@Los Angeles Clippers

The Los Angeles Clippers PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

The Los Angeles Clippers PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

what’s going on yo welcome back to Ideal off season so this is the series where essentially I get to put the GM hat on for a team that’s just recently been eliminated or maybe it’s a struggling team in the NBA and we try to steer the ship through the offseason to be like okay what’s the best way we can position this team going forward if they’re a bad team maybe it’s just making them marginally better or making the roster better around a young player if it’s a good team like the team we’re talking about today we’re trying to win a championship and that’s that is exactly what we’re trying to do we’re trying to win a championship and this is probably going to be the most I don’t want to say controversial but maybe most difficult ideal offseason that I’ve had to do up to this point because we’re tackling the Los Angeles Clippers and this team this team just makes me sigh man it just makes me go because man does it look kind of interesting on paper but it also looks really scary on paper and it doesn’t work like what is the I said in my like recap video from the games last night that I would talking about this team a little bit and I don’t want to spend too much time cuz this video is supposed to try to give some clippers fans some hope and that’s the that’s the whole point of Ideal offseason like what what’s the high point of this group being together right now is it literally them like competing against the Lakers in like that one series or was it even the Lakers I can’t remember that I remember they like took a team to seven or something at some point and lost I don’t know it it hasn’t been great right and we’ve got a lot of decisions that need to happen this off season unfortunately there’s not a ton of flexibility on this team and I don’t have a ton of assets to work with so it’s how do I take this framework and make it into something better than they had this this last year that’s going to be really really difficult so this is who we all have like on roster right now at least like I know James Harden isn’t there right now that’s something we’ll have to address and everything we’ve got our draft pick situation here which doesn’t look good we have the 48th pick this year and we can’t touch these other ones because of the I is it the stipend rule I think that’s what it is where they can’t trade like multiple uh first round picks in consecutive years so there’s a there’s basically a pick swap with these most of them are with Oklahoma City where they can just take the better between theirs and our pick so which kind of sucks cuz OKC is probably going to be better than us for the next like 20 Seasons cuz that’s just how it looks right now and so we’re just and because OKC might be like the number one seed like every year we might get like the last pick in the first round for coming years and we can’t even trade these picks right now so that really sucks we’re going to probably use the 48th pick because nobody wants that pick like we’d probably have to pay somebody to take it or something like that and we don’t have much money to work with honestly let me let me zoom in here for a second so we can take a look at our financial situation this is without paying James Harden and um spoiler alert we’re going to have to do something with Paul George because let’s take a look at the current roster Qui Leonard he’s on the team for the next couple years is that even a good thing I don’t know I’m going to be honest I don’t really plan out these ideal off Seasons very much beforehand I kind of just sit down and I’m like okay let me try to figure this out it’s like a logic puzzle to me um this one I I sat down and thought about for probably about 20 minutes cuz I’m like am I blowing up the Clippers right now is that what I’m about to do and I don’t think that makes any sense I try to make this series as realistic as possible and this team’s unveiling like new uniforms a brand new stadium they want want a competitive basketball team and you you have to try at least a couple more times you mortgage way too much of your future to just try to give up on this team you have to try to move these guys and now there’s going to be rumors on rumors on rumors about all these guys right Paul George could go somewhere else Russell Westbrook could James Harden could this is an ideal offseason it’s a realistic ideal offseason realistically they could all come back and that’s what we’re going to explore today so but let me know where you guys think they’re going to go but obviously I I understand that there’s a chance that happens we’re going to work in the world where ideally we can bring some of these guys back in but anyway uh Qui learn this is supposed to be here by the way there’s a player option uh there for Paul George Paul George is going to opt out of his contract um I can just tell you that right now Paul George is going to opt out of his contract and go get a longer term deal he’s off the books right now which could be interesting right cuz look at where we are now we’re back under the cap space right which gives us some flexibility there’s a move to be made there all right what else what else do we have to look at uh PJ Tucker player option he’s not going to decline that unfortunately PJ Tucker is going to be stuck with us no way I can find a way to trade that guy not without a pick to attach to him or like a really talented young player that doesn’t exist on this team he’s not going out anywhere Russell