@Toronto Raptors

Raptors Have Worked Out Tyler Smith! Could The Raptors Draft Tyler Smith?

Raptors Have Worked Out Tyler Smith! Could The Raptors Draft Tyler Smith?

[Music] what’s up basketball fans welcome to the ratch report it’s time to talk about the chonto Raptors and they have reportedly worked out a very well-known player in this year’s NBA draft by the name of Tyler Smith so we will be breaking his profile video down for you guys in today’s video discussing his strengths his weaknesses how he fits on the team his floor his ceiling and what his potential could be in the near future so if you’re ready to watch this video make sure to give it a thumbs up and if you wish to hit the Subscribe Button as well that’d be very much appreciated so with that being said let’s get into today’s video now it was being reported that the Raptors said to have had workout with g-league Ignite Prospect Tyler Smith the ton raptors have reportedly worked out g-league ignite forward Tyler Smith ahead of the NBA draft later this month and they went on to state that now it appears as though Toronto is once again looking to stock the cupboards with some three-point shooting side and has reportedly brought in Smith for a workout ahead of the NBA draft later this month according to Jonathan Fegan now Tyler Smith is a very fascinating player his projection was to go a little bit outside the lottery his stock it seems like it kind of fluctuates a lot of people were quite high on him now it seems like he’s going towards the later part of first round but we never know what the NBA draft especially this draft it is very unpredictable now you’re looking at him and you’re probably thinking you know a 611 guy why is he projected to go so low and not so high we will be discussing that as well but let’s talk about Tyler Smith if you’re not familiar with him let’s quickly give you a background as to what he does what position he plays and where how old he is now Tyler Smith is listed at 611 with shoes without shoes he’s 69 he weighs about 224 pounds has a 7 foot1 wingspan and is only 19 years old now I did not list his position because some sites have him L as small forward some sites have him L as power forward so it’s kind of around that as well in terms of his stats here as you see there he averaged 13.4 points five rebounds 1.2 assists he shot very decently from the field 47.6% on 9.9 attempts made about 4.7 his three-point shot was very respectable and anytime you get someone that is you know 68 69 and shooting the three-point ball decently 1.4 uh made uh out of four attempts is really good for him his free throw shooting was excellent 72.5% again attempted about 1.9 made about 1.4 zero point steals a game one block a game now Tyler Smith is a fascinating player for several reasons I think um when you talk about him he’s a he again it’s limited volume of three-point shots that he has taken but a reminder that the G league has the same three-point line as the NBA and the fact that he’s playing against adults as a 19-year-old is quite impressive in itself now we’re going to be discussing him and similarly to how I did the last video we’re going to be discussing a few factors and let’s let go to some of these factors and talk about them we’re going to be looking at his floor so what is his floor at the NBA level he’s a really really good role player now again it might be a reach for the Raptors personally he’s not number one or number two or even number three on the list of players that I personally would like to draft at the 19th spot for the Toronto Raptors and I’ll explain why in just a minute but when you look at his game you can understand why he’s going to be a really good role player he doesn’t Force his game he knows what his role is and he doesn’t Force his game that’s the most important thing with a lot of young guys and especially 19-year-olds and especially big man it seems like they try to do too much offensively he understands his role you know he’s someone that uh can set picks for you he can hit three shot three-point shots he can hit jump shots as well now in terms of his ceiling at the NBA level this can be quite tricky because of his age if he was 22 years old it would be a sure thing that he’s only going to be a role player at the NBA level but because he’s only 19 years old and especially with forwards that haven’t exactly filled into their body Tyler Smith is a very fascinating player because he’s already shooting the three-point ball really well and that is a key component to what a lot of forwards it seems like need to excel at the NBA level we saw it in the playoffs we’re seeing it now anytime you’re a forward and you’re able to stretch the floor it makes life so much easier for your shooting guards small forwards point guards any sort of guards to attack the basket so I think his ceiling is difficult to say if he puts in the work if he is in the right situation and in right developmental system such as aono Raptors under Darko rakovic um I definitely think he has potential to be a decent starter level now personally I think his ceiling is probably going to be six seven man Off the Bench I don’t see him ever being a starter on most teams but you never know again he can put in the effort and he may surprise a lot of people in terms of his team fit he would be very nice with the Raptors for some of the reasons I have listed the Raptors you know he’s not going to play the center position realistically maybe in the future if he grows an inch or so maybe he puts on a little bit more weight he can play in small ball lineups but again we’ll discuss his strengths and weaknesses in just a moment I don’t think he is there realistically I just don’t see him as a center realistically I do see him as a very good complimentary role player and that’s what you need on a team like the tronto Raptors if the goal is to draft a role player and his ceiling is just going to be that then you’re drafting Tyler uh as about to see Tyler hero excuse me Tyler Smith but if your goal is to draft someone who you think has a lot of potential it just depends on what the Raptors are looking for if they’re looking for a center that’s realistically not going to be Tyler Smith right so I think in terms of his fit he’ll definitely spend some time in the g-l next season as well obviously you know it’ll be different um with the chono Raptors they’ll be working a lot on him with his game but um he’ll see some minutes with the Raptors and obviously they’re trying to move on from Chris B so it would not surprise me if he does see good amount of minutes and he can play with Scotty Barnes he can stretch the floor anytime you have a power forward that can stretch the floor is an absolute luxury now in terms of of his potential what is his potential going to be similarly to ceiling I realistically see him as a 12 point per guy maybe I know he averaged 13 in the G League realistically for most of his career I can see him averaging 12 14 points a game he’s not a great rebounder so I’m not going to say 12 and 14 and he’s going to be averaging 10 realistically probably around five six rebounds a game and if you watch his highlights you understand why he’s not a great rebounder he’s not always in the pain to grab those rebounds he’s often on the three-point line or taking jump shots which doesn’t allow him easy