@Philadelphia 76ers

Sixers fan *APOLOGIZES* to the Boston Celtics

Sixers fan *APOLOGIZES* to the Boston Celtics

this video is brought to you by bet us Sportsbook and casino you got me Celtics fans you got me listen if I’m going to do this you’re at least going to support my sponsors okay this is brought to you by bet us bet us America’s favorite Sportsbook and Casino Live betting and Race book we’re celebrating 30 years with a historic offer of 125% signup bonus on your first you know what I would say the Dallas Mavericks are going to avoid a sweep and at least win one game but I don’t see that happening you know after being up by 10 or whatever they were yesterday and still losing and coming back uh from down 20 in the third quarter to making it like a three-point game it still fall I the Celtics tried to give that game away yesterday and they still won because they that much better than the Dallas Mavericks I don’t see the Mavericks winning a single game Let’s double our money right here 100 bucks on the Celtics on Friday lock it in you can get 125% deposit bonus on your first three deposits up to $2,000 and 10% gamblers Insurance over on BET us use the link in my description thank you to bet us for sponsoring the channel yes yes the Celtics have proven me completely wrong I was saying all season the Boston Celtics are frauds I was saying all season I don’t believe they have a winning mentality I don’t believe Jason Tatum has a dog in him I don’t believe Joe moula is a winning coach I don’t believe this I don’t believe that the Boston Celtics are way too good for any team in the NBA right now way too good so Boston Celtics you got it B Celtics fans you got it I was wrong they’ve proven me wrong my my my Relentless hate for the Boston Celtics that’s just in my blood would not allow me to admit how good they are I was admitting that they were good roster wise I was admitting that they were good on paper I kept calling them the Dallas Cowboys of the NBA I kept saying they wouldn’t get it done they are getting it done in sweeping fashion it’s not even close they are so good I was completely wrong about the Boston Celtics not having a winning mentality not having the dog in them whatever it is I was lying to myself I was trying to make myself believe that it didn’t matter how stacked the roster was and how well they played the the NBA that it didn’t matter that they were still going to choke they were still going to lose the Boston Celtics are way too good the Boston Celtics did it the right way they drafted the right way they made the right draft picks and they built a a strong Contender over the past couple of seasons and then this past off season was the cherry on top that just put them over the edge I talked trash about the Chris steps porzingis trade uh because I said that he would be hurt like he always is and look even last night he was hurt they still dominated they still they’re still sweeping the finals they could probably sweep this final Series without Chris STS zus uh the Drew Holiday trade really put them over the top and I’m going to give myself a little bit of credit if you go back in my videos when that trade went down I did put out a video that said the Boston Celtics just put the Sixers out of their misery with that Drew Holiday trade I thought that trade was just a just a punch to the stomach or a nail in the coffin to the Sixers and and any other Eastern Conference team and that ended up being right I mean that Drew Holiday trade just absolutely put them over the top uh so at least I was right about that at least I was right about how dumb the Damen Lillard trade was for the bucks from the from the jump from the time that trade happened I was like that’s stupid they really traded a lock down two-way facilitating point guard who won them a championship for a a guy a shot chucking 30 point per game player who doesn’t play any defense so I’ll give myself a little bit of credit there was right there but yeah those two moves just put them over the top man and um you know they did everything right over the course of this whole last five or so years of team building actually 2016 Jaylen Brown was drafted uh so the past eight years of team building the Boston Celtics just did it the right way and the 76ers did it absolutely the wrong way every single time we drafted Ben Simmons they drafted Jaylen Brown we drafted Marquel folz they drafted Jason Tatum you know uh we stole Al Horford from them and then gave them to the Oklahoma City Thunder and they took him back and and he’s still Al Horford uh they made the Derek white trade from San Antonio sleeper trade you know um incredibly valuable players like that that their management understands the Boston Celtics upper management first it was Danny a brad Stevens being the understudy of Danny a becoming the GM and now Brad Stevens takes them to an even higher level with the moves that he made this past off season he understands the margins he understands that yes you need star talent but you need guys like Drew holiday and Derek white you need guys like that these dudes are 64 65 strong really really really good perimeter Defenders who on the other end of the floor can dribble pass and shoot at a high level those highlevel utility guys are what take you to where the Boston Celtics are right now because Jason Tatum can have a bad game Jaylen Brown can have a bad game Chris DS porzingis could be injured and in like the real nitty-gritty of the game you have plays being made by Derek white Drew holiday Sam Hower uh and they’re just so deep and and they they did it through the draft and then they made moves on top of it that took them to the next level you know it’s not it it doesn’t feel cheap I want to give them credit it doesn’t feel cheap it doesn’t feel like Kevin Durant joining the 2016 Warriors it doesn’t feel like LeBron James going to Miami to team up with Dwayne Wade and it doesn’t feel like that there’s nothing you can really say you can’t say they stacked the deck and try to make this argument to make it sound like it wasn’t fair like those super team teams were like even Lebron leaving Cleveland letting them get Kyrie Irving and then going back and joining Cleveland was a little bit of felt a little cheap kind of if you wanted to dig deep with it you can’t say that about about this Boston Celtics team they drafted the right way they made the Right Moves and and again you know when you look at the front office decisions and the margins they just understand fit and they understand how valuable those three and D role players are and the Sixers upper management has not understood that for a long time and they’re not going to understand that Joel embiid tweeted and said did the Milwaukee Bucks hand the Boston Celtics a championship yeah idiots you fired your Championship winning coach and then you traded your Championship winning point guard and you got worse and then you hired Doc Rivers my only fear now is who’s going to beat the Boston Celtics in the next five years all we can hope for is the new CBA and and the second apron and you know eventually they’re going to get to a point I think in the next two years where a lot of these guys are going to demand a lot more money and they’re not going to be able to pay them that’s the only thing that can that can save us from Five Boston Celtics championships in a row the only thing that can save us from Five Boston Celtics championships in a row is them not being able to pay players like Derek white uh christs porzingis isn’t isn’t making Max money right now uh you know so contract wise they did it perfectly fitwise they did it perfectly um and yeah the only thing that’s going to save us from Five Boston Celtics championships in a row is is probably that outside of that I don’t see anybody beating them for a long time you know and this started all the way back with Danny a fleecing the Brooklyn Nets and you know having a a contender at the time who just was just in the Eastern Conference Finals with Isaiah Thomas and also had the number one pick in the draft from the Brooklyn Nets which they traded to us the Sixers to draft for us to draft markl folz for them to draft Jason Tatum they just did everything right and it sucks when you watch 10 entire years of a sport hoping that your team did it right and you finally get to the point 10 years of your entire life you finally get there where you say my team did it wrong that team did it right the frustrating part about it is this life isn’t very long you don’t get many chances to do that you don’t get many 10year redo bro I’m gonna die before the Sixers win a championship man you can’t [ __ ] up for 10 years and then try again I’m going to be damn 98 years old by the time this team gets it right so there you have it Boston Celtics fans the Celtics are great the Celtics are unsto able the Celtics are a Powerhouse nobody in the NBA can compete with them right now and I don’t see how any team in the NBA is going to compete with them in the next couple of years I know one thing in my heart of hearts it ain’t G to be the Sixers y’all have a good one man I’m out