Westbrook I think he’s going to exercise his player option and want to go somewhere else and I’m not going to try to pursue him honestly I just don’t think he fits with this group don’t think it works out I was really excited about Westbrook for a good part of this season it looked like he really adapted that bench player role I saw in the playoffs though he went right back to what he does that always used to kind of piss me off and I love Westbrook I love his energy I love his flare I love his fight and everything I think that’s awesome it’s just he’s trying to play Hero ball too much dude it’s just not your role anymore and like this is why you guys couldn’t win anything ever on the teams you were on it’s just it’s frustrating to watch and then the last one’s bones Highland that’s a team option bones Highland he’s coming back 100% so bones bones sticking with us so that means we no longer have Paul George on the team there’s air coffee there shout out coffee shop Russell Westbrooks off the team so we have bones Highland and by the if you guys were curious all this is just a small little plug section um I’ve had a bunch of you reach out to me about this spreadsheet and everything and I’ve shared it with all of you guys and given like a little tutorial video for you so if you are interested in it feel free to like message me or join the Discord and shoot me your email and everything and I’d be more than happy to show you how this works it’s just a little something my build to help me visualize things for this series and uh yeah make sure you guys like subscribe comment do all those other things all right marketing stuff over Let’s Help the Clippers get better um what are we working with for the rest of this team right what are we what are we working with so we’ve got an interesting core of players right bones Highland probably being pretty criminally underutilized on the Clippers right now there’s a lot of other players on the team right now that are playing over him let’s try and make it a point of emphasis to keep Bones on this team and keep bones happy right I want to see bones get some more playing time he can bring some scoring Off the Bench for them which they could use it seems like they need more shot creation somehow they really just need some better ball movement and a better system in place too and know healthy kawhai but that’s something to look at Terren man how happy am I with teren man teren man’s a good Defender shoots like 34% from 365 he’s making $1 million a year I’m not sold on teren man I kind of want to just put like a little asterisk right here or an X that works just to be like okay what can we do to trade teren man because somebody else would be interested in teren man it’s just who’s that going to be Norm Powell I thought Norm Powell had a great season we pay him a lot of money is what it is I I’m not sure I necessarily want to trade him because we’re getting 13 14 points a game great bench minutes and he shot at like well over 40% from three this year solid defense cool with that Amir coffee Amir coffee doesn’t really make me all that excited he’s a big lengthy Wing that’s pretty cool I’d rather try to package his money and try to get something especially CU these two on the last year of their deals and I’m not sure we’re going to get much out of them anyway so maybe there’s like a more expensive player that we could take from another team that has a couple years left on their contracts and we can kind of package those guys together be like look you guys only have to take these guys on for a year and then they’re off your salary or whatever we’ll take on that better player now or something maybe I don’t know just something to consider Qui Leonard’s obviously going to stay we’re stuck with PJ Tucker Kobe Brown not all that interested in just kind of a young forward I’m not really waiting to see his development or anything so we’ll see if we can’t package his money in too to make something happen and then what do we got over here if zubats love zubot zubot is awesome Kai Jones not a guy that we’ve gotten to see much in a Clipper’s uniform yet or anything if at all I don’t even know if he actually ever suited up but extremely talented player and apparently mentally stable now so that’s awesome we’re going to act under the presumption that Kai Jones is at least going to get back to somewhat of what he was when he was in Charlotte before like all the kind of the mental illness stuff took place and everything it sounds like he got a lot of counseling the NBA took care of him that’s awesome I’m excited that he’s getting another opportunity to prove himself he’s on a one-year kind of minimum contract we’re going to let him prove himself because he’s a very talented big man like a lot of athletic skills there so we’re pretty set at Center which is good cuz that’s probably the hardest position to go out there and find in like free agency and stuff right now so here’s how I want to attack this the draft is going to happen first so we’re going to use our 48th pick it’s not going to be a ton of money we’ll go through the mock draft and everything then we’re going to have some cap space to work with we’re going to go into free agency and try to use that as best as possible then we’ll look at our own free agents all James hard and Paul George and because we’ll be uh over the cap after we sign somebody else we’re going to bring them back because we’ll be allowed to go over the cap to give them their money back right so that’s how we’re going to attack that and we’re going to try then to trade guys like um maybe even after the draft we’ll try to trade