@Cleveland Cavaliers



on today’s show who says no let’s play a game we’ve put together a bunch of fake trades I’ve got Greg Schwarz of Bleacher Report with me we’re going to find out who says no on this edition of lock on Cavs you are locked on Cavs your daily Cleveland Cavaliers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day than for thanks for making lock on have your first listen every day you can help grow the show subscribe on YouTube give this video a like subscribe wherever you get your podcast Apple Spotify whatever it is give us a festar review drop a review as well leave a comment on YouTube we are free and available everywhere you get your podcast free on YouTube as well part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Today’s Show brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code locked on NBA that’s locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account redeem the code locked on NBA LED d o n NBA for $20 off your first purchase download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed I’m Danny Cunningham you know me from covering the Cavs at places such as 923 The Fan Cleveland magazine and formerly at ESPN Cleveland joined today by a friend of mine longtime friend of mine longtime NBA writer and of course the author of a wi and gold winner the best moments of the Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 Championship run Greg Schwarz Greg thanks for doing this really appreciate you taking the time to jump on lockdown Cavs yeah yeah I’m I’m honored to be one of your first guests on here I see Spencer beat me but that’s okay I’m all right with that he deserves it but yeah thanks foring out just how the timing worked out man but today what you and I have done is we have gone through and you know I know that there have been reports that have come out that the Cavs are trending towards wanting to keep together the core four um that is something that I don’t know exactly how you feel about that that’s something where I will believe that when late October rolls around and all four of those guys are in the starting lineup next year for the Cavs that’s when I believe it it actually happens but we’re going to operate here today that that’s not going to be the case that the Cavs are going to be a team that’s one of the more interesting ones this offseason that’s going to pull the trigger or attempt to pull the trigger on a pretty big trade so what we’ve done you’ve put together three trades I’ve put together three trades we’re going to pull them up we’re going to talk about who do we think says no because it it takes two sides to make a deal happen so I want to start with one of yours first Greg and it’s a guy that I’ve talked a lot about so far on the show and that’s Mcall bridges for me he is a dream Target for the Cavs to acquire this offseason you put together the trade Cavs received Mcall Bridges the Brooklyn Nets receive Darius Garland and the number 20 overall draft draft pick meaning that um this this trade would happen on draft night coming up uh June 26th is when this trade could actually happen so talk me through your thinking why you thought this made sense yeah I Mel Bridges is my number one target for the Cavaliers I know there’s a lot of guys that have been floated out there the Brandon ingrams um of the world and a lot of guys make sense but for me if I’m the Cavs I want more help on the wing I want want guys who can knock down shots I want guys that can play Elite defense and guys who are tough and if you add in playoff experience that’s great too and just Mel Bridges just checks every one of these boxes and you added in the fact that he’s only making about 24 $25 million a year for the next two years he’s under one of the best contracts in the entire NBA so I I I don’t know why the Nets would trade him I think they’re going to get a lot of offers for him the Nets are in this weird position but I think that Darius Garland and a first round pick is a is a pretty strong offer would they get better than that from you know a team like the Houston Rockets I think they could um but if you’re looking at you know from Cleveland’s point of view if you trade Darius you’re essentially saying all right we’re cool with Donovan Mitchell playing point guard fulltime we’re gonna have a bigger starting lineup because now Max shu is going to be your two guard Mel bridge is goingon to be your three um if you keep the rest of the roster intact you’ve got Evan and Jarrett as the four and five you’ve got a big lineup now and especially if your front line is Bridges Moy and Allen you are Elite defensively I just I really like that if you’re swapping out darus Garland um for Mel Bridges defensively that’s a huge upgrade um so I really like that I think salary-wise that really helps the Cavs a lot too um this trade it’s about $10 million difference in salary why does that matter for the Cavs um they’re only about $10 million projected to be below that that luxury tax line so that gives you the chance to not only bring back Isaac aoro but now you can use at