@Miami Heat

Mavericks vs. Celtics NBA Finals Game 3 Live Stream, FREE ABC Stream, Miami Heat Report

Mavericks vs. Celtics NBA Finals Game 3 Live Stream, FREE ABC Stream, Miami Heat Report

[Music] he [Music] let’s freaking go game three of the 2024 NBA Finals is set to get underway in about 20 25 minutes or so and hopefully we will have a good game on hand to potentially make this a series as the Boston Celtics lead 20 and go on the road to put the nail in the coffin potentially of the Dallas Mavericks and go up 3oh where a team has never came back from and won that series but we should have a fun one on Deck today where are you watching from shout out your city for me as we get ready to have a good night here Wednesday evening producer cullin is with us I’m excited to be back here and hopefully we get a win from Dallas I hate to root for Dallas but I’m just going to be openly honest I want a good series and uh I think most of you want a good series as well so I’ll rooting for the Mavs today to extend this because I’ll say this Colin as by the way shout out your city you’ll get a shout out on the show but if the Mavericks lose today and go down 3 0 this series is ending Friday there is no chance this Dallas Mavericks team will put up a fight down three yeah I mean I don’t know if you saw the video of Luca going around his lack of defensive effort now you can say I have I mean I tweeted out during the gam he’s gassed and this is the worst performance I’ve seen defensively in the finals that I’ve like ever yeah and it’s it’s one of those things where okay you have the Christoff porz injury which I said at the end of our game two stream I was like if I’m a Celtics fan I’m praying for kp’s health obviously he may be out for the rest of the NBA Finals Dallas has to capitalize here and I’m looking for Dallas to get off to a great start here in game or in the first quarter like they got to come out they got they got to come out firing they got to come out firing they need to continue to shout out your city as we’ll give some shout outs Hunter Floyd watching from Fort Smith Anthony Wright Jack Jacksonville Florida Nester saying let’s go Katie I don’t know who Katie is as is asking is donic playing today Luca donic is playing today christops porzingis is not time says sa Pao shout out Brazil no Hunter he’s not playing man KP Kristof porzingis has been ruled out for this one the reports are that he wanted to play he tried to play but the athletic staff of the Boston Celtics says no no no no no we’re not going to have this Cory child is watching from Alabama Alabama Sweet Home Alabama I if you can’t tell I’m not the most musically inclined person out there Nester says let’s go Kyrie Irving all right so said Katie but really just wants Kyrie here I got it some behind the scenes work um continue shout your city let’s get the comment section flowing early here I want to give some shout outs I want to know who who is watching and where they’re watching from that is my goal here in this first portion we’ll talk more about game three story lines to watch and break down everything that needs to be broken down in the next 20 minutes don’t you worry Joseph Miller watching from Minnesota you know that Meme from Joe Biden Minnesota I love it when they said like big 10 opponents I don’t know something like that like Minnesota Broncos Country let’s run says Denver we in here hell yeah as says Kyrie is either going to hoop or he’s going to double double okay he’s going to get to the hoop all right I see you I see you I see you Anthony Wright says let’s go Celtics still win with a KP setback listen Al Horford’s going to have to play Big minutes curious to see where the Celtics go for backup are they going to go to Jason Tatum is small ball five is it going to be Xavier Tilman is Luke cornette going to see some PT who knows what’s going to happen with this Celtics rotation as we are 19 minutes away from tip it’s time to get your official votes down below who do you got in game three if you got the Mavericks type D if you got the Celtics taking a commanding 30 lead type those boss’s it’s also a live poll on both channels we’re live on the heat report and chat sports Maverick’s 80% in heat report 62% Mavs in chat sports but continue to get those votes down below Avon wles says Dallas Corey child says Dallas Anthony Wright says white I am white I don’t know if I just I don’t know I don’t know why said white hunter fls say Mavs and sex little backo sweep action says Hunter van Lee says Nick I loved your offseason top five rankings if they wanted Dame that bad um wouldn’t Trey make sense similar profile in caliber of guard Trey will help them Dame would just be a volume scorer Ben Lee I don’t completely disagree I think Dame is a more complete scorer than Trey young and I think Dame is slightly better defensively just because he’s bigger and more of a guard’s guard but uh yeah I mean offensively would do a lot of the same things Anthony W rocking with Boston time says Brazil Numero Uno go Dallas today I think we’re all Dallas fans unless you’re a Celtics fan I think the majority of the world is rooting for Dallas one because they want this to become a series and not be three 0 heading into game four on Friday um but I think a lot of people also dislike the boss of Celtics as well and maybe that’s just me because that’s the the background I’m coming from but Celtics are very the Celtics are very easy to dislike let’s put it this way yeah as an organization it’s kind of how I feel about the situation they got the most champ ionships well I guess tied for the most championships um okay Anthony Wright saying no I mean white is the key to the Celtics win I think the key to the win is um Jason Tatum and usually when I ask who the x- factor is colen I always say you can’t say the star players because they are expected to show up I think at we’re at to the point where Jason Tatum can be said as an X Factor because he’s been so bad offensively in terms of putting the ball in the basket he’s still been really good in drawing coverages and facilitating there’s no denying that but in terms of actually scoring points it’s been a struggle where you go 6 to 22 in game two it it was just horrific absolutely abysal yeah I mean have we seen a player who I mean going into the series no one would argue he’s probably the best player on his team plays badly through two games and his team’s still up 20 he’s not the best player on this team the best player on this team right now is Jaylen Brown if I’m telling you like if you had the rank okay NBA Finals MVP odds right now I think Jaylen Brown would be one right I think Drew holiday would be two I’m not even trolling I think LCA donic would be three because he’s been really good statistically through the first two games I would probably go I would have said Chris stops four but he’s probably done for the series so I have to take him out so maybe Tatum’s for yeah I’ll probably put him above Derek white yeah but like Tatum would be the third guy on his own team that IID vote for finals MVP and I’d have Luca ahead of him too have luk ahead of him too Hunter says if Dallas Hits free throws we win it’s simple I mean I will say this if they made every single free throw that they missed in game two I think they would have tied cuz they I think they lost by seven and they missed seven um but they do need to make their free throws that’s for pretty darn sure all right we’re 15 minutes away 16 minutes away from tip off we got a Super Chat menu oh done Celtics up three 0 wilbon Stephen A Smith and Bob Myers all picked Dallas to win the game yep all right congrats Boston thanks guys all right this is our Super Chat menu for the day and I think we’re going to run back the same special I offered on Sunday evening that we did not Eclipse if we get $200 in total super chats across both channels we can combine the heat report and chat sports together if we combine those two and get to $200 in super chats I you know what we will do a boot race that is two or three beers all at the same time chug them out of a boat we’ll race to see who can get there first but any Super Chat will get on screen a $10 Super Chat will do or get me to do five push-ups $20 Super Chat gets you into the Miami Heat Hall of Fame where I’ll write your name on a Miami Heat basketball and take a shot of tequila and we did $200 total as a boot race if you want to see us race one beer each out of her banga that would be a $50 Super Chat would equal that let’s have fun let’s party let’s have a good time today I think it’s something that we can all agree that we want to have right we come here to watch the game hang out and have fun let’s have fun donating helps grow the channel helps party let’s do it I also offer a special for free shots cuz it is free every 100 likes on today’s stream and we can combine that channel as well combine the two is a shot of tequila usually $20 but every 100 likes as a group we get today I will do a shot of tequila we currently have seven likes on the heat report 15 likes on chat sports that’s 22 total likes so that means we’re 78 away to getting me to take a shot of 1,800 if you’re in the building hit that thumbs up icon it also helps push out our stream to more people on YouTube more likes equal more eyeballs on the stream and I think we can all agree that more people here to have conversation and party with is always a good thing so hit that thumbs up icon we’re live for free if you can’t Super Chat that’s fine but help us out by hitting that Thumbs Up Button takes one second of your time insecurity says Mavs are going to win Anthony Wright says disagree how about Drew holiday did I not say he was the second guy for MVP I thought you did I I think I went Jaylen Brown Drew holiday yeah you did so I I don’t know why he disagreed with me there I don’t know if he disagrees with me van Lee says W said christops is done I did see that W said that it’s unlikely or the Celtics are not optimistic that he is going to be able to return this series so it certainly is something that is not looking good if you’re a Boston Celtics fan be serious to see how that ends up coming to fruition Daniel Barry Sports highlight says yo what is up Daniel brry Sports highlights thanks for tuning in oh we did get a $20 Super Chat from Victor wanyama what did we uh is it Poland uh no but it’s okay we’ll get up on screen I don’t understand this oh wait here it is I was going to say I feel like this is that’s why we are on not filtering comments I think it will come through bang job let’s go baby let’s go we got it on the building we just had to wait for it to come through we did I think maybe he was the check mark or the way I don’t know we’ll see what happens we’ll figure it either way Victor wanama with a $20 Super Chat hey wemy congrats on winning Rookie of the Year and coming in second depy voting but can you do me a favor and let my guy bam at aaya win it next year chill out Wy says Celtics in five Derek white or Drew holiday Finals MVP Spurs 2025 NBA champions I’ll say this Victor wanyama they need to get you some help in a form of a guard could there be a Trey Young trade or are they going to draft nicoa topic and Stefan castle in the NBA draft either way they need to get you someone to diss you the rock to wanyama already one of the best rookies of all time and one of the best younger players in the NBA Wy I’m excited to see you in year two and I appreciate the $20 Super Chat because you’re getting into the heat report Hall of Fame and we’re going to take a shot of tequila yes sir this is the heat report Hall of Fame basketball we’re almost filled up by the way and once we fill this up we’re going to auction this puppy off on a heat report stream which for the Heat fans watching which there’s 30 of them on our chat sports uh or chat our heat report Channel we will be live for the NBA draft in the first round and likely the second round um as well as sometimes during free agency so stay tuned for that we’ll be live breaking down all the action and we’ll have some specials and probably giveaways on tap for that as well but let’s get Victor wean yava on the ball shout out to also I I’m assuming he’s a Spurs fan but wanyama if you ever if you ever want to come to Miami I’m in he said that uh he said in the chat Stefan Castle to the San Antonio Spurs confirm that’s what he said listen I am a big Stefan Castle I believe I have him as my fifth ranked player on my big board I like Nicole atopic a little bit better Victor wanyama I also think he fits better with you because he’s a better playmaker than Castle he’s got good size to him but uh Stefan Castle can’t go wrong top pitch is my number two player on my big board I’m I um I’m almost done finishing my big board I’ve got my top 60 or 70 guys I just need to fill in some of the notes for it but i’ I’ve done a lot of a lot of scouting but either way Victor wanyama on the ball shout out to you right there bad handwriting it is what it is and that’s time to take a shot of tequila I like turtles is back and says hi best hi best friend oh what’s up best friend what’s up best friend good to see you again best friend me and me and I like turtles are great Pals great Pals I’d like to have a nice little beer with I like turtles as we talk about why we like turtles so much why do you like turtles Colin do you like tur first of all I should ask do you like turtles I do like turtles shout out to you here let me take the shot oh something like a little Patron on a Wednesday um I do like turtles I think Turtles are just one of those you ever just see somebody that just walks into a room and they just they they have the confidence of like I’m the [ __ ] rolling roll every time he walks in the office all like I’m the shitty fcking look at anybody that’s that’s a turtle so that’s why I [ __ ] with turtles yeah I’m a turtle you’re a turtle we’re all turtles we’re all turtles we’re all turtles wanyama again with a two $3 Super Chat you know Victor that’s an interesting number usually we don’t see $3 super chats don’t um but weiny with the threes that one not coming through no that one did oh whoop that’s probably why whoops I want yeah just flash on screen real quick here W Bama with a $3 Super Chat saying I’ll come to Miami to block bam that’s very mean Victor I thought we got off on a right start but uh we need to be friends we need to be friendss I’d like to see wemi wemy bam front Court would be the best defensive front Court in the entire NBA that’s all I know maybe history actually I will say history by the way it would move WIS massively 8 minutes away from tip this is our Super Chat battle we’re at 23 thanks to Victor wanyama going ISO ball here and really carrying the ship appreciate you oh God Celtics today is on a roll as always but we’re catching up on Mavericks today $10 Super Chat would put us ahead of the Mavericks Channel see if anyone can get us across that 30 margin of where Mavericks today is as we are 7 minutes away from getting underway now Anthem being played just straight up guitar I got to be honest I don’t know if I’m a fan of that I like to hear the the vocals okay I don’t know how you feel about that at home and you Colin but to me I am a I want to hear the vocals the the rockets red glit you know what I mean like we that high note can’t really do the the air the electric guitar is cool but I like to hear the vocals all right let’s back to the game though who is your biggest X Factor for game three you can go from the Celtics side you can go from the Maverick side go either way you want I would say the biggest xfactor cullin and then I want to hear your thoughts and it was one of my biggest X factors prior to the series L Horford porzingis out not playing today due to that random ass injury he has that I don’t even know how to say but with El Horford set to take most of the minutes at Center and I don’t know if they go small ball as a backup center with Tatum or if they bring in Luke cornette or Xavier tman or something like that but either way Al Horford’s going to play 30 plus minutes tonight and he’s going to have to play Big cuz the reason why the Celtics have been able to dominate this series thus far porzingis has been excellent offensively but he’s been even better defensively deterring people he’s blocked I think three or four shots in the first two games but he’s also altered so many other looks from the Mavericks inside with him not being able to protect the paint for Boston you’d expect Dallas to Target and try to get to the couple more in these games so to me Al Horford’s going to really have to step up and provide a lot of big things defensively not even offensively right I don’t hate that um you obviously highlighted some great points there I’m going to go on the other side since you went with Celtics I’m gonna go PJ Washington I think Kyrie I’m expecting him to have a big game there’s no way it won’t be a game unless he has a big game I will say if he has a big game it’s an all time like man you really just can’t handle Boston right now exactly like it’s the streets will be talking let’s put it that way but I’m going to go with PJ um listen man Luca clearly just whether you want to call it effort whether you want to call it injury whatever it is he’s just not going to be able to give you his all on the defensive end so you’re going to need somebody to kind of help him maybe make some shots so he has a little bit of a chance of breaking and I’m going to look towards PJ Washington to be that guy whether it’s hitting those Corner threes whether it’s attacking the basket like he’s been doing I ultimately man I’m going to look to PJ washing to be the key if the Mavericks hope to really for the better lack of a better term extend this series with his play so PJ Washington’s my guy yeah we got some other people saying that PJ Washington from Hunter Floyd is The X Factor Paxton says LC has to share the damn ball I think he has been sharing the ball it’s just a little difficult for his teammates to make some shots at this point um Paxton says Luca um wenyama says Celtics win 11397 Mavs win game four Celtics win at home in five I don’t see a world where the Mavericks win game four if they lose tonight I got to be honest I’ve said this I think if they’re down 3 I honestly think they pack it in I know it’s the finals but like LC is banged up are they really going to give it their all I’m not so sure that will be the case I like turtles with a $2 Super Chat it’s the turtle Emoji let’s go I like turtles I’m glad me and him are best friends I mean it didn’t start off the greatest but you won him over yeah you know he came into the building and said this guy’s annoying this guy sucks and I just was like wow that really stinks that you feel that way because I really