@Golden State Warriors

Inside the NBA Debates Luka & Kyrie vs. Steph & Klay for Best Backcourt Ever

Aging like raw milk

by DSouT


  1. undermyschefflera

    These finals are putting that conversation to sleep

  2. Independent-Lychee71

    4 chips vs 0 chip together. Should not even be a debate

  3. BoneyardBomber

    Iā€™m glad we live in the timeline where we wonā€™t hear ridiculous narratives about Kyrie being as, or more talented than Steph after getting his second championship. You know people would love to throw out that hot take (Best handles ever, Clutch shot in ā€˜16, 2x KD rings donā€™t count so they basically have same amount)

  4. OlorinDK

    Stop it Reggie! lol

    I donā€™t know what was said, but if Reggie is telling the truth here, Stan does have a point in that Klay isnā€™t a solo creator like Kyrie or Luka, but that was never why Steph/Klay were great together.

  5. Ok_Reason_2357

    lol too bad Kyrie was never in his prime emotionally/mentally while being in his physical prime.

    but your comment about this aging like sour milk isn’t really a fair point man.
    Mavs are going up against a much better team than them… and all they have is to rely on those guys.
    You look at the teams that the warriors had: 2022 – Wiggins, JP, LOONEY were all beasts and played roles flawlessly
    17 – 18… well KD

    15… well start of the golden ages.

    As much as we want to credit Steph and Klay, it’s the fact that the rest of their team moved the ball exceptionally well – and that’s the difference of why Luka and Kyrie have to go get their own shots

  6. aalluubbaa

    Steph and Klay are better but letā€™s not pretend that the Mavs have terrible role players except maybe Lively and Washington.


    There is no debate and anyone posting such nonsense makes me question their loyalty


  8. Shawnonetime

    These finals are boring stop with the live interviews from Kevin hart just want to watch the game, can hear the game because there talking and it makes my screen smaller

  9. Pepetodapin

    Lol Warriors destroyed these Celtics.

    Really miss Wiggins. Dude was so elite in the finals.

  10. jpwesche29

    How is that a conversation they’re having?

  11. steronicus

    Ok, opinion poll.

    Has Kyrie learned that the Earth is round in this series?

  12. imminentjogger5

    it’s just a bunch of people talking over each other

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