@National Basketball Association

[Bontemps] Luka Doncic just fouled out, and did the money sign at Kevin Scott after doing so.

[Bontemps] Luka Doncic just fouled out, and did the money sign at Kevin Scott after doing so.

by G1Spectrum


  1. Mahatma_Gone_D

    With over 4 minutes remaining too. Thats some nonexistent to low IQ decision by all involved

  2. Luka also tackled Jaylen 2 minutes ago on the fastbreak and didn’t get called for a foul so boo hoo

  3. KrustyKrabPizzaMan

    Congrats to the Celtics on winning the NBA Finals

  4. Dat_pine_cone

    i mean he is lucky he didn’t foul out sooner. dude tackled jaylen brown in transition and got lucky they didn’t call anything.

  5. realsomalipirate

    They should have challenged the other call, this was a blocking foul.

  6. Do_This_Often

    Why the money sign wouldn’t the league want a longer series?

  7. -Kitten_Mittens-

    If they would have called the open court tackle on Brown a few minutes ago on the loose ball, he would have already been gone.

  8. LaandheereKage

    The biggest crybaby in NBA history honestly

  9. analytics_Gnome

    doncic’s defense getting exposed so hard in this series

  10. Why the fuck would you try that with 5 fouls… absolutely braindead

  11. DentistFun2776

    I think this way of going out is perfectly ironic

  12. BlackSocks88

    How can that be profitable for ~~Frito-Lay~~ NBA?

  13. I mean, Luka argues every call or no call anyway

  14. pinkfartlek

    We’re getting headband Luka in the next game

  15. SlowCrates

    The audacity of that foul-baiting mother fucker to complain about fouling out. Holy fucking shit.

  16. lotofhotdogs

    Did anyone actually see him make the money sign?

  17. Sanguinor-Exemplar

    Kidd not challenging the arm lock up but that clear blocking is brain-dead. Almost as brain-dead as calling a timeout when u get a stop and have momentum in a 1 possession game

  18. Chessh2036

    I’m honestly shocked he didn’t get a single tech the entire game. He was going at the refs all game.

  19. peepeedog

    His feet were in the fucking air. There is not even a parallel universe where that was not a blocking foul.

  20. GoldHorusSixSaturnus

    Minny Boston would have been more entertaining than this.

  21. thiccymcgogee

    I like Luka but goddamn why would you go for the charge when you have 5? And why the fuck do you have 5 in the first place when you’ve been the only one carrying your team all series.

    And dawgs gotta put on some good weight and actually be relevant on defence next year.

  22. Fit_Boysenberry_4921

    His 4th 5th and 6th fouls were all dumb as hell and entirely on him. Luka got way too emotional this game and it hurt his game.

  23. How can we be disappointed in Jayson Tatum for this?

  24. The-Pharcyde

    Dude played dumb as hell in the clutch. Fouling out in a must win finals game for your team lol.

  25. ben10toesdown

    I mean he got away with a tackle on Jaylen Brown minutes earlier 🤷🏾 

  26. Dude is such a whiner, do Dallas fans even have sympathy for all his complaining?

  27. Live_Philosophy7117

    The one foul I’m more focused about was the screen by PJ. That screen happens 100 times a game but that one is somehow a foul and all the other ones aren’t. As for Luka he could’ve fouled out earlier tbh

  28. girth_br00ks

    Are we gonna roast Luka for his dumb fouls like we did with KAT?

  29. The refs fucked up a lot of fouls in this game for both teams, but those last two on Luka were so not controversial EXCEPT that it’s Luka. Like, any other player in foul trouble you’re being hunted like this and dude decides to go for a charge at the 3 line with a driving jb?

    We’re all trying to find the one responsible for this

  30. HipnotiK1

    legacy lowering performance by luka especially down the stretch. dude missed countless bunnies and makable shots for him and then spent the rest of his energy complaining to the refs. if he had a standard luka game they win. refs were not a factor at all.

    irving finally showed up and then some and luka was horrible. when celtics had pulled away in the 3rd he took his whining to another level. each missed shot he took out on the refs. then irving brings them all the way back in the game and you would think he would lock in and focus on the game but instead kept bricking and complaining.

  31. GimpyLawyer

    The fact there was no techs called on Luka was insane considering the complaining and shit he was giving to the refs. I felt like he was given a lot of chances tonight to focus and play the game in front of him.

    The fouls against him were legitimate and he definitely had at least 6 that were supposed to be called on him. GGWP

  32. redmostofit

    Lol. Come on mate. The refs would be trying to EXTEND the series if anything, not end it.

  33. Hot_Web493

    As good as he is, dude is literally the sorest loser in the league. Not a gram of class during the game. Not to mention his lack of defense and off ball play totally offset his 30-35 point days. I’m starting to stop believing in this dude.

  34. thekinggrass

    Luka pushed his luck. He was getting a favorable whistle with 4 fouls. Dallas was getting the “one more game” whistle the whole quarter.

    He just thought he was just off the hook for any fouls for the rest of the game and got caught out in the open on 2 big ones.

  35. Luka started out great then was absolutely dog shit for 3 and 1/2 quarters. Blowing layups, sleeping on defense, multiple bad fouls.

    He deserves every bit of slander tonight. Biggest game of the season/his young career and he shat the bed.

  36. LegendofPowerLine

    Lol, as if the Mavs were getting away with bloody murder in the 3rd. Luka straight tackled Brown on that fast break and there was a no-call.

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