@Orlando Magic

EP. 427 – Draft Season w/ Keandre of Hoop Intellect – Orlando Magic Podcast

EP. 427 – Draft Season w/ Keandre of Hoop Intellect – Orlando Magic Podcast

this is the sixthman show an Orlando Magic podcast with your hosts Luke Sylvia and Jonathan Osborne covering all things Magic Basketball by fans for fans go [Music] magic what’s going on Orlando Magic fans you guys are back with the six-man show today is June 13th 2024 Jonathan Osborne here tonight I am joined by Kevin Tucker Kevin what’s going on man how are you I’m good right now as we speak I’m actually watching the United States and Brazil game some of you might have actually attended this game it’s in Orlando obviously uh 92nd minute now 1-1 down to the wire uh for those of you like myself that are big fans of a lot of other sports other than basketball this is a great time of year you get all these warm-up games for the Euros these warm-up games for Copa America and then those tournaments kick off here shortly and then you got some of the Olympics I mean it’s a great time of year obviously basketball wise I’m still missing the magic but at least there’s some other things to tide me over I was talking to a friend of mine today and saying like as a kid this was always the time of Summer that I absolutely dreaded when it comes to Sports basketball ends NHL ends obviously there’s no football in non-olympic summers this is just like baseball territory like that I wouldn’t even turn on Sports Center for like a month or two this time of year because the entire Sports Center top 10 would be you know catches you know in the Outfield and sick pitches and and home runs and although you know I do enjoy you know baseball it it’s just not the same one it’s the only thing that’s going on but I’ve always enjoyed the Olympics like watching water polo like watching yeah you know Portugal and and whoever you know going at it in water polo and all like a lot of the sports in the Olympics that I would typically never otherwise watch I I just enjoy watching the Olympics it’s always fun it’s like in the Winter Olympics curling like I don’t watch curling you know the other you know three and nine10 of a year you know it’s just that one you know couple weeks I I’m I’m a huge curling fan during the winter Olympics you know that kind of stuff but yeah Olympics are fun I always love obviously the tournaments and soccer so yeah lots of things to keep us busy this summer yeah we’ll talk a little bit more about the Olympic basketball tournament as it pertains to the Orlando Magic we’ve been talking for the last several episodes about how yes we are going to talk about draft prospects we’re just waiting for our guest like schedules to open up and get a little bit closer to the draft so this episode a little bit later on we’re joined by Keandre from hoop intellect which for my money is the the best guy there is you know especially on YouTube when it comes to draft prospects and and really like breaking down and making it palatable so even if you don’t watch a ton of college basketball you have at least a decent opinion on who these guys are what their strengths are what their weaknesses are so uh stay tuned for that conversation a little bit later again just a really big thank you to Keandre we do have some Magic news to talk about Kevin earlier today the Orlando Magic announced that they have their preseason schedule so as we’re recording this we are just under four months away from the official return of Magic Basketball so the preseason schedule starts October 7th which is a Monday at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Standard time now now if you’ve been following the magic or the NBA for any amount of time you are not oblivious to the fact that usually it’s pretty difficult to watch at least the first couple of preseason games now I read through the Magic’s press release I didn’t see them mention anything about you know any B broadcasts or what is it going to be like FanDuel Florida Sports whatever you know fan I guess fanduels purchased the naming rights to the the whole Network so I guess it’ll be FanDuel Sports Florida is or something to that effect guess who knows yeah we we just don’t know what the broadcast schedule is going to look like for these preseason games but if history tells us anything usually at least the first couple of games are not televised at least not uh you know in Central Florida and the last couple are s sort of those warm-ups for the the B broadcast team but October 7th which is a Monday 1:30 eastern time then Wednesday o October 9th at San Antonio that’s going to be 8:00 P.M Eastern October 11th at home versus the Pelicans again and then so you have three games in five nights which I know Kevin you want to talk about and then a week off and then you finish the preseason October 18th versus the Philadelphia 76ers so four preseason games and you know we’re playing New Orleans again of course yeah again like I I don’t know can we like can we like mix it up a little bit like can we try somebody new like it’s just New Orleans again which is annoying but yeah the one okay so when this first came out I saw 1:30 I was like surely they got the date wrong it must be October 6 which is a Sunday right like at 1:30 p.m. 12:30 local time in New Orleans that makes sense but no it’s a 1:30 on a Monday afternoon in October which I can’t believe that surely it’s got to be some like you know field trip day at the Smoothie King Center for that game which is weird and then you got the San Antonio game but yeah like you said three games in five days and then you get seven days off before you play your your preseason finale I don’t know it’s a weird one but regardless I’m I’m happy to have some news some Magic news we can Mark our calendars especially that uh that Monday October 7th day I’ve already I’ve already requested off work as soon as I saw it today taking it off for that 130 game it’s weird but you know I’ll take it I just entered the Kevin Tucker part of my brain I went to look to see what’s going on at Smoothie King Center that day or or maybe that night as to why that game might be going on and there’s nothing going on that night at Smoothie King Center so of course not doesn’t really uh make a ton of sense but yeah like when this dropped today I was like oh my gosh we’re only four months like this feels like the season just ended we’ve only got four more months but then I was like four months is a is a long time like Valentine’s like we were you know basically celebrating Palo ban Caro being an Allstar four months ago which feels like forever ago so we still have quite a bit of time until the Orlando Magic preseason but so then you know you can the good about the preseason schedule coming out is that you can B like for sure the season is going to start like that week of October 21st so we know probably between like the 21st and the 25th will be the the Magic’s you know first game of the season somewhere in that window and that’s helpful for us because it you know