@Memphis Grizzlies

Six realistic trade opportunities, and remembering what the Grizzlies “healthy” rotation looked like

Six realistic trade opportunities, and remembering what the Grizzlies “healthy” rotation looked like

[Applause] Mor with a running start elevat Point D oh my goodness TI game in overtime Gasol will turn his he is gone is on top s remain Conley now a three counting a 15o lead for Memphis and Blake Griffin gets into it on the floor with Randol hard to tell if there are any punches being thrown under there but Griffin took acceptance Adams going long Mor H it he hit it he hit it J Insanity you got to be kidding welcome to grits and grinds a Memphis Grizzlies podcast my name is Keith Parish we still have two weeks to go until till the NBA draft but on today’s episode I’m going to talk about some Center names that I’ve mentioned on previous episodes as possible fits for the Grizzlies who have reportedly been made available um I’m also going to talk about some reports about teams looking to trade into the top 10 that might be good trade partners for the Grizzlies also if uh we have time I’m going to talk about the two games last year where the Grizzlies had had all of their guards and wings healthy and available and I’m going to remind you what happened in those games and what the rotation actually looked like in case you have forgotten uh before we get to all of it just want to tell you that today’s episode is brought to you by Underdog fantasy if you want to play fantasy sports for cash you can do that with Underdog fantasy you can also get excited for the NFL season and do some best ball drafts you can play daily fantasy against your friends you can pick highers or lowers I’ve been doing that during the NBA finals and now if you sign up with my promo code FBF Underdog will match your opening deposit up to $250 and also give you a free bonus pick so if you want to try out Underdog do it now and use that promo code FBF and again they will match your opening deposit up to $250 all right let’s start with some of these reports and of course take all these reports with a grain of salt lots of these things could be smoke screens lots of these things could be poorly sourced but hey we’re still going to talk about them uh some of the names that have been recently reported as being available that I thought were interesting and wor talking about are Kavon Looney John Collins and Clint capella all of these names we knew you know you could get those guys if you really wanted them but the degree to which apparently they are available I think is notable let’s start with Clint capella Clint capella obviously we circled him because of the Hawks having the first pick in the draft and likely or possibly taking SAR or even taking Donovan kingan and thus not having really any need for Clint capella the issue with Clint capella he’s aging he makes uh maybe more money than you would like to pay him but he immediately makes the Grizzlies better if he’s on the team and if the acquisition cost is super low that’s something I think you would have to pursue to match the salary that’s the big issue matching the salary I think you’d have to pick up Luke canard’s team option and then also offer them zy Williams or John khar now that doesn’t immediately reduce the Hawks salary for next season so maybe that isn’t exactly what they want but it gets them something it gets them something for Clint capella so maybe that’s enough uh to make that happen also he’s not a center but because of some luxury tax concerns for the Hawks they’ve made DeAndre Hunter available DeAndre Hunter is an interesting one and he’s a player honestly I’m very interested in for the Grizzlies not a center but he’s a wing with size who can score he can shoot he can space the floor if DeAndre Hunter made let’s say Luke Canard money no one would be upset about DeAndre Hunter as an NBA player the only thing people talk about with him is maybe him being overpaid I think it’d be a great fit on the Grizzlies you still would need to acquire a center in that situation but I would be super interested in acquiring DeAndre Hunter if the cost wasn’t very much um again similar issue with Clint capella the Grizzlies issue would be how do you pay him and all your other players you could again similar situation try to match the contracts with um Luke Canard and zier or Santi odama or John Kar I don’t know what the Hawks would want for him of course it would be easier to just trade like the marus smart contract but Markus smart for DeAndre Hunter not really a fair trade um you would be looking for something else back from the Hawks but maybe you would get something uh else back from the Hawks to do that but like a guy like DeAndre hunter that to me is one of those Market inefficiencies where I think good teams should be interested in exploiting that market inefficiency which is picking up useful players even if they are making too much salary like you say 21 million