like turtles just like you like turtles and now we have bonded over Turtles and if you want me to be your best man in your wedding I like turtles I’m in um just shoot me a DM on Twitter I I’ll show up and I’ll even bring a turtle that I find find in the Turtle Creek which by the way is a thing in Dallas Texas Turtle Creek look it up um I’ll go find a turtle that I could bring he says I I like turtles says he’s a charmer what can I say I’m dead I’m dead all right as we are it says deal just not a snapper no snapper turtles no snapper turtles um don’t worry about that story lines to watch in game three will the Mavericks avoid the vaunted 30 deficit no team has ever came back from three in won a series we almost had it last year when the Celtics were down 3 in the Eastern Conference Finals to the Miami Heat they came all the way back to force of game seven and then got blown out by 20 in that game which is by the way if you look back on it is objectively hilarious that a team came back from 3 only to get blown out by 20 on their own home court it’s objectively hilarious um can they come out and punch the Celtics in the mou MTH to get this game started how healthy is Luca donic is a big question he allegedly got a painkilling shot for that injury that he has been suffering I forget what it’s called I don’t even know how to pronounce it um but is he going to be healthy how is he going to be fairing tonight will Jason Tatum finally score the basketball shot six of 22 in game two um he has not scored over 20 I think in either of the first two games he has not been the guy that the Celtics needed him to be in terms of scoring the ball but he’s been good facilitating and they’ve gotten big games from Drew holiday chrisos porzingis and Jaylen Brown so they haven’t needed Tatum to score tonight but will he do that now with porzingis out Kyrie Irving will he ever show up to the NBA finals he had two horrific games in Boston but now returning home will he be able to play in front of the Dallas crowd get good support rather than the hate he gets in Boston and show out and then porzingis he’s out he’s not playing how will Al Horford fa will the Mavericks take advantage and drive to the paint and finish at The Rim more efficiently with no Rim protecting porzingis in the game that’s a big storyline to that we’ll have to keep our I am 2 minutes till tip are you excited for the game I am and if you’re with me spam those mes everyone who types me right now is going to get a shout out on the live show spam the mies if you’re ready for the game Anita Anderson aie koala Victor wanyama I like turtles Paxton says no I don’t believe you Freebird Reuben keep on spamming those mes let’s get that check right up as we are just a minute to go the players are taking their spots on the court for the initial jump ball isos says me AR Patriot says me wanyama still typing those Miis keep on spamming those Miis and as we are about to get underway it’s also your final opportunity to get your votes down below we can go with this to start off the show who you got B for the Celtics D for the Mavericks same starting five for each crew Gafford Irving Luca PJ Derek Jones Jr Horford Jaylen Brown Derek white Jason Tatum and Drew holiday for the Celtics Michael Clark says me as says me isos rocking with Dallas Paxton rocking with Boston we are tipped off in the American Airline Center the Mavericks have won the tip Luca has on the left Wing he’s guarded by Jaylen Brown to start this game over to Kyrie Irving drives to the rim layup good and tonight’s going get started with an Irving Le I will say Kyrie started last game game two four or five from the field before going what is it two of 13 then the game so see if Kyrie can sustain that level of play Tatum guarded by Gafford spinning dropping it off to brown one more drop off to Al Horford 8ot push shot is good and we’re even at two after both squads score on their opening possession donic step back three early in the shot clock is true donic with a step back right over Jason Tatum and he’s got his first basket of the game Tatum stripped loose ball Derrick Jones Jr gets it they’re out in transition DJJ to the rack and he lays it up and in perfect start of your Dallas three for three from the field in the first minute it’s a 72 lead like the energy I’ve seen from Dallas in the first three possessions offensively and defensively Drew holiday step back three no good rebound donic he’ll bring it up hounded by holiday donic drives has a step loses it and dribbled it off his own foot Here Comes Boston now no numbers Derek white left wide open for three and he misses it in the Mavericks coming with the board that can’t happen can it was a two on four and the Mavericks just left Derek white for an easy pull up three very range they either do they dodg the bullet though and it remains 72 Bodies Hit deck Gafford and brown hit the ground I don’t know what happened there donic to the rack big bodies Drew holiday and it’s a quick 9-2 lead for the Celtics or excuse me the Mavericks and we are going to have a quick timeout by the Boston Celtics not even two minutes into this ball game the American airlin Center is buzzing and Maverick’s fans are ecstatic with their 9-2 lead man oh man what did I say at the beginning of the beginning of the stream man the Mavericks are going to come out they’re going to come out firing Kyrie even getting the first basket that was huge for him and Boston how do they respond are they going to have that killer instinct to try to come back weather the storm and make this a ball game but it’s all Dallas early on yeah Mavericks I said that off the Jump is that I’ve liked the way they came out in this game and I know that we can’t really say it’s the christops porzingis effect because porzingis has not started the where other two games but has there not been a more conceited effort early on to drive to the Rim Yeah like kyi got to the rim layup Luca got to the rim layup Luca got to the rim and dribbled off his own foot but then even in transition Derrick Jones Jr who has struggled in the series stole the ball from Tatum and then went Coast to Coast for an easy layup without any resistance from Jaylen Brown like to me there is a clear emphasis on getting to the rack early in this game I mean we’ve had three or I say they’ve had five possessions four out of the five they’ve went to the rack the other the only other one was a Don step back three that he cashed yeah and that’s that’s got to feel good for donic because donic you can kind of tell that he likes to get one of those step back game step back threes excuse me early in the game just to kind of you know feel how his shots going to feel the rest of the game and that one goes down he’s going to be shooting a bunch of those tonight and I wouldn’t expect nothing less from the guy who let’s face it if Dallas is winning the series he’s a clear-cut Finals MVP so I yeah if if Mavericks come back and win the series he’s no doubt going to win MVP he’s probably going to have some sort of record for double doubles triple doubles in his first Finals appearance or something like that like he’s averaging more than 30 points in just around 10 rebounds and 10 assists through the first two games like he’s going to put up ridiculous numbers early start but it’s been a fun entertaining start if you’re enjoying the game so far hit that Thumbs Up Button remember every 100 likes that we get combined channels today I’m taking a shot of tequila 40 people watching on the heat report only 13 likes that is unacceptable I know you Heat fans I know the heat report we should be way higher than that let’s get to 20 likes ASAP we’re live here for every game for free hit that thumbs up button I like what I’ve seen on chat sports though cullin 30 people watching 30 likes if you’re one of the people that just tuned in though hit that thumbs up icon but I like that chat sports is at a perfect one for one ratio in terms of to likes that’s very nice to see yeah I mean that’s the goal right I mean everyone the goal everyone in the building like the video yeah also shout out to chat sports bringing with the super chats too I mean yeah chat sports has brought $25 super chats M 200 total and we are taking down a Beer Boot race lot of fun lot of fun still only have 17 likes on our heat report Channel let’s get to 20 before we we tip off we need three more likes who is going to be the three people to step up on the heat report and get us to 20 likes before we start off this first quarter once again Michael Harman says you rock no Michael you rock appreciate you coming and hanging out with Colin and myself as we’re here watching some NBA finals games two more likes away from 20 on the heat report let’s go completely free I want to get there before we get game action back underway help me out two likes away yeah two likes away so apparently they’re showing where christops may have suffered the injury looks like it was on a free throw believe it or not so interesting free throw box out yeah all right we are back let’s see if this like number updated we’ll have to check Brown drives Baseline swings at the Horford it’s a three and he knocks it down Al Horford who has to play Big with no porzingis has the first five points for the Boston Celtics cullin how about that hey man big time Big Game Al coming to play here he’s old but’s still got it folks Gafford posting up Jason Tatum out to Irving one more Derrick Jones Jr rejected by Horford Al Horford’s been the best player on the Celtics through two and a half minutes good Lord man I mean that’s the thing with the Celtics team man is they have so many guys that can step up on any given situation looks like tonight Al Horford came ready to play I mean they’ve got the best top seven in the NBA by far donic inbounds it’s Irving Lefty hook banks in how about that four points for Irving 115 Dallas lead five of six from the Field Dallas is two of four for Boston Brown pump fake Baseline Drive swinging to the corner Derek white quick release too strong Gafford Board Outlet to PJ Washington Washington struggled through two games finds a traing Irving Irving now guarded by white calls for a screen gets the screen Horford defends Kyrie step back doesn’t like it gets the ball back has his new dribble drives right on Horford Qui quick lay too strong now those are the shots that you’re going to need to hit if you’re Kyrie Irving can’t fall Boston the other way Tatum Baseline Drive layup rejected by Gafford offensive rebound Drew holiday smokes the layup and then Tatum commits the foul rough start for Jason Tatum once again Cullen 0 of three or 0 of one from the field a foul and a turnover yeah can’t have that if you’re Tatum also I want to say shout out to Daniel Gafford Gafford and Lively need to have their presence felt in these games at home they were kind of almost invisible for those first two games that’s what made it so effective against OKC and the Timberwolves they’ve you’ve right you’ve been completely right though Colin they’ve been non-existent in the first two games step back three donic came up short there and then rebound by Jaylen Brown donic hunting Jason Tatum early Brown will take a step back three he can’t make donic with the board that’s his second Outlet PJ Washington numbers for Dallas lobbed inside Gafford slamed home Tatum and brown didn’t get back on defense and the Mavericks lead 135 the largest of the series and we’re only four minutes into this ball game this is exactly the star Dallas needed look at the energy in this place they’re already on their feet here in the American Airline Center holiday drives inside Lefty layup rattles in and out good defense by Gafford rebound Jones Jr Outlet donic can they take a double digit lead here Kyrie’s got it guarded by Horford on the left wing jab step sees two or three bodies crossover step back three oh too strong it looked good for my angle though Colin I thought that was nylon man you could only hope but now the Celtics have it on the other end they need to start attacking the basket more man yeah holiday inside kicks out to White good defense by donic cutting him off back to Holiday on the right wing he drives Baseline steps back 18t shot is true and that’s the first basket from someone not named Al horer for Boston tonight 137 go and Dallas doing a really great job of attacking the rim and there goes Luca draw another foul and one no they’re going to say it’s on the floor donic tried to get the pull through into a shot foul they whistled the foul donic threw up a shot and netted it I mean I don’t think that’s a foul to start no but uh if it is a foul it should probably be and one but it will be side out for Dallas I like turtles knows how to do it man says don’t forget to like And subscribe amazing channel for up toate sports news what a guy what a legend donic inside on Tatum easy layup that is now seven points for donic two of them isolating on Tatum Tatum just doesn’t look engaged on both ends here no he doesn’t holiday Baseline Drive swung to brown brown drives the Baseline he swings it now to White Corner three two strong Lively who just checked in grabs the Board Outlet Kyrie Dallas looking trying to smell blood and go up double digits Kyrie Drive swooping layup it’s good 177 Irving with six donich with seven Mavericks coming to play Jaden Hardy into the game as well Tatum to the Rim Bank Shot is good and Tatum is finally on the board with a bucket today yeah tat needs to do that more often man he can get to the rim with some of the best of them so you can see that more if you’re a boss Celtics fan donic playing with Tatum gets inside easy floater Tatum can’t hold Luca donic donic has got nine Jesus donic is really aggressive so far in this one really second points in the paint for Dallas that’s what I’m saying man keep attacking the paint no Chris stops Jaylen Brown travels turnover the Celtics are in disarray and what was the story lining question I was asking the pregame what will Boston do with no poor zingis in their rotations and you know who is checking in a Xavier Tilman the person they acquired at the trade deadline back in February has not played in this rotation but is having the play tonight Maxi kleber in pick and roll Lively donic Lively gets it f and one Derek Lively absorbs the cont from Tillman and finishes in the Dallas Mavericks now hold a 12-point lead and a chance to make it 13 the Mavericks have came to play tonight folks look at that Lively smart roll to the basket able to withstand the contact from Tilman finish at The Rim he’s going to the line for an n one oh that’s a tough bucket he got hit it got blocked first I feel like it got blocked he kept control of the ball and then on the follow through the wrist got hit the ball came loose and then he almost like finger rolled it in impressive Bucket from Lively he also converts the three-point Play It’s 229 and the Mavericks are shooting what is that I missed the number I think it said 11 of 14 from the field Tatum step back three answer Tatum backto back buckets now he’s got five points Jason Tatum are you finally showing up to the finals yourself welcome to the NBA finals Jason Tatum donic hunting Tatum here on the defensive end Luca step back three left it short it’s an air ball first time Tatum has played good defense there pass ahead by the Celtics to Tatum he’s got in the corner now donic is the defender Tatum fouled by donic Luca got up a little physical that’s his first of the game Tatum barking to the ref Luca barking to the ref 2212 is the score 5 minutes to go in the first quarter yeah luuka never afraid to talk to the officials and let him know how he feels that’s for sure what’s up Miami Heat prods honestly both Tatum and donic are almost unbearable with the way they complain officials say that again Drew holiday has it swings over to Brown Jaylen Brown no contest will shoot a three and he misses it that was interesting yeah it was I mean there was absolutely no contest there none Kyrie pull up three oh he’s feeling it that was a interesting shot choice but he absolutely drains it lead back to 13 Kyrie’s got nine points on 46 shooting Brown three fouled and he’ll head to the line Kyrie just gave you a three but he commits the three-point foul the cardinal sin in basketball is following a three-point shooter it just can’t happen yeah I I like the energy that the Mavericks have came out with they clearly are energized are attacking the basket they they want to show why they made the NBA Finals but on the defensive end it’s causing them to make a couple miscues we’ve seen a couple fouls now on jump shots that we did need to from both Kyrie and Luca just need to rain it in a little bit but you’re getting good stuff from the Mavericks so far yeah Jaylen Brown will head to the line for three he’s 0 for two from Beyond The Arc so far would have been 0 for three but obviously the foul does not count and he misses the first free throw coming up just a tad bit short I’m not calling Jaylen Brown a role player but there is something to playing Better Home and Road specifically in the NBA Finals right like yeah when you’re on the road in the finals it just is so dang like it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa take it easy I guess the players didn’t know the players forgot this was a three-point foul Jaylen Brown takes and makes the second free throw so he’s one to two and they they tried to inbound the ball yeah they did no no one knew he had another free throw what are we doing here take it easy Brown will be at the line again he’s one for two can he make it two for three he does Sam Hower in for Boston oh what’s up Duncan how are you doing my friend Kyrie kba PJ Washington Lively and Jayden Hardy are the five for Dallas PJ drives kicks out the kleba swing to hardy hardy to the rack stepped out of bounds turnover can’t be having that interesting lineups for both squads you just heard me rattle off the Mavericks lineup Hower Tillman Drew holiday in the Jade for Boston right now if you haven’t already hit that sub button let’s get to 376k today tatums got it right wing guarded by Lively sees two bod shade it over side step triple for Tatum bricks that one good box out by the Mavs allow cber to Sky in for the Board Outlet to Hardy here comes the flamethrower Off the Bench straight line drive to the rim no basket now the Celtics have numbers Jaylen Brown to the rack Lefty lay is good back to a singled digit game 256 as we’re under four to go in the first period yeah great job by Brown there seizing the moment getting that layup and transition PJ Washington guard by Hower they isolate PJ spinning right hook off glass no good I mean that’s a mismatch but I’m kind of confident the Celtics would be willing to allow that Tatum will launch another three that