
White Sox Dave Challenge: 1v1 Basketball vs Jack McCarthy

White Sox Dave Challenge: 1v1 Basketball vs Jack McCarthy

[Music] do [Music] la la [Music] [Music] la la la la la la la [Music] la [Music] [Music] la [Music] la la [Music] all right we’re live all right cool all right welcome in everybody we are uh having another episode of how delusional is our boy white sock Dave uh better known as a white sock Dave challenge uh so if you don’t know why we’re here we’re here because White Sox Dave proclaimed yesterday on the show that he could lock down any point guard at the company unsolicited unsolicited completely weren’t even talking about that weren’t talking about his basketball ability at all Dave we’re talking New York Chicago Dave pipon says he can lock down everybody like he’s Gary P yep you never know what Dave’s going to be the best at this week one week is making banana bread the next is out of nowhere he’s like a lock down defenseman he to his credit he was the best at making banana bread he was see if he could do it today so the gist of it here is Jack McCarthy will get 11 possessions yes and he just has to score on Dave three times Dave himself important set the over under himself at two and a half and took the under for Jack McCarthy yes he said he will hold him to under two and a half points so uh Jack needs three buckets so we’re playing by ones White Sox save gets five fouls it’s not one-on-one what it’s it’s just legitimately kind of like one of those Madden mini challenges where Jack will get 11 attempts and Dave will have 11 attempts to stop him so yeah Jack is alltime offense Dave is all time defense yes and then Tate is the referee who is’s actually a patched referee in Ohio so some credibility there 12 years I think he said as a high school ref probably some Grudge there because he said uh Tate is not an athlete in any stretch for the uh Tate will play it straight though yeah that will be one of many excuses yeah I think uh that pretty much has all the ground rules we could toss it to them um unless if I’m missing something this is also a duns cap bet so Dave loses he has to wear a Dun cap we’re gonna ask miny to borrow it right after this perfect miny’s got that thing on ice so here we go toss it over let’s uh let’s get this thing started look at that hair unreal hair dare I wasn’t going to mention that where’s he at he just he walked away oh I didn’t see him he’s got the head off the hat is off even the hat I don’t know why he was going front bangs with the hat on ear I noticed that I don’t think he didn’t know oh yeah he had the awning up yeah yeah he didn’t know all right yeah all right so do they know that we’re ready look like it here we go for the record if Jack gets his own rebound it’s still the same possession correct M oh Dave’s already off balance foul and that’s what this is going to be cuz see you thought I they tried to switch this to unlimited fils that would have been a bad that would have been crazy but Dave also that this is the problem with Dave which I was trying to explain before he doesn’t know what a foul that’s one one one for that’s that’s the first possession now it’s possession yeah now it’s possession all right so Jack is one for one yes yes do we think Dave’s nervous at this point uh yeah confidence has to be down let’s go Jack start getting so mad he’s going to start getting so mad two fouls through two possessions now yes and he’s so he’s one for one we’re about to see the little angry man from inside out how I shouldn’t have said little sorry two for two two for two so I don’t think Dave anticipated uh losing the first two possessions and burning two F okay so Jack needs one more to win and has nine more tries yes this is going to be the shortest live stream ever please go three for three please go three for three oh that’s one stop for Dave one stop for Dave but not really just a bad shot by Jack Dave contested it Dave the glove Dave now over Dave making him left another foul three fouls he called that one on himself yep three fouls so Jack is still two for three yeah correct so Dave has one we can we can score Dave for having one stop yes so that it should be possession four right uh no cuz that was a foul okay okay which but I thought to Dave Dave called that hand up he crawled it on himself isn’t this possession four though if Dave is one stop and Jack is two buckets yes yeah so it’s possession four yes oh yes yes s what happened he took he lost his shoe Dave stepped on his shoe different camera angle here I like this one Dave no longer playing him to to his left give us that low angle if you guys can in the TCH room there it is nice board Jack and there it is and there it is three for four well let’s see what he’s saying that’s it he won I think it’s a point of Pride now this is going to be bad now I feel bad for Dave but why he made this challenge because now it’s just like but this is like you don’t let children you I shouldn’t say children