least a hefty chunk of that mid-level exception as well so if you want to stay out of the luxury taxs you want to add a premier Defender um I for me I think this is a no-brainer if the Nets would say yes to this I would do this in a heartbeat yeah I’m with you there and I think that the biggest question I have is what direction does Brooklyn want to go because you know there were rumors that they had offers on the table for Bridges at this this past trade deadline this Seas season and now it it just feels like that franchise is in a really weird place like I don’t see an Avenue moving forward for them to be competitive within the next two or three years which you know is not the entirety of bridges’ contract but it it’s close to it and I also wonder how many players out there because they if Bridges becomes available like you said they’re going to get a ton of offers from him he’s going to be one of the most sought after guys this entire off season all across the NBA but how many Allstars are going to be offered for him because I think a lot of the teams that are going to be interested in bridges are going to be offering very trade asset he heavy packages and the Cavs can’t do that they’re not in the position to be able to do that but I don’t know how many players out there are better than Darius Garland even coming off of a bad year that would be offered for for a player like bridges that I think to me is the biggest question um if one of these two teams were to say no I do think it would be the Nets though I I don’t think that this is a trade that the Cavs would say no to if if it’s on the table yeah I I think like I said I think Brooklyn will get better offers than this um you know we know that Memphis was was interested in the past Houston was interested in the past um I think sham Shani reported right before the deadline that you know Houston was willing to give up Jaylen green and first round picks and that’s a good offer that’s a really good offer especially the way he played down the stretch so I guess my argument for Brooklyn and why they should take the deal um Garland’s under contract for four more years you have a little bit more team control Bridges has two more years so he’s an unrestricted free agent he’s probably not going to extend off the deal that he’s at because it’s so low um I think he’s going to go into unrestricted free agency so you could maybe pitch the Nets on look you have Team control over Garland for the next four years a guy that’s a couple years younger he’s been an All-Star uh he could Thrive especially in a big Market you put him and cam Thomas in your back cor that gets pretty good but I agree with you I think you know the Cavs would say yes Brooklyn would probably say now we could probably get a better offer so um but yeah this would be my my dream trade scenario and I do think one of the other selling points that you could give to the Nets here is that they’re sort of buying low on a guy to where Darius Garland’s value certainly you know 12 months ago if you look back at what it was last June it’s much higher than it is right now just because he had there’s not really a nice way to say that he just had a nightmare of a season with everything that he went through you know the fractured jaw losing all the weight and then he was just kind of a shell of himself after that I think that there’s a lot of room there for him to grow and I think he’s a guy that even though I don’t know how likely it is he gets moved this offseason from the Cavs I certainly wouldn’t put him as the most likely guy to get traded um but I think he’s someone that you could convince other teams hey this guy is a big he he’s a he’s an All-Star caliber player and he could really really use a CH of scenery to some extent like I do think that could be a selling point there and he’s someone that I think in the situation in Brooklyn that it would be I think he could Thrive there and I think he could really start to revitalize his career after a really bad year yeah I agree come on Brooklyn let’s let’s do it let’s get done yeah I’m I’m fascinated to see I I do Wonder Too what if you added on to this trade a little bit like what would it look like if you wanted to get Dorian finy Smith from the Nets too what else do you think the Cavs would would have to throw in like I wonder you know does Darius Garland and send Caris LeVert back to Brooklyn where he started his career does that work like I I wonder if there could be more to this trade than just really you know it’s not a one for one you threw in a first round pick there but I do wonder if there could be more to it too that I had I had like five variations of this trade when I was this was the simplest version I because you know you put trades together they get a little I had a three- team trade with uh Chicago where Zack LaVine was going to go to Brooklyn uh Ben Simmons expiring contract was going to go to Chicago the Cavs are going to end up with Alex Caruso like I I had like 14 variations of this I just thought okay let’s let’s keep it simple first um but