allows us to you know plan for for that time of year so very much looking forward to that um speaking of schedules wanted to go through and just review the offseason schedule we’ve talked about these um all these different events at sort of different times but we thought it could be helpful to go through really the entire off season schedule and like the important dates for the Orlando Magic just so that you can all mark it down on your calendar and be aware and look forward to these dates so first of all the next day that really matters to the magic at all is going to be the day after the NBA Finals so right now the Mavericks and the Celtics are playing in game three Celtics you know go up 3 0 we might be looking in the next next couple of days it being the day after the finals but whenever that is that is when each NBA team can begin negotiating with upcoming free agents who finish the season on their roster so we’re talking about guys that might be eligible for extensions with the magic guys that are going to be unrestricted free agents who finish the season with the magic Kevin’s going to talk a bit more about the magic specific contract deadlines in just a second here uh June 26 and 27th now is going to be the NBA draft remember they’re breaking up the the rounds into to separate days and Kevin was looking at the TV schedule do you want to about by the way we looked at this beforehand I was like what are they going to do with this this is subject to change but right now on ESPN’s website when you look at their TV broadcast schedule they have round one beginning on that Wednesday at 8:00 pm the next thing on the broadcast schedule is sports center with Scott Van Pelt at 11 p.m. which which means as of right now they’re going to stretch the first round of the NBA draft into three hours three hours for 30 picks let that sink in and then they’re doing the same thing the next day second round starts at 4 pm the next thing is the NHL awards which start at 7 pm three hours for the second round six hours for two rounds of the NBA draft that is disgusting I the amount of ads and just nonsense is going to be gross well so I just broke it down so that’s 180 minutes right of the draft 30 picks you only get what is it five minutes to make your pick that’s allotting six minutes per pick and we know that not every team uses the full five minutes right like some teams are going to know that this is their guy immediately after the pick before them is made and they’re just going to submit that so who knows we might at some point have like 10 minutes between uh of them just like filling Air Time yep like at the end of that or or who knows but and in years past the second round was two minutes each and so are they going to make the second round 5 minutes each just to fill the whole three hours I don’t know it’s ludicrous but count on ESPN to do something ludicrous CU that’s what they do and I’m an I’m an NBA fan like way more than I am an NFL fan right but there’s just something about the NFL draft that is just so much more entertaining you know just just from a TV perspective compared to the NBA draft I don’t know what it is about that but you know that much time to go through 30 NBA picks just seems a a little bit crazy I think it makes more sense in the NFL because there’s just so many more players like it’s it’s such a bigger pool that but obviously there’s more picks and there’s more rounds and everything like that to quote a wise man one of our patrons ESPN really sucks hey fair enough that’s a great point then June 30th is when every NBA team can start negotiating with all other upcoming free agents and that’s beginning at 600 p.m. eastern time Kevin I don’t know about you I know Luke and I have talked about this on the show before I legitimately Miss free agency starting at midnight July 1st yeah like I I would take the day off the next day off from work and I would stay up until 3: 4 in the morning just refreshing Twitter like my brother-in-law would come over we would hang out we would get food and and we would just hang out and watch free agency unfold I really miss that I understand why they moved it to six o’cl because it’s just a lot more practical right but there was something special about the midnight start to free agency it it was like the release of a video game back in the day you know it very much on that same level which was a lot of fun but yes old man Kevin is very grateful that that is not the case anymore especially this version of Kevin right now I need a lot of sleep these days I was going to say when you get that new valve you’re going to feel differently that is 100% true you’re not wrong about that right now I have to sleep a lot and so I’m glad I don’t have to stay up till midnight that night but uh but yeah I definitely missed those days those were a lot of fun when I was younger yeah going to GameStop and just being there with like 40 other nerds waiting for you know whatever game was going to be coming out and then like for me you know there was always like the PlayStation line and the Xbox line PlayStation line wasn’t really that long back in the day but you know the pendulum is now swinging you know the other way I know as as you can a test to but those were the good old days yeah I’ll take my Xbox I’m good yeah whatever okay Kevin you have the list of like the magic specific contract deadlines do you want to go through that for us sure yeah so when we’re talking about dates there’s a couple dates in here that matter but the one that magic fans really really need to circle like this is the biggest one the deadline date of June 29th okay Jonathan just talked about June 30th with you know uh players that are not on your team you know being able to you know start recruiting them June 29th is a huge day for the magic there are five six seven seven players that their deadline is that day let me go through them you got qualifying offers for well 2024 25 qualifying offer for chuma for in Queen for Kon Harris and for Admiral scoffield obviously those last three are two-way qualifying offers but chuma as well that’s his obviously his real qualifying offer and then you have on that same day another qual qualifying offer that is for frons for his 2526 qualifying offer so those you know the frons one obviously that’s that’s going to happen when you when it comes to Mo and Joe they also have a deadline that day but that is their Club option for this coming season Mo Vagner Joe Engles both on a team option lot of question marks with Joe Eng Les that will be answered by June 29th as far as picking up that team option and even Mo Vagner I think most people assume he’s going to stay especially with the low salary of $8 million but again that deadline is that day other ones other dates to consider after June 29th Caleb Houston’s 2425 salary gets guaranteed on June 30th so the very next day couple of extension uh deadline eligibility deadlines Jonathan Isaac on July 6th Caleb Houston on uh July 10th and then Wendell’s isn’t until uh October 10th