but like you don’t so it’s too da Dave was too naive about this slash overconfident I mean unbelievable just he’s going to score Clinic yeah how did Dave think this is going to go he be 42 up yeah 42 yeah possession six so possession seven that’s a foul two and then there we go Jack possession 852 Jack this is like an oddly satisfying video for me yeah I’m going to come back and watch this whenever I’m getting down go between his legs oh that’s a oh he called it travel he called it travel on Jack wow all right I think Jack went between his legs there yeah we like this angle you could do possession 9 four three uh Jack I don’t think this is possession nine you’re missing some fouls I don’t think I am he called a travel now it’s possession eight five for eight yeah and and Jack is five right no yeah oh my God out boarding him everything another foul has he fouled out yet I think he has technically fouled out and lost the challenge but what did Dave say that this is going to take a half an hour cuz he just he would just never score and there would be fouls what was he asking for me there I mean hit him jack hit him where it hurts Jack just going wherever he wants just bully ball dude getting battered we got to we got to pull uh we got to pull both of them up here as soon as it ends is that possible I will say I’m surprised Dave hasn’t done the thing where he checks it like wide just to be a dick this is the last possession oh get him all right all right there you have it 6 for 11 no no no so that yeah I think I think we’re Miss we’ll let Tate have the official count get a three on his ass I think that was the last one yeah that’s it that’s the last one so that was that was a about exactly what we thought yeah it didn’t even need to be a live stream it could have been a Snapchat I’ll be could have been a Vine I’ll be honest with you I don’t know if that’s what I expected I expected a little more from wstd for being honest no that’s exactly what that’s exactly what I he didn’t take into account Jack could just go over him like he was with the layups well like Jack that was light work for jacket light work Dave’s well he like backed me in but he he didn’t he just got wherever he wanted did back you in okay that’s basketball yeah but and Dave said he’d be able to stay in front of him he did not stay in front of him at all if Jack was just gonna like Jack wasn’t just back if you’re if if Jack was able to back him in he would have done it the entire time Dave just couldn’t Dave would have been in prevent him from backing if you was staying in front of him but it was like one dribble and by him I think we do that 10 more times and Jack wins all 10 yes based on that yes yes of course I’m very interested to hear what he has to say are are we still live Lance yeah we’re alive we’re going to bring them up here that was very anti-climatic it was about what I thought it was going to be though I thought it was like the way Dave talked he made me believe how long that was 11 how long have you known this guy 10 minutes yeah how you doing Dave all right Dave’s in here do we have Jack coming too okay all right um Dave welcome in I’m going to need a minute take a sip take a sip take a sip Tate uh effort clearly swe here Tate you can say here smacky welcome in uh Dave said he needs a minute so uh how are you feeling Jack yeah good yeah wish I got that between the lightsy is that what you expected Jack uh yeah yeah was it easier or harder than you thought um harder in a sense but also I’m mad at did exactly what I said was going to happen yesterday hand check and yeah play like a football player mhm which nothing wrong I know you w kill me but yeah that was I wasn’t trying to foul you I no I know that every time he blew the whistle I I knew it was a foul it was what I said yesterday so so you approve of Tate’s refereeing aside from me tipping those two balls away yeah see what do you mean but they did we said they had to go out of bounds okay I I didn’t know that it’s like in a real basketball game if you just tipped it a foot away from from me I just grabbed it it’s still possession yeah okay yeah Fair uh I hate that he said harder cuz I am very disappointed myself yeah I’m better than that I also think you very much underestimate height differential I also think well once he got the couple rebounds I can’t defend that that wasn’t that wasn’t a deciding factor though I think he scored his first first three possessions he went three for three yeah Jack do you think he’s better than that in a different day no you think that his best I think that was that was about what I he’s a lot quicker than I thought he was but you but I wanted that answer but I wanted the score to be a lot tighter right I mean theoretically should have been [ __ ] eight but yeah but also Dave like the last one he did kind of get wherever he wanted to go like you didn’t stay in front of him like you said you were going to stay in front of him he started