that’s too much for JRE Hunter yes sure but like he’s good at least he’s a useful player so I’d be interested or I would not be mad at all um if the Grizzlies picked up a guy like that because that’s a guy who would slot very nicely into your best lineups this guy can play next to jaw and Desmond oh and by the way Marcus and jiren he could be a small ball a smallest Ball Four like maybe that’s his best position even so like that’s super interesting to me but um speaking of the centers so capella obviously available and then uh cavon Looney the Warriors according to Tim kawakami are going to wave Kavon Looney this maybe if you know they’re unable to trade him Looney a guy I identified as being a useful big to have in your rotation he is a fantastic rebounder he of course is a very good offensive rebounder we saw that up close in personal in the playoffs two years ago um the issue with him of course is he is kind of going downhill rapidly and the question being how much of that was just maybe them thinking the fit with like Trace Jackson Davis last year was a little bit better and how much of it was him just his health declining and he’s always had some kind of knee issues that’s why he fell in the draft um but like that is a player that I think a lot of good teams are going to want to kick the tires on and with the Grizzlies extreme need for front Court help you look at Kavon Looney and think well if they’re going to wave him we could maybe just get him for free and would that be an Avenue that Grizzlies want to go you could take him into the Steven Adams traded player exception maybe you wouldn’t want to waste the traded player exception on a guy like cavon Looney but like he only makes $8 million which frankly is not that much money um he makes 8 million for this coming season the Warriors if they wave him would only owe him $3 million of that contract so like that’s an interesting option for the Grizzlies even if he gets waved and then he clears waivers um then that’s an option I I think to sign with you know maybe a taxpayer mid-level exception that’s a guy I think you would possibly want to pursue so Kavon Looney a guy I’ve talked about or theorized about trading for him now being basically cut or going to be cut from The Warriors according to one of their beat writers um that is something that obviously we will monitor uh another guy who could be available or who reportedly is available this guy’s always available is John Collin so John Collins has been available for forever I mentioned him on episodes last year about a possible front Court fit with jiren Jackson Jr I was actually really surprised with the acquisition cost for John Collins last year the Hawks gave him away and what’s worse is the Jazz traded almost nothing for him and then also basically IM medely regretted it so all of those things uh red flags for John Collins um however with the Grizzlies gaping hole in the front court and with John Collins somewhat rediscovering his shooting stroke last year John Collins talent-wise basketball fitwise is an interesting option for the Grizzlies again if he’s free I think he makes your team better but of course John Collins makes a lot of money John Collins is owed nearly $27 million for the upcoming season then has a player option for the 2025 2026 season he’s not that good okay if he were good I think other teams would have tried to get him but like the Jazz they tried to trade him last year then started winning some games he started playing a little bit better maybe they decided they didn’t need to you know actively try to move him but now once again it seems like they’re completely open slash want to get rid of him they would rather have the cap space that they used on John Collins the positives for John Collins he can score he finishes lobs his three-point shooting stroke again it returned he had some big issues shooting three-pointers his final season in Atlanta um I’m a little bit still concerned about it though because if you look at his shooting splits last year basically before the All-Star break he was bad at shooting threes and then after the All-Star break he got better now one way you could spin that is you could say oh he finally got adjusted to the thumb problems he’d been having and you know he worked through it and finally rediscovered his shooting stroke another way you could spin it is saying hey when the games mattered he couldn’t make shots when the games didn’t matter when the jazs started tanking he started hitting his shots so I don’t know what the right interpretation of those numbers are but I do continue to get tempted by the idea of John Collins as a scoring big someone who can help on the glass not a ideal rebounder but for a team that starved for offense he seems like an interesting pairing with jiren Jackson Jr but then again we get to the big salary and how would you make that even work once again to match the salary I guess you’d have to pick up Luke canard’s option