so that’s the last one basically before the regular season starts but yeah that big day June 29th a lot of qualifying offers Club options that’s the day I think magic fans should keep an eye out for yeah I know the magic have to extend the qualifying offer in order to like go to restricted free agency whether that be with chuma or with France I don’t know if it’s different like if they’re just outright extending frons like it whether or not they have to you know uh give them the qualifying offer so that’s what we’re going to be waiting to see you know the day after the NBA draft that’s when teams are able to start negotiating with guys on their team and that’s when we would expect to start hearing news on Jaylen Suggs fron voder really a lot of these other guys whether not they’re going to pick up their their Club options the the guys that you mentioned that are also eligible for extensions outside of the guys on their their rookie contracts like you I guess Caleb is on his rookie contract but I wouldn’t expect expect to be extended at this point Jonathan Isaac Wendell Carter Jr I wouldn’t expect those guys uh to to be extended at this point but we’ll just have to wait and see and and see how the the offseason plays out but to think that we’re really just you know three weeks roughly at the most away from like a lot of these decisions being made and and getting news on that is is super exciting so can’t wait for that now moving a little bit further into the summer July 6th is the day that each NBA team may begin signing free agents the contract so the day after the finals you can start negotiating those deals June 30th you can start negotiating the deals with all of the free agents and then the moratorium basically lifts July 6 that’s when you can start signing everyone uh to those deals or or the free agents to to those deals and then uh we get into the early you know Olympic uh friendlies and and that kind of stuff the warm-ups uh July 15th and and we’re just talking really about the uh the games that um are important to the magic so we’re not going to talk a ton about Team USA because Pao banero is not playing for Team USA this summer we’re really just looking at Joe Engles playing for Australia and then Mo and fron Farner playing uh for Germany so July 15th in the USA Basketball Showcase in Abu Dhabi Australia will play USA that’ll be at noon Eastern Time on Fox Sports One July 22nd uh during the USA Basketball Showcase in London Germany will play Team USA that’s going to be at 300 p.m. Eastern on Fox and then starting July 26th through August 9th is going to be the the Paris uh 20124 Olympic basketball tournament which obviously the USA Germany and I I I keep forgetting that pal is not playing for USA But Germany and Australia will be playing in that tournament so just got another couple of weeks here and then you know we’re going to start having some you know magic specific things to talk about so uh that’ll help us get through part of the summer there C would be pretty exciting all right before we get to our conversation with Keandre from hoop intellect I want to take just a moment to quickly talk a little bit about our patreon if you’re newer to the show or uh for some I I don’t know some impossible possibility that you haven’t heard us talk about the patreon if you’ve been listening to the show for any amount of time maybe you just usually skip through this part uh but patreon are those are the folks that financially support the show and help us do everything that we’re doing it has been a massive offseason for us already in terms of acquisition and turnover and just different things that the show is going through we’re doing our best to keep you know improving the show as best as we can going into this next season and sort of going into like a new chapter of the show um and the support from our patreon is really what allows us to do a lot of that so whenever we have brand new patrons we make sure to thank them and give them a special shout out on the show and we shout out our Hall of Fame and Elite toer patrons each and every episode so I’m going to go ahead and start by shouting out the court cousins Drew Gooden Armen Carson tulo Ellis Jonathan borgas normal magic player history Gabe gains wil Michael Martin Jamal Miller Michael salop pong Donkey Punch Dave Palo and France’s warmth which I was listening to let’s talk magic the other day and pal and fr’s warmth is also one of their patrons so not only does he haunt our show but because of something that I said now the let’s talk magic guys used to be Orlando Magic UK now they also have to say that on their podcast so I just really really apologize for that Pierre a Dylan Holden Mr Mikey Dano Bobby Skinner goie 93 Teddy Sylvia D Lopez fuchsia Bill Folton Emon lagone josea squeen can Caleb Pete cannibalism time Mr TV ESPN really sucks as we mentioned a few minutes ago gear 95 shred Junior Bruce halfrey kin shahan 177 Boby the dawn himo B hro Ren improv 221 rapist Tron Magic Kid 714 mysterious Mosley Irish Magic Mike Austin lamp random hustle only France Maria Keith Wallace Fritz BR s Case green Santi Leon K Eckler the distract Amad timsa chantu Tom Gadson dead air Richard Tuttle Jeremiah Cano magic wire Debo 1980 magic Matt Michael Thompson Mama Richmond next snappa what’s up playoffs 2024 Dylan Fay David Duffy Smith Sheiks Bueno times stano 1995 Suggs mugs Daniel Anderson Barry and Mel Kenny a big shout out and thank you to all of our patrons if you would like to join the patreon again you can find us at /th 6man show and now without further Ado let’s get to our conversation with Keandre from hoop intellect magic fans it is that time of year uh each draft season we try to to bring Keandre on uh just to get his Insight absolutely the best uh you know on YouTube in terms of draft prospects and and mock drafts big boards you name it uh Keandre from hoop intellect Keandre how are you doing man how have you been yeah man I’m doing good I appreciate you guys for for having me on once again and you know draft season is a busy time but you know I can’t complain about anything what is draft night like for you right like you you do all this prep throughout the year you obviously have your big board you have your mocks like are you living and like dying with each pick are you like oh my gosh I cannot believe they reached for that guy or I can’t believe this guy is falling like what’s a typical draft night like for you you know when you’re watching yeah that’s a good question I think think I really just try to take it all in um just kind of you know see each pick and obviously there’s some stuff like towards the top we kind of already know where who’s going where um this class is going to be interesting because uh there’s a lot more like variables at the top but I think I just try to like take everything in and um just kind of evaluate why they might have gone in a certain direction and then just kind of putting that together with what I would have done in the situation and obviously doing recap