like Terren man um Kobe brown guys like that Amir coffee we’ll try to package these three dudes into something that’s a little more valuable to us but with that being said we’re back on fans SPO man I’m taking over the Clippers and we’re going to start the mock draft for those of you that don’t know if you haven’t been watching the series you should watch the series fanso is a pretty cool website where you can do a lot of cool things like basketball and football related they’ve got this little Mock Draft simulator that’s got this cool AI that kind of figures out where guys should go based off their rankings and everything um you know it’s I think it’s the best way to add a little bit of realism to um this series instead of me just saying like oh I think this guy’s going to be available here we’re going to throw our in an actual scenario where we can like measure and like look at things so just an idea there um with this last pick the odd this the 48th pick it’s it’s pretty unlikely that this guy will crack the rotation at any point but it’s still worth it to be maybe be like hey if there’s a little more NBA ready player that somebody’s not all that interested in like Tyrese Proctor is not the guy like I’m not taking like a Tyrese Proctor with this pick but like Baylor shyan okay yeah I’m not even sure I need to like look at any other Baylor shyan makes a ton of sense to me 67 I have a lot of experience going up against Baylor shyan I’ll just I’ll just leave it at that and it cracks me up that this guy’s in going to probably be in the NBA now but uh the kraton uh guy a little bit older at this point he’s he’s around my age since I said I have some experience going up against him but um nice nice shooter probably not going to be the best defender in the NBA or something but just a guy that we can bring in and have him be a quality shooter as like a reserve not the worst thing in the world to have around Paul George James Harden guys like that right in Quad just a lengthy shooting guy that’s probably more Val value than you’re getting out of like an air coffee right now so we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to take Baylor shyan so Andre Jackson Jr would make about that much money he’s going to get a two-year contract because he’s a second year or he’s a second round player and then we move these up it’s not like they’re worth anything to us anyway there’s not much we can do with them just know that we’re going to have late very late first round picks going forward and I can throw Baylor shyan at least there for now all right and now is where I need to get creative right and this is where I’m not exactly sure where I’m going Terren man Amir coffee and Kobe Brown let me let me do some quick math real quick let me let me show you guys the Excel skills the good old sum formula all of you guys know that one um no I don’t need all that so that gives us $17 million to work with in a trade okay so we could either try to make two trades with that or one like I don’t know if there’s just a straightup Terrence man trade maybe there’s just a straight up like a Mir coffee Kobe Brown trade but essentially what I’m going to do I’m going to go here and look at like all these contracts here for 2024 2025 and I’m going to scroll down to like the 17 million Mark here and see if there’s a player that makes some sense for us to go acquire and add on to this team cuz I want to take all these contracts and kind of put them together and see if there’s not a team that’d be willing to take on some guys like this cuz what who would want guys like this uh Kobe Brown’s a developmental piece so someone that would want a young player Amir coffey’s still a little bit young Terren man’s a guy that could come in and play some minutes right away but they are expiring deals most of them so if there’s maybe a contract out there that’s not too appealing for someone like we want to take a look at some of these longer ones so like what contracts do you guys want to get off of a little bit sooner maybe a team that’s starting to sell soon like would the Atlanta Hawks trade us bogdon bogdanovich is that something that they’d go for cuz they’re starting to sell right now right is and that’s kind of the perception is that they’re going to try to blow things up a little bit cuz things haven’t been working that could be an Avenue that we explore I don’t think Washington’s getting rid of Denny Zack Collins doesn’t do anything for us Kevin herder like they’re not going to want because they’re still trying to be competitive over there in Sacramento the Lakers no I don’t really think that that’s a guy that they want I think bdon bogdanovich makes some sense here all right so this is what we go do now we go over to fans SPO again and we go over to the trade manager and this is what we do we go over to the Clippers we bring them in we go over here we bring the Atlanta Hawks in all right Hawks are trying to blow things up we would like a bdon bogdanovich bringing in a little bit of a more mature player he’s a nice shooter been a nice scorer his whole career could slot in at the two guard for us pretty nicely so we would trade him to the Clippers and who are we sending over then we’re sending over a teren man because this is helping them blow up the team right this is going to give them uh cap flexibility going forward cuz the Atlanta Hawks have an extremely expensive basketball team um for a team that’s not very good at all right they couldn’t even make the playoffs for how much money they’re paying this team and they don’t make a ton of money in general like the Hawks are kind of a team that uh