yeah if Brooklyn was like hey let’s let’s I’m interested in you know shedding a little bit more salary we have to resign Nick Claxton um you know would they send back a guy like Dorian finy Smith would they send a guy back like um a Dennis shuder uh especially if they were going to point Garden Garland so yeah there there’s all different ways I’d take cam Johnson there’s a lot of guys on the Nets I would take uh but yeah this was just the simplest version that that I can make well I can tell you the Bulls would say no to that because they just want to be mediocre so I I think that it’s kind of pointless to put them in they don’t want to get and and they don’t want to get worse either they want to win 38 games every year for the rest of time that is what that looks like that’s what they’re gonna do next year if they don’t do anything s congratulations it is incredible um we’ve got another one de jante Mur in Cleveland we’ll talk about that next right here on lock on Cavs game time makes getting NBA Finals tickets easier you you might be running out of time with the finals this might not be the longest series between Dallas and Boston but if you want to get in the door game time is the place to go prices on the game time app actually go down the closer you get to tip off so if you’re looking for those last minute deals game time is the place to go they’ve got killer last minute deals they display Allin prices a really really helpful function on game time they’ll show you the view from your that I think is something that’s super underrated when using their app also they’ve got a lowest price guarantee game time takes the guess work out of buying NBA tickets I so I am someone obviously I’m not buying NBA tickets I’m going to games with the 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Kellin Johnson they all go to the Hawks plus the Hawks get their own picks back from the original Deonte Murray trade that they sent to San Antonio and the Cavs get dejonte Murray and bogdanovich why do you think this makes sense for everybody involved yeah first of all I just want to see like Landry fields on the phone with the Spurs being like I want my picks back all of them like you know just the you know recreate draft day uh I think that’d be awesome um no I mean we’ve seen rumors for the the Spurs have been interested in dar’s Garland I think Darius makes a lot of sense there um they struggled with point guard um Trey Jones actually was number four in the NBA in swing rating uh he had a swing rating of almost 15 that’s how much points per one possessions he improved them so just having any sort of point guard uh on the floor was big uh for them so if you replace Trey Jones with Darius Garland I just think that’s that’s a home run uh for the for the San Antonio Spurs so let’s talk about Cleveland’s side of this dejonte Murray is a guy I’ve liked for a long time I liked him when he was in San Antonio the first time he was a guy that I thought could have been a backourt fit even before we got Donovan Mitchell so I like him even more now because of the contract he’s on I thought for sure was guy oh my gosh I I mean he averages about 2425 million a season over the next four years like if you think it’s one of the best deals in basketball it really is I can’t believe he signed it I thought for sure he was going to unrestricted free agency I I mean that was the fear for San Antonio was they weren’t going to be able to resign him uh they change to CBA where he could sign for 140% instead of 120 I was still surprised he took the deal off after that so if you want a guy especially if you know Ideal World you have Donovan Mitchell on a Max contract you’re bringing back Evan Mobley possibly on a Max contract um roster is going to get expensive if you get an All-Star caliber Talent like dejonte Murray who’s just entering his prime is an elite Defender he’s not a great three-point shooter but he’s he’s gotten better he’s a good passer uh I just think you plug him in the back court with Donovan Mitchell um you’re bigger uh you’re better defensively um your overall shooting probably takes a little bit of a hit but I I will trade that especially his contract is so much better than Darius garlands uh I would love to jonte Murray and then you get ban bogdanovich one of the best six men in the NBA I think he finished fifth and sixth Man of the Year voting this year averaged about 17 points three rebounds three assists he’s a guy he can shoot he shoots between about 37 40% uh from three I just your ideal six-man I he’s everything that I want Carris Levert to be but Carris LT has never been uh and I would just that’s an upgrade as as your sixthman as well so um you know you can make the argument Garland is the best player in the trade maybe if he hits his Peak but I think he’s got the highest ceiling like I I think that’s where he I don’t think to date he’s been the best player certainly wasn’t the best player in this deal last season right um but I think like if everyone reaches their full potential the Spurs are the team that’s coming