videos after that and content post draft so it’s kind of just more you know taking everything in and and um seeing the direction of certain teams and where they’re going yeah Keandre the last several years us magic fans have kind of been locked into the upper section of the draft you know because team wasn’t that great this past year obviously the magic making the playoffs now falling all the way to 18 and we’ll talk more about magic specific stuff obviously that’s why we we have you on here we want to talk to The Experts about what the magic might do but I’m curious for you this draft class as a whole I feel like I hear he every week some of the national pundits saying this is one of the worst draft classes in blah blah blah however many years it’s not a good class it’s a weak class all that kind of stuff but I’m really curious because we value your opinion when you look at this draft class how do you think it compares to to past drafts and is it as bad as some of these people are saying it is yeah so it’s kind of a an interesting question to answer because excuse me on one hand I don’t think it’s necessarily the strongest draft I think the types of of talent uh towards the top aren’t in the same sort of archetype as those that we’re kind of accustomed to in the modern NBA obviously when you’ve got a guy like Paulo who’s 610 and can dribble pass shoot in the way that he can that’s a little bit different than you know some of the guys that are available this year and we can even go back to U more better playmaking Talent with NBA level athleticism Anthony Edwards lamelo ball um you know Kade Cunningham guys like that there’s not really those type of of players in this class so on one hand you know it isn’t that type of um draft where you’re going to get a lot of those guys towards the top but at the same time I don’t think it’s this sort of like existential crisis of this the worst draft since 2001 or you know 2013 or whoever whatever year wants uh everybody wants to uh throw in there because I do think there is talent I think there are players who are going to you know find a role find a niche on a team and contribute for a very long time um and I think it’s going to just leave it up to teams to find those guys that end up becoming Allstar because if by the math you know if this class was to have you know less than three allars that would be the first time that’s happened in in years you know in in NBA history so um those guys are going to happen people didn’t think Giannis was going to be who he was uh people didn’t think Rudy Gober was going to turn into four-time defensive player of the year you’ve got a guy like CJ McCullum who goes 10th uh in that draft so they the the guys are there it’s just about more evaluating finding them and and and figuring it out so I think in 2024 it would be hard for me to believe that the talent that exists in the basketball World we’re not going to get um certain guys become a certain level in the NBA DeAndre as we’re recording this on Wednesday earlier you know even just a few hours ago You released your newest uh edition of your big board I think it was version 6.0 You released your latest version of of the mock draft I think a few weeks back how I I know we still have you know a few weeks until the draft like how close are you in terms of like finalizing you know your big board and your mock draft this time of year and do you think there’s any room that that’s going to shift over the next couple of weeks yeah so I think I’m I’m pretty much there I think a lot of it is just trying to touch back on stuff that I’ve seen before because I feel like you can get a little bit of a a recency bias in some ways because if you haven’t it’s hard to watch as many players as as I do or anybody who tries to to follow and Scout the draft um in the way that I do uh so you kind of try to touch on things and re you at least put your philosophy um in the Forefront in terms of like what you value as in terms of players and how you think they’re going to pan out and just like in terms of like building a tier or things of that nature figuring out how you want to label those and those types of things so I’m pretty much I’m pretty close to you know it being finalized there’s just certain parts and and pieces that uh you know you always want to go back and make sure that you’re you know touching on everything yeah uh for those that are watching on YouTube or or listening on our podcast feed obviously we we’ll put the link to Keandre work there in the description and including that is like what Jonathan mentioned your big board your mock draft uh Jonathan and I have both already watched both of those at least especially the magic section so we know who your pick is but I’d like for you to kind of share with with our our viewers who you have as of right now at number 18 for the Orlando Magic um in your latest mock draft and kind of why you think he might be a potential pick there for for the magic yeah I believe in the the last mock draft I had Bob Carrington out of pit uh going to the Orlando Magic and I think that he’s definitely uh one of the primary options that could be a selection for the magic there um the thing I like about him in his game and especially for this magic team is his shot creation you know being being able to uh be one of the best pull-up Shooters and uh really in the last several years but especially in this class being able to get his shot in a lot of different places playing the pick and role make plays um as a uh you know 63 64 uh guard in that range and also you know defensively he’s not somebody who’s um necessarily going to be a huge plus but he’s not a liability by any means and I think you put him in this mix uh obviously with guys like uh you know Paulo and France and you know the rest of the guys kind of emerging you put him in that mix and it’s something that they haven’t necessarily had now I’m not going to say he’s going to just contribute right away but he’s somebody I think could eventually be a um impact player for this team now I think in all of the draft and everybody who is trying to figure out who the magic could pick there’s going to be a lot of options obviously in free agency and and Via trade acquisition where you might want to address um you know getting winged defense or something in the draft but you go and get a Malik monk or you know whoever else has been rumored out there Darius Garland uh to kind of fill that that role because the team is obviously a lot closer than you know maybe you might have anticipated this fast but um at least in in terms of just keeping it draft Bob Carrington is definitely somebody I think would be a good option now with the magic and sort of the the conversation that fans are having is last year obviously you draft Anthony black at six you have jet Howard at 11 Anthony blacks off minutes at times when guys were in and out of the rotation Jed Howard is a guy that we really didn’t get a good look at he spent most of the season in the G League some of the