and then also include zy Williams and John conar and I don’t even know if the Jazz would have enough roster spots available to do a trade like that where you send them three of your players and I don’t know necessarily if this is the guy that would be the one where you would again go right up to the first apron or over the first apron for this particular player and then what happens if he Ops out or if if you have to pay him down the line is it even worth it again if you consider the acquisition cost being possibly nothing or if the Jazz even think you’re helping them out well then I think no harm no foul if you have to pay some luxury tax this season and Fe Ops out for next season no big deal if it only cost you say Luke Canard who maybe you’re going to decline his option anyway if it costs you Luke Canard plus Zer are you going to resign Zer you know The Following Season uh trending towards no conarp whatever you can find another con is my opinion now an easier way to match the salary of course would be by including Marcus Smart but even though John Collins plays a position of much greater need you wouldn’t trade Marcus Smart for John Collins Marcus Smart has much more trade value uh than John Collins but consider this the Jazz in addition to having been reported that they want to move John Collins they’ve also uh let leak that they are willing to trade the 10th pick in the draft for a win now player are you picking up what I’m putting down what if the Jazz offered the Grizzlies the 10th pick the 32nd pick and John Collins for Marcus Smart and the 39th pick I think that’s an intriguing trade idea I don’t know if the Jazz would do it but the Jazz could certainly use a Marcus Smart if they’re truly trying to win now around L Markin and again grain of salt with all these reports about players being available and picks being available um whatever the Jazz are doing this offseason I think is a complete mystery there’s some talks of them moving Walker Kesler there’s some talks of them being open to moving Larry marinan there’s also talks of them wanting to build around Larry marinan but like if the Jazz offered you the 10th pick and John Collins for Marcus Smart I mean you’d have to have a meeting about that at least the Grizzles could then use the ninth and 10th picks you could get maybe a big man option you could get you know one of these guards that maybe you think you don’t want another small guard but like any of these guys you get a Ron Holland and a dolon connect that is intriguing to me um I don’t know if I would do it but I think that’s worth mentioning and like you you move up like say you move up from the 39th pick also again the 302nd pick so you improve your second round option you get the ninth pick the 10th pick and the 32nd pick maybe you use all those to package to move up even higher maybe you’re really coveting Donovan kingan and you’re saying maybe we can move up and get him using this I as an amateur with the draft would still be probably in favor of just taking more bites of the Apple just getting two Lottery guys seeing if one of those guys panned out do you keep that 32nd pick and pick up one of these you know other guys maybe that’s how you get you know some of the The Bigs in this draft like I keep saying again I haven’t gone over all the prospects by any stretch of the imagination um but like I keep seeing this guy Don Holmes everyone seems to be pretty high on him and like maybe you can get him with a the 32nd pick he sounds like a great option for the Grizzlies but still with some of the talk that Zack low has said about the Grizzlies actually liking this draft could you see them picking up the 10th pick from the Jazz that one again it’s intriguing it’s something I hadn’t really considered Ed before but um I think you know it sounds feasible to me now Beyond players who’ve been reported as being available um there have been reports specifically from Kevin o’ Conor that three teams are trying to move up into the top 10 those teams are the Toronto Raptors who have the 19th pick the Cleveland Cavaliers who have the 20th pick and also the Trailblazers who the Trailblazers of course are in the top 10 with the seventh pick they also have the 14th pick and KOC is saying those guys all want to move up to the top 10 now I think as Grizzlies people the alarm Bells go off when we say oh the Cavaliers want to trade into the top 10 well that’s very interesting because of course we’ve been talking a lot about Jared Allen and I’m not saying Jared Allen’s a Panacea for all the Grizzlies woes I’m not even saying he’s an ideal fit I do not think he’s an ideal fit but I do believe if the Grizzlies got Jared Allen and were able to keep you know ja Dez jiren and keep Marcus don’t that’s possible but if you keep Brandon Clark and GJ Jackson and Vince Williams Jr adding Jared Allen makes you a very good team you’re going to I think comfortly win you know 50 Games 55 games around there each season while