one rattles in after hitting front rim and the Mavericks will call a timeout to talk things over 70 run for Boston they cut it to a six-point game tatums got eight points early on with a pair of triples and we’re heading to our second timeout of the first quarter yeah Duncan says if we win this game and retain Hurley I’ll be in Cloud9 yeah Duncan I know we talked about it last weekend about Hurley potentially leaving I’m not going to lie I got the sense Sunday night and I think I said this to you that I thought Hurley was going to go back to or stay with Yukon um and evidently that was the case and I’m glad to see the best coach in college basketball stay in the best environment in college basketball with the Yukon Huskies yeah great job so far Tatum he’s been aggressive three of five two of3 from behind the arc eight points leading the Celtics and scoring right now but how about Kyrie Irving man nine points four six from the field is he you know letting the Boston crowd get get to him man cuz we did not see any of that Kyrie has certainly looked more confident today he’s gotten to the rack taken advantage of the switches when he’s hadman on him when he’s had Al Horford on him getting to the rack and he’s been able to finish those layups maybe that’s just a product of no porzingis being in the game no rim protector but either way I’ve liked what I’ve seen from Kyrie Irving here if you haven’t already like I said hit that sub button daily content here at chat sports we’ll be live on Thursday we’re actually going to be live the next three days on the channel crazy because I am going to be live tomorrow just doing a normal NBA show we’ll talk probably some free agency rumors draft stuff as well so if you love the NBA and just want daily videos and daily live shows well I’ll be live on the channel once again tomorrow talking some NBA Hoops for the offseason so join us them and we’ll be here for the rest of the NBA Finals as well what’s up BB what’s up Riley Shay Anita Anderson football adjustment yeah I like turtles saying Dallas and I who is your NFL team the Miami Dolphins the Dolphins the Dolphins I’m a Miami guy through and through now yeah Miami guy through and through Mr 305 in the Matthew yeah Matthew pety fan pety is the goat okay Petey’s burner who we got winning uh say I’m going to go with Mavericks I know they’re upx and you might think that’s why but I did think Dallas was going to win today no poor zingas they were going to have to win this game because if they lost this game the series is practically over um I that’s why I was going to go with Dallas also producer Smitty of Celtics today gave me a very fun statistic Colin I don’t know if you heard it in the office this is only the third time cu the Mavericks were two and a half Point favorites today this is the third time since January that the Celtics have been underdogs in a game you know what happened the previous two times what’s that they lost by double digits so the Celtics are not underdog often only two times in 2024 basically but when they were The Underdogs those two times they got blown out I’m not saying there’s going to be a blowout but I think there’s something to Vegas understanding teams line movements right they don’t give the Celtics is underdogs often so when they do I think Vegas feels pretty confident that the favorite is going to win yeah and this is a tough spot for Boston obviously whenever you find out one of your key contributors to this finals run is potentially not going to play for the rest of the series it’s kind of a deflating blow so for them to kind of Flip Flip It on its head in less than 24 hours time I mean that’s a tough ask for anybody yeah pety says is two with a guy um he is a guy like I think he’s a top 12 quarterback in the league like if you’re going to try to tell me he’s like a top five like at face of the league he’s not that type of guy but he is a guy that can lead you to win that’s for Kyrie’s got it left elbows he is working on Hower step back mid-range shot left it short Derek Lively fighting on the glass is going to earn the Mavs another possession as he kind of battled for it and threw it off Drew holiday’s foot yeah man Lively and Gafford really need to flash this game I no I said PJ Washington it’s really all the role players for Dallas they’ve got to step up in this spot here at home to get the series back to a respectable Striking Distance for the maps yeah completely agree Xavier Tillman will head to the bench Al Horford back in Luca also back in he’ll inbound he lobs it into Clea at the top of the KY three to go in the quarter Luca kba Kyrie PJ and Lively Hower Brown Tatum Drew holiday and Horford kba three blocked gets his own re my God he just he got blocked on a three the ball came right back to him and he dropped out of bounds this is maybe one of the most embarrassing plays I have ever seen from an NBA player so bad Maxi kba might be the worst player in the NBA I’m not kidding he might I know you’re not that was just funny Tatum left wing guarded by kba here we go this ought to be good Jesus defense of 3 seconds Derek Lively and that’s going to be a free throw and ball for the Celtics chance to cut it to a five-point game here it will be Tatum heading to the charity strike got to hit this free throw for Tatum uh again we’ve talked about all series man the Mavs not being able to hit their free throw versus the Celtics see if the trend continues here in this one Tatum makes the free throw so five-point game new 14 15 seconds on the shot clock as well with two and a half to go for the first quarter see the I I know they shaded heavily but I would have liked to see Luca try to take Hower off the dribble there I would have too that’s probably why they hedged him yeah they they they they shaded a lot there Jaylen Brown’s got it top of the key Dante exom checking in for Kyrie interesting Jason kid really utilizing his bench in early in this game Hower three it’s good and we’re back to a two-point game Cen this is an run over the last 2 and a half minutes for Boston yeah they really seem to weather the storm and they’re right back into it what was once a double digit lead now down to two Luca right wing isolated with Hower drives left stops pump fake pump fakes again Fades away nylon and Luca donic who is deadly in the mid-range in game two getting back to his work space there he’s in double figures with 11 points it’s a game high Jaylen Brown driving into a crowd out to Tatum he pump fakes he drives that’s a blocking foul on Dante exom and Tatum will go to the line Tatum has been much more aggressive early in this game Celtics fans rejoicing as he is going to try to get up to I believe 11 points himself with these two free throws has nine right now absolutely can I just say this man if the ball doesn’t touch Luca’s hands on you know the Maverick side I don’t feel good about the possession I just simply don’t even trust even if Kyrie’s going solo I’d rather Luca at least survey the landscape before goes anywhere else yeah Tatum does make the first it’s a three-point game minute 45 to go in the quarter I’ll be honest colen maybe you can tell me if I’m wrong on this okay I feel like the games in these series the first two have gone by pretty quickly I feel like this first quarter is taking a long time yeah that first commercial break by the way that we went on felt like it took forever yeah I would agree with that Tatum goes two for two at the line so back to a two-point game minute 45 in the first quarter Dereck Jones Jr checks back in exm driving pulls it back out now guarded by no one as he goes to the rim oh Dante exom with a poster dunk on Jason Tatum where oh my The Pride from Australia holy sh what the hell Dante exm taking liftoff in the American Airlines oh my that was unbelievable that was incredible I did not see that coming me neither Tatum side step three over Luca no good rebound PJ Washington Outlet the donic four-point lead for donic here he comes Luca gets a screen from PJ Washington drives on Hower bumped shot does not fall but donic is going to earn himself two free throws with a minute to go in in this first quarter oh man yeah Dante XM they’re showing the replay here just decided oh hey I’m going to go right here and over Jason Tatum my goodness they are really missing Christof porzingis Rim protection on that one my God wbe says I’m playing 2K just watching this let’s go that’s a good way to live life man playing 2K have us on your phone or side tablet and get everything you need to know about the game minute to go in the quarter Luca made that free throw he’s now got 12 points in the opening period to go alongside three assists and two boards Char I like turtles don’t forget to like And subscribe guys I mean I like turtles has done a full 180 here and now he might be a chat sports employee donic goes two for two at the line who says no lead is back to six lead was as much as 13 correct colen I believe so’s see where ends here Mavericks are shooting 60% from the field Jaylen Brown coming off a curl has it PJ Washington hits the deck Brown pull up jumper no good donic board and now he brings it up Don little high stepping what is he Deion Sanders gets the switch Al Horford defending oh my God cooked them step back three no good and Hower comes here with the board donic actually put him in a blender man Hower trailing three top of the key is good donic did not get back on defense and that hurt Dallas is Hower got a good look for three yeah haven’t really seen much of Hower so far in this one and uh he’s got two threes today yeah hey they’ll take that if you’re Boston yeah he has been pretty much a non-factor through the first two games three-point lead 4 second differential between shot clock and game clock donet step back three top of the key hits the deck no good rebound Derek white white throws it ahead Tatum cherry picking 2 seconds dunks it home and it’s a 3130 game with 1 second to go in the opening quarter man oh man I mean Jason Tatum right place right time able to get an easy two points and that’s going to end the first quarter with Dallas at one point leading by 13 points as roelly said now down to one Luca donic is such an infuriating Superstar he really is he backto back possessions took a step back three yeah and hit the deck both times trying to draw a foul and did not get back on defense can’t have that man cannot have that I’m I got to send this tweet out if you want to tell the people why I guess you could tell them why they should follow me on Twitter I mean Hey listen there’s a lot of places you can get your NBA content news rumors from my guy relly here he’s always in he’s always plugged in always talking about the NBA and he’s one of the best that I know that knows how to do it so give him a follow Nick rolloff on Twitter he’s the guy you need to follow what are we doing I’ll say this as well how about this Colin what’s up man how about this I’m going to throw my tweet or my tweet for today’s game into the chat for every person who retweets this tweet will get a shout out on today’s show I’m going to put my this tweet in both chats and if you retweet that tweet I put in the chat I’ll give you a shout out on the show and while you’re there that’s the easiest way to follow me as well Duncan says I strongly vouch for my man Roy appreciate you Duncan what’s Cullen’s Twitter it’s a good question too you want to tell the people where you’re at yeah if you want to follow me uh Cullen brown 21 that is my Twitter uh Twitter and Instagram actually so colen brown 21 yeah we’ll do it after we’ll do it another time but if you want to follow me fact actually I’m going to go like that tweet I’m like that tweet shout out to Duncan for giving me a retweet shout out to Duncan see if anyone else I’ll refresh to see if anyone else gets a shout out we got my guy axie shout out to axi he’s a legend he’s a legend we got Zachary Moffett shout out to you we got Nets phaa shout out to you shout out to everyone showing some love on Twitter see if any more come in here also I don’t know if any of you guys are NBA draft fans but I’m talking the NBA draft more than anything right now on Twitter after doing some extensive scouting in um last night in this morning I’m a bigger fan of California’s Jason or Jaylen Tyson that I am I was two days ago yeah he is a projected mid to late first round pick and I tell you what he is a St yeah okay I think we just found out um like I like turtles name yeah I can’t I I would do we think it’s it’s probably the Zachary one right I don’t know while turtles I I won’t say it again I won’t say it again I’ll keep I will stay I like turtles no I the truth is I like turtles you’re always going to be I like turtles to me and the truth is also that I will also forget what your name is I’m sorry I’m bad with names I am so I’ll by the time the halftime RS around I will forget your name actually that’s not true I might not forget your name because your last name is the same last name as someone I was friends with when I was at college so might be hard to forget so sorry sorry for that Jets so why are we calling it Twitter because it’s always Twitter to me and I don’t care what and I don’t care what you say if you’re an Elon Musk super Defender till you die and want to call it X I simply just don’t give a [ __ ] it’s always Twitter and that color will always be what I think of of Twitter not black all right second quarter is underway pton Pritchard in the game for the first time Tim Hardaway Junior also checking in for the first time El Horford launches a three and misses rebound to El Horford or excuse me Tim Hardway now he’s going to launch a three right off the rip oh I tell you what that would have been quite the start to hit finals appearance for Tim Hardaway Jr yeah just the Mavs need to create some other offense Kyrie got to go in the beginning of the first I’d love to see him try to get it going again here to start the second the Mavericks need to take advantage of this lineup Boston throwing out there Derek white Al Horford jayen Brown Pritchard and Hower Jaylen Brown loses the handle loose ball on the deck it’s going to be Lively and Pritchard that’s a shot clock violation I guess not I guess they said the Mavericks had possession here they come now Irving driving past white Baseline behind the back posting up fading away 10 ft left it short rebound fought for it’ll be off Al Horford and staying with the Mavericks that is the second time that Derek Lively has created a extra possession for the maps yeah I mean listen it’s it’s like we said man they’re making an impact in this game they need to continue to do so him and Gafford Irving inbounds it it’s Lively now donic donic defended by PR Richard donic drives right stops plays off two feet kicks it out to Derrick Jones Jr back to donic three on the shot clock step back bumped no foul call airball shot clock violation on Dallas as Luca barks at the officials just take the shot time every time let take the shot if that’s like one one criticism I have of Luka it’s just like hey man you don’t need to talk as much you really don’t you’re better than some of this like look at that man just what are you doing Celtics now have possession here Derek White’s got it left wing Pull Ups three over donic and that air balls we’ve now seen what is that three air balls one by donic yep actually two by donic yeah the one that he just took the one from over Tatum and then that one from Derek white rough shooting I guess there’s some open air breezes in Dallas Kyrie turnover someone turn and here we go again I know dude like what the heck was that and here we go again good Lord man just this is when the Mavs need to take control of the second quarter and they just had airball turnover like what are we doing here Al Horford guarded by Kyrie Jaylen Brown cuts to the rim no defense layup good good Lord man Celtics take a one-point lead first lead of the game for the Celtics too yeah TR is much 13 Kyrie gets a screen Hower defending this got to be taken advantage of I Irving drives kicks all the way around it’s Derrick Jones junor and there’s a foul whistled on Derek white deat a saying F Celtics time man says F or damn who fell asleep there was that Luca I mean Luca’s defense has been laughable y y absolutely was I mean there’s there were multiple clips where like players were having to like shove him into position at times I get that you’re doing a lot on the offensive end Luka but like come on man that painkiller make his brain mush Luka has it guarded by holiday gets the switch now it’s Al Horford on the right wing drives lob to no one turnover and guess who’s not getting back on defense Luca donic Celtics out and running Derek white pump fake fou no foul call no foul I don’t know how that’s not a foul but all right Maverick’s ball Irving the other way driving inside hanging Lefty layup it’s G and the Mavericks jump back out in front by one man oh man great job by Kyrie getting into the teeth of Defense how do they did not call that fat like that is unbelievable to me Tatum driving Euro Step out to holiday holiday now gets a step drops it off to White rightwing three is wide open and he connects lead to two for Boston and here come the Seas yeah Derek white with his I believe that’s his first three of the game actually yeah one five good Lord Irving guarded by holiday picks up his dribble and resets it out out to donic donic two-man game with Lively Al Horford defending donic drives step back mid-range is too strong board down to Pritchard and here come the Celtics Pritchard stop and go and will reset the offense with Tatum at the top of the key he’s working on Tim Hardway JR this is quite the mismatch Tatum swings it over to Pritchard he’ll launch a deep one from the left wing 30-footer no good rebound Dallas Here Comes donic Irving matched up no with no one and Derek Lively misses the alleyoop slam offensive rebound Jones Jr second chance for Dallas donic spinning losing the handle stops pump fake jab step lost the ball out of bounds and it will stay with Dallas they’re saying Al Horford hit it out of bounds donic wanted a foul but it will stay with the MAV 6 seconds on the shot clock I don’t know how Derek Lively didn’t throw this home Easy Al Duncan just missed it that was some chaotic ball right there what the hell was luk doing there I understand he’s trying to create a lane but just man oh man some questionable decision making by Don trying to draw fouls here just put up a shot man they’re Al Horford and Company are staying down that okay that was a foul there you go I think the Celtics challenged this maybe because it it it was off LCA donic it was it was a foul Drew holiday hit the [ __ ] out of his forearm but if you wanted just in they when they review this they can’t add a