backing me down no but he if you were I went to the right it was like I was on the Block in two seconds yeah that’s like you said he started backing you down but if you were staying in front of him he would not have been able to get to the block like Nikki smotes would go I would set the over under eight and a half yeah yeah he’s a lot more physical he’s strong like I you could you could even call it for against smokes you could call it like how we play on Fridays and I still think smokes would would eight and a half be an acceptable total for against smokes Dave probably yeah and I don’t think he has to shoot a jumper yeah not to be a deck right that was what I was go to the right and get to the block it was like he’s a lot stronger than I am so I would have to like take a body and finish like smok is going to go so I told Blutman younger Blutman prior to him like he hasn’t taken one shot not that you would shoot Lefty but you haven’t tried to finish at The Rim like just warming up with his right or his left hand one time I don’t have a left hand I knew that but you I was trying to set it up expecting you to cross cuz I thought you were in your head I thought you were going to try to cross me to look bad so when you were just driving with your right thought you were going to cross to your left you were kind of Getting By Me I kept anticipating that crossover kind of I was getting you but I’m trying I’m trying to say I was I was expecting a crossover to the left at at multiple times but at that point you were by me so I was like [ __ ] he’s not Crossing but every time he got by me I’m like all right the next time he’s going to go to a cross that’s where my head was at so are you retracting your statements from yesterday my gut says that you’re not going to I the whatever that like I said to the camera beforehand I wanted that answer he’s a lot quicker than I thought it was harder than I thought I don’t I don’t like that score I’m very pissed off myself about to score yeah but like you but so he but that’s I did not underestimate underestimate your quickness I know how you are as an act that’s still exactly what I expected from okay so so I don’t I don’t know what your question is I guess like how could you sit there and still say that that like I I asked you would you want to retract your statement from yesterday and you said no what was what statement are you fed out and gave up six and it probably should have been eight so I wouldn’t say your quickness do do you at least want to retract to what you said about smokes and our friend Ohio State here sweat as like do you think you could still back them down lock down D over under two and a half points I don’t like the number doesn’t matter you can throw whatever I could have said a half a point five points it doesn’t you just say right now you’re not near as good of a Defender as you thought you were yeah I’m not I’m not okay all right great I’ll take sure great that’s that’s all we were looking for however was at one point in my life what was the excuse was I didn’t know weting up down here and I was like I still think I still have in the back of my head that I can get that out of yeah but you’re not you’re not 19 I also feel like you think you could throw a football like a 100 yards like in the back of your mind you think you could do that whatever Ian he’s we actually have that on Defender he’s not a good Defender that’s correct yeah yeah you object to that that you’re not a good Defender right now I’m not a good Defender so we’ll get in the lab we’ll work on it if if not now then when yeah in my youth in his youth yeah obviously go monstrously different bets my my thing is like I actually do try to stay in shape yeah I would say that you’re in so like I I tell myself in my head I can do all those things back when I was younger cuz I’m in better shape now than I was when I was 25 can I say something uh yesterday I want this also retracted by you said your cardio was better than mine that was wrong yeah that’s probably wrong but I will say I I do think in general it’s harder to play defense and offense you’re exerting a lot more effort yeah in general I think that’s true yeah I still think my cardio is better yeah I would agree wa what did you Mile in I’ll be honest mile since sixth grade but I feels like this feels like seeing Kobe in his last season like are you about to say father times finally got you it’s it’s I Ed I’ll be I swear to God I said this I said this like six months when he first open the off when I hurt my shoulder throwing the whiffle ball to Brandon yeah it’s still not right I’ll never touch 80 again and that hurts me to my core yeah no I know I this is that actually hurts me to right now no I know this is like a turn into an emotional moment this actually it actually emotionally affects me that I’m not sure I’ll ever hit 80 on the radar going again damn sucks man uh what would have happened what would have happened if I went