concern is that are you going to have two rookies again this year when you have the depth that the the magic currently have and stand to have going into this next season are there any prospects you know in that range that you could see the magic sort of drafting and and stashing again in the g-league sort of letting them develop for you know a season or or maybe more than that um what type of like high swing you know like high ceiling picks are you looking at in that range yeah so in terms of a guy like that I think who fits that pretty perfectly is uh someone like kesan George out of Miami um he’s a a big Wing who can really shoot it uh makes plays well off the dribble played some point guard in his past before you know showing up in the states and also really improved over the course of the Season defensively somebody who I think is going to be able to guard a couple positions in the NBA somebody who just kind of fits the mold of some someone who can contribute in a lot of places in the NBA now he’s not a very good athlete um he’s not someone who creates a ton of Rim pressur is able to get to the paint as consistently as maybe you would like from like a a a real guard Prospect and somebody who’s like really legitimately running offense um that’s why I think he’s more of a wing but I think I think he’s somebody for a magic team if you’re trying to look for uh someone who can take a year or two down the line maybe fits really a lot of what um this team has kind of historically liked in guys like Caleb Houston in those bigger wings and uh I think that he’s somebody who could kind of fit that I think Johnny Fury from Kansas is another one um as a guy who is that kind of quintessential offall Wing who is a really cutter transition score can shoot the three defensively there’s some questions there you want to see him get a little bit stronger and just kind of be able to get more confidence with the ball and not in terms of like you’re not asking him to make a ton of plays uh with the ball in his hands but just being able to attack close out a little bit more frequently make plays off of that so that’s another guy who I think is just a little bit further away but could pay dividends in the long run yeah as I mentioned you know earlier the magic being kind of in the back half of the first round for the first time in a while you know Uncharted Territory for a lot of us magic fans at least for the last several seasons the idea of trading up in the draft pretty low like that’s a pretty low odds of that happening but I’m I am definitely curious with the match being on the back half of of this first round are there any guys in the lottery that you think like could be a great fit for the magic any you know one or two guys that again pretty unlikely that it would happen but if Jeff Waltman sitting there you know working his magic trade KN night or or sorry draft night you know trying to work up Trey what are maybe one or two guys that you think that magic might be could maybe could Target there in the lottery section yeah so I think there’s like a a handful of of players that really fit well with what the magic could use or you know just kind of in this sort of system you know obviously Rob Dillingham and and Reed Shepard are guys who have high Lottery potential have been mocked in the top five you know Rob has kind of slipped down a little bit more so they could be more realis but I think um it would cost a little bit more than maybe you would what uh if you’re the Orlando Magic but I think we’ll set those guys to the side and we’ll talk about dton connect I think he’s someone who has just a little bit wider of a range um from about seven on and he’s somebody who is an older player but can one of the best Shooters in the class um really turned himself into a big time score this year transferring fromo Colorado to Tennessee um solid size on the wing 65 66 broad shoulders uh good vertical athlete somebody who can get his own shot I think he just makes a lot of sense uh with his magic team and before his stock kind of trended upwards he was somebody I really wanted them to be able to get um and also before the magic made that late run and got a little bit later pick than they were projected to uh and then I would say Devin Carter out of providence is the other one you know a really tough-minded defensive guard uh somebody who improved quite a bit offensively as well and I buy the shot so I think that he’s one of the more complete players in this draft he’s also a little bit older I think will’ll be able to contribute a little bit faster than some of these other guys um but he’s somebody if you get into that 12 13 14 15 range he might be somebody you you’d be willing to pull the trigger on if it doesn’t take more than you know the second and and a protected first or you know salary whatever it is he’s another guy I would like there’s a few things that we know this front off likes guys from Michigan guys from duke and Sons of X MBA guys right and and you know Devin Carter definitely fits that role uh a guy that I wanted to to ask you about that I’ve seen a lot of magic fans talking about um his brother funny enough is going to be a a national teammate of Mo in frond this summer in the Olympics uh trist and D Silva what are your thoughts on him and uh potentially is fit with the magic yeah he’s definitely another one of those guys who I think is well in that r and I would really uh like to see in Orlando if that was a possibility his his stock is um or his draft range is very much from like 12 to 18 to 20 somewhere in there um but as a a a 68 69 Wing SL forward somebody who uh has turned himself into a knockdown shooter over the years has really solid feel on both ends of the floor just kind of make plays and is that readymade um type of contributor I think that he makes a lot of sense in terms of of size and and being able to hold his own defensively and then make plays off of that I think he makes a lot of sense around um Playmakers in in Paulo and France and gives you a little bit more uh versatility and obviously they they like that um quite a bit so I would like to see him there uh for sure I think my one concern with him is just more of a what does he do with the ball from the perimeter playing a little bit more out there he’s been pretty interior oriented uh during his time at Colorado and then also how many positions can he guard how well is he sliding his feet U um on the perimeter I think he’s going to be solid on that end but in terms of you have a guy like Paulo or just what the lineup looks like if he’s not at the five how does he slide in there so but other than that I think he’s somebody who a lot of teams are going to be really interested in because you know what he brings to the table and um he’s going to be able to contribute a little bit faster than some of those other project picks yeah I know that that size and for aity is definitely tempting for a lot of magic fans I’m I’m going to put you on the spot here a little bit magic aside what’s a player