m I really agree with Shan it says while reic would Garner headlines the Pistons need to fight the urge to win the new cycle and instead hire the best coach for this year in five years from now 100% agree with sha here I don’t know if JJ reck’s going to be a CO good coach I don’t think any of us know if he’s qualified to be a head coach he sounds really smart in this podcast the way he breaks down the game the way he breaks down plays with current and former NBA players on his podcast um the way he breaks down games calling them this year year with TNT and in in the NBA finals I’m not discrediting his basketball knowledge whatsoever because I know he’s a th% smarter than me when it comes to basketball knowledge I just question if the Pistons were to really zero it in on JJ reck and there’s the tal connection there he used to represent JJ when he was a player could JJ go from being a broadcaster to a head coach to one of the worst teams in basketball in the Detroit Pistons right now um could he figure out uh Kade gunningham and jadeen iy back court could he figure out how to get Duran Morlock into the defensive end uh could could he figure out assar Thompson and how to use him I don’t know and I think a lot of us don’t know um my thing with reic is if you go out and get them you got to sell the fans patience so the next candidate in this article is James bgo now he’s another uh popular name that you guys have probably heard of uh most recently he was in New Orleans as as an associate coach under Willie Green with the Pelicans so you have a traan langin uh connection with James bgo now his head coaching experience the last head coaching job he had was with the charlot Hornets for a few seasons obviously Charlotte decided to go in a different direction and hire Steve Clifford that didn’t work out and we saw this summer this spring if you will they decided to hire Charles Lee now I honestly think James bgo the Pistons are taking too long if they want to make a head co uh head coaching decision if they they want to go in a different direction because I honestly think the Lakers are knocking on the door it’s been reported by Shams it’s been reported by others um the Cavs are knocking on the door the Cavs are without a coach right now and he’s a finalist for that job uh the Cavs I believe have three three or two or three finalists I don’t remember all of them off the top of my head but if you’re at the Pistons and and this is Tran Len’s Guy this is a guy that maybe he thinks that can get the Pistons back to relevancy get the Pistons back to competing get the Pistons winning more than 14 games a season H you go out you got to go out and try to go get them um again if you do want to make coaching changes I just think he’s going to be gone by the time the Pistons get around to it personally we still haven’t had a press conference I know this is all speculative uh but I I honestly think if if this is your guy you have to make a move with him this week to try to at least get a chance to talk to the guy so the third candidate in this article is David Adelman from the Denver Nuggets now he’s the lead assistant under Mike Malone o over in Denver and Denver had a very potent offense this past season uh this is what Sean has to say about David Edelman David Edelman would be a big swing on a hot upand cominging assistant uh he would come cheaper than Mora options which I agree with um I think if you go after the recks you go after the bgos the Kenny ainson as he mentions in this article um they’re going to be a little bit more pricey uh because they’re established outside of reic I think reic would be just more expensive because who he is uh not that he has experience I do want to say that because I’m sure someone will comment that um but Sean also goes on to say um Adelman is the son of former NBA coach Rick Adelman and he seems to inherited plenty of schematic creativity from his dad adaman is currently the lead assistant under Mike balone in Denver and he has credited with a lot of the Nuggets offense attacks and look you’re always going to look like an offensive wi wizard if you’re running your offense through ni yic however leaning into jokic’s strengths and maximizing the flexibility he gives you the best passing big man of all time Adelman is an NBA LIF herb thanks to being the son of a coach and he knows offense the Pistons aren’t desperate for someone who knows offense at an elite level again like if you want to go after a top assistant if you want to go after a guy that was the offensive coordinator if you will of the Denver Nuggets and Denver had a top five offense this year um they look great you want to go after a guy that is responsible for a lot of that offense that the the the brain if you will behind the Denver Nuggets I’m I’m for it I really am I’m open to anything right now and I know I know some of you guys probably are too um I wouldn’t hate this higher if the Pistons were to decide to move on from Monty but he is a name that I did want to talk about for a couple of minutes in this article so the fourth candidate in this article is Chris Quinn now that name Probably sounds familiar he was a candidate to interview with the Detroit Pistons had coaching vacancy last year when the Pistons did move on from Dwayne Casey uh this is what Sean has to say about Chris Quinn as possibly a head coach candidate if you’re looking for a little heat culture Detroit Chris Quinn is your man he just finished his 10th season as an assistant coach in Miami and has risen to the level where he’s now a fill and head coach when Eric spoler is forced to miss a game Quinn is heavily involved in Miami’s player development program and one of the failings you can point to in Detroit in the past decade plus is the inability to have an established program that helps young players eliminate weakness and build strengths honestly Sean just hit the nail on the head like I was having this conversation the other day in our Detroit Pistons