out of this with the best player like I think that’s probably the fairest way to look at this that that’s that’s exactly how how I meant to put it yeah I think if we look back in like two or three years and Garland’s making all-star teams and averaging you know 25 points and eight assists you know playing for papovich like I won’t be surprised like good for them um and helps wemy become an MVP yeah yeah I I just I think that’s a great deal for the Spurs too so you know it we we have a starting point guard a new starting point guard in J Jon Murray a new six-man in ban bogdanovich um we I just think that’s an upgrade in two positions there as of like right now um you know for Atlanta I just think they got to split up Trey young into jonay Murray I don’t see how you can run both of those guys back um Trey young is obviously the more talented of the two um he’s the guy that I still think maybe you try to build around and this trade lets them keep that the other thing about Atlanta is they’re getting very expensive very fast very quick yes and with this trade I know Murray’s on a great contract but if you you move his deal and you move ban bogdanovich’s deal um Carris Levert is on an expiring contract that’s going to save you some money Trey Jones is on an expiring deal that’s going to save you some money and Kellin Johnson has a contract that actually goes down a couple million dollars each year um so you’re basically getting yourself back into Good Financial shape if you’re the Hawks now you can give uh Jaylen Johnson a big extension if you want to uh you’ve got Trey young he’s going to need a super max deal most likely coming up um it’s going to get very expensive so this deal kind of eases that financial burden on Atlanta they get their first round picks back in 25 and 27 which is huge for him because if they stink next year if Trey young has an injury um that pick no longer goes to San Antonio um which is great uh you got the first overall pick in the draft coming back this year I just think it’s a chance for Atlanta to reset their roster the Cavs have uh they upgrade their perimeter defense they upgrade their bench and the Spurs get a franchise point guard in Darius Garland I I just think it it works for all three teams I think so too um I wonder and I do think that if there’s actually a team that says no to this it might be the Spurs just because I’m not sure that they would want to give up Kellin Johnson um Trey Jones who I I do really really like Trey Jones’s game I think he’s a very underrated player um and then two first round picks for one player like I just wonder if they feel as if they could find a better fit like what if San Antonio is sitting there and I’m not saying that this necessarily makes as much sense for them because I don’t like this pairing as much for the Spurs but how would they feel if they could say you know we could just trade all that stuff and get Trey young who is not coming off of the year that Darius Garland is having who would be I think a pretty good fit with Victor wanyama even though I think Trey is a little bit overrated as a player so I wonder if the Spurs here Greg in this situation would be the team that says no just because they’re giving up so much for one player like I do wonder if that’s the situation I think it upgrades the Cavs adding more perimeter defense with Deonte Murray a great six-man option in bogdanovich I like all that for the Cavs I like this for the Hawks too because they could pull this off and then they could also turn around and just say hey you know what we’ve got all of our assets back now now might be the time if we don’t believe that Trey young is a building block of a team that can win a championship that’s when they could blow it up too this could put the Hawks in a a situation to actually have a good healthy rebuild that’s something that I think is an interest inter in underrated aspect of this deal yeah I thought about that and I had different variations where I mean the Spurs have the number four number eight overall pick in the draft like them sending one of those maybe instead of a future pick or you know some sort of variation but yeah like you make a great point because you know we talk about when when Atlanta got the number one overall pick in the draft you know a lot of people are like will they rebuild will they trade Trey young well well they can’t do that because they don’t have the first round pick next year this trade would get them their pick back so it gives them that flexibility like you said so yeah um I think it makes sense for Atlanta uh yeah if you’re San Antonio in San Antonio maybe you’re like well we’ll give you 25 but we won’t give you 27 um you know there there’s definitely some some haggling that could be done yeah I I think that’s probably where this one gets held up but I do like that deal Greg you’ve got one more deal it’s it’s the big one it’s it’s bringing LeBron home we’ll talk about that next right here on lockdown Cavs Today’s Show is brought to you by prize picks with prize picks you could turn $10 into $1,000 in one single game watching your favorite sports this summer you can make prize picks a prize picks lineup as little as 60 seconds you just need to pick more or less on between two and six players stat projections not difficult to figure out I’m confident you can handle you do that you’re locked in and you can win some serious money if you’re looking for promotions prize picks got you covered each and every week they lower select players stat projections on Tuesdays on Fridays you can get your entry fees back if you put together a losing lineup we don’t want losing lineups we want we want winning 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says no I don’t think it would make every Cavs fan happy I think there’s a lot of Cs really a lot of Cavs fans are like ah we’re good on the BR but one thing that I’ve been surprised about just you know kind of monitoring taking the pulse of NBA franchises in their um their fan base a lot of Lakers fans aren’t in on LeBron anymore I’m kind of surprised because he’s still their best player he’s still their best chance at winning a championship like yeah you gota you gotta get one more piece but this man brought you a title and they still have not embraced him over there I’m like okay like he’s been pretty good for you maybe you should appreciate him a little bit more but all right anyways um I and I I’ll say this I don’t think this is going to happen I don’t think LeBron is is going to opt in and I don’t think they’re going to work this out um you know it would be interesting because Rich Paul you know represents both these guys maybe he’d be happy getting Darius get his star to shine a little brighter in Los Angeles the LeBron homecoming you know maybe that’s some clutch lights I don’t know um but I I think LeBron is ultimately gonna opt out sign a three-year deal get that $160 million and that no trade clause from Los Angeles I think that’s what he does I don’t think he opts in and does this but if he did um I’ve seen variations where it’s like LeBron for Donovan Mitchell I’m not trading Donovan Mitchell for a 39y old LeBron James um I’m not moly for him the Cavs say no on that too like that the Cavs would say if the Lakers called the Cavs and said hey uh you know we know you think Donovan’s goingon to resign but we’ll trade you LeBron for Donovan Mitchell the Cavs are saying no to that and part of that is they’re very confident Donovan’s going to resign and be in Cleveland long term but Donovan’s the better player right now I I truly do believe that well if you want to get Donovan excited and motivated to stay in Cleveland why not bring LeBron freaking James back so yeah let’s let’s let’s talk lineup for a second you know you got Donovan at point guard obviously LeBron’s going to do a lot of playmaking there Max trues your two LeBron’s your three Evan Moes your four Jared you’re five um a pretty good lineup that’s a pretty good lineup especially LeBron you know he’s going to be 40 in December he doesn’t have to be the primary offensive option anymore Donovan can be still be your your 28 to 30 point per game score if he wants to be um you know LeBron we we know he doesn’t really play defense in the regular season anymore uh good news you’ve got Evan Moy and Jared Allen behind you and I think you can you can go small if you want to when one of your bigs needs a break LeBron shifts down to the four uh you can play Evan or Jared at the five um take and turns there and then you play more Wings let’s say you resign Isaac aoro um you know you have Dean Wade so I I like this I don’t think it’s realistic because I don’t think LeBron’s going to uh give up that that extra money um that he could sign on a three-year deal with with the Lakers but I think this makes sense I think the Lakers if they you know kind of sense that LeBron’s maybe not quite as happy there that he’s thinking about retirement in a year or two this is a way for you to get you know a 24y old All-Star point guard um that’s going to look really good in the pick and roll uh with an Anthony Davis so um you know LeBron could put pressure on him to get this done if LeBron wants to go to Cleveland he could put pressure on him and say listen you could orchestrate this trade or I could leave you as a free agent go sign him Philly or somewhere else to get my max deal so um pressure from LeBron would help get this done but I it’s just a fun scenar I don’t think it’s gonna ultimately right I I think Greg the only way this gets done is with pressure from LeBron um the Lakers are saying no to this uh in a heartbeat like they’re not picking up the phone on this type of of deal right now and I do think that that part of the the LeBron situation the only Avenue I think for him to be back in Cleveland I don’t think it’s picking up the option in getting traded to the Cavs I think it would have to be something along the lines of a sign in trade um it’s something you have to think about LeBron has never been part of like a real trade in his career when he was sent to Miami like it was a sign in trade and the Cavs got