the collective bargaining agreement needs to help them like make money every year anyway so this could be a good way for them to do it okay so what if we throw like an Amir coffee in as well as along with a Kobe Brown what what happens in this trade do we have have a success actually interesting and honestly this trade might just be enough right there because they get a player in teren man that can come in and play right away he could even maybe start at the two with him he probably even works a little bit better next to a Deonte or a Trey or something like that you could make that argument at the very least but this is the money-saving move for them and that’s how I’m going to frame it in this they’re not going to get any picks out of it because we’re taking on their money and everything and they’re getting a young guy like Kobe Brown anyway um oh that’s interesting they have like the LeBron rating on here that’s kind of cool I never even noticed that before but I think that this makes some sense the Hawks are going to get worse that’s fine but they’re going to save some minutes and or some money and so I think that this is probably the ideal trade to try and make us better right away and for them to save a little bit of money so you three can get off my team I’m going to move you up going to delete you guys then and I am going to move bogdon I can’t spell things bdon bogdanovich over to the Clippers that means that I no longer have coffee I no longer have man I no longer have brown that means bdon is coming in here he’s now the starting two Baylor shyan is now here oh my gosh is that the picture I have of old Baylor I miss long-haired Baylor and there you have it Jo your clippers no no no no we are we are far from done unfortunately so we we’ve got some work to do still but I think this was a decent move um I think this makes the team better right away um now we need to go back and get our star players we we’re going to convince them to come back and everything and what we’re going to do is we’re going to go over to fans SPO here or spot track excuse me and we’re going to take a look at free agency so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go over to where is the Clippers these are all the guys that we have the potential to bring back right looking at those guys these are the positions that we know we’re going to fill right and the reason that I’m just looking at this right now and not saying we’re signing them is because we’re still technically $21 million like under the cap right we we’re still under the cap and now I can promise you by the end of this this this is going to be like the most expensive basketball team in history but they they have to try right they have to try like this with this team there’s no way they don’t so that’s the only reason I’m going to say this team is going to be like stupid expensive so I feel like there’s like one more like mid-level type player that we could go out there and get and I just want to try and find it so know that we’re bringing like a James Harden in or something he’s probably going to go back to the starting point guard bones will move to the bench Paul George will move in at the small forward who else is kind of a guy that we’re going to look to bring back um maybe Mason plumbley not really Westbrook maybe Daniel Ty probably not anybody else not all that interesting so what does that mean that we need we need like another forward or something where can we go find like a stretch big or something like that so if I go to all teams and I go to like just forwards in general who’s kind of out there for us to go get like a Gordon Hayward I don’t know how much sense that makes I don’t think we can bring Nick Batum back because of the trade this year so I don’t think that actually makes sense like Joe Les do they cut him and bring him back I don’t think we need like that many like old dudes on the team necessarily um torian Prince probably goes back to the Lakers I would assume it’s going to be tough to find somebody but we got to we got to find somebody here what about a Dario sarich uh Dario sarich kind of got shelved at a point this season when um they started going to more so the traditional bigs with just uh Looney and then what what’s the other dude’s name the young guy that I wasn’t a huge fan of Trace Jackson Davis I couldn’t think of it that’s my bad I didn’t mean to throw AR stray at Trace Jackson Davis he did have a really good season I just I was very confused why this dude was like hooping on people so much I just didn’t understand the skill set that I was watching and that happens you know like some people just surprise you but we’ll see what happens in his second season still rooting for him but Dario sarch gives us a different look right he gives us a big that can space the floor a little bit more so that we can kind of do more of a five out system which might work better for like a kaai and Paul George who like to operate in the mid-range so much so I feel like I want to give us that option and have him as a forward on this team so I think where did where did my thing go here so I think that I’m going to say we’re going to be able to bring in like a Dario sarich on like a minimum contract and then I can go find somebody else maybe at like the wing or something like that at the guard that can help us out that we can kind of use more of like a mid-level exception type thing on why don’t we go after like Kelly UB Jr we can at least give him a little more money and we can do something that we’ve done in some of the other videos where we do let’s do something like this let’s throw Kelly UB on here