@Philadelphia 76ers

Why hasn’t Joel Embiid recruited anyone? | PHLY Sixers

Why hasn’t Joel Embiid recruited anyone? | PHLY Sixers

a lot of times when we get these conversations about these top players like embiid is one of the arguments and one of the pushbacks Derrick is always this when it comes to embiid who wants to play and team up with Joel embiid why haven’t we seen anybody come to Philadelphia and team up with Joel embiid yes the Jimmy Butler piece happened but he left well but he not because of Joel embiid fair I’m just laying it out he left James Harden same thing he left not because of Joel and be called the general manager and the president basketball operations a liar he did leave Ben Simmons also an Allstar a face of the franchise he was here with him and he left so a lot of times though we do get that question teaming up with Joel andb now we’ll see what happens this summer because kind there’s going to have to be a decision made the money is going to have to play a big factor and Paul George and anybody else that’s a free agent but coming here to Philadelphia we did get that argument a lot do you feel like that’s still the case and is Tyrese Maxi taking a little bit of that away because he is the number two now look I think if you want to why hasn’t Joel embiid recruited anyone I think it’s in large part because they haven’t had trade resources or salary cap space to do the recruiting with like it’s one thing to be like I want to play with jel embiid it’s another thing to be like well they can actually pay me so let’s go play with Joel embiid also Jimmy Butler would have played with Joel embiid yeah and James hard before he was even this Joel embiid so the the last time they really had a chance to go out and pursue highlevel players was back in 2018 and they were lining up to do that they had a meeting with LeBron James unfortunately the Sixers general manager got sacked because he was too busy yelling about getting a tall ladder to punch Jo and be sa what are you you’re a English Premier League analyst now you’re like bringing in the the European terms is that really a European term sack they use that instead of fired most of the time for their managers yeah I would with the hangover sack lunch but go ahead learn something no all right anyway uh there they had that whole burner gate controversy which was very recently the anniversary of we probably should have done a show on it or at least mentioned it because that was a wild time in our past still time we got J is a long ass month all right content space man but they haven’t had an opportunity to do that ever since then uh they’ve been tied up to the you know Ben Simmons contract to the Tobias sis contract they haven’t really had first round draft picks to trade and when they did trade him they would use them to acquire players like pnik uh they they haven’t my point is they haven’t really had a chance to go out and go Star hunting in a while so I don’t think it’s necessarily like players don’t want to team up with Joel embiid there’s just got to be a way to acquire them and they’ve been short on that but I mean look early on in Joel Bean’s career when they had cap space like three straight years in a row they had Max cap space wasn’t really I don’t think realistic to be like Hey Joe we know you’re like a second-year player but why can’t you get LeBron James miss the first two years of his career with foot injuries but I think a lot of the narrative maybe stems from that and the fact that they had that cap space weren’t able to really make the most of it but I don’t think that was necessarily joelan be’s fault it was just really early on in his days as a star player in this league now we’ll see whether or not he has any kind of pull in that regard yeah like look is he the most attractive star to play with no we can be honest about that right in large part because there you nobody in the NBA has experienced playing next to his archetype yes he is and unlike joic and look it’s not like the nuggets have been a a free agent hot bed in Denver right their their most important moves have been drafts and Tra it’s not like playing with joic has been this big thing and there are a lot of people who believe he’s been the Undisputed best player for years now these guys are not used to playing with big men not big men who are having the offense run through them like that’s just not how the league works it’s not how these guys are playing in college in high school and aaou and every other level and so some for some of these guys it’s like a so what does my game look like next to a player like this and then you add on the health Factor like these guys are smart enough to know like okay I think Joel is really good I think a lot most of these guys would be like yeah he’s one of the top five players in the league but if he’s not going to be there for me to play with us at the Finish Line how much do I really want to play with him and look let’s be honest too Philadelphia has had a hard time as an NBA Market drawing stars to play here unless un they trade for them or draft them it is it is not La it is not Miami like even the Clippers have an easier time just because it’s in a place where NBA players at least modern NBA players want to be and so that’s I still that’s the reality of it to be unbelievable because it ISP city in the country especially and like look to the credit they always throw Chicago in front look Chicago’s in the mix too but they always throw Chicago I’ve said this before to me the Bulls are the most embarrassing organization in the league not because they’ve been run necessarily the worst but because for an entire generation of basketball fans you Associated the Chicago bows with greatness like they were the American sports team for an entire decade they defined the 90s they were so big that you know when obviously covid impacted this but the whole world is watching The Last Dance when that comes out because of the import of Jordan and that team and they pieces there of them doing like aeason thing in France and Michael Jordan’s getting off the plane and just getting like he’s like a pop star over there and now they’re just this obscure like oh they’re they’re okay they’re kind of like an eighth seed every single year and that’s all they really care about like they’re a huge embarrassment but to your point about Philadelphia the other organizations even the like not so much lately with the Flyers but historically Flyers have been a big free agency team the Philly’s obviously been a huge with free agents in recent years and the Eagles thanks to being the most consistently successful team for basically two and a half decades at this point the people always want to play for them and so it is unforunately for Joelle some of it is like you are building the franchise reputation so that there are more people like Kelly UB in the future who are like oh yeah this is a place where you win because that’s not been who the Sixers are there have been pockets of it in history but they generally have been unfortunately the little brother team compared to the Boston Celtics or teams like the Lakers that’s just kind of how it goes it is tough to compare like other Philadelphia teams to the Sixers though like baseball there’s no salary cap you can just go out there and outbid as long as you’re willing to do that that will overcome your location this Philadelphia is not a an attraction I don’t think it’s really a detriment like I don’t think Philadelphia has a reputation Where Stars don’t want to come here but it’s not La it’s not it’s not an active draw Florida it’s not New York it’s or even Texas with the you know the state taxes and the whole that it’s everywhere else you’ve got to have a contender you’ve got to have the money and you’ve got to have a star that other teams want to play with very rarely has all of that aligned this is a summer where it can we all like the man

Kyle, Devon and Derek discuss the obstacles that stand in the way of players wanting to play in Philadelphia alongside Joel Embiid.

An ALLCITY Network Production




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  1. Our offer still stands… Embiid and one 1st round pick for Jericho Sims. (But you guys still have his salary on your books)

  2. Turning this team into champions can’t be done with Joel Embiid being the # 1 option. In the playoffs he’s always hurt misses games and he’s never the best player in the playoffs.

  3. I mean how can they keep talking about this team every day. There is only so much u can talk about. Wow.

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