picksb but he’s not ever been traded on while he’s like been under contract and I don’t think that that’s necessarily something he would be all that interested in um I think he wants to at all times have all the power and he has done that for his entire career and I don’t think that this Situation’s any different so I think that the only Avenue to get this done is for it to be a sign in trade um which it would be incredible it would light this city on fire it would be remarkable what it would do and he’s still a really great player I don’t know that that gets talked about as often as it should because now we’re we’re at the point where we’re talking about how he’s the oldest guy to ever do these things and it’s not just that he’s the oldest guy to ever do these things it’s that you know say he’s the oldest guy to score X number of points in the game well or average X number of points and like the next closest is like 15 points per game away like that is it’s ridiculous that’s the the level of play he is still at but that said I don’t think the Lakers are saying yes to this I think that this is a deal that you’re looking they’re not trading LeBron unless LeBron come com to them and says hey it’s been great maybe not what I thought it would be but it’s been great um I want to go back to Cleveland or I want to go to City x uh let’s work out a sign in trade like I really think that’s the only Avenue in which he leaves LA but you know I would never shut the door on another reunion with LeBron and the Cavs I just wouldn’t well I’ll I’ll say two things to that point this trade still works if it’s a sign in trade because salary wise it it still lines up with Caris making 16 uh Darius making 36 that’s Works in a signning trade um the cabs would be hard capped at the first apron uh for receiving a player in a signning trade I don’t think it’s a big deal they can still go in the luxury tax the first apron’s about $10 million above that um so you could still use your mid-level exception you can still bring back Isaac Coro if you’re willing to pay the tax but you would have to be like well we absolutely cannot go over the first APR now um the second part the only reason that that gives me a little bit of Hope because you’re like well the Lakers would say no and they would if LeBron doesn’t put pressure and there was that report right before the trade dead or after the trade deadline that the Warriors called about a LeBron trade and jeie bus and ownership went to LeBron to ask his opinion on it they didn’t just immediately say no they talked to Rich Paul they talked to LeBron they got his feelings because Genie bus said that she or it was reported that she does not want to have an unhappy superstar in Los Angeles so they do care about his feelings they do care about his opinion that’s all I’ll say about it and I I will add to that um I think that there are a lot of things with that organization out in Los Angeles with the Lakers right now that are not all that healthy that are not all that great but the one thing that I do think that you have to give them credit for is they have always taken care of their Stars they’ve always taken care of their Stars you know they gave Kobe that contract at the end of his career that he certainly was his onc court play at that point was not worth nearly what he was getting paid um they have always made it point to take care of their Stars I do think that if you know teams are calling about LeBron they’re going to ask him it it very well could be a no but I think that that question will get asked to him they’re not going to they’re going to do right by him I think organizationally um I don’t know that the fans quite feel all that all that same but I think Org organizationally the Lakers want to do right by him Greg I agree that’s episode one we’ve got part two coming tomorrow we’ve got three more trades to get you he’s Schwarz I’m Danny Cunningham you can find him on Twitter at Greg Schwarz BR longtime NBA writer at Bleacher Report also go online buy his uh his short story his book a wh and gold winner the best moments from the Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 Championship I cannot believe how long it’s been since then but go pick that up you can find that on his Twitter at Greg Schwarz BR I’m Danny Cunningham you can find me on Twitter at realy Cunningham thank you for making lock on Cavs your first listen every day a great episode to tomorrow three more trades you don’t want to miss these um some tough ones to find out who’s going to say no but we’ve got more of those coming for you tomorrow right here on locked on Cavs

Mikal Bridges? Dejounte Murrary? LEBRON JAMES? Who would say no to these proposed trades for the Cleveland Cavaliers?

On Thursday’s Locked On Cavs, Danny Cunningham (@RealDCunningham) of Cleveland Magazine and 92.3 The Fan is joined by Bleacher Report’s Greg Swartz to discuss fake trades and decide whether or not they would be a good idea for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

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