that’s like your sleeper like if you look around at the other drafts the other mock drafts you’re seeing out there you’re like why is this guy you know fallen so far like is there is there one guy that you’re like man I’m really picking this guy to either you know maybe get drafted higher than some people are expecting or maybe just outperform you know wherever he’s drafted yeah so I think I would probably say at least in the first round range I would probably go with Jaylen Tyson out of cow I’m a little bit higher on him than his sort of consensus is right now um I just really like his allaround skill set at about 66 67 being able to dribble pass shoot did it all for for C this year obviously they weren’t a great team but he you know elevated his game this year from the guy that we’ve seen him in the past his previous spots in college I just think that he has all the tools to be able to contribute and has defended better uh in previous situations as well that wasn’t always the most consistent thing this year and I understand why um people are a little bit more hesitant for for that reason but I think he just has the skill set uh to to make it happen and should be valued in the in the top 20 more than he currently is right now uh and then I would probably say for another one just uh KJ Simpson out of Colorado I think that he’s been often mocked in that like 40s to you know anywhere past that range I think I would consider him as as early as the late first round just another Colorado guy but big- time playmaker even though he’s a smaller guard big- time playmaker well-rounded skill set defends competes on that end um really good shooter plays on and off the ball somebody I think has a chance to be a rotation guard in a way that is not necessarily being fully reflected on on a lot of the mainstream Marcs we talked about how the magic like guys from duke uh Jared McCain what are your thoughts on him and his potential maybe to contri tribute with the magic right away given the way that the roster is constructed yeah he’s he’s another guy I really like for for Alando um somebody who can is one of the best Shooters in the class um can make a play for others really unselfish uh competes defensively I thought he got better on that end quite a bit over the course of the Year wasn’t great to start especially at the point of attack but you know brought it more consistently was able to um hold his own in that way and I think that he somebody who is the perfect type of guard that you want around a guy like Apollo fron bigger creators initiators somebody who can get off the ball but can also initiate offense run a pick and roll make good decisions low turnovers that’s the type of guy that you want next to um those types of players and I think that he fits that bill and also intangible wise he’s somebody who by all accounts works hard you know No Nonsense in a lot of ways and just kind of competes at the highest level so I I like him a lot I think that he’s somebody who could potentially shine in his role on a team like the magic obviously he’s a little bit smaller doesn’t have the most um impressive uh physical tools or you know creation ability in terms of just being able to get to certain things off the bounds I think he’s got a little more but um that’s going to have to come over time but he’s somebody that I I like for a lot of teams and especially Orlando just a couple more for you here an element of uncertainty around the mag mag’s offseason is what’s going to happen with Goa baz you know he’s a free agent Wendell Carter was out for good chunk at the beginning of the year Goa was able to step in are there any you know centers in this draft that you think like right away could be pretty solid second or third bigs yeah I think there’s a I actually like this Center class I’ve seen it referred to as weak a couple times but I think you know if that’s the option at 18 or even if you find a valuable guy in the second round um there’s some there’s guys like Zack Edy who obviously is a little bit polarizing but in terms of just pure size and and production touch around the rim he’s somebody that I think at worst is going to be able to come in and get you you know buckets and you know be a presence around the rim um he’s going to have to show that he can survive in the pick and roll that’s been my biggest concern with him because he’s gotten guys like Johnny Davis and Jay Hino drafted maybe 10 spots higher than they should have uh in his college career just based off of you know killing the drop defense that he was playing um but you know he’s somebody I think could could come in and do that another guy like Eve Mei might take just a little bit longer but um somebody that is athletic can finish plays around the rim block shots a little bit more versatile uh in that respect um donon Holmes is another one uh there’s more questions about him being able to handle full-time minutes at the five so I think for that reason you might go a different direction but guys like that K wear in that same range um and then second round you’ve got alsoo aaro maybe a PJ Hall who kind of could feel that uh sort of role potentially now last question we’re going to get away from the draft a little bit a little bit more magic specific just I know we talked last year you know about your opinion of this magic team how did that sort of shift over the course of the season and and sort of where are you now just generally with the magic yeah I I really like this team you know I’ve been a fan of the the front Court obviously Wendell didn’t have the most impressive season and there’s a little bit more questions about that than I had previously felt like um at least going back like two seasons ago but you know Paulo and France those are guys that um are going to be you know Blue Chips and and being able to build around them and create a team that is looks a lot different and causes matchup issues for a lot of other teams in the league especially in the Eastern Conference at least with the way it’s current constructed and then you know you got a guy like Jaylen sugs who I really like one of my favorite players to watch in the league just being able to to bring tenacity you know excellent defense and you know he’s grown a lot as an offensive player over the last couple years being able to shoot uh more effectively and and just make plays and I I I really like those three and then just being able to to build around those guys we touched on the creation part of it but getting another person getting more shooting around them I think you got the chance to really compete for you know Conference Finals at the minimum over the next couple years especially with the contract situations of these teams um so I I like the magic I think the future is super bright it’s just about hitting on the margins and and and figuring it out to you know have the most success in the short term well we always appreciate your Insight and then you hyping up our team as you know definitely an added bonus Keandre man you’re