@Boston Celtics

This is my favorite Kyrie clip 😂

This is my favorite Kyrie clip 😂

by kduBzz


  1. MrBigTyme

    Get that man a map a gps and a compass, homie was lost af

  2. I just waited for someone to publish it 😂😂 he is so lost

  3. mvhcmaniac

    He looks like a Golden Retriever when you drop the tennis ball behind your back.

  4. He didn’t factor in the Earth’s curvature when that pass went by him.

  5. KhamPheuy

    I love that he figured out where the ball was through process of elimination. Just showing his elite logic skills here.

  6. yomamasbootycall

    Oh I love everything about this … thank you OP

  7. Having trash defenders like Kyrie and Luka might have been fine in the West but out here we play defense… except for mid way through the 4th quarter where we give up 20 points in 2 minutes… but generally… East is built different. 

  8. randycannon

    We need a gif of Kyrie looking back and forth with that clueless look

  9. Ok-Measurement-55

    It’s hard to see when the ball is flat

  10. I love this but have to admit that without Kyrie, Dallas would be even more f*cked. He was the one keeping them in this game. But also … F*ck Kyrie.

  11. You can say Luka is the best offensive player in the league rn. Some of those shot he makes…did that seriously go in?

    Similarly, you can say Kyrie is one of the most skilled offensive players to ever play in the league. His handles are insane, and his shot making was on display tonight.

    But BOTH of them are full blown defensive liabilities. This play shows it, all the Luka blow by’s show it. Basketball involves putting the ball in the hoop AND preventing the other team from doing so. These guys only contribute in one of those areas. JT and JB are actual two-way players. I’ll take our guys all day. 🙌

  12. Skywalker19982020

    “Your opponent has left the match.”

    Similar to how he left us, but better 🍀


    lmao someone make the twister meme like Chris Paul when he fell against Steph

  14. Subryanx3m

    The replay of this during the game showed Tatum laughing after the shot went it .

  15. hudson_kb

    Somehow the c’s media dood needs to put together a make montage where every body is schooling that Kyrie clip

  16. DrLokiHorton

    Crazy, he’s usually the one putting folk into a blender.

  17. thumbsup_baby

    If Kyrie’s awareness on defense is able to talk: “Huh? Huhuh?! HuuuUuUuh? Huh!”

  18. little_wing617

    Replay video…replay video…replay video…🤣🤣🤣

  19. sarcastic_wanderer

    When Tatum and Brown are old, they will talk to each other about this clip

  20. invertedearth

    I can’t wait to see what u/sim888 does with this.

  21. Merde2000

    I rewatched this during the game like 10 times. never gets old. Kyrie seems un-Lucky

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