@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Luka Dončić is called for his 6th personal and fouls out mid way through the 4th

[Highlight] Luka Dončić is called for his 6th personal and fouls out mid way through the 4th

by 50lipa


  1. Jetersweiner

    The NBA went down hill when they started rewarding offenses for initiating contact.

    You should not be able to just run through a guy on the perimeter and get rewarded for it.

    Edit: If you see a star player guarding you in foul trouble you can just run into him. If he doesn’t react quick enough boom he’s gone if he does whatever it’s just a charge. Thats not basketball.

  2. GreenEggs-12

    Congratulations Boston for winning the 2024 NBA Finals

  3. MegaAltarianite

    Brown goes straight at Luka, and then pushes off with the forearm. Even if the rule says it’s a foul on Luka, there’s no logic in my eyes that it should be.

  4. TightStrike1365

    Probably a block.

    Definitely don’t put yourself into the refs hands with 5 fouls in a 3 point game

  5. IamInternationalBig

    Even though Luka’s feet weren’t completely planted, Brown should not be rewarded for just running him over.

    Should have been a non-call in my opinion.

  6. Revolutionary_Gear70

    Bros got 5 fouls and he’s trying to take a transition charge at the 3 point line… Just flat out stupid on Lukas part

  7. Character_Fig2074

    Luka wasn’t in the spot but I thought they would’ve called offensive foul because of the elbow to the chest

  8. How in the hell does Luka try that shit with 5 fouls. That’s a 50/50 call at best what are we doing.

  9. 9jajajaj9

    Rooting for the Celtics, but they gotta change this rule. It is a block by the current rules but I don’t like how guys are rewarded for just running into defenders lol

  10. No_Professional_5867

    Luka lucky he hasn’t been tossed all playoffs long, and he has the audacity to cry murder when he gets fouled out for his piss poor defence. This guy is so unlikeable its not funny. Whats that phrase? “Everybody acts tough when they’re up”.

  11. __johnw__

    legit thought luka was going to start crying at the start of the replay lol

  12. amanamongb0ts

    His signature move: two arms raised and a Whiney yell

  13. restless_vagabond

    Quick question for the defensive r/nba minds. .

    If I’m the main scoring threat for my team in an defacto elimination game and have 5 fouls, should I try to draw a charge on an outlet transition pass?

    Again, my staying in the game is crucial to us winning this game and having any chance at winning the series.

  14. Who would of thought if u keep attacking luka instead of just letting him stand in the corner u get this wolves

  15. His left foot is literally not on the ground. Undoubtedly can’t be a charge. Block is the right call but it’s definitely lame. It’s on Luka tho

  16. Initial-Stick-561

    The 4th minute of this quarter turned the game. Bad TO call by Kidd, bad decisions by Luka and Kyrie, bang bang calls, squashing a 4th quarter comeback down 21 points.

  17. Fluid-Program962

    2 defenders behind him. Terrible decision with 5 fouls

  18. Does this mean Luka and Kyrie are no longer the most unstoppable duo in NBA history?

  19. DangerouslyCheesey

    Trying to take a charge on 5 fouls that far from the basket with help behind him is just stupid. His feet are moving, it’s never gonna be a charge call.

  20. DannyDeBMO

    Forget about the foul, “great push by Jaylen Brown” is such braindead commentary. Why is Doris still calling this shit she gets more useless every single game.

  21. Lowspark1013

    Man I feel bad for him…

    Oh wait, no I don’t.

  22. StSaturnthaGOAT

    The pacers put up a better fight than this team lmao

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