legitimately the best of what you do man we can’t you know tell you enough how much we appreciate you coming on and and joining the show each year which is literally the busiest time of of your life I’m sure uh but can you just let our our viewers and listeners know where they can find your work and find you on social media yeah so I’m on YouTube at hoop intellect got lots of stuff uh coming very very soon terms of scouting reports a little bit more in the Orlando Magic range coming up as well um Big Board just Dr dropped as you said earlier in the show and then you can find me on Twitter hoop Andel Instagram um lot of different stuff coming on on all of those platforms as well so yeah last thing that I want to say I know we have obviously a lot of magic fans that watch this show but I know there’s a small contingent of magic fans that are draft prospect college basketball junkies Keandre doesn’t only release content like this time of year around the draft it is literally year round with this guy he is always watching always breaking down always evaluating so even if you’re like oh I I Can’t Get Enough college basketball or or draft talk Prospect talk all year round you can go to you ke Andre’s YouTube channel he’s always got content coming so again Keandre absolutely the best at what you do man we appreciate the time as always I appreciate it man for sure anytime all right Kev as we’re talking now uh we basically have two weeks from the recording of this episode to the NBA draft I still have my questions and doubts you what the magic are going to do with this pick are they going to keep this pick I was encouraged by Keandre just talking about how like in every draft there are going to be those if you can find those gems there in every single one of you know these drafts and if the the magic can can find that and he talked towards the end of the episode like where you have to operate around the margins like this is one of those times where if the magic can find a legitimate you know NBA rotation caliber player in this draft it’s going to help continue to set them up for success for years so I’m looking forward to this draft um was there anything that Keandre mentioned that really stood out to you in our conversation yeah I mean similarly you know that’s I was very intrigued to hear um what he thought about the draft as a whole like I mentioned you know there’s everybody in their mom right now is talking about all this draft is terrible blah blah blah I’m just like is it really though I mean maybe there’s not the you know the gold star at the top of the tree you know like that that some drafts have but I still feel feel like there’s a lot of a lot of talent there across the rest of the of the draft and so to hear him talk about yeah I think there’s some some good guys there makes me feel good um what what I just wanted to say was like if you want to sound smart around your friends like go go watch Keandre stuff I’m serious like watch his big boards watch you know his his mock drafts but also like if there are certain players you’re interested in he probably has a full breakdown of their game like he does all these like actual individual profiles on certain players and they’re all really good so like if you want to sound smart around your friends you know the last couple weeks here Le up to the draft just you know take in all that Keandre content that you can between now and them and you’re going to sound a lot smarter around your friends and so you can thank Keandre for that thank thank us for sending you to him but yeah shout out to Keandre thanks a lot for him you know joining the show again I think the biggest compliment that I could pay Keandre is is for somebody who like his credibility relies on like his opinions and like whether or not those types of things pan out he never comes across with any type of bias when he’s he’s talking about these guys you can tell that he really just loves basketball he loves the evaluation process and and tracking prospects just so much fun like I think this is now the third year in a row we’ve had him on the show usually it’s a little bit different because we’re at the very top of the draft and we’re talking about oh can we trade up and get this guy is this guy gonna fall to us who are we going to take at the the very tippy top there uh but no this was really fun like going through this process with him and uh there’s there’s quite a few guys that you know that he’s talked about um that I’m I’m interested in you know I I feel like there’s so so many ways that the match can go and not only the draft but free agency as well and like are they going to keep the pick if they do keep the pick is it going to be another jet Howard that gets you know sort of stashed in the g-league or are they going to try to find somebody who can contribute in a real way sort of right away uh yeah just about two weeks and and we won’t really have to you know ask too too many of these uh questions here but um yeah as news continues to come out around guys that the magic are are working out we may be able to bring on you know another has to talk a little bit more about the draft as we get a little bit closer but again Keandre in my opinion the very best at what he does especially in the the YouTube space so if you haven’t checked him out already go ahead subscribe follow him on social media just really really appreciate of him always taking the time Y and Jonathan before we wrap this one up we can’t leave without acknowledging the passing of Jerry West um the logo uh an absolute Legend um not just as a player and then ultimately you know working in front off office uh you know across I mean the dude committed like what was it like 60 something years to the NBA which is just insane I mean the guy lived what a lot of people would consider to be a dream life you know you play high level basketball in college play the highest level of basketball in the NBA I think he was like what was it 14 time All-Star yeah 14 time Allstar has one of the most like the craziest shots ever but if you haven’t watched this go back and watch Jerry West’s it wasn’t a game winner I think it was a game tying shot from Beyond half court in like one of the 70s finals uh against the Celtics it was like a 60 footer to tie a game in the NBA finals and send it to overtime it’s one of the most iconic shots in NBA history uh if you haven’t seen that yet if you’re you know maybe a younger NBA fan go watch that on YouTube right now it’s crazy but again longtime player in the NBA longtime you know member of the front office uh by all accounts great guy and again the logo the NBA logo is freaking Jerry West so anyway uh obviously that’s a that’s a a big newsline that hit the NBA uh today you know the passing of Jerry West you know and the thing about the logo like he you know that’s his nickname like Jerry the West you know Jerry West the logo but I don’t think the NBA has ever come out and like confirmed and I know there’s you know reasons behind that but it would be nice