foul so if they’re just looking at who the ball touched last it will be off donic and it will go to the Celtics with a two-point lead yeah very interesting start so far make sure you guys haven’t already like the video as I’m not sure what happened there yeah I almost knocked down my uh or dropped my shot glass yeah hit that thumbs up icon um doing a good job on chat sports 49 people watching 46 likes heat report though 48 people watching 21 likes when we get to 100 likes in total combined channels I’m taking a shot tequila we are at 67 21 on chat or heat report 46 on chat sports can we get combined 100 likes we’re live for free we know not everyone can Super Chat and donate to the channel but we know everyone can hit that thumbs up icon because it takes one second so help us out here and like the video also shout out to Duncan for the follow on Twitter appreciate shout out to Duncan Duncan’s a ledge he is a legend Duncan’s an absolute ledge that’s for sure oh man oh man tell you what so we’re at 47 plus 23 quick math at 70 if we get to 75 likes I’ll crack open a beer I’ve been waiting to crack One open but I need a good reason to so let me get let’s get to 75 combined likes on both our channels I’ll crack open a beer pretty easy by the by the time the play resumes here see we got 48 24 let’s go so I am going to be taking a shot for every 100 likes and cullins cracking open a beard for 75 why not we are three away no no you’re right I was you are right now we’re two away have some confidence yourself my guy I’m not a math major what’s up R good to see you again one more like away one more I like turtles say shotgun at cullin well we’re doing a shotgun I mean if we get a $50 Super Chat how about this $20 Super chat we’ll do a beer bong race I’m down you in I’m down $20 Super Chat beer bong race yeah we got a little maranga here I’m down I am down Chuck the whole bottle you won’t do it no we will not I got to drive you’re correct armed Patriot I want to live yeah I got to drive home tonight and not that you could do it on a normal drive but the drive especially for me there’s no shot I’d be able to do that yeah no you’d be having to stay at my place tonight yeah for sure eat hey Duncan with a $20 Super Chat and that means we are doing a beer bong race uh action is about to resume so Duncan if you could stay with us for a little bit longer we will do that in our next time out timeout I’m down lord buddy bear is in the building sorry guys can’t Super Chat got to pay for two root canals and two crowns I apologize for your pain Lord buddy Bear yeah I will hope that everything goes well for you but we did get 75 likes there you go so I’m going to crack open a beer in the meantime Duncan donic 5 of 12 from the field 13 points he started five of seven so Luca miss his last five can’t be having that man Lucas’s also just got to keep his head I mean you’re the leader of this team just you cannot be flipping out on the officials every play man it is Celtics ball no there there’s no mic problems Duncan not today at least we haven’t been told please uh two-point lead for the Celtics they did win the challenge it was off Luca it was a foul but can’t review that Tatum drives inside hangs can’t finish and Daniel Gafford swallows up the board Luca now has it he’ll bring it up Gafford in for lively it’s donic Kyrie PJ Gafford and Hardaway Luca gets the switch Tillman back into the game Luca driving hanging missing and then a foul on Daniel Gafford as he goes over the super over the back of Xavier Tillman yeah tilman’s been giving solid minutes for Boston so far obviously they need it with uh Chris’s injury I’ve liked what I’ve seen so far great job contesting L at the rim and then obviously drawing that over the back foul yeah Derek white now has it seven to go in the first half that was interesting Tatum has it coming off a screen it’s an illegal screen Xavier Tilman whistled for a little hip check if you will and it’s a turnover right back to Dallas cgc Zone says we can’t like super chats what do you mean you can’t like you can like super chats yeah I mean heck I just did for Duncan yeah maybe just refresh your page I’m confused Celtics are on a 23 to8 run since the 430 Mark in the first quarter pretty wild Kyrie’s got it top of the key he gets the switch Tillman’s the defender this should be cooked food Kyrie driving playing with his food spinning left hook no good good defense from Tilman there and here comes Boston Pritchard finds a trailing Tatum Gafford picks him up Tatum doubled now Drew holiday working on PJ good crossover inside hanging left it short though and Washington rips away the board holiday struggling it is his birthday by the way maybe that’s why maybe partied a little bit last night just kidding both teams struggling in this quarter Mavericks one of nine Celtics two of eight Kyrie jab step face up three is good right over pton Pritchard like he wasn’t even there Maverick’s up one great job by Kyrie Irving we need to see more of them here in this one great three to get Get It Go Kyrie’s been very good today Tatum three no contest and it’s netted that is Tatum’s thirdd three of the game and he has finally found the stroke from Deep back to a two-point lead for Boston Tatum’s got 16 been the best player on the floor today Kyrie driving hanging dropping off The Gafford for a poster slam Xavier Tilman welcome to my poster shout out man great job by Daniel Gafford being in the dunker spot kyri iring finding him for two Tatum now has it he’s cooking he’s feeling good working on Hardway gets inside Euro Ste to the rim lot of contact no whistle but he finishes through the contact with the Lefty layup and they go back up by two back and forth seesaw fair in Dallas Tatum with 18 on six of 10 shooting five to go in the period PJ he drives bumped no basket rebound Tatum out and running Josh Green checks in for the first time today now white over to Holiday swung to Pritchard Corner three no good rebound Tilman he saves it to Tatum what a play by Xavier Tilman giving the Celtics a second opportunity Tatum working on Kyrie set back three looking for his fourth of the game can’t make that one and then Here Comes Tim Hardway with the board he’ll push now and call for a screen Gafford will set it no they’ll get it to Gafford at the top of the key Gafford can playmake a little bit here he picks up his dribble and we are going to have a whistle Pritchard called for a foul grabbing Kyrie Irving on the off ball yeah they show Tatum’s drive here on gaffer great job with the layup that was an impressive take by Jason Tatum and then impressive sizing up PJ PJ you got to get up on that man the way he’s shooting tonight got make that adjustment on the Fly can’t let Tatum just walk into a three from the top of the key yeah he’s been great tonight dant back into the game Irving’s got it on the right wing Hower is defending see if Kyrie goes ISO here Kyrie playing with his food step back three Irving is gone Kyrie is in that mode today colen yeah he is he’s up to 17 first half points shout out to Kyrie Irving seven of 12 from the field three of four from three will take that if you’re Dallas Jaylen Brown will try to answer he almost airballs guess who Irving with the Board Outlet up ahead the Luca donic pump fake he drives Euro Step stripped regains control out to Washington catch and shoot for PJ no good rebound tipped out Irving has control Irving’s feeling it he’s going to isolate on holiday step back three left wing oh Kyrie Irving that’s how you freaking do it right there first half points he is unconscious keep firing Kyrie you’re feeling it right now Hower answer his third three of the half welcome to the NBA finals Sam hower 4443 hower has been phenomenal today both defensively and offensively Luca now working on Hower getting downhill stopping fading away Kyrie says not good defense there bucket Falls for donic it’s up the in the first half Brown drop off the holiday to Horford to hower hower gets by donic drop off the holiday holiday brings it back out to the corner drives kicks to Brown good Ball moving by Celtics Tatum downhill Drive souping layup no good rebound holiday three by Horford to beat the buzzer no good rebound holiday again and put back up and in great job by holiday we saw that so often in game two really haven’t called his name much so far here in game three but hey right place right time he’s up got four blocking fouled whistled on holiday as he tried to draw charge from Kyrie and that will take us to our second timeout going into the first half how about the performances in the first 24 minutes from Kyrie Irving and Jason Tatum yeah leading the ways for both their teams Kyrie needed this game needed it so bad yes he did Christopher Otero with a heat icon in the heat report chat says go Celtics probably the first Celtic or the first Heat fan that I’ve seen rooting for the Celtics love to know the back story on that one curious as well but we do owe a beerbong race due to my guy Duncan sending in a $20 Super Chat I like turtles says beer time beer time indeed I got my happy Dad lemon lime today you guys couldn’t see the flavor but there it is blending in with the background blending in with the background so I’m going to pour mine up Cullen’s going to come up on screen and we’re going to have ourselves a little race you got the fruit punch I do got the punch you got The Punchy Punchy punch definitely a better game I’d say I mean I’ve enjoyed this first half quite a bit all righty shout out to Duncan uh you’re a real one shout out to Duncan he is a real one um let me know who you got winning this in the chat Cullen type c if you got me type R for Ry get your votes down on who’s going to win this beer bong race down below all right ring technically does have the edge on me when it comes to I I usually do beer bongs quicker you get me on boots that’s what I’m saying so if you want to see a boot I I’m I’m good at finishing quickly I I I’m also I’m a I’m a sprinter yep I am not a long distance guy okay that the long distance is the three beers you know this is only one I I get the announ I can Sprint through one yeah I’ve also not had good experience with long distance and other Fashions of my life either getting a little deep we’re getting a little deep Che all right three two wait hold on one I cheated it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter I cheated it doesn’t matter Colin’s got to be ready for it I gave him the Kyrie iring Hees ha I’ve G I’ve I gave colum Hees guys be honest I also kind of spilled because I laughed while I was in the middle of drinking did I was that a scumbag Mo was that a scumbag Mo yes I’m not on screen yeah that was a very scumbag move what the hell man jeez unbelievable this guy was it a scumbag move Duncan says yes Duncan I’m sorry I failed you man he said DQ I’m sorry Jesus man I’m sorry I thought we were better than this flagrant till flagrant till whatever all right I’ll be all right if if we get another 20 we’ll keep it for the rest of the half $20 Super Chat beer bong race I’m down NE the next one the rerun I will not be a SC back okay I’ll be nice I’ll be this SC back um no but hey great job as always shout out to you Duncan um again if y’all want to here let me pull up the Super Chat menu real quick before we get back live here just a reminder any Super Chat gets on screen we’ll shout you out $10 five push-ups I think me and Roy can also split that I need to do some push-ups as well $20 heat all of Fame plus a shot roll if you want to show the basketball that you’ll uh get on if you’re heat Hall of Fame right there and we are doing a little discount $50 beer bong race $20 right now till through the rest of the half I guess I suppose I got to get ducked on the Hall of Fame yeah five on the shot clock for the Mavs donic pull up 10f footer at the elbow is good two minutes to go in the first half and the Mavericks back up by three man oh man back and forth this is the NBA Finals that we came to see y right here donic with 17 Al Horford got it starting lineup for Boston is in Tatum in the corner guarded by PJ Washington Rises up for a triple doesn’t fall and Derek Lively with the board let’s see if the Mavericks can extend this lead back to six or seven going into the half Irving driving easy take but misses the layup out of all the shots Kyrie’s made today that’s the one he misses Horford three that’s a five-point swing folks fivepoint swing if I’ve ever seen it went from should be up 5 to we’re tied at 48 Kyrie man the the most skilled player some would argue in NBA history just got to finish man PJ Washington drives oh what a pass What a fine was dangerously close to traveling cuz he jumped in the air to pass and almost came back on the floor but was able to Dish it off right at the last second to Lively for a slam Lively such an impressive rookie man just right place right time and PJ Wasing able to find him underneath now Lively task was guarding Tatum Tatum driving he drops it off to white white out to Horford back to Derek white quick release for in the corner no good and Jaylen Brown’s going to be whistled for a foul pushing Kyrie in the back fighting for the board with 49 seconds to go in the first half and Cullen if I’m correct here I believe that is Jaylen Brown’s thirdd foul it’s actually second okay I am wrong I was actually about to say but hey you know what still something to wor keep worth noting if you’re Boston I I’m not I’m not wrong often I am I was there oh man got to finish strong if your Dallas absolutely got got Close Quarters close halves PJ Washington driving stopping turns it over numbers for Dallas three on two brown drop off the Tatum layup good we’re back even at 50 PJ Washington has been about as big of a x- factor let down as I think I’ve had here at Chad Sports uh yeah he hasn’t been that good today he really hasn’t now other players have stepped up but really hasn’t been that good in this series not that I can remember I mean the infamous play at the end of game two he was uh came up short on whether that was a foul or not that’s Up For Debate but oh he got fouled yeah it’s Edmond gray for Mr PJ has not has not has not has not after a really good Series against the t-wolves and thunder too yeah don’t remind me yeah I forgot cen’s a thunder fan guys 10c differential between shot clock and game clock one possession for each team we’re even at 50 donic has it guarded by Horford isolating step back three too strong rebound PJ Washington free re to the basket and he’s fouled got from behind but on the arm from Drew holiday and PJ Washington will get two free throws with 9 and a half to go in the first half shout out to uh PJ making it up right there that’s also Drew holiday second foul just worth noting so now look at this very rare do you see nobody in a half court setting Colin there was no one from the free throw line down I that’s what I was going to say I think they teach you that in elementary school put yourself between the man and the basket and nobody was between between the man and the basket on that play PJ Washington misses the first free throw can’t have that defensive adjustments in for Dallas to close the half Derek Jones Jr Maxi kleba and Josh green check in I’d imagine Kyrie Luca donic check out so it’ll be PJ Washington Lively green CBA I forget who the other guy on the floor is for who Dallas but either way P PJ makes the second 5150 Tatum step back three at the buzzer no good too strong Washington board doesn’t get up a shot and we will go into the first half or into the halftime break with a score of 51- 50 shout out shout out 5150 is the score grade the first half for me A B C D or F grade it grade it get those letter grades in I’ll give some shout outs to people who dropped their ABCDs I got to go grab something from the other office if you want to take it ISO for one minute can do that give me quick second just to get myself type in those A’s I like Turtle says C+ Daniel Adams says B I thought that was an A minus first half I thought it was fun all the way around thought it was fun all the way around A+ for competitive from Duncan I’d completely agree y I’d completely agree all right if you got to go I got you yeah all right so 5150 like I said I’m giving shout outs we’ll talk a little ball while relly uh handles business for a second oh man let’s see I like turtles C+ is that because of any particular reason because I thought it was a pretty good first half here a neutral viewer I like turtles a lot of Miss open shots yeah there were at times especially I especially Luca stepb backs which that that to me drives me insane whenever I’m watching Mavericks games because he can get into that habit where he feels like he’s feeling it I mean he hit his first one tonight and he feels like he can jack up like 10 Daniel Adams says b uh cgc Zone B A+ Duncan as far as competitiveness that’s what I’m saying uh axi in the heat chat a Miami A+ a from Christopher Dallas a a plus is insane I it A+ to me so for me I grade pretty hard so if I’m going to give an A+ on something that’s basically me saying I’m going to uh that’s like the best half I’ve ever seen if I had to grade it personally I’m somewhere between a B+ and an A minus cuz that was a really good competitive half I thought there were some good moments and then there were some more like stagnant moments but overall B plus a minus it’s kind of where I fall dun says I don’t grade hard at all hey man if you were my teacher you’d be the man you are the man actually you follow me on Twitter everything is either A+ or F yeah it’s pretty easy it’s Lally back and forth and full of what is that I don’t know what the rest of your chat’s not pulling up Lake but yeah I mean like I said A+ is tough for me but I’m somewhere between a minus B+ free bird says C I like turtles if you ain’t first you’re last Ricky Bobby great freaking movie great freaking movie if you’re not first you’re last little shake and bake baby it’s weird it’s weird we know Boston has that gear they flip specifically for bottom of the half of the fourth quarter hopefully Dallas doesn’t gas out before then yeah I mean the thing with Dallas right is is they have such a slim margin for error even with christops out like Boston clearly is a great team um I don’t know man just keep working on your half court sets because I think defensively they’ve actually been playing pretty well obviously you know got to keep track of the shooters keep track of Tatum Hower apparently decided to show up today but uh yeah man I don’t know Kyrie’s been doing his part which that’s that’s all I can ask that’s all I can ask looking at Stats here Kyrie I mean 20 points that’s you can 100% live with that and Don has got 17 the rest of the guys had to step up I mean that’s 37 combined points that only leaves 