and what here’s what we’ll do we’ll be like hey you did play a lot better last year you tried to earn your way back into the NBA you didn’t you’re not going to earn a ton of money from anyone though this year so we’ll give you another chance to prove yourself we’ll give you $8 million and we’ll give you two years with a player option right we’ll give you two years with a player option you can come in and prove yourself again um and if you suck then you know then you get 8 million the year after that but if not then you know what you can go out and go get a bigger contract after that because you helped us win this year so I’m going to say that we’re bringing Kelly UB in and then we’re also bringing in uh Dario saric Dario sarich would be earning this much money for one season and then this is where they all fit in Kelly UB can go right there for us and that means Baylor goes there uh sarch can move to like a four he can play the five a little bit too if we need him to that’s kind of the nice thing about him might he’d probably play more at the five for us than the actual four so just know that he’s there for right now right okay so that’s what we’re working with so we got five roster spots left let’s let’s go back and get like our boys right let’s just go see what we’re working with after that so let’s go back to the LA Clippers and nope I’m want all positions Paul George and James Harden we’re going to say that we’re able to bring those boys back as far as what Max contracts look like for these dudes uh players resigning with their own teams this is what Paul George would be in line for so he can get a 5-year contract out of this and he’d be making this much in the first season right here so because he’s been in the league for at least 10 plus years so Paul George is getting a little bit of a raise than he would have gotten the last season and man is he going to make some money uh there’s going to be a player option obviously obviously in the last season he’s going to play until he’s like 39 years old for us which is just absolutely like nuts but you know what that’s just that just is what it is and we’re just we’re just going to celebrate the fact that Paul George is back with this team so I don’t want to hear any of you guys complain about it at all Paul George is back oh boy there goes all of our money and everything and we still have to sign James Harden what is James Harden going to get from us he’s going to want a Max contract but here’s the thing let’s take a look at James Harden this year right James Harden was very very good for this team he always is still though 16 points a game shot 38% had 8 and half assists it’s very very good but he’s 34 years old as well so we’re going to give him probably like a four-year deal I don’t think there’s any way James Harden can get like a Max contract though is he going to want it probably right and so I feel like in order for us to make him come back to this team I feel like we’re going to have to give him like the exact same contract right like doesn’t that just doesn’t that feel like what we have to do I I don’t know maybe maybe there’s a world where that doesn’t make some sense and they go like look we got to pay other dudes on these teams man like we can’t we just can’t give you all that so maybe he takes a bit of a pay cut or something like that but as long as we give him like the longterm deal that he wants like does he sign for like 30 million or something maybe maybe we act under that presumption it doesn’t matter it’s not going to affect the rest of our roster moves anyway it’s going to be minimum contract guys to fill it up anyway let’s just let’s just act as though let’s just act as though uh James Harden is going to be nice to us and go for like $35 million right we’ll just say it four years there you go holy this means bones goes back to be the backup point guard which I am totally cool with and we move James Harden onto this team right okay we got three roster spots left let’s fill this out just a little bit more I want another point guard on this team we’ve got a younger point guard so we can really go get anybody uh I’ll probably want to add another Wing to this team and probably do I need another Center when I have sarch Maybe not maybe I just go find like the best shooter available just to throw out there so let’s let’s start with the point guard though let’s keep it simple let’s go point guards all teams who’s a guy that we can pick up for cheap that we can bring on this team Russell Westbrook would make some sense but I don’t think he’s going to want to join this team anymore Cameron Payne is an option he could at least be somewhat of a spark plug at times and he’s played with other good players in the past so is Cameron Payne really the guy to go get I don’t know I’m going to look around a little bit more or do I make the locker room move and go get a Patty Mills or something like that that could make some sense right here that could really make some sense just bring in Patty Mills for a one-year minimum just kind of have a guy to help balance out the locker room be a team captain I think that makes a lot of sense I think we’re going to go bring Patty Mills in so we get Patty Mills on the oneyear minimum we bring him in as the uh Reserve point guard Guard team captain type player right that’s awesome uh two more Wings is that what we’re kind of thinking cuz we kind of have another Center in sarich on the team I could I could put sarch wherever honestly so maybe maybe I’ll just put sarch here for the time being just so I can demonstrate that a little bit better because there’s not really a point to