for them to just come out and finally be like yeah like Jerry West you know was the logo um but yeah 60 plus years you know committed to you know playing and and working in the NBA and um obviously not that long ago we had the passing of Bill Walton and um immediately like Jerry Wesson and Bill Russell obviously like their names are always going to be you know connected to one another for you know their their many matchups in the finals but I was like man like not that recently we’ve had Now Jerry West Bill Watton and Bill Russell Bill Russell’s passing was like almost two years ago already I I didn’t realize that uh for some reason I felt like that was last summer but um yeah it it’s just crazy to to lose like three pillars of NBA history over the course of the last couple of years really really sad and I I don’t know about you but I I didn’t hear that you know he was unhealthy at all I don’t know many details around his passing and that’s really not important for us to know that but you know it was 86 years old led a good life um but yeah just I wasn’t expecting that news obviously at all um and obviously our our thoughts and our prayers are with his family and the entire NBA Community but uh hopefully we we don’t lose another legend for a long time really sad yeah it’ll be interesting to see all the tributes that roll out next season for those two guys like you said two of the biggest not just you know um you know as far as their playing career like those two are legends but like personalities like those are two of the biggest Bill Walton and Jerry West two the biggest personalities the NBA has ever seen um and so yeah very beloved across the league across basketball and so yeah be interesting to see that the tributes that that happen you know all the way four months from now as we mentioned once the NBA season tips off and last thing to mention just before we we wrap up here Anthony Parker uh appeared on this week’s episode of the Orlando Magic pod squad with you know Dante Mark and the whole team there um not a ton came from that that that we didn’t already know but talked a little bit about jet Howard and sort of mentioning that he has been made aware of really the things that he needs to work on he was quoted saying to his credit he took on the challenge and you saw him get better over the course of the Season you saw how he played uh start to starting to line up with what we wanted to see from him and then talking about both jet Howard and Anthony black have been in uh the facility already you know to to start the summer and that you can see the the work that they’ve been uh putting in on on their body and seeing that confidence start to grow so obviously when it comes to the draft and what the match are going to do you have to think about Anthony black and Jet Howard and and sort of where their standing is on this team and on this roster at this point and we’ll we’ll probably have you know some some answers on that in like we said the next couple of weeks and I’m excited to just again have answers and not have to speculate when it comes to the draft and free agency it feels like we’ve been speculating since really January when it you know it came to the the trade deadline and whether or not the magic we’re going to make a move so that’s my favorite time of of year is when we can just stop talking about the wha ifs and start talking about the wise and the hows of of sort of what happened yeah it’s it’s it’s fun to think about like there are really only two down sections of an offseason for a team like the magic right you got right now but then once the draft comes in in two weeks like we already talked about the schedule you got the draft you got you know signing your own free well before that signing your own free agents the draft then you have you know the the free agents and then the trades and all that kind of stuff and then this summer we got Olympics right after that and all the way until basically end of August then you got a few weeks there end of August end of September where is a little bit of a downtime but then you’re into media day and training camp and preseason all that kind of stuff so it is a little under four months till baset but really hopefully it flies by with all the other stuff that that’s going on so I’m excited yeah so October 7th um that is going to be the first preseason game so media day is probably going to be like September 30th like somewhere around there like like roughly like a week before the the preseason game start typically so and then one thing that I failed to mention is uh July 12 through the 22nd is going to be Vegas summer league so I don’t know if we’re g to I mean I would guess we would see Anthony black but I I know for sure you know I think Jed Howard’s talked about being there so it’ll be really nice to see what those guys have been up to and how their their games are improving so again just a couple of weeks and then you know we’re GNA have quite a bit to look forward to and talk about throughout the summer and then yes there’s going to be like that end of August early part of September where it’s just like radio silence where we hear absolutely nothing and itching we’re just ready for it that’ll be a pretty uh guest heavy period on uh on the the six-man show but um Kevin unless you got something else I think that’s going to wrap this one up so we will go ahead and and do just that uh that’s going to do it for this one uh again a big thank you to Keandre from hoop intellect for joining the show today for producer Kevin Tucker for Jonathan Osborne you all have been listening to the six-man show and we will catch you guys next time see you thanks for listening to the Sixth Man Show be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Spotify to get new episodes downloaded directly to your phone if you enjoyed the show please take a minute to give us a five-star rating and a review it helps out the show a lot follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook at 6man show we’ll catch you guys next time go magic go go go

Draft expert Keandre of Hoop Intellect joins the show for the 3rd year in a row to discuss which prospects could fit the Magic, we also breakdown key upcoming dates for the Magic.

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Hosts: @j_osborne21 & @lukesylvia96

Producer: @kevin_tucker_

Music: Prod. by Tantu Beats

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0:00 – Intro
3:02 – Preseason Schedule
6:54 – Important Offseason Dates
16:32 – Patron Shoutout
19:06 – Hoop Intellect
42:09 – Outro

#OrlandoMagic #OrlandoMagicPodcast #PaoloBanchero #BlueWireVideo


  1. Hyped to watch this episode. For whatever reason I feel like I'm consuming a lot of draft content this season and getting really into it (despite the Magic only picking 18th in a bad draft) and Keandre is one of my favorites, thank you for coming on! Maybe it has something to do with these playoffs being trash after the Magic went out.

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