@National Basketball Association

Doc Rivers: “Dame told me, ‘Coach, I didn’t work out all summer. It’s the first time in my life that I’ve not worked out. I was so scared of getting injured working out.’…He knew he was gonna get traded. He said ‘I did some light running, shooting with no one in the gym, but I’m out of shape.’”

Source: The Bill Simmmons Podcast

Doc Rivers:

Dame told me, “Coach, I didn’t work out all summer. It’s the first time in my life that I’ve not worked out. I was so scared of getting injured working out.“

Bill Simmons:

Oh, because he was in a possible trade?

Doc Rivers:

He knew he was gonna get traded. He said “I did some light running, shooting with no one in the gym, but I’m out of shape.”

by lopea182


  1. But at that point Griffin was the head coach. Surely he was in shape by the time Doc was signed?

  2. rugbyman12367

    I’ve just been watching the finals pretending doc isn’t my coach. He’s forreal about the ruin the end of giannis prime isn’t he? 😭😭😭😭

  3. GneissFrog

    If Doc Rivers, the player, played for Doc Rivers, the coach, under Doc Rivers, the GM, the universe would collapse on itself under the weight of the blame being thrown around.

  4. SeriousAdult

    Excuses from Doc? There’s a first time for everything I guess.

  5. Longjumping_Kale3013

    Laurence Fishburne better get ready for a season 2

  6. AnonymousIguana_

    Dame was really just minding his own business, watching the finals, and Doc starts telling the world he was out of shape.

  7. WeBelieveIn4

    Jesus Christ this guy is an absolute moron. Even if this 100% true why would you put this out there, you’re only damaging your relationship with a key player.

  8. jfrodriguez1983

    Doc, bro you have to stop throwing your players under the bus. This is some shit a player tells you in confidence lol. That’s a quick way to lose your player’s trust.

  9. Plenty-Chemistry-493

    His ole lady left him he didn’t feel like working out

  10. kobayakawaless

    one of the most funny thing in NBA : Doc talks about his players .

  11. the_godfaubel

    This was posted a couple months back, except from Dame, and people were like “wow, he’s taking accountability”. Now, that Doc says it, it’s “wow, fuck Doc for throwing his players under the bus”.

    All of you are idiots.

  12. Timely_Resist_7644

    I mean, somebody like Shaq, while active for a big man, isn’t exactly active compared to an inactive guard.

    I could very easily see a big man being able to get into shape in season, as they predominantly just run up and down the court and jump. But your guards are flying all over the perimeter on offense and defense. That’s a lot more miles, and if you haven’t accustomed your body to both doing that and recovering from it… it’s gone be hard to do when playing 3-4 games a week and traveling so much.

  13. hereforthesportsball

    Since goofy blocked me, “You care more about winning the argument than the truth. Literally look at the quote I posted. He literally said he didn’t come into camp in shape. He says it right there in my quote. You cannot refute that he said it, because he’s right there saying it. Stop”

  14. dead-serious

    gotta applaud Bill the Fisherman for having Doc on here. he just casts any type of lure and is able to hook in solid gold material from Doc for the pod

  15. Dame is way too old to be taking summers off.  

  16. Bruh why say this in a national podcast of all places 😭😭

  17. Colorapt0r

    This is pathetic. Not docs quote but all the replies here. The doc hate cycle is so irrational at this point that, like, do you guys even think about what the post says? Or do you just see that doc said something and shoot right to “DOC EXCUSE LMAO” like do you really not believe that a professional athlete going months without working out wouldn’t have any effect on their performance? Be fucking serious for a second 

  18. grandmasterfunk

    It’s kind of crazy how often Doc comes on Bill’s pod given how tense their relationship was initially and Bill hating on Doc so much before the Celtics got KG and Ray Allen

  19. DrMungo80

    Its such as travesty this guy got in the NBA 15 Greatest Coaches list over guys like Rudy Tomjanovich.

  20. zombiepoon

    Doc rivers should’ve played himself in the clippers tv show

  21. I’m no longer a Bill Simmons fan or listener, but its pretty wild that Doc has been on his podcast multiple times after Bill shit on him for years endlessly.

  22. I heard this exchange this morning – you’re an elite athlete and you’re afraid of working out to get injured? They have trainers for that and at your salary Dame I know you can afford it. Do not buy.

  23. Steelers7589

    Doc wasn’t making excuses and Dame even said this publicly. None of this is a big deal.

  24. JitteryBug

    This sub has the weirdest, most irrational hate for a man that his own players respect.

    It’s extremely trendy to hate on Doc, even though he’s one of the few active coaches who have won a championship.

  25. “Coach, I’ve not worked out.”
    “Well old chap, I guess you’d better had.”

  26. logontoreddit

    Why did the Bucks hire Doc? Multiple failures in the playoffs. Bad reviews and outward hatred by multiple players including Blake Griffin, Chris Paul, JJ Reddick to name a few. Numerous instances of throwing his team and players under the bus, this includes Ben Simmons, Harden, PG and now Dame. Blatant nepotism for his son while losing respect of the locker room and creating a divide.

    Why did they hire him again? Because he won a ring in 2008 with a team that had three players with an already HOF career still within their prime combined with Rondo who has around 60% chance of HOF himself? I am confused.

    Edit: Also they had Tibs as the assistant coach. Just saying.

  27. testiclefrankfurter

    All things considered Doc might be the worst coach in the league

  28. Why are we still hearing excuses from Doc. Is he contractually obligated to throw out a few every week.

  29. Global-Result-4475

    Well I wished I knew this before picking Bucks to beat Pacers in playoffs lol

  30. Electronic-Doctor110

    This guy be Dry snitching and blaming literally everyone else

  31. ClappedCheek

    Im shocked his bus can still drive with the amount of bodies underneath it

  32. juicewar01

    Doc and Ham will be like Neo dodging bullets together

  33. overratedluka

    Dame gets a pass from me for last year. He gotta perform this year though. 

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