@Brooklyn Nets



by Lui-king


  1. BackToTheMoon_

    They should have sold high on Bridges last summer

    They should’ve sold on Bridges at the deadline

    Knowing Sean Marks, he will hold on to Bridges even after they miss out on trading for Mitchell this summer and trade him for 50 cents on the dollar next deadline when the team is 17 games under 500

  2. Acrobatic-Dog7044

    I think we have the worst Nets fandom accounts. All these big Nets accounts do is post complaints and yelling to blow up the team without blaming our Big Three for anything. It’s outta our hands we just have to see what Marks has planned but I definitely think Houston wants some of the Suns picks if we get all our picks back and that’s why Marks refuses to trade with them.

  3. I think blowing it up is the dumbest thing we can do, we have gr at role players and letting them go to their teams to continue to be even worse for what 3-5 years just isn’t it. We have enough talent where acquiring one star makes us a playoff level team, you can’t go from us to a contender overnight it’ll take time regardless of the avenue but not trading mikal for our picks is the longest path we can take to relevancy

  4. Far_Guest_5028

    No trade for trae young. Young would be able to make this roster work and his defense would be hid by the switch bigs and Bridges

  5. Kwilly462

    Look, all I know is blowing it up and tanking isn’t a surefire way to get back into winning either. Look at the Hornets. They’ve been tanking for who knows how long, and still can’t get it right.

    Now I’m not saying I’m against trading Mikal. But if it means we gotta trade our Suns picks along with him, just to get ours back… Yeah I’m good.

  6. NandoDeColonoscopy

    If they’re keeping Mitchell, it means they’re moving Garland. Bridges for Garland and Allen, let Clax walk (or do an s&t if one works), and we stay competent with the bones of a quality team just missing a star, located in a city that stars want to move to.

  7. I really don’t see an issue with this at all. What do we gain keeping Mikal here vs being able to trade him for potentially some of our picks back allowing us to have a great chance at a really good draft pick? I think Mitchell would’ve been the one to actually help attract that true 1/1b. I don’t see the value in keeping Mikal much longer tbh.. true #3 guy on a really good team and we’re just keeping him around hoping someone else comes to play along side? Just seems impractical tbh

  8. Don’t pay attention to him, he says random shit for engagement.

  9. TheMoorNextDoor

    We should’ve traded Bridges before all of this period.

    Let alone Mitchell isn’t a surefire star to make us all of a sudden jump from missing the play in’s into a top 5 seed (which still needs another superstar in order to even compete for a championship).

    Trading our assets for Mitchell makes no sense when you bring all of that to the table, the only that makes sense is building more assets.

    If not for the picks back then find a way to get Bridges to the Pelicans or something to pick up some of their young talent like TM3 and Herb Jones, maybe a Dyson Daniels who could really develop on this team and potentially become something in two or three seasons. While the Bucks/Celtics/Philly keep fighting and either implode or get old.

  10. bautistar1

    im in the minority, but i want to go all in again. How about a team filled with no super star but all star talent. A roster 9 deep with starter quality guys. Its similar to how Boston’s team is built with 2 way guys and stretch bigs.

    * Murray – Paul
    * Bridges – Whitehead
    * Ingram – Johnson
    * Markkanen – Clowney
    * Claxton – Collins

    The core guys will be all in their primes and will have a 4-5 year window. We will be a 2nd apron team, but the team can be kept long term with a lot of contracts being due soon and others recently signed.

    -DJM for dfs and 1 first plus a swap

    -BI for cam t., sharpe, dennis and 2 first plus a swap

    -Lauri and JC for ben and 4 first rounders

    -sign CP3 to part of the mle

  11. Jackstraw0014

    I just want Marks to pick a path fwd….remaining in purgatory waiting while lousy is making me care less and less.

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