@Minnesota Timberwolves

Watching Game 3 of the Finals:

by Knightbear49


  1. WeekendResponsible76

    How did we not beat this team? Seriously WTH happened

  2. AfroKuro480

    I have hope in our team. We just have to pay our dues, LeBron did. Jordan did, it’s gonna take some time to reach the final level

  3. foye2smith

    I’ve seen Luka miss multiple jump shots with Pritchard on him. It’s maddening. Dude turned McDaniels into a pretzel, but can’t shoot over a 6’1″ PG this series.

    Then he sewminglu nails every layup just over Gobert’s reach, but Xavier Tillman forced multiple misses tonight.

  4. LukaTheTooka

    I’m kinda sad man Luka is my favorite player 😂

  5. I mean the Celtics also got to watch the wolves series and see what did Dallas did and how they won. With extra rest, a better matched lineup and time to strategize idk it makes sense to me. And Luka is probably only more injured now.

  6. redditnathaniel

    I tend to root for the team that beats my favorite, so that the loss is not for naught

  7. bbernal956

    idk if the twolves would’ve been any different 😂

  8. Otherwise-Contest7

    Unpopular opinion: Boston is better than the Wolves this year. That’s what happened.

  9. No-Athlete8322

    It’s crazy how matchups can determine how dominate a team was. I feel like when I was a kid watching the NBA there wasn’t this much parity depending on who’s facing who.

  10. Obvious_Change_1566

    Jaden isn’t an offensive focal point. Luka didn’t work on D most of the games. That should change. KAT shit the bed, hopefully he learns from that or his movie career is over. ANT will be back with better energy and play making.

  11. Killahdanks1

    It sucks for the Mavs. So much momentum going into the final. The hope man, the hope.

    Also, I think I would watch like a 2 hour loop of Luka’s facial expressions, complaining and awkward ass way of drawing fouls (it is impressively effective) set to music.


  12. saucycaboose

    Wish we got the chance to “defend” Luka the way Jrue gets too..

  13. Dick_McSteely

    All that shit we went through against Dallas just for them to go get swept in the finals. Must’ve blown their wad too early, just like we did against the Nuggets. But to be fair if this Dallas team played against us we win, they had a ridiculously unsustainable shooting percentage against us. Boston vs. Wolves would’ve been a way better finals.

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