14 others for the role players so hell no one else has more than five and that’s Derrik Lively who’s a rookie Luca needs to step up be the leader he’s supposed to be I agree I agree this is a big spot for Luka I mean first NBA Finals your first home game in an NBA Finals got to keep your composure man got to keep your composure Boston Celtics is the lord of the collection championship trophy win for another trophy to add to the collection that’s in the heat Channel and if Lizzy I don’t know if you’re a Celtics fan but I appreciate you tuning in M need to use the big man on in the paint hey when they have when they’ve dumped it off to Gafford and Lively they’ve paid dividends I respect that free bird I respect that free bird all right I’ll tell you this I’ll tell you this much right now since Roy still away I’m not sure where he is to be honest we’re at math give me a second we’re at 80 81 likes 81 likes right now I’ll make a deal with you guys since Roy’s not here if we get up to 100 likes by the end of this first half what do you think if we get to 100 likes by the start of the second half what do you think we should do or just came back in I’ll do do two shots all right little twofer there little twofer no R is taking your time I’m just reading the chat here uh Daniel Adams Dallas needs a third option for scoring like Jeremy Grant DJJ isn’t consistent enough I really thought tonight that could have been a PJ Washington game he has let me count one point one point I mean 37 out of combined 51 points for Dallas’s big two it’s not sustainable give me a thumbs up whenever you’re ready okay cool throw rly back on screen I think my audio is still here no no it’s not no you mut me I did mute you okay there you are all right we’re back some reason I didn’t pick me up there Colin okay you know I feel like there are times I don’t know if you f me with this you just like run out of energy you you ever get that I do I needed to pick me up bad okay so I got some I got some energy okay don’t know what that is don’t want to know what that is oh man we’re at 86 likes all right let’s get’s stop [ __ ] around all right I said I got energy let’s can we start get it liking the video we are live here on two different YouTube channels I don’t know why I have like a third finger up there um but either way I’m taking two shots of tequila to really sweeten up the odds when we get to 100 likes we’re at 30 on chat or 57 on chat sports 30 on our heat report 13 likes away I’m really disappointed with the heat report viewers cuz that’s my home base that’s the channel That I host and for us to put out this poor display of like numbers is just absolutely disgusting to me hit that thumbs up icon we’re live just to hang out with you guys so hit that thumbs up button and we are 12 likes away from 100 come on come on uh fo sey says do y’all show the game we can’t if we showed it we’d be shadowbanned from the world and the FBI would put us in a dark room where we could never see the sun again he’s not kidding you think he’s joking we got that signed in our contract for real like the FBI has contacted me multiple times and told me I’m on a on a threat list oh man Hey listen we’re at 90 likes can we get 10 more likes please come yeah we are so close come on I’ll do a shot with you how about that I’ll do a shot in the most unsurprising news of all time the Patriots have officially retired the number 12 congratulations they’re also putting up a statue standing 12 F feet tall no it’s kind of funny exactly 12 feet is hilarious that was hilarious Karen says let’s go Boston I’m curious to see there we’re nine likes away from 100 come on folks hit that thumbs up icon I like turtles as a nuggets fan Heartbreaker actually that’s not really Heartbreaker I know I’m a Heat fan I like turtles so you got me last year and he’s saying sorry about it but uh listen y’all were a good team y’all deserved it that’s for sure you you guys deserved it over us that that we we had our Miracle run it was fun we we I knew that we were not better than the Nuggets I knew that nine likes away from 100 come on hit that thumbs up icon I got to tell you what’s up I had a half of a protein bar that that was my energy source I had a protein bar half of it sure sure and uh I’ve never had no no fre ATS barbells protein bar before yeah and having half of it that was absolutely terrific that was a candy bar okay the fact that that had 20 gr of protein and was only 210 calories like sure it’s a little 210 calories for like a snack like like that [ __ ] was a candy bar like that was terrific yeah now all I want to do is go buy a a bundle of them which you’re probably going to do I probably will end up doing that yeah roin for the win is yes Donald he’s not really an NBA guy he really isn’t he he watches he follows but he he’s not an NBA Guy Tom down is not an NBA guy as says protein for the win yeah I mean protein is a good energy source carbohydrates good carbohydrates good good energy source not like some shitty loafs of bread or something like that um like sweet potatoes broccoli vegetables um Colin how’ you like your uh dinner day what you guys have for dinner today let me know what we had on the menu today what was on tap yeah what was on tap today what was on tap honestly we had this place called flower child yes it was terrific as it always is my plate Grilled Chicken Little glazed sweet potatoes and roasted broccoli just phenomenal just phenomenal yeah I think I had roughly the same thing I think I just had rice instead of uh potatoes yeah I’m not gonna lie going rice is a little bit of a psycho move is it good it’s really good well here’s the thing so like better than some of the other options I’ve told you about Ry doesn’t know this about me but rice is my singular favorite item of food like I will eat rice as my last meal like I love rice really you’re I love rice interesting that my like favorite item like more than like tacos steak whatever you name like rice is my favorite thing I just think it’s versatile it goes with pretty pretty much anything and yeah I love rice so like when it’s an option I’m going to take it nothing against potatoes I mean but that’s just me I I like rice I actually I do I love rice like you mix it with you really make it’s so versatile exactly but like I get it I steamed brown rice or did they put some type of like thing to make it better I don’t think it was anything special I mean I think it was just pretty much just regular brown rice but mixed in with like the uh what do they put on the roasted broccoli that like uh I don’t know if it’s seasoning but like whatever it is I mix it in with the rice and roast broccoli yeah yeah they do like a little uh Parmesan sauce and like some like crisps I don’t know what the crisps are but I do know it’s like a Parmesan type sauce yeah Duncan says I put eggs in my rice that’s another hey eggs and rice is terrific that’s what I’m saying so like thank you see this is why me and Duncan are boys Duncan’s a good fella good d f I Like Turtles cuz want sushi now I fun fact about me I never had sushi until 3 months ago really two months ago two months ago or three months ago was the first time I’ve ever had sushi and I am a sushi guy now I’ve only had it one time since I also feel like sushi is not something you get a lot no cuz you can’t get you can’t get sushi that point yeah right um first time I had sushi it was actually the first time ever had food poisoning so I didn’t have it for a long time that’s tough yeah that’s tough Dan Adam got Panda Express what’ you get from Panda Express yeah Duncan says authentic Mexican stick tacos with regata cheese ches and onions and corn tortillas Duncan where you located are you on the road right now or are you in your home base I know you uh Drive I think trucks for a living I think I remember you saying that before I like turtles says I had sour punch straws and Lace chips you want to talk about a unhealthy dinner that is something um I’m sure it tasted good when you had it Taco Bus for the win I’ve never heard a taco you’re on the road in Texas nice Duncan nice nice nice Daniel says I don’t know if Panda Express is a West Coast thing no no it’s I think it’s worldwide or at least Nationwide Nationwide Nationwide is on your side fried rice orange chicken that’s a good that’s a good combination I’m not going to lie I haven’t I haven’t had um Chinese food in a long time yeah because I have been eating very healthy lately but uh boy is this talk of fried rice and orange chicken really made me kind of feel like I watch Chinese food also did you see uh one of the other guys we worked with did you see chug his post about fast foods that he would like rank top five or whatever did not see it so like chugs post or let me give context here so one of our co-workers here at chat sports there was like one of those like spam post on Instagram where it’s like Circle you know five of these that you would you know like to have for the rest of your life and let’s just say Smitty had some words for chug choices and one of them was Panda Express like he breed Panda Express one one of his top five options for like fast food ever interesting I’ve only had Panda I’ve actually like two or three times I think it is good though we had a lot of tacos today we had Duncan have tacos axi had Taco Bells CA quesadilla um Lord buddy bear had 12 tacos 12 tacos Jesus that’s a lot of tacos unless it’s like those mini tacos from Jack In The Box as says try isopure protein if you get a chance Pius you can get all right as I’ll stay locked in Karen said piece of Kake um uh dashell says what college football team do you for dashell I’ll give you one chance to guess my favorite college football team I do have one Colin you know it right I do so he knows he’s not I I won’t lie dashelle if your next comment is the right University that I support in football I will do a beer bong on the house and and I’ll give you a hint it’s not South Florida it’s not Miami okay so he said that you said Miami I saw that I want to give you one more chance cuz it makes sense I do the Miami Dolphins Channel I do the Miami Heat Channel probably is a good guess to go Miami yeah it is not the Hurricanes one guess next comment is the one on you if you win I do a beer bong on the house $50 value for free for free it’s pretty crazy see can he do it given some guesses from I like turtles uh simal from Duncan it’s not the simal I like you Turtles says Clemson I don’t want to give Delle a a vote here axi says Syracuse Lord buddy bear says A&M Duncan says this man says Notre Dame as says the Gators Das sh I’m waiting for your next guest here it has not been named yet by and here it is it’s Alabama that would be incorrect it is the Tar Heels of North Carolina might be the most random thing that you could ever find out about me I am a North Carolina football fan shout out to Sam H shout out to Drake May two legends of the past five years we’ll see who quarterbacks the team this year I don’t even know all right it’s time to talk basketball once again as the Mavericks hold a one-point lead in game three of the NBA Finals Celtics start the second half with the ball and Jaylen Brown gets the scoring start with a nice pullup left elbow jumper to put the Celtics back out in front let’s freaking go Jaylen Brown coming out of the half getting the score going for the Celtics 5251 donic working on Tatum the other way getting to the rim layup is good you know that’s an excellent play by Daniel Gafford Yes you heard that correctly set a screen got donic his man on the hip and then rescreened his guy so he could not contest donic driving to the rack that is high level pick and roll screaming by Gafford Celtics good drop off to Drew holiday for a lefty layup as they go back out in front yeah great job great back and forth to open this quarterback LS Momo saying ma wasted both of them L you ain’t lying I am on the Mac Brown fire train good recruiter cannot coach Kyrie Lefty layup no good Gafford sky in for the putback slam right over Jason Tatum good Lord Tatum’s been on a couple posters tonight and there he goes again Daniel Gafford three for three making his presence known yeah the centers for the Mavericks have been much better today Tatum inside that’s was a little bit of a push by Irving not called and both teams is trading buckets in the first 90 seconds of the quarter and the Celtics have a one-point lead yeah Tatum becomes the overall game’s highest scorer with 22 Washington finds a curling donic he sets resets the offense I should say and gets a screen Derek white defending donic crossover driving left getting stopping pump fake goes up bumped no call now there is a late whistle and it will be donic heading to the line for two you know what that was that was a if it goes in no call he missed foul yeah it wasn’t enough contact to go and one but it was enough to say all right he didn’t make it we’ll give him two free throws exactly I agree um leg says we want Echo absolutely not no we don’t no we do not no we don’t Blake says this game’s a coin flip yeah this is a very entertaining back and forth game one can only hope it remains this way and we don’t see like a major run like we saw cuz it was relatively close for most of game two and then the Celtics just went on a crazy run yeah to really make it a double digit game and the Mavericks could really never fight back what’s up Bob you know now that we’re in the second half I am going to create a new live Pole to get people’s new thoughts on the game who you got could also get it down in the comments section who you got Celtics or the Mavericks tonight as donic goes two for two and the Mavs go back up by one Jaylen Brown looking to answer gets to the rim floats it up and in and the back and forth second half continues donu has had the ball in his hands for most of the second half driving on Horford kicks it to Jones Jr he pump fix he drives out to Irving Irving to the rim floater good I mean can we have any more back and forth action Colin I have a funny feeling we’re going to keep it going because these teams are know what’s know what’s at at stake and Drew holiday fires up a three and he Nails it I mean this is high level basketball right now very high level Celtics up by two I don’t even think any of these teams I think the only miss in this quarter Colin has been the donic layup that or Kyrie layup excuse me that Gafford put back slammed I think you’re right Irving turns it over Drew holiday was everywhere defensively careless pass by Irving there holiday out and running Derrick Jones Jr picks him up and will call for a screen gets that screen now drives left to Brown no defense by donic Brown Baseline drive out to Tatum it’s a three it’s good Jason kid timeout Celtics up by five largest lead of the game for Boston 6459 the reason why that shot was so wide open look at this no defense by donic good Lord LCA find a man I mean is it is it wrong for me to continuously call him out no he’s been horrendous as a Defender I don’t even know if the biggest Mavericks fans can defend Luca at this point on the defensive end it has been atrocious yikes is Right Turtles oh my God the I mean I just tweeted out Luka donic is killing the Mavs the defense has been so mad so bad oh [ __ ] some rumors out there that Donovan Mitchell is going to sign a long turn extension yeah that could happen and James rgo seems to be the front runner for the next Cavs head coaching job I I I don’t know man I think D Mitch he’s got to make a decision man I’ve heard so many conflicting reports about does he want to stay does he want to go I don’t know personally feel like he’d be better in a better situation this guy tweeted out 12 minutes ago I’m not even joking Luca Don’s performance on defense in the final so far might be the worst defensive effort I’ve ever seen from a superstar in the final I concur yeah I mean this has just been embarrassing to watch and I actually feel weird watching I got to be honest cuz we’ve seen explosion on the offensive end so don’t act like it’s like oh hey you know he’s just clearly hurt that’s my point yeah like it’s that’s my point I just I can’t deal with that like if I was a if I was a Maverick fan yep I’d understand that Luca is the best offensive player in the game mhm and I would be excited and happy to have him on the squad but then you watch some of this defensive effort and it is so bad hard to watch man it really is oh SPO and Bam would love him with hero and hakz Jr I mean obviously I’d love to have LCA Don on my team that’s kind I’m trying to preface that right I’m not trying to discredit Luca I agree yes I would I would move Heaven and Earth to have him on my basketball team but I think it’s also fair to realize he has been [ __ ] terrible defensively yeah and he’s the reason why he’s not going to be able to win a championship yeah I I if they lose this finals and they never win a finals with Luca it will always be because of his inability to play on the other side of the basketball oh Duncan saying I was talking about Mitchell that that I would love to have that of Mitchell although I will say even though he’s not the best defender yeah he gives effort he won’t give up I will say uh well he’s saying so he doesn’t have Jimmy in it so he says SPO bam hero hwz and Mitchell so he say no Butler with yeah a lot of people and I know Duncan’s not a Heat fan but a lot of Heat fans actually would rather trade Jimmy in a like a three- team deal like they want to trade Jimmy and hero for Mitchell and run it with Mitchell bam and the two young guys of yic and hwz interesting I don’t agree with that but that’s what a lot of YouTube Heat fans want to do all right we’re back in the third quarter here Kyrie’s got it down five eight on the shot clock Irving gets a screen Drives By and tripped up by L Orford they’re going to S say this on the floor I’d imagine so and it will be side out new 14 for the Mavericks Dallas getting spamed by T time man the buck guy let me know who you got make sure you hit that thumbs up icon every 100 likes we’re taking a shot at tequila we have 94 likes six people out there hit that thumbs up icon come on donic inbounds at the Tim Hardway Jr early run for thj donic driving on Derek white stopping floater misses it Point Blake just can’t get it to fall and Don gets a second personal foul and donic picks up a foul 80 ft from the basket why what are you doing there they had Lively on the lob they did should have thrown it yeah maybe L Horford could have got over i’ still would have probably thrown it Robert says good morning where are you watching from Young sir we are now four likes away four likes from a shot of tequila come on oh Tatum with a good drive drop off pass and here comes the Celtics run I mean this has just been something that we’ve