those guys are all on the team and while those guys are all healthy of course that’s a big caveat but like that obviously this report the cavers want to give get up into the top 10 you once again pitch them all right we’ll give you nine you give us Jared Allen also can we get 20 like what are we talking about here so I think that is super interesting um the Raptors won all right what do the Raptors want to move up to the top 10 I don’t know but hey the Raptors have a lot of bigs would the Raptors give you yaka purle and the 19th pick for the ninth pick would you trade the ninth pick for purle and 19 also the Raptors have the 31st pick this could to be a similar situation that I pitched with the Jazz uh you upgrade your second round pick from 39 to 31 and then you drop down from 9 to 19 can you pick up yakob purle yakob purle he makes $19.5 million per season that is a little bit pricey um matching salary once again the issues or the obstacle there uh if you pick up the Luke Canard option Luke Canard plus Kar that would get it done Luke Canard plus zier that would get it done would you trade Luke Canard and zire Williams and the ninth pick for yaka purle the 19th pick the 31st pick I think it’s a very fair trade completely intriguing yaka purle not an ideal fit zero spacing player as far as shooting he’s a very good screener he’s a good passer he in my mind he simulates a lot of the stuff that you had with stevenh Adams he’s a superb rebounder uh P’s the superior shot blocker they have similar I think effective passing chops they are both horrible free throw shooters so like yaka purle again theoretical trade yakob purle the 19th pick and the 31st pick for Luke Canard the ninth pick the 39th pick and then you probably throw in either an Alama or a Zer or a conar to make the money work now making the money work is easier if you pick up another guy on the Raptors another Center Kelly oen now frankly I don’t feel like 9 and 39 for oin 19 and 31 is Equitable I think the Grizzles are paying too much dropping from 9 to 19 for a guy like Kelly oen who’s not a clear-cut starter in the NBA but also maybe the Grizzlies would covet a guy like o Len who has size and great shooting ability also has decent passing and he’s a good passer he’s an okay dribbler for his size maybe as an ideal fit in the Grizzlies potential new scheme you would covet a guy like Kelly oen but it still feels like a hefty price to trade down from 9 to 19 to get oen but maybe there’s something there again where you could work something out I don’t know exactly what it would be to make that trade make more sense now the Blazers one all right the Blazers if they wanted to just move from 14 to n and pick up a second pick in the top 10 I think the name you would look at is Robert Williams Time Lord and of course Robert Williams got injured last season he gets injured almost every season he missed basically the whole year he got injured running into jiren Jackson Jr uh unluckily enough um Time Lord and 14 for the ninth pick it’s fair I think that’s fair I don’t know if the Blazers would give away Robert Williams maybe they don’t want the headache of another big maybe they think they’re going to draft a big a lot of people are saying their seventh pick is like the the floor of where Donovan kingan might fall but if you have uh DeAndre Aon you maybe draft a big you also have duop wath you don’t really need Robert Williams and the Grizzlies of course need a guy if Robert Williams is healthy and of course it’s a ridiculous thing to say but if he’s healthy that’s a very interesting guy to be on the Grizzlies in their front Court he doesn’t make that much money he signed basically a discounted salary because of his injury concerns but like he’s a lob finisher he’s a shot blocker he’s also I feel like maybe an underrated passer so Robert Williams and 14 for the ninth pick you could take Robert Williams into that Steph Adams traded player exception you probably have to decline Luke canard’s option at that point but like that I think it’s fair also this is the same situation the Blazers have the 34th pick in the second round you can move it from 39 to 34 so you send out the ninth and 39th pick you pick up the 14th pick the 3 fourth pick and Robert Williams totally fair trade it accomplishes the Blazer’s goal of moving into the top 10 you still would need to add uh a big because I don’t think we can depend on Robert Williams Health now um another trade option which I hadn’t really considered but I think uh Chris Harrington gave me this idea is Mitchell Robinson because the Nicks I mean maybe the Knicks are going to get out bid for Isaiah hartenstein there’s a report that the Thunder are going to make a hefty run at him and steal him from the Knicks with a big overpay but like maybe the Knicks because of valuing isaah hardenstein because of wanting to pay other players maybe you could get Mitchell Robinson from the Knicks I think an interesting proposition it feels