between your lights would you just quit right then I mean you won the first this the thing about Dave that I love if we said this contest was 100 possessions and you hit the over in 20 Dave would play out all 100% no and I respected that about it I thought we were just going to end after the first three but I was like yeah let’s [ __ ] do the whole thing yeah this is said this is Father time he paon Manning last year uh I said I said this in a private combo the interet so the whole speed pitch sck started at King Cony Cougars games you’d play I mean any independent ball they have the speed pitch whatever I would ride my bike there when I was like 12 hustle people there was a time my dad was 35 and he was kind of [ __ ] around with the speed pit Sho I remember my dad being 35 years old that [ __ ] with my head yeah at the speed pitch cuz they asked him how old is your my dad could throw two a little bit he’s Lefty yeah he was like winning his age group yeah I remember he said 35 damn that’s a [ __ ] up thought you remember at one point your dad’s age yeah I don’t like that yeah y Father Time 35 Dave i t i can’t drink beer anymore either this bust it all is this live or is yeah we’re live we’re live um yeah we can do a little therapy session so like are you going to like is this going to affect your uh athletic challenging things now from I’ll I’ll get you still like to compete yeah yeah that’s what I mean like if we said it was 100 processions and Dave lost within the first that’s thing I look at my phone like oh you go back to he it’s like [ __ ] you if you don’t have fun doing that [ __ ] yeah you’re the loser yeah I got it uh Tate is a referee any uh astute observations down low yeah I would say Jack Jack finished it very well Jack’s quick he got to the hoop well well I think Dave the story to me is that Dave’s mouth set him up for failure like the idea two that’s not shockingly but two things was two and a half is a crazy line like crazy crazy and then second of all there’s a reason like when you go three on three in basketball opens up the court it’s harder to defend there’s a reason they play five on five going oneon-one with a referee is really hard to defend like I do think Dave played hard I think Dave’s more athletic than I thought he was but the idea that he couldn’t impede Jack at all or is a foul can I makes it really hard to defend I think a lot of people struggle to guard Jack like that can I make an excuse now yes having you there calling actual legit fouls was in the back of my head cuz I was cognizant about like where I agree and Je I think all of them were good right like I yeah he even called one on himself that’s what it looked like he’s like hey I got there’s yeah there’s there a handful of times I’m like yeah it there’s a reason there’s a thing like help defense you know what I mean oneon-one is tough you can overplay at the top you know if you get burned you got someone to defend the in that’s but to that exact point when you’re getting by me it was yes you were getting to the spot you wanted to get to it was I don’t want to say half I don’t want to put a number on and quantify the intentionality behind it but I was expecting you to try to make me want to look as bad as possible so when you were getting by me you just decided to finish I thought I was EXP in crossovers so he could like put me in a little spin cycle but I think he probably would have used a crossover if he needed to which he never really needed no he but I would have had my hand there I would have been anticipating it been much more difficult that’s that’s why I brought up the hand check rule off the bat that was exactly I had this like played out in my I wasn’t just running out there like flailing my arms around still out of breath here cardio all right check my Pon scores [ __ ] set a new PR on an hour ride to two days ago three days ago yeah [ __ ] we could uh we could wrap this up uh Dave any last words I’ll be back maybe I’ll start playing on Fridays now I’ll be back do you want it do you want to try smokes or do you want to try Tate or are we right now okay maybe like get some training in and then you’ll okay all right Perfect all right then that’s it we’ll wrap it there thanks everybody for tuning in I appreciate that thanks everybody in the tech room Lance all the interns for helping out and uh yeah see you guys tomorrow took about 9 Minutes seem longer out there I bet [Music] do [Music] la


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  1. Run it back. You gotta set some kind of dribble limit, and if you miss that’s the end of the possession. Dave has to cut back on the cocky talk, but this was nowhere fair to him.

  2. I’ll give WSD the credit for stepping up to his completely unwarranted shit talk. He accepted the challenge and took the L like a man. That being said…you should probably challenge Will Compton to an Oklahoma Drill now, Dave.

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