bringing him on the team to play the four considering the roster that we got so he would he’d be like a five option for us if we want to give a different look throughout the season and try to have some floor spacing so two roster spots left um we need we need forwards or just guards in general let me take a look at like what other like guards are available that could be good shooters for us like a Gary Harris is Gary Harris going to get anything more than a minimum I don’t think so Gary Harris could be a decent three and D guy for us right didn’t Gary Harris shoot a lot better during the regular season uh he was ass in the playoffs I I’m sorry to say it Gary Harris but like oh my gosh you were not good at that this year 37% a little bit older you played solid defense I know this year you’re on a good defensive team trustworthy player would we rather have a guy with a little more youth kind of running around maybe I’ll take another quick look around but otherwise Gary Harris isn’t a bad option Lonnie Walker would make a ton of sense but I have to believe somebody’s going to give him some money at some point Spencer Den witty no that’s not really what I had in mind Shake Milton’s an interesting option because he can guard one through three and so that’s not a bad option to have as like a reserve kind of like guard slash Wi on the team that is kind of what we’re looking for and I feel like Shake Milton kind of got a dirty deal with things so I could see that being a potential thing I also see javante green here and javante green for those of you that aren’t Bulls fans know that this guy’s just like the best thing ever like he’s a TJ McConnell type dude the question is does gavonte green want to play for a team like this probably not he’d probably rather take uh a contract on a team that he’ll get a little more burn on so I’m going to assume that we’re more likely going to end up with Shake Milton there you go Shake Milton have your money cuz we have like unlimited of it here on the Clippers and yeah it’s a it’s a whole complicated thing but all right got Shake bu on the team now one roster spot left uh maybe go try and find like a stretch four or something like that let’s try and find another forward we can add to the team um like Davis bton like he’s not becoming a free agent or anything like that so that’s not going to be an option cing to no we can’t bring Batum back Doug McDermot I don’t really want him playing the four if I don’t have to like would a cheddy Osman sign for a minimum that’s quite possibly a thing could bring Jay Crowder in but again I’d like to get a little more youth on this team I looked at Jordan noara for like a second that’s not really something I’m all that interested in right now does like a Watanabe opt out and then go join the Clippers that could be something I see happening but I don’t want to make that many assumptions in one video at least KJ Martin would make so much sense but we I don’t think he can go join this team after he was traded by them so that doesn’t make a ton of sense like an Naji Marshall would be an interesting one like ginari that he’s kind of the same thing as sarich at that point so I’m not really sure about that we could bring Marcus Morris back back otherwise I’m not really seeing a ton I like so maybe I got to go back to the top and just pick somebody from here I can’t believe I’m saying this man but we might have to go after bullbull he’s at least like now look bullbull not a great NBA player by any means but a one-year minimum trying to sell some seats this first season he can be a guy that when the team’s blowing someone out they’re like we get buo in the game and look like it’s the last roster spot on this uh realistic offseason right or whatever like why why do you guys care at the end of the day day so you know what there’s bulbo he gets his contract bulbo gets to go play here is like the reserve for he’s a different option right he’s a different player than we than we’ve had on this team before so you know what he’s there he’s kind of the scalian of the team or whatever and he can still go do some some things if we need him to so you know what that’s what we’re going to do and this right here is your 2024 2025 Clippers do I feel great about this no because this core didn’t work before so like why why is it going to work now I don’t know but I do think we made it better I think bdon bogdanovich is an upgrade I think he’s a pretty good upgrade at that I think the reserves look a lot better the shake Miltons the Patty Mills uh having a Kelly UB coming off the bench is going to be valuable um I think you’ve got some Dynamic options here at Center and I think like the Dario sarage thing is going to be a really interesting thing for them to explore if this happened in real life but you’ve got a ton of Talent on this team if you can’t win with it that’s not my problem it really isn’t this is definitely the hardest one I’ve had to work with you’re going to pay an arm and a leg for it but you know what Steve Balmer is good for it so is what it is you guys let me know what you think uh cuz there’s a there’s an argument that like Paul George James Harden just leave and you just have to blow the whole thing up try to acquire as many draft picks for Kawhi Leonard as you can for zubats as you can for Norman Powell as you can for bones Highland as you can and just figure it out after that but for the time being this is what I think they’re going to do something like this so hey you guys let me know in the comments though I’m sure you will thanks so much as always y’all I’m going to go watch the timber game bye [Music]