been so accustomed to seeing 80 run over the last 90 second seven-point lead Kyrie gets a switch Al Horford defending they need a bucket bad Irving driving on Horford stop pulling up just in front of the free throw line and knocks down a much needed jumper gets the lead back to five needed that if you’re Dallas need absolutely did Robertson watching from Atlanta Georgia good morning what do you work from are you talking about from Midnight to 11: yeah and this is your morning Tatum Corner three no good there good assist or good playmaking by um Jaylen Brown Irving out and running spinning picks up his dribble double team kick out the Hardway Junior top of the key wide open oh it was halfway down but popped back out and that is a big time Miss Celtics are seven of eight from the field in this period Mavericks 47 Tatum double teamed thj defending kicks out the white all the way around the horn to Brown Corner three nylon lead up to eight largest of the game for Boston and man they could be running away with this oh man Brown up to 15 on the game donic driving spinning doubled kicks it to the corner Irving pump fake drives drop off to donic layup misses it rebound holiday Celtics running no numbers so Drew holiday will pull it out out to Derek white white foued by PJ Washington and they will have it side out as we do get to 101 in likes so shout tequila I’ll take one just because of this game man stress me out man if I was a Mavericks fan I would not be feeling good with how this game is turning out right now ah all right Tatum has it Corner step back three over donic no good Lively with the Board Outlet to Tim Hardaway Jr Mavericks don’t have numbers but thg is going to push he’s just rejected by Derek white and that is just can’t happen and the other way Tatum dunk and won PJ Washington fouls oh no foul wow that not being a foul was crazy I saw the arm it’s it’s a 10-point lead for the Celtics and here they go tman into the game for Horford defending dones Don to the rim layup good there he wanted a foul didn’t get it and we are teetering on disaster for the Mavericks can they keep it close for the next five minutes before the fourth quarter Jaylen Brown has it left wing driving on Irving swooping inside out to Tatum three two strong and now this looks like the Jason Tatum we saw in the first two games where he can’t buy a bucket from Deep he made three threes I believe or four in the first half he is 0 for three from deep in the second half yeah he started out what was it three for five I think yeah so what is he now three four four of 12 from three no I think he started out four of seven no I yeah I think he started out four of seven May the first qu that no I think tatums miss his last five he did start out three or five and then it was four seven I think Tatum’s over for his last five from three gotcha gotcha Kyrie has it down eight Hower into the ball game for the first time in this half he had three triples in the first half Irving drives off glass no good rebound by I don’t know why I can’t think of his name Derek Lively kicked out to donic who drives inside for a reverse layup and it’s a six-point game happens to the best roll yeah I don’t know why it’s based on that donic up to 25 points on the ball game Tilman to Tatum Tatum gets a screen now Lively switches on see if Tatum can knock down a three swings it all the way around to brown jayen brown will try a triple it’s no good Lively Board Outlet donic Mavericks couple stops in a row here can they get their third straight possession with a score donit swings it to Kyrie Irving working on Hower 10 on the clock Irving drives left stops free throw line jumper rattles in and out but that’s a rebound ooh it’s going to go to Boston I thought that was off Tatum but it will stay with the Celtics here LCA Dona just told the referee to wake up in the middle yeah I mean that was off um Lively but it was also a foul by Tatum speaking of fouls Kyrie reaches in on Jaylen Brown that’s his third that is second second second so far two fouls on Kyrie six-point lead for Boston Jaylen Brown has it gets a screen wants to Target Luca here in the pick and roll Brown driving hanging off glass too strong that’s a good defensive possession from Luca donic bringing it up the court harassed by Jaylen brown brown really physical here defensively Don is smiling at the official donic gets a screen Tilman on the switch donic between the legs driving right to the rim hanging off glass no good excellent defense by Xavier Tilman and with 350 to go in the third quarter Joe Mazula will call a timeout John Dorman in the chat saying rly what’s up big dog what’s up John Dorman if you have not subscribed to the channel I don’t know what you’re waiting for weekly live shows are inbound on chat sports surrounding the NBA I will be live tomorrow breaking down free agency rumors Draft rumors trade rumors it all so make sure you join us for tomorrow’s live show but we’re also going to be live on Friday for game four of the NBA Finals so lock Us in here at chat sports yeah let’s see rly rly rly and a dab Ranch from my like turtles have not heard that one before Robert says I just ate 100 wings are you okay I think you’re a liar I don’t want to call people Liars but saying you ate 100 Wings I’m just going to choose to believe that is not the case I’m going to choose to believe that is not the case extreme night says Jones Jr being as useless tonight for the Mavs as he was for us in Miami well I think Derrick Jones Jr was good in Miami not as good as he has been for Dallas um obviously he has been bad for the Mavericks in the series but he’s been good this entire year D J was sou oh man extreme Knight says Roy you’re the real MVP shout out to you shout out to you Duncan yes we did hear about that and we had a coming to I don’t even know what you want to call that is ridiculous that Joey J Joey Chestnut is not competing in the Fourth of July yeah this is about as unamerican as you can get I don’t think I will be participating in Fourth of July this year I don’t blame you because I am I’ll be out of the country on Fourth of July just because I heard the news I will be actually really where you going if you don’t want to share you don’t have to tell me no I’ll be in uh Mexico really I will be uh looks like we know who someone doesn’t like America not a real Patriot clearly just me and joy chest you are a terrible person just kidding I about to say I’m spreading American joy to other countries if anything I’m more American no yes I don’t think it works that way that’s the way I see it I don’t think it works that way I’ll never soak a hot dog bun in what does that say in water again that’s a that’s an interesting combination I’m looking up barbells protein bars right now of course you are I thought they were much cheaper than this it’s actually not bad getting 12 bars for 30 bucks that’s like just what is that just under it’s under well it’s about two and a half a bar right is that is that math2 and a half dollar a bar it’s actually pretty solid value I guess you should bring hot dogs and cheeseburgers and fireworks to Mexico make Mexico great again make Mexico great again crazy make Mexico crazy getting crazy under four to go in the third quarter Celtics lead by six they have the ball Major Anthony Nelson’s in he sent the chat I did not read the chat yet I’d be willing to bet $100 that that chat cuz I knew it was a paragraph I saw a paragraph and I didn’t read it yet contains the word Zack Edy in it would that be correct yes Major Anthony Nelson you gotta find listen they might draft zaky but you got to find a new stick man if I see your name in my comment section or live chat I know what you’re saying before I even read it Miss three by Jaylen Brown offensive rebound Boston back out to Brown he drives in and is foued and I think Maxi Cleber just caught a knee to the nuts I that was Daniel Gafford with a second personal oh here’s a different chat from major hello roelly forgot you were on LOL well thank you for joining us major yeah um is there anybody else in the world that you want on the heat other than Zack Ed or are you be the biggest Zack e fan in the entire country might be the world to be honest I think you live with one of the biggest Zach fans believe it or not I know Marsh likes Zach that’s what I’m saying but he defends him yeah I think he wants him at 24 25 yeah which can I be honest like I think I’ve said this to the Heat fans I am okay if the heat drafted Zack EDI in like the late 20s mid 20s or second round that’s not an issue to me my issue is picking him at 15 above some of these other prospects that have a way higher ceiling because to me Zack Ed’s ceiling is to be a backup center for bam for 15 minutes a game yeah and I’m not trying to draft that at 15 do you draft a guy in the first round who ceiling is a rotational player well you’ll take any rotation player but no but I’m saying but like with the hopes of potentially being more yeah exactly disaster of a possession for Dallas kba drives inside hangs can’t make the shot rebound by Xavier Tilman and the Celtics with an eight-point lead looking to get it back to a 10-point lead Brown in transition step back mid-range shot kba no defense and he necks it down 7565 is the score y needs a run more than anything yeah they do bad Luca is on the bench here Hardway working on Hower sidestep mid-range no good and this feels like dangerous time for the Mavericks I mean this is the series right here these next less than 15 minutes 14 and a half minutes well I’d say the next four minutes of the series if they let this balloon up to 15 this could be done Brown driving kicking the tman tman will launch a three uhoh and he drains it Xavier Tillman gives the Celtics a 13-point lead and it’s a 70 run out of the timeout for Boston this is the the these next two minutes of the series Josh Green Hardway to kleba kber inside The Gafford Gafford out to Kyrie pump fake Irving sidestep triple they need it they get it big time three by Kyrie back to a 10-point ball game Derek white fouled by Josh Green at half court and now he’s going the line for two are they going to this they also said this game is a that three by Kyrie was a two yeah it was a two Boston Celtics bench on fire for the Tillman 3 major says i’ take filipowski if not Zach all right at least we have someone that we can have in common here CU I like filipowski I think he’s like my fourth or I’d probably put him at like on my heat Big Board which by the way for the Heat fans in the heat report chat would you guys want a video in the next two weeks because we are exactly two weeks away from the NBA Draft by the way two Wednesdays from now um would you guys want me to drop a video of my personal Heat Big Board I’ve done draft targets for Miami multiple times and I’m going to have another draft targets video for the heat that goes over the weekend but would you want to see Nick rolloffs personal Big Board as a video on the heat Channel let me know so you know where I fully stand on what prospects I want the heat to draft at 15 let me know time man say yeah time man say yeah bam and Edy would not work together man this ain’t the 1980s not the 1980s Derek white makes both free throws it’s 8067 Derek White’s been quiet man 80 points I like turtles have you subscribed to the heat report you should you might not like the heat but you can be best friends with me still Kyrie top of the key five on the shot clock working on Horford s side step eight-footer left it short that that I said it was danger time and this is the worst possible thing that could have happened for the Dallas Mavericks they Trail 13 Hower looking to make it 16 airball fourth air ball today by the way not from Hower but just in general in the game yeah Josh Green so PJ Washington he’ll line up a three a big time bucket by PJ Washington and it’s a 10o game under a minute to go can the Mavericks get stop score stop score to make it a six-point game Brown in the corner swings it all the way around to Derek white white gets a screen rescreen pull up three it’s contest he just banked that in I know I should not but quiet there because I don’t have a favorite but the fact that he just banked in a straight on three I mean you have to think if you’re a Mavericks fan you’re cursed 8370 the Mavericks not even going two for one here PJ Washington backing down on Drew holiday getting to his right hand push shot left it short rebound Celtics they’re going to hold for one shot which guarantees the Celtics a double digit lead entering the fourth quarter the Celtics have shot 12 of 19 in this period Jaylen Brown gets a screen driving inside poster dunk by jayen Brown 15-point lead five to go in the quarter and the Celtics have a foul to give and they fouled Derrik Jones Jr with three and a half to go in the quarter this might be over folks it might be over we might be done on Friday evening folks I Turtles is in the heat chat Legend he really is a legend man Josh Green to the rack drop off to Irving stripped and that will end the quarter 8570 is the final score oh boy oh boy it’s might it might be Jo it is fourth quarter time though and you guys know what that means p in the air pause up pause up pause in the air pause in the air spam those fours if you want a good fourth quarter as xie brown man Fins Up axie type in those fours major says the 80s teams would beat the teams today no no they would not I got what you mean major Sean lion spamming those fours Robert Ethan jeric Frank Nelson what’s up Frank haven’t seen you in a while good to see you Ru typ in those fours get the Paw up pause up in the air let’s go let’s go sea lions oh man as still spamming those fours shout out shout out I kind of agree with you extreme Knight Mavs are a two trick pony show yeah it’s really good actually uh the way of phrasing it Josh’s ball on typing four for all the Heat fans watching by the way would you gu I asked you about the big board video would you guys want summer league watch parties for the Miami Heat they have if if if they don’t make a trade they have two draft picks pick 15 and pick 43 um and unless they draft like a nicoa toic who has a partially torn ACL they’d likely both be playing in summer league don’t think we would see yovic who is eligible to play don’t think we’d see hakz either because he had too good of a rookie season but maybe he goes doubt it though would you guys want summer league watch parties to scout out some guys who could make the team as two-way SLG League guys as well as watching the two rookies the heat draft let me know because I I I’m in if you guys are in seeing a lot of yeses so we’ll Daniel Adams says yes we’ll likely do them I hopefully they draft someone cool at 15 that we can really get excited about I feel like summer league watch parties could pop I think they could like I don’t know if there’s that much interest but it’s hard to watch like find Summer League because it’s on like ESPN 2 and some of them are like NBA TV and stuff like that so I feel like they could pop on YouTube I’d be down I like turtles is top topit should be the man Major Anthony Nelsa says I’ll send you a $20 Super Chat if get on the Zack ADF 15 bandwagon okay Roy what’s up roelly Major Anthony Nelson as much as I would love to get a $20 donation because it helps us grow I can’t do it Colin you can’t I I am I have to stand my moral High ground and I don’t want to [ __ ] the people on the heat report okay I can’t do it Colin I’m a man I’m a man of integrity I could could not come up here compromise flip my stance and say I want Zack at 15 what about a compromise listen I’ve openly said like I am cool with him if they draft him like in a trade down situation or in the second round I just don’t think 15 is the right spot for him and LCA Luca Dona turnover offensive foul Jaylen Brown locked him up this is going to get ugly here’s the thing major Monty 2K what’s up it seems like a lot of people want the summer league watch parties I you could if you’re a Heat fan right now watching on the heat report lock it in we’re doing summer league watch parties it actually works out perfectly for my schedule too because I’m taking a trip before the football season gets underway in August to back to my hometown of Rochester New York for a week and summer league runs like the championship game is like the Monday before I leave on Friday so it works out so perfectly Tatum driving out to Brown Corner three good that’s a dagger that’s over is it hard is it can I say a dagger with 12 minutes like 11 minutes to Lego in the game cuz it’s an 18-point game and it’s over oh man I like turtles is from Syracuse New York originally like I said I’m from Rochester Kyrie misses a floater and then pushes that Horford in the back they are unraveling unraveling what was Kyrie doing I don’t know I honestly don’t know on this is an unravel of the century Sean Lions I kind of agree any basket from Boston’s a dagger well now it’s really over this game’s up Derek White 3 it’s a 21-point lead it is J it’s j it’s j it’s very J I just tweeted out the Boston Celtics are NBA champions all caps [ __ ] Major Anthony Nelson says $50 Roy not not we’re starting to get to a point where now I have to think you were go by the way if you go retweet that tweet Roy will give you a shout out I mean I understand if you don’t want to retweet it because some people don’t want profanity on their Twitter which is fine um I am someone who doesn’t care um but if you want sure $50 for me to listen Major Anthony Nelson I’ll tell you this that video that I’ll do it won’t come out this week I’ll likely do it the following week so what what I what I’ll do is I’ll probably release a video four or five days before the NBA draft the NBA draft is on Wednesday two Wednesdays from now that Saturday or Sunday I’ll likely drop ry’s personal big board I will mention Zach Ed if you send in a $20 Super Chat it don’t even have to be 50 you send a $20 Super Chat major and you can guarantee Zack Ed will be on my big board I don’t know where he’ll be but he’ll be on there yeah he’ll be on there Jay the fox liked my tweet shout out axi axi is the legend man he really is axi is a goat he’s always tuning in he’s always showing love he’s always showing love Heat fans out there how about this if the Mavericks get swept that means the heat without Jimmy Butler and Terry Rosier put up a bigger fight put up a better fight than the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA finals and put up a better fight than the Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Conference Finals even though it’s kind of hard to say that cuz the Pacers like could have won three of those games the heat lost in five and didn’t have a chance to win four out of the five games it’s pretty crazy bra says my mom