group chat like the Pistons really have not developed any draft picks or any two-way guys or any undrafted free agents I can’t think the last player that we’ve actually like said oh yeah we developed them like I just can’t um getting a guy that really is great at the developing has a program has been a former player he he’s been under SPO for 10 plus years he’s learned under Pat Riley I’m sure this is a guy that is you know long overdue to be a head coach in the NBA when whenever the time is right and I think if you’re the Pistons and you want a bank on maybe a upand cominging um head coaching candidate an assistant that has paid his dues I think Chris Quinn should be their guy I think he should be really high on the pecking order of if you do want to move on for Monty and you’re looking for a guy that is younger he has development background I I really think Chris Quinn should be a guy that the Pistons try to look at so the fifth coaching candidate in this article is Kenny ainson now a lot of you guys know who Kenny ainon is he was part of that Brooklyn Nets uh team that he led to the playoffs um that’s what Sean uh says in his article uh he said he has a reputation of creating a quality development atmosphere in getting the most out of talents of his rotation he’s also spent the past three seasons as a elite assistant in Golden State under Steve Kerr if there is a knock on ainon it would be that he’s already 57 years old and has seemed to resist the urge to jump back into the head coaching Gauntlet if it was in service or an extremely young developing team I mean there is uh some key points that sha does make like he’s been in Golden state for three years and there’s been plenty of head coach in openings he just hasn’t really uh gotten into doing that um maybe there’s something there maybe there isn’t maybe he he’d like to get the opportunity to coach a young team like the Detroit Pistons I don’t know um I think there’s a lot of questions there with him I I think he’s a name that a lot of you guys like and I understand that um I do like the fact that he does have a strong development background much like Chris Quinn um if you look at those Brooklyn Nets teams that didn’t really have a whole lot of talent but still competed still made the playoffs I think of a piston fan you’d probably want that you’d want a guy that um could relate to these guys you know motivate them get them ready to play for him um honestly I I wouldn’t be mad at Kenny ainson if he was willing to leave Golden State if he’s if he was willing to you know accept the JB because if you guys remember I think it was last year the year before I I don’t remember um he was supposedly supposed to take the hit job and he backed out of it and then they hired Steve Clifford last year um who’s to say he he couldn’t do something similar if he were to interview for the Pistons job and he’s like h i I don’t know because we don’t we don’t know what everything went down with Charlotte maybe it was you know he was kind of having some second thoughts maybe he was more comfortable being in gold state you know uh being a lead assistant under cerr coaching a veteran team coaching a team that has you know playoff aspirations where the Pistons right now are just trying to not uh you know finished in 15th Place again uh but I I think Kenny ainson would be a a a good name if you’re a piston fan to look out for the sixth and final candidate in this article from the Detroit Bad Boys is Mike Nori now Mike Nori was in Detroit under Dwayne Casey he was one of his lead assistant right uh currently he’s with the Minnesota Timberwolves under Chris Finch so he’s been an assistant for quite some time and even before his Detroit days he was in Denver uh with mikee Malone so he he’s he’s been around the NBA he’s been an assist for quite some time um he’s another you know top assistant now does he want to be a head coach we don’t know um his name has been linked to the cf’s job possibly is a a finalist for that job um I honestly don’t really know if he would have interest coming back to Detroit um I think if he were to take a had coaching job this is just my opinion personally I could be wrong here I think he’d much rather try to take a job like Cleveland that has a a roster that’s ready to compete versus the Detroit where they have the pieces but they still need to be developed and they still need a couple more years to you know grow chemistry together um get more uh adults in the room with all the c space that we do have this summer I I think Mike and Nory to me personally just from my outside perspective not being a t-wolves fan I think he’d much rather go to a job like Cleveland it’s a little bit more attractive than Detroit but I could be wrong there though um let me know what you guys think of this these head coaching candidate list if Monty Williams is quote unquote uh Let Go by the Detroit Pistons is there any candidate on this list you absolutely love is there maybe a candidate on this list that was not mentioned in the article Drop it Down Below in the comment section we will talk to you guys down there like always hope you guys are staying safe take care I’ll catch you guys in the next video peace o [Music]

Today I reacted to the Detroit Bad Boys article listing six possible head coach replacements if they decide to fire current head coach Monty Williams.

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  1. Sounds like Monty, may’ve ruined his reputation somewhat! Yes, he’s a proven head coach, but he is only in Detroit because of the money he’s being paid. Monty Williams, clearly doesn’t wanna be here. Me personally, I like Sam Cassell, Chris Quinn, and Kenny Atkinson. Soon shall see..🤔🤔

  2. if he chose to be an assistant for the celtics rather than doing media then he couldve been a head coach this season since he chosed media idk but if im the pistons ill hire him for 2 years if the interview goes well

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