fair to me but it would be a massive trade down would be the Grizzlies sending the ninth pick to the Knicks for Mitchell Robinson plus some matching salary uh you could get there pretty easily uh and then you pick up Mitchell Robinson and maybe both of the Knicks first rounders which are the 24th and 25th picks maybe that point you got to settle for a Don Holmes or a Philip housei maybe kle wear or EES Missy drops down there if you’re looking about a at a big maybe a guy like Tristan D Silva some other you know players like that are available if you do like this draft and you feel like you can get a useful player that late in the first round you would consider something like that of course Mitchell Robinson has his own share of injury concerns he also does not help your spacing situation and in my mind he is a very poor passer I mean even when you think about that Blazers idea like maybe you feel like at 14 you can get the guy who you value the most if it is Devin Carter or whomever else Jared McCain or something you think that guy is going to be available at 14 and I can also pick up a potential answer in the front Court you would do that Blazers trade um now uh let’s take a quick break and then I will come back and I’m to talk briefly about those two games last year where all of the Grizzlies wings and guards were healthy I’m going to remind you exactly what happened and what it looked [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like all right so when I think about the Grizzlies next year I think about the roster and what the rotation might look like I feel pretty confident in a lot of the things on the roster and I feel like most of us feel this way absent a massive groundbreaking trade let’s say most of these guys are going to be back we look at johnar Desmond Bane Marcus Smart jiren Jackson Jr Brandon Clark then Vince Williams Jr Gigi Jackson we’re like oh it’s a pretty good top seven top eight I feel very confident about that of course we need to pick up you know another big but when we don’t think about the bigs we think about this rotation of guards and wings is pretty pretty good and you know if it hadn’t been for injuries last year the things could have been way different and we would have gotten a glimpse of what that was well I’m going to tell you that last year there were two games where actually the Grizzlies were 100% healthy not counting the front Court not counting stepen Adams and Brandon Clark as far as I can tell there were two games last year where we had our full complement of players and I thought it was interesting to look at these games they occurred on December 31st New Year’s Eve it was a game against the Kings and then a couple days later they had a home game against the Spurs and in these games the Grizzlies had johnar and Desmond Bane and Marcus Smart and Vince Williams Jr and giigi Jackson and Luke Canard and Derek Rose and so if you think about next year and let’s say you think that Grizzlies are going to keep Luke Canard let’s say the Grizzlies do keep Luke Canard we think about this this guard rotation is going to be possibly exactly the same as it was in these games and we look to next year I think we all say all right here are the guys who’re going to play if we have a nine or 10man rotation next season the guards and wings they’re going to play are of course John Morant Desmond B Marcus Smart then G Jackson Vince Williams Jr and Luke Canard I think that would be close to a consensus opinion like you’re leaving out Kar you’re leaving out laravia you’re giving a DMP desire Williams and to Derek Rose I think again you think about the rotation for next year your top six guards and wings John marant Desmond ban Marcus Smart GG Jackson Vince Williams Jr Luke Canard I feel like that’s consensus uh that leaves either three or four spots for your front court that would make a ninan or 10man rotation if it’s jiren and Brandon and Santi that’s a good ninan rotation if it’s you know big who you draft uh you know plus Santi Jaren and Brandon all right that’s a 10-man rotation so that’s what I think we all assume would likely happen in a rotation for next year well I don’t know if this is predictive but when you look at those games last season where all your guards and wings were available here’s the players that played the Grizzlies played a nine-man rotation in the home game against the Kings on December 31st now an important bit of context is this before GG Jackson was basically allowed to play I Believe GG Jackson was assigned to the hustle for this game so there’s no GG Jackson but this is after Vince Williams Jr had demonstrated that he was a very useful player Vince Williams Jr had already started three games alongside johnar where the Grizzlies won all of them and Vince played around 35 minutes in each of those games so so Vince Williams Jr had already demonstrated his efficacy on the team the players that played in this game they started jaw Desmond and Marcus of