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The Boston Celtics are about to win the NBA championship. I have stated all season that the Boston Celtics are frauds and I have been proven wrong. The Celtics are great. The Sixers suck.

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  1. The Celtics finally winning a championship is just more proof that The Process was an absolute failure. No amount of high draft picks/cap space can make up for brain dead management, drafting/development, and coaching. Who knew that you actually have to draft well and sign players that fit around your young core. Ironically The Process ended up helping THEM more than it did the Sixers.

  2. The Celtics are good but not great they played teams without their best players and got a team that nobody picked from the west to play .They are ok they would have lost to Denver or the Timberwolves but they are a one trick pony.

  3. Honest to GOD bro the nba fixed they been wanted to give Tatum a chip before embiid that's all it is… Like the whole storyline of Ky and Boston bs is what sells this too people just shamed ky now they feel sorry for him like its all about entertainment at this point i dobt even watch the bullshit no more… I just wait until it's in our favor cause I swear Tatum is a fake ass kobe Jr by the nba GODS like brown really not that good it's all cause they do anything to hate on embiid like they hit every year so foul that its not even funny how people still ball players … Like its corny to me now… Its obvious they make who they want win its bigger than our feelings… Just keep it sixers and stop hyping them cause it's fixed… They will be trash next year… Sixers will win before we get the new stadium city hall… Stop falling emotionally crazy over nothing…

  4. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป finally a Cuban Celtics fan living in Miami has followed you for the last 2 years and today you showed me I wasnโ€™t wrong, you r a great sixers fan with the right knowledge!!!!! Thanks for the words!!!

  5. Much respect homie, Iโ€™ve always loved you and RB but I wonโ€™t lie it would piss me off when you would talk hella shit about my team๐Ÿ˜‚ but I appreciate your honesty brother much love

  6. I've been saying many Sixers fans were trippin saying they wanted the Celtics in the first round or that the Celtics were frauds. They were the best team in the league all season and that wasn't by accident. It's true Tatum ain't that dude, Brown is more of that, but the two of them together with the supporting cast is tough. That said, if the sixers can put together a roster this off-season with another all star and quality role players, we can compete with them.

  7. One thing about the Celtics compared to the Sixers is that they've been patient with their core and constantly trying to find the right to pieces around them. And that's what Embiid has said in that past, he'd like to have a consistent team to build with.

  8. Celtics possibly winning a chip prove how much of a shit coach doc rivers was to the sixers team. It took two years for joe mazzula to take that team to the finals. No hall of famers in his team like doc did when he won that celtics chip.

  9. Celtics are also good at knowing when to let go of their good role players. They let go of Smart, Brogdon, Time Lord, and replaced that with Porzingas and Holiday. To Morey's credit I think if he was in charge of the sixers earlier we'd would have had more success. Morey did draft Maxey, and it's not until now that he's really had the ability to build the roster completely how he wants.