access to get those offensive rebounds and uh defense as well which we’ll talk about in just a moment in terms of his trade value guys I know this is something not a lot of people talk about and it may throw off some fans as to why you’re talking about trade values with prospects but from an asset point of view from a management point of view you have to understand that some players especially in a draft like this who I think will surprise a lot of people if you’re drafting good role players and if you need to make trades in the future the Raptors always do they do trade play players especially their role players and especially considering even if you do draft him and let’s say you develop him for three years and he is exactly that a role player he’ll still be 22 years old a power forward that can shoot threes that can do a few things and he still holds a lot of value and he definitely will around the NBA for a guy to be that tall 610 611 whatever he will be if he grows more he’ll definitely hold value around the NBA now let’s quickly talk about some of his strengths and weaknesses to end the video off here now some of his strengths I know it may seem funny to List’s age 19 years old as a forward is amazing again like I said if you’re able to stretch the floor if you’re able to do what he does which I will talk about it a lot more just one second I think it’s it’s quite unique to be a 19-year-old to be playing in against adults to be shooting three-point shots as well as he did in the G League again mind you same three-point line as the NBA it’s different than college and you’re playing against grown men so that’s definitely different as well he’s a good three-point shooter he understands his role like I said he is one of those players that’s going to come in he’s not going to force his game he’s not going to try and do too much which is excellent is exactly what a lot of good teams look for when they look for good role players is to know what he’s doing not force his game and understand what he’s capable of so some of the other qualities that he has is he’s quite mobile for his size he moves really well for someone that’s listed at 611 again mind you the two inches is what shoes He’s listed at 69ine without shoes he’s also a good screen Setter as well so which kind of just goes with everything we’re saying here that he’s a good role player and you know he’s a good screen Setter he’ll set screens for you know the guys that need to handle the ball like Scotty Barnes emanu quickley he’s also a good catch and shoot three-point shooter as well he can hit jump shots which is excellent is the type of role player that you need and he provides some size for the Raptors as well but there are some weaknesses which we need to address as well now some of the weaknesses for Tyler Smith um as I talked about he’s not a great rebounder I don’t think he ever will be just because of when you look at a lot of players or a lot of forwards or centers around the NBA if you’re shooting the three-point ball or if you’re even defending out of the paint it doesn’t always give you easy access to get those easy rebounds and I he just doesn’t seem like he’s very aggressive rebounding the ball as well uh he needs to get stronger he needs to get much much stronger because he’ll get bullied in the NBA by power forwards even in small ball lineups if they try to play him at the center position he just simply cannot hold his own in the paint he gets pushed around quite easily and it doesn’t help that he’s not a great defensive player the potential is there to be a good defensive player he’s definitely very Mobile on the defensive end where he’s able to guard different positions multiple positions in fact and that’s why they have him some sites have him listed as a small forward he can guard shooting guards small forwards power forwards and again and some depending on what players and what team centers small much smaller centers mind you but when it comes to physicality when it comes to being you know guarding the paint against some of the other bigger guys he’s just going to struggle but naturally that will happen when you’re 19 years old and your body is still filling in so again Tyler Smith as I mentioned in my first part of my video the reason his stock has been dropping a little is he doesn’t exactly excel at one thing when you talk about teams wanting to draft a forward power forward Center there are a few qualities that really stand out some of them being an excellent rebounder which he’s not being an explosive athlete he’s a good athlete but he’s not an explosive athlete you’re not going to see him jump like Giannis you’re not going to see him jump like some of the other explosive players in around the NBA I know Giannis may be a little bit excessive but he’s not an explosive athlete he does shoot the three-point ball well but besides that he’s not a great scorer right he can still dribble the ball in terms of some of the things I don’t think that’s his absolute strength but for him to be able to dribble even a little bit he’s still able to do that which is nice he’s not a great shot Creator either so again there’s definitely limitations to his game and it just really depends on depending on where he falls in the draft or where he rises it just depends on how high teams are valuing him at the NBA level so again you have to understand that for someone like let’s use Kel we for example he’s a center his his ability is his ceiling is quite high he can be a shot blocker he is a shot blocker he can stretch the floor and he’s got an insane ceiling whereas Tyler Smith I think his ceiling is a little bit lower personally just how I feel about his game but that is why I think he may fall in the draft now personally I wouldn’t draft him in the 19th spot but if if he did ever fall to the first spot which I don’t think he will the Raptor should absolutely take him he’d be an excellent excellent role player and some of the things that I told you about him he’ll understand his Ro well he seems like he’ll fit in with the system really well he does also need to become a better passer he’s not a bad passer but not a great one but again you can only expect so many things from power forwards also for a team like the Toronto Raptors it is an absolute luxury to have someone at the power forward position that can space the floor anytime you have that they have that with Kelly o linck as well it’d be excellent to have that as well but again the the fit it would be decent definitely questionable especially if you’re bringing him off the bench Kelly o lenck isn’t isn’t someone that’s going to protect the rim he’s not a great defensive player and then you bring Tyler Smith in also not a great defensive player although he’s very mobile and he can guard different position doesn’t mean he’s a great defensive fler so those will be some of the questions I mean the Raptors would have to ask themselves if they were to draft him again 31st pick I would absolutely love it 19th pick personally just a little bit too high what do you think of Tyler Smith do you like him do you dislike him what do you think his ceiling is who do you think the Raptor should draft let me know in the comment section below and that will be it for today’s video so thank you so much for watching and I hope you guys have yourselves a great day