course and they started jiren Jackson Jr and they started bismack bomo shout out bismack bomo uh the team had Santi Alama and Xavier Tillman available but they decided to start and play bomo those front Court minutes uh if you need a reminder why they did that uh Tillman and Alama had been playing very poorly they just felt like they needed any kind of bid in there to screen and rebound so they started what makes total sense uh ja Dez Marcus jiren and bomo Off the Bench though they played Derek Rose Luke Canard Vince Williams Jr and Santi Alama the reason I find that very very surprising is I at the time found it shocking when the guards were fully healthy that Derrick Rose still played Derrick Rose played backup point guard minutes Marcus Smart did not play any backup point guard minutes he shared all of his minutes with John morand so like you can consider Vince Williams Jr like a a wing if you want or a forward he’s more of a guard to me but it doesn’t really matter but they basically played five to six guards they played small ball they played bismack bomo heavy minutes they played jiren heavy minutes and then they played at the very least a five yard rotation of jaah Dez Marcus Luke and Derek they did not play uh Tillman they did not play zire Williams they did not play John conar all those guys got dmps of course G Jackson was on the hustle Jake laravia was on the hustle I at the time you can go back and listen to my podcast about it or watch my podcast about it I was very surprised they played a five or six C lineup they played small ball oh and by the way they got annihilated in this home game against the Kings they lost by 30 this was the game where they got one offensive rebound for the game again the depth chart was off the bench your first two guards in were Derrick Rose and Luke Canard Vince Williams Jr came in after those guys in the third quarter when they were losing significantly uh Vince s Jr did not come in they switched over to David Rody so they played again small ball they took Derrick Rose and Luke Canard Off the Bench to back up a three guard starting lineup of John Morant Desmond Bane Marcus Smart like maybe that isn’t that interesting to you I still find it interesting I don’t think it’s what I would have done at all I would have played either a big I would have played Tillman who got a DMP until uh bomo got hurt in the second half I would have played either Tillman as a big as a fourth big or I would have played John Kar is like a connective piece as a rebounder I would have even played zire Williams just as a wing with some size instead of playing all of these small ball lineups so they lost that game the next game they did the exact same thing they started John marant Desmond Bane Marcus Smart jiren Jackson Jr and bism bambo um they did increase Vince Williams Jr’s minutes credit to the coaching staff for adapting but they still played Derrick Rose and Luke Ard Off the Bench it was still what I’m calling a six guard rotation they played smallish lineups and they beat the Spurs the Spurs at that point were five and 27 they beat the Spurs by eight at home now maybe they learned throughout the year that Hey listen we made a mistake not playing Vince swams Jr in those games because of course they played him lots of minutes later in the year they also discovered G Jackson later in the year so maybe next year if all those same players are healthy they will give a DMP to Derrick Rose they will not do all of these small ball lineups maybe they will depend more on Desmond Bane as a backup point guard maybe they’ll actually play Marcus Smart as a backup point guard but I do not like that last year when all of the guards and wings were available they went small ball they played a six guard rotation now the game after this so they got blown out by the Kings at home they beat the Spurs by eight at home the next game so Derrick Rose got injured in the Spurs game so the next game was a home game against the Raptors they actually uh didn’t have Vince Williams Jr in this game either so they once again started John marant Desmond Bane Marcus Smart uh Luke Canard played significant minutes off the bench they had to turn to Rody and zier in this game and this was a home game against the Raptors and guess what they lost that game too you had JN marant Desmond B Marcus Smart Luke Canard all available they lost that game as well so it’s not great I know we highlighted that the Grizzles were six and three last year when johnar played of course they won the first four games with johnar in the rotation uh three of those games were fourth quarter comebacks and then after that it was very up and down and I don’t feel like they had a good grasp on how to fully utilize the roster at that point they leaned too heavily in my opinion on guards now what does that mean for this off season what does it mean for next year possibly nothing but I I did at least remind myself that when I’m dreaming about what the