  10. We need a GM that knows how to GM knows how to get good talent knows how to get good role players we need to hire a good GM the best GM why does my team have to suck? Why does every team suck? Ravens suck the Sixers suck. The Orioles suck. Damn, can I get a championship either one of them give me some lucky

  11. Whatโ€™s crazy about that is that Jrue, Jaylen, Jayson and Kristaps and Derrick white are locked up for the next 3 years. The process might be already over, I canโ€™t see anyone beating. they even got depth players like Jaden Springer and Tillman who donโ€™t even play and can get better in the long term.

  12. You may be right and itโ€™s also true that no one can know if they faced any full squads or a had a single close call that went against them.

  13. Love the Celtics but tune in to this channel and RB's channel on a regular basis. At least we can agree on one thing for sure, Doc River's is a fraud.

  14. The only good thing is that a Keltic championship can allow sixers to get a legit chance. No way the powers that be would let Embiid and Maxey win before the chosen ones. Itโ€™s all about narrative and this is the narrative declared before the season.

  15. Selltics are still frauds. Ainโ€™t play a healthy squad until now and Mavs worse than the cavs. Sad that Sixers wonโ€™t be getting a chip in the foreseeable future especially with this front office. Already draining Embiid dry just hope Maxey dips right when he reach his prime because he deserves better.

  16. The Sixers are going to beat the Boston Celtics because now Daryl Morey has a chance to build what he wants to build. Daryl Morey had to break things down to build

  17. Iโ€™m a diehard sixers fan but I fucking hate Luka. People talk about embiid being a flopper and shit and theyโ€™re not wrong. But the difference between embiid and Luka is embiid gets back on defense and heโ€™s a top 10 defender in the league. Luka is a bottom 200 defender in the league. Thatโ€™s the reason Iโ€™ve been wanting Boston to win the series.

  18. The Boston Celtic's will be champions soon and have surpassed the sixers a long time ago. The Knicks have also, and the Pacers are a move away from passing the sixers. The reason for this is those teams have GMs and the sixers have star hunter. The sixers have not had a GM since Pat Williams.

    A Gm job is to build a team through the drafting and developing YOUNG players first and then getting the right free agents to finish the product. I said that Darl Morley claim to fame was getting James Harden in his prime, that's it, and the rockets never won anything. I said it on here as soon as the sixers hired him, and people said he was a genius. Furthermore, I said the same on other platforms, same response. The only one who has caught on to star hunter's BS is Run It Back, Philly.

    The sixers can pass those teams with the right moves and some luck as far as Joel's health. The sixer's front office and coaching mindset is too corrupted, so it won't happen.
    This is to all sixers fans, I want you to look in the mirror and say this (the sixers cannot win a championship with young players and first round draft picks are useless only for trades for old players). Now think about what you just said and how stupid that sounds. Do you all realize that you have been saying we are in the win now for about a decade, and for you to even say that now is asinine?

    A GM can build a team for NOW and LATER if he is a real GM, not a star hunter. Peace out.

  19. FOr me the jury is still out on Morey – not enough time yet. He did have his plan set for this year to have ultimate flexibility and he accomplished that. Now we'll see what he does with that.

  20. I remember when Charles Barkley said he wanted Shaq and the sixers gave him Charles Shackleford instead, that's the sixers front office. That was so funny and sad at the same time.

  21. Dribble, Pass and ShooTโ€ฆ..our team the Sixers, in a basketball league, seems we canโ€™t find players that can do those THREE things , But we have a Center that can do everything is just like the Sixers๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  22. I meanโ€ฆ the Celtics are definitely fraudulent.

    Mickey Mouse title run where the rest of the East lost all of their best players (Butler, Mitchell, Giannis, Embiid, Brunson, etc.), and they only had to beat the Westโ€™s 5-seed in the finals ๐Ÿ’€

    Weโ€™re not gonna sit here and pretend that the Celtics went 16-2 in this playoff run because they are THAT good. They got gifted this title run on a silver platter.

  23. the celtics are beatable without porzingis. still good but beatable. horford is old as hell and theres no one to replace that so there are a few pieces which will go away. celtics might trade holiday when white is due to be paid? holiday got a huge deal. tatum is changing his game though so if he starts getting better at his more physical style, that could help them.

  24. I don't know if they're way too good for the league. They are definitely way too good for the Sixers. Way too good for Nurse. Especially, way too good for Chip Kelly Morey! Ownership and the front office are raking in the bucks. So they see nothing wrong.

  25. Celtics have a ridiculous amount of playoff experience and their two stars are just entering their prime. More reason to trade Embiid while they can. You canโ€™t add 10 new players to a roster and then add a few band aids at the deadline every year and expect to win.

  26. So you are saying there's no chance for the next 2-3 years… why even bother building a team around Joel? Trade him and build a new younger team that will be ready in 2-3 years.

  27. Daryl Please make the team stronger, We need size, and more good shooters ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ

  28. After seeing what the Celtics are doingโ€ฆyall sure we just need good role players? lol I might be getting on the star hunt train ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

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