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  1. Sign and trade PG to the lakers for Russell Rui Reeves and a first or two. Those first could be very valuable. Trade Kawhi to the warriors for CP3s expiring along with trayce Brandon and moody plus picks. Let harden walk. Trade Powell to Orlando for Cole Anthony and picks. Create cap space for next year along with trade assets get picks they desperately need and young talent. This team should be fast athletic and fun not old and broken

  2. My personal Clippers Ideal Offseason:

    • Give Paul George the contract extension

    • Trade Terance Mann, PJ Tucker, and Amir Coffey for John Collins

    • Sign Kelly Oubre Jr in free agency

    • Sign Robert Covington in free agency

    • Let Mason Plumlee and Daniel Theis walk

    • Sign Andre Drummond in free agency

    • Sign Lonnie Walker IV in free agency

    • Re-Sign Brandon Boston Jr.


    PG: James Harden
    SG: Paul George
    SF: Kawhi Leonard
    PF: John Collins (TD)
    C: Ivica Zubac

    6th: Norman Powell
    7th: Kelly Oubre Jr. (FA)
    8th: Russell Westbrook
    9th: Andre Drummond (FA)
    10th: Robert Covington (FA)
    11th: Lonnie Walker IV (FA)
    12th: Bones Hyland
    13th: Kai Jones
    14th: Brandon Boston Jr.
    15th: Kobe Brown


    PG – James Harden, Russell Westbrook, Bones Hyland
    SG – Paul George, Norman Powell, Lonnie Walker IV
    SF – Kawhi Leonard, Kelly Oubre Jr, Brandon Boston Jr
    PF – John Collins, Robert Covington, Kobe Brown
    C – Ivica Zubac, Andre Drummond, Kai Jones

    Assertion: I opted to keep Russ on the team because he does provide good upside for the contract he’s on and does provide a good deal of impact when he was on the floor during the regular season. I’m not sure bones is ready to be a key rotational piece but that’s why keeping Russ on a short leash next season is a good thing. Switching out Plumlee and Theis for Drummond & pushing Kai for some potential minutes has to do with rebounding and youth + size. The trade for Collins is simple, a versatile and athletic 6’9” PF is exactly what the team needs so that Kawhi won’t have to be the bruiser down low. Take some of the strain off of his body, and signing Kelly Oubre is provide insurance off of the bench at the wing position and for the inevitable Kawhi load management games. Lonnie Walker is also just another high level scorer who can space the floor well and give some good energy, the man could also create his own offense which is something Amir Coffey CAN’T do. I also HEAVILY advise the team to re-sign RoCo because his ability to steal the ball and provide defensive impact was huge for this team in the minutes he played last season and the small sample size this year. He can also play as a small ball 5.

  3. Thank you brotha, I see Lawrence Frank could use you in the office because T-Mann can be traded for assets we need

  4. Get Jonas valanciunas for Plumlee and theis. Valanciunas can space in the corner to make a 5-out lineup off the bench: bones, Russ, Powell, Kai jones and valanciunas

  5. Can’t believe PJ Tucker is making 12 million dollars. Like what does he even do lol

  6. I'm pretty sure per the new CBA if we're above the 2nd apron which we are, we can't package players together to trade for a higher salary player. We have to trace down.

  7. 1 tear down now to rebuild back up, all 4 stars must go although i know new stadium. Better to hurt next year for 1 year than decades in cap salary Casualty

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