rotation might look like next year I could always be wrong because I don’t always see eye to eye with the coaching staff on the players they play and we keep thinking about like all right next year jerck Rose probably not going to be in the rotation we don’t know that when he was healthy they played him there were very few healthy dmps for Derrick Rose if I remember correctly um so I don’t know if that means for uh roster acquisition I don’t know if that means for trades next year I mean maybe it means that a lot of those guys you don’t they understand they don’t need zier and Kar in laravia uh because they already have Vince SS Jr GG Jackson and guess what when the team was healthy last year they wouldn’t play any of those guys so I don’t know I maybe it means they want to go get Rob Dillingham because they don’t mind having a bunch of small guards but anyways I thought it was interesting maybe you think it’s less interesting but uh I had for gotten that when the team was healthy last year they did a very small ballish thing where they played three bigs and six guards and uh frankly I do not love that um finally I guess I should mention that Jerry West passed away this morning at the age of 86 of course Jerry West was in the Grizzlies front office frankly he brought the Grizzlies into respectability the Grizzlies franchise had never won third 30 games in a season before Jerry West was hired and with Jerry West the Grizzlies ended up making the playoffs several seasons in a row three seasons in a row uh they won 50 games for the first time with Jerry West as their lead executive Jerry West won executive of the year for his work on the Grizzlies also Jerry West of course went on to say on a podcast not too long ago that he told Kobe Bryant not to sign with the Grizzlies when Kobe Bryant was a free agent this is when Jerry West was working for the Grizzlies uh Jerry West said that he told Kobe not to sign with the Grizzlies I don’t know if that’s true at all but it’s a story Jerry West told there’s also a tale about how um when he gave Brian Cardinal the full mid-level exception or it was like a massive contract back then um apparently the owner Michael Heisley was badgering Jerry West about why he hadn’t signed anybody and Jerry West picked up the phone called Brian Cardinal’s agent and said hey will you accept this massive contract ra and that’s how the Grizzlies ended up with the janitor Brian Cardinal again I don’t know if that tale is true either it’s just a story I’ve been told but anyways Jerry West uh passed away rest in peace condolences to his friends and family he was of course a very important figure uh in the history of the NBA of course but also in the history of the Memphis Grizzlies anyways that’s all for today let me know what you think about those trades uh that I mentioned in the first half of the episode I think they’re all very interesting if any of them happened I would nod my head and I could be like okay I can get behind this but I’m curious what you guys think anyways if you want to support this show and get some bonus content you can do that at Fastbreak breakfast come join the grits and gr slack channel it’s a lot of fun in there as we Countdown the days to the draft join again at SL fast break breakfast all right hope you guys have a great day I’ll talk to you soon go Grizz [Music]

This episode goes over several “realistic” trades with the Jazz, Raptors, Cavaliers, Knicks, Hawks and Trail Blazers, based on reports that those teams are either wanting to move up in the draft or get rid of specific players.  

Also, it looks at the two games from the 2023-24 season where the Grizzlies’ guards and wings were completely healthy to try and get clues for the rotation next year, and talks about the passing of Jerry West.

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  1. I do that Collins trade in a heartbeat. Let Pippen be the 3rd PG. snag a few nice players in the draft. Let Collins run with Ja.
    Would make for a fun offseason & reg season

  2. Collins is not a center. Dont need an undersized dude trying to play center we need a traditional big with real SIZE! Damn i miss Steve O

  3. I'd love to pick up Looney, and I don't think he's really declining. I just don't think the Warriors could figure out how to use him in their system. But if you look at last season's per 36 stats, they're basically on par with the two seasons prior to it. Plus, he's a lot more durable than people give him credit for. Last season he played 74 games, and in the two seasons prior to that he played in every single game. Basically Iron Man compared to this Grizzlies roster.

  4. Raptors and Collins trade are the most interesting. If Jazz are willing to add assets to rid themselves of Collins then i am going with that one. Collins+Jaren+BC would be a heckuva Top 3 Big rotation. Then you can just draft Edey or some other Behemoth to be the Bruiser.

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