I will be doing a breakdown of Tyler Smith who played for the G League Ignite. The Toronto Raptors have invited and worked out Tyler Smith, a 19 year old forward who shoot the ball efficiently from behind the 3 point line. I will be breaking down his strengths and weaknesses and discusses how he would fit on the Raptors, if the Raptors decided to draft him.


  1. Theoretically, he could be a good fit at PF if his shooting holds up, with Barnes at SF. Reminds me of Jabari Smith Jr. without the defense.

  2. I like the potential. He is young and has length which you cant teach, he has experience playing in a competitive level in the G League putting up decent numbers in a team thats not focused on him, and he fills a need. I know the hype for this year's draft isnt so high, but a lot of these prospects do have upside and have a decent ceiling. This is why we have a G League team and a developmental coach led team, to build these guys up. We're in a somewhat rebuilding/developmental stage for the next 2-3 years, someone like Smith falling at 19 or even 31st would be a great steal.

  3. Just sell everything except the Farm, (Scottie and IQ) since we need picks for 2025 and 2026 and get Reed Sheppard. Figure the rest later. If we still have 19 and 31 i would get Isaiah Collier/Bub Carrington and Dillon Jones – we need players who can dribble, pass and maybe shoot

  4. He's a stretch 4. Can't knock him for not being able to run point forward or guard fast guards. He's like a Ryan Anderson with better finishing. Only player in the draft with 40 3's and 40 dunks

  5. Hes a black steve novak lol my favourite for the 19th spot is johnathan mogbo with kelel ware and edey also inconsideration then for 31 im looking at ryan dunn , tyer kolek reece beekman and bronny james as wildcard

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