sided the familyes from Rochester tons of family still there how about that Brady Small World um you don’t have to tell me but where in Rochester are they from I will tell you because I don’t care I’m my I have family and I would grew up in Hilton New York Hilton New York which is a suburb in Rochester I think hiland’s not particularly a dump but um Helen’s not bad but I still don’t like Rochester personally personally don’t like it I like turtle Z from from a dump called UDA my friend played baseball at UDA I like turtles and I had a friend play football at UDA yeah we got people already calling for sweeps in the chat it is so over major says Ry love your videos watch them all I appreciate you major I know you tune into a lot of live shows too you’re a legend you’re a legend oh [ __ ] we got a little Super Chat rolling in oh we did Michael hdes in the building Duncan says I’ve been to a Rochester a few times the only thing Rochester’s good for is creating chicken French the best the best meal on the history of the planet it’s an Italian Dish but it’s like a western New York Italian Dish you really don’t find it outside of like Western New York it is just straight up phenomenal it’s like a wine garlic sauce um and just breaded chicken it’s terrific Michael H $10 Super Chat bring the sonics back our team did not move they were stolen I don’t hate that I’d love to see him back I’d love to see the silence make a comeback I would love it to if I think they’re inevitably going to expand the NBA by two teams to get to 32 in total I think the two teams would be Seattle and Las Vegas easy without a doubt so I think Seattle is going to get which which is fascinating cuz what do you do with NBA history if you bring back Seattle be two different teams because that that’s my point right like it can’t be I don’t think it can be the SuperSonics as Derrick Lively’s fouled inside um because here’s the thing if you do yeah like the Oklahoma City Thunder their franchise is the Seattle Sonics right so if you begin a Seattle Team you can’t name them the sonics because if you do they have to take the history of the sonics so then the Thunder history does that just get chopped up in half like what do we do like I it would be such a fascinating story line so if they have a team in Seattle which I would expect them to do I think they’re going to have to name it something other than the sonics I would agree donic backing down on Pritchard turning in bucket good down to 16-point game with nine and a half to go yeah Eduardo Perez is in the building saying cullins a go yeah uh he’s a Celtics fan that’s been trolling me I got to show you this video that he made of me he made a little troll video of me so why would he do he’s a Celtics fan y but is he your friend he’s he’s a boy of mine yeah okay okay I was going to say like if he’s like a random dude like I just don’t want to I just was curious to see where oh yeah something like that would have transform oh yeah he’s been talking madish Monty 2K great point right here by the way Pat Riley watching Boston get a chip has to make him sick and if there’s yeah anything in the world yeah to motivate him to go out and make a move to improve this roster to help Jimmy and Bam it’s got to be the Celtics winning Championship our biggest Rivals he hates them back to his Lakers days he hates them now as a member of the heat for the past 20 years go out and [ __ ] make a move Pat stop sleeping get back right and beat [ __ ] Boston and make the world right again we also got a $20 Super Chat from Major Anthony Nelson did it pull it did not donic three no good Lively putback is the 14-point game we’ll get we’ll get your super chat up at the next uh time next time out all right you’re going to manually build it all cool yeah we’ll get that on screen don’t you worry what if you toggle the filter on and off I did that nothing like the chat sports one’s pulling but the heat is not for whatever reason major we did get your $20 Super Chat we appreciate it we’re going to show it the next time out our software I guess is having a little bit of an issue right now so Cullen’s going to build it manually and put it on the show a Miss from Boston here Dallas has a chance to make it interesting with this three from Josh green and he drains it I might have prematurely called this game over it’s a 100 run from the Dallas Mavericks in the last 2 and 1/2 minutes and a 21-point lead has been cut down to 11 we might be back folks we might be back excuse me might be back might be Frank Nelson says roelly kind of like the Oilers to Tennessee and now the Texans are there yeah that actually is perfect example the Houston Oilers went to the Tennessee or then transferred to Tennessee they went from the Houston Oilers to the Tennessee Titans and then the Houston Texans became a franchise in the late ’90s or was it early was it in 2000 or I think it was like 98 who was it sorry I was typing that out sorry it’s all right Tech I think the Texans came around 19898 yeah Houston Texans yeah they came around like in the two I think it was late ’90s early 2000s yeah and they had their own history there so I guess it would be like that so if if a Seattle team does come back to fruition which I believe it will be I would be willing to bet a lot of money it would be not called the Super Sonic so start thinking of different names for the Seattle team but a $20 Super Chat from Major Anthony Nelson shout out to Major by the way the first and only person to send in a super chat on today’s heat report cuz he’s a legend and he gets on the Hall of Fame ball and I got to take a shot and I got to talk about Zack Edy says okay Ry you got to spend at least one minute on Zach major like I said a little bit ago it the video that I’ll do this on is not going to happen this rest of the week it’s probably not going to happen during the week next week but it will happen either Saturday or Sunday next weekend because next weekend will be 3 or 4 days before the draft so that will probably one of be our weekend videos well I’ll do my personal big board and we’ll put Zack Ed on there and talk about him for a minute shout out to you Major Anthony Nelson your Legend who have always supported the channel going back to pre-season basketball as well as you were one of our biggest super Chatters in the beginning of the regular season you really helped carry us at times through um October and November you still super chat all the time which is awesome I am a little bit of a dumbass here you good man no actually not oh my God I actually am so stupid I went to go write Major Anthony Nelson and then I I wrote major but I thought I accidentally wrote Anthony first and I my spacing was effed up so then I went to go write Nelson next and it’s like all right I’ll just have Anthony Nelson but then I realized I did write major and now I just have Major Nelson I mean technically it is him I am dumb but either way where is it Major Nelson I think he could see it I about to say I don’t know if there’s room to put an a i there really isn’t like I that’s why I effed up the spacing oh man effed up the spacing koala says wait for a little turtle all right Kua I like turtles Aaron James is back what’s up um Brady says they are in the BBS near Mount Hope gotta be honest I don’t remember where Mount Hope is I haven’t been in Ro I haven’t been to Rochester like in a while I mean I’ve been away from Rochester for practically six years I went to St Bond adventure for four years that’s where I attended college and then I um where obviously I went back to Rochester like during breaks and stuff but right yeah oh I like turtles with a $2 Super Chat nuggets are better than the heat I can’t disagree with you I like turt can’t I can’t do it I can’t do it Brady says also Die Hard Heat fan one thing I’ve always wanted true point guard wouldn’t mind Dwight Howard at cheap contract Dwight Howard’s cooked um true point guard I mean we almost had it with Dame and uh we’ll see uh what happens this off season steel PJ Washington going Coast to Coast hits the deck there’s a foul and he’s a little banged up he’s hobbling grabbed his ankle did we see your call him I think so good defense by PJ stripping Jason Tatum yeah oh yeah I got you oh my God yeah oh that ankle did ankle turned ankle turned Logan lab says you also have mentioned HEI is that supposed to be Hae I don’t know Jamie who knows who knows nobody know two free throws for PJ Washington first one’s good it’s a 10-point game again this is this is a game this is a game I don’t know man Genie I’ve always personally getting back to like the Thunder conversation I’ve always been conflicted because the Thunder are like my redheaded stepchild because I love everything else Seattle if Seattle got another team I genuinely like would you yeah would you lose leave the Thunder I don’t know I don’t it’s tough though because SE they are technically the sonics so right they are the Super Sonics exactly it’s just that Seattle got a different team exactly 120 Run nine-point game Jaylen Brown fading away inside the paint tough bucket and answer there from Jaylen Brown to calm down the Celtics group here 9382 but I am no longer saying this game’s over Jaylen Brown once again having a terrific game Tatum was great in the first half but Jaylen Brown I think continues to have the MVP performances Kyrie downhill floater good all right now the Mavericks have finally showed up in the second half let’s see if they can just get stops Irving with 28 I think that’s game high or is is Luka above that let’s see Tatum drive to the rim layup smoked it rebound Lively chance to cut into this deficit some more donic drives by white has a step to the rim kicks out to Washington Corner three it’s a big shot they get it oh it’s a six-point game with under seven to go the AAC is on its feet it’s a 17-2 run yeah by the way that is game high uh Luca and Tatum both have 27 Brown has 26 okay Patrick Mahomes is loving it I just had the Tweet out that the Boston Celtics are champions and I jinxed them maybe Miss three by Jaylen Brown here come the Mavericks for some more guys if the Celtics lose the series you could thank me for pre-tweezed Horford travels and uh to bail out the Mavs cuz the Celtics had five on four numbers I cannot believe that I I don’t like how Luca complains to the officials that is a clear tat little push there yeah Tatum clearly uh chicken winged him right there I might have jinxed Boston you guys can thank me later Kyrie Irving working on holiday step back three bumped no call no they do call itou that’s three free throws coming for Kyrie I got to turn this up because I can’t hear a thing so I didn’t even know that was a foul three free throws coming for Kyrie if he makes all three Cullen this will be a three-point game and be a 20-2 run for the Mavericks and I’m curious to see if they review this for not giving Irving a space to land because that could be a flagrant doesn’t look like they will it’ll just be a standard three free throws for Kyrie man oh man do we have a good one here this would be an alltime let down if he misses a free throw makes the first though 9388 how about this back from the dead Jaylen Brown makes a triple or excuse me is Derek white to make it a 21-point game 91-70 you see the score now quite the run from Dallas Irving makes the second they are officially within four with 6 minutes to go oh baby let’s freaking get it man yeah 28 points for the series Kyrie dropping a 30 piece tonight yeah you knew he was going to have a good game eventually Irving to make it a ones score game nails 93906 to go 20-2 run by Dallas over the last 5 minutes aka the same time since I put out the tweet that the Celtics were champed Champions Jason Tatum the brown brown driving picks up his dribble spinning Stripped by donic Kyrie will bring it up chance to tie if they take a triple Irving working on holiday driving right gets by him drop off to Lively swung to Washington corner for the tie left it short tipped out and Brown gets it oh bodies hit the deck Tatum grabs the loose ball Tatum spinning on Irving good transition defense by the Mavericks and now holiday pull up three no good that was a terrible shot selection by the Drew holiday and the Celtics rebound Mavericks Timeout on the floor 525 to go in this ball game Mavericks on a 20-2 run to make this a three-point game let me know folks who do you got tight B for a Boston D for the Mavs who is going to pull off the win in game three in what could possibly be one of the alltime finals games it was incredibly competitive for the first 24 minutes and then the Celtics had an incredible third quarter to fourth quarter where they went on a 14-minute master class and then we’ve had an unbelievable 5 minutes from the Mavericks to make it a three-point game yet again yeah Dallas stayed the course could have easily bent their backs on this one I mean we were saying it’s chov you sent out a tweet they sat there they meticulously took it possession by possession on defense offense capitalizing on both ends and now we’re sitting here with a one possession game in game three of the NBA Finals get your votes in down below I’m giving a shout out to every single person who types either BOS or Dallas le la re says Dallas Logan’s lab Boston ground shorts Dallas Dead s Bahar Boston Ethan Boston Josh’s ball in Dallas I like turtles says Mavs M Bella says Dallas long says Dallas Brian Perry says Dallas Daniel Adams says Dallas Robert says Boston extrem Knight says Boston me Mark hubin Roberta says Boston back in Action Lucas’s got it guarded by holiday 10 on the shot clock he gets a screen from PJ Washington donic head down fouled by Derek white on a reach in and we have five minutes to go four fouls for Derek white four fouls for Derek white one away from being DQ well it be two away right you’re right I don’t know why I thought of college donic working on Tatum spinning getting to his right hand underneath the rim now has possession position Fades away he and misses should have got off strong just go up straight get get put your butt into him and put it up with the left hand cous decision there by donic Bost only three of 10 this fourth quarter yeah under five to go Jaylen Brown has a step driving kicking out to Tatum Tatum one more to Horford in the corner Al Horford in the brown brown and donic get tangled up and they’re going to call foul on donic so it’ll be a fresh 14 side out for Boston with 4 minutes and 30 to go look how many fingers I’m holding up rolly Don has got five so he’s one away from disqualification oh man and the Mavericks are going to challenge this uh I don’t think this will be over I mean there’s a little hook there I think that’s a hook by Jaylen Brown that might be a little hook I think it’s a hook I don’t know if you could build this real quick at let’s get see if the people was that a file yes or okay give me a sec or if you’re watching alongside with us was that a foul yes or no type y for yes Type n for no Major Anthony Nelson is typing his ends Luca did not foul I actually off review I I agree I think Jaylen Brown clearly hooks that arm and I think that’s a no call SL offensive foul on the de or on Jaylen Brown I think this should be reversed I like Turtle says if you say yes I say yes I think it’s an N no foul so uh you could just say yes or no the bottom as says no kaala says yes Michael Harmon says yes let me know your thoughts was that a foul yes or no oh man I like turtles no Major Anthony Nelson no Roberta says no I think it was a foul on Jaylen brown but Luca donic should be clear and this fifth foul should be reversed let’s see axi says no Daniel Adams says if it gets reversed who gets the ball well if they reverse it and call foul on Jaylen Brown which I don’t know if is legal I think it is that it would be Maverick’s basketball and it up it stands it stands I don’t understand that all right it’s going to remain with the Celtics they are lead by three Jaylen Brown out to Horford Corner triple for Al no good Josh Green the board Outlet to Irving the Celtics are still ice cold Irving downhill Drive pullup bank shot too strong and Tatum gets the board starting lineup on the court for the Celtics donic Kyrie oh is that just fouled out did Luca just fou out on that wow that’s Luca six foul donic just fouled out with four minutes to go blocking foul called what is Luca donic thinking out of all the times that you want to try to pick up in transition that’s the time this has been one of the strangest performances I’ve ever seen from Luca dones wow and of course the Mavericks are going to challenge this wait wait so I’m lost okay I’m sorry here did yeah hold on the Mavericks are challenging this but did they not just lose their challenge I guess not was it did they win the challenge and it just stayed with Boston either way it says six foul here on the official or the scorecard I got in front of me and I heard Mike Breen say he fouled out too yeah so how do they have a challenge I guess we could go back to this weigh-in was that a foul yes or no yeah was that a foul on Luca I’m lost I’m I’m befuddled yes or no I am befuddled right now axi says it was a foul on Jaylen Brown not Luca major says the same thing yes dead dead Luca within the span of about 30 seconds committed two fouls allegedly where I guess they’re reviewing one but wait I I’m still lost how could the Mavericks challenged this if they just challenged and lost why did we have a timeout 30 seconds ago I’m very confused confused I bet they call us a charge just to keep Luka in the game wouldn’t shock me either this is if I got to be honest I think this is a blocking foul if they call this a charge and overturn it it’s Adam Silver making the call I want that on the record they he definitely rang it in Adam Sil Adam Silver made the call if Luka Don stays which by the way this is not a charge his feet are moving he doesn’t even get his shoulder square is this is a blocking foul 10 times out of 10 if I know anything about basketball it’s a blocking which is but I also know Adam Silver made the call we’re waiting to hear the uh we’re waiting to hear the official announcement from the officials yeah still under review wellit I’m still confused though col I don’t know cuz what happened 30 seconds ago that we had a timeout yeah I have no idea I’m lost I’m completely just what the f did we go to timeout for no reason cuz that’s even worse still waiting for a call here yeah this is like taking the pause of like hey we got to frame this somehow golly hold on here here we go Mark Davis on the call that’s a block that’s foul donic has fouled out what an unbelievably dumb play by Luca donic just cannot have that in that moment wow donic is gone first time in his playoff career by the way he’s ever fouled out so the Mavericks are going to have to find a way to come back from this three-point deficit in the final 4 minutes without LCA donic and if they do send it to overtime they’ll be without him then all right let’s see what the Mavericks got this I tell you what if the Mavericks win this game they win the series they come back from 21 in the fourth quarter four minutes without Luca they’re going to win the series if they win this game Jaylen Brown four on the shot clock driving pump fake fading away excellent defense it’s missed Lively with the board Kyrie’s got to take over Kyrie’s got to take over to number 11 Irving PJ Tim Hardaway Lively and Josh Green Kyrie isolated in the holiday gets a screen from Lively kyy driving right pull up elbow jumper is good it’s a one-point game with three and a half to go 22-2 run over the last 7 minutes and 40 seconds seconds the Celtics cannot buy a bucket Tatum top of the key gets a screen Josh Green is the defender now Tatum isolating driving right eurostep inside floats no good offensive rebound put back Jaylen Brown is good back to a three-point lead oh no that’s not a foul that’s not a foul you can’t CH that’s an offensive foul I mean these officials are trying to hand boss in the game holy that’s not a foul I cannot believe that they called illegal screen on PJ Washington not a foul what are we doing here that is as bad as it gets that that sucks man no JJ reic don’t tell me that he leaned into the screen he did not that’s a terrible [ __ ] call I can’t believe that three minutes to go Mavericks down three I cannot believe that that’s so bad Derek white over to Horford swung to Holiday in the corner holiday driving Baseline has an angle kicks it out to Derek white three top of the key good that I mean the [ __ ] officials ruined this game they did I [ __ ] hate the NBA we had a we had an unbelievable comeback in the works and you just gifted the Celtics three points Kyrie driving fouled he’ll go to the rim for two to try to get this to a four-point game two and a half to go Celtics lead by six it’s holiday’s fourth foul for the record Drew holiday has four as you heard from cullin let me know who you got BOS for the Celtics D for the Mavs I’m just absolutely gutted that was an excellent pass by the way from Drew holiday to Derek white for that three but they should not have had the ball ky’s got 33 tonight Kyrie’s been terrific I can’t believe luuka fouled out can’t either remember when he had that dumb foul 80 ft away from the basket cuz he was frustrated after not get a foul call those come back to haunt you they always do Irving’s free throw good five-point game 200 people watching on the heat report hit that thumbs up icon real quick for us being live here for free come on help us out comment who you got and hit that thumbs up Irving chance to make it a four-point game Irving’s second free throw is good he’s been perfect at the line tonight 9894 the Mavericks have been able to get a lot of stops in this quarter can they muster up a couple consecutive stops now Derek white oh gets it into Tatum Tatum spins and throws down a dunk what a pass from Derek white what a finish by Tatum as they get to 100 first and lead by six they’re up to or Tatum’s up to 29 Points on the night 29 Points for Jason Tatum Kyrie playing with Derek white driving left eurostep Lefty layup two strong airball off Derek white saved it to Josh Green misses the layup Lively putback slam is good a chaotic sequence ends up helping Dallas back to four 196 under two to go crunch time in the building Hardway defending Derek white they’re trying to get it Tatum they get it to him top of the key PJ Washington defending isolated Tatum step back side three left wing no good rebound Hardway Outlet to Irving minute and a half to go four-point game Irving holiday defends screen from Lively pump fake by Irving in the Lively open dunk and it’s a two-point game the patience and facilitation of Kyrie Irving the rookie out of Duke backto back dunks and we got a two-point game that gives Derrik livley a double double of the night 11 points for the young man oh boy he’s got 13 boards to he’s been massive Jaylen brown one minute to go calling for a screen gets it working on Hardway pullup jumper at the elbow is good a clutch Bucket from Jaylen Brown the likely Finals MVP makes it a four-point game with a minute to go Kyrie gets downhill out to Washington pump fake Corner three wide open no good rebound Horford he’s out in running but he loses it and it’s out of bounds what do they call what are they calling the official hits the deck out of bounds turnover what they what they call here I think it’s out of bounds did they call a foul no they’re going to call it to the Mavericks I don’t know what happened Al Horford pushed the pace for no reason yeah I think they’re saying I mean you could definitely call a push on that on Josh Green y but they’re going to let him play 40 seconds to go Maverick’s ball holiday hounding Kyrie he gets it across half court 35 Irving trying to muster some Maverick’s magic gets a screen Al Horford’s the defender isolated on top Kyrie needs it right wing three no good rebound fouled PJ Washington grabs the arm of Derek white and Derek white will go to the line to extend this four-point Celtics lead with 22 seconds to go yeah Kyrie’s been aw I don’t love that shot I don’t know at this point I don’t know who you’d rather have shoot at this point here’s the thing Al Horford knew that he cannot give up a three to Kyrie to make it a one one point game yep because either way they were going to have to foul Depending on time unless they made a three yeah well they would have had the foul but it would have stayed a one possession game if they made both free throws so he sat down and didn’t give up a three Kyrie should have attacked the rim and made it a two-score game white makes the first free throw 22 seconds to go 10398 the Mavericks are going to need to knock down a crazy three whites second is good it’s a six-point game Jason kid will call his final timeout to advance the ball the Mavericks need a quick three-pointer and then they need to force a turnover yeah they do I’m not going to say it’s over yeah but it is likely over this game’s going to be Mar with a lot of things that shouldn’t be I just that illegal screen on PJ Washington is such a bad call and I gifted the Celtics three points now the Mavericks were able to fight back and make it a two-point game yeah but like yeah ah they they they just disappointing man very disappointing by the way I’ve said this all day today and I will stand by it assuming this score holds the NBA Finals will be over by Friday yeah well it’ll be over on Friday right because by Friday would mean it well by the end of Friday by the end of Friday there you go there is no chance the Mavericks muster up the ability to win down three out they’re packing it in yeah a tail of two halves for ry’s finals MVP and maybe the finals MVP Jaylen Brown six points in the first half 24 in the second half he’s been so good today he’s been so good in the series Jaylen Brown’s going to win finals MVP man he is um did he won Eastern Conference Finals MVP too right then he’s going to go he’s sweep those Awards he will I think we could confidently say that Tatum is not the best player on this teene yeah I’m going to say it Josh green inbounds at the Tim Hardway Hardaway wide open three brick white tried a foul there but yeah Derrick White tried the P purposely foul and just make this a free throw sh in competition the ref did not see it which allowed Tim Hardway to shoot a wide open three and he bricked the living [ __ ] out of it honestly not a bad strategy to play a free throw game which he like yeah grabbed him it’s a clear foul the ref just didn’t see it like he’s like right here I got you I got you Major Anthony Nelson Jaylen Brown is in fact the highest paid player in the NBA when he signed that $300 million extension over 5 years in the off season he’s proven his worth a lot of us made fun of them for making that decision paying him 60 mil a year after how bad he was in the Eastern Conference Finals a year ago but credit to him man for improving and becoming the best player on this team he’s about a little over 48 minutes away from being an NBA champion as well and potentially the finals MVP oh not potential I mean I’m telling you right now he has had barring something unforeseen how about that yeah I I guess barring something unforeseen but he’s been the best player oh he yes in all three wins yeah well you can argue porzingis for game one yeah yeah yeah but it’s been well Drew holiday to but one consistent thing is that Jaylen Brown’s been over 20 points and shooting efficiently in all three games PJ and he’s been playing exceptional defense yeah something that luuka could learn about like that’s why the Celtics are going to win this series they are a more balanced team and their two stars well really all Five Guys in their lineup are two-way players Kyrie and Luca they get hunted yep are they better offensively than Tatum and brown yes I can’t believe the Celtics are NBA champions I got to be honest I actually don’t know if I could come on here and do the watch party on Friday can you you think you could do it by yourself if they leted me I would you got to move up in the company somehow one way or another I’ll take a game four blowout I don’t think I could do it I I I don’t think I could say the words the Boston Celtics are your 2024 NBA Champions oh you just did so [ __ ] I did oh man I know there’s a lot of Celtics fans watching um I’m sorry I I do lead our chat sports coverage here as like a main NBA guy but uh I am a Heat fan like I just have no way of hiding that I can’t stand the Celtics I call the game very fair you do but I just I like I said I just can’t say that man wow this series is a sweet man really is montea says this doesn’t count like the bubble I agree 2024 and 2020 the most fraudulent champions in NBA history oh man we can include 2023 till I like turtles we still love you man Duncan who’s a DI hard Heat fan Heat fan sorry to even put that in the universe Celtics fan says you call the game right down to the middle really I try I try but there’s no hiding my fanship there isn’t and there’s a reason why I am the host of the Miami Heat report more that I do that in that sometimes I think my brain isn’t functional yeah and there will just be times where I’m in the middle of speaking and then nothing comes out absolutely nothing yeah man it one game away major if that could ever be a possibility me and you would be singing Kumbaya if that trade ever happened but I can almost guarantee there is a 0% chance that could ever happen the Celtics would never give him to us ever ever now there is only one year left on Derek White’s contract and if they can’t sign him long term because they have to pay porzingis Dre H who they extended during the season Tatum is up for an extension soon Jaylen Brown’s getting all that money well maybe then Dereck White’s a free agent and maybe the heat can make a run at him then but uh yeah the Celtics are just never going to trade him to Miami he would be such a good Heat player he would I actually think he could be the third best player in a championship team I actually think he could I don’t hate it I don’t hate it at all think it could oh God what a shitty shitty season Damen fers says long time no Carroll dog man Tatum finally bowled out tonight he played well and I actually think it’s ironic that Tatum plays finally a good game in the finals and still wasn’t the best on his team though yeah I mean if you’re if you’re a Celtics fan who cares but I got to come away with the NBA fights with something for my narratives and I’m just going to come away with the fact that Jason Tatum isn’t a number one on a championship team so I win and the Mavericks lose that’s a win till got to take the wins when you can man there is no these aren’t wins these aren’t wins I I don’t get it twisted these are not wins oh man trying to get him fired up man he’s got game four to do I he looks so depressed his chins down I Colin if the bosses turn the Stream off if you’re watching I have absolutely no juice to watch this game on Friday there is nothing that this game on Friday could give me other than heartbreak because the Celtics are going to be Champions either way they are not going to lose four straight games to the Dallas Mavericks I can guarantee that I would put my life savings I’d put anything that you want of value to me monetary spiritually whatever you want to say sure that they will not win four in a row so to me any Maverick’s win is just delaying the inevitable so I almost want it to end on Friday let’s get it over with yeah so that’s the kind of way I look at it um how about this you want to make a deal before we sign off we’ll give him two minutes to send in a Super Chat two minutes we are at we’re at 77 combined dollars 77 combined dollars if we get $23 what’s up if we get $23 in 2 minutes so we’ll give him two minutes you don’t have to throw if you want to you can you don’t have to I was going to say I can just 23 minutes or no $23 in two minutes we’ll do a beer bong race D we get to 100 combined super chats in the next 2 minutes and we will do a beer bong race if not we’ll sign off and unfortunately see you on Friday we’ll get this started boom there we go you heard it from the man himself you want to see another beer bomb race between me and ring man oh man oh yeah by the way make sure to sign out by the way thanks call oh man never forgot man South Florida is finally going to get a championship Callin but uh the Celtics get one so I don’t think I don’t think anything matters is it 20 in that series by the way yep yeah Panthers up 20 baby let’s go yeah major says good night Roy it was fun watching it was our best stream to date in the finals yeah on heat at least yeah honestly appreciate it it was a really good crowd tonight it was a fun game yeah um good crowd extreme Knight says Roy hear me out how in the heck last off season does Miami miss out on Dame and yet in the same universe Boston gets both holiday and penis because Pat Riley’s washed this freaking CU he washed cuz he washed um if I will be honest though it really does suck because the heat missing out and I don’t want to make Heat fans feel worse about themselves right now cuz I already feel pretty bad but the heat missing out on Damen Lillard G gave the souths a championship not only for the heat to not get better and proove and be on the same level as Boston but if the heat get Damen lard then that means Drew holiday stays on the Milwaukee Bucks which means the Bucks are a better team than they were this year because let’s face it the Bucks were better with Middleton Giannis and Drew holiday than they were with Damen Millard and Chris Middleton and Yannis it was just a better fit and then obviously if that trade doesn’t happen and he comes to Miami then the Bucks keep Drew holiday and that means the Celtics don’t get Drew holiday so they’re not as good as a team the Bucks are a little bit better the heat are obviously a top three team in the East like the heat swinging and missing on um Damen Lillard and then allowing the celt and then allowing the bucks to get them which would allow the Celtics get Drew holiday it gave them a title man it sucks it’s the worst there’s nothing that will have fun L says I’mma subscribe to your channel yall dope as [ __ ] for real good see thank you appreciate that I don’t know if you’re a Celtics fan I don’t know if you’re just an NBA fan um yeah we’re obviously a channel that puts out heat content every day but uh and we don’t go live for random NBA games other than Heat games but I appreciate the subscription my guy you’re a real one you’re a real one oh Marcus it’s not really hypothetical as it’s the truth like if the heat got Damen lard obviously Drew holiday isn’t a Celtic but it is what it is that’ll do it for today’s show and live stream um appreciate everyone for tuning in pretty fun day um other than the outcome of the game unfortunately I’ll see you again on Friday where we have to watch the Celtics win the NBA championship for Colin Brown I’m Nick rolloff peace out [Music]

2024 NBA Finals Game 3 LIVE here at the Miami Heat Report. The Boston Celtics look to take a 3-0 lead in the NBA Finals by going on the road to Dallas. The Mavericks return home to try to fight off the kiss of death, a 3-0 deficit. Heat Report by Chat Sports host Nic Rohloff brings you this Mavericks vs. Celtics game 3 free live stream that showcases Celtics vs. Mavericks highlights, stats, and news! Alongside the Celtics vs. Mavericks game 3 stream, the latest Miami Heat news and rumors will be discussed during the 2024 NBA Finals free stream! Join Nic and producer Cullen Brown for this game 3 NBA Finals Live stream scoreboard highlights, free play-by-play, stats, analysis, and boxscore on the Miami Heat Report!

Weekly watch parties for the Miami Heat at the Heat Report for the 2024-25 NBA Season! Subscribe: and hit that notification bell!

The Celtics are two wins away from capturing their 18th NBA championship in franchise history. The Boston Celtics injury report will be a storyline to watch as Kristap Porzingis is questionable for NBA Finals game 3. Porzingis’ injury is explained as: “a torn medial retinaculum allowing dislocation of the posterior tibialis tendon in his left leg.”

The Dallas Mavericks return home to try to earn their first win of the NBA Finals. Kyrie Irving has struggled in Boston but looks to have a bounce-back performance at home. Dallas Mavericks injury report will be looked at closely for a Luka Doncic injury update. Doncic received a pain-killing injection prior to NBA Finals game 2 to treat his thoracic contusion. It’s likely that Doncic will receive the same pain killer prior to Mavericks-Celtics game 3.

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Dallas Mavericks starting lineup:
Luka Doncic, G
Kyrie Irving, G
Derrick Jones Jr., F
P.J. Washington, F
Daniel Gafford, C

Boston Celtics starting lineup:
Jrue Holiday, G
Derrick White, G
Jaylen Brown, F
Jayson Tatum, F
Al Horford, C

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Miami Heat Returning Players:
Tyler Herro, G
Terry Rozier, G
Jimmy Butler, F
Jaime Jaquez Jr., F
Bam Adebayo, C
Terry Rozier, G
Duncan Robinson, G
Nikola Jovic, F

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Check out some of our latest Miami Heat YouTube videos:
– Power Ranking TOP 5 Heat Trade Targets In 2024 NBA Offseason | Miami Heat Rumors:
– NEW Miami Heat Trade Rumors From Bill Simmons: Trade For Trae Young?:
– Jimmy Butler WANTS To Go To